Recap And Reviews Kdrama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 3

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 3 -

Deul ho begins to learn the difference between a prosecutor and lawyer. It turned out there is much more at stake when you sit on the other side of the courtroom. He can try to repair what has happened in the past, but its client needs his help in the present.

Team Bad Guys it steps up a notch, and Eun-jo starts to catch, that things are not all they seem. It is still far behind Deul-ho though, as he is forced to begin to seek more evidence in some unexpected places. Better exacerbate this reversal laces!


Our novice lawyer Eun-jo leaves the court deep in thought, remembering her client Mr. Byun heartfelt outburst that he was innocent, and that nobody would listen to him. You and prosecutors Ji-wook collide, both. In low spirits

you stop for a moment and Eun-jo admits to sit, that from the beginning, they would never have believed Mr. Byun was innocent. Although he was they assumed their customer, yet he had done. Ji-wook reasons that no one can be forced to rely on someone else's story, but Eun-jo does not care. She now believes wholeheartedly that Mr. Byun is not a criminal.

has to do Elsewhere Deul-ho with Mr. Byun assertion of innocence, although his method a "Eeny, meeny, Miny, Moe" involves interaction between alcohol and water. Previously wins alcohol.

loan shark buddy Dae-soo joins him and starts to drink the shots that pours Deul-ho for themselves, all the time the agreement that Deul- ho should drink heavily definitely today. He hears while the lawyer complains that Mr. Byun, by being forced to sleep on a prison floor, treated unfairly if he never did anything wrong. Deul-ho steals one last drink for himself and swears that he has to win this attempt for Il-gu.

That night, Deul-ho the picture of his daughter accepts he Soo-bin in holding his wallet, and remembers the happy times they spent together. It's a sweet montage of father-daughter moments, including a time when Soo-bin Read him about penguins. They started to think about to cry, how difficult it is for Baby Penguins to take care of their eggs, while their mothers are gone. Deul-ho wipes her tears, and promises that he will take her one day to see the penguins.

Another memory shows Deul-ho at the airport in a huge penguin suit arrival roam wildly until he finds Soo am, as she and her mother say goodbye Attorney Jang for grandpa. Soo-bin sees the "Penguin" from afar and smiles at the cute waving dance he does for them.

When he stops dancing, she is slowly recognizing that it is her father. She waves sad and blowing a kiss bittersweet its way before Mother Hae-Kyung she pulls through security, so that they leave on board their flight the country. Deul-ho is the penguin from his head, and we can see that he sobbed uncontrollably when his daughter runs.

Eun-jo has some late night thinking of their own, as they the fire goes to five years ago, where Mr. Byun allegedly set the fire after his family lost the restaurant. She remembers the scar she saw his son wrist and recognizes too late that it is a burn scar.

you confronted Mr. Byun Seung-mo son asking in his dorm, he was the one who set the fire, only to let his father to blame. Seung-mo reacts with anger to deny her accusation, and his father for the debt the debt he left behind when he ran away.

Suddenly Deul-ho Pops out not to waste from above, shouting at Eun-jo their time with this punk. Unimpressed by Seung-mo attitude, he says it with his guilt and to go in spite of his whole life ahead and live, rather than reconcile with his father. He grabs Eun-jo and pulls them away, leave with a few parting words Seung-mo:

Deul-ho: "Do you know why your father insists on his innocence? For only one reason. He does not want you to make in a murderer's son. "

Outside Eun-jo second guesses whether Seung-mo was intimidating really the best idea, worried that he'll be more to come set up in court. Deul-ho asks only whether she has changed her mind, and when they do not want to argue for diminished capacity. She admits that she is innocent Mr. Byun now, and Deul-ho believes noticed that it seems the counselor finally agrees when he wonders if that's a good thing.

a text comes from Detective Kim Deul-ho told him to meet at a cafe later in the evening. He rushes over and waits there as instructed, but did not show Kim. After a long while he gives up and leaves. One he's out, he gets a call, but as he answered a man brushes past him and pressed furtively an envelope in Deul-ho hand.

Turns the man is Detective Kim, the very same person on the phone with Deul-ho now. He says he has nothing to do with the file, which is now in Deul-ho in his hands.

He gives a final warning that the material is dangerous and could end Deul-ho get killed. Since both men conduct their own ways, emerged a mysterious man in black behind a tree to have witnessed the entire exchange.

Deul-ho back to the office back and watched the video. It clearly shows, arrive a sports car and a young man and woman pulling a body out of the trunk in the building. Dae-soo comes, photos showing taken by a young man from clubbing. Dae-soo called to drink with different women the child completely rubbish, party and every night in different bars. (Although the show has not yet been called, this is Michael Jung, the son of the chairman Jung and real perpetrators behind the murder / arson three years ago.)

After a few whining Dae soo is Deul-ho agree to buy dinner for him. Deul-ho disables the USB flash drive into the desk and the two men left the office arguing over food. Do not leave important evidence behind! Especially when there is a sketchy man in black you to succeed!

Over at Geum San Eun-jo-chief lawyer Kim updates honcho Attorney Jang on Deul-ho activities in the last few days, including his meeting with Detective Kim. Lawyer Kim has some digging on the detective made, and it seems, three years ago used Chairman Jung some underhand methods to pay him for something. I bet something for a specific USB drive currently unprotected lie in a desk drawer.

Meanwhile little Soo-bin and her mother return from abroad to the airport where Ji-wook she waits. In the car, discuss the adults Deul-ho while Soo-bin sleeping on the back seat. Hae-Kyung admits that Soo-bin misses her father, although she did not ask for him. Ji-wook brings the fact that Deul-ho want to see his daughter, when he finds out she's back in Korea, but Hae-Kyung firmly it says do not allow.

Back to the hearing, Eun -jo waiting nervously outside the courthouse while trying to Mr. Byun Son Seung-mo, the show still has to to call. Deul-ho comes and tells her about Seung-mo to stop thinking, because it is another solution.

Once in the courtroom, starts from Deul-ho, saying that he has CCTV recordings of the scene of three years ago. Ji-wook tries to block, with the argument that it was not authenticated, but the judge allowed it.

Everyone is waiting in suspense, as the file is loaded ... and then up pops a video and accompanying images from Deul-ho meeting Ae-ra in Motel. There is a slippery turn to what we know was a stakeout. Deul-ho checks hectic the computer, as it tries to find the right video, while Ae-ra tries her face trying with her handbag and Eun-jo to hide in order to lock the screen.

Just then he sees a Smirking lawyer Kim leave the courtroom hall ~~ POS = HEADCOMP. He cries out for him and gives chase, then pops open the doors to Seung-mo reveal just wait outside. When I saw him, on Deul-ho quickly tactics and claims that he has a new witness to call to the stand, pull Seung-mo behind him.

Seung-mo is not cooperative witness and flat-out ignored Eun-jo to take what Deul-ho. He goes into a story about how he was sent to an orphanage when he was five years old and too young to remember his father's face itself. He spent his youth angry at his father, but now that he older he wishes he could meet the man only once. His story seems Seung-mo influence.

This time Deul-ho asks him what happened five years ago, Seung-mo raises his scarred hand and acknowledges that he his father the one to burn down the restaurant was. He roars he was angry that his father did nothing when they were thrown out, and did so to punish him.

Under cross-examination, Ji-wook recalls Seung-mo that his testimony in jail time will result. This frightens Mr. Byun, jumping up and shouting that his son never set the fire that he lies to give away his father. Mr. Byun again and again apologizes, which serves only Seung-mo anger, leaving the court.

consult After her failed defense strategy, the lawyers imprisoned with Mr. Byun. Deul-ho tries to reassure him that even if he receives an unfavorable sentence, they can still appeal. Mr. Byun not want to do, because he believes that his son sentenced protect. The refusal to bring Seung-mo in danger, he asks Deul-ho to let it go.

Eun-jo tries Deul-ho to give a ride back to the office, but he has enough of it for him to had. He asks her if she does not really know what happened to the USB before, after all the time on its work, she really do not know what their company was planning? Is it naive, or just plain stupid?

Back in the office, Ae-ra publicly that slandered a hissy is their good name with switched video. Dae-soo asks quietly if it is certain that nothing happened as monitoring. She rages that she would never deign something with a man to do in a motel by all men. Maybe when it in a five-star hotel was-she has standards, after all.

Deul-ho interrupts their banter Dae-soo CCTV recordings from the last night demand. Sure enough, they see our resident man in black broke into the office and switching of USB drives. Instead of catching the perpetrators, Deul-ho resolves to catch who pays him, and rushes over to Geum San Office with Dae-soo sunglasses.

now wearing gangster shadow Deul-ho marched into the building and runs in Attorney Kim by the elevator. As a lawyer Kim scoffs at his attitude, attracts Deul-ho a printed image of the man in black breaking into his office. It is a small flicker of unease on Attorney Kim's face before his grin comes back when he asks who is in the photo.

Fed up, goes Deul-ho for a more direct way his memory and suckers to jog punches him, knocking him to the ground. It is then too afraid to get back stamped by boarding the elevator Deul-ho to stop. It's awesome.

Deul-ho goes his way through the office to make another knock lawyers and judo Flipping security guards left and right. slam the doors open as he reached his ex-father-in-law office to demand his return USB. Attorney Jang tells him to stop causing ruckus and get out, but Deul-ho stubbornly refuses and calls him deceived.

Attorney Jang applies to the low blow by Soo-bin in the conversation, ask as Deul-ho expect them to call him "Dad" when he lives so ruthlessly. Deul-ho replied that while he did not expect the video have so easily at hand, they should better criminals rent next time. It leaves the image on Attorney Jang desk, warn him that from that moment on he fair play will stop. Then he goes out like a boss.

cries out to be in the phone in his flunky for caught on the surveillance camera in the hallway, a nervous Attorney Kim. He tells him to meet unaware that Eun-jo overheard his conversation.

with his father at dinner Ji-wook told him how Deul-ho should wrap to embarrass himself in court, and that he can take the matter quickly. It sounds like a small boy watching his father will tell him that he did a good job.

Dad is a very non-committal reply, Ji-wook to ask what if he knows something about the stolen USB drive. He wondered if Geum San stole it because he noticed that it had a watchful eye on Eun-jo counselor. Does Deul-ho something important that Ji-wook not?

Dad tried to get him to delete them, but Ji-wook is a different mentality. When he says his father is planning to investigate further, he gets a flat, "do not waste your time. Just finish this case."

Add the Geum San Parkhaus, Eun-jo is the way home for the night, as it happens to see the man in black running through lawyer Kim's car. You may not know that this guy is bad news, but the envelope, the lawyer Kim pushes him certainly arouses their suspicions.

Remembering Deul-ho allegations of Geum San commitment, Eun-jo runs over to ask the car if their boss has something to do with the missing video. He throws her watch too many spy films and tells her to come back to work.

ready for dirty fighting, Deul-ho dressing up as Michael Jung chauffeur and closes the door on the leg of the child after him sliding into the car, making him like a baby crying. That must have been satisfactory.

Deul-ho waits until it on the highway, before it starts to break out, all while in the imaginary drivers screaming for their bad driving. Michael ends simultaneously bloody murder Deul-ho to cry, trying not to be sick from all over to be thrown in the back seat. He goes out eventually, and Deul-ho continues.

to find the next morning, a groggy and hungover Michael awakens in the middle of a public square to his boxers pulled down, surrounded by women laughing and taking videos. He jumps up, and the inscription on the back: "The USB white -From Geum San!."

He stomps around a bit in his jungle themed boxers before sprinting away, probably whining Daddy Dearest to go , Well played, Deul-ho.

Eun-jo tries to contact her recalcitrant partner, stored in her cell phone as "five portions of ribs." She vents her frustration on the phone after leaving a message, the overheard Hae-Kyung, arrived for her first day of work. aroused interest, she asks to have later Eun-jo report to her office.

Attorney Jang calls the judge to tell him that this time they plan to lose their case, since they do not have enough evidence. Hae-Kyung holds to say hello and the two shares father-daughter smirks of evil.

Eun-jo is called in Hae-Kyung office, only to see her boss there. It provides Hae-Kyung as a law partner who just returned from their New York office. Hae-Kyung to the point and tells Eun-jo that, if they lose in court tomorrow, the company will drop the case. Eun-jo tries to argue that the client is innocent, but Hae-Kyung says that there is more evidence to show towards his guilt.

it cool stated that Geum San has the highest success rate and is the strongest company because they only take cases that they can win, and that will bring in money. She orders Eun-jo her not to waste time on pro bono cases. When Eun-jo, tried to defend himself, Hae-Kyung chastises her that if the company says, to remind you to do something, you can do it.

Deul ho walks to a small neighborhood, the front of the scene of a car crash had three years that he had discovered the case to investigate as a prosecutor during , According to his findings, that was where Michael hit the victim, before his body drag to put away fire.

Deol-ho emigrated to the road where the accident occurred, experience the scene. At one point he is actually in the middle of the road, then the camera pans up and we see Dae-soo in the background to mimic his pose on the hood of his car. Hee.

Deul-ho has Dae-soo, he is a sports car and run into him, mock-knocking to do it again to the ground like that. From this perspective, it can an old grandmother sitting outside near her shop to see. He manages to talk about her, Dae-soo closely followed.

The woman is not the friendliest of folk, but she warms up to Deul- ho when he asks if she everything looks outside her shop. She claims she sees everything and remembers everything . The boys are fascinated, but if Deul-ho begins her a question about the accident to ask, she interrupts to ask if they have heard the message. Korea remember the World Cup hosting ... in 02. Ummm

Deul-ho and Dae-soo trade in question looks like the grandmother talk further, as it wishes Korea would the Olympics instead host before it switches tones and goes on a tirade about football in general. Dae-soo is hardly a "she's crazy" signal before it flips out and starts, the boys chasing away to them whacking with their bright yellow umbrella.

Deul-ho combines Seung-mo for lunch despite the cold reception he added. He reminds him that his father is sentenced tomorrow morning. Seung-mo asks if he expected him to go to his father, listening to get prison ball, and Deul-ho answers yes, he wants Seung-mo to spend it and the rest of his life suffering from guilt. He has seen many people attempt with getting away with their crimes to live throughout his career, and it will not be as easy as Seung-mo thinks.

Mr. Byun wallows in his prison cell. flash Happier memories with his family through the head, overplayed by Seung-mo angry words that his father did nothing to protect them, to be thrown out.

In sentencing the next morning, rules the judge that, although there is no direct evidence to tie him down, the evidence and confirmatory past criminal record of Mr. Byun are enough to him guilty find. He was sentenced to eight years in prison, the Lord sends Byun sobs dissolving in panting. Deul-ho can only watch as the poor man breaks.

Seung-mo is coming out, listening to his father cry. Deul-ho finds him when he leaves, and asks why he did not come inside. Seung-mo extends only over a bag and asks him to deliver it to his father.

visit the prison station, Mr. Byun opens the bag and finds his favorite dumplings inside. Eun-jo apologizes for his name not clearing and Deul-ho urges him to appeal, as he is in the middle to find new evidence that does not involve his son in any way.

But if Deul-ho shows that Seung-mo was the one who brought the dumplings, Mr. Byun starts crying again, eat them slowly, while saying that they really are his favorite. He agrees to appeal.

Ae-ra for Deul-ho waiting back in the office. She looked in the car accident, and there was a witness: the store grandmother, who chased away with her umbrella. She was not taken seriously at the time, because the police took them because of their suffering from dementia only one blow was call.

Deul-ho Save the back and finds the Granny Go outside of her shop to play. He buys a bottle of rice wine, which they claimed at first fifty US dollars instead of five, although it takes their minds and sometimes goes admits.

The grandmother recognizes Deul-ho and said she remembers that he came here with another man to ask in front of 3 years more than an accident. Excited, he sits down to ask her more questions, as Eun-jo turns up at the same store.

Deul-ho takes the wine and start it from across the street casting, where the car accident happened. The grandmother comes running, their deadly umbrella waving and expensive for the waste of goods yelled at him. It differs yet another attack of her umbrella and edges that it is not wasted, he's someone Spirit comforting (in the way alcohol over a deceased grave of casting).

The grandmother nodded slowly in agreement that he should. Deul-ho on the jumps, say that they should do for the person who died here, she remembers that, right? This accident from three years ago? She goes still and asks if he saw it. go back to her memory, she says, like a foreign car hit roofless anyone know where they are now. A young man and a woman got out of the car and the bleeding man in the trunk lay before driving away.

The grandmother starts hyperventilating in memory and recalling all the blood lost on the road to the left. Deul-ho holds urge to ask if they saw it clearly. Finally, it is too much, and she gets scared, against your open roof as a shield. She screams for them not to come closer, but both lawyers are too busy to stare at the screen.

Exactly, clearly outlined against the bright yellow, are black tire marks. Immediately below them is the name of the shelter that visited the victim. Deul-ho-rollers, as he realizes that the victim must have dropped the shield, when he was hit. Then after Michael he ran with his sports car, this little old granny picked it up and held them ever since.


Wow. I thought that the grandmother would work in a fit and faint. I did not expect to actually, to move forward the plot! I really admire how the show small props will help with the characters, to define: Omas umbrella, Duel-ho converses, Dae-soo sunglasses, Michaels Jungle Boxer. Then take a support which we had become accustomed and turn it into evidence ... I'm still grinning.

Although what was happening on the other side of the spectrum, the hell with the espionage tactics? I was so excited at this USB handoff between Deul-ho and Detective Kim, but then the two of them just stood ten feet apart, while talking on the phone! They did so a smooth exchange, and then stared at each other in practice for five minutes. I thought the purpose of espionage tricks was to be seen together to prevent, not to advertise that something sneaky is going on. I know that none of them are street drug dealers used to such interactions, but basics, folks! I am near to say Deul-ho deserved to get stolen the drive afterwards.

I'm glad to see that Deul-ho is to invest more in Mr. Byun. When he made the decision to come back, his only goal was in front to put the mistakes of the past. He was so focused on the victims of three years ago, I do not think that he even Mr. Byun to examine themselves, paused and what he was going through in the present. Until that time, he had to repair only one chance, which had been previously broken.

Deul-ho had known from the beginning that Mr. Byun had not committed the crime, but that was because he had previous information of his accuser days, not because he really believed in him. You could see it when he forced him to "remember" what happened that night. He fed him the story of what the facts gave him, not Mr. Byun statement.

After Mr. Byun heartfelt thanks to think in the courtroom, Deul-ho started out as a person to him, not just a client. His drunken escapades with Dae-soo reflect the guilt he feels for never pause Mr Byun as someone to see who needed help. He still wants to try for Il-gu to win, but he can not help but think about how Mr. Byun is treated unfairly. He had been so determined to stop the guilty, that he forgot one lawyer to defend their clients.

It is the biggest difference between a prosecutor and a lawyer: trying the guilty and the other protects to reveal the innocent. Two sides of the same coin. I am glad that Deul-ho begins to realize that he is on the other side of the courtroom now, and this means that Mr. Byun's life at stake, he should lose.

I wish Eun-jo a similar sign would show growth, as I'm still waiting for their Good Guys contribute to the team. I understand that they are still a rookie lawyer and Deul-ho has a lot more experience, but so far I've seen them do not much of anything to help. Whether in the courtroom or outside Deul-ho seems to be always in front of three steps, making them constantly chasing after him.

I'm not saying that they completely to blame because Deul-ho and their own businesses from doing a thorough job to keep them out of the loop. It's just I would expect a lawyer who was smart enough hired by the largest law firm in the country in order to be in a position to notice that things are more complicated than they appear.

She made some baby this episode steps forward by lawyer Kim exchange overheard the mystery man, but I think if they could raise their wisdom on the same level as their morals, their story would get a lot more interesting , I look forward to when she finds out a few things and they and Deul-ho may be fixed on the same side. Perhaps Ae-ra give her some boasting ...

What I look forward although most, some time between Deul-ho and Soo-bin more father-daughter. He loves them significantly more than any other in the world, and I really hope they will soon have a reunion. No doubt, Hae-Kyung will do something to ruin it, but hopefully we can get some happy hugging before to get that. Please please? | _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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