Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctors: Episode 16

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Doctors: Episode 16 -

Hye-jung meets a new roadblock in their pursuit of justice, when she learns that her enemies to not idle, as it prepares its next step. But our heroine is no longer before the powerless teenager from the time. She has matured, and learned that her sometimes fiery temper it is retained to help in the long run. At the end, the thing our heroine differs from the antagonist, is that it stands by its principles and knows how to take responsibility for their actions.


Hye-jung makes a call to a document to ask her grandmother about. The file will be faxed to you and lists the last person Omas access medical records: Chef Kim. tells Hye-young, "not coming danger and first send a signal. While I Digging someone in the past, I thought my would be safe. When I work, others are not relaxing."

Kang-soo the loses focus as on the computer, and general surgery residents catches him asleep apparently. He pushes Kang-soo on his head and mocked him to be sleepy forever. Enraged, Kang-soo yells at the other residents to stop teasing him and headbutts him in the nose. The resident sports a double bloody nose and In-joo is stunned when she sees his face.

This leads to a meeting between departments and In-joo frowns at Ji-hong for the behavior of his subordinates. Pa-ran also comes in to his department residents to check, and Kang-soo comes soon after. In-joo and Pa-ran Kang-soo accept the use of force are reprimanded, but to everyone's surprise, Ji-hong accepts Kang-soo page. Although In-joo and Pa-ran protest, Ji-hong shrugs and says that the arm bends inward (which means that people are not impartial and their family and friends the side take).

The elevators, Kang -Soo begins again concentrate to lose but Ji-hong reasons that he just tired. He gives Kang-soo, a little encouragement and a high-five with a chest bump. It has successfully met his mood, and the puppy smiles again.

On Jin budget, Myung-hoon can not believe his wife, can eat when her daughter did not come home last night. Seo-woo mother is not too worried, because it is a common occurrence with Seo-woo because of work. Myung-hoon argues that it is different this time, because he scolded Seo-woo, but her mother simply says that a little quarrel between father and daughter is good. It adds that it is not, as he beat her, and Myung-hoon drops the subject.

After reluctantly received a call from Myung-hoon, Yoon-do visited him in his office. Myung-hoon finds that it is difficult to make Yoon-do and asks if he is to accept the message from his father about a position as a hospital director. Yoon-do drops immediately because he wants to be a doctor. Myung-hoon falls the problem for now and says Yoon-do to verify at least, on the recently approved politicians Nam in the VIP ward.

For a third time, Kang -Soo staring absently into space, and like everyone else, goes Hye-young believes that he is tired, he in first year. She gets a call from the nurse station VIP, and Ji-hong has already paid a visit to the politicians when Hye-jung arrives.

The politician complains of back pain, and Ji-hong prescribes medication and physical therapy rather than surgery. The politicians accepted grudgingly the instructions, and then tells Hye-jung a while to stay. Once Ji-hong leaves, he asks for their income, and says that he could act as a matchmaker, so she can marry. Excuse me while I puke.

Seo-woo and Yoon-do visit Myung-hoon in the VIP ward, and Hye-jung meets with them on their way out. Their interaction is short, but to grieve in a small trial Seo-woo, Myung-hoon does not forget to mention how much he likes Hye-jung sociability.

Ji-hong is surprised at how quickly Hye-jung came out, and she tells him that politicians let them go because they do not talk. Ji-hong finds that she has matured, and Hye-jung agrees that she is grown. She then asks him if he took his vitamins and dietary supplements, their records nine years age difference in the process. She makes him promise not to her important in their lives, because everyone left die first, but Ji-hong avoids answering the theme change to work.

The man from the previous episode, watching over his vegetative woman, and has a flashback to when she tried on her wedding dress. She told him she loved him, but when prompted to say it, the man shrank back at her.

In the presence of Ji-hong visits the patient with Hye-young, despite everything she can do is continue the woman monitoring as the baby grows. In the hallway, Ji-hong and Hye-jung alternately give orders to Kyung-joon, and he commented on its excellent relationship that gets him only a scolding. Looks like his pandering backfires, hahaha.

The man is Ji-hong for a private word, and admits that he regrets his decision. Ji-hong self tells him not to blame, but the man makes it clear that he did not say "I love you" to his wife, because he save for their wedding vows. Now he'll never get to say it, and regrets provided it a chance, would get in the future.

The husband of anecdote sparks Hye-jung, to ask a fire in Ji-hong, and he texts for their whereabouts. That she texts him the scholarship office on the way, and he tells her to stay still. Ji-hong runs Hye-jung in direction, and across the room, she waves to follow him.

He enters an auditorium, and even comes in Hye-jung, he explains, "I love you, Hye- young!" She laughs, and he explains that he does not want to regret a single moment. Smiling, Hye-jung their arms wide open and says, "Come."

They embrace, and Ji-hong asks why they do not say it, too. Hye-jung tells him that it is too costly, so they did not even say. She leaves the room, but then dipped her head to blow a kiss back to him. Too cute!

At the reception, Seo-woo asks Young-Kook a patient, and he answered the questions formally, without his usual playfulness. She calls him familiar with what ultimately draws his attention. In the stairwell, he wonders if she was confused by his behavior, and she admits that she did a little. However, she just wants to be friends, and Young-Kook agrees. Discouraged by his quick submission, Seo-woo asks about his true feelings, but do not share Young-Kook, because they are just friends.

Hye-jung visited Chef Kim, who is again frustrated to see them. Hye-young shows that she knows that he accessed right Omas medical records before they were destroyed, it can only mean what has a copy of the anesthesia record. Chef Kim is no denying, asking for some time to give her to think the file.

Kang-soo for drugs in for his headache looks residents space and Young-Kook asks if he is to take many pills lately not to. Kang-soo says only that he does not like headache and likes to take pills before the pain is too strong, and the subject is dropped.

Yoon-do of subway stops (because it is the only fast food place that exists in this world drama), and takes his pre-ordered sandwiches on. Back in the office dwellers, Joong-dae studies for his exams and Young-Kook him are terrible (or maybe sage): Not studying and accept only the embarrassment

Kyung- joon asks if they want to order food. do the other residents avoided him like the plague, so to be busy at work, which is both hilarious and sad for Kyung-joon. Just then comes Yoon-do with his sandwiches, and the residents are surprised by the sudden generosity.

Kyung-joon wonders if Yoon-do seems strangely because of his rivalry with Ji-hong and Yoon- she claims that he before bought food for them. All residents do not agree (Young-Kook: "In my 3 year here than inhabitants, today is the first monumental day I get food from Doctor Jung."), And Yoon-do harrumphs their banter

prepared Hye-jung a simple egg dish at home, but it is clear from their attitude that they did not resign before the foot in a kitchen. Soon-hee is thrilled Hye-jung to try first dish, but then the pages are her friend's eyes, just ask, is when Hye-jung on her cooking test before Ji-hong feeding. Hye-jung gives her the stink eye and asks if she is watching conspiracy dramas today.

enjoy together their rare break and Soon-hee wonders if something good has happened. Hye-jung admits that it feels like a weight has been taken her shoulders and updated Soon-hee to Grandma's case. Soon-hee says then Hye-young that Seo-woo asks why hospitals Hye-jung moved, and explains how they lied to Seo-woo.

Hye -jung says she really likes Soon-hee, and Soon-hee says the same. Soon-hee admits then that Granny is education difficult, so she wanted for Hye-jung with Ji-hong in order to forget about their grandmother, to be happy. Hye-jung tells her that Ji-hong actually helped her with the grandmother case and Soon-hee announces that she wants a divorce. Of course, making jokes, they just, and Soon-hee says that they that Hye-jung looks happy happy.

In Hospital Kang-soo accompanied Ji-hong, but apologizes when he receives a call from his younger brother, who serve in the army. Meanwhile checked Hye-jung on a patient and orders Kyung-joon a room in the ICU prepare. He asks what will happen if the VIP-station calls during operation, and like clockwork, Hye-jung receives a call from the VIP room.

Hye-jung decides together with the VIP room Kang-soo to take, but when they arrive, the politician is busy trying to eat a sumptuous selection , He complains that his head hurts, but it feels better now that he has eaten. Hye-jung says Kang-soo manage a shot for the politician, which is administered to his chagrin, in the butt.

Prior to operation, Hye-jung visited Seo-woo, and asks them to take the calls from the VIP station. Seo-woo protests, since they have a conference to attend later, but Hye-jung promises before to end then. In a game of hot potato, Seo-woo hands to do the job Young-Kook, because she leaves the hospital, and then Young-Kook threw the order to Kang-soo, the no break seem to catch.

of politicians suddenly dizzy, and nurse frantically calling Hye-young. However, she is in surgery and ignored the calls, they take on menial tasks. The nurse finally makes contact with Kang-soo, and tells him to politicians room to hurry.

However, Kang-soo arm falls, and the scene is blurred around him. The nurse puts on thinking that Kang-soo has received the message, but he stares at his empty phone in confusion. He receives a call from the ER and crashes, no idea about the previous call that just happened.

Ji-hong rushes to the room of the VIP, but the politician is already unconscious. their operation, Hye-jung checked her phone and noticed the five missed calls from the nurse station VIP Once. In voice-over we hear the nurse say that Kang-soo never showed up, and Hye-jung connects Ji-hong as the politicians will be scanned.

In his office, Myung-hoon looks at a file Hye-jung, the background information, including their scandal with Ji-hong thirteen years ago. He smiles to himself, but his secretary interrupts his moment of happiness with terrible news. The politician lost consciousness

To make it worse, Seo-woo should take the calls while Hye-jung in was the operating room, but Myung-hoon barks his secretary for his daughter in this mess involved , The secretary informed him that Ji-hong and Hye-jung have a surgery on the politicians, and Myung-hoon screams execute him to prevent the media to find out.

Myung-hoon is in his scrubs and bars Hye-jung caused by the assisting surgery since its irresponsibility of this whole dilemma. Ji-hong overrides his decision, because he is the chief surgeon, and caused Myung-hoon. But he says Ji-hong, to save the politicians, if he really wants to take responsibility. Meanwhile, Tae-ho, because the nurse VIP station claimed in an interview with Kang-soo, that they called him. However, Kang-soo has no memory of a call.

Hye-jung operation with Young-Kook support and up above, Myung-hoon and director Jin starts watching anxiously. Ji-hong enters, and in his usual calm manner, he works on the politicians. In the balcony, Tae-ho connects and explains the details of the procedure as Myung-hoon and director Jin tell others to be quiet. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Ji-hong has been completed, and as usual, he gives the method for Hye-jung from pack. However, Myung-hoon interrupts and has Ji-hong, the surgery itself, rather than to exit the wizard, the mess. Hye-jung says Ji-hong, to do it, and filled with Myung-hoon command, Ji-hong and ends the procedure irked though.

The operation is a success, but the politicians remains unconscious. Ji-hong jobs Seo-woo, to monitor the patient, but Myung-hoon complains in the back to ask them if they can not wake up the politicians. Unfortunately, everything they do is, wait, and Myung-hoon stomps out of the room.

in the office 'companion, Yoon-do stops by to promote Hye-young, because he heard they could get into trouble. Someone knocks on the door, and Yoon-do stated that he Kang-soo invited to come. Once the first year enters, asks Yoon-do for the facts of the day, because the nurse VIP station claimed that they called Kang-soo. Outraged Kang-soo yells that he did not receive a call, but if Yoon-do checked him the nurse call log, Kang-soo its own call list shows. He got the call

Yoon- asks if there is something wrong with Kang-soo, since he can not remember, and Kang-soo apologizes and says that he'll take responsibility. Hye-jung tells him that she would deal with it as it was responsible. She then gets a call from Myung-hoon secretary and told her to come to the office.

Myung-hoon tells Hye-jung that it heard at a disciplinary, and he will take to make the responsibility. He then has the audacity to call themselves reasonable and generous, and says that he can not let them off the hook a second time. Hye-jung takes everything he says, and goes without fuss.

In Tae-ho office, Ji-hong, what will happen, and asks Tae-ho said that there will be disciplinary action for Hye- young. Ji-hong is against the idea because it would tarnish their careers. Tae-ho knows, but he can not the entire department have tangled in this mess can afford.

Seo-woo begins Yoon-do leave from the direction of the Office companions, and asks him if he went Hye-jung cheer. When he admits that he did, she wonders how Yoon-do not hate Hye-jung for his feelings reject. Yoon-do says that he does what he wants, and does Hye-young, what they want, so there is no problem. Seo-woo mocked, call him a saint, but Yoon-do laughs.

Seo-woo visits Young-Kook, who mentions the injustices of the politician operation concerning. Then he adds that Hye-jung should not shoulder all the blame, and Seo-woo agrees. Young-Kook smiling Seo-woo, which seems to be growing.

Kang-soo thinks back to his last absentmindedness and remembers his inauguration ceremony, where he fainted chug drunk after a bowl of mixed alcoholic beverages. He visited a senior doctor and asks for a favor with his best puppy-dog face.

Kang-soo opens hesitantly from a file and looks at his brain scans. With trembling hands, he snapped pictures of the scans with his cell phone. He then visited Ji-hong and shows him the photos, claiming that they are his girlfriend the last scan.

Ji-hong is surprised by the random request, especially since Kang-soo should be able to look at the scans and to help by himself his friend. He asks what Kang-soo thinks the problem is, and Kang-soo says it like meningioma sees (usually a benign tumor). Ji-hong concurs and Kang-soo adds that shows "his friend" also mark the absence seizure. Worried, Ji-hong out that the patient seek treatment quickly, and Kang-soo sits in silence, unable to respond to the situation.

In an empty hallway, Ji-hong meets Hye-young and tells her that he is going to visit Myung-hoon. But she wants him not because of how disturbing the physician-in-charge in this situation, they want to take on responsibility, especially before Myung-hoon. She thinks Chef Kim come to her side soon, and she wants Ji-hong observed how they handled the situation by itself.

Ji-hong still wants to comfort her, but does not know what to do. Smiling, Hye-jung says slyly to what taught him to do in these situations, and they can do it somewhere private. Looking around, Ji-hong attempts to wrap his arm around Hye-young, but she shrugs it off, a joke that anyone can see. Standing shoulder to shoulder, they smile at each other as the lovebirds are.

The state of the politician on the evening news, and Tae-ho fields questions from reporters at a press conference. His answers are routine, the operation went well, but he can not say anything definite at the moment, but the real question is whether the politicians will wake up. announces

Fortunately, the politicians wake up, and Ji-hong that the worst is over. Myung-hoon barges into the room, and he said giddily, that he take this opportunity to establish using Hye-jung as an example discipline in the hospital again. The other doctors do not share in his joy, including Seo-woo.

In a stairwell, Kang-soo says Hye-young that he would take full responsibility. Hye-jung assures him that it is not his fault, and jokes that even if he wanted to, he is not important enough to take responsibility, while she has the clout. Kang-soo finally cracks a smile in their attempt to cheer him up, and Hye-young minds to their disciplinary procedure.

Kang-soo finds privacy in a bathroom, and stares at his hospital identification card, while his lip trembles. His younger brother called, concerned about a dream he had, and Kang-soo assures him that nothing is wrong. He told his brother of himself to worry about, like tears flowing his cheeks, and as soon as he hangs up, Kang-soo allowed to cry in earnest. Poor puppy.

comes Hye-jung in their disciplinary committee meeting as Ji-hong makes its way there. She marches up Myung-hoon, who are with Tae-ho outside the room and gives a concise bow. Staring at Myung-hoon, told Hye-jung: "When danger approaches, I feel as if I'm one step closer to the truth, because I'm looking I have the risk into an opportunity.."


While I do not surprised to see a doctor from the department is sick (it is a common plot is used many Korean medical dramas), it was depressing even residents puppies look downtrodden and lost to view. He was always dizzy and congested residents responsible for sunshine and smiles to bring in the department. So, it is even more pronounced to see his decline. However, I thought the show could have done a better job in terms of the writing and delivery, since the structure plump with lots a bit of felt crammed in an episode foreshadowing. Nevertheless, the Kang-soo final scene was poignant still because of sluggish performance. There was no big moment or an explosion of emotions from Kang-soo, but the steady accumulation of his condition and the impact realized. The turning point was named as his younger brother, and it seemed at last dawn Kang-soo that he was really sick and weak at the moment. However, he felt that he had to hide his condition, because he was this scene even more emotionally alone in his knowledge. to take

Omas case Baby steps further (I can not believe boss Kim is still an unsolved problem), and it looks like the scandal of thirteen years ago is its ugly head again back. To be honest, I do not think it's a big deal (former students their teachers have been married previously shown it in other dramas), but I understand how it can be harmful for the lines when maliciously portrayed. The only silver lining I hope in this particular sheet (if it comes to pass) is Seo-woo and how will it take a back seat. Since she was the original poster of the rumor and now a colleague to Hye-young, they could possibly quell rumors and to make the scandal a non-issue. It would make their past mistakes to the right and finally formally amends with Hye-young is a good chance for Seo-woo. That being said, I really enjoy the small, forward progress of the show makes with Seo-woo. I prefer it much like a begrudging colleagues Hye-young, and it's nice to warm up slowly to Hye-young, to see, especially since it looks like it is doing it unconsciously. It is as if they were the first friends in high school, and Seo-woo felt a growing attraction to Hye-young, as they have come to know her more. As SEO-woo from her prejudice is abandoned, it catches Hye-young for it really is, rather than misunderstood to see image, which they before.

Since the beginning, I have the impression that Myung-hoon is a little boy. He's not as bad as he is harmless, but it is difficult when he gave the power. The problem with a boy too much authority is that he is not mature enough to demand responsibility. Like all petulant children with a sense of entitlement, he wants to take advantage of people bossing around and with power, but he does not want to deal with actually a good guide and support of his subordinates to be. For example, was the way he acted before Seo-woo when she met disgustingly petty Hye-young. He knew that Seo-woo hated the comparison, but he made clear that the statement, in what I can only assume was an attempt to worsen his daughter. Right now, he did not even do as Hye-young, but he is ready to take her to, supplement to bring his daughter to the case, who "rebel" against him. You must be an expert to know that poor parenting is. Myung-hoon is really simple, and fails the complexity of man and society to see. It seemed to me that the way he handled the situation on the politicians was selfish and shortsighted. He may think he knows how to make money, but it really do not know how to promote positive relationships. It might work in the short term for him, but as with his broken relationship with Seo-woo, he will eventually end up alone and empty. Fortunately, Seo-woo is to escape on the way to this fate, although it seems too late for her father and grandfather.

Ji-hong and Hye-young continue to be nice, but I love Hye-young and Soon-hee relationship more. They do not really secrets from each other, and the love that they have on unconditional for any other limitations (try both did today go to jail). Their relationship is so convenient, and most importantly, I'm glad, Hye-Jung had a friend like Soon-hee in all these years while its ups and downs. Even more than Ji-hong, it is Soon-hee, who has been a constant and reliable presence in Hye-young life, and will continue to be a support for Hye-young. It is a pity that Seo-woo broke with them their relationship off because they really could use in their lives as a support and a Soon-hee and Hye-young. They would like the Ji-hong been, In-joo, and Pa-ran Trio, but I think it is not too late, even though I can anyone doubt come between Hye-young and Soon-hee-binding (not once Ji-hong)

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tags: doctors, Episode 16, in Kim Rae-won, Lee Sung-Kyung, Park Shin-hye, Yoon Kyun-sang

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