Recap And Reviews Kdrama Entertainer: Episode 10

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Entertainer: Episode 10 -

What a little fish do is when the big fish is determined to eat it all? Things come to a head between KTOP and Ddanddara tape, and there are some pretty high stakes involved, both personally and professionally. can do all our small fish is, trust and hold the truth, and hope they survive the consequences.


Seok-ho finds Geu-rin, waiting for him, but instead of going to her, he hears on the other side of the glass wall. Mostly to himself, he wonders what he here to look, then says softly: ".. Come right here to stay unspecified, Jung Geu-rin"

He goes in to them from scribbles blame on his drawing and come him all the way, and she barks back, asking why he thought he had to come here. Good point, I was wondering that myself. Seok-ho has no answer, so he is just that that's not why he's here.

An employee lets them know that the site manager delayed and not back until tomorrow, and it offers a room for the night. Catching Geu-rin yawning, Seok-ho agrees to stay, but he goes for fresh air to clear out of his head - he does not think Geu-rin can stop the happy face when he showed up

frustrated. when he hears that Geu-rin staying out over night with Seok-Ho, Ha-neul complains about Yeon-soo, and Jae-hoon whines to be left over from all the fun. Min-joo comes with eating and noticed Ha-neul bad mood, like a good Hyung, Yeon-soo introduces him outside for a walk.

They rest stop, and Yeon-soo says matter-of factly "You like Geu-rin." Ha-neul fails completely on innocent and pouts play, but he insists that he does not like and he is totally not jealous.

Yeon-soo adds wistfully, that he was a coward, which is probably why he left Chan-hee mother. He advises Ha-neul not wait too long (up to her confess), or it could be too late.

The attempt to avoid Geu-rin room, go, Seok-ho directs you to check the site, facilities, and he sits and the drawing draws Geu-rin moved on, which he brought with him. He can go moony everything to the image of himself in the rain smiling, now with a bright green umbrella over his head. He makes a decision and texts Geu-rin, that he left and wished her luck with their meeting tomorrow. complains

CEO Lee Joo-han about his stress lately, all because Seok-ho and Ddanddara band. Practically foaming at the mouth, he tells Joo-han to find a reporter and have them write a story about Ha-neul and his criminal background.

Geu- rin finally gets her meeting with the site manager who is suuuuper strange. She kisses the statues and asks flirtatiously how old Ddanddara band lead singer, and it is clear that it is the only band booking, because she thinks Ha-neul nice.

Joo-han finds himself a shark reporter who warns him that this is a very provocative thing about someone to write, so it was better true. Joo-han assures him it's the absolute truth, and claims that he does so only because Seok-ho CEO Lee hurt so very badly by KTOP betrayed.

Yeon-soo begins Ha-neul grinning as he learns that Seok-ho not spend the night at the gig site with Geu-rin, hee. Ha-neul follows Geu-rin and tells her that he is going to learn, to see her the puppy dog ​​eyes and promising to drive them what to take the flowers.

Seok-ho is all business when Geu-rin tells him that she booked the gig, and she leaves him sulking without saying goodbye last night said. She believes that her drawing made him upset, but soothes them when he that he had FIBS a meeting in the early morning. He warns them not to play games with him more like his drawing brass, although he is not very convincing.

A call from an old editor friend Seok-ho concerned, and the two meet in person to discuss something that is disturbing the editor. He warns Seok-ho of the fact that reporters Park is in Busan covering a story that is its lead singer a child molester, and Seok-ho concedes that the record was available, but Ha-neul framed.

The editor tells him that Reporter Park's lead KTOP got it strange that CEO Lee think would worry about a rookie in the past. Seok-ho insists again that Ha-neul is innocent, but the editor is not to stop the story, and he just did not want to be Seok-ho out of the blue.

Kyle is blown up to his designated driver job, as its latest client-Man-Shik turns, and he makes Man-Shik not it tell Seok-Ho swear , Then Man-Shik will be a terrible tippers, ha.

Seok-ho decides that he needs to confront directly Ji-young and enlists Man-Shik help. She refuses at first to Seok-ho to talk to Man-Shik oh so casually mentions the key chain that scares them in compliance.

Seok-ho goes straight for the throat, "Did you make your little brother do such a thing?" She claims to have no idea what he means, and says that Kyung-soo, said he that lost the key chain, so they he assumes have lost it in the house.

Seok-ho points out that he never said she found it in the house ... busted. He tells Ji-young, that she is already standing in quicksand and advises her, now get when they want to survive. Ji-young fire back that it is Ha-neul, who is in quicksand.

Seok-ho gives you two chances, and tells her to turn in. Ji-young, they do not say, even if he gives her a hundred chances and leaves.

Mr. Byun has the band for dinner for posting their first appearance, and this time Ha-neul noted Yeon-soo gooey go all treat when he invites Min-joo to connect them. Meanwhile, Min-joo convinced Man-Shik to write three songs for the band, although he complains that he only has to do this for them.

He has a song ready, but while the music is right, the lyrics really suck. I mean, they are reeeally terrible. Seok-ho. ". I told you a million times not to write lyrics" HAHA

They are all going to a fancy Chinese restaurant where Mr. Byun plays the big shot, though apparently the chef was trying banned him get, heh. He orders jjajangmyun for those who like walking on a steak restaurant and everyone always the soup and salad. You complain, and the poor Kyle looks like he is going to cry.

Man-Shik at least want to get beer, and says that they have here a driver ... oops. This kills all conversation at the table, and Kyle looks ready Man-Shik.

Ji-young tries to kill some damage control to do, and calls her brother instruct someone to tell him who asks that he long his key chain before Lost time. Kyung-soo is scared, caught and punished, but Ji-young threatens virtually shut him up.

Seok-ho learns that Ji-young parents have moved to Seoul, and he calls to ask if she would speak to him personally. He meets with her father and asks if he knows it was not Ha-neul who attacked his daughter and told him that he has to prove that Kyung-soo, there was that night. He considers it possible that Ji-young had her brother record what happened, and Ji-young father Kyung-soo remembers getting a new phone because Ji-young took his old.

To Seok-Ho, he says he was not there, he would not know, but Seok-ho realizes that he is a hard working job work - he does not know anything that he uncomfortable taking Ji-young makes money? Dad asks only about Ha-neul and Seok-ho, he says has a hard time the.

He urges Dad Ji-young to convince as to confess now that they have an idol, public play very large could be if they found out. It is easier to go for it, if they are their own wrongdoing. Also must Kyung-soo feeling his enormous pressure.

Although unsuccessful no information from Ji-young father always when Seok-ho gets back to the office and Mango looks Geu-rin, he smiles again for one minute before his emotions again incumbent. He sends them home to rest before their gig tomorrow, and assures her that he will be there in time to see the guys perform.

Late in the evening, when he sends a text Jinu, although we do not see what the message says.

Ji-young father must Seok-ho believe because he talks to Ji-young that night to ask why they became embroiled her little brother. He wants the real reason why she debuted as fast, and although he does not know the details, he knows that what she has done wrong is.

Joo-han outside Kyung-soo School lurks him to confront on the key chain, and he says, obediently that he lost it a long time ago. Joo-han is not buying, and threatens him and Ji-young when they find out from behind his back, are intriguing. What a sleazeball

Jinu calls Seok-ho to say that he has been thinking about what Seok-ho suggested, and he says that he fine is -., that he pretty clear his conscience in this way. Seok-ho seems worried, but he says to himself: ".. It will all work out, Jinu-yah for you and for Ha-neul"

Seok-ho is outside the gig venue boy, and he is the sound of trotting music plays. He discovered that the whole audience is older people, and the boys all shoot eye daggers at Geu-rin (except Jae-hoon, who thinks of course that is so cool , just because of Trot Singer Drums).

the site manager thinks it's normal to find that a group of young people to have to play at an event for the elderly, but Geu-rin argued that this is not to play in Ddanddara band concept. The manager asks how a true fangirl on Ha-neul autograph, hee.

So the boys have no choice but to play, and soon begins hook neul to sing, the audience begins to get restless murmur. Seok-Ho decision at Kyle something and do waves to trot it on, and suddenly her song is a song trot. This is genius.

to ask after the concert Seok-ho fusses at Geu-rin for any more questions about the event, while the site manager Ha-neul manhandles. But on the drive home, he tells the boys to thank her to get the gig for you.

Ha-neul asks when Seok-Ho, his license will get back, concerned about Geu-rin do all the rides. Seok-ho says, it is the job of the manager, but Ha-neul leans forward anyway to massage her shoulders. So sweet, this boy.

Back to Mango office, Seok-Ho Ha-neul pulls aside to tell him that it Geu-rin driving job, and spend days off gigs secure. It will happen much, so that he can get used to it. He draws the line clear - Geu-rin Ha-neul Manager is now, not his noona. If he wants, bring concern expressed, he must do it within reasonable limits.

is viral In a strange turn of events, the video of the guys playing their song in trot style on the Internet. The boys all praise Geu-rin for they get the gig, except Kyle, who says he is on Seok-ho page.

The two go outside, where finally Seok-ho asks about Kyle Designated Driver job. Seok-ho says softly that although Ddanddara band is not yet known, it is still a public figure. But it is good that he is to earn an honest living, and he says Kyle to be patient just a little longer.

Although Ha-neul agreed Geu-rin treated more like a manager, he can not help but Yeon-soo, the words do not wait too long to confess remember. He goes to couple rings were looking for, and he is shocked when the seller asks for his autograph.

He realizes that he still has no official autograph, and soon all the boys working on their own autographs (also Chan-hee, so sweet). Geu-rin provides the exciting news that they will be in two days on television, and Ha-neul can not make up starry-eyes on their help.

Seok-ho called him late that night for a private chat, and tells him to listen carefully. We do not hear what he says, but whatever it is, it does not seem to make Ha-neul very happy. Someone whose face is in shadow, writes the true story of what happened, and carries him online.

Reporter Park is exposed are planned published the day the TV appearance of the band, but Seok-ho is certain that everything will be fine. The band is at the station, and Ha-neul stands outside a dressing room to see that Ji-Young Group Twinkle here today.

He goes in and goes straight to Ji-young, sitting next to her casually. He leans in and says for her ears only: "There is only one person in the world I should be completely destroyed this person is you.." He gets up and happily wishes her luck and leaves, and Ji-young cries in frustration.

Reporter Park winces when he sees that someone apparently said Mango about his history - he has drawn. CEO Lee sees framed the "Confession" online, the whole truth to say about Ha-neul, and his laughter seems lifted more than a bit of fishing. He speaks loudly, speaking as if to Seok-ho, saying that "you brought on yourself." Now Seok-ho can watch while Jinu goes down in flames.

The guys are more than willing to share their cancel TV appearance when Ha-neul is not up to him that's so sweet, but he smiles and says that she knew this would happen. It's okay if they're okay.

Seok-ho says honestly that this may be their last performance, he says, the boys to give it everything they have.


I just love what became a family this little ragtag group is. They fight and disagree, but in the end, they are unfailingly support each other no matter what happens. If someone trips, they bring, and they stick together when it really counts. See the boys - Kyle! - To cancel their offer big shot just because Ha-neul could be unpleasant, all made me mooshy inside. I love stories about misfits find acceptance, and this makeshift family really gets me.

I have deliberately not weighed around Seok-ho / Geu-rin romantic thing in a while, because I'm still not sure how I feel it, even though it really is not about their age at all. I think it's more because I feel all the emotions and the chemistry come from one direction, and none of the others. It feels as if Ji Sung doing all the work, and Hyeri is only the bare minimum - not that they did not try, it's just ... I can see as she tried. One of the worst things that can do an actor is to catch someone you act, and I catch Hyeri least once an episode act (if not more). I had the same problem with their performance in response Me, 1988, that they not only seemed to connect with their leading men, although in this case it's not been as disturbing, because her character was written to be blunt, when it came, Romance. Geu-rin is a little more savvy world (no lot more, but it is not so protected and has seen some tough times), and should be a little visited dated her age. It is dishonest, they so do not be aware of the interest of not one but two men she sees on a daily basis.

I think if Geu-rin at least were somewhat aware Seok-Ho and Ha-neul feelings, even if only on a subconscious level, I would more feel that the shipping playing game (also recappers have ships, you know!). But because they are both so empty, makes it less fun and makes the "Who will it be?" Question you just decide which type would be less hurt if they did not vote for him. In this case I would, I would say, to see them with Ha-neul, but if it ends with Seok-ho I would not hate it. If Geu-rin has paired with anyone, I only hope the love triangle is more interesting, as the show goes on. And Geu-rin begins boy at some point to note - it is high time

While I think do the show since the first (very roughly) week improved has and. much sweetness and heart has, I sometimes still catch myself scratching my head over inconsistencies. Most around the KTOP Crew, feel extremely undeveloped and one-note, as if their sole purpose in life is Seok-ho and Ddanddara band to ruin. It makes no sense, because professionally Seok-Ho has been no threat for more than a year, and so far, not been Ddanddara band able to get anyone interested in their music in order to save their lives. It's not as if Seok-ho the next big thing found and success in their faces is showcased - I truly believe that at this point, Seok-ho would be happy to be moderately successful only with his boys and never with CEO Lee interact again and again. It's the little chaos regarding Jinu and Ji-young and how they framed Ha-neul, but that is more personal than professional. So why CEO Lee has it so bad in for Seok-ho and the boys?

And while I love it, get as all the band members in the spotlight of their time KTOP children are woefully underdeveloped. I thought to start the show would focus more on last week Jinu, but then this week he seems to have receded into the background again. I want to care about him, but it's hard when the show almost seems to hide it, perhaps keeps it for some reason? I wish he were more present, I want to feel for him and worried about him, but it's hard to do when we hardly see him. And Ji-young is hardly an afterthought, so no, they finally part of the relevant history, it feels a bit shrill and catches. We hardly her and know almost nothing about them seen so again, I'm worried that it's going to difficult for them to feel nothing but vile character (honest, Ha-neul is a threatening line was even more terrible than anything, what Ji young not done yet).

It is very strange that a show about some characters makes us so much care seems to get almost in its own way with respect to others. Let's see in a more balanced way, so that we can worry about what happens every , not only the "good guys". A villain we must still take care when they're going to feel like a real threat, even if it concerns means for them to be their own personal Truck of Doom justice.

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tags: entertainer, episode 10, in Hyeri, Ji Sung Kang min-Hyuk

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