Recap And Reviews Kdrama It's okay, it's love: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama It's okay, it's love: Episode 5 -

We get a scenic tour of mental illness in this episode, which definitely doctoring an opportunity to outdoors from a potentially stuffy hospital and in the large. It also serves as a beautiful backdrop for Jae-yeol and Hae-soo to get romantic entanglements, well, more involved-because nothing really cemented a growing bond working together to prevent such a suicide.

Reviews have, Joseon Gunman led the pack with 10.5%, while It's alright tailed close with 10.1%. Fated To Love You was last baaaarely 9.9%.


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While giddily Jae-yeol and the imaginary Kang-woo run through the streets, Jae-Bum vehemently proclaimed his innocence to Sunbae Jo-even if people think that he is a monster, he is hard-working and well. It's his brother , which is the monster.

"Please help me, "he asks Sunbae Jo." Please help me. "It is enough for Sunbae Jo the higher-ups asking for Jae-bum's medical history, all included in the context of his stepfather's murder.

Jae-yeol stops on Kang-woo to check if he too cumbersome gets a little out of the barrel, but as soon as he turns that the so called nyeo his name. when Jae-yeol turns back to see Kang-woo away he called his name again and again, much to So-nyeo of bemusement.

after realizing that Jae-yeol went to the bathroom during their drunken night and never came out, Hae-soo jumping excitedly at the sound of the door up ... but it's just Sunbae Jo. He assumes their disappointment and white exactly who wanted to greet them. Hah.

So-nyeo follows Jae-yeol home and asks who he was with. "A friend," Jae-yeol responds irritably before So-nyeo chirps back: "But you were alone." Jae-yeol either not or selectively listen to ignore that part, but it's funny to see how his face falls knowingly when so-nyeo start in a sob story about her family to convince him it for the night let be.

Jae-yeol their money in an effort there to scare them away, but so-nyeo knows exactly how he playing with the words that it for the money will use cigarettes that it finally gets to relent. But only for one night.

He is surprised when Hae-soo welcomed him expectantly upwards and trying to divert their attention from the question picture she had on her phone she was two-timing PD Choi?

Hae-soo is hard to ask if he is jealous, before she hears Down So-nyeo. Although Hae-soo tells her nyeo So leave replies outrageous that these Jae-yeol house, and he said she could stay.

There is no escape hemodialysis soo interrogation, although Jae-yeol is trying to keep their conversation, because he has to work. But after he casually dismisses her question about the "child" he was before he came home, Hae-soo asks why he texted this nonsense about his heart fluttering.

Jae-yeol angry barks back that then was , and this is now , it takes like him to be just an incorrigible flirt. She snorts and puffs as loud to be too crazy for letting her Palpitations, because of him that he can not pay attention to his work, and it turns into a really hopeless when it lands after its bottom since they have their say one or two things, is set to -nyeo.

He thinks that Hae-soo to contact you, will only be surprised if Hae-soo wants So-nyeo to "protect" of every player left in the house of her sleeping in her room down. "I did not know that you have such a humane side you have" Jae-yeol remarked sarcastically.

you get into an argument about how players feelings and principles to what to ask to Jae-yeol, if she wants him to prove it. What if he just had to concentrate all his attention to her? ? Would she be happy

Hae-soo calls bullshit, and Jae-yeol laughs that they are not a charmer to be around, either: "You are too pure for me." Hae-soo remains muttering angrily that only in the world today could be considered a bad thing purity.

After her unni calls Jae-yeol to maybe-kinda-sorta her sister comes, will find so-nyeo on the toilet while she's in the shower proves the last straw for Hae-soo to be as she pulls the girl out by the ear ... while only a towel wearing. Of course, the three men of the house outside the spectacle can be observed.

Hae-soo warned the boys that they would kill them if they allow this -nyeo back into the house, they all asked about the way to pity them treats. Although Jae-yeol do not know why it is always sore him , he wonders if this is a common occurrence when she gets angry-y'know, all nearly naked bits.

Both Sunbae Jo and Soo-Kwang ringing at the same time: "Sometimes Why.?" Jae-yeol grins that he wants them to get even more fires then.

Sunbae Jo invites Jae-yeol made with the promise that it will be just the two of them (a brazen lie), and although Jae-yeol is not opposed, he first wants to know where he is a child he can take white, treated to get a cough and unusual stiff fingers. He recommends Hae-soo hospital, of course.

Jae-yeol provides Hae-soo a ride as they both go to the same place, but she refuses flatly. "You can only talk to me please stop," only his confusion grows when she mentioned how he said that his heart just for them fluttered in a moment, but not the next

"What's going on with what I said? "he asks. "I was honest when I said you my heart flutter made at this moment. Do I feel sorry about it? Must I'm sorry that my heart for you continually from then until now not fluttered has"

After her looking over, he finds out the answer: ". If that is the case, then, sorry," she starts in a tirade about how they do not want, even word to her is to tell him to be caught off guard from now on only if he agrees easily and leaves them in the dust.

Hae-soo hears a woman nearby and runs screaming at the source, to find a man who his arm accidentally cut with a wood saw. Yes.

Meanwhile Jae-yeol miracle how little he knows about the women now that he is confronted with someone like Hae-soo, who is angry with him no matter if his heart fluttering.

Like his brother takes on the way Kang-woo to the hospital, Jae-bum gets Sunbae Jo with an offer: he knows that he does not believe his story, so he is first the take truth serum. And for some reason Sunbae Jo agrees to give him for his address, he released.

passed, the patient with the severed arm to Doctor Lee and Hae-soo, he cut off his penis because he claimed he hated it. After the two discuss the possibility that he is either schizophrenic or severe body dysmorphic disorder has its non-psychiatrist colleague pulls aside Doctor Lee about his marital problems that are just as interesting as you would expect it to speak.

Next is the patient with the invisible baby when Hae-soo and her colleagues said that the hallucinations of women started after lost real Baby in a terrible accident her. You decide to try drug-induced therapy to get them at least to accept the truth.

Jae-yeol spots Hae-soo on the way out (Yoon-Chul concert) and sends Kang-woo advance so he can stop them ... before he remembers that they do not want it to talk to her. He says that he's sorry, but not sad before trotting away, so Hae-soo in his entourage braising.

After a long struggle in the waiting room, Jae-yeol finally asked the receptionist why Kang-woo has not called in yet. She looks curiously at the empty spot where Jae-yeol gestures before they checked to confirm their files, that there is no inspection forms filled out by Kang-woo name.

Jae-yeol revolves around an empty waiting to find space, but to realize the truth (the Kang-woo all is in his head), he thinks that Kang-woo ran away just because he fear was before the treatment.

It's too late when Jae-yeol recognizes more than just from boys night that Jo Sunbae lied to him when he meets with him to find Soo-Kwang along Tagging.

Sunbae Jo patient has his own problems when it comes to one of his juvenile offenders as Jae-yeol notes how the world this shot Young-no one cared when he was beaten by his uncle, but now he a troublemaker by the company is for it, hated. "The world is so," Jae-yeol true.

But he sidetracked obtained even for long not leave because he asks Sunbae Jo about the surprise guests on their trip. Sunbae Jo only says he is a good liar.

Cue Hae-soo, who appears to have been conducted by Sunbae Jo on this trip hoodwinked. When she announced that she did not is always in Jae-yeol car, Jae-yeol fire back that it can only take the bus. Are they really going to commit to this bit?

Sunbae Jo and Soo-Kwang take its position on the object, just to get her insistence in the car. After all, they are going to the concert Yoon-Chul and a pregnant friend of them support, so that's important to her: Friends or hate Jae-yeol

Hae-soo tries to play it cool when passenger seat the slides in on Jae-yeol to offhandedly remark, "What are you not take the bus?" I like to do, as Jae-yeol of the excavations are much more subtle than her because he keeps winning.

During the drive, Sunbae Jo says Jae-yeol that the singer it "to see the man of Hae-soo is mobile background and at the news that he is married, Jae-yeol can not help asking Hae-soo're going when they married a , wheezing is dating.

she remembers later that she said Jae-yeol not to talk to her, what you deserve only a scolding from Backseat Amor Sunbae Jo. But as far as their relationship with Yoon-Chul is, they all have friends with him for a while and are now by proxy, friends with his schizophrenic wife.

Sunbae Jo has no problem discussing their schizophrenia (although Hae-soo protests) because they have not opened a patient of them and the couple about it but-it has it compared patients with physical ailments to the discrepancy between the way patients express people see suffering mental illness.

, it will soon become painfully obvious that Hae-soo is outnumbered when it comes to dislike "our Jae-yeol-ie" as Sunbae Jo him so tenderly calls. He goes to list on Jae-yeol wonderful attributes, such as he let them remain in what is now be House, as he gave So-nyeo a place to sleep, and he even helped Hae-soo desensitize.

the last piece is what she goes over the edge, but fortunately it's time for a break to pee anyway. After Sunbae Jo schizophrenic woman drugs situation Jae-yeol (which seems really curious), Soo-Kwang takes the opportunity agreed to speak alone to Jae-yeol, and does not ask as much as to tell him that he is going to call to Jae-yeol "hyung" from now on ... if it can work in the cafe so-nyeo.

"I'll 'hyung,' call," he says again, as that a pledge Jae-yeol is care would actually have. "So please rent. And if you feel like ... you teach me how to date girls." Hae-soo hear that last sentence and adds that Jae-yeol should help because he so a player anyway.

But as for his real advice? "Just leave. If you try to get it, you will lose. If you already prepared to lose, you will increase your chances of winning." If this is the game that he plays with Hae-soo? And worse, it is actually for him to work out?

Finally you reach the outdoor concert hall and Jae-yeol extended the olive branch by opening Hae-soo car door. Yoon-Chul shafts to Hae-soo of the stage while Sunbae Jo and Soo-Kwang find Yoon-Chul woman, Hye-jin, in the small amount.

Jae-yeol is still insanely curious when it comes to Hye-jin, because he can not get over how "normal" it looks, after Hae-soo to ask what he was expected. He does not seem to know, but pleasantly surprised.

since Hye-jin, the symptoms become worse if to stay the night Hae-soo decides that guys give all their different reasons for the need to return city. Hah.

But they will not get far before they see Hye-jin swimming out in the middle of a lake, with Yoon-Chul trying (and failing) to bring back, because he can not swim. Sunbae Jo dive in to save Yoon-Chul, while Jae-yeol floats to bring from Hye-jin back to shore. Soo-Kwang, now can not help, because he has gone in one episode.

Hae-soo cries of the coast, who can not swallow Hye-jin, each of the water as a pregnant woman, which is when Jae-yeol disappear below the surface and the worst fear-Hye-jin Fighting so much to see that she could drag him down.

But at the last moment, Jae-yeol from the shallows with a flailing Hye-jin in his grasp, which eventually goes, but is brought back by rapid administration of CPR by Hae-soo.

Hae-soo rushes then Jae arises -yeol, just next to lie down to him in exhaustion and relief when he is doing well. "Had I remained unconscious for a little longer? So we could have done the mouth-to-mouth?" He Kids.

The mood is easy to have a surprise for only prevented a suicide since Jae-yeol says to keep Hae-soo her hands as she examined a cut on his forehead. "Why are you being turned on," she teases

Jae-yeol smile suddenly grows wider as he continues his arms in victory pump :. "I someone saved my life!" Well, I think that's the glass half -full way of putting it. Where would all the others go, although

is set off safely after Hye-jin to bed to rest, Yoon-Chul blames himself outside: Da Hye-jin had their drugs going off has been a hard time, because his proposal the baby that they canceled it drove over the edge

Sunbae Jo offers its comfort, as well as Jae-yeol :. "I would have said that same thing when I saw my wife as much as they had to fight." He is sweet enough to comfort Soo-Kwang ,, still hanging upside down from the past.

Jae-yeol says Soo-Kwang, that can nyeo so start at the working café and he her, she got the job as he presented they can tell, he is cool look. AWW. This time, when Soo-Kwang, he says, by accepting a punch, Jae-yeol Jae-yeol "Hyung" call. * Punch *


After the care of Hae-soo for the night of Sunbae Jo, Jae-yeol and Hae-soo a moment be instructed when they mentioned how they with Yoon-Chul, after they lost contact 'd against his marriage with Hye-jin, but again, when he came to her in terms of Hye-jin pregnancy and their medications.

as Jae-yeol asks why she was against the couple admits a baby, Hae-soo that it is because they are not in situations like the ones they are believes will now bear with only love. But even so, she hopes the best for them-they are the people who religiously their candle is lit for each night to pray.

"Do you believe that love really these two could save?" She asks herself. When Jae-yeol replies that he wants, she asks: "Are you someone who thinks conquers all love, even this love you will always bring happiness, joy, excitement and courage?"

Jae-yeol: "It will also give you pain, anger, sadness, despair and misery. It will overcome the force of all those. is not that what love is all about" asks Hae-soo, where he learned all this from just respond to him boldly that he learned how crazy the love of a woman: his mother. Hah.

Hae-soo does not seem to be with him on anything with respect to the love in conformity, even if he told her the three life lessons that his learned (feel good, patience, thoughtfulness), and that they can trust its expertise through love. He is not PD Choi, after all.

"Even if I do not seem like it, I'm actually very passive and respectful of other decisions. If a woman does not then never tells me to do something that I do it." Hae-soo begins to laugh, but Jae-yeol tells her that she should not mock him when she has him never, but dated it all in would be the surprise when they did it. (Without reference to the surprise that her would-be boyfriend sees imaginary people?)

While Sunbae Jo gets Jae-Bum case files and realizes that his is dongsaeng nothing but Jae-yeol, Hye-jin promises to overcome their disease and have the baby safely as Hae-soo she sends off to the psych ward for a few weeks.

Jae-yeol is still asleep in the morning, but not in the car where Hae-soo thought he would be. He has a fever dream on the night of the murder. In it, he falls to the ground semi-conscious, while his brother, grinning, played with the knife in her stepfather embedded. Was he pungent drag it there or?

Hae-soo finds him in the corner of the park restroom, and thinks of the recording back to where they disappear him for the night in his bathroom. She did not let on that she finds it strange when he wakes up and tells him only by and to come if he does, his fingers curled exist as Kang-woo is.

If not for Jae -yeol bring it on the drive home, I do not think Hae-soo would have, but it is not all that shocked when they worked regularly with OCD patients.

it ensures to tell him that he has nothing to say to her, though Jae-yeol not to say of her, bothered to seem to be that it started when he was fifteen: his stepfather would only hit him because he did not like him, and his hyung would beat him by his stepfather, but always strike one day while running from his stepfather, he could successfully hide in a pit latrine.

Jae-yeol even laughs when he tells her that he in the outhouse of human waste as a child dove, and the bathroom it always safe to the right, as felt, so much so that he in since that day has not slept a bed. "It's what you would call people a childhood trauma," he added lightly.

During a visit to a cave to tell if you've ever seen a sageuk, Jae-yeol, she asks if his illness seriously. She replies that it her event that is serious, because it is a grown woman, herself, can not bring himself to sleep with a man.

they both have a laugh at their problems, such as Hae-soo adds that their method of self-treatment is only laugh because it brightens her thoughts. But she has to prescribe medication, if he really struggling to which he says no, a doctor once told him that the medicine would affect his writing, so it is easy to live, as he has been. He does so far in order.

However, he takes Hae-soo restraint when it comes to the beautiful pool of water caves stand before them, urging them can only go, as he did with his secrets. "Just do it, you will feel much lighter." Hae-soo: ". I can not do, only everything"

She thinks he just joking when he starts, it to the water, only to. begin to cry when she scooped and casually dumped in. they come to laugh, surprised that she Nike'd the shit out of this water. She never "just done" something and they could not be happier that she did.

in the water as children play, but Hae-soo is in their own adrenaline to absorb the change in Jae-yeol functions to notice. She's still grinning from ear to ear, unaware, when he suddenly grabs her face and kisses her.

When he pulls away for a brief moment, Hae-soo jaw moved, but no words come. Then he rushes in for another kiss-only this time, Hae-soo wraps her arms around him and kisses him back right away.


I these two, as if it is composed do not have hurt feelings bickering that a state of being is, I'm not sure we have the last still-because, if otherwise not see anything it's okay has proved that it will not allow itself to be limited by sound. In this sense, while I, that show respect has not been able to keep a light breeze through even the darkest character shows, it makes me feel driven to get as much of what is a little feeling it , I'm just. It is not necessarily a bad thing, because it is something to be said for a show that can without us emotional whiplash include as many ends of the sound spectrum. I just do not know what that is something yet.

It is easier to see why Hae-soo Jae-yeol needs, as it is the other way even knowing what we do about his psychological issues and the fact that, well, she is a psychiatrist and that is bound to lead somewhere. I find her openness about her sexuality refreshing and credible in the way that we easily Cop problems now that maybe we would not or early adulthood in our youth. But there is a kind of freedom that comes some of inlets, that's just part of you , even if you know it is imperfect, and that you should be judged on, and that is, and in this sense, I would like Hae -Soo now makes it no secret that she has of physical intimacy deadly fear of waking especially against (or for) a man who new aspects of their personality.

What is particularly interesting is so far beyond their journey that the specific neuroses that they alone only to overcome with willpower tried to be overcome by spontaneity and feeling, two things she readily admits not their strength is. It is why I would love them as a couple, if not for the promise of doom on the horizon, even if only because opposites do attract, and what do you know, a virgin with a worldly gentleman who as their pairing guide is a formula that works.

( "Thanks for the tip," Every romance novel ever. Said) So while I am keen to see their relationship progress, while it is still under the illusion that Jae-yeol mostly is fine, all my other interests bind directly to the Jae-yeol really is. Like them, he is open about his past and how it shaped him, but also for two adults who have a working rapport established with each other (aside from their tendency to sometimes like children act), it could not have been made as easy as Jae -yeol there seem to admit that his father beat him so badly he went swimming in crap. Or was it? He has really made it so effortlessly seems, and as far Jae-yeol of worn his heart on his sleeve and his feelings on his nonexistent pores, I am more inclined to take him at face value than most. And not just because he has a beautiful face.

But then there's the whole part of him that he does not even know exists, both frightening and tragic frightening because he does not know what he can from and tragic for the exact same reason. Is it possible to be him most self-confident character in a show full of very self-confident character, even if he is not aware that there is an imaginary manifestation of his innermost self is running around? Or negate the whole purpose

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tags: featured, Gong Hyo-jin, it's okay, it's love, Jo In-sung

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