Recap And Reviews Kdrama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 10

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 10 -

We are by the defined decisions we make, and their effects affect our lives and the lives of those around us. In an instant, a life change for better or worse, in the time after just a wrong choice. But does it make someone a bad person wrong choice? Or it's more, what happens after that, if the person truly repents and atones, or if they just go on, never worry about the consequences of their actions?


When he for the K -Pop festival, Joon-young overheard Gook-young talking is ready already tried to Ajusshi on the phone to come Joon-young mother to persuade the event. She refuses to visit, no matter how important it is, Joon-young is, no matter how many important people will be there.

Joon-young hide his disappointment, but he cheers when his stylist says Eul is here, even if he does not tell them to come. He hides his face and goes to find her, but he is surprised they confront Assemblyman Choi and Haru to see. He watches as the assemblyman Eul money it provides back pay for their destroyed monument food, and he can not take it anymore.

He goes to them and says that Assemblyman Choi should apologize first, grab the money and throw it angrily on the ground. Choi frowns and says that Joon-young should apologize first, was suspended for the interview. Joon-Young says that he only assemblyman asked his mistakes and ask forgiveness for.

Assemblyman Choi scoffs at the idea, for the actions of a stray kitten from apologetic, but Joon-young is only repeated: "admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness." I do not think he talks about the cat more.

Assemblyman Choi says he was wrong about Joon-young, and even criticized Joon-young parents raise wrong for him. He says that he wasted his time waiting for Joon-young, not able to throw the law book, he would give him, but now sees that Joon-young has turned into a disappointment. Joon-young smoke, but is silent.

Assemblyman Choi leads Haru away and Joon-young turns on Eul, angry that she came here when he said not to. He screams even louder when she bends the money to get on the ground, but she ignored him and sighs that they should ask for more. Joon-young takes the money out of her pocket and pulls it on, and when she bends to pick up the scraps, he really loses his temper and asks if she is a beggar.

Eul finally barks him back and said that yes, it is a beggar - he knows about it. He lets go of her arm and she squats to pick up the money, told him mind his own business. He turns around and goes back inside, Eul left there on the floor, scrounge cash for scraps.

Joon-young calls his mother from Gook-young phone and she responds by yelling that they do not care to go to the ceremony, which. But awww, it's actually going to the toilet all pretty solid, but scared to death in.

She stops when she hears Joon-young voice asks what he was doing, so wrong. Was always so terrible a celebrity, rather than a prosecutor? He raises his voice and said that she hated him for five years and deny him - that was what he did, bad

He cries that he was a prosecutor should always think to tell the truth to punish offenders, and help the innocent? , But it is not so - he screams that he told them dozens of times that he is not qualified to be a prosecutor. He is almost in tears as he says that when he was a prosecutor, poor people how they would suffer.

This time Mom argued back, saying that of course he is qualified. He also rescued the girl from school bullies, and was suspended for it. She wonders slowly, if he feels that way, because they work in a bar, is used, or because she stole once meat when he was a child.

Calmer now, Joon-Young says that they do not come, and he will refuse the award on their behalf. It sounds harsh, but it is obvious that his intention to let them off the hook when that feels bad about it. He hangs up and Mama looks in the mirror, and with a trembling hand wipes her lipstick.

Joon-young undressed and prepares to leave, but Gook-young stops him. people, considering that here at this festival, a no-show attracts professional suicide for Joon-young could be, but Gook-young has no idea how little that matters more.

One hundred percent done with this day, Joon-young move screams at Gook-young. Even the news that President Namgoong only collapsed it does not move - he just says to take him to the hospital, and leaves.

He goes for Eul searches and retrieves them when it is not in the hall, but she does not answer. Meanwhile mother Ji-tae that does not feel good, so Assemblyman Choi and Haru they prepare to take home, not that Haru is happy. Choi invites his wife and daughter in their car and says that he should stay because it would look bad if leaving the whole family.

He leans goodbye kissing his wife down, Joon-young mother going on her car. Assemblyman Choi sent from his family and does not see them. Nearby, Eul hangs her head in her car and avoids Joon-Young calls until another driver honks at her.

looking to move their car, and directly in front of her is the source of all their problems ... Assemblyman Choi. He is on the phone, and the fact that he smiles and laughs just adds salt to Eul wounds, and it is overcome by a memory of her father.

He had been Eul so proud, beaming on her report card, happy that she was nearly eighty seats risen in class ranking. Eul had cleaned and Dad crowed while little Jik just rolled his eyes. If Eul for treatment asks tattles Jik on it - it was in fact like rank and changed her report card. Dad had closer waved and grabbed her face, and Eul had for him in a desperate attempt to aegyo'd forgiveness.

Eul next remembers her father in the street lying broken to accelerate his killer away, and as Assemblyman Choi had an innocent person to lie about causes came the accident. Her father had died, and never seen justice.

Eul now sees the man who lied in their headlights right there about her father real killer, and it's almost like they go on autopilot. It suggests the gas and aims the car at Assemblyman Choi, her face a mask of calm.

Joon-young sees the car for Assemblyman Choi heading and realized it at the wheel is Eul. He runs and pushes the man out of the way of the car, but not before he gets a good look at Eul face. Eul drags the wheel on the side at the last second, and their van smashed into a column.

Joon-young injured in the fall, but he shakes Assemblyman Choi hand away to go to Eul, and the sight of her bloody and unconscious frightened him. He carries her to the hospital, crying desperately for a doctor.

Haru acts like a complete brat on the way home, angry missing on the festival. Her mother gets a call that her husband was almost hit by a car, but Joon-young rescued him, and when Ji-tae gets the message he is silent with shock struck.

Assemblyman Choi is physically fine, but is trying his his opinion, employs behavior out Eul is, ask if spilled Soju justified such anger. He tells his assistant to call the police and tell them it was just an accident, to let them off the hook.

Joon-young takes treatment of his injured shoulder, and he is confused when Ji-tae is very different from the unkempt man, to see him, he looking white. Ji-tae arises formally with his real name and business card, and thanks Joon-young stiff for storing Assemblyman Choi.

Ji-tae is honest and stated that Assemblyman Choi is his father why he gave up on Eul. Joon-young is surprised, but he is not interested in that. In the discussion, and he pulls his IV and leaves the room

He goes to Eul room where she still lying unconscious and covered in bandages. He holds her hand to feel guilty for them earlier to leave in anger tonight, and he apologized over and over again.

When Eul recovered, she takes a call from Jik, they worked around the clock via the Edit thinks. He turns the tables on her and demanded to eat photos of their three meals a day, hee. When he hangs up, he approaches Haru in a playground nearby his cat to get back, but she shakes her head, that it lost.

Jik grabs the chains of the swing she sits up and pulls her close to his face, her flustering, and asks if she got rid of the kittens. Haru denies it hot, then its proximity has her blurting, "You know, you're really beautiful?" Jik can just go out and dumps it on her ass, HA.

Joon-young is preparing for a whole month Eul to take on a trip, just the two of them, as they will be discharged from the hospital. He takes care of everything, go shopping for pretty lingerie for Eul, although he is adorably embarrassed and has to give a pep talk, just go to the store. And awww cute, he gets a set of pair of pajamas.

Eul is also nervous and even asks timidly nurses lend it to her makeup. Joon-young gets a fright when she is not in bed, when he comes, but he finds her in the bathroom, smearing her lipstick was startled.

It is in the clothes he dressed brought, and he, she, it explains zips perfectly in her new coat itself. He says quietly, she looked nice, and Eul says in return, "Let's do it not one month. Let's go for a year. Let's go back for ten years." Joon-young stares attentively at the mention of the whole time, he has not, but get his feelings under lock and then grins, say there is one thing.

Eul throwing his words back to him: "If I ask for a kiss, you will meet me?" Joon-young shoots her reply: "I will kill you", then says this opportunity for more than just a peck calls. He leans down and plants a different toe curling kiss on her, one that goes on for quite a while.

to give the couple heads down to the car park together where Joon-young Eul leaves to get the car, first break her his big fluffy scarf. When he reached his car, he stumbles and his vision goes blurry. Oh no. He is pale and slumps, the darkness to fight on the ground, and lose.

While Joon-young is his illness for the control struggles Eul is approached by the police, and they arrested for the attempted murder of Assemblyman Choi. It calls for Joon-young, as she took to her car, but he can not stand or see, and can only lie there, helpless.

At the time, Joon -Young staggers to his feet, Eul sold. He tried to run after the car, but can not run, and the last thing Eul sees Joon-young is collapsed to the ground.

He makes his way home yet, on his feet uncertain but determined to do something to help Eul. He calls Gook-young and asks him to find out where Eul has been taken, and makes his way to his bathroom to take his medicine. Meanwhile, he looks like he is hanging on the consciousness by sheer force of will.

He takes a while later from the bath, a little quieter, but only to find out that Gook-young locked him in his bedroom has decorated President Namgoong command, and even a few guards. You have his phone and are afraid to go that he would and do something really irreparable, and refuse to let him. WHAT . Seriously, you can not just lock up someone.

Joon-young is understandably angry, but he is too weak, again much to fight. He screams and then cries desperately to go Eul, pleading and begging to be let out. Eul is left alone to face interrogation, but she remains silent and refuses to say a word.

Jung-eun has taken cooking classes, and prepares a sumptuous meal for her father, Assemblyman Yoon. He jokes that she is so talented that it's a waste to marry her off to Ji-tae, and she promises to visit Dad every day, as soon as she is married.

Something does man Jung-eun think before hit her car years, and she asks her father what happened to him. Apparently, she dreamed of him last night, and her father says casually, that he died, as it is not a big deal. Jung-eun replies that it is good that he died because he would only be a burden on his poor family, if he had continued in his vegetative state, then father and daughter chatting cheerfully about wine. Impressive. No words.

As it turns out, it's Assemblyman Choi woman pressed charges against Eul, and when Ji-tae learns he sits with his mother in anger in his eyes. He asked why she did it, and she tries to blow his questions, but he follows her to demand answers to her room.

He recalled that a few years ago, Eul had investigated some illegal financing activities within their company, and Mom had her mission is to destroy Eul in court, even if all she was right discovered. The reason Eul has been to borrow money from loan sharks, the court to pay fines when they lost the case, and three years later she is still suffering, as they have done nothing wrong.

Ji-tae ruining lashes to ask his mother if she is still a human being, if they owe does not feel the slightest bit of unaware with his father Eul life that his father before bedroom door and heard all manner of evil. Assemblyman Choi puts the pieces together, and he remembers the Eul now is.

Eul is in prison, still in coat and scarf of Joon-young wrapped. Meanwhile, Joon-young stares from his bedroom balcony on the guards his house teeming, still looking pale and sick and sick with worry.

He can someone rings his doorbell and heard his name called, and he sees on the monitor that is Jik. The boy cries as he asks Joon-young to help his sister, but Joon-young is trapped and there's nothing he can do.

Another wave of dizziness and pain meets Joon-young, and he falls to the ground are not in a position. He fights for the phone to answer when it rings, and if it is his lawyer, he only asks where is Eul. He says his lawyer to get them out of prison, but President Namgoong already told him not to interfere with Eul case. What the LIGHT .

Ajusshi is a hilarious protest at Joon-Young mother holds Restaurant, refuses his tuxedo in retaliation undress for them not to the ceremony pointing upwards. He gets a call from Joon-young and launches into a lengthy explanation of why she did not go, but he stops when he hears Joon-young voice.

He puts mom on the phone, and it takes only a faint "Mama, help me" to have them and Ajusshi race his side. Ajusshi rants during the journey, ready to kill President Namgoong with his bare hands. Mom stays quiet, but when she found her son unconscious on his bedroom floor, she is stunned.

Eul hands over her coat and Joon-young scarf to a sick inmate. She goes to sleep and hears a voice mocking her to be so caring recommending and opens it to see beside her her father's eyes. He fusses for giving her coat off and warns her not to cry, but it's too late.

Dad says she'll never survive if it is weak, and he will never be able to rest in peace. Eul sobs that she took the money from Assemblyman Choi and tried to forget about her father. "I decided, Dad. I thought I would die if I did not. Who for Jik would care if I died?"

Dad hugged it tight, and says that she did the right thing , He apologizes for them to leave her alone, to cry with her now, and she asks him to take her with him.

In his bedroom, Joon-Young's mother reached him, and he watches at the touch of her hand on his face. He looks up slowly, and the moment when he sees that it wrinkled his mother, his face. She helps him sit, willing to take him to the hospital.

a broken voice and with tears on his face, Joon-Young says: "Mama I've seen Eul Help me I have to go to her Please help me, Mom....."

In her cell, Eul crying alone.


Wow, I was incredibly impressed by Kim Woo-bin's performance in this episode, when he with his illness has to fight and the way his life collapsed around him. I liked him more as an actor, but I admit, I was a little skeptical about its ability to carry such an emotional roller ... until now. Consider all my reservations unfounded and simply wrong. These episodes of pain and weakness were so hard to see - I felt as if Joon-young was really still take one step with every last ounce of his strength. The desperation on his face was so real, I admit that I cried several times when he has to fight only for the tiniest bit of control over his body. His desperation to Eul to obtain even at his own expense, proves more than anything that he really loves her.

I am appalled that Joon-Young agent thought to treat him in his room lock a valid way was Joon-young recent behavior. Whatever happens, a nice quiet talk? Speaking calmly and rationally? NOT imprison a person illegally just because you do not the choice of his girlfriend? I do not know how Gook-young and President Namgoong thought that stunt she would get something, you get fired and probably sued into oblivion. And then to refuse Eul to help ... I'm sorry, but if I Joon-young, the moment when I, I would crush was free.

Joon-young has stated before, why he could not be a prosecutor, but I somehow never really up to his speech to his mother at the top of the episode. His mother has it that a prosecutor is high, most respected, most honest and truthful, which may be human. I understand that he believes he is not ethical enough to be this ideal that his mother set for him, because he has made decisions in his life, which hurt others ... primarily the choice Eul to evidence against Assemblyman Choi steal to protect someone he knew did wrong. Eul almost dying was just the catalyst that hit home that what he did was really profoundly immoral. But it is only now that I realized that he not only feel unworthy - he actually feels that a prosecutor to be if he knew he was not fit for the position, would be an insult to his mother and her ideals have.

It also explains better why mother Joon-young was with him so angry for five years. It was not just about the job - for them, conducted its always a prosecutor to the fact that he was a good man, an honorable and upright man who all raised on their own. He'd been living proof that their choice to make the right choice after so many years of sacrifice and insult a single mother had to be. By refusing, and he an actor, she felt that not only did he go against her will, but the choice to be active a person less than stellar, and she felt that it was probably because he is ashamed she felt. Of course this is not the case, and refuses the career Joon-young was in fact prove , that he was always a better person, but Mama could never see that.

The problem is that they both are intertwined in each other's emotions so, they were talking to really work not able, and that formerly made. They are so codependent, even in their separation, they do not even they can discuss the real reasons the way are behaving behave them. And that's because they love each other so much, especially, and it is safe, your worst side to show someone, you never know really to exit. It was said that Mom knew instinctively the moment Joon-young she really needed - you can fall not only this kind of Mother. I think if Joon-young had ever really cut relations with his mother, she would have changed in a heartbeat of its melody. She wanted her son never to leave them alone, but to be only the upstanding man she wanted him to be. She was just too angry to realize that wish to make a career change in himself, he was doing exactly what she always wanted.

What Eul, while I do not condone what she did in the least (I will weigh on their actions, as we learn more about the situation), but I hope they make it out to get prison for Joon- young sake. He goes down and his illness can not hide long, and he deserves a little happiness before he is too sick to enjoy it.

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tags: featured, in Joo-Eun, Im Joo-hwan , Kim Woo-bin, Suzy uncontrollable Fond

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