Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctors: Episode 4

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Doctors: Episode 4 -

Even after thirteen years, some things do not change. The present is marked by the past, and no matter how hard to try to suppress unwanted memories some people, the past always seems to interfere with the present. Sometimes things can Yesterday teach us and motivate action, but it can also poison things today and hamper growth. It's time for our characters to choose how they'll let her past affect her presence, because the string of fate has it all pulled together again.


Hye-jung struts the corridor of a department store down and told that the perception of you changed after you have success. But she has learned that success without someone to share it with pointless, but after her only family to lose that, they lost to make their will on others.

Kyung-joon staring nervously at two brain-scan images while Hye-jung sitting on the side and quiz him about the condition of the patient. He notes, gentle the first condition correctly, increases his confidence, so he gives his second answer enthusiastically. Hye-jung shakes him to the head and can not believe that he was the right answer and confident insecure with the wrong.

She orders Kyung-joon a room for emergency surgery prepared to get, but Kyung-joon tries because the hospital dissuade rules. Hye-jung does not care about getting into trouble because the patient comes first. After she leaves, taking Kyung-joon out his anger on Kang-soo of him to come to the shin.

On the way to the hospital with the unconscious restaurant owner, Yoon Seo-woo -do blames for the way they responded before. She explains her high school trauma, where she almost died in a fire because of a school bully, and now that the memory it causes when there are indications of risk freezing. He is surprised by her confession, because it shines brightly, and Seo-woo says girls probably now in prison.

Hye-jung preps for surgery, and even shaved the patient's head itself, leaving Kyung-joon with nothing to do. Their movements are fast and secure, without wasting one minute. Kyung-joon is intimidated in their speed and precision, but Hye-jung divorces his compliments as no big deal.

Yoon-do and Seo-woo arrive at the hospital, and Kyung-joon rushes to meet you also. Yoon-do hear about the new guy already an operation is performed, and roars Kyung-joon not to touch him. Seo-woo berates Kyung-joon for frustrating Yoon-do, but Kyung-joon says, with growing concern that a bloodbath will happen soon, because there can not be two suns in the sky.

Seo-woo one of the bedrooms come, in the third year resident PI YOUNG-KOOK ( Baek Sung-hyun ) on a pig walking his seam practiced skills. The two are friends even though Young-Kook is still resident, because he spent ten years in medical school.

He wonders why she is in the hospital again because they wanted to confess to Kyung-joon. She tells him about the emergency surgery and Young-Kook advised her not to confess. Firstly Yoon-do is not the kind to be carried out, but more importantly, the timing is bad because the new guy arrived. Seo-woo does not believe the new doctor a threat to them will be for the next staff location but Young-Kook tells her that the doctor Tae-ho, the chief physician of the department has been scouted.

Hye-young finished their operation and lets the gangsters know that their boss is safe. They are all excited with her, but Hye-jung rolled her eyes at them.

Yoon-do is preparing for its operation and orders Kyung-joon to say, Hye-jung, to meet him, when it is finished. Kyung-joon tells him that they already finished, and singing praises about their speed. Yoon-do sparkles Kyung-joon and reminds him that to be exact is more important than finishing quickly.

Kang-soo runs a hallway as Kyung-joon voice tells him to leave or die Hye-jung to stop. He bursts into the locker room and quickly spins around since Hye-young is changing. Standing on it with his back, he delivers the message. Hye-jung puts an arm around him and tells him that she hates waiting. She leaves Kang-soo nervous, and he mutters to himself that it smells good.

Yoon-do his operation is stopped and a text message from Hye-jung told him to meet her at a nearby café. is Hye-jung already there, and inwardly, Soon-hee sings to himself while cleaning tables. Hye-jung sneaks up to her and handed over a gift that she bought earlier in store that knows Soon-hee, is a sign that she thought of the grandmother.

Soon-hee on their visit to the hospital asking and can not wait for the day Seo-woo realizes that Hye-young, a doctor like her has become. thinks Hye-young, it would be just annoying to run into her, and they drink on the terrace for Yoon-do to wait. sighs Hye-young when she read a new text message from him to tell her to run back to the hospital.

Kang-soo looking Hye-jung online and does not understand why an employee would be transferred to a hospital as a Fellow at her hospital. Nevertheless, it is still its own way, and Kang-soo chuckles to himself as he stares her image. He is caught in the act of Kyung-joon, who rebukes him. A second-year residents, Ahn Joong-dae, tries out of the room to sneak without success, and is scolded by Kyung-joon. Last but not least, Young-Kook staffroom strolls in the other asking about pigs feet, and Kyung-joon is crying to be him eating too old.

Hye-jung comes to Yoon-do Office and short thinking apologizes for you in him to a private place outside of work invites. Yoon-do hate excuses and grandstanding, and in his eyes, Hye-jung has both just done. They defended their actions, but Yoon-do is not convinced that the patient was urgently an operation without his consent.

He says Hye-young that they will explain to the conference, and if it turns out that the patient can wait, then they will take responsibility. Hye-jung says that he would have to apologize to her when their judgment was correct. Yoon-do is taken surprised by her antagonism and asks why they transferred to their hospital, if they do not want to be personal.

him straight in the eye, Hye-jung tells him that it is private information they d pass on 'only to a friend. Yoon-do he guesses will never know then as it does not become a friend, a plan with her. Before they can act more barbs occurs Seo-woo space.

Seo-woo realizes Hye-young and when Yoon-do Hye-jung introduces a new companion, Seo-woo can not believe that she was a doctor. asks Hye-young, if she is still angry only at the search, and leaves.

Seo-woo her chasing and asks why Hye-jung came to her hospital. You can not believe that someone at the same level as it is as Hye-jung, and wonders if people know their past. Hye-jung answers calmly their questions, and then asks if Seo-woo something on social media post is since their specialty is.

Seo-woo asks if she is still in contact with Ji-hong, and Hye-jung scoffs-she's been too busy surviving to keep on useless memories. Seo-woo does not believe her and throws her to come because Ji-hong has ordered here recently in this hospital. This seems to Hye-jung messages is stunned for a moment there. She walks away from Seo-woo, knowing that words they are not convincing, but Seo-woo screams one last message. Ji-hong Married In-joo

a woman trembling on one level, and is located on the course, is Ji-hong who begins to question , She thinks it to be a flirt, and ignored his attempts to check their health. But as soon as she gets up from her seat, she falls to the floor and bends. Immediately takes Ji-hong control of the situation and has the flight attendants Kook-il hospital the patient is not in contact with a lot of time.

The crime boss is awake, and everything seems fine from the way he complains and answers Hye-jung questions. He thanked Hye-jung twice she pretended not his first one, and to hear him thanks for waking up.

Kang Hye-soo-jung informed about the aircraft patients and how they make Young-Kook Slip Hye-jung of the situation, their way up to the helipad. He also tells her that he is with Seo-woo. Hye-jung chastises him for talking about personal matters at work and Young-Kook clams immediately.

The helicopter lands, and in slow motion, Ji hong steps on the roof. Hye-jung stares awestruck and Ji-hong noticed eventually and goes to her. After an intense moment of silence, he wonders whether she is married or if she is dating anyone. She says no, and Ji-hong says that is good and just walks away.

Staring at the CT scans of the patient, Ji-hong decides to perform a freehand aspiration. Hye-sung thinks it's too risky, but the patient does not have much time. He made his decision and is preparing for surgery. Hye-jung unites him support, and Ji-hong tells her that he got every time he tried to Korea for them.

The attempt to change the subject, Hye-jung asks him to In-joo, and Ji-hong confused by her question. Hye-jung poses casually out that In-joo his wife, but that only befuddles Ji-hong more. He flicks water at her, and asks when he married.

Tae-ho is making his rounds, and one patient screams at him before twitch uncontrollably. In the background Young-Kook waves his arm to get attention Seo-woo, but he manages Tae-ho eye catching in the process.

Tae-ho scolds Young-Kook for his scrubs wear in the hallways and asks him what he wanted to say. Young-Kook told them about Ji-hong plan a surgical drain by doing freehand, and Tae-ho, it allows them to go watch.

A group of doctors including Seo-woo, watching Ji-hong of the operation, and when Ji-hong inserts the catheter, they hold their breath. No blood comes out, and Young-Kook announces the operation a failure. After all hope abandon, blood begins to flow, and the spectators cheering.

Kyung-joon presupposes that all girls Ji-hong are still to snake now, but Young-Kook says the group that he is married. Tae-ho throws to say one that Ji-hong is single. Seo-woo frown at Young-Kook lousy intel gathering and stares at Ji-hong and Hye-jung in a new light.

Hye-jung offers finishing the operation, and Ji-hong takes a break outside. He meets with Tae-ho, who pulls him into a hug. They joke around a bit, and Tae-ho he proposes today covered by the Conference because it is already here.

Ji-hong returns to the operating room Hye young-to see, and he congratulated their skills. She asks him to teach them how to insert the catheter freehand, and Ji-hong calls for rude things by their teacher on their first meeting to demand.

Once outside, Ji -Hong routes to Hye-young and wonders what is wrong. He mentioned the last time he looked her Driving a motorbike boy, and asks how she's been. only In-joo Hye-jung tells him to be good, because marriage is a sacred thing. She walks away, and Ji-hong talking aloud about why they keep trying to marry him.

Myung-hoon is now a director, and walks around the hospital lobby with an entourage. Director Jin, his father welcomed him and the two rise privately at their meeting. Now that they are alone, Myung-hoon drops the formalities, and they are worried about their upcoming plans for the construction of a senior health center.

Myung-hoon are his prepared speech to the Board on the new center it proposes, but Director Hong does not understand why it more for their older VIP patients money are to invest, especially as they. already a wellness center Director Jin intervenes and says bluntly that the new proposal is to increase revenue.

Tae-ho opposes the idea, but it's director Hong, dealing the elephant in the room. He says openly that a hospital is not a business, and he expresses his rejection of Myung-hoon of enterprising approach to manage the hospital. can damage Before more done, quickly Director Jin proposes to regulate vote on the matter things.

In the privacy of his office, Myung-hoon on the elite doctors complained and their inability to status quo into question. Director Jin reminds him that they only lost by a small margin and Myung-hoon says firmly that he does not give up.

Director Hong is on the top of a hill with Ji-hong and says he wants to build an organ transplant center. He recognizes Myung-hoon is capable in the economy, but thinks he is too cheesy. Ji-hong proposes for a while to forget about the hospital, and asks his father about tonight for dinner in memory of his new apartment.

Ji-hong slips into the back of a conference room in which Kyung-joon gives a lecture on the crime boss of the operation. Yoon-do bombards Hye-jung with questions, and finally puts it a stop on his interrogation by their right as a surgeon to make judgments on the field under appeal. She says that if he does not trust her as a surgeon, then nothing they say will convince him otherwise.

Tae-ho supports them and ends are the conference. He is forward and leads Ji-hong as a new addition to their department. He says Ji-hong and Yoon-do to decide which guy they want as an assistant, and advises Hye-jung and Seo-woo to the employees they want to learn from that appeal.

Seo-woo welcomed Ji-hong, and Tae-ho is surprised that she and Hye-young students both Ji-Hong's were. Tae-ho asks if Seo-woo already tried to address Ji-hong, but she refused it, since it has a lot to learn from Yoon-do. In flashback Seo-woo met with her father who told her about a plan with Ji-hong to be particularly friendly, he worked.

Seo Tae-woo-ho for a private word asks, and in his office, they. Voices its concerns about Hye-young attitude Tae-ho values ​​Hye-jung skills regardless of school prestige, so he spied them. Seo-woo wonders why an employee of her department would join a scholarship at another hospital, and Tae-ho seems curious why Hye-jung accepted his offer.

Kang -Soo goes to Hye-young and asks who wants to support her, but she does not care that you choose. He thinks she's cool, and Hye-jung sees her old self in him, remembering how she looked in high school to Ji-hong. Yoon-do and Kyung-joon go to them, and sensing the voltage, Kyung-joon pulls Kang-soo away, so that may have a word two of them together.

Yoon-do, he says won 't apologize for something that he did not see, and Hye-jung laughing at him. She calls his actions childish and brushes past him. He called her name, and asks why she seems so disrespectful to him. explains Hye-young that they repeatedly what it receives. Yoon-do takes a step closer to Hye-young, and give a short bow, he apologizes to her. He says that he would return to, what he gets, so now they are.

Back in Tae-ho office, Seo-woo mentioned vaguely that Hye- Jung has a personal connection to Ji-hong, but that they no longer can tell the subject. Tae-ho asks Seo-woo if she Hye-jung afraid and tells her, given her background, to be more relaxed. He thinks a good influence on Seo-woo is Hye-jung be because competition will help her to grow. Seo-woo tells him that she was his judgment will prove wrong.

Hye-jung looks for a medical record in the hospital computer, but is denied access. Kang-soo skips into the room, and Hye-jung asks an old file to find. He tells her to visit the operations department, and when he asks which file it seeks says Hye-jung that. Records her grandmother

Hye-jung goes down a corridor, depressed after learning that the files they are examined under heavy security. Myung-hoon and his entourage pass, and he thinks for a second and addresses Hye-young. He reached to deploy their collar, but Hye-jung it will fix itself. He tells Hye-young, to do a good job and does not seem they even realizing.

Kang-soo is running a car when Ji-hong keeps asking him about Hye-young, because it hasn t received any of the other doctors numbers yet. Kang-soo offers to help him, and proud that he knows more about Hye-jung than anyone else in the department.

Hye-jung practiced kickboxing in a ring as the scene of Myung-hoon her he dared wrong before with the grandmother operation flashes have something to prove. Meanwhile makes Ji-hong pasta for dinner with his father. Director Hong commented about the emptiness and mentioned In-joo recent divorce.

He wishes that she had married then get back, and Ji-hong has a retrospective on a rainy night. In-joo dashed out of the car, and Ji-hong followed, she asked to return to the car. They thought everything would work over time, but she knew that Ji-hong continues to harbor feelings for someone else in his heart.

Ji-hong plays with an arcade claw machine in his apartment, his fingers hovering over his phone before finally calling Hye-young. He comes in the gym and fumbles with the ropes in an attempt to get them in the ring. He wants to know why Hye-jung keeps thinking he is married, and notes stated that he is not.

Hye-young is a halfhearted response, so Ji hong tries to leave them to stop. She turns her arm behind his back, but Ji-hong was practicing and pulls Hye-jung in a stranglehold. Unfortunately for Ji-hong, he still has much to learn how Hye-jung him about flips and performs some impressive grappling techniques on him.

Ji-hong gives up, but uses this moment Hye-jung to tilt and ends at the top of her. The close proximity and positioning on once they do both quiet, and Ji-hong staring at Hye-young, his face only inches from her. tells Hye-jung, "Unsolved pasts repeatedly come to find out if it's love or anger."


The thing I like about the medical dramas is, that there is a large cast of In addition to characters, the show again and again, because a hospital can not be managed by one person. I really enjoy all the doctors in the neurosurgery department. I find Kyung-joon in his grumpiness hilarious. It is set from above by Yoon-do under pressure and receives stress from the bottom of the other residents. he would not Kang-soo so often met, he me his not laugh "woe is me" to overreact attitude and his ability to do everything as I wish. Kang-soo is precious and reminds me of a overzealous puppy, and his admiration for Hye-young is adorable. I liked the scene with all the inhabitants, because they expertly displayed their relationship and put a part of their personality to show. Kang-soo still the newcomer who speaks his mind, Joong-dae is the shy one who wants to avoid conflict, Young-Kook is carefree and joke (and a bit of an oddball) and Kyung-joon is dramatic and self-pity. It's a fun group, and I can not expect more of them barely visible.

My favorite doctor is as much Tae-ho. He automatically gets plus points for Scouting to realize Hye-young and her value as a surgeon, without leaving things like school prestige and connections influence him. The thing I like about him is really, that he is good and does not affect vain to his patients or doctors. I loved his surprised face when the patient swore at him and his matter-of-fact response thereafter. I also its interactions with Ji-hong (they are so affectionate with each other) and his scene with Seo-woo. I think he read Seo-woo like an open book, but it also seemed to me that he was not trying to be bitchy to her. He recognizes Seo-woo strengths and trying to lead them, but he seemed a little disappointed to be in their negative response to Hye-young.

I'm glad Soon-hee survived the leap in time and is still around because she is a great friend. Hye-jung needs a place where they can relax, and it's nice to see that their friendship has grown even stronger over the years. I am glad that Soon-hee seems to manage a cafe have more than one job in the medical field, because that would really push my suspension of belief. Maybe she and Kang-soo can meet each other and start a Hye-young Fan Club.

The best thing for me about the current timeline and the hospital's history Ji hong as a doctor. I appreciate him much more than a doctor as a teacher, because he seems to be happy in this environment. I also think that he has more relationships in this area (as his father and Tae-ho), to bring out the different sides of it, but honestly, it could just be that I feel more comfortable watching him with other than medical interact as I did when he was a teacher. It also helps that everyone is now an adult, and I no longer need to worry about moral questions about Ji-hong feelings. It is refreshing, be it open to see, and I look forward to him Hye-jung pursue a love interest. Joking Ji-hong who is honest with his feelings, is much more charming than in conflict Ji-hong who had (albeit for good reasons) to keep his emotions in check. I hope this time he takes his own advice and can be a little "crazy", while being in love, otherwise another person could Hye-jung sweep their feet in front of him, because most of the men of burly gangsters pink haired residents seem already fallen in love with her.

It seems that Hye-jung reason for Tae-ho accepting the offer because Myung-hoon is had and uncover the secrets behind Grandma's death. It seems that Myung-hoon is more guilty than he let on given that their records are under tight security. I'm really curious to see how much of the operation was Myung-hoon debt rather than an unfortunate accident. It seemed as if he is doing with the director Jin Until his call good, so it is possible that in his haste, he had made a mistake. Despite want sins Myung-hoon come to light, I do not want to be Hye-jung consumed by vengeance. They still suffer significantly from the loss of the grandmother, even if more than a decade has passed, and I feel like her need for revenge has deprived them of forming new relationships. Hopefully Ji-hong you can uncover the truth and help take some of the burden off her shoulders.

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tags: doctors, episode 4, in Kim Rae-won, Lee Sung-Kyung, Park Shin-hye, Yoon Kyun- sang

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