Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctors: Episode 5

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Doctors: Episode 5 -

Confessions come with baggage and old rivalries, and it is no secret that Seo-woo feels threatened by Hye-jung presence. Although they both want nothing to do with their rivalry, the battle seems inevitable around especially with the touch of a few growing feelings for her. While 13 years have passed, our characters have much more to do to grow - assuming the compromise, and in love.



Determined not to be struck again, Ji-hong holds Hye-jung in a stranglehold, and told Hye-jung: "in dangerous situations, the body through habit initially reacted instinctively and practice . the body of the everyday habits adopted during childhood, and if your child happens you can not replace. "

goes Hye-jung Ji-hong to tip over and holds him impressively down until he gives up. And it's Ji-hong's turn to get her back, and he gets to her. Their proximity is cumbersome, so that they both sit and Hye-jung suggests that they do not re-engage in physical combat. Ji-hong true and then asks why, and she replies:

Seo-woo and Yoon-check on the restaurant owner, who has just woken up from her surgery "Just because.". She responds well to their commands, so Yoon-do leaves the room with a list of instructions for Kyung-joon.

Seo-woo follows Yoon-do and admits: "I like you." She did not want to confess in this manner, but has chosen them to do it just how it is. Yoon-do they leaning his way with the declaration, and claims to have matured by sorrow, but Seo-woo can not still understand why he likes girls with colorful background stories.

He asks if she is concerned about Hye-young, clearly a complex backstory. Seo-woo denies it, but can tell Yoon-do that it is disturbed by significantly Hye-young to be her rival. He assures her that he has no interest in Hye-young. He also thinks it's disrespectful, unskilled and defiant - he wants them to get out of the hospital. Seo-woo wonders how, especially with Tae-ho still around, and he says that a brain aneurysm everything they need is.

When Ji-hong goes Hye -jung home, he tells her that she has shown him how reality can exceed imagination - he never thought that she would be a doctor. She says that the world is a pleasant place, since it was able to climb the social ladder through education. Suddenly a motorcycle zooms by, and Ji-hong pulls Hye-jung to him to protect them.

Ji-hong breaks the tension by teaching her how to insert a catheter without navigation and Hye-jung agrees excited. He tells her that it needs something else they really learn, and puts his hands on her shoulders, before he said to accept how protection. He knows that they always independent, and he's right. She takes his hand off her shoulder, claiming that they can take care of themselves.

Ji-hong tells her that the protection is the foundation that will save them if the life is rocky, but argues Hye-jung that protecting a special childhood privilege. The past can not be changed or saved; it can only be accepted. Ji-hong seems impressed and jokes that they still do not, as always listened to him.

He says that the circumstances may not change, but the heart can. He wants and intends plans to teach a curriculum for them. She asks why, and he replies: ". Just because" As Hye-young turns to go in, Soon-hee rushes from her teachers welcome. They congratulated him on his marriage, and they have the misconception enlighten again.

In the morning our delinquent residents, Joon-dae and Kang-soo, rushing through the halls and for oversleeping by Kyung-joon switching condition. Kyung-joon asks for England (Young-Kook, translated to England), in the surgery room watching the wakes.

Young-Kook goes slowly into the meeting room, claiming tested on patients to have all morning, so he excused from blame. Meanwhile, Kyung-joon orders Joon-dae and Kang-soo to do menial tasks to help with his doctoral thesis. Kang-soo complained, so Young-Kook on some of the tasks graciously takes to make themselves look good.

Ji-hong drops by the hospital and controls patients, but he assures Tae-ho that he would soon leave them to take advantage of his vacation time. He also claims Hye-young as his colleagues, act quickly to make sure they will not be taken from him.

Tae-ho sitting in a meeting where director Myung-hoon assigns the general surgery department with an extra expenditures card in most profits bring. It aims to Tae-ho department and criticized him Geriatriezentrum for objecting. Tae-ho advocates a central organ transplantation instead, but its low sales development will only cut his vacation days.

Director and Director Hong Jin discuss the future of the hospital, as they play golf. Director Hong suggests that they to train another person to take their positions, as Myung-hoon is business oriented. Director Jin takes softly offense.

Director Jin meets with his son, Myung-hoon, and delivers documents to deliver it to President Jung. He says Myung-hoon, that it be sent to the time, Director Hong home.

An unidentified man enters the hospital and heads towards the VIP rooms, but he hides quickly at the sight of the gangsters away to hunt coins in the hallway. The gangsters bow as Hye-jung goes by, and they come into the hospital room on her head to check. She asks if he needs to the whole gang, and he confirmed that he does, because he has created many enemies. She nods and says that those you intended to take to finally meet.

Hye-young, the space to the band leaves, according to her bowed again, and she orders Kang-soo (whose hair keeps changing colors, ha) to keep checking the head of the surgical wound. It is passed to the ICU, and Kang-soo is back on call in the emergency room.

Yoon-do and Seo-woo check on the restaurant owner, who asked considers that unfortunate. You do not know who she's talking, but Seo-woo says optimistic that they gave their improvements, they will be able soon to see the girl. Yoon-do notes that Seo-woo seems to be invested in this patient.

Then Yoon-do gets a call from Kang-soo in the emergency room over a patient. He rushes out of his residence so that Seo-woo and Hye-jung in the ICU. After the scan evaluation prepares Yoon-do for surgery and orders Hye-young - not Seo-woo - in the operating room. Kyung-joon is all drama, as he tells the news Seo-woo. The war has begun

Yoon-do finds Hye-jung in its regular lab coat and asks her why she is not dressed for an operation. She says that she is not interested in what he teaches, he gives her the opportunity to perform the operation itself. If it is successful, he let them know how they want to do, but if it fails, it could get kicked out of the hospital. He compares their behavior but a bully and suggests that they leave because they disrespect, unskilled, and not willing to learn. Hye-young looks at him with a new fire in her eyes.

Ji-hong sits in his new office, and Tae-ho drops by back for a quick chat. They talk briefly about hospital revenue and Ji-hong continues his playful banter about how there is no strict good or bad, but how people get what they want, no matter what happens. The conversation is cut short by a call to Seo-woo, the updated Ji-hong to the difficult operation that Hye-jung is to perform.

Ji-hong ends in the operating room and negotiates with Yoon-do. Hye-jung Ji-hong Assistant, but Yoon-do says his term begins next week. When Ji-hong argues that he now begins his term, Yoon-do argues that he has no control over the operation, because Hye-jung, the primary surgeon is not, the wizard. Ji-hong insists that this operation is well above the level that a guy can be successfully completed.

As they argue, Hye-jung steps in and reiterates that it is the operation to carry out. Ji-hong says he is the line already taking so Yoon-do goes away for the results to maintain. Now that it's just the two of them, Hye-jung tells Ji-hong, that they do not prevent a fight, that it comes the way and only fighting a winning battle. He reminds them that he is on their side and will be ready to help at any time. He gives her a quick nod of approval, and it occurs in the operating room.

The operation begins, and Hye-jung takes the reins as Ji-hong is by acting as her assistant. Yoon-do and Seo-woo nervous to see from the top, but the operation seems to be going smoothly. Suddenly blood floods the area, and the patient's vitals are unstable. Yoon-do realizes the seriousness of the problem and orders Hye-jung to hand over the operation to Ji-hong, but she insists it is. On the continuation

Ji-hong, they told to concentrate, and they continue to quietly drop the operation itself as the patient's blood pressure. Fortunately, she finds the location of the bleeding, and Ji-hong encouraged to complete the operation itself that makes them successful.

After surgery Yoon-do immediately bows his head in apology to Hye-young and promises all their decisions will be respected forwards. She has captured guard by this rapid change of face, but he admits that he is a bit strange to evacuate quickly. She likes that he just like her grandmother, who are met used to so easily when they got what they wanted.

He notes that Ji-hong must you liked more than Seo-woo back in school, but Hye-jung it denies. It assumes that they are treated better because it was so badly behaved. In fact, it was even sold. She throws mini strokes to explain their point, and Yoon-do back and forth with small winding fists, claiming that he also played a bit in high school. She looks amused and characters he played in the arcade.

Yoon-do looks awestruck as she goes away, and another doctor approaches him to knock it out of his thoughts. He is Yoon-do uncle, JUNG PA RAN, although he looks too young to be much older. Uncle asks Yoon-do when it tonight in place remain because its current model has taken its place on girlfriend to marry him when prompted. He has no such interest, especially after his first divorce and a family history of chaotic relationships. Uncle also tells Yoon-do treat his bestie Ji-hong good but Yoon-do says it is already too late.

Hye-jung sitting with Ji-hong on a bench outside the hospital with drinks. They updated him that it ensures the patient guardian of the surgery and recovery. Changing topics, Ji-hong asks Hye-jung when goes live this way. You must be competitive and should learn to enjoy the luxury, he says. He asks how many hours she sleeps, and she replies that ten hours a week is enough. She insists that she used it and says that she is not there would be if she slept and worked like everyone else.

Ji-hong, the real question was: "Now, you are happy," After a pause says Hye-young, that there is no way, she is happy , The reason why it was a new leaf for grandmother, and now wanted to turn that it has succeeded grandma is no longer with her. Ji-hong tells her to accept it simply because he did not with that can help. Hye-young wonders if Ji-hong want keeps to help her because she is his former student, but he calls them dumb for thinking.

It is easier with its expression and admits that he likes. He says that when he thinks of you remember their last moment when they drove away on a motorcycle. He regretted not holding on then. Hye-young is suddenly and spilled drinks all over Ji-hong. He asks whether this is a rejection, and she says no; He then asks if she dated now, and she does not say. He asks if their instinctive reaction is always no, and she says no. Heh.

Ji-hong decide later to ask, and blames them for getting her first serious interactions make comically finish. He promises that he'll ask again, and he jokes that no matter what, must be their answer is yes.

President Jung visited the hospital hoping to see his son, Yoon-do, but he is engaged in an operation. He's here for another thing, in terms of hospital investors. Myung-hoon hopes Director Hong will resign peacefully, but he is prepared for a possible impeachment process if things are not the way. Myung-hoon asks to be a private body to updates about the possibility of the hospital, and President Jung tells him that it. A lot of push-back on the idea They agree to meet with a representative for this privatization lobby.

Joon-dae calls hesitant sleeping Kyung-joon about a patient to ask, and he is screaming in something so detailed and clear for the call. Kang-soo gives him a little: "I told you", and then to deal with the screaming psychotic patients they run over. Seo-woo called this time, but by the time she comes, the whole ordeal is already done. She calls Kyung-joon and scolds him to do his work for the preparation of her, and that scolding gets the minions passed that had to be afraid to call him.

Young-Kook asks why she called, and she admits that she's Ji-hong shunned calls. She is not sure why she him. Out of the way, and Young-Kook tells her to call him back They followed his advice, and Seo-woo meets with Ji-hong. He admits Hye-jung and Seo-woo expresses relief to like, because she was afraid that Hye-jung would take something away from it again. She admits Yoon-do to like, saying that was Hye-jung always the one to provoke them. Seo-woo adds that she misses In-joo (who was injured by Hye-young, she says), and Ji-hong recognizes that this is not a problem that can be solved.

From afar uncle approaches Pa-ran the two and says Seo-woo that he besties in-joo and Ji-hong at school were. Uncle attracts playful Ji-hong in a stranglehold, and they run away to drink to day.

Hye-jung watches Surgery videos and thinks about Ji-hong and grandma. You can not help but cry at the thought of grandma's last moments, and it gives Ji-hong a call. She catches him as he is about to leave with Uncle Pa-ran, trying Ji-hong, to set him with Hye-young. Ji-hong sends his friend in front of him and hears desire Hye-jung in the medical records to search. But they are not their thoughts and chasing after the unknown man end the other day by Boss hospital room recognized long lasting.

It runs in Boss hospital room and finds an empty bed. Then she hears the toilet flush and looks relieved Boss returning to his bed to see. She asks where his gang went and boss tells her that he ordered her to leave, as they have ordered. He admits that he listens to a woman once, and looks Hye-young through his obedience satisfied. She leaves to have checked for safety. But as soon as she leaves, the mysterious man walks the room.

Kyung-joon calls Yoon-do when he leaves for the day about the restaurant to ask owners whose vital levels seem to be clear. Unable to rely on the residents, turns Yoon-do to the hospital. Meanwhile runs Hye-jung in an exhausted Kang-soo in the elevator, and he tells her that he is still to eat. She gives him a break and provides Boss sore for him to eliminate, while he takes a dinner break.

Add Boss sickroom, the man who sneaked into batches with a knife and threatened Boss. He says he'll save Boss only if he saves his siblings. When Hye-jung enters the room, Boss is bound and gagged and tried Hye-jung to warn its dull roar, but the man with the knife attacking from behind.

Yoon-do checks his patients and orders Kyung-joon Hye-jung to name who is at night on call. She does not answer, so Yoon-do reluctantly puts Kyung-joon responsible for the restaurant owner.

There is a new gas deliveryman for Soon-hee in the bar, and it is Soo-Chul! She looks at him with familiarity, but he does not seem to recognize them. Anxious Hye-jung here to get Soo-Chul, Soon-hee calls Ji-hong, because they are concerned is not to call her back Hye-young. It is unusual for Hye-jung not call or text back so Soon-hee asks to see Ji-hong for her. Ji-hong reminds Hye-jung, after someone chasing something strange to record, so he leaves his girlfriend and runs back to the hospital.

Yoon-do asks Kang-soo about Hye-young, and he reported to, so that he can eat reparation Boss surgical wound. Yoon-do decide today to be compassionate and says Kang-soo to get food. He will speak directly to Hye-young.

in the sickroom, the vengeful man showing Hye-jung, the scars on his stomach and says boss that he is waiting for this day. He gives Boss a chance to speak, but it only further provoked him. Just as he. Chef to stab with his knife, Hye-young gets up and keeps him from Boss to hit his head He has the knife elsewhere, and Hye-jung tries calm the man to convince them to stop. If something goes wrong, he'll end up in jail, and the gang will not leave him alone when he's in there.

She tells him that Boss put at risk is enough, pointing out how Boss trembles in fear. Hye-jung assured him that many more people get outraged by Boss, and he should not throw away his life for this. Slowly, the man begins to hand over the knife, but the door opens. It's Yoon-do, and he tried, having to leave the complicated situation.

Of course, Yoon-do is not because the man feels more threatened to leave. Hye-jung sees her chance and grabs the man and disarmed him. Yoon-do try to intervene, but he stepped aside easily. As Boss rolled the bed, he hits his head and begins to shake uncontrollably. Hye-young tries to help him, but the attacker uses the opportunity to grab the knife and the head for it. Yoon-do grabs his leg, and the man falls on top of Hye-young, while his knife. She screams.

Ji-hong running into the room, and he finds Hye-young under the attacker stuck with blood leakage among them. Hye-young looks at him and says: "People say that forgiveness is not for others but for yourself you should not say something like forgiveness is not as easy as it sounds..."


this grim turn of events is not as shocking as it participates to our doctor Trio in this incident reveals. It is interesting to think about the hit different motivations and actions of our three doctors. Hye-young is an acute instinct for danger that childhood is probably learned a manifestation of their instincts. These instincts have been as a doctor unusually helpful for them so far, but I think that these physical instincts also shows how it is actually guarded emotionally. It is something that Ji-hong knows them from connecting with people was to inhibit. Ji-hong all the way to run back to the hospital speaks to protect Hye-jung on his commitment. He tried to teach them how to accept confidence and protection, and I believe his commitment.

But ultimately I think Yoon-do win by his cowardly response to the situation. It would have been quite despicable when he was just run away, but it is to make as popular as he reports his observations and tried way to escape. And then he tried to help in the fight to be thrown only in the first few seconds to the ground. You tried with twisty fists and failed, but I really love you even more because of it.

Despite the bad taste of the narrations, I think they serve their purpose in the definition of an appropriate tone or theme for the episode. Perhaps the quote was not going on instincts as relevant in the episode, but in the end, I am left with the thought about what just happened in the episode. Childhood instincts played a big part of the story, and I'm not sure that I would have picked up on this theme without intentionally start story. Yes, it is a very obvious way the audience to say, what to look for, and I know that there are much more clever and subtle way to get the message. But so far, it is relevant and useful.

Speaking obvious how blatantly and forward is Ji-hong with his feelings? How damn, Ji-hong comes with his confession in STARK. I am also still in dispute, and perhaps I will remain ambivalent for the entire run of the show, because the romance keeps insisting that it began "forbidden love" certain varieties with a. There are still no clear distinction of the teacher-student and male-female dynamic, but I expect that blurred in-between. In a Relationship I think it can be seen an interesting transition, but I'm not so sure that it will happen smoothly. Realistic and dramatic, it is not a pleasant matter to address, so I do not expect anything magical element that solve.

This is not to say that I do not like their chemistry. I like the relationship and balance between Hye-young and Ji-hong. But I do not feel connected enough to fully invest with Ji-hong in their relationship. I can not really say whether I or the character Kim Rae-won drop the actor Ji-hong. I'm falling for him either way, but I would rather fall for Ji-hong, because it would tell me that the drama does its work. For the sake of the show, let Ji-hong better and full of character.

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tags: doctors, Episode 5, in Kim Rae-won, Lee Sung-Kyung, Park Shin-hye, Yoon Kyun-sang

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