It's nice , an episode like this where the case of the day fades into the background in order to get our main characters and their personal drama, especially since we only received this week a rate. This drama is not always lands on the better half of the balance, as I'm not in it for the cop process, but if our characters today about the big overarching concern secret identities and secret crushes-who get to confront results satisfactory sweet.
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EPISODE 9: "Special Secret"
Dae-gu comes from the office of the coroner after the confirmation, that the man who was threatened his mother found dead ... and runs right into Pan-seok, the exact same thing to do minutes after him
Pan-seok immediately makes the connection has arrived. " They were alive, Kim Ji -Yong. you are Kim Ji-yong, is not it? "Dae-gu freezes, and if his presence here was not a giveaway that flicker should be in his eyes.
but it takes to recover a second and asks who that is. Pan-seok is first not to buy the rejection, but Dae-gu accused him to go to the orphanage, a background check on him, and calls for Pan-seok do to just wondering if he is curious about everything.
Pan-seok asks what he do here, and Dae-gu Spots Gook from the corner of his eye just in time. He pretends to be on her case here for the autopsy report, and falls Pan-seok face. Aw, Fakeout, really?
He lets it go now, probably because he is known to obsess over Mamas case and has been wrong before. If Pan-seok in heads to identify the body go, he wonders if Eun Dae-gu was here before him, and the auditor says no.
Out in the hallway, Dae-gu mind races and he made sure that he, the medical examiners change observed shifts before he went out, and can not be identified. Tae-il joins them, and they ask, Dae-gu, what he does here. Damn, so running in Gook was pure luck? Talk about on thin ice. Dae-gu, he says only wanted to see them, and they stand there blinking at him. Gook smiles and says he was Dae-gu capable knew not so warm and fuzzy things to say.
The first thing Gook is, when he wakes up the next morning call Soo-Sun can be seen, where they slept last night in the rain. He looks at the video call, that she is not in her tent, and she remembers groggy that she slept place at Pan-seok. She shakes and is that it is at a friend's house.
The air is still cold between Tae-il and Gook, and this time it's Tae-il, who does to ignore as they cross paths in the kitchen. Are you two are doing already?
Soo-Sun takes a minute desk littered with Pan-seok with candy wrappers to admire, and takes the adorable image of his son. It travels gently and scurries out.
Dae-gu waiting in a cafe this morning, and Chief Kang him come in person to meet. In a flashback, we see that it was a secret patron who sent books and gifts during his youth in an orphanage Dae-gu, and sponsored his education.
He writes card thanking her every time, and little Ji-yong turns into big Dae-gu. In his last card he writes that he is accepted in law school and will leave the orphanage.
He says goodbye to the other children and relies on its own, and then Chef Kang finds him at the University and greeted him with the box of cards he sent her over the years. This would be a really heartwarming story if I did not suspect that she was angry and sought you out of you as her revenge doll to use, but the moment itself is very sweet.
In the present Dae-gu tells her that he is Pan-seok thinks of him. She is surprised that it sooner than they expected, and then she wonders if Dae-gu is really sure that Pan-seok is the villain here. She says she put Dae-gu on his team because he was so stubborn about it, but she has Pan-seok observed over the years and do not know if he really dirty cop who Dae-gu thinks he is. Hm, maybe you're not the evil puppetmaster?
Dae-gu torches that up and reminds them of the trailer and its contact with Combat Boots, then and now. He argues that he can not be so emotional goodwill towards Pan-seok about that, and this is the opportunity he has been waiting 11 years for.
He is so worked up that they worried, and she reminded him of the promise he made her-that no matter what he would leave the law the final judgment, and not to take revenge into their own hands be. Great, now I believe that it is not evil, what is likely later bite me in the ass. He calms down and agrees to keep its promises.
Soo-Sun all morning was shivering, and Dae-gu watches grumpily as Tae-il forehead as she checked all walking in the district. He asks where they stayed last night, and when she says she slept at a friend's place, Dae-gu eyes suspiciously flit about.
The whole team gathers the two brothers in the father-son murder case to confront, and Dae-gu and Pan-seok exchange suspicious glances in silence. Pan-seok opened to the autopsy report, and the brothers go a new round raises the other to kill Dad.
you have to pry apart again, Pan-seok told them that the time of death was a great day it was discovered before the body. When he tells the most likely scenario, we see it in flashback: Dad thinks twice about the proposals the eldest son for help and starts the brand new smartphone he gave him
But the day he gets calls from his son that he can not answer manage, because he does not know that you have to push the button to take a call. Dad spends the day the younger son to wash shoes by hand, and then running to the toilet again answer a call.
This is when he slips on a plate of soap, and in an effort to break to keep the precious phone, it ends the ground head first hit on. He lies there bleeding on the floor, still struggling to answer the call of his eldest son, while his younger son is to leave the area in his game.
They are flat, and Pan-seok explains the case of accidental death. That's a terrible way to die, but if the brothers snottiness, they could use a sobering moment of shared guilt.
Pan-seok, the team for lunch for taking job well done, but it is difficult for anyone to be naughty. Immediately after lunch calls Gook to ask his mother for the food, offered them the last time to send, and insists it's because he misses Mamas cooking.
Tae-il sits with his thumb on the number of his mother on his cell phone and wanted to call at the last minute, but chickening out. And Dae-gu communicates with his mother in the only way he can-by writing text messages, which he never send. He asks if she met Dad, where it is, and if he is good.
leavesgo Pan-seok head, Dae-gu strange behavior, because it came from his refusal to tell anyone where he was from his shocking combative attitude towards Pan-seok. He can not shake the thought that he might be Ji-yong. Thank God, because nobody likes a battle of wits, where the minds are dim.
So he calls Gook from him 'home to take the boy, and practically demands Dae-gu toothbrush. He takes it and tells Gook giving the excuse that he left it accidentally fall into the toilet. Poor Gookie frets, But Dae-gu will be mad at me ...
Pan-seok tries requires all drawers in Dae-gu desk, but they are blocked, and his laptop a password. He goes with the toothbrush for now and warns Gook, that he was never here.
Gook wonders what that's all guessing that no one takes a toothbrush for anything other than a DNA test. He gasps, "Is he ... his son? No, it's the age difference and all ... I've seen too many dramas." Pfft.
Pan-seok sets the toothbrush for a DNA test, and Eung-do tells him it's probably a good thing, only to find safe, because he thereof obsessed likely to hold if it is also a seed of doubt.
Eung-do asks why he is taking off with Sa-Kyung and Pan-seok flail to his locker and starts right there not to its date. * REWIND *
This time he all points to the right restaurant in a crisp white shirt dressed and even impressed Sa-Kyung with its trendy local expertise. He tells her everything you have to do is Google "tasty restaurant with Oppa", and you get the best date spots in the city. Ha. This is actually clever.
He is adorably proud of himself for them, and he does this super geeky overbite thing when he near Sa-Kyung that just kills me , He gets nervous when she asks to stay Soo-sun over the other night, and he insists nervous that he left the apartment soon after she did.
Sa-Kyung does not seem too much fuss about it, but like that it offered the without asking them. She muses that he probably every night Soo-sun at home that it is raining, but he is quick to say, non-she'll definitely before then to solve their housing crisis. Sa-Kyung is satisfied with this response and lets it go. Phew, bullet dodged.
Hilariously, Pan-seok seems to be not known that the restaurant he chose spring rolls serves, and he fumbles some food on his plate to manufacture. Sa-Kyung makes only a role in the silence, and then it puts on the plate with a quippy "Eat, Oppa ." Hee.
go window shopping and tease each other with nicknames, and getting caught in the rain at the end. You walk on a shop window, and when he pulls her close her of shield by a passing car splashed, rejects it in and give him a little kiss.
hold hands and stand there to wait the rain out together. Your data is so sweet.
When we returned fade in, it's a new day and a new case. (Wait, but where has Soo-sun sleeping in the rain?) The team will be used in pairs to catch a suspect in an office building, and Pan-seok comes on the roof with his baton Tae-il support slowly away to find out ,.
The suspect comes into view, and he has a knife pointed at Gook throat vibrates. Oh no, hostage again? Pan-seok told the rest of the team to withdraw, but poor Gook is the one who is most disappointed in himself, and begins resistance as the man him in the back of the head with the blunt end of the knife begins to beat.
Tae-il shouts at him to get it together and to restrain himself in more danger bring, but Gook is irrational and shouts back that Tae-il could be a doctor, but he is no more than a police officer who has been taken hostage three times, and refuses to let it happen again.
He takes this moment of all moments to get out of Tae-il as a doctor for everyone else in the team, and then loads the suspects with all his strength. He knocks the knife from his hand, and they go up the stairs to collapse, where he is captured. Pan-seok looks at him with a smile of approval down.
Gook hobbles over to the station back to Tae-il and apologizes for outing his big secret. He admits feeling inferior and lets them come to him, and kicks over his head for so petty. Tae-il replies that it does not appease, and he decides to Soo-Sun Gook Crush have outed should only get.
Gook freaks on the empty threat, and Tae-il simply pushes him on the couch, so that he can tend to his twisted ankle. D'awww.
Gook muttering in an angry tone, he annoyingly perfect, and Tae-il says coolly that he knows it. Just like that, they are teasing again and roughhousing, and all is right with the world again.
Soo-Suns oppa waiting outside the pedestrian area for her and she runs to greet him playfully. Go ice get and he is surprised by his sister, the detective, and she is fishing for more compliments.
He takes a look and decide that it looks old, especially when the same has remained all these years. Ha, which literally true because Oppa is the same actor for both periods. They are great together. Can Oppa move to Seoul, so they can talk someone in their country may have accent?
Dae-gu happens to go by the café, and Oppa recognize him immediately as Ji-yong. Soo-Sun's surprising that he sees Dae-gu as Ji-yong also, and he mentioned that he saw Ji-yong in Masan recently.
Later when they are on a stakeout together, Soo-sun tries to ask him to put his glasses, but he tears at her. She wonders if he is a little crazy, because he be particularly cold to her lately, but he argues only that he had never been nice to start with. True.
Dae-gu spots their suspects approaching in his rear-view mirror, and grabs Soo-Sun duck down in the car. You wait it out for a beat huddled close together, and then he looks at ... on the suspect who is pressed faced got his up to the window.
all jump back, and then the hunt is on. They chase him through the area, but Soo-Sun rides on an untied shoelace and Dae-gu lose him when he gets on a scooter and drives away.
They accuse each other of losing him, and then Dae-gu sighs when he sees that it is scraped from falling. He keeps it from bending down to her shoelace and do it for them, which of course recalls 11 years ago by lively as exactly what Ji-yong has.
He binds them his secret special way, which is more evidence than they would ever need. Soo-Sun calls when he gets up to walk, "Kim Ji-yong!" You know him, but he denies it emphatically over and over again, it stops there, insisted that she is right.
Do not hold back on his arm and down, so that it eventually bursts, "If you say it again, I'll kiss you" Is that ... reputed to be a threat? He says it as it is a threat, and they can, to go without another word.
There is no great surprise that if Combat Boots makes revive Yoo is in Assemblyman office. The former police chief and current politician has seemed shady from the start, but he looks pretty peeved that Combat Boots to learn, has permanently returned to the land.
Combat Boots grins as he says the assemblyman that he hasn 't exactly in advance been with him about everything: the child eleven years ago, well, he did not exactly killing him, as he said , he did. Oops. Assemblyman Yoo can not believe so loose thread dangling has been there for the whole time, and Combat Boots just giggles and offers the job to his desire to quit.
Pan-seok comes conditioning all tied in knots fearful of the DNA testing. He cling to open before the envelope. This time there is no denying. Dae-gu is a game Mamas DNA
Pan-seok returns to the district with his eyes fixed on Dae-gu. He stares for a long-running right now, and we see that in his line of sight, Dae-gu is little fifteen-year-old Kim Ji-yong, still sitting at desk wearing his school uniform.
He sees with such regret for him, and I expect that half of it right and then burst into tears and there, but he only lets out a long sigh. He asks Dae-gu in a soft voice that made him. For a chat, and takes him to the roof
When he turns to him, Pan-seok can no longer hide the emotion on his face and his eyes glistening tears as he calls them out carefully, "Ji-yong-ah." Dae-gu looks down and sees the DNA testing center envelope in his hand.
Dae-gu grinds his teeth ready to do battle, but Pan-seok said in a shaky voice: "Thank you to be alive, because as good grow up." He choked on his tears as he repeated: "Thank you, so much."
Dae-gu still denies it, but Pan-seok called ajusshi like old times and says he for him everywhere searched. He says he understands why Ji-yong would hate him so much because of what has happened Mom, and because it's all his fault.
But Dae-gu grows angrier the more Pan-seok apologized and balls his fist until it knows ankles and shaking. Dae-gu reiterates that he does not know what he is talking about, but Pan-seok has not let him go away. He says the DNA test is something he can not deny
Dae-gu loses it and screams again and again that he does not exist. "When I say I'm not, I'm not, you son of a bitch!" He not ask rails at Pan-Seok, and adds, his voice dripping with hatred that he in front and stay for the rest of his life in the dark to go and dying of curiosity. Pan-seok face falls and he stomps inch forward, but Dae-gu away.
Soo-sun at her desk sitting late into the evening, mulling over Dae-gu secret identity and why would he keep lying. she decides in the apartment above head and squeezed her foot in the door ten minutes of his time pleading.
he steers and is counted down, and she says that she can not only it go so you know he remembers Ji-yong, and then quickly added:. "do not kiss" But she thinks that she has the right to ask, since it much worried for him when he disappeared from Masan, and wonders if maybe there's a reason why he has to hide his identity.
she says that if that's the case, they now will stop asking. He hesitates, and he looks like he might spill the beans ... but he just keeps counting down. She sighs and gives up. But then at the last minute, when he says he does not Kim Ji-yong: "But I know him."
He refers to Ji-yong in the third person, saying that he asked him dukes to say that it is true that there is a reason, he can not tell her that he be their to keep secret needs. She nods and says she understands, and then stutters that this is what he should say to his "friend" Ji-yong.
you switched gears and asks Dae-gu bright when he ate, and they head to out. Soo-sun looks him on her face with the sunniest smile drinking, and he wonders if she is mentally clear. She says it's because they happy-he, he, his friend Ji-yong gone, she thought he died.
All Masan thought so too, and they regretted it all the time that she said those terrible things about his mother. She tells him to make sure his friend to tell, and he says it's okay, and catches himself:
She asks him "I mean, Ji-yong said, it's okay." , only to answer a question asking about in an orphanage grow up. He does not tell her to pity him because he was lucky and grew into a beautiful orphanage with art director and got for a patron to go to college. She smiles, relieved to hear that his childhood was not terrible, and their then one last question was raised in just one more.
She says Dae-gu his friend Ji-yong to say that he can call whenever they need it they. "Even if he does not call me noona to time, I will forgive him." HA. He scoffs, and she has to remember that today is a special occasion, and he gets a pass. "Your friend Ji-yong is two years younger than I, and he used to be all, noona noona,"
makes it clear that it is very large, say to forgive him for that, and says that she is not even Tae-il or Gook about his age so when his friend Ji-yong ever you need, he should call. She promises to keep his secret and be there when he calls it, "Because I'm on Kim Ji-yong page, no matter what!" He can not-say that he appreciated, but it is written on his face, and she just stares at him happy while he eats.
prepare paths on the pavement to separate, but at the last minute Soo-Sun wraps her arms around his waist in a backhug. Her throat starts, as she says: "Thank you." And then she adds this bit of praise: "You were brave," but the way she says it's like something is an adult, would tell a child: You did good, kid .
He raises a hand to her pull away at first, but she says it again and stops, and he can only his hand resting on her. You clutching him, and he can no longer fight his tears and cries.
FINALLY the out of the pocket of the cat! I found episode today to be quite promising that we finally get away from the obvious beats and secret revelations that we have known as an audience from the start, which means now we can wait, stop for Soo-sun and to catch Pan-seok above. She was frustrating, as he was at this point, as Dae-gu was handy hints fall into her lap with huge bows on them, but when he bent down to tie her shoe in this episode, it occurred to me that he wants they know secretly, deep down. Because he obviously not an idiot if I suppose he did not think that it is; yet he can not expect to keep it a secret from her forever, while his top secret tricks shoelace he is going to stay. We all knew it was coming, the second he did as between, but it was no less sweet when they recognized him as an adult by his two knotted Rabbit ears work.
I was thrilled by the choice have Dae-gu and Soo-Sun talk about Ji-yong, as he was not there, which is a great touch to the conversation adds, where they come to be a little more open while behind the we are-not-talking-to hide -Me facade. He also forces to press their feelings that I find more interesting than your soul baring all the time to lay only.
What I love about the meeting both Pan-seok and Soo-Sun that they both Dae-gu than 15 years old all of a sudden see. It's like Ji-yong was frozen in time, because he disappeared from her life at that age. He left as an indelible impression on them, if they thought he died Soo sun because she was young, and Pan-seok, because he felt responsible. You will instantly Ajusshi and Noona all over again, and the warmth in her eyes is so pathetic as to be alive to thank everyone sincerely him. I think that both of them, and it makes me think even sadder that there ago 11 years since he has been loved by anyone like that. We know that he is right stunted in many ways during adolescence, but there is something very reassuring about the fact that other people see as the small child, as he is still.
There is not a shocker, the Cha Seung-won steals the show, as he made the veteran here, but it was particularly great in this episode, where he remained so understated and held the large in such a perfect blend happiness and sadness reveal anchored. He wore it only on his face, from the relief at finding Ji-yong alive to regret about the years he spent must've alone grow. I loved the massive gap between them and how Pan-seok held him inching and to look for a way.
I am not yet convinced that Chef Kang not evil is (because they did not clearly 't happen to be by accident Dae-gu of the founder), but I wonder if it was sincere about the preparation Dae-gu promise not to take revenge into their own hands. Because if she and Pan-seok are on the same side, Dae-gu has actually take a real chance the bad guys down. But I'm not greedy; because now we have budding romances and growing friendships, and a father-son dynamic duo just waiting to resolve decades of misunderstandings, fighting crime together, and go for ice. What are the chances it will be no more than ten more episodes to get there?
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