Recap And Reviews Kdrama Discovery of Romance: Episode 13

Recap and reviews korean drama Discovery of Romance: Episode 13 -

This episode is all about which is more important, your actions or what's in your heart. Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum both struggle with this, as they deny their feelings and all assure you that everything is fine, and there is nothing to worry about, just because they have not acted on their feelings. Can your heart someone betrayed, even if your actions have been faithful

EPISODE 13: "Should I act drunk and you just kiss" ?

their commitment formally after production Ha-jin retold Yeo-Reum the story of the two children in the orphanage, and he tells her that the story about him and Ah-rim. He was the one who was adopted, and Ah-rim has been left behind. They assured him that he, because in twelve years, he had no choice but not a bad person.

Ha-jin says Yeo-Reum, which is adopted for a boy at that age almost a miracle, and he knew so much. So he said his farewell to a sleeping Ah-rim and before the morning to leave, and never went there recently to his trip. He says that his mother always treated him as she had from birth (awww, Mom), so that he honored they do not want someone to say so far. He says Yeo-Reum that his birth name is Ahn Jin-soo, and she smiles and says that it's nice to meet him. Sweet.

Out for a jog, taking Tae-ha a call from director Yoon on his wrist PPL phone and grouse that Yoon every morning at his place always comes. Yoon says only to hurry him back because breakfast is ready, and notes that Tae-ha again drank evening alone yesterday.

Yeo-Reum asks Ha-jin when Ah-rim took him up on his offer to send them to study abroad, and he says he is still trying to convince them. Yeo-Reum told him how they Ah-edge crying outside his office yesterday evening saw why they understood the situation wrong. They are embarrassed that they intentionally mean to Ah-rim, and promises to work on her temper.

Tae-ha burglaries Yoon home to find in an apron, cleaning and complained that this definitely the home of a man dumped. Hee. Sit down for breakfast and Tae-ha wonders even if Yeo-Reum got engaged last night. Yoon commented that there is more to him to take to get all this, as he thought, but says that it is better - but Tae-ha is not so sure.

He remembers tearful confession of Yeo-Reum that with him you do to see them looking for him, and admits that he hopes that it keeps on this way feel. He wonders if he left alone or are closely connected with her. Frustrated, he says Yoon that he is fighting these thoughts all day, and he wants to know when he felt like this would stop. Yoon assured him that it only takes time, but Tae-ha moans that time only makes it worse.

Yoon outlining how time heals all wounds, also dating wounds and Tae-ha looks curiously at him: "Do you have a relationship behind my back? I have you never been time yet. "HA.

Joon-ho writing approaches assistant Mom Gi-eun and kisses to her to get it for him a love of writing speech. She asks what the girl is like, and Joon-ho describes them as clueless, difficult, dirty and gluttonous. She has a dirty mouth and she is fierce, but at least she has good breasts got hee. Gi-eun asks why he wants a girl like that, and Joon-ho's all, "I should not? Someone should stop me!"

He calls something really romantic, like something that man in say a drama would (he says, "Did you smell something burning now?" HAHA) and she agrees, but requires the payment. Joon-ho it has to pay in Botox, and she accepts.

The girl admiring Yeo-Reum the new ring, and she says that she thinks that she can be happy for a long time with Ha-jin , You get to work, but Sol can barely done anything for all texts from their number twelve, and Yeo-Reum asks what they like best. Sol, she says Yoon is comfortable, and that Eun-Gyu had much impact on it, but something has been bothering you about Joon-ho.

We see that Joon-ho has literally all declined over for them to give stumbling over his own feet in his eagerness, their trips, and try to die flowers of Eun-Gyu with its own (then sit on them if he is caught) to replace. Sol says Yeo-Reum that he behaves been really embarrassing, and she does not understand why.

Sol complained that they only want two things from a man really - to treat them as a woman, and not only to be treated like a human being and a Mrs. That's pretty smart, actually. She is still angry that Joon-ho gave her automatic toilet because it shows that he does not see her as a woman.

Yeo-Reum figures out that Sol has reasons for liking Director Yoon and Eun-Gyu, but that she likes Joon-ho without a single reason. She says that sometimes you just fall for someone without them knowing at all, no reason at all, as she remembers that she fell for Tae-ha, when she had only just met him.

you to know about the heart, love for the spirit poetic waxing until Sol finally screams, "I like Kang Tae-ha not!" She is angry, but that Yeo-Reum sound their relationship perfectly makes neglected to mention all the times that he brought to weep. She laments that she knows how Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha still feel, and it's hard for them to watch (I'm glad someone finally said out loud), and asks Yeo-Reum whether for Tae-ha fall again where she swayed "that's right, I am." she told Sol that naturally .:

Yeo-Reum starts fading and leaving without a word, but then stops, because there is Kang Tae-ha. They met young and loved without hesitation, and he knows them better and Sol and Joon-ho. They repeated disconsolately: "... I'm swaying I am I tell you, I am"

She says she keeps these things feel and to do things for him, and that they worried Ha-jin will learn about them. But they did nothing wrong as sleeping with him or to make plans to run away with him. She knows her place with Ha-jin, and they fall on the holding, but it is not made of iron, so of course it is for Tae-ha. Sol gets up and hugs her consolingly.

Later apologized Sol to Yeo-Reum for his harsh, saying that it is concerned only for them. Yeo-Reum says that it is always difficult to understand someone else's money, but asks Sol only support them. She assures her that she likes Ha-jin and did not break the intention with him.

Ha-jin asking texts Ah-rim, if they looked at the past information he gave to some foreign studies, they just sit, when she gets to spread them around them. You do not know that he would answer and instead packs all information on, and it transforms the picture of them as a child face down and cries.

Joon-ho practiced the romantic speech, written Gi-eun for him, and oh man, it's just. In order to. Badly. He begins again in his own words, as if he were to ask what he has not to date compared to the other guys and tell her, only to have it. It is dull, but better. He gets on one knee and exercise the typical drama Country speech about how he would stay by her side and good to her to be (we've heard it all a thousand times), that's when Sol comes and scares 10 years of his life.

Sol suspected Joon-ho is a girl he loves, to tell him she's probably has a strange person because he got no taste in women. He thinks that it is right, because it is. Hee. Sol advises him how not to confess that, or he will lose the girl.

Director Yoon worries about Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum go alone search out the model home for their next project and Tae-ha assures Yoon that he in going to be fine, and he does his best to be all business. Yeo-Rum recalls a memory of the two of them in the park, drawing ideas for their future home and to discuss marriage, and she thinks that even thought without a proposal or a ring she had always marry would.

go through the model house and Tae-ha can Yeo-Reum not help but pay attention and let his eyes at them sadly linger. At one point, she catches him, and she sees him for a moment, as their words about their future plans for a home and children from the past echo again.

To think that they do not know it wants them to these memories is recalled, Yeo-Reum avoids considerably the design style with your use wanted to decorate future home. Tae-Ha noticed immediately and call them on it, suggesting she go with this design concept. He asks if it makes them uncomfortable, to remind them that he did not even say that he likes her since their final separation.

Yeo-Reum says he came from the shop a few times, and Tae-ha tells her that he did it to get over it, and that he did not do. She apologizes for childish to avoid the memories, and they wind things.

Ha-jin calls Yeo-Reum for dinner, but she says honestly him that they eat over with Tae-ha, since their work to end. He tells her that he is going Ah-edge look to go because they do not know him what they thought of the overseas studies programs, and both depend looking nervous, but determined to trust each other.

Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha go to a familiar restaurant and sigh about how they were so stupid they're outdated, that they used all the time to fight over food. Tae-ha order alcohol if a little tense again, but Yeo-Reum jokes that it will be fine as long as he is not drunk text them back in the middle of the night. A few drinks later, they talk about the things they ever learned from the other to like, much more convenient to discuss their past, as they have been.

Ha-jin from Ah-wheel on her way home and take her to dinner, where Ah-rim Ha-jin asks to stop them with Search compassion in his eyes. Brings you something he once said to her that it is possible that even if her brother found could he not want to see, and asks why he thinks that.

Not knowing that she knows who he is, says Ha-jin that may, if her brother does not want to lose what he has now, as his relationship with his adoptive parents, or perhaps that there looking back at the past is painful. He can not even meet her eyes, as he says, that her brother is a bad person.

Ah-rim says he is not a bad person, thinking to himself that if he if he were a bad person not with her in the first spoken have place. She says that when she finds her brother she wants to show him that she studied hard and has a good life, and that she hopes that he lives a happy and debt-free life.

Ah-rim agrees to go to study abroad if he would pay her tuition, which seems to relieve him and he tells her, only to pay later forward. She says that she planned to always ask her brother, fix their scar when they found him, and tells Ha-jin that they'll have him to Easily Fix. That night she thinks of the beautiful things Ha-jin done for them, and calls to a head when she thinks that if he can do things for them, will go to study for him away.

Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum a meandering walk, talk about not much, and Yeo-Reum commented that they could be friends really. Tae-ha jokes that she would make a bad friend, but he is serious when he says that, when they lose touch again he would accept it this time.

But in their thoughts, they fear both that they forget this time would not be able, even though it would be better if they could. As they go along quietly, Yeo-Reum wishes she could hold hands Tae-ha or touch his face, as she had that night she had been drinking, and his voice heard at her as he keeps pretending he's drunk and hand grip or even kiss her. Both wondering what would others think if they admitted that their feelings are varied, and if he admitted that he still loves her.

Before one of them acting on their thoughts, Yeo-Reum turns her ankle and Tae-ha catches it, they attract each other for a moment. They stand there for a moment, each affected by the proximity, but Tae-ha lets go of Yeo-Reum arm and it is receding.

She sits on a bench where Tae-ha pulls her shoe to check her ankles to her fuss for heels. He looks up to see that it is on the edge of tears, and he looks stunned, as if he were to realize that they might even some of the things he feels feel.

Ha-jin calls Yeo-Reum repeated the next morning, but she's not picking up. He calls Joon-ho, who tells him she is not at home, and Ha-jin recalls that she had dinner with Tae-ha and begins to assume the worst. Sol has not heard from her either and she knows that Yeo-Reum gave them back has for Tae-ha falls and cries poor Joon-ho for tells Ha-jin to review their workshop.

The workshop is locked and empty, Ha-jin heads waiting for House Joon-ho and Sol. No one can, and reach Joon-ho figures from Sol behavior that they fear has Yeo-Reum is with Tae-ha. He says that he is a secret of Ha-jin held her past, while it was only Tae-ha hang around, but if they are seen now, he will not remain calm more.

In desperation calls Sol director Yoon to ask if he knows where Tae-ha is, but he says Tae-ha also does not answer his phone. Nobody has seen him or Yeo-Reum or heard, they went on the front site of the day. Yoon Tae-ha heads to place where he hilariously supported in the house, to cry out, to warn anyone who might not want to be caught in a compromising position.

But Tae-ha, it is solely, innocently unaware of all the excitement. We see that Yeo-Reum, thank God, only spent one night in her mother. Gi-eun she wakes up and tells her to check her phone, as it has been ringing like crazy.

Tae-ha defends honor Yeo-Reum to Yoon say that they would never spend the night with him, when she got a friend. He remembers the night before when she twisted her ankle and said that she was crying for no reason. He had offered to take her home, but she said she to her mother she wanted to ask why she was born someone how they were.

Tae-ha insists that he and Yeo-Reum have not cross lines again and said that she would not do, especially something. He insists that he is trying his best to get on Yeo-Reum, and Yoon looks chastised properly.

Yoon told Sol where to find Yeo-Reum, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Yeo-Reum comes home all chipper as not only does every single scare of her friends to death, but Ha-jin wants to speak privately. He tells her that he. About their concerns, because she does what she wants, but she is still curious as to why everyone was calling her so much You know, Ha-jin was suspect, despite his denials, and she chastises him gently to her not to trust (says the girl who wanted to keep in front of another man's hand the night?).

Yeo-Reum going to wash and Ha-jin takes her crumpled jacket from the bed, leaving her cell phone on the floor. As he bends to pick on him, he spots the box of memorabilia that Tae-ha gave her, peeking with the corner of a photo. He prefers free a sweet picture of a ten year younger Yeo-Reum to see, and he smiles as he from the box, so eager to see more.

But when he opens it, Ha-jin is beaten when he sees the proof of Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum ratio of five years. Photos, notes - everything is correct, nothing left to misinterpret. shake his hands and his face pale as he noted that all the time Yeo-Reum was and asked him to trust her, she's been lying to him.


Well, it's now all in the open. I think that the consequences will be terrible, especially because of the way Ha-jin on Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha, to find out had. As understanding and forgiving when he with Yeo-Reum, I really feel that, if they had come earlier with Tae-ha about their history clean, he had worked with her, was able to get past him. But now he knows that she was lying to him what I know for me, would be even greater from a deal than the fact that they dated in the first place. You could survive as a couple, if she had been honest from the beginning, especially Yeo-Reum never had any intention of getting back together with Tae-ha. But I do not think will be Ha-jin able to forgive her for it, because not only do they often and repeatedly lying to him, but she was his closest friend Joon-ho to do it.

Mostly this episode was over the question of whether what is important your actions or your feelings. Both Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum have now admitted that they love the other, or fall back, at least for today. They insist that they are doing nothing wrong, because it is their actions that are important, but is that really true? I wonder if we asked Ha-jin, how he would feel if he knew that his fiancée another man loves - somehow I do not want to know that she loves someone else, but selected him in spite of that marry, would be much more comfortable. I think it's safe to say that if you run marry someone, you want to be the only person in her heart. And it's hard enough for him to know that he loves her more than she loves him, so I highly doubt he would be with marriage okay if he knows that she loves another man.

I think it's good that Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum have kept their actions despite honorable, what their heart. None of them done for this set, or want to be in this position, and they are trying their best not to let their feelings they behave in a dishonorable way. Which is great, because if nothing else Yeo-Reum always physically never betray Ha-jin say. She tried not to fall Tae-ha back in fact it presented a heroic struggle, but it's how she tells Sol - he knows better than anyone else in the world, and his feelings are this time to sincerely as you could react heart it NOT? She did not, and she struggled, but it happens anyway, so I think they are not to blame for her feelings. But what they want for their lives, the stability and that's what Ha-jin will give to her.

I just think that no matter what your head wants, you will not be really happy when you deny your heart. Ha-jin Marrying if she loves Tae-ha can Yeo-Reum content and more secure, but it is not happy, not to make for the long haul. I understand their decision, because if you dated only seem to have loved with a future and planned care about you and your needs to stop it, to have a man who loves you more, bringing your needs first is mighty attractive a man. So I understand their insistence on marrying Ha-jin; I worry easily. to choose a partner for security and stability, is a solid reason to marry, and has worked for millennia. But I think she is the means for a life of so-so love and ask them what they could have had if they had chosen the love of her life.

And I think it's wonderful that Tae-ha has stopped Yeo-Reum to put pressure and honors their wishes, even if it is difficult for him, but he is determined to them what they want to give. I just hope he finds out soon that she's back for him to fall, because I really want to see him fight for them. He never did, because he was so easy at first, and when she again he met mostly only thought all he had to do was show up, and she had come back for him. I really want to see him really fight for it, and prove to her that this time his feelings and commitment are strong and that they can feel safe again with him in love. I think he can give her all the stability and security it wants, and the love of her life. He just needs to show her that he can do it.

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tags: discovery of romance, Eric in, Jung Yumi, Sung Joon

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