Recap And Reviews Kdrama Modern Farmer: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama Modern Farmer: Episode 5 -

There is district Olympiad Time! The Hadurok-ri team going for the trophy and bragging rights against permanent Sangdurok-ri, but more important things depend on this victory. When Yoon-hee get their position to keep the village head? If the EXO boys are allowed to stay in town? If any herb planted ever ?


after the improvised city festival, the boys all fall asleep at the table leave Yoon-hee and Sang-deuk about that light drinkers to speak what they are. Sang-deuk, a bit toasted, says how nice it was for Min-ki all the villagers to help today and convince them to practice, to come and admit Yoon-hee has, it's a pretty good thing was for to do it.

you will go out late to feed the cows, and on the way they listen to beautiful piano music. She finds Hyuk in the barn to play an old piano with a blissful expression on his face. Yoon-hee compliments his game, and he says he learned from his girlfriend, but sobered when he tells her that she died eight years ago.

Hyuk says Yoon-hee, the much what she looked like his girlfriend, and that if he sees he Yoon-hee thinks of his old love. He is very serious, as he says Yoon-hee: "I'll catch you more like to what should I do.?" There is a long silent moment as Yoon-hee processes them, but then Hyuk breaks into a wide grin and "Gotcha "a little shaken, but go teases with him, Yoon-hee that she is disappointed because she thought she would be able a young energetic man to have. I do not know, told me anything, he was not joking.

Hyuk asks her why she does not play piano, but Yoon-hee tells her to think of someone who makes it her whole life had loved. Min-ho's father, perhaps? Her chin wobbles as she says that he went far away to a place where they may never see him again. But it is his turn to fake Hyuk, so good to give, as she got, and she wipes her crocodile tears and tells him that he'll never beat.

Soon it is the day of the Olympics and four counties show to compete for the trophy. The boys take the Sangdurok-ri team looking fierce in their matching yellow T-shirts, but Min-ki says they are only country farmers, nothing to worry about.

Han-Chul is in a bad mood because he is still thinking of his humiliation before Soo-yeon. He hides behind Min-ki, as he was dragged here against their will by Sang-deuk mother looks over the field. Han Chul moans that she has seen him in embarrassing situations twice now, did so to beat Min-ki him to tell him to keep his head in the game - they are here to compete.

The boys watch a few girls in cheerleader outfits doing a cheering routine - it is man-gu sister Yi-ji and a very pretty blonde foreign girl. Ki-joon impressed by her, uh, breast, and when he looks at man-gu confirming the hotness of the alien, man-gu agrees that his wife's breasts are quite large. Wait woman ?!

Before Man-gu can throttle all four of them ogling his wife for he was has approached of an adorable little boy who yells at his dad not to fight. He assured his son that he does not fight, and he takes out his little family. The boys are left shocked and tried to bring the idea of ​​weaselly little man-gu somehow a beautiful wife and child landing in harmony.

It's time to go, and the Hadurok-ri team huddles for a pep talk from Yoon-hee. She tells them that nine years she to take the trophy back dreamed of Sangdurok-ri, and they all do a team song and head into battle. Off against Sangdurok-ri team, both teams makes speak before the events start a little smack. noted

Min-ki, that Han Chul distance is out and hits him in the chest to wake him. Han Chul hollers, his nipples still swollen in pain, from where the dog bit him. Why do I have a feeling this will cause some problems?

The competitions start with the rubber shoe-kick, and Man-gu Mom it wins for Hadurok-ri by a landslide. Next Sang-deuk Mom stands in hula hoop contest, and although the ajumma of Sangdurok-ri gives her a good fight, it also wins.

There is Grandpa's turn, and he plays Yut (a board game played by marked sticks throw) in the final against the best player of Sangdurok-ri-Team , Opa freaks out his own team through some risky moves to make, but he throws a perfect game as the badass that he is. throwing the yut sticks for his last train and go away, without even looking (the Yut version of a mic-drop, ha) to win the game handily. That was awesome .

The team breaks for lunch in great spirits, though realist Yoon-hee reminds them that the games with the big points to be played in the second half of the day. Yoon-hee aunt shows up with kimbap that made them, making everyone cringe in anticipation.

Ki-joon unpacks his kimbap and collides with some eye contact have. Eye contact with kimbap? Hyuk opens its inside to find a whole eel to look directly at him. HAHA and ewwww. Min-ki squeaks that his kimbap moved, afraid to open it, but he. Steels himself and finds ... a live octopus Oh gag. GAG . Gamely, he eats it anyway, as all around him trying not to lose their own lunch.

After lunch for wrestling, it is time that Sang-deuk and Man-gu event. Sang-deuk is in the position with the Sangdurok-ri participants and makes comments threatened to shake him, but the guy does not say a word, and the EXO boys ask where they have seen him before. It turned out, it is actual Olympic Wrestling Gold Medal Shim Kwon-ho. This will be ugly, is not it?

He literally hurls Sang-deuk over her head, then does the same man-gu. Han Chul is next to him, and he is wrapped around a bit before they smashed the floor, and he looks at Soo-yeon shook her head to see him. Poor boy.

Hadurok-ri winning streak is broken and to continue to the afternoon lose events is particularly humiliated when they play a game of tug-o-war Sangdurok-ri, and a tiny tractor sends the entire Hadurok -ri team on the ground. By the time the last event rolls around, is Sangdurok-ri lead of 110 points.

Yoon-hee moans that lost the championship, but Min-ki tells her not to give up. She reminds him that even if they win the eleven-legged race, since it is only worth 100 points and still lose. But Min-ki is still confident in their chances at the talent show, because he is preparing a secret weapon. Please let it be Min-ho!

The talent show is hilarious, with people perform silly dances and bodybuilding muscle showing off. They are all pretty good, but Min-ki is still confident that his secret weapon, they all blow away. Finally it's Min-ho's turn, and he is as tall as he, head to toe dressed in leather and gold with a guitar.

Yoon-hee knows immediately Min-ki had something to do with it, but he tells her to calm down and just watch. Min-ho takes a hysterical punk rock version of "Gangnam Style," and it is pretty much the cutest thing ever. Hyuk muses that the child is pretty good, but "Gangnam Style" is old, and Min-ki tells him there to hang for the surprising end.

Min-ho gets in the choir and the music stops, and it freezes for a moment. He thinks in Min-ki's direction "Ajusshi I'm afraid I'll be okay?" Min-ki nods to him, so he takes off his guitar and proposes not see, while Ki-joon Comments that's sure he would not do an attitude we "the."

he is apparently because the music starts up again, and Min-ho starts fast hip thrusts to do the music. Min-ki cheers, and Yoon-hee has a total freakout what her baby on stage doing. But the audience loves it, and Min-ho is to gain a clear favorite.

The last candidate is on stage by one of the other counties, and there is a man who so elderly that he needs a wheelchair and a fleet of physician assistants (this is Park Ki-joon, who actually is 102 years old, wow). The man recites the times tables as his talent, which is hysterical and brilliant at once everything. Min-ho comes second only to the elderly and Sangdurok-ri win could not score, which means that Hadurok-ri can still win the Olympics, if they win the eleven-legged race.

Min-ki is a little speech at the starting line, and they are like a herd of turtles from "One-two sing! One-two!" Slowly but steadily Hadurok-ri pulls ahead until the leader of Sangdurok-ri team Cheats and excursions In-ki, the whole Hadurok-ri team sends to the ground tumbling. They call for the referee but he is of Sangdurok-ri and pretends not to see them, which is not entirely fair.

Min-ki rallies his defeated team so that it leads to a new song to replace their one-two Mantra. So everyone jumps up and starts off again, marching on the count of "Bull-shit! Bull-shit!" HA. They crawl until they are neck-and-neck with Sangdurok-ri, and both teams to the finish line to celebrate at the same time and that. Each assuming they won The Sangdurok-ri leader and man-gu argue and even the referee to say, they also crossed.

Fortunately, there is a photo of the finish line and it turns out, Han Chul swollen nipples crossed first thing Hadurok-ri victory and the Olympics trophy. HAHAHAHA. Each explained Han Chul a hero, cheering that his nipples saved the village. This is so great. He even gets a smile from Soo-yeon, which makes him happier than anything else.

Hadurok-ri winners of the Olympiad is named, and Yoon-hee is the trophy. But before they can celebrate really that Sangdurok-ri leader has an objection, claiming that Hadurok-ri had illegal players and the right EXO at the boy. Yoon-hee swears she actually live in the village, and they really have a collection in report. Right, Min-ki?

Min-ki has not to think himself and his friends only temporarily in the village, and Yoon- hee flies into a rage on him. To be fair, Min-ki did not know this would disqualify them - but they disqualify it does, and Sangdurok-ri wins the Olympics. This also means, Yoon-hee their village loses head position, and the boys lose their chance to stay in the village.

The next morning, Yoon-hee wakes according to the guys yell that the sun rises and they should on before been aged. Min-ki moans, they would grab easy, but Yoon-hee told them to pack up and come out later, there on Monday. Ooo-kay?

They stumble out of the house slept, find, waiting all village elders on them. Sang-deuk gripes the elders wait with them for the production, and Yoon-hee tells them the village always exerts together on Monday morning and not be late more.

She says she really tried hard, they kicked to get, but all the elders decided they in terms of anything to forgive them for the village have done. It's only until they harvest their cabbage, but you can stay! The boys bend all and promise to work hard, but Min-ki stops Yoon-hee through their village to provide head position. She tells him that she promised to resign if they lost, so they did it - but it was then re-elected immediately. Hee.

Later, the guys are crowing head in a good mood on the coal field, that they get to stay in the village and the field is almost made plowed, and their hard work is almost over. Oh, it's so sweet that they think. Bul-yes approaches timidly (ha, Hyuk calls "in-law Sister") Ki-joon to present with some wild honey, which they collected, but Ki-joon pushes him angry at her back.

he says in a medium tone that they make him uncomfortable, but she claims that she is grateful for His saving it. He says he gets it, and they no longer need to be grateful. He is unnecessarily cruel when he gets in her face, telling her to come to him, not see, you think about it, or ever speak it again. Damn dude, that was not in order.

Bul-ja is admirably her ground, and when he speaks finished she bows and leaves. The boys say Ki-joon, that he was much too hard, and that Bul-ja was to be nice. Ki-joon bristles only that he had to do it to make her stop. I think only ask was not an option?

get on their territory have been delivered to find their cabbage seeds, and ask the delivery man, what should they do with them. He tells them somehow with so many words to be as possible, extremely vague management, giving instructions "not too much, not too little, just the right amount" to be used by all. He goes on and on, as the boys dark circles under the eyes grow and when he goes, Min-ki wonders if he spoke Korean. HA.

pull back into the house Yoon-hee to wonder if she knows how to grow cabbages, could admit they do not understand a word that man said. She tells them basically that it all depends, and that they need to find out before they plant the seeds or they could ruin everything. She tells them of a villager who can grow anything in all conditions, and advises them to talk to him.

And of course it is man-gu, the much rather says she can go suck eggs because he nothing to them teaching. The boys swear to do everything he asks if he'll help them, and can be found in his barn manure shovels. Ki-joon is working on the roof on the electrical wiring, so when Yi-ji to get the boys come to have a watermelon, and they will run and the ladder upset that he left behind.

Man-gu is pretty blond woman is the watermelon and the guys (minus Ki-joon) notice how beautiful is his home. Han Chul asks when he'll teach them to plant cabbage, but man-gu, she says have first to do a lot more. Always look old all joke about how One-gu has, including his mother, who makes his wife Fawn about him.

Ki-joon still turns on the barn roof screaming and crying, but soon he has to use the toilet and starts down to search for a way out. He begins a pole to climb down, but loses his grip and falls a short distance until it is caught by the back of his pants to another pole.

He's lucky because someone fairly quickly, but the bad luck that comes naturally, it is Bul-yes. She gives him a dirty look and he is forced to ask to help it to him, only recalled that he told her not to see him or talk to him. I knew it would bite in the butt to get back; I just do not think that it would be so literal.

soften and climbs to solve his pants, only to have it come crashing down with his pants on it half-off. His luck is not improving, because his friends and Man-gu Mom choose this moment to show up and assume the worst. Bul-yes runs away in embarrassment, while Man-gu Mom and the boys giggle Ki-joon, and Mama runs cackling, probably the city to tell that Ki-joon and Bul-ja are off.

On their way home Hyuk asks Han Chul, if he plans to tease now profess Soo-yeon that she's so pretty likely already has a boyfriend , Han Chul runs away and Ki-joon Bitches tease their friends, which makes them run giggling at Hyuk and Min-ki. So stupid.

Han Chul Soo-yeon finds on a mural work and of her digging after dark activities yawning, and he comes up with a plan to see if it carries a pair ring. He can not say from this distance, so if it takes a short nap he sneaks up on it to get a closer look.

He still can not see their hands, so that it comes really close, so close that he is inches from her face when Soo-yeon opens her eyes. He pretends to admire only be her painting and gets her to give him two high-fives, which confirms that they are not wearing a ring. He is so happy that he runs away laughing like a loon honking, so Soo-yeon whining that they are always harassed.

A happy Han Chul told his friends that she was not wearing a ring, but Hyuk and tell Min-ki, that no one wears rings couple more so that does not mean anything. You are so mean! (Was uncle of a cow tail hit in the eye) Yoon-hee aunt and uncle come back from the hospital and it seems they already have the Ki-joon and Bul-ja dating rumor. Hong-gu comes home to have a few seconds later, heard that Ki-joon got Bul-indeed pregnant. HAHA. I love how no one shocked or upset only all "Hey, good for you, congratulations."

Min-ho comes home and Min-ki noticed his bookbag belt is broken, but Hyuk does not believe his story that he fell. Ki-joon sees that the belt was obviously cut and Min-ki asks what Bully did, but Min-ho denies it hot. Yoon-hee takes the bag and said Min-ho to go wash. Min-ki says Yoon-hee, the Min-ho is obviously bullied, but she says Min-ki to take care of his own business.

Sang-eun rushes past, claiming to be late for her part-time job. In her room, she turns into a hot pink wig and logs onto the Internet, where it has a live broadcast. Judging by the comments flying on the screen, it's a pretty popular, too. She sings for her audience and she is actually not bad, but her father In-ki barges in, pulls the wig off his head and cut a large part of it from.

She runs to the barn of her family, not realizing it is already Hyuk, and he scares almost the rest of the hair out of your head. It's nice, that's what makes them worry about most is that if it is an idol, images could get out of her hair like this. Hyuk asks her why she wants to be an idol, and she him, it tells her only way out of this country life.

Sang-eun says that the only thing it is good, and singing to dance, but her father is opposed to it, although because of their appearance understands why. Hyuk says that when he said she would need plastic surgery to be an idol, he was just a joke, and that if they all can sing what what counts. Oh, I love Hyuk as much when he. In good friend mode He goes to leave a brand new crush in its wake.

Yoon-hee sits on her porch Min-ho bookbag repair and starts to cry as she thinks of her little boy bullied. Finally, she nods off, that's how she finds Hyuk, and he correctly judged that it must be disturbed. He takes the needle slowly and pocket, and stopped to repair it while she sleeps.


Every time I think I can not love this show more than I, it goes and ups the ante. I'm starting now to notice that we have a few weeks in, are as it never sinks into a story and keeps things moving, while still giving all the emotional beats the time that they deserve at a brisk pace. I really expected the whole Olympics subplot a few episodes, take given that it had such high stakes involved with, but the show managed to handle it and move on, while feeling not feel rushed in any way to make. That makes me anticipate more good things, if you consider that we still have fifteen episodes to go more time to fill and lots. I really hope that all the villagers to get some time on the screen and to have a chance of their own little mini-arcs in the plot, because, as we are. Some time for this, and so rich and interesting characters to me

It is interesting to see how the show from character to character among the four main guys seems to move, concentrate at a time to one or two, while the others fade a kind again for a while. In the first week we mainly Min-ki and Han Chul, then in the second week Ki-joon was some time in the spotlight, then Hyuk began to come forward. Min-ki is clearly the main character, but in this episode he was practically sidelined (not in a bad way!). In favor of Han-Chul and Ki-joon The ebb and flow of stories' Boys is a nice touch to keep me interested, but like the feeling one of them gets the share of attention of the lion. I like this because I feel that I care in different ways over all four of them, and wants each of them get to see, to tell their story.

I must mention how impressed I am by Honey Lee and their performance here. I'll admit my exposure to be limited with it to a handful of episodes of pasta and hearsay, and I am aware that it is not just in general a particularly talented actress to the result, but it runs positively with this show off. You are Yoon-hee as much humor and depth, and I truly believe that she cares about this city and her family more than anything else. When she sewed her son pocket and got that mouth-wibble as so hard not to cry, I tried the same with her was wibbling. I'm incredibly impressed with how downright funny it is when Yoon-hee, but also how it can me grief to feel her mother to her child, so sharp. I do not know if it is the sign or the script or that it is maturing just as an actress, but I just love them.

And really, I have to give credit to the entire cast of the show, because everyone to do so a fantastic job. For a show like no memorial slapstick might have gone weekend drama off the rails so easy Modern Farmer is always a better week after week in giving us characters and situations that we can worry about really , A large percentage of these is the writing and directing, but it would be without the actors not be all. Honey Lee and Park Min-woo are the early standouts, but the entire cast is just as strong and wonderful and I expect another great spectacle to see, to learn how we can better know each of the characters. I love to be surprised, and the best thing in the world when I'm thinking of going to a show, I like it, and absolutely loving it at the end. Who would have thought a show about rockers to go to farm the land carbon could feel me so much?

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