Recap And Reviews Kdrama The Good Wife: Episode 12

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama The Good Wife: Episode 12 -

I do not think know how many times I can keep saying that this show is getting better and better (or how it is at all possible, considering how excellent it has been since the first episode), but it does, and so here I am, say it again. After all, sometimes bold statements such as these are what is necessary to win a case -. Or a heart


Myung-hee a tall, handsome meets, and charming stranger in an art gallery, which seems more interested in her than any of the paintings. There are definitely some mutual flirtation going on, and he invites her to him for dinner to spend hoping with her some time before she too learns for him. She asks if his profession is legal, but unfortunately it is - it is a process server, and he gives her a summons

met lawyer son with the M & J lawyers to discuss the pharmaceutical development .. He provides $ 10 million to be distributed among the victims - provided M & J cancel its action. It is not as much as hoped, but he recalled that there is no such thing as punitive damages in Korean law, it is the best thing they hope for more, would be able, if they court the to go.

Hye-Kyung reminds him that they also want the company to remove the drug from the market and issue an apology to its customers. But lawyer son says they accept the offer or leave it - its customers are not again agree otherwise

suspects, she asks him if it is to this settlement more than he admits .. But lawyer son only repeated that no one really knows what's going between a couple. As she should know - after all, not her relationship with her husband differently than what really think people

grandmother the children serves snacks as she tries some information about supplement what's going on ?. The emotional manipulation is overwhelming as she sighs over how much her father missing and it is so sad, of them in such a small apartment to be away (hey, Tae-joon had to learn from someone, right?).

The children around rally, however, and insist that they are doing fine. Whatever happened between the parents is strictly between them. Nevertheless, it looks like Grandma could get them.

Dan examination shows in the settlement that before the meeting, attorney son went to see Han-na mother psychiatrist, and then, that he be put on the witness list bat. They are surprised to see that Han-na's mother was seeing a psychiatrist, but it was apparently a secret to everybody.

Joong-won thinks they dismiss the witnesses, it is illegal in that it can get say. For a physician to place private conversations with the client open, and then you realize Hye-Kyung, the dispersed reaction He can say it is a little strange going on with the way she is Dan ignore.

Seo-yeon shows unannounced at the law firm, and has happened at first Hye-Kyung bit worried about her daughter, but Seo-yeon's just desperate to know if their parents divorced. Hye-Kyung explained gently that they need and Tae-joon time to figure things out, just the two of them.

Once she realizes grandmother was filled with worry about what parents their daughter to mind is they have to choose. In the divorce, Hye-Kyung says Seo-yeon, the grandmother is not privy to all the details Asks also to keep her daughter told her if grandma keeps from the apartment.

Hye-Kyung then goes to David Lee's office. He assures her that everything she tells him to be treated as confidential, and it shows that she has separated from her husband and wants to know what their options are, they should want a divorce.

Your first question relates to custody. Because their children are teenagers, they will be old enough to decide which parent they want to live. This means Hye-Kyung better try to win it, if they want them to choose you. Oh, and grandparents have no say in the matter, either.

But David Lee recommends that you wait for a filing for divorce, to the drama of her husband scandal and attempt to die down begins. Instead, they should remain only isolated and trying to decide whether it really wants to be divorced.

Myung-hee shows Dan their summons for a probation hearing appear in court. She defended a rapist ten years ago, to believe that he is innocent, but it turns out that he was guilty. Even if they still defended him, she was the same enthusiasm muster unable, and he blames her for his thirteen-year sentence.

Dan understands that the charge is a threat actually - Myung-hee in his name is to testify in the probation hearing, or take care of their security in three years, after he gets out. It points out that, no matter what Myung-hee decides it is or be a headache so she recommends it as soon as possible, the care

Joong-won studying his $ 8,000 bottle of wine -. A Gift from the beautiful law student. Myung-hee gasps at the price and accepts his invitation to drink with him, saying that she is too intimidated to appreciate it. He should have a friend to share it with find. The first "friend" that he thinks is Hye-Kyung, though. Instead she calls, he puts down the bottle, still unopened.

Hye-Kyung takes her mother-in-law holds court with their friends and of course talk about Tae-joon. She calls to her in private talk, and Grandma finds that Hye-Kyung looks angry. That's because it is - she says grandmother that they do not just come unbidden allowed. If she wants to visit the children, they must first call Hye-Kyung.

she Moreover no right to try the children away from her. But grandmother insists that Tae-joon deserves to educate his children. Hye-Kyung cuts through their bragging how great her son to tell her that Tae-joon is someone who took bribes and had an affair - makes them think that someone as truly deserves to educate their children

grandma defends Tae-joon, call Hye-Kyung crazy. The realization that they will not make grandmother, to see the truth about her son, Hye-Kyung finally warns them that if they want to see the grandchildren, they must ask permission first.

Tae-joon calls Joong-won, to ask if they can make today. As Joong-won on his way out, Hye-Kyung tells him that the judge in the case Pharma wants to meet with them. Joong-won, she says, without going to let him go, because he now a prosecutor meeting. When they who you ask, he tells her that Tae-joon.

concerned, they followed him into the elevator, to be gently warn. He assures her it's just a case Tae-joon is working on that one of its customers related. But Hye-Kyung Joong-won says that she and Tae-joon have separated, and Tae-joon could have a misconception of Joong-won. The way they look at each other in this scene makes me particularly angry that they have never received his second voicemail.

When she gets back to her desk, she calls Tae-joon, inquiring to know why he really called -gewonnen Joong. Tae-joon says that he tries to be only a good attorney, but she warns him that their problems are just between the two of them.

Myung-hee, Hye-Kyung, and lawyer son with the judge meet. He is there to reprimand lawyer son in a new witness calling this late in the study, and Myung-hee says that the witness should not be allowed due to doctor-patient privacy laws.

But lawyer son does the law reveal information if time permits in the best interests of the public, which is the study. Finally the judge agrees to allow the witness to make arrangements for a closed garden, so that the information remain private only for his and the judges ears.

Tae-joon says Joong-won, that their session is just now off the record. It is to warn him that he believes Joong-won bribed judge, and Tae-joon is there to get rid of him the corrupt judge to ask for help. Joong-won denies that he ever given bribes or accept, but Tae-joon says he will not press charges if Joong-won reveals what judges he bribed.

Joong-won continued to deny Tae-joon informed that, no matter how hard he studied, he did not find evidence that what he seeks. Tae-joon warns him that it does not look good when his wife boss is found to be corrupt, but Joong-won asks him if he have aligned him intentionally.

Tae-joon asks about Hye-Kyung, and Joong-won says they do well. Tae-joon asks if she is to do well at work, too, but Joong-won just smiles and asks if he thought of another situation. This meeting seems to have been more about what was not said, but in any case have been the gauntlets thrown battle lines are drawn down and.

After returning office, Hye-Kyung says brusquely Dan examine the witness. Dan tells her that she wants to explain what happened between her and Tae-joon. She says it meant nothing to her, and it was before she met Hye-Kyung. In fact, until they met her, she had the whole thing has happened forget.

But then, when she met Hye-Kyung, she realized how much she enjoyed working with and talking to Hye-Kyung. That was when she felt bad about what has happened. Hye-Kyung tells her upset that they have not tried, should assist in their the first place. Dan says simply that they were friends, and she had never had a friend.

Hye-Kyung points out that lying and cheating is not exactly a friend-like behavior and Dan apologizes. She's never really been afraid of getting hurt or hurting others. Remorse never meant anything to her, but with Hye-Kyung, they do not want to get injured on Dan's name to see.

But Hye-Kyung is still used angry at the thought of being the fool, the one of the women who discussed their personal lives, who had an affair with her husband. She tells Dan that, to work together to survive, they should only do so, as you know, not today. But Dan says she'll leave instead.

She goes immediately to Joong-won, to tell him she's leaving. It takes only one of their tricks is to ask for a raise, and sits back in surprise when he realizes that she is serious to be. He tells her that he was indeed her for support under consideration, but Dan reminds him of one of their setting conditions -. leave being able, whenever she wants

It does not explain what happened, only that her past has finally caught her. She promises to stay at least until he can find a replacement. Oh, and he knew that Hye-Kyung and Tae-joon are separated with little chance of reconciliation? She hopes that he has no regrets this time.

suddenly appear

Myung-hee from shopping, and when she sees through the income, she is surprised to find the beautiful process server. She asks him suspiciously when there is a chance that he is just there, and he swears it is - it is really otherwise paperwork to serve someone. Aw, Myung-hee is as sweet as she is smiling giddily to herself while serving him watching a reluctant client.

Lawyer Son Questions Han-na mother psychiatrist who shows that she was afraid that her husband had tried to kill them. She told him that she thought he saw another woman. The psychiatrist apologized and explained that he thought it was just a delusional disorder at the time to believe, not really, that it will come true.

He adds that, in his professional opinion, it is not uncommon to have a pair of deep emotional turmoil - passionate love can so easily turn into passionate hatred. I wonder if Hye-Kyung knows something.

When Hye-Kyung psychiatrist to prepare cross-examination, Han-na grabs her arm nervously and asked them to leave it alone. Han-na taking the emergency knowledge, Myung-hee tells the judge that they had prepared no time for this witness and calls for an extension.

Back in the office, Han-na admits that she thought her father might be having an affair. But because he was so good to her mother, she assumed only that it was wrong. She is now concerned that this action was started for no good reason, and asks for the settlement. Hye-Kyung tells her that if they give up now, then wins the pharmaceutical companies -. remain the drug on the market and may cause others to commit suicide, to

But Han nas sacrificed enough for this study, and it is done now. As Hye-Kyung followed by Han-na to try her and persuade to stay, says Dan Joong-won, that they find a way to make to be excluded testimony of psychiatrists - no matter what happens. It can than think their parting gift it

Hye-Kyung asks Han-na for the process to keep it going -. to think of their family and friends. But Han-na says that her parents honoring already be tarnished, and if it goes on with the process, it will only get worse. Hye-Kyung reminds them that if they stop now, so that the memory everyone has their will by their parents -. But if they continue, they can give them the justice they deserve

Han-na admits that she didn 't know her father was on antidepressants in the first place. Although she thought that he had an affair, she did not try to find out if it was true, because everything seemed fine and their parents seemed happy. But apparently knows she anything. This is normal when, rather have as Hye-Kyung points out that everyone would happiness than face the truth. But the truth to avoid will not change, and she is confident that Han-na someday understand their parents.

Hye-Kyung reported back to Joong-won, that it is Han-na convinced to stay with the attempt. She wonders if she should have, however, established just pack everything but Joong-won, in his infinite trust, says that there is no point in settling, if only to win the case.

he offers her a drink, and he pours his fancy expensive wine in a few cups of coffee. Hye-Kyung asks how his meeting with Tae-joon went, and Joong-won, he says was only one explanation a case regarding. He said Tae-joon that she was doing well, and Hye-Kyung sighs and wondered if they. The right choice for their children

Joong-won poured her some wine, and Hye-Kyung compliments it to ask if it is expensive. He says it is, and then tells her that it was about $ 80 for the bottle. Sure, if you drop a few zeros. He observes leave and his longing glance continues to kill me.

Dan called, let him know that she had sufficient evidence of the psychiatrist is to get rid of. Yes, quite a backseat full of evidence. Joong-won tells Myung-hee, they have some great Intel have to discredit the witness, but it would use illegal.

To be requested at the hearing, Hye- Kyung cross addiction psychiatrist why he, to attempt to contact a lawyer son was almost over to wait. He stated that he only just discovered the deceased was his patient. Hye-Kyung suddenly changes tactics to have raised him on the sexual assault cases at least two of his former patient and asked him.

He squirms a little, but he insists, is innocent. Lawyer Son objects to the line of questioning, and this time Myung-hee steps to ask if he his sessions recorded with Han-na mother. It demands to be submitted as evidence the records, and if the judge asks the psychiatrist about the shots he explains nervous that last night a thief broke into his office last night and stole all his files and records relating to Han-na mother.

Thanks Dan, we know that he tells the truth, but all the others - the judge and jury including - seems a rather convenient excuse, which is to think , Myung-hee suppressed the question, pointing out there is no way, the psychiatrist to verify claims. Lawyer son asks for an extension so that they can find out who has stolen the records, but the judge is angry about how ridiculous this study and dismisses his application. It will allow enough time for the final arguments lawyer, and then the jury will decide.

Lawyer Son deepening urges settlement terms to discuss and Myung-hee seems satisfied that they have won. Hye-Kyung sees Dan in the back of the court sitting, and it seems as if they could have an idea of ​​how these files mysteriously disappeared from the doctor's office.

Myung-hee is thrilled that the pharmaceutical company meets all its demands and Joong-won is also excited that they have to put the company into profit enough Commission. Hye-Kyung's lawyer son after the settlement agreements signed, and he tells her that he has had fun and hopes to see them again soon.

She tells him not to be on the results of this study disappointed, but he only laughed and pointed out that Hye-Kyung is nowhere on his level , In fact, they actually lost. The pharmaceutical company was more concerned that there was (with fewer side effects) not to damage any bad press the launch of their new antidepressant. In fact, they were willing to pay as much as $ 30 million -. Twice as much as in the settlement agreed

But lawyer son tells her that, although she lost, he can say that it would be a lot of fun the next time you go against. Dizziness, Hye-Kyung just watched him walk away.

Dan found a potential new place to work, thanks to her friend (girlfriend?), The works in the prosecutor's office. She happily says Dan, that they need a new investigator, and she really wanted her as one of the companies they investigate is M & J.

The Dan keeps it pursues, and when she sees that it will probably be for work, she turns on her heel and walks away. Angry, she asks her friend, why they say they did not think they would be for Tae-joon work. She returns immediately to M & J and marches in Hye-Kyung office, cooly to apologize for the fact that they not only can not quit.

The handsome law student gets Joong-won invite him to dinner to meet her father, but he apologizes because he too busy. He thanked her then for the wine - he shared it with a friend, and suggests that the next time the "three" of them should together a beer. Well, at least he be kind clear that he is not interested, especially his "busy" schedules always mean a celebratory beer with Hye-Kyung.

Myung hee says Dan, that they decided on the parole hearing in her testimony to be honest, even if it is only for a few years their problem postponed. She is surprised to see the good-looking process server in the company, and asks if he is there to serve someone, or if it's just a coincidence. Actually he is there to drive them to the parole hearing, and then later take her dinner when she wants.

About their beers, Hye-Kyung wonders whether she could go back in time and change things, they would still have regrets. She has decided that from now on she'll follow her heart, because it seems like it may be regretted, no matter what. Joong-won offers the advice that someone (aka Dan) gave him what to go straight for what you want immediately, no excuses, and then later sort the consequences.

asks if he still comes pretty law student, and Joong-won, he says is not ready to see anyone else right now. Hye-Kyung studied him thoughtfully, then asks why he left her voicemail. He tells her it was because he likes her, but she is confused because they only the first part where he said that they should not be together.

He tells her that he left another, asking to meet him and they could make a plan personally. He said he would wait for her call. He is offended when it seems like she does not believe him, and she says, her timing was always off. He suggests that they are now on the same page can be their timing back, and he takes out his cell phone to set the timer for 30 seconds.

The seconds tick down and sit, silently staring at the phone, but on the literal last second, Hye-Kyung strikes the stop button. Joong-won takes her hand.

You go to the reception and Joong-won is surprised that the hotel, to find out is completely sold out, with the exception of the expensive Royal Suite. Undoubtedly away feeling to tick his timing on, he says he and his hands will take it on his credit card. When she on the elevator they get to the top of the hotel to take, they discover that any child allllllll pressed the buttons.

The elevator stops at every single floor as they make their way slowly upwards. It's just the two of them followed in the elevator, and Joong-won takes gently Hye-Kyung hand, by a quick kiss. As to open the doors and close more, they get lost in their embrace and kiss each other greedily.

When they reach the hotel room, Joong-won sighs in despair because the key card does not work. Well sure. Says he's Hey-kung right back to get it fixed, but it just grabs his wrist to take the key from him, and managed to unlock the door. She opens it and Joong-won follows her into the hotel room.


Instead of butterflies in my stomach, I think they must be hummingbirds. No one will judge me if I the last few minutes of the episode over and over and over again revenge, right? To finally that the tension left between them and rotated in such a wonderful and cut scene makes me so happy. Although, I'm pretty sure that the use of elevators in this show is going to kill me. First it was the elevators of lost opportunities where Hye-Kyung and Joong-won would only miss each other, how to leave and enter the other. Then there was the elevator with realizations and secret longing to bottom, filled ride. And then, the most glory, the elevator ride to the top, filled with unbridled kiss and the release of pent aforementioned secret longing.

Myung-hee gets a love interest too! Although I'm probably just happy to see them outside their legal life. She goes to art galleries! She shops for food! She's a real person who does more than run a law firm! During the parole summons may seem like a little thing appear (maybe just imagine that doppelganger love interest Clark Gable), I saw fear enjoy out on figuring out how to respond, and regret how they handled it in the first place. In a way, I felt like I could see a look at Hye-Kyung within ten years since I definitely them to believe in their clients, just be horrified, he is actually a habitual rapist to see after all, and then lose their will defend him (secretly be glad he got these 13 years in prison and no doubt). So much of this episode helped to ground Myung-hee as well-rounded person who does so much more than sitting at a desk and worrying about how to pay their employees, and I am grateful.

As much as I could gush about the women on this show (and I likely could do all day), I find myself increasingly appreciate Joong-won. I loved that he was not chosen a single time against them, that they mentioned his voicemail messages really (even if he does not know that it was only the first). He gave her the choice, and in his opinion, they made it clear that they will not be together. He respected place and did everything he could to ensure that they maintain an adequate employment. But once he found out - directly from their - that she was separated from Tae-joon, he decided to take his chance. It is pointless to remotely jaw, if you get a direct answer, even the risk that it might not necessarily those who want to listen to, be.

I feel like I should be concerned about Tae-joon determination Joong-won is to prove accepting bribes, and to exercise some kind of control over it, but given the choice worrying about, or rewatching kisses , well, I think it's pretty clear which choice I will make.

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tags: featured, Jeon Do-yeon, The Good Wife, Yoo Ji-tae, Yoon Kye-sang

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