Recap And Reviews Kdrama Happy Romantic: Episode 2

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Happy Romantic: Episode 2 -

The conflict is detected, the characters brought into force, and now it's time, they collide and let's see what happens. There are some comedy, as we would expect, but actually it feels that the character development is more natural than hewing Screwball for the most part. It is not what I from such unconventional premise expected, but I'll look at it optimistically, because it will take as a good thing.

Impact Grade: B

(Okay, I see the error with our new episode grading system, that there is room for small disagreements along the way, as we again more than one person. "for example, I do not mean to say today's episode, a large decline in the quality of was yesterday-I think they were pretty tight, but the marks a little, depending on personal preference may vary. Nevertheless, we're hoping that as not in the grand scheme of things, is the feature to make it be more valuable, and we will try it again and again, from.)


After roaring drunk while the search of their fortune Tiger man, Bo-nui wakes up in the morning in bed, and is a bit worried to find himself half-dressed under the covers. She remembers the fortuneteller her to sleep with a tiger man to instructs to save the life of her sister, and had later sat in a bar and tried to convince them that it would be no big deal.

She 'd called an old sunbae made to meet them, mustered the nerve and then blurted, "Sleep with me again!" ... That's a fantasy sequence was, puh. She had decided she needed more liquid courage before they get their request, and threw back a shot.

So now, Bo-nui calls apprehensively on the lump in the bed next to her, only to find there is a white stuffed bear. Looking around, she finds a large envelope, which triggers another memory: They got progressively drunk last night, because every time they began to make their request, they had instead reached for her glass. Finally, they had sunbae asked, "Do you have insurance"

Bo-nui looks at the insurance papers in her hand with annoyance, hardly, since it has to put the extra money into a policy. Your friend Dal-nim calls, and her cell phone found in the refrigerator after a brief search she sighs remember her friend about not much on the last night. The memory of a lamppost asking the Year of the Tiger born floats on the surface, and she adds that while some should took place last night, nothing must be happening.

Speak his teeth angry, go for yourself. Across town, brushes sophisticated tech genius Su-ho through a whole bunch of fresh toothbrushes that are not clean, can scrub the memory of last night. He can not even bring to touch his dirty clothes, the Bo-nui had vomited on and lands contortions monkey do to put them in the trash with his feet.

Bo-nui stiffened when knocking her landlady on her door, and she is at home to do about it so, not until they are gone, according to mobile phone ringtone , She opens the door and begins to explain that it would be paid soon, but to their surprise, the landlady she says friendly that they can have more time and added that Bo-nui to tell her about her siblings. She gives her a container of kimchi and tells Bo-nui to take their time with the rent, which is sweet. is

Tennis Player Gun-wook / Gary evaluated his health to his agent command Seol hee / Amy, strict plans laid goes for his education in his next match. To her shock, Gun-wook has not only do not care about Wimbledon, he intends actually to skip it, and has informed the Tennis Association. He wants that 2 months from and ignored it when it breaks sputtering protests with a spring in his step.

Gun-wook heads to Bo-Nuis House and a flashback shows us how he had her things found outside the other day when her landlady was about her to step. A childhood drawing of her family had confirmed that he had known the same Bo-nui, was, and he would put all their stuff inside and paid the landlady all Bo-Nui carefully rent back. Ah, he had her younger brother called and asked not to mention the landlady to noona so, this is the sibling situation they had mentioned.

Gun-wook waiting outside for a while, and alert snaps when Bo-nui steps, expectant smile ... and then out is set if it does not recognize him. Heh. Did that put a hole in the ego balloon, big star?

On the bus, Bo-nui noticed a passenger play a game like Genius sees II, but when she checked online, it is not yet available. They tried to ask the man where he got his, but he grabs her in Russian.

There is a big problem for Zeze factory which is in panic mode because their introduction is not for a month. These two rogue programmers spies have leaked it to Russian sites, leaving the country seem to have planned this for a while. Su-ho meets with a lawyer, but there is not much what they do about it, and the press has a field day.

Without a better solution, Su-ho announced his team that they "give ll at stake Start It sets logic out the reasons, without emotion. A lawsuit is unlikely to get you very far, they are be regarded as plagiarism, and this is to manage their responsibility for their employees.

its employees are afraid he wants her resignation, but he replies that their solution is to start a new game as soon as possible. it assigns tasks immediately, so that they start their new game instead of Genius II in a month. Yeesh. he adds that on he can accept resignations four weeks now, as if there was not enough pressure.

friend Han Ryang-ha leaves the meeting with the lawyer as Su-ho, the team asks him about coffee supplies, knowing him, especially as the man running . the café downstairs Ryang-ha says with exasperation that he the head of the actors in society that fails to impress anyone, and adds ineffectually: "I am a really high-up person! Did you know that? "

Bo-nui drops a bag of clothes to a change in business, which is another of its various part-time jobs. It rejects more work this time, however, because they spend their time looking for her Tigermann needs.

Su-ho spends all day, night and day back to work the new game, just like his team, who know better than (within earshot) over to complain the grueling schedule. Su-ho drops by Ryang-ha coffee shop and sleeping in the middle to drink its juice, and Ryang-ha slips carefully some tissue under his head to let him nap.

Bo -nui goes to work at the convenience store, where it is use of the possibility to map every male customer looking for a Tiger man (the Zodiac takes place on a 12-year cycle, so would that someone aged 6, 18, 30, 42 and so on). No luck.

No luck for Zeze factory either where employees present the ideas that they have managed to stir up in the last two days, none of which is very impressive. If an employee increased at the demanding schedule, Su-ho points out that he does not want artistic masterpieces and that he wants results through hard work. He gives them to come up with new ideas more day three.

Su-ho and Ryang-ha for fried chicken to go, and it turns out that they are also friendly with the same Chicken Shop Ajusshi, the Bo-nui had given a ride. Ryang-ha asks if Ajusshi has heard all discarded ideas from other IT staff of the company, the business often, hopefully only for a scrap.

Su-ho dismisses this request, and if Ryang-ha eyes glow an indication for an open game design competition to see, as he embarks on this idea aside and said that the messages not will be good. But Ryang-ha seems unconvinced.

Bo-nui is called by her gambling-addicted boss, and if he does not back who pay for it, she immediately gets left on. He says that it would leave him without hearing out regret, and she sighs, "My whole life is a regret."

The boss excitedly waving a flyer about her-this communication for the game concept competition. He knows that they submitted an entry, and has (belatedly, as had his cell phone get cut off) is that it past the preliminaries Advanced's ... meaning that they won a shot at this 30 million price is got. Bo-nui lights in excitement on until her boss informed that presentations are due tomorrow.

Bo-nui and her boss return to their old office in a dilapidated building, owned, small tech called Daebak Soft. She thinks it is doing too much work in one night, but her boss urges this heaven-sent opportunity to take, to remind them, they have worked as hard together to help.

The memory unstoppable their engines, and they decided to give him a shot, and they went through the night to work together to draw a presentation , The morning she found exhausted but successful, and willing to get both of them on the way, arrange to meet at the presentation hall.

Bo-nui it first arrives to blow Stop salt in strategic places, and grows increasingly concerned when she sees no sign of her boss.

Meanwhile, Su-ho sneaks into the hall, hiding his face as he sits to hear the lectures, down. The first couple of ideas is not much to do for him and seemed to know either or childish. Then Daebak is called, and Boss Won is still unsettled, so Bo-nui the stage alone takes resistant borrowed a stuffed raccoon head from the prop room. Has it some weird facial / recognition / exposure have superstitions?

Bo-nui includes the raccoon head in her introduction and said that wearing it allows her to see things that they didn 't else, and made them think that sports games could apply the same principle.

Su-ho finds her intro speech boring and spacious and is prepared to cross from the list. But when they to the core of the eyes of games played Idee Sport gets player he recognizes an interesting concept and sits down on the attention.

When she simplified mock-up presented their concept, Su-ho sees the fancier, improved version in his head. It recognizes that there are games that have done this, but says she'll go a step further, the very lives of their sports stars in the input. Su-ho sees the potential for this as VR (Virtual Reality) experience and nodding with interest.

And then Bo-nui closes the presentation, and pulls out the raccoon head and Su-ho has a vague sense of recognition. She says her name, and then click the pieces into place. The cleaning lady that bunny suit, the drunk girl, and now the Raccoon

Bo-nui acknowledges that her boss was scheduled to present the idea, and that there is a violation of the rules, someone else send. Nevertheless, she felt it as a waste of their efforts to was not at least present, and thanks all for your attention.

Su-ho follows Bo-nui from the hall and jogs their memory about their encounters, ask her if she has a fixation with animals. He asks if she ever found her tiger, they ask, does as he knew it. He reminds them of their encounter, when she was drunk, and her mind goes back ... to the lamppost she threw on the ... instead Su-ho turned out to be. Haha.

He assures her that he is not for an apology is fishing or for gratitude, but she is offended at the memory and pretends she does not know what he is talking about. She hurries away with a hasty excuse.

Outside she runs into her boss who is now only arrive after falling asleep fall unexpectedly. She tells him with disappointment that their idea is not cut, and characters that they have to hold part-time jobs.

Gun-wook wasted no time moving into Bo-Nui apartment, and when he sees her approaching, he anxiously awaits her to recognize him. When she goes without a glance, he calls to her and nudges them to ask if they do not know who he is, perhaps about the news.

she does not know, said that they do not see the message, since it has enough unhappiness in their own lives, without more in the world of to see and then clocks the floats and characters he has a new neighbor. She offers him one of the candles in her shopping bag and greeted him, then continues inside.

Su-ho lets go head what he knows of Bo-nui and asks her friend Dal-nim for more information. Dal-nim jumps to her defense, he still thinks the accusation of industrial espionage is stuck, and explains how Bo-nui was a scholarship holder at the top of their class in computer engineering department, even if not to complete've managed. They even ceased almost at Zeze.

Su-ho sits in surprise, and Dal-nim says Bo-nui finalist in their open recruitment was and was the first applicant to be a bug in the software find. In a flashback, we see a room of candidates sitting in front of the computer, and a stand after another and leave the room, shaking their heads. Su-ho watches behind the scenes while Ryang-ha him for it too difficult, blames the failure to find, and that after four hours, it's no wonder people give up.

Just like Su-ho explained that no one in this round is over, they get word that someone found the error. But when they get to her desk, Bo-nui has already left.

That night, Bo-nui pray for the gods a Tiger to send to her, and Bo-ra save. It provides: "Please, if you eased her entourage, I can take the rest of my life do not live to see it."

A pounding noise brings down the roof, and it is not particularly thrilled to see Gun-wook knock on her door. He asks to borrow a hammer, and while one on the hands, it is unexpectedly brusque with him. It bothers him not to much ... even though he is still a little annoyed not to be recognized.

He suggests his finger by accident and heads to ask next door for a band-aid to put out when she says to leave him the hammer at the door. He rejoices when Bo-nui seems anxious to hear, he was injured, and when she wraps a bandage around his finger, Gun-wook thinks back to a fond memory if it had done the same as children Bo-nui, and wiped the tears from young Gun-wook face.

Bo-nui warns him to be careful and explained that there are a lot of things that they be careful to open of how their door to strangers. He points out that they are neighbors, but she asks him to ask other neighbors in the future, or buy the things that he needs.

It is on the door on him, and Gun-wook lurches to close to grab it before it closes. He offers her dinner for all their help to buy, press, if it declines, and when he pulls the door open, the force sends Bo-nui in the hall scurrying out. Whoa, cool your jets, buddy.

It is rather annoyed by now, and Gun-wook tries to say he is quite famous again. Bo-nui replies that she does not care if he is famous, and added, "Although, who knows, if you were a tiger sign ..."

Gun-wook grabs the door before it closes. "And if I am?" Bo-nui looking wide-eyed and asks if he is, and he replies: "Then you would eat with me"

that taking a Yes (do not do that!), She is suddenly eager to eat together at once, and he proposes to dinner tomorrow. She agreed enthusiastically ... and tells him to bring with him an identity document. HA. At least thought it so far?

Gun-wook's Tennis lessons for children to observe with ubiquitous means Seol-hee. She asks where he moved his apartment, because she knows that he checked out of the hotel and wondered why he suddenly so fond of his motherland when he did not even talk for years of Korea. He plays it like he enjoys the fame, and promises to only cause no problems. He wants only two months.

Bo-nui for their dinner with Gun-wook is ready to get on the makeup piling and worry about how to realize this whole seduction Deal and to ignore their calls and messages. ringing your door, while still ready so they spied her half-finished face and starts when she sees Su-ho there, not Gun-wook.

Su-ho has been trying to call all day, and calls on the defensive that it really is not a spy, and that she does, remember the drunk night and knows that he must be angry , Nevertheless, she gives him to go far to actually search their homes, arguing about.

Su-ho can edge in a word, not obtained and finally cut to say that he is not here an apology. Instead, he brings her game idea and starts to talk business: investors, the platform and the fund rules.

Blink, blink. Bo-nui staring blankly, and he makes it clear that he has to buy their game. But it is almost time for their date and Bo-Nuis very aware of the clock is ticking, and dismisses him quickly suggesting that he instead spoke with her boss.

Su-ho, it prevents the door in her face before closing, pointing out that her boss answered any of his calls, and presses her now to decide. He says that he does not or her boss did not trust because it defies any explanation for them to apply for a job, spend hours debugging a program, and then leave.

Bo-nui Recalls that employees also have a choice when deciding whether to work for a company, and decided it would not work for Zeze. Keeps nervously casting sees the hall for Gun-wook down (in the meantime the building has with flowers pulled up), but that comment is a blow to Su-ho pride. He stammers that she would decide against his company ... and go instead to Daebak?

assured that, say that their game (titled "If") is similar, it is to decide on it, whether it develop with Daebak or to take his money and give it to him. Su-ho begins again for her response to question how Gun-wook directs the stairs whistling, and Bo-nui she looks half-dressed state and panics. She grabs Su-ho, drags him to her apartment and closes the door in Gun-wook arrives.

It proposes hand over Su-ho into the mouth and pushes him against the wall, eyes widened as Gun-wook rings and announces her door: "I'm here"

Epilogue . Labeled "that night," we are back to that drunken encounter where Bo-nui bobs along the crowded Bears. Su-ho slowly followed at a distance until Bo-nui is at their front stoop ... and then starts her shoes and lies on the floor back, use the bear as a pillow. Yawwwwn.

Su-ho says, he has done enough to see them home, to help themselves acquittal on ... and then she wears still inside. She's drunk muttering to himself, and he wonders why they hunt tigers in the night, as it lurches and flings her arms around his neck and asked, "Where are you going?"

Su-ho freezes, staring at her face, and she babbles: ". I will not let you go" She grabs him tight and kissed him right on the lips.


Okay, I'll talk about those webtoon once and then being henceforth as dead horses not to must beat. I do not think a drama, like its source material needs to be and not ding it to be different. But in the case of happy Romance , I have to say that I am disappointed feeling that so much of her quirky, cute potential was cut by changing so much of the basic premise. Basically, it feels as the Bo-nui character and the setup and discarded everything else-what, of course, all is their prerogative. I do not even think this new device is bad or faulty. It's just that the original was really weird and funny and different, but the drama is very much feels like a standard rom-com.

(I mean, how can you read a hilarious stingy Held over and not that will see the screen itch? For example, so far refuses ever because dating costs money, or go to the collecting the scattered salt piles heroine for pickling to use again. that's gold.)

that is, when you go to smooth these eccentricities, I like to do the way, these actors do it, in a way , feels natural and not, say, mere representations of standard K-Drama clichés. I like that Su-ho is an asshole, or a standard prickly hero who is just jammed because the archetype it requires; I like that he is not Bo-nui not denigrate, even after all the numerous humiliations she has inflicted, and that while he. A stern boss with impossible expectations and standards, it is not an average person

But Hwang Jung-eum is, to me, the reason why the show works because they are Bo-nui reason and purpose under the erroneous setup. I like her best when she is not over-the-top and be shouty (because it can be so According to ), and it is a way to connect to their characters got that it just makes accepting reality for me. Although I think is absurd their superstitious, I respect that she believes in them, and that they come from a place of heart and caring.

Plus, I'm glad that this episode nearer their job background explained because over time they I came in her twentieth part time job it was over; we get it, you can Candiest are Candy, who ever lived! By now, it is found that they had a full-time job in the field of their choice; it's just that their relationships (and perhaps also perennial bad luck) they ended up in a bum deal, where she was fleeced all their salary. I suppose grudgingly candy setup, as long as it is temporary and gone, say, tomorrow.

I'm not really the second leads the feeling, but time will tell whether they will develop in fairly firm-out character (or remain standard Romantic complications). At least I think I'm the supporting characters as Dal-nim and Ryang-ha, enjoy and the idea of ​​our two computer nerds enjoy working together. Mostly I feel optimistic that I will this drama like and look forward to the chemistry between the leads and while I'm not sure it'll be really grab their heart and soul, I am to keep you satisfied for watching what it is. (And while there is life, there is hope?)

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tags: Episode 2, in Hwang Jung-eum, Lee Chung-ah, Lee Soo Hyuk, happy relationship, Ryu Joon-yeol

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