There are a lot of chills and thrills this week as our cast and guests fight zombies, dark corners, and with dizzying speed. Summer would not be complete without these missions, which are sure to break the blistering heat. A jump scare or two never hurt anyone, but someone could go close to tears lead to other types of consequences.
EPISODE 310th broadcast on July 31, 2016.
today's episode teases some summer chills with an illuminated ghost town. But now we open as our cast is instructed in the daytime, immediately change after their arrival ... that is for too bad, spent the hours, this morning getting ready, as Kwang-soo, who noted: " I would only have come if I had known in my underwear, "
the t-shirt and sports pants combo is a big step down in fashion for Jae-Suk also, but the surprises do not end there: a. Marching Band appears to give them a warm welcome. Today is our performers are national athletes in Binggu , which prompts them to ask Myuk PD he referring to-as in acting "dumb" or "stupid" or means of the Chinese character "ice" ,
Myuk PD clarifies that the latter, in particular "Hockey" is, and then someone else is barking to get them in training actors Kwon Hyuk- soo , roaring in a ajumma wig: "Sweet potato pumpkin" (He parodied Na moon-hee character of the 06 Unstoppable leg up to SNL Korea 7 .)
While Hyuk-soo that emissions today continue their athletic be put to the test, we fulfill our official guests in Daegu: actresses Soo Ae ( Mask ) and Oh Yeon-seo ( Come Back, Ajusshi ).
Soo Ae and Yeon-seo will be our team leader and select your players based on their test results. We then cut back to our national athletes who are entering the ghost town ... and start in the opposite direction runs. What the Zombies ?!
A at the input finish line indicates the end of its first speed test today. Myuk PD chirps that they just have to go three. Great, only three
The crew had recorded their 0m shot records. Gary came in first with 13.81 seconds, and the other (including Ji-hyo) followed be within three seconds record
Enter the occupation of the ghost town for their second test again: a Dracula-themed haunted house. , Both Gary and Jae-Suk jump at the sound snapshots sprinkled a half feet on the stairs, but they are more surprised by Hyun-soo booming entrance.
Kwang-soo a slapping reminder of the task in hand after each pass begins. No one flinches when several rubber snakes falls from the ceiling, but each responds when a zombie from under the table.
Jae-Suk barely edge out Gary and Kwang-soo for the first place, and then the other four entered the house. Jong-Kook falls because the neck by rubber snakes down, and Ji-hyo and Suk-jin falls at the sight of the zombie.
Surprisingly, Haha is still hanging, but he falls to the ground at Ji-hyo cries when another zombie appears behind them. He still comes in second to Jae-Suk.
Meanwhile, Soo Ae and Yeon-seo given Previews for today's qualification tests. SpartAce lead the pack with the most sit-ups in the third test, while Kwang-soo is kept physically down from Jae-suk.
Then it's time for the fourth object in a zombie prison; The goal is simple: over them keep their minds and escape alive. The cast is divided into teams of twos and three, and only Kwang-soo is to have pleased Jong-Kook at his side.
Haha and Ji-hyo must be entered first, then their task said: Find out as soon as sweet potatoes as possible many pumpkin. they take each step with terror fulfilled, and Haha cries when he sees movement in the shadows.
Ji-hyo decreases behind the hall and into the sun, and refused to complete the task. Haha sure they come indoors, then screams when outstretched arms trying to reach for him.
Haha puts his hand from Ji-hyo, who now lets out a terrified scream. He reminds them of the pumpkin sweet potatoes, but they cry both if more arms trying to steal to give.
you pick up more pumpkin sweet potatoes between crying and make it eventually through to the other side with 7 total yams. Jong-Kook and Kwang-soo entered the house together, and while Jong-Kook plucking the sweet potatoes from the soil, Kwang-soo screams in horror.
Kwang-soo's face falls when Jong-Kook, it proposes to turn back to do a more thorough search, and when Suk-jin and Gary are the only, the sweet potato, Jae-Suk steals Suk-jin only find potatoes in the last second.
Now the cast is said that their team leaders have chosen their players based on their anonymous results. Su Ae and Yeon-seo are given a warm welcome, and we learn that the two women would have liked Jae-Suk in her team.
Yeon-seo her preference for Kwang-soo had said because he is clearly blessed by the diversity gods who represent some memorable time on the screen for them would. She gets her wish with the happy coincidence of choice Kwang-soo, Suk-jin and Jae-Suk, also known as the Unlucky Trio , together with Ji-hyo.
Soo Ae chooses Jong -kook, Gary and Haha, and everyone can not help but notice how she giggles humor tossed jokes at her toilet. But as Team-Soo Ae a member is short, they have another guest: actress Ha Jae-sook ( Beautiful Mind ), the squeaks when Jae-Suk takes her hand. "Wow, it's a celebrity!"
It turned out Kwang-soo and Jae-sook go far back, when she was his dance instructor in a game for children. A preview indicates that it has the moves to back this claim, but now she's gorgeous excited to be here.
only win a team gold medals, and now our teams need to bring an assistant team leader. Yeon-seo chooses Ji-hyo, the boys in line to help, and Haha moves are elected by Soo Ae.
These four are requested to forward to a side mission that must be kept secret to step different. Ack, that's not so secret hidden mission again? All else seems the same way to feel, but there's nothing anyone can do about it
so here's the first :. To win, get the other team members to say: "What's that?" first. And then Suk-jin, the sentence says after 5 seconds.
After all the changes in their team uniforms, Jae-Suk can say that Yeon-seo on the side mission as focusing in front of them. Speaking of which, they are playing with a palm push play, and the winners will get dibs on the choice of the hockey stick.
While the teams the order to determine to break, Jae-Suk slide slyly to get over a brief look. The team and their assistants are being asked to come forward, and Haha reminds everyone that this is the main event.
Jaeger sook and Kwang-soo's face in the first round, and it quickly becomes clear that Kwang-soo not want to attack his former teacher. You almost slipped and her hands are inches to his chest, but then catches himself just in time. A little later, she pushes Kwang-soo, whose body wrinkles before they sit on the mat.
Kwang-soo claims that he lost because Jae-sook is immobile, and a hard push sends Suk-jin to the ground. Jae-sook leaves a shrill excited squeal as she takes down slightly Jae-Suk and Ji-hyo.
If Myuk PD believes that the guys just go easy on Jae-sook to promote them immediately try him then. That's how Myuk PD is placed in front of Jae-sook, and yes, he is taken down.
The teams decide things by sending their respective team leaders change. After a few minor attacks Yeon-seo starts tipping and takes Su Ae with her. This means a profit for Su Ae, whose shirt is now bearing residue of Yeon-seo makeup.
Both teams choose their hockey stick, then run free in the entire amusement park will be given, which contains five different missions, ranging in difficulty. Yeon-seo treated its players to a refreshing drink before they arrive at the most difficult mission: the Mega Swing
But team-Yeon-seo does not decide that the mission to do and move on .. Too Ji -hyō frustration, Yeon-seo'd rather enjoy the day to try compared to win the entire mission, sooooo buying more snacks for their team. Ha
Meanwhile team-Soo Ae told about the mission on the Disco drive :. Protect the bucket of balls on the head for the duration of the trip and save to win at least 70 balls. Su Ae and Haha, are requested to us. On their own mission to step Handlebar and while driving with his finger heart form
your fellow players on the recording are fast when Su Ae and Haha opt to sit along for the ride. Balls go immediately once the journey begins, and Soo Ae basket falls from her head fly.
She reaches down to pick up the rouge balls and attempts to complete their mission page. Fortunately her team the mission completed here, and are able to move with three stamps.
Haha would be to find out that Jae-sook and Soo Ae are colleagues in 1979-ers, which means they could all talk to each other in banmal. They decide to Megaswing tackle next, where the main task is then to answer a trivia question. The team leader's mission is to roar at the height of driving a sentimental message to their parents.
If Haha claims he is too scared, Gary says he has it still finished as an assistant team leader. Elsewhere team Yeon-seo stops in the game room for their next mission: a game arcade relay. Here they have two minutes to 850 points or higher points in the Strongman game, get 100 points with five darts and 500 points in the shooting game.
Jae-Suk occurs voluntarily set aside, on the Yeon-seo says Unlucky Trio Swing-go on the Mega if they fail this mission. So that's how Kwang-soo starts off easily surpass the first game by the 850-point mark.
pity Suk-jin is not so happy because he only racks 95 points with his first round of five darts. His next attempt, it is not better, but he eventually gets 139 points with 30 seconds on the clock left.
Jae-Suk comes close, but it's not good enough, so they go for another round. This time Suk-jin gets 109 points on the first round, and Jae-Suk racks up 540 points with only four pellets.
Team Yeon-seo heads for from Noraebang but you are fascinated by a 80 -second long roller coaster ride. A few laps rock-paper-scissors to decide that Kwang-soo and Jae-Suk sit at the forefront. The problem is, Jae-Suk does not have his glasses, and both he and Kwang-soo are cowards.
, and then the ride suddenly moves backwards, because they "re on a boomerang roller coaster. It is a steep upward slope, then both Kwang-soo and Jaeger Suk close your eyes once the drive releases them down.
the journey leads them to a different literal loop until they stop at the station. It will take to calm a minute later for them, at which point they asked three differences in the amusement park-site staff.
Kwang-soo spots only two of the three, and the team has said that they can ride this ride as many times as they want. so Ji -hyō climbs in and Yeon-seo is hesitant to Suk-jin stated that he is go to the mega swing.
, the Women take a good look at the crew member before the journey begins, and only Ji-hyo keep your eyes open for the duration of the trip. Ji-hyo spots every three differences and get three stamps for their team.
Over the Mega Swing, Soo Ae, Jae-sook and Haha climb. Haha gapes hear that this ride turns and swirls around a full 360 degrees, but it focuses to send his love to his mother when the drive for a moment at the station stops.
Soo Ae is however plagued with fear, while Jae-sook is convinced that this journey is her older a few decades. Below, Gary and Jong-Kook screaming that she hums the drone must read near.
When it's over, Haha admits that he never opened his eyes during the ride. Jae-sook, she says some writings have noticed the demand for the total number of members between TWICE and SISTAR. 13 is the right answer, and she earns five stamps.
After another snack break, Yeon-seo does not hesitate when handing over money to their players, so they can play some games. For their Noraebang mission, they have 95 or higher to score on a duet. The sides mission adds in another restriction :. You can not sing the words "love", "us" or "you"
decide the boys, some tunes to sing, to kill time, though Jae-Suk to cracks, as it is three guys in a cabin sitting belting out ballads.
And that's when Ji-hyo slides to stop the machine. HA. Kwang-soo and Yeon-seo business combination on the first attempt, and she takes it upon himself to block from singing their limited text Kwang-soo.
Of course, Kwang-soo thinks she's just trying to focus to take care of themselves, but unfortunately only making an 86. Everyone climbs into a goal when the boys choose from Jo Jang Hyuk "to Love Addicted ", but Ji-hyo remains from midway through the chorus before climbing.
time to check in on Team Soo Ae, the prepare for the arcade relay race. Gary enjoys dart skills and Haha has a 100% accuracy rate with the rifle.
Soo Ae and Jong-Kook get on the Boomerang rollercoaster ride and while they fixed their eyes closed, Jong-Kook does not understand what he keeps looking should , They still manage to identify the three differences in the amusement park workers for three well-deserved brand.
finally get 99 After team-Yeon-seo on the Noraebang machine, Team Soo Ae takes a crack at it. Su Ae managed to sing to block "love" in the last few words of the song Jong-Kook, although only a 88 on the first attempt.
Team Su ae current 99 with Jae-sook choice of the song, that is, they have completed all five missions. A picture-in-picture tells us that Suk-jin saved from the mega swing. As we are nearing the end of the episode, but I have a feeling that we not obtained in the hockey game today.
Our occupation is busy playing matchmaker between Su ae and Jong-Kook on the bus. She has not a muscle man like him nothing, and asks, "What do you think of me" I suppose we know until next week.
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