Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctor Away: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama Doctor Away: Episode 15 -

In the middle of the Truth to say that is the case in this episode, get ready for an hour full of medical incompetence, questionable ethical judgment and uncaring administrators, all thanks to a competition that is revived by a narrative defibrillator again. They have families got doctors screaming, screaming doctors other doctors and even doctors in patients screaming. And you wonder why Myungwoo hospital has been several times in trouble already.

Yet while all is Go, Soo-hyun finds himself caught at the crossroads of her own heart. Their growing feelings eventually take precedence over their jobs to do, but that's where a little grounded reality comes. strangers ticked upward in ratings and remained primarily on Monday with 11.9%, while the Triangle clocked 7.5% and Trot Lovers brought the back with 5.8%


02.00 - "Heartbeat (Remix ) " [ Download ]

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When Hoon risky SPAR process begins, the president of the competition from the Blue House watches where he that tells winner will probably be the doc, who beat in getting the heart successfully again. Oh, well, I'm so glad that we have sort-of-not-really the winners criterion defined in this game.

Chi Gyu invites Chang-yi Hoon work, but his attempt to observe playful obtained is literally broken under their heel.

Back in the operating room, nurse min increased the saw-drill before on ~~ POS = TRUNC to remember that doctor Yang had handled it before. your attempt to try to warn Hoon, is released, and it is worrying open to see Hoon use the tool until entering inevitable and the blade shoots out and cuts his hand. ACCK!

Despite his injury Hoon a clean glove to change places (and blade) to finish the job, and then asks doctor Yang gets. But Nurse Min Yang orders from the operating room, addressing, as their father of the child, if he move him immediately. Go Nurse Min!

Below, a surgeon, Hoon calls Jae-joon team to request a replacement. Having kept updated on Hoon operation, Jae-joon met ... by handing Chi Gyu, surgical residents in the first year. This decision is surprising (and probably incompetent) because each a rookie knows the surgical expertise lacking protests to be first mate, but Jae-joon ignores Soo-hyun.

Once the donor heart is, Soo-hyun volunteers to help to be a better set of hands to Hoon, although Jae-joon presents their motives questioned. Instead yunno, worrying about the open heart surgery, he tells her not to go into the bank its metaphor vocabulary knocking over her feelings for Hoon.

And Soo-hyun takes a long time before it in what Jae-joon calls "temporary curiosity", and says Chi Gyu with Jaeger joon team to stay while they marched in Hoon practice.

it is all business from this point forward, but it is legitimate surprised when told Hoon change places. It turns out Hoon wants to continue with his non-dominant (and only in operation) to use hand exponentially the difficulty amps. Or so we are led to believe, anyway.

But Hoon just manages to work in order, while in the other room, Jae-joon, the operation has been successfully completed heart transplant. Once the VAD is installed, has all Hoon to do now, the patient heartbeat is to revive that to be heavier, it turns out, than they expected. Everyone looks on with bated breath, as Hoon defibrillator repeatedly tried ...

... And then, finally, a heartbeat. Oh puh. News of both the successful operations team is a surprisingly quiet affair, and I'm sure it goes without saying that the chairman of Oh Hoon performance looks disappointed. Prime Minister Jang seems satisfied, but who knows why he is not always happy.

When Jae-joon leaves, he frowns to see the eyebrows, Soo-hyun in the other OPs. Hoon breathes finally a sigh of relief when they are done, happy as a clam again. He praises everyone on his team with a hug, though Soo-hyun latched onto him immediately what Seung-hee looks.

Hoon passes the good news to the family, adding that the patient remain in an induced coma for a few days. He assures them that it is for the weakened heart for recovery purposes and not because something went wrong, but I'm pretty sure that the bad guys will try to its success in a surgical error to make.

He brushed past Soo-hyun attempts to pull him for a chat to one side rather than to praise a good job today.

Nurse Min with Doctor Yang to her unfinished visited who readily admits earlier with the manipulation medical equipment. His reasoning for this was because this patient was initially turned away because he could not afford surgery, but it is not always a Park Hoon be to step for patients who can not afford treatment, as they themselves

but nurse min can not believe that doctor Yang would leave his medical integrity for noble idiotic intentions: "What does our family, is not money, but an honest man and father!"

Quite apart from their frustrations, she urges her husband Hoon to apologize. But Doctor Yang refuses on the grounds that he hates Hoon because he such a show-off.

Nurse Min for him decreases when he only seen from stems to, Hoon waiting around the corner. He overheard their conversation, but he is a good sport about it and nurse Min gives him a playful scolding about the interception would do like any mother. Cute.

Seung-hee holds about the condition in the ICU patient monitor, say the anxious nurse to stay calm, because the observation of the family. And as expected, is heard Chairman Oh dissatisfied patients that Hoon generally goes well, say that they find a way to undermine him.

So douchey Sang-jin is sent, to do what he does best: how Hoon discredit with half-truths, would like another method said than what the family was made in Hoon attempt to redeem himself once a patient 'killing', and shocks with the truth they continue that Hoon was medically trained in Pyongyang.

informed Chairman Oh a simple happy Doctor moon that competition is not over (yuck). Although he admits that Hoon, the more difficult operation is performed, the winner will be determined if the patient wake up.

Hoon assured doctor moon that everything will be fine, but they are from the patient woman excited shouts interrupted outside. She tears in Hoon and questioned his medical judgment on citing that her husband is still unconscious, they all will not be notified because of this risky SAVER method, let alone she had permission to do.

Convinced that something went wrong, it demands that Hoon to prove immediately arouse her husband, that the operation was successful. Lady, your husband only had his chest torn open a few hours before, but whatever.

But while Hoon stands his ground against the hysterical cries of the woman, it is Seung-hee, the yields and wonders whether she should wake the patient for a moment. And ... you should be as Min-se better anesthetist.

But Hoon says they have to do what is best for the patient, and that means waiting until their patients improved. He is not worried about the impact because their patients wake up just fine and they will win this competition, so Seung-hee is not their patients wake up until he makes the call.

Jae-joon stops Soo-hyun on their way to ask if they have something to tell him. He does not deal with an apology always for his surgical team for Hoon leave sooner rather he noticed that she and Hoon are not suitable for each other.

Offended, she asks why, and he says Soo hyun that it would be the one that ends violated because Hoon loves someone else. And perhaps for the first time ever, Jae-joon prove metaphors useful to stomp from Soo-hyun sliver of hope that Jae-hee might never found: "Jae-hee might not be physically in front of him, but she is in Hoon on life heart "

Soo-hyun know that, but they can not help her feelings:" I know Hoon loves it, but I like him, so what I'm doing ? "She tried to forget about Hoon and tried to deceive to think that for him their affection had a crush, but that did not work. "The more I try to forget about him, think about him the more I ... and the tears keep coming."

Weeping now, Soo-hyun says sincerely Jae-joon, that they do not hurt no longer wants him. She takes a step, but Jae-joon grabs her by the arm and quietly asks, "Do not go." She asks that he let them go, because they get their feelings soon going on. And with great restraint, Jae-joon does.

After Chi Gyu explanation on what a bispectral index monitor works (in brief, it measures levels of awareness about brain wave activity), Jae-joon of the patient stirred awake.

Unfortunately, this event witnessed only makes Hoon of the patient even more impatient to see the woman her husband awake. She does not like the whole "We deal with patients on a case-by-case scenario" statement and said Hoon aware her husband in a coma stops to avoid a medical malpractice suit.

you want a definitive answer, which is something that (the actual ones anyway) have no physician reasonably. Hoon can only ask for their patience while she tears into him from his colleagues.

So Hoon presented from start to finish his case to the entire cardiothoracic department and the hospital administration. He answered the obvious questions of Jae-joon team (who will be invited by Jae-joon, it seems) easily, just because the SAVER method has a low success rate does not mean no longer done.

on the question of how Hoon may be sure he answers: "Because I have done it many times." how, where, Hoon silence says it all-in North Korea.

Then Jae-joon finally speaks up and asks if all survived these patients. Hoon replied honestly not what Jae-joon used to argue that there is a possibility of these patients die. And that, Hoon him the same question asked does survive all his patients?

In silence, Hoon shares a saying that a cardiothoracic surgeon to measure skills to how many patients are on their operating tables died. It is their work constantly to reflect on and improve, so that her death was not in vain: "Because we do not allow them to die the next time, since we need to save the patient this time because this is the only way to.. to receive forgiveness of this patient I killed. "

" Let us be successful in these patients surgery and the patients that I will be killed sure forgive says, "Hoon, then adds that he never to could ask for forgiveness if he has his patients not to seek the risk.

Jae-joon recognizes that those are touching words, but reality indicates that Hoon patient needs to wake up to ask for forgiveness. In Hoon's decision to keep the patient in an artificial coma, Jae-joon asks: "Do not wake him, because you or you can not not?"

Hoon is offended by Jae-joon of the insinuation that he is trying to hush things up, but he bites his tongue and claimed that he would wake his patient in two days' time. Jae-joon counters ". They will have to, or as the Prime Minister of the surgical team will be, is not the problem be eliminated, but you will become a murderer "

to move on, as Hoon running the SAVER method without permission the family, of which Hoon fully recognizes that it was wrong for this decision. Hoon not elaborate on his thought processes, but only replies that it has made an executive decision in an emergency.

and Jae-joon used this answer to question the existing circulatory problem of the patient. he uses Yang statement that Hoon was informed about it before the first cut, to cement his argument, and he and Hoon then go back and forth on the matter until Jae-joon slams his hand on the table.

Jae-joon told to stop Hoon with excuses, but Hoon adheres to his answer, that he was trying to to save patients. Jae-joon mocks this noble statement, because everyone who keeps this idea in this room:

to the family of "Pretending Stop that you are the only doctor who deals with interests of his patients in the name." patients apologizing is put out of the question under the circumstances, and Jae-joon orders Hoon the patient immediately and prove to wake the family that their loved one is fine. Argh, not even you, Jae-joon! If no one heard the least physician-y in the space, also known as Doctor Moon, the only doctor-y thing been said ?!

Thereafter Soo hyun berates Hoon to criticize a group of docs, and then patients Hoon harsh words about Jae-joon that can go head. Then she rises to have made a decision. Oh no, not what you do dare, what I think you're going to do!

Meanwhile Hoon asks Jae-joon for more time, pointing out that the only criterion was that their patients had to wake -It was not mentioned when. But Jae-joon replies dully that is, it is not come to his decision ... although he ordered Hoon to wake the patient.

They both know that Hoon isn 't try to cover a surgical error, but Jae-joon remains frustratingly infuriatingly. Exasperated Hoon says he once entertained the idea that they could be friends when this competition was over, but Jae-joon disagrees.

, a code is called blue Suddenly, and Hoon to the ICU falls hyun seen on Soo tried to revive the patient's heart again. Damn Soo-hyun, have you tried to wake the patient on your own?

Even if she gets the heartbeat, their actions only fuel to the fire, as the patient's wife the last cardiac arrest used as more kindling for their threats.

Hoon is NOT pleased and he pulls Soo-hyun before their killing the patient to abuse for almost. He buys her words not think she did it because she trusts him because she had been waiting when she did.

He wants to know why they made such an incompetent decision. "Otherwise you would be kicked out of the hospital!" Soo-hyun screams defensively.

But that's not good enough response for Hoon, since he does not have a damn are used here or not. So who is disturbing? Tears, Soo-hyun answered haltingly: "Because I ... I like you I tried, always kicked to stop, because I like you happy..?"

Hoon not be surprised to hear it, and if it does not respond immediately, she asks if it. because of Jae-Hee But Hoon has a different answer for them: "Your father, Chairman Oh He conspired with Prime Minister Jang and sent my father to the north.."

Soo-hyun can hardly believe what they hear Hoon elaborated that his father was sent away made suit against a medical malpractice to prevent against Myungwoo years. Still on this information, staggering, it passes directly to her father to confront him.

"Is it true?" She asks in despair. "Did you Hoon father to North Korea to send?" Chairman Oh confirmed and she drops to her knees to the go to the extent horrified her father would protect Myungwoo.

Sobbing, Soo-hyun asks how they'll be able Hoon now face to which she told that they are not easy. "How can I do that?", Walking her tears are on her cheeks. "I do not think I can bear it if I do not."

Prime Minister Jang swings concerned by the hospital that a winner has not been declared. He is the third person to assume this means that they should wake up the patient and Hoon Hoon give the loss if it does not work. Chairman Oh right. They are both miserable and terrible people.

Hoon still thinks that they need more time to wait, but then Seung-hee suddenly says that she thinks that it will be okay, because it is the patient's vitals logged which remained stable overnight , Please do not tell me that this will change Hoon spirit.

It changes Hoon opinion. Or at least it changes Doctor Moon and Seung-hee assures Hoon that its decision sound. He asks if it is because of the competition, and she says it's because she trusts him. not Wait a minute articles Soo-hyun use the same argument?

So everyone is as Seung-hee on the machine and bites her lips around the patient's bed. They are waiting for what seems like forever and a day, and Chairman Oh grins that he thinks that there is a clear winner here.

to wake Always desperate by the moment, Seung-hee roars patients. At that moment, the man's eyes open ever so slightly and Hoon leans to wonder if he is with awareness. His patient nods.

The patient woman leans in, hopeful ... and her husband to recognize them. She cries, relief washing over them. Hoon and Seung-hee exchange smiles and grimaces Chairman Oh.

Neither Prime Minister Jang Chairman Oh are still willing to give this contest a draw (nooooo), instead opt for a tiebreaker. After Hoon and Jae-joon filled, Hoon asks if his rival suffers from multiple personalities, since his sudden 180 before and after surgery.

Jae -joon finds Soo-hyun in her home moping after hearing that it is called sick today. She refuses to go to the hospital and asks to be left alone. He asks if Hoon gave a hard time to watch over the patient last night and she shakes her head.

He asks what this is about, and Soo-hyun, he says once her feelings for Hoon as a new likened pocket. "But what's wrong with me?" She asks loudly. And now the tears she finally restrain break as she weeps over her broken heart.

Jae-joon looks up, helpless, then his voice turns sincere when he really asks what's going on. He surprised to hear that Soo-hyun stood by Hoon about her feelings for him, and it takes all his willpower his tears to hold back and step at the sight from her.

But then he turns back, sits next to her and pulls her close to him. Let yourself crying a literal shoulder, he encourages them to let the tears come.

Jae-joon returns to his castle metaphor to stare dejectedly and says Chi Gyu, that the princess loves another knight. But instead of being angry that the princess moaning about her broken heart to see, it hurts him.

"That's ... true love," Chi-Gyu notes, adding understood that the knight can not accept now the castle. The corner of Jae-joon mouth twitches.

Seung-hee offers her roomie loin heard, although it withdraws her hand when she hears about Soo-hyun confession. All Seung-hee can muster an apology and a comforting hug, and Soo-hyun says it's okay.

to protect both Hoon disclosure about her father's actions and intentions of her father Myungwoo still applies on her head with a weight, Soo Hyun, the courage to go to hospital Hoon.

Seung-hee Hoon goes to see who says he has no intention to violate the Soo-hyun, but still ended up on Chairman Oh blabbing. Seung-hee gives him a silent embrace. He asks Mom to wait the agreement for a month. She gives him a reassuring nod.

She finds it empty, with the image of ragged Jae-hee still on his laptop. She clicks the screen saver off a good picture of Hoon and Seung-hee seen together on the screen, taken along with a full set of photos of this happy day we saw in Episode 10.

Shell-shocked Soo hyun crawling around Hoon desk and discovered Seung-hee CD medical results (which are taken at Myungwoo) in the drawer.

Recalling how Hoon had once mentioned that Jae-hee before a kidney transplant two years required (I'm going crazy or we have never seen this part of Hoon and Soo-hyun this week?) Soo-hyun the CD inserts and checks the scans.

reels you. On the image, in shock, struggling to catch his breath And at that moment the door opened and Hoon Seung-hee opened the clinic, hand in hand to enter.


It's times like these when I really wish I medical in reading scans because on the one hand had the know-how, I could assume that Soo-hyun Hoon has taken information to conclude that Seung-hee hee = Jaeger, the logic (which remember?) that this results from Myung-woo were and we were told that they two kidneys. But on the other hand, if this show has taught me anything, it is that I can not believe what I see, but believe what I said specifically . Which is why I'm here for Soo-hyun to just say it, everything loud. I guess that's why it's a cliffhanger.

But what drives me even more is crazy that I honestly do not, that flashback moment can remember from that last scene when Hoon Soo-hyun told about Jae-hee kidney. Somehow it would make sense, since such important information would Soo-hyun to be known to be so shocked for them, so if any of you remember, please, please my memory on the jumps before. I even tried to scan previous episodes to see if I just crazy and missed it, but I honestly do not, and I'm happy to let my confusion on the door until someone in this show, it just says. Obviously.

What can I say for now is Soo-hyun feelings for Hoon, who took his own roller coaster ride in this hour. Since Hoon has been aware of them, he has a distance to Soo-hyun and her feelings kept, sometimes to a hard level. Still, in those days, I was ready to give him the benefit of the doubt, because he drew boundaries and everyone knew his heart to Jae-hee was. But what I had was raise an eyebrow when both Seung-hee and Soo-hyun had the same (stupid) idea Hoon was convinced of Seung-hee, but not Soo-hyun even after she spoke literally the same words to trust Hoon over. execution between the two women Granted were different, but the way the story has played out, it seems like the lollipop Seung-hee offers, is the one who accepts Hoon generally.

So I want with Soo-hyun lovelorn with their inner turmoil to try to find out what their feelings mean what to themselves and to their verbal confession of her heart Hoon, and then finally get empathize double-whammy that her father was a key figure in Hoon in the past and that Hoon has, in fact, still love someone else. Even if you give the compassion requires seriously their medical judgment and squeegees to provide behavior in question (because c'mon Soo-hyun, as nearly a patient not to kill, by showing early Hoon awakening that you trust him? Also, just because your crush isn 't at work does not mean that you can not always see it), I still want to cry with her because we all already suffered a broken heart. Maybe

Stranger our fathers are not always directly involved with to send it to another circle of our crushes "fathers, but it is understandable that achieving were emotionally crushed leave of us. Moreover, it is Jae-joon icy-hot behavior that I just can not seem to get, even after Hoon a lantern on it hung in this episode. it seems best its ever-changing behavior on a week-week-take basis, because it seems like the is how the show his character also wants to handle. once Jae-joon Bot was back last week, it felt like we were in another round of jealousy and the Tin Man again realized were what he feels for Soo-hyun actually could be love. What would go against his metaphor Castle and revenge, apparently.

and again, remains at this hour of the outstanding point is the persistent suggestion / request / omg-why-can not you-DO-it already idea the patient early, thus reducing medical competence practically creating this entire hospital with him. We have seen how insensitivity and persuasion leads to some honest stupid decisions and actions in the interests of dramatic conflict so many times in this show that you wonder why anyone want to be in their right mind treated at Myungwoo Hospital. Not everyone can be a sometimes Genius doctor as Hoon, but apparently all it takes to be in this drama verse is to carry (or steal) a white coat.

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