Recap And Reviews Kdrama Goodbye Mr. Black: Episode 13

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Goodbye Mr. Black: Episode 13 -

There is a tough day for swan which is thrown by some unexpected revelations and continue to bear the brunt of continued noble idiocy. The reveal is not much of a shocker for us as this drama are never quite managed to make his turns the best and subtlety tends over his head beaten with obvious truths. But it has at the end of a light tunnel ushers and for more than a sign of.


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Mari Black informed that they be observed by Sun-jae although it ignores the role where Swan before looking kisses him.

Black her back pushing for a moment to ask how much she knows. she says everything and asks him for help, but he refuses to say that this is not the right way.

Black begins to leave, and only now Swan sees him from afar with tears in her eyes. She leaves with a bruised heart, while Sun -jae vapors and charges in for a fight. Black catches the firing, and then Mari steps in and then raises her eyes on him siding with Sun-jae. Huh.

Black leaves the meeting feeling frustrated all around, and begins to Swan and begins with a scolding about in for on their own, to remind them that they only survived a kidnapping. He tells Ji-ryu blame him if something has happened, only to have Swan saying that no one would blame him. You holding out the carved wooden compass and tells him to find his way home now that he has been rehabilitated.

Black compass ignored and calls Ji-ryu place, informed him that he has swan found and that they would soon be home. She says they go on their own, and trudges on sad.

He lands on the bus ride followed home, are on their seat like a silent bodyguard. Schwan looks at the window, to touch the attainment of the reflection of his hand with their own.

Then, the bus lurches and Black grabs the header bar to steady himself, only to let his grip fail him. Swan reach out instinctively his arm, and with great difficulty that he hides his trembling hand from his eyes. It turns out that if he save in Swan charged by their kidnappers, the effort had been too much for him, and Sung-min had warned that he could be struggling with pain or lose strength in his body.

At home is Mari, acting through his teeth to Sun-jae, as if they had gone black, to see with innocent motives and that he had surprised her with the kiss. When Sun-jae raises his voice, weighing them her flat stomach and tells him that his cry of her baby alerted.

Sun-jae asks Mari not taken from Black to be in, the swan like, just with Mari mess to break their marriage. She agrees: "Okay, I will not be fooled by him."

Team Black and Team Panda collect Blacks newfound freedom to celebrate when everyone is still waiting for the guest of honor, to make it. One of the Panda Reporter lets slip that Swan and Black are likely on a date and calls him her husband, the mother is wondering what it means. The realization of the slip, the others cover him and Mom assure that the reporter was just drunk.

Mom says she can finally meet the late chairman in the afterlife now that his son has already been deleted, and suggests that Ji-ryu a board meeting at Sunwoo group call, since both legal heirs have returned. Ji-ryu Muses, the Sun-jae is not going on, its position can be easily and Woo-jin adds that either Black or Sun-jae is to die for this fight, have to end.

Tipsy, Sung-min reacts with blurted that "the poor guy" Death to mention, it can not handle its current health, ask each makes when Black is sick. Sung-min has enough sense to remember and says he thinks Black is too thin to show his own burly frame as an example of a real man.

Woo-jin pulls Ji-ryu aside about Schwanen background to make, and Ji-ryu replied that she did not know her name or her age when she was rescued after the tsunami. Woo-jin does not share what he knows may be Baek Eun-young by their name, and says that he'll find out.

Black Swan goes home and looks afar, such as those taken by Woo-jin accompanied inside the target and enthusiastic.

memories of Mari Kiss with Black keep Sun-jae at night, and he leaves bed where Mari pretends to sleep, something shot down. His mind recalls a previous conversation between the two that he had overheard where Mari had asked Black shortly after his return, if he would take her back if she went to him.

It runs in the housekeeper, who jumps at the sight of him and says nervous that she was asked to make a snack for his father. Hm, she's too nervous for this simple task, is not it?

Black toy with a flashlight, it had shown up and down in this emergency signal he flicked Swan once, and Ji-soo asks who he asked for rescue from. Excited and hopeful, he wonders if they can see the light and is ready to have their examination for surgery, undergoing. Ji-soo replies that it only a faint white mist, and is nervous enough to talk of an investigation which he testified and back, they can do that when she's ready.

He asks if Ji-soo ready everyone at the emergency meeting of investors of Sunwoo group to face, and she nods.

VP Seo for the meeting feeling rather prepares his safety guaranteed, since he was technically on the black side in the power struggle. So if he used his "last card", it would be Sun-jae and Baek on the outs and VP Seo will be safe as Black Fan.

Black helps Ji-soo ready for the meeting, buy her a chic outfit and bold jewelry. In the shop, his gaze falls on a trailer of a black swan, and he remembers the conversation with Swan, where he had told her that black swans do not exist, and thus symbolize miracle.

Sun-jae is surprised when Mari appears for the session, although it reminds him that she is on the board also. That's when Ji-soo comes to black arm, and does a credible job keeping it cool when told that Sun-jae is right here. She explains that she has come to withdraw their authorization of Sun-jae, then reached out his arm and demands that he accompany them in the meeting.

Sun-jae calls to Mari, deliberately let the word "yeobo", Ji-soo know that they are married. Mari looks dismayed to have the truth come out that, since she had kept it on purpose of Ji-soo, but later thanks to Sun-jae to say what they could not. Her tone sounds sarcastic but.

Ji-ryu mother takes the lead in the meeting, everyone remembers that they should be happy, the former chairman of the heirs and teachers Baek goes through the motions of apology on behalf of the board to be welcomed back for their suffering ,

Black starts to address the board, but talk at Sun-jae of acute comment on Ji-soo for themselves, it occurs instead. They declared their intention to reclaim their place alongside her brother, and says Sun-jae, a step back and return to his rightful place. Not any excitement betray, Sun-jae agree legal team take care to have the matter.

Thereafter, Sun-jae and Black talk privately to sound the air full of excitement despite their efforts Light, mockingly also. Sun-jae warns Black his revenge to take properly and not mess with Mari, while Black scoffs that he is not interested in Mari-be beef, is fully integrated with Sun-jae.

Sun-jae growls that he is the one who grew the company in the past five years to triple the turnover and to increase his rank with his own hands. Black points out that these hands are stained with blood, and Sun-jae all but admits to it to say that the first time is hard, but it becomes easier with the second.

Then he asks how Ji-soo and Swan do, threatens their safety indirectly only black is not the least bit intimidated and laughs in Sun-jae's face: "Is that all you can do?" He advises Sun-jae to make his fight with him directly, and explain them both that they are high in the fight.

Mari Ji-soo excuses to hide their marriage, but adds seriously, that they did not know what had happened to Ji-soo or black. To say that she was cheated, she offers to help them ask the way to her own atonement.

Black runs in teacher Baek into the elevator, and Baek repeated (the lie), that he had nothing to do with what happened to Black sister or father. In fact, he offers him to help, asking only for the casino resort in exchange chairman.

Black looks through it to ask if the offer worked on Sun-jae, explained that as he had no style with Baek page.

Woo-jin hired someone in the case of Baek look Eun-jung, and the researchers found it strange that so many people want him to look at the track Bæks-somebody him earlier asked a certain Baek Eun - do, also known as a teacher Baek. Woo-jin sitting in interest to hear that the other person is connected to Sunwoo group.

The curious housekeeper rifles by studying in the dark, but today it is in fact of Sun-jae itself, almost jumping out of her skin caught when he appears. He grabs her angry and wants to know what you are looking for, but Mari waves it aside lightly and said she asked the housekeeper for Ji-soo search proxy form.

away from its point of view, however, Mari draws the housekeeper aside and asks furtively what she sought. The frightened housekeeper admits that she did not hear anything meant, and said Sun-jae ask a doctor to cause a miscarriage. She did not know what to think and was hoping that the falsified medical records to find explaining things, and is shocked Sun-jae tricked Mari listen, think that she was pregnant.

Mari told the housekeeper that she is the only person able to rely on in this budget, and urges not to pinch Sun-jae it.

Black discusses his plans with his inheritance Ji-ryu to recover, and asks if Ji-ryu about white wishes of his father. He says he does not have as much time with his poor health, and declared its intention to develop its own. But after Black leaves, Ji-ryu takes the will he had sent before Dad died. Hm, why it do?

Sun-jae father approaches hesitantly Black, in a general sense, apologizes for what their happy circle earlier happened. He takes the blame for Sun-jae turning out as he and admitted that he was a bad father and asked Black to understand. Black says he remembers seeing him because he misses his father and asks him not to come.

While on her shoes, swan only now noticed the note Woo-jin hidden in a had before it to her. In it, he makes a Pooh Bear ( "Not every day is happy, but happy things happen every day") to say that they are likely to feel down, but that he hopes you can find today at least one fingernail worth of happiness. It is sweet, and it makes her smile.

Woo-jin, is now an update of his investigators, who has followed down two Baek Eun-Young, fit the general description. One was adopted in the United States, while the others whereabouts are unknown, but a family package provides names of their parents. And-surprise, surprise-the father is Baek Eun-do.

Woo-jin begins at that, and asks who was the other person in Baek requesting. It is director Nam of Sunwoo (a VP Seo subordinates) and Woo-jin asks the investigators to say that he did not know anything to anyone who asks for Baek Eun-young, it's called a question of life and death. VP Seo, for what it's worth, is a confirmation of Baek Eun-do woman and child the name, but as far as Woo-jin has not scored connect the dots.

Swan quits her job at Panda messages and takes a part time job in a cafe, where Woo-jin with a resignation letter seen (her, I suppose) and from camps hours to her chagrin. Swan is called, lost for a customer credit card to search through trash away, and pokes her finger, she recalls her early encounter with Black.

Woo-jin joins her blood with his handkerchief to breastfeed and everything is of concern to them about finding just how she finds the lost card. Poor Panda, always one step behind.

Sun-jae gets an update on its plan Sunwoo building in an empty shell of a company to make, secretly his fortune away to a new company, Sunwoo capital is diverted. This allows him everything away to siphon before it is forced to return the company Black.

His housekeeper, now acquires a tail as she goes about her daily errands, but fortunately she hints in the trailer and manages to give him the slip. It's pretty sharp for a mere housekeeper, but it turns out it is also a spy-for no work except Sung-min, whom she met in a house with a coded pattern is knocking on the door and the password replacement "Jolie" and "Brad Pitt." Pfffft.

The housekeeper is so afraid of Sun-jae at this point that she wants to leave espionage, now that she is aware of how dangerous he is. She had only planted a spycam in his study, but Sun-jae had actually planted a number of them in his own house debt on black. Sung-min do you manage to keep enough there to convince just long of a thing to see: that fountain Sun-jae had to give seen Teacher Baek.

Black watches from his parked car gets off work as Swan at their cafe job, and from teacher Baek approached out of the blue. She stiffened when he invites them to eat and refuses his offer of an interview, and now he is retired and just said that she would see them again.

This evening comes Swan at home her mother preparing an extensive dinner for very important guests to find, prove the Black and Ji-soo. The dinner is warm and cheerful, obsequious and Ji-ryu complaining good-naturedly with mum about the siblings that Mom Black promotes itself. The mood is cheerful, although Swan makes it a point to try to avoid black, tense when they catch the eye today.

a gift to the house was delivered to her, and she opens it strange to find on the elephant painting, which had hanging Baek house in the teacher. He has attached a note: "I hope you like painting Baek Eun-do.."

Swan hastily covers it when Black comes from looking for his sister, and he realizes the painting their wall hanging, recalled that she had painted in Thailand. He warns wary of Baek to be, but before he can say much more, Woo-jin bursts into the room, interrupting.

Woo-jin asks Black to speak, and wait until they are alone to ask out whether he means to take responsibility by the end of Swan. Black attention shifted not on his hand, which twitches uncontrollably and answers. Woo-jin interpreted that Black will mean true through with her now that his name will be cleared, and he has got his life back, and as Black to this assessment, Woo-jin grabs him angry.

But Ji-ryu and Ji-soo show the tense moment smashing and Ji-ryu shares which it has agreed to be checked out to get her eyes. As the siblings head off, Woo-jin watches Black squinted, sure he's hiding something. He asks if Ji-ryu knows something, and Ji-ryu stutters a little, he says no.

The pen is currently in Sun-jae possession, and it is the secret recording device he had taken before him to five years in Thailand. He repeatedly taken the little conversation in it where Baek offered to make him Sunwoo group of the owner ... and from the cracked door, heard the housekeeper.

Sung-min falls by Blacks place and nags Sidekick Gye-dong for not looking properly after Black, now that Black has unloaded Sung-min as a partner / housewife. That's why he creeps to hide when Black comes with Ji-soo, under the kitchen table to land (in plain sight) and so poor, do a hiding work that even the blind girl finds out, he's here. Sung-min points on the head and warns Black that he can divulge always what he knows, what prevents him from kicking out again black.

Swan takes Baek painting to his home back, and while waiting in his study, she sees numerous paintings as hanging in space. There is a photo of a young girl who went wide on his desk, and her eyes to identify themselves. There she shocks so bad it drops the frame, shattering the glass.

Baek she enters the room, she admonished gently and say she called Eun- young. He refers to the resemblance to her mother, who used their pictures with Eun-young signed name.

Rattled, Swan calls it a lie and winces as he arrives at that conclusion. He advises her to accept that she is his daughter, but that makes them even angrier and she rushes out of the house, turned upside down by the revelation. It dissolves more memories of her younger self and her mother, and this time Techer Baek It is also fondly at his daughter. She says violently that it is a lie, but it seems a vain hope.

Black received a call from Baek to ask if he was there to send Swan to him, and he sends him go mad at Baek house. He takes the time to Swan staggering along to see, and always in a taxi before getting to her.

he way follows the taxi, tried in vain to get through on the phone Schwan. If the cars are stopped at a red light, he comes also with the taxi approaching from having only the light changes and the car on to lose him.

Swan ends up by the river, staring blankly into space. She remembers the time she'd come here with Black and imagines for a second that he smiling pointing at, and looked disappointed when she realizes it's not real.

Black scours all the places he search of for Swan, may think fall his cell phone at a point when his hand starts to shake uncontrollably. He forces his hand to pick up the phone and takes the search, until finally he sees it bent near a building, looking small and lost.

He rushes to her and starts on a scolding in, but Swan cuts him short. In an echo of their first meeting, they repeated his own words back to him: "I have nowhere to go Put me for the night.."


Oh, that's a sweet way to recall the beginning of their relationship. As I said, this drama is not quite the finesse to really make the most of its moments, but I guess back as in the bow, especially since this moment seems to mark a turning point, which it returns to itself brings. At least that's what I hope (and what my patience) because I'm ready for moping party to be over so that this sad birds can be happy again.

I actually think that the act works, retreat to the lowest level-every time I Black to force over the head, this separation and acts like a heartless jerk want to meet, I have and acknowledge, that his reasons make sense. He's a pretty serious piece of metal had lodged in his head, and the symptoms of deteriorating health grow too strong to ignore with a joke or a smile.

There is a great conflict, in fact, similar to terminal illness romances where the patient tries most of his / her remaining time to make and wrestling with their mortality. I do not know how this will end, and that unpredictability is welcome; I want to keep the show me guess. I just wish I could be sucked into the story, though, because while I find Swan longing credible, I really can not feel of Black, and I will.

Apart from the fact I enjoy, where we take the other characters such as Mari, who is someone I do not really like their own, perhaps, but that is made very interesting from her place in the middle of everything. I believed her when she sided with her husband, blind, or at least deliberately ignoring the truth to do so, and I believe it now, as she behaves towards him from betrayal and anger. But I do not know which side they will eventually end up, because I could see them swinging in the other direction again her back emotions can influence one way or another, to make her a strange wild card.

I'm not sure exactly where this Swan-Baek connection will take us as Baek is a villain with a murder under his belt, but he seems like a side note, if it comes to Black revenge. She is the daughter of the enemy, and if we forget, Woo-jin is also the son of another opponent, but I do not see why that is so important in the proper sense. They are both good people who seem not came from questions of blood loyalty in conflict, but that has become a factor? (If not, why they make primarily related, right?) Of course, those things that I wonder if you are looking at the drama analytically, trying to make sense of all the parts in the end, are those are not things that'll keep me in the night. Mostly, I just want the characters to each other and the big, boisterous extended Black Panda family to find the way back, I know they all want to be.

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tags : Episode 13, in Goodbye Mr. Black, Kim Kang-woo Lee Jin-wook, moon Chae-won, Yoo In-young

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