or not to trust Trust, that is the question. For a show that is as much about human fallibility when it comes to the vampiric bloodsucker that benefit to our suffering, there is a surprising amount of human connection can be found. Even in an environment where you would not think the trust and cooperation, could be possible, our exhausted hero and our perhaps too naive heroine manage to find a way leading to-you guessed it-yet another captivating hour liar game
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Episode 4: "Minority Game II"
After the Do-young participants that they 1 says, hour have to choose their response to Sung-Joon "I am the notorious Betrayer X" question, he leaves the show with himself director Jang looking to find darn pleased.
do-young white plant director Jang Betrayer X is, and suggests that Jang could have leaked the rules of the game to him before. of course Jang demurs and Do-young does the same when he is asked how these images of Betrayer X were leaked. Let the games begin.
PD Lee wonders if Woo-jin to say in a position which is the candidate Betrayer X, and is surprised responds as Do-young that he would be disappointed in Woo-jin, if he does not able this latest twist proves to handle.
she's confused, that he would take it personally so when you consider that was Da-jung one who brought Woo-jin in the game in the first place. There is something strange about the way Do-young answers, "That may be so, but if Ha Woo-jin have joined the game, we do not all know it that he was born for this show?."
Woo-jin takes Da-jung aside, without explaining the rest of the team, what happens now that X Betrayer has thrown his hat into the ring. While they only created a team of eight, he has found that X formed three Teams of eight among the remaining candidates, with him as a member in each.
and through a complicated series of mathematics that I in here three-team formula is foolproof-no matter what, X the only winner will be all really (I'm a writer, not a magician) not, Woo-jin shows her how Betrayer X go 00000000 ₩ / two million dollars.
, it is because-jung without really get because they do not see how to get X from the splitting would with the remaining twenty-one participants, he signed contracts with any team. But Woo-jin know if Betrayer X really did what he is notorious for, then a contract would play manipulation to him the child be
But that leaves another question :. If Betrayer X itself is a part of three made teams, it means that he would be in them. And since he has survived to the next round, Betrayer X has to be one of its four remaining players. Eek.
Da-jung would rather believe that it is not true, as Woo-jin not be absolutely sure that participants may have been divided into three separate teams (including their). It could only be a other team, right?
"I understand that you want to trust in man," Woo-jin she says. "But to trust, you first need to doubt."
So Woo-jin devises a method to try and assign Betrayer X from their group smoke through the four players who did not advance to keep a eye on the four who did. It allows non-Da-Jung Jung-ah space though to follow and instead arranges her watch in security to keep, as they can not use their phones who Betrayer X have is another player in person to approach.
While they go after their goals, Woo-jin plans Sung-joon to cater for himself to decide whether he is Betrayer X or not. The meeting does not go as well, considering that Sung-joon not his sunglasses to remove purpose he knows Woo-jin's talent lies in his ability to read people's eyes. Innnteresting.
Although Woo-jin claims that he did not think Sung-joon X, Sung-joon has neither confirmed or denied it. "Think what you want," Sung-joon says airily. "But remember, what is not to guess anything."
The Espionage players report nothing remarkable, and Da-jung says the same thing about watching from the security room nobody acted suspiciously. When addressing all the players gathered, Woo-jin tells them they can decide how they want to choose.
Under today bicker about the answer would be best, but will as Woo-jin, he says vote "yes", everyone starts to reconsider its previous decisions. They assume, of course, Woo-jin, the choice of the best will be.
Jung-ah is the most pleasant of the pile, and says they go along will with whichever plan is best so at the end, Woo-jin and Jung-ah will be the ones to choose "yes", which means the other two members to do the opposite.
vote. The remaining participants cast their votes, and the tally shows that both Woo-jin and Jung-ah have passed. Thus Sung-joon. Bulldog is not very happy about the results and proposes Sung-joon after accusing him of Betrayer X is knocking his sunglasses on the floor in the process.
Do-young, a warning to Bulldog managed violence for using what it remove by force. Sung-joon has to ask all the other candidates without his glasses. Including Woo-jin.
With only four candidates remain in the game, Jung-ah is chosen as the next questioner. She gets nervous the other candidates, as she asks. "I'm the last person to be standing" Oohhh.
you are given only 30 minutes to cast their vote this time, but Woo-jin looks like he something only thought is. He holds Jung-ah behind so they can decide which way they will vote now, and he says he will not vote. WaitAMinute ... has Woo-jin think Jung-ah Betrayer X?
thinks Da-young that they will be able, no matter to win what Sung-joon does, but Woo-jin thinks differently when he says Sung-joon is still the one who hold the key to victory.
While Do-young margins a ride on a helicopter as the Rockstar star ~~ POS = HEADCOMP he is, the minutes tick down to the vote. Da-Jung finds Jung-ah float through the same coffee she has been previously each tally count, but since it is Da-young, she thinks nothing of it.
In a surprising move, metering (hence the helicopter) appear young in the courtroom hall ~~ POS = HEADCOMP in person to monitor the third ballot. I love that sly smile he sends Woo-jin way. Tell him what time it is, Do-young!
Before Woo-jin casts his vote, he eyes briefly with Do-young locks, as if to challenge him. Do-young count the votes themselves, and the first is, Sung-Joon. Since he is not selected, when the three remaining voices are different, it is the only winner of two million dollars.
to stir the pot, dosing young asks Sung-joon now show whether he is or not, the infamous Betrayer X. Sung-joon are a half-smile. "I'm sure you already know the answer." I wonder
If a vote of female participants is also to be a no, Do-young notes, showed that they do not fazed looks, even if such a vote guaranteed them and Sung-joon wins not. Unless there is a tie and a resulting new vote.
Jung-ah's voice turns indeed proved, which means that they will be the winner when Woo-jin voted no. Do-young knows what makes for good TV, and asks Jung-ah, how she feels about their possible victory. She gets tears in her eyes as she directed her mother by the camera, as it promises to earn money for them, so that they can be a filial daughter.
Then Do-young asks Woo-jin as he feels, because he already knows what will be the result, even if not been tallied his voice. "If Jung-ah wish come true?" The devilish host asks.
After a pause Woo-jin says only: "We won, Jung-ah."
Jung-ah sniffle slowly turn to laugh. "We?" She asks hysterical. " We ?! " You can not even control, and Do-young smile shows how satisfied he is with this development.
"I told you, I'd be the last person standing," she says to the rest of the participants with a confident air. All her nervousness and anxiousness was just an act, as it decreases her wig to reveal her true head of hair. Also Sung-joon looks shocked.
Jung-ah can not help but maniacally laughing as they held all the fools, and if one of the four remaining candidates are called in for the agreement to share the profits, we have our answer, who Betrayer X really is. How crazy is any doubt with Jung-ah display.
What, why do not they have to fulfill their end of the bargain made to them with everyone, Jung-ah shows her true identity cards and its name is Jung-ah, but Jaime.
PD Lee orders that another candidate reactions are filmed while they work in previously unaired footage of Jaime betraying their fellow players in the first round. So knew them all the time, which was Betrayer X, which explains why Do-young could not hold back a grin. (To draw Sorry for jumping to conclusions by was Sung-joon yesterday think, guys! I think I'm as gullible as Da-jung.)
Jung-ah proudly explains all her plan from the beginning to end, and how they had demanded that they do not broadcast to a material as part of their strategy. Woo-jin looked puzzled he-this figured out previously, is not it?
I feel like Jaime cocky: "How did you be so naive far?" Goes to come back and bite them in the butt, but for now, to proclaim them happy that they'll take the lead roles Woo-jin and hogging were there-jung since the first round. Now they the Star.
"How do you feel, 'Angel' Nam Da-young? You hate me now, right? Do not you want to curse me and beat me? "Jaime teases ruthlessly. She dares Da-jung to say something, anything, but everything changes when Da-young she looks dead in the eye and says: ". Because I already knew"
accepts Do-young that as his cue to pull out Woo-jin of the vote, and makes a production of the card towards the participants turn ... and it's a yes. It's a tie!
Jaime switched Woo-jin with a vengeance to shout that he had told her he would not vote. He also said it had won! "I have," Woo-jin admits. "And you gave as a result."
Apparently Jaime thought their plan was flawless, so to give Woo-jin, deciding what-for. He had felt that they have something from the very beginning has been hidden and covered her eyes, but started only really her suspect when it so easy to be Sung-joon Betrayer X, as it was their attempt suspicion from himself distracting.
He knows that it was there-young sincerely against Bulldog defend, was told by her true identity after the first round safe because they bring the only acting nonchalant about the page.
[1945010war] his human lie detector capabilities, he knew she was telling the truth but to take them all voluntarily side, but that was because she was sure she would win regardless. He even thought out that they their coffee drinking as a secret signal was to do with her other team members to carefully how to vote.
This is all well and good, Jaime says, but not put them in exactly the same situation-the new vote, their chances of winning will be each 25%. "Do you really think so?" Woo-jin challenges
Woo-jin is selected as the last questioner, and his statement to his fellow contestants is: ".. money the most valuable thing in life is"
But it disturbs the game, if he shows everyone that he is not going to choose in advance. Ah ha. Jaime is acid now, and of course, Do-young is pleased that emotions run high.
The clock is ticking, Jaime left all but fuming in frustration. Team-Woo-jin finds out that the only way for Woo-jin to lose, is when the remaining three participants Team and agree to divide the money, being only one of them would win as long as in this case, as two of them did not vote.
With only five more minutes, Jaime collects the two remaining candidates and presents the idea of forming a team, it is completely not lie this time, really! Sung-joon is to rely on them, if they take not only ₩ 40000000 (forty thousand dollars) since the Treaty it agrees with their signed real identities were still valid.
Which means that all the other would receive about $ 140,000, unless they decide to share between the three of them. In this case, Sung-joon is laid over Jaime a much smaller proportion than the two of them.
They fight to rely on each other until Sung -joon he says their voices will take his. Both give them their "Yes" cards as he takes his "no" card. But ... no one signed this new contract. How they expect him to keep the agreement?
Sung-joon gets the votes in literally seconds before the round ends. Do-young to the voices one after another pulls: Jaime is a yes, the other girls in her team is a yes, Woo-jin is not, and Sung-joon ... is a yes. Whaaat?
This means Woo-jin wins everything, although I have never seen a unfazed face pelted Gratulations confetti. (Wait.) Anyway, shall declare Woo-jin, what happened to the spectators, and it starts with Sung-joon.
Although Sung-joon protective sunglasses had on, Woo-jin left to say capable of was that on which he lay his Betrayor X. When he data said young that Sung-joon held the key to her victory, he also taught them to use their powers of likability to Sung to. by -joon where he could not because Sung-joon would always be on guard with him
won So da-young about Sung-joon confidence, as they tended to his wounds by Bulldog right hook, and he was shy, puppies like putty in her hands. She was able to get him to admit that he was not Betrayer X (he only let people think what they wanted).
When he asked her how she knew, Woo-jin had intervened by revealing that Jung-ah / Jaime true Betrayer X. She had a team between the three of them formed and agreed the profits to share between them. For this reason, at the end, Sung-joon, said its response would not be in order to deceive his non-players in trust in him.
Eight suitcases of money brought worked with his teammates while Jaime is drawn out of the room for crazy and as a violence warning as Bulldog after contract Woo-jin.
But Do-young gets an emergency page, it causes filming halt. It is director Jang and demanded that Jaimes contract are again honored, even though they used a nickname-after all, they allowed her to enter the show, like Oh Jung-ah, so why can not they have signed the contract with this name?
PD Lee is vigorously to protest the movement to an end, because neither she or Do-young director Jang want to have a system in the first place, much less a he the rules for it, he would point bend otherwise not.
Director Jang tries tempers calm when Do-young noted to bring his lawyer, claiming: "This conversation is!" And although he bitched about literally anything could before a negative public reaction have caused, he wants full each game with respect to Jaime to cover up. Naturally.
Jaime barely saved by Bulldog anger when Do-young will return to the screen that the "producer" Jaime agreed to keep announcing valid contract. He hides it well, but his contempt for this decision is evident.
asks Da-jung, what that means for Sung-joon, as they had planned to give Jaime profits to him. The other players balk at the idea of their share of the division again ...
... But offer before Da-jung their personal profit to share with him, Woo-jin are his suitcase to Sung-joon. He had promised to give him his share when they made their first agreement.
Bulldog seems ready to tear Jaime head from his shoulders when it is called to return to the courtroom for the recovery, but it is able to calm him down when she tells him she is him to rescue. How why?
Jaime but all skips into the room to collect their revenues, and is only one part to Bulldog. Do-young announced then that the nine persons with prize money will get to play in the replay.
To get there, they have to pass all eliminated candidates who desperately begging to be picked up again. Da Da-jung can not easily ignore their cries, Woo-jin takes on the wrist to lead her away.
After Jaime tricky used on a personal "Oppa" to learn that a candidate be eliminated in the vague replayability, Da-jung asks Woo-jin some time to talk to spare.
you end outside a gas station, where Woo-jin actually at the sight of Da-young smiles to stuff her face with instant ramen. He would not treat him to a meal, although they offered, so it's nice that everything he does is a tiny yoghurt drink.
When he asks her what she says Da-jung about, it is actually wanted to talk about. "I thought when I saw these people, begging to be saved," she says. "Why do we do that? If we all agree, no matter to share the prize money who wins, there would be no reason to fight or not everyone be happy in debt. Would?"
Just when it seems as Woo-jin is about to be congratulated for thinking well, he does not. He is ready to leave the conversation, but Da-young can not help but wonder why he would not work their plan not think.
He tells her that when they were only ten people, maybe , it would work, otherwise, even if only one person, the group was betrayed to, or if someone even a betrayal suspected it would all be over. And the person who would bear the brunt of it would be the person who wanted to trust most the other, they would be both know it.
"Isn 't that one way to win? Trusting each other instead of fighting and suspecting each other? Why are you so pessimistic?" Ask her.
"If it were that simple, the world would be the way it is?" Woo-jin fires back. "Would people gather even such a meaningless show to see?" argues Da-young, therefore they should be try because they could show those other people what it means to trust each other.
He still says, and claims that their way of thinking they are stuck in debt before they even reached the replayability. "Why do not you trust people?" Da-jung finally asks. "You said you have others to trust doubt them. Do yourself want to trust people?"
When she asks why he is in the game when he not in it for the money, Woo-jin roughly pulling his arm out of her grasp and tells her it has infected nothing to do with it. Moreover, it is nothing.
Dal-goo calls Da-jung their victory to celebrate, and seems to be her and Woo-jin shipping when he told them to stick from now on him. But he is in for him. With his boss, who knows all about how much money won Da-jung, and beats the living crap out of Dal-goo for as her knight armor acting in their stead Geldeintreiber in shiny
Although he was threatened with losing his job and is now black and blue, Dal-goo still acts the same when he shows up that night Da-jung house. He let them do not know that something has gone wrong, or that he is in trouble because of her. Awww.
He does special attention to the way they pay secures more than a bicycle chain her suitcase with nothing on the dresser money before reluctantly, the debt of education she still has with his boss. Should not they, you know, maybe try to pay some of the interest with their profits?
Everyone knows that the money it is not supposed to use them in their hands, because they have to, will pay back the broadcast company if it is eliminated from the show. But in Dal-Goo to mind, they can afford, they slowly pay back, since they are unlikely to be calculated almost fifty percent interest as his boss.
While Do-young drinks alone and Woo-jin alone goes, Dal-goo robbed with Da-jung money. But Woo-jin turns around suddenly, as if his spidey-sense is tingling ...
So I was completely and be shamefully wrong about Sung-joon Betrayer X, I, that this show thought her curvy loves I should disclose and that the correct answer is never the easiest. I actually like Sung-joon more because he this guy, and because it seems to be not sweet enough Da-jung male counterpart. How did he get so far with the Revelation all puppy eyes?
I have said before how much I am the supporting characters in this drama about love, if only because actual attention they paid filling if they could just as easily be stock characters. It has a wonderful effect on the entire show are given as supporting characters on purpose to sell products to the public, and so when we get someone like Dal-Goo, my heart just breaks for him automatically.
Poor heroines and debt collectors coming as packaged deal, but after so many years of nameless, faceless, loudly dressed gangster waiting unfortunate girl in the arms of the chaebols reluctantly chase them save, I can 't even guys tell you how happy it makes me to see a debt collector humanized in such a lovely way. The fact that he between a rock and a hard place when it comes to their own livelihood compared to a girl who has become a sister for him makes me feel sorry for him, stuck in contrast has to hate him, what difficulties these Da-jung down, the cause would line, thus providing a different spin on a trope that caused my eyes most of the time to glaze. None of this would be possible without the solid writing and directing, we are blessed here, but character actor Jo Jae-yun performance is nothing to scoff at either.
Da-jung idea 'kill em with kindness was definitely interesting, and I wonder if she would Woo-jin ever reconsider to take them when he seems all but not in the able to believe in the people. The problem of course is that it right when kindness and confidence actually made the world go round, then it would be not a liar game, and it would not be they . Likewise, it should not need to be reminded Da-young because they in such situations, that every single time would end, for they must realize that they have long eliminated without his help before. The losers
I say that they has to know that, but sometimes I wonder if they actually do. The idea where her character should go from here, is an interesting dilemma to solve, because on the one hand, if we want to protect themselves by losing jaded and suspicious any more, then Da-young, which her such a rarity makes at the present time. On the other hand, if they not , up to the way the world works, then it is always cheated, abused, and exploited. I think it is always to be struck, but who would want to watch that drama about?
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