Recap And Reviews Kdrama Ho-gu Love: Episode 3

Recap and reviews korean drama Ho-gu Love: Episode 3 -

I am turn to weigh on Ho-gu love ! Because promoted as light and zany opposites attract romance, this show is surprisingly intimate than I expected. There are many comedic moments, but the show is much more of the emotional development than the comedy of which they are a muffled overall sound, as it seemed at first glance. Glad we Choi Woo-Shik this show anchor because it show, gives her heart, raw and bruised, although it can sometimes be.


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Third Fool Errand: Let the squid in its place left

Ho-gu and Do-hee meet for the first time in months on the subway, and the passing glimpse of her very pregnant belly puts him in shock. Do-hee stiffened, but takes her usual brusqueness as he takes a seat next to her, stunned, at first did not want to head to rotate to confirm that what he saw was real.

But his eyes slid to the side and he (seeehr slooooowly) the situation begins to develop, and Do-hee confirmed, saying they an their way back from the hospital "because my baby." Ho-gu thinks kinky ", should be made a baby when a man and a woman in love. pregnancy should happen when a man and a woman are married. Then Do-hee ... "

she gets to her stop and leave the subway car as he thinks:" then what about me, wait for them these 6 months, "he out of the car? at the last second pin to be angry for so stupid to himself while he chases after Th hee.

, leading to a scene at night late transitions, as Ho-gu is drawn from a restaurant, covered in blood ...? Peppersauce? while his friends screaming that it unfairly. The police called him and drag on and in the patrol car.

Dad and Ho Kyung rush to the police station, where he is held, where anyone asks confused why he did it. Ho-gu is just there, blankly staring, covered in red.

Six months earlier.

Ho-gu looks at his pictures of Do-hee from her trip to Yeosu, dreamy eyes and smiles. He hid from his friends, the Chung-jae asks in his face to fart while Tae-hee takes pictures only in peace, if he's not looking. While the truth dawns on him, Ho-gu shakes his head wildly and then jumps on him to silence him, and then, taking him to eat meat.

Ho-gu ends apologetically feeding Tae-hee, as he explains how he ended up spending the night with Do-hee. Tae-hee takes this unblinkingly for long moments before the dam breaks in, and it breaks in pain and anger out that Ho-gu that kept secret. He reminds him, "I poured all my teenage years in you." Ho-gu hangs his head and remembers back to high school:

Ho-gu with his head buried heads the bathroom in a manhwa book, and noted a gang of boys curves fear Tae-hee-like the new kid, they have him their snack Laufbursche designated and Tae-hee has tried to stand up to them. Ho-gu has finally had enough and yells at the band, with his finger on it with hand-a shows that drips in piss. Ewwww. Everyone recoils when he his hand in their direction, and as he pats wave guide Bully on the shirtfront, the bully turns his anger on the two.

Thereafter scratched both boys and bruised as they sit in a manhwa shop together, Ramyun to eat. Tae-hee wonders at Ho-gu name and Ho-gu said, probably for the millionth time in his life that the characters its name means "true hero" form (and not "wimp" that everyone first thought). Tae-hee begins to imagine, but Ho-gu already knows his name, and gives him the last piece of kimchi to boot. Tae-hee is so it touches the snack in your pocket provides.

in the presence (well, six months before the absolute present), Tae-hee storms out of the restaurant in a huff and Ho-gu tries to calm him down with flattery. Finally Tae-hee stops and pouts being hurt his feelings, but adds that he he is proud of Ho-gu-finally at the level of this jerk, Byun Kang-chul.

Speaking of whom, Kang -chul is currently participating in a Polar Bear Swim Festival, leads the pack of hundreds as they swim in the cold ocean. He takes the first place and, with the other winners, trying to ignore the polar bear, his moment holds photobombing. Haha, it's so random and weird, and therefore funny.

From what we've seen from Kang-chul, we can conclude that he is a perfectionist an arrogant, it is amusing to see that he trembles in the cold while trying relaxed look for a sel-ca. And then it goes from relaxed to sultry ridiculous.

Kang Chul-secretary, Gong-mi, happens friends with Ho-Kyung, who somehow makes quite to his mind. The women talk about friends to appointments set up, and if Gong mi asks Ho Kyung, to get her brother on a date with a girl to go who wants a nice guy, Ho Kyung increased and said that he nice to , and innocent, that he needs a girl who is as it even more beautiful.

Do-hee meets with their manager during her bag before the stomach, and he still thinks that it is related to hemorrhoid surgery concerns out. He wants in action, as they return, they answered only suggested before asking for money in the next month. Without blinking an eyelash, she calls a huge sum (around ten grand), that sounds absurd, until she reminds him of how she earns more than he gave her.

Do-hee wearing a large sweatshirt, which usually conceals her condition, but on the subway a grandmother she insists to sit down, because, as she is pregnant , Do-hee insists that they do not, but Grandma will not be fooled and asks only about their condition with friendly concern. Do-hee worried that they eat too much, but Grandma says only that there is a side effect, and the baby has to want to win his mother, weight.

Then we jumping to December, which is when Do-hee belongs birth. Meanwhile, Ho-gu is a blank-eyed mess of discouragement and wondered why Christmas is so far away. Then he jumps on his cell phone when it sounds, and cries when the battery is empty. Dad calls Mama in custody, saying he thinks that the poor child still believes in Santa. LOL. Mom corrected him and said that she thinks that things are going with not so good that "some girl" a few months back.

"Some" happens Ho Kyung is his specialty, and they are actually a presentation of their class on the value of (ie at the beginning of a possible relationship that the waters Flirtation navigation) it to be good in order to be successful in dating. To back up its assertion that it presents data from an experiment performed with three different mice. Ha, it shows how to give and sources inspired food that the mouse harder to try and survive on the other mice that were fed a regular basis or not.

The professor is fascinated with their research, although she wonders if they'll be missing in the test person. Ho Kyung assures her that she got enough of it, providing the segue to our three hogus .

When she arrives Ho-gu, Tae-hee and Chung-jae, to see labels inform us what's what: Chung-jae mouse No. 3, whose survival instinct is inspired by regular feedings, alternate with suppressed feedings. (That is, Ho Kyung gave him the figures of three girls, but none of them returned his calls, and she says, they have all gone to the poles and are out of reach.) Tae-hee's mouse No poor mouse who ever gets no food and losing the ability to capture food. 1, if it exists, while Ho-gu Mouse is the number 2, which is supplied at random and thus becomes lethargic and lose to keep the drive food.

Ho-gu receives an SMS message and frantically checked his phone ... and deflates when it is not do-hee. Ho Kyung mocks for him still to be hung on Do-hee, and says: "Sure, sure" sarcastic than his friends to defend him hope for still using. He is so excited that he shouts with his sister, and excused them later while outside dangling sitting with an unlit cigarette from his lips. He says that he is not a permanent exchange of messages do not need to confirm feelings between a pair; a sense of mutual trust is enough.

Ho Kyung sighs and offers advice as a fellow young people in the world. She explains the other night comes home drunk and kissed a man. You can not remember who it is, but is strangely still, then they can not figure out which of their five research partners it could have been, because no act differently at all. So the time for the kiss happened a little more to be seen as a momentary physical act.

Later that night, Ho-gu tried calling Do-hee and gets no answer, as usual. He tried to swim League next thing, as he meets the coach, takes us back to the coach to his meeting that we had ever seen. The coach and Ho Kyung now have both told him that he and Do-hee are not at the same level-tail, Ho Kyung, he says in the same way is not even. Do-hee of the people, and he is ... a squid.

But it turns out that Do-hee longs squid, quite literally, and the doctor assured her it okay to eat. She is now every day through, and the doctor comment on light exercise Swim particular by-makes stiffen and say in swimming that it is really bad. The doctor plays together and directs them only to a good restaurant, the squid has Soondae.

That's when she gets on the subway, where Ho-gu gives up his place for them, to face contact for the first time in months face. Ho-gu chases them into the station, mistaking someone else for it, only to have Do-hee find him.

She invites him with her squid Soondae to eat, and he smokes inside to imagine her all with a piece of squid slapping and raging about how he wait the past six months spent languishing and, and how, what they can do is to ask if he wants to eat.

But in reality he sits miserably and asks how far it is, and when they got married. Do-hee, she says quickly married, and marry when he asks if it's okay, so (as in, so easy), she replies that it fate that must be, what people say is when something like that happens easily.

And what can he say? Ho-gu thinks as to argue no sense or statements require, as it will not change anything. He pays for her lunch and think: "But I do not show my back, wanted to first" and sends Do-hee off first. He watches her and thought: ". I felt I needed away with my own eyes Do-hee walk to see"

He says Tae-hee this later in the night, and Tae-hee tries on soju, cheer him up, saying that it made him nervous when he found out that Do-hee, the girl had been Ho-gu, entangled with. She is a superstar celebrity, and they are only squid: "Would it not be happier squid with other squid" If they tried to mix, the squid would violate one.

Ho-gu he says is fine and thinks it is as a dream and said that he was at least a cool friend like Tae-hee beside him. They clasp hands and fraternal "i love you" s and drink.

Morning Ho-gu wakes up in red sauce and hugging a giant squid shaped pillow that with its tentacles wrapped around him covered while he screams in alarm ... what if he wakes up, fortunately not hug a giant squid, but this time in addition to a dozen actual squid is to give him a little more screaming.

This is not a dream, and his friends say it quietly, that of course there are fresh squid in his bed because Ho-gu brought them with him. Has he not already forgotten yesterday?

Ho-gu thinks. We flash back to last night.

The Squid Restaurant, Ho-Gu passed at the table and Tae-hee calls Chung-jae carry him to help home. Ho-gu snapped awake while Tae-hee goes to the bathroom, and began miserably for his friends in squid crying tank. "What? You want that to get out?" He asks. He grabs one in each hand and waves it around, crying for their location in sympathy, while the ajumma freaks out and Tae-hee convinces him back into the tank.

things are for about one second rest until Ho-gu repacked for squid and stuffed it in a pocket, promising home to take them over. It takes several policemen and the two friends Ho-gu, and in the scuffle the hot sauce hose is sprayed to subdue him all. He is screaming dragged all about how they need to be free and as it is so unfair.

And now we are finally caught full on this day. Ho-gu friends tell him how they were released on to Settings and then with his blanket to cover, because they could be cold. Chung-jae says exhausted that she would have to move out of this area now off while Tae-hee him rails. Ho-gu slowly shifted position until he is on his knees, depend contrite head.

At least they will have squid for age, and the family considers it a secret from Mama, telling her only that Ho-gu a bunch of squid bought for a bargain. Today's Christmas Eve, and the parents have plans to go on holiday beach for a few nights. Ho Kyung has plans to spend the holiday with their friends, and Ho-gu has the shop open to hold for them.

Later Ho-gu opens a box of memorabilia of his night with Do-hee, the Soju bottlecap to them from their silver medal drank. He remembers the words Do-hee, after they kissed, they do not intend him to this day.

Dad connects him outside that night and asks if he struggled with his some-girl, or was thrown. Ho-gu says no, that he confused only the relationship for more than it was, and said that it's okay and that it's all over. Dad asks if he asked directly whether he was wrong, and that there is more embarrassing, never say what he meant.

Do-hee a bag in their small single packs, and remains above the manhwa book she borrowed from Ho-gu. It is the same book that he is looking at the store-or rather, the empty space where it should be.

In the morning he comes out when he hears a book to be left in the drop box, and passes out of it. Around the corner, breathing Do-hee a sigh of relief, thinking he had discovered. She slips away unseen, and Ho-gu attracts the books in the box. The sight of her book tips from and runs immediately to block for them down, and she looks away him walk.

Meanwhile overdue, Do-hee tries that light exercise option and heads into an empty pool where she swims idle until the staff tried to rush her. You (just barely) manages the chain of vows bite back, and promises sweet clean up after themselves and imprison, and he agrees to let her.

Do-hee swimming again, and then calls another voice to her. It is Ho-gu.

sitting side by side, she makes an excuse for why they come to the store does not return the book. He returns her medal, but before she takes it again, he asks her, one thing to answer. "You and I ... we were?" Oh, he took Dad from Council.

Do-hee replies, "We were friends and we are now friends.." He asks if "just friends" go to sea together, to see or to hold hands and walk together. And if they were friends, they should invite him to their wedding.

She admits that she had something been so what? She reminds him that she had warned him that she would not date him, and her voice is a little mockingly, as she says he overreacted. Go to the beach, stay up all night outside, some skinship with: "Is that so special?"

sparks Ho-gu anger, and he roars back for me ", that is not what we have done. Even if you disappeared for six months without call, even if you were married without word, even if you turned up in this state, out of the blue, I have you never hated. But see now, you're a real bitch. and you are you so surprised that you just do pee? "

Nope, that is breaking their water. It sounds a little extra pathetic today, as he sighs: ". My name Ho-gu is"

The next thing we know, he ran beside her hospital gurney along, urging them in there to hang. In pain, she grabs the hair and seals.


It took me until set for a while this show whose pacing is a little unlike the shows I've seen lately, though not too different from some previous rom-coms of TVN as Flower Boy Next Door or Dating Agency Cyrano . I had expected that to create this writer-director duo zaniness their previous collaboration re Flower Boy Ramyun shop , and the first two episodes surprised me with slow and be contemplative.

There are two major strengths of the show who are his directorial and its lead actor. PD Pyo Min-soo much here in subtle notes and scene transitions to do that are not always obvious, but obviously thought through very well. Scenes that are not necessarily connected, can be connected by a cunning little pun, which offers a beautiful bridge, or perhaps a visual moment that smoothes the transition. Even without these little details I would think not had the processing choppy because it is a stylistic cohesion, which pulls the thing together, but it makes the drama more feeling like an indie movie, us nicely from one scene in a flows into the next hold Considered little directing.

Choi Woo-Shik is even more obvious factor, and it is truly a gem here. He flashes shown in many a promising actor of being / all of his earlier dramas, but now he really rises to the challenge and inhabits this character, and infuses him with so much honesty, that it is almost painful because you like his Ho- feel gu is genuine. Despite the obvious gag with his name, the character is never the butt of a joke perhaps to people in his world he is, but never observed to us the drama and is never a caricature of sad sack Lonely Heart.

It would have been easy to draw him into the smooth rom-com form of slapstick Dork hero, always ready to attack for the camera as he takes a pratfall but Choi Woo-Shik acts with a quiet dignity that makes Ho-gu admirable, rather than ridiculous. It must be frustrating to love him and observe him to be so painfully innocent as his family is doing, but there is no subliminal mean spirit. Ho-gu is sweet and serious, and to appreciate the world may not know that, but the drama recognizes very clearly its value, and it makes me root for him not to be a hogu to stop but stop for the world treated him like to be who he is, a little too good. For what it's worth, I think, Do-hee sees this also in him, and I hope that they will appreciate it sooner rather than later. We are still in the dark about a lot of things with it, but I would think that statements which illuminate on their actions. More about the Ho-gu sake than ours I want her to be the woman he thinks she is, that's a bit faith that should be realized, is not it?

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tags: Choi Woo-Shik in Ho Gu love, UEE

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