Recap And Reviews Kdrama Discovery of Romance: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Discovery of Romance: Episode 2 -

Another quality ROM - com headed your way! I am happy to say that we keep some sizzling chemistry and some fun times we have company. Discovery of Romance takes a fresh spin on the "exes meet again" story and has some great potential with its formatting that was definitely in this episode. I'm already in love with the characters and the story, which is this early is a good sign. I am sure that this show will be some nice, romantic and hilarious merchandise bring

EPISODE. 2: We "Do you want to break with him and come back to me"

starting from a devastated Yeo-Reum that at each each attempt has failed, to her boyfriend to lie Ha-jin about where she was last night. They are to finally and tells him that she'll explain everything later. She hangs up and looks back on the bed where she slept next to her ex-boyfriend Tae-ha. They make eye contact, and she wonders what the hell happened with them last night.

Back in her clothes, Yeo-Rum asks Tae-ha, what happened. As they have in the same bed to sleep at the end? Casually making coffee, Tae-ha asks if they do not remember anything. "She seemed to have a good time. It's a shame you do not remember. I liked it ... last night." She responds with a worried look on his vagueness.

Over at Yeo-Reum house, Mama calls the three friends into the house and heads in. Outside Sol blames Ha-jin for Date on the dummy out, as Yeo-Reum is safely away their sorrows drinking the night drowned and went somewhere. They did that last year during her father's memorial. Sol going mad in the house, and Joon-ho follows that Ha-jin is deplored today his memorial.

Yeo-Reum tried to clarify whether she slept actually together last night, but Tae-ha does not help. He seems amused and tells her that because she has a boyfriend, it's better for them to remember and just believe that nothing has happened. Yeo-Reum is convinced that he is bluffing and nothing really happened. Tae-ha smiles as it always worked her way over and tells her that it will be hard to send her back to her friend.

Yeo-Reum indicates that he had way home to get last night, but Tae-ha gives her an unexpected response. "I did not want to send home. I wanted to stay with you for a day. For once in a while, I thought of you."

is broken The tense moment of silence Tae-ha Offer to make their breakfast because it her birthday. Yeo-Reum snapped it off and tells him that it is in fact her birthday, so she wants to spend it with people she loves. Hope that they will never see him again, she goes out.

Looking back at Tae-ha House, Yeo-Reum told their feelings. "That's the worst. I do not know what to do, because I do not remember everything. How could I spend the night in the house Kang Tae-ha? And are my friend ..." Apropos, Ha-jin stares on his mobile phone, contemplating whether to use the GPS tracker on Yeo-Reum.

Yeo-Reum takes a taxi home and ask the driver where they are. She finds out they are in Seongbuk-dong, and so also Ha-jin, who saw their situation above. He stares at his mobile phone, not to be able to why they would have gone there. In his office, he looks at his proposal ring and texts Yeo-Reum to make sure they made it home and wish her a happy birthday.

Sol and Joon-ho's birthday cake rituals go, and when Yeo-Reum blows the candles, Joon-ho cuts to the chase and asks her where she was last night , He suspected that she was with Tae-ha, and Sol doubted it. But Yeo-Reum confirmed this and said that she wants to die. She tries to explain the situation, but Sol is the question of the hour: "? Have you with him Did you do it"

Joon-ho you cut off the word and trying to figure out what exactly went but Yeo-Reum can not explain it. Your friends give her a well-deserved tsk tsk and decide that they can not Ha-jin recount, or at most, insist that they have not slept together.

At work, Ha-jin and Joon-ho participate in a new plastic surgery patients, discuss which parts of the face, they take care to take. They give it mouth-wrinkle operating as a service because it is a celebrity (cameo by comedian Jung Joo-ri ). When we see her face, it is covered in pen marks, and she insists that she will no longer be a comedian; it will be an actress. Haha.

In the locker room, Joon-ho comments about how it was a difficult operation, but Ha-jin is noticeably silent. Catching on, Joon-ho tells him a different version of what happened to Yeo-Reum. As Sol said, she went to a park and fainted. He says that there are errors Ha-jin is it going to this blind date, which is a big shock for Yeo-Reum was.

Joon-ho says Yeo-Reum his cover story and assures her that he seemed to believe it. But Yeo-Reum seems doubtful, since he began to tell them all these lies. He pretended likely to believe just the story, as he likes. Yeo-Reum sighs, emptied.

Mom is a screenwriter and working on her latest drama in her office and smiles when she gets a text from Yeo-Reum birth to thank her for giving. Suddenly someone comes the house and Mom assistant takes the producer is an unwelcome guest out of sight on Mama's face. Drama Producer BAE MIN-SOO goes in, takes his dirty shoes, and collapses on the couch.

They seem to be old friends, because they each address informally others. Mom complains about his frequent visits, saying that it rotates scripts in their drama on time and nothing should cause him to pay them a visit. But producer Bae has crashed another reason in place for. He claimed he had not slept in four days, because the spirit of his wife haunted him with constant hue and cry about the house. Brush your teeth, shower, clean ... HA.

The wizard, JANG EUN GI ( Jung Soo-young ), the hands of the manufacturer, a towel, and Mom suffers silently. She goes back to work, and the wizard complains about how difficult it must be to watch for them a friend of 20 years, going through such hardship after the death of his wife.

But Mama does not seem too much to worry about and tells her assistant his shoes to throw the door. They smell and can not concentrate. Plugging her nose, she drops the smelly shoes outside the door.

Joon-ho tries Ha-jin to name Yeo-Reum convince, but he ignored the demands. Suddenly, the delivery girl Ah-rim comes looking for Doctor Do Joon-ho and asks if he remembers. He suspects the first time wrong ( "Have I corrected the nose?") But she recognizes is the fresh juice delivery girl. She has his order several times misunderstood, and his complaints she got fired.

She grabs his hand and argues that he withdraw his complaints. Ha-jin noticed the scar on the girl's arm and approaches her. When he asks where they scar, she replies that she is from her childhood. The realization that this could be the girl Ha-jin is already looking, Joon-ho asks her name. "My name is Ahn Ah-rim."

The two boys come together in an office again. Ha-jin confirmed that the scar he is certainly one always wanted, and the name is unique enough to identify. Joon-ho has in the girl background to see, and Ha-jin nods.

In her Möbelwerkstatt asks Sol Yeo-Reum if she has something of Ha-jin heard. She did not, and fear begins, but then they hear a car horn under downward. It is Ha-jin! He asks the girl to dinner, and finally rejects Sol appropriately mark together

asks During dinner Ha-jin, the question :. "Where did you sleep that night had" He always starts and admits that he tracked her phone. He was worried and did not understand why she had lied to him. He does not ask for her birthday because he wanted to be happy day.

Yeo-Reum takes a sip of water and wonders whether she should tell him the truth. After a moment of contemplation, she blurts out: "I'm sorry." The Ha-jin caught off guard, and he thinks about the consequences of apology to himself.

Can not tell the truth to hide Yeo-Reum confesses everything - change their phone with the hotel type, meet to exchange phones and sleep in guy. Ha-jin drops his utensils in shock when explaining Yeo-Reum further that she was drunk. She claims that she did not call him, because he does not like to see them drunk, but he says there is no excuse.

assured him that nothing happened, and asks him to miss this once. But Ha-jin is furious and begins to criticize their drunken habits. He says Yeo-Reum is flirtatious when she's drunk. Although they first met ...

Yeo-Reum takes offense to this and clarifies what Ha-jin has just said. "They say that I have become shameless, when I'm drunk? Do you think I do in any type that? I liked it, so ..." Ha-jin tries to clarify the misunderstanding, but Yeo-Reum starts to from walking.

Outside Ha-jin grabs her and offers her take home. She declines, saying that she has to go somewhere else, and does not tell him that he contact for the moment. He apologized to his mistakes, and gives her his wallet, because he knows only that she carries around minimal cash. Yeo-Reum he will not let them take or call home, but he wants to make still sure she gets home safely in a cab. AWW.

Meanwhile, Tae-ha cares about his new rabbit. He goes to the vet to get the necessary shots and the power to take care of his new pet, a female rabbit. He's trying to stuff it into his pocket then, and the little creature actually fits.

to examine After returning home, he met with an angry Yeo-Reum, who demands something in his house. He brings in the rabbit cage and food while they tried to reconstruct their memory. Your movie will stop after all the rabbits shower catastrophe, and she asks suspiciously Tae-ha, as her clothes came from.

Tae-ha says her only with the lie go, but Yeo-Reum wants the truth. She admits that they abandon their pride, because Ha-jin's such a great guy, a they want to pose. Tae-ha nods that Yeo-Reum had no pride, as they were also dating. She insists that Ha-jin is a good person, and that she loves him. When he heard this, Tae-ha scoffs and comments which have to love them.

When Mr. He is, Ha-jin waits for Yeo-Reum in front of her house. In an aside, he tells us that he is waiting for Yeo-Reum to come home, because he felt about their separate ways as false. "I do not understand, but you love not through the head with. I have decided to believe her because she is the woman I love."

Tae-ha argues with Yeo-Reum, her to say, just admit the whole story, including its history. It calls on the true story get to, and we do, finally. After the hare shower, Tae-ha looked for a change of clothes, fell Yeo-Reum on the bed asleep. Her clothes were dry in the morning, because he personally muted, but in the present, it is that they hung out to dry.

As the story continues, we see that Tae-ha a modified version tells of what really happened. He claims that he try it did, but in a retrospective waking we see that he actually tiptoed around to ensure that it does not interfere with their sleep. That still does not explain why they slept together, and although he claims they have moved to the couch, we see that he actually sat on the bed and stared while Yeo-Reum on his lap asleep.

Now that she has confirmed that nothing happens, Yeo-Reum says goodbye. She reaches to shake his hand, but Tae-ha lets hang, say that they are not profitable on a base. They passed the rabbit and "the world most selfish and prickly man."

look unhappy in their separate interviews both Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha. Yeo-Reum is evidence of Tae-ha selfishness and said that he always takes the legs of the dried squid when the drinks, even though he knows that she likes legs. Tae-ha argues that it makes its way to its goal -. It good all for their squid body meat left Yeo-Reum scoffs, saying that he really likes legs as he takes all chicken legs. But again, Tae-ha argues that he actually likes chicken breast and let all the "good stuff" for them.

Both argue that they were patient in putting up with one another. Tae-ha claims that when Yeo-Reum came, it would leave a big mess. Yeo-Reum says that he should be happy that they are gone, so he calls a few celebratory cheers. Dissatisfied with the response, Yeo-Reum walks over to his side of the split screen and kills him on the head. head holding, Tae-Ha leaves gently cheer more, while Yeo-Reum on their side of the screen smug look sits down again. You are hilarious.

The next morning, Yeo-Reum has on their game faces as they sink their teeth into Joon-ho bath brush. She takes her ring off to him and leaves it there. As an official messenger / wingman, delivers Joon-ho the ring and purse to Ha-jin, to tell him that Yeo-Reum starving themselves (they have a whole bowl of rice clean eating) and bawling her eyes out (while a face mask application is).

from playing messenger, Joon-ho sparkles Yeo-Reum with some very dark circles under the eyes and call it a fox. She admits this and tells him a box of few mementos to Ha-jin deliver. Although he refuses at first, biting his tongue to die, they whipped him follow his place to her commands. Ha-jin goes through the contents of the box, while wallowing in beer and stares longingly at a picture of their good old days. In return, Ha-jin's Dark Circle messenger to deliver some porridge to poor Yeo-Reum.

Yeo-Reum thoroughly enjoys the broth while Joon-ho you blame for implementation Ha-jin through all of this. He says he does not date, because he knows that he would meet someone like Yeo-Reum fear.

In her interview, Yeo-Reum tells us that it was in this way because of Tae-ha. "I learned that the girl should not move when you are dating. You need to move the guy. That's how you get what you want in the game of dating. I did not know that in the past."

Tae-ha looks through a field of images and shows us a picture of Yeo-Reum when they first met. In a review of ten years, we see Tae-ha boarding a train. He holds a Polaroid picture to take, and Yeo-Reum happens right to go into the shot. She takes on his fell ticket and sees that their seats are adjacent. She warns him sit with them about the loud people and tells him to meet her at the restaurant car.

When Tae-ha to his seat goes over, we see that the two argue loudly people are Sol and Joon-ho. They are arguing about Sol run away from home because she broke with her boyfriend. The realization of how uncomfortable his interception is to take Tae-ha leaves with Yeo-Reum, who eagerly sketching designs furniture. He notices and asks if she is a woodworking Major. She is surprised that he guessed correctly, and high-five.

followed by a moment of silence, and Yeo-Reum gets some good sparkling mood just began her new boyfriend staring. She blurts out: "It's be ... I think I fell for you." Shamed by her confession, she brandishes her hands around and covered her face. Amused and flattered Tae-ha confirmed with her: "So you're saying it's like love at first sight?" She nods and covering his ears in embarrassment. Cuuute.

Back to the present interview, Tae-ha says Yeo-Reum was bright and pretty then. She's still pretty now, but she was the most beautiful then. He thinks about it when he goes to the station. Yeo-Reum says that something must then have been wrong with her eyes. His face is not a fall for at first glance. And she hates to think about the station, because that's where it broke.

five years Retrospective ago. The two ride in silence while Tae-ha leafing through a book. He also moves his place on the other side and take together to watch a movie their offer. Finally Tae-ha falls asleep, and Yeo-Reum comes to a tearful realization. "At that moment I felt with my whole body, that this man has changed and our relationship has come to an end. My heart was broken. I needed someone to lean on."

the faded pair on the platform arrives, and we again the resolution scene, this time the full version. Obviously upset and crying, Yeo-Reum blames Tae-ha for his ignorance. He does not even ask why she is depressed lately. Tae-ha, on the other hand, you say that he is busy and tired. He wants to have only on this trip a good time.

Yeo-Reum says they should be only upwards. Then she asks why he comes to her. Tae-ha curious even as they madly in love spent three years and these last two years, always fighting. Yeo-Reum answers for him: "It's because you want to sleep with me You're too tired to go with me to appointments during the day, but you want to sleep with me, it makes me unhappy, and it does.. hurt my pride. "

Tae-ha tells her that she is wrong and tries to embrace her, but Yeo-Reum back away. She hates to be alone in this respect. "Even when we're together, I feel so lonely. Is that love? You said you loved me, but you make me so miserable. Let's break us. Since we started here, we want to finish it here. "So she grabs her backpack and walks away.

After a moment to let the in sink, Tae-ha runs after her. He stops her and asks why breaking them. She says that it will break, because he does not not know the reason knows and does not care about knowing why she has a hard time. Frustrated, Tae-ha gives his side of the argument "Each hard times, not only has you. And we have now dated for five years. not every moment be romantic. At times like this, when I'm busy, you should understand ... "

But Yeo-Reum is taking no excuses. She tells him to spend his time doing what he thinks is important. Unable to communicate his feelings, Tae-ha discards his pocket and turns to scream in frustration. He approaches Yeo-Reum with a threat: "You know my personality, if you end things this way, you will never see me again.." You know, "That's why I've been waiting and trying to stay away from you, but it. is over. We're done. "she walks away with this last word, and Tae-ha yells at just leaving.

In the presence of Tae-ha tells us that he still does not understand why they broke up. was your romance did cool because they are five years old, but it was not to the point of breaking.

Yeo-Reum says that everything was quite clear when they broke. He does not care about their feelings, and he seemed to date it only because he wanted to sleep with her. She says nonchalantly this, but the latter reason still seems to sting.

Tae-ha takes a moment to take the low blow, and it decides whether it in this way he does not play again can out. He admits that after they broke up, Yeo-Reum was clingy. She called him nonstop to apologize and also visited his home. Tae-ha checked his messages during his busy schedule on the construction site, and we see that at the time his current employee, director Yoon ordering Tae-ha was working. He gets no slack, although the company will inherit one day from his father.

Director Yoon gives him a hard time and says Tae-ha trade, not to learn with the instructions, but only to do. Tae-ha gets a call from Yeo-Reum, and he throws the phone on the wall, to the world for his efforts crazy.

Move to Ha-jin house, Yeo-Reum tells us that Tae-ha a great person, but it was not their fault, not knowing how to deal with people. Now an expert, she goes in Ha-jin chaotic home, shows the evidence of his difficult times. It cleans and waits for Ha-jin return home.

When he comes back, he discovered Yeo-Reum lipstick and looking around for them. He finds them in the closet, and she gives him a brief greeting. They tell each other first to apologize, but Ha-jin finally loosens up Yeo-Reum kisses. He carries her to bed and tells her to level up if it wants to be forgiven. And so sexy times occur.

has the next morning, Yeo-Reum brings back their memories box, cleverly solved their relationship problems. It sets all the elements back to the correct place, while Joon-ho and Sol shaking their heads in poor naive Ha-jin. Joon-ho says Sol that she has nothing to say either in this department, but Sol says confident that it has become cool while Eun-Gyu date.

Sol dizzy looks as she waits for her boyfriend. When he arrives, she asks him to go on a trip this weekend and handed him a gift. But when he opens it - leopard-print underwear - he sees with shock to her and said that they are not in a journey taking kind of relationship. "You're my friend, is a friend who is a girl. Did not you get that?" Ooof. Friend zoned.

Go away, she tells us that she. Perfectly fine and cool "If one side thought it was out and the other side is not, it should be so." Throws them off their gift in the trash, but the next thing we know, she is on the type of car of her boyfriend.

When he comes out, she tells him that it does not make sense. They were having coffee, movie, book, drink and dinner dates for the last two years. She was the first that he cried when he got hired, and they have always had annual traditions. But all this is the creek with his argument down, "We can not have slept together."

Back home, Sol bawls and cries mascara tears when Joon-ho and Yeo-Reum look at her miserably. Yeo-Reum has all pretty much figured out - he broke up with her as soon as he got a job. Joon-ho wants Eun-Gyu hunt to go, but Yeo-Reum stops him. Seeing that he overreacted, she asks if he likes Sol. After a brief look at Sol and back to Yeo-Reum, Joon-ho refuted her claim, saying that he is just mad because they have money for drinks are wasting because Sol goes during breakups crazy.

Thereupon Sol breaks in more screams. She asks if sleeping together was the deciding factor between friends and lovers. Unfortunately, both Yeo-Reum and Joon-ho nod yes.

The taxi driver (Cameo of Lee Moon Shik ) says that it has slept about five years since together that the deciding factor. He drives by a motel and tells us that children today spend their time in motels while their parents think they are in the library in the study. He grins a couple walking in front of him until he realizes that the girl is his daughter. As expected, they both get a good spanking.

Tae-ha through a meeting sits a furniture designer find to be their interior design needs and provides all options boring. Until it at a place called "Summer [Yeo-reum] and jaw." Come The name arouses his interest, and when he sees Yeo-Reum face as the business owner, it decides that this is the place.

Sol lies on a table while Yeo-Reum calculations makes on their store of meager finances. Then Tae-ha goes with director Yoon in, and the two guests welcome with unwelcome faces. It is then that the director Yoon finds out that Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha are exes. Awkward

discuss the reason for their visit outside -. You want to build Yeo-Rum store the furniture for a wine bar. Sol seems excited to get started, but Yeo-Reum rejects the offer because she does not want to be involved with Tae-ha. Sol attracts director Yoon aside on the treaty, while Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum talk.

She tells him to speak, that they do not see him better, because the sight of it causes terrible memories. Tae-ha says he can only think of all their good memories. "So what do you want from me?"

Tae-ha looks at, "Han Yeo-Reum ..." Then he pulls her chair close and continued: "If I ask you with that break man and come to me , is not it? If you come back to me, I promise that I will not make you cry. "Yeo-Reum him looks puzzled and Tae-ha responds with a curious smile.


I love this. It is only the second episode, but I love it. The story feels full, and I'm so glad we have great lines with undeniable chemistry. To be honest, I was a bit nervous about this drama because I had looked up a few interviews with the performers. And they were ... embarrassing. I mean, usually press conferences tend to be more formal and to be awkward, but it was a cause for concern cumbersome. But actors do what they do best, and I was very relieved to see that Eric and Jung Yumi delivered. The only good thing that I was from the interviews that our lines deals with the kissing scenes better. Whatever that means, I hope that they can make the most of it, so that we get the best of them.

The story is endearing, but I think that the aspect of the show that it is convincingly makes the format. The formatting of this show is a big plus. I took the interview format with the teasers would stop, but I was pleasantly surprised that it is through the whole show the following. The asides with the characters their true feelings admit adds another dimension to our history, and it is definitely an improvement factor. Sometimes it's pretty obvious what they feel, but it is fresh, they admit that it is so open to see to us. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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