What I love most about this show is its ability to constantly surprise with twists and cleverly revealed, all the while remaining true to the characters and the universe is created. We go deeper into the rabbit hole with our main characters this hour: Some come a step closer to what they've been chasing, and others make life-altering decisions to protect themselves and those they love. But layered remain throughout all our heroes and villains, making it much easier complex and assigned - and pleasant - to stay with them for the ride.
Jun collapses to Hong-joo attack, and Yeon-hee curse activated. Yeon-hee screams and unleashes her powers, each knocking her feet and grabbed Hong-joo through the neck, to tell her to die. Gasping, says Hong-joo killing them will not break Yeon-hee curse. But it does not matter to Yeon-hee - to her, Hong-joo is the curse that must be eliminated.
Taoist Master Yo-gwang staggers to his feet and asks Yeon-hee to stop. If Hong-joo dies, the air will blow their candles; they should instead focus on saving Heo June. At the mention of Jun's name, Yeon-hee pauses to look at him, and after a brief shock, she throws them clearly about the temple.
Yo-gwang gathers Jun and together with Yeon-hee, they leave. Hong-joo looks injured, but is quickly on their shamans call Yeon-hee to follow. Sol-gae, like red coat dressed, help Hong-joo up.
Am Schloss, the queen widow says Taoist masters Hyun-seo that Hong joo left the night before the palace to their armies, and the princess might be in danger.
her conversation with the king is suddenly interrupted, the "What princess?"
asks the queen dowager hiding her surprise and says the king was referring to an heir to his need. But what the king wants to know is why he still so bad if both theoretically Hong-joo and Hyun-seo, should work to heal him. He wonders if Hong-joo failed efforts because it is absent - or is it because of some other reason, such as sabotage by others
Hyun-seo accused the current state of affairs in Hong-joo and told the ? King he should not listen to their advice. Hyun-seo work Hong-joo from the palace to drive; This is how he serve the king.
With a wry smile, the king remarks on the similarities between Poong-yeon and Hyun-seo. He leaves Hyun-seo with a warning that he commit treason, if he is not loyal to the king; when Hyun-seo decides to actively go against him, will have the queen widow, to pay the price also.
Yeon-hee draws to a still unconscious in June as they hide in a cave. When she stabbed back to June Yeon-hee Replays Hong-joo words thinks in her head: June die because of her.
Yo-gwang joins them to have successfully lost Hong-joo army. Yeon-hee concerned that Jun's not awake yet, but Yo-gwang assured her that June will be fine, as Hong-joo black magic only to break Juns Talisman plate, was used.
Yeon-hee says tearfully Yo-gwang that June die anyway because of their curse - they should not have given him her heart. then asks Yo-gwang Hyun-seo about finding another talisman to see sign. Although Yo-gwang is worried about her only to leave without protection, she tells him to go.
In Hong-joo cave, Sol-gae worry about Hong-joo injuries, while Hong-joo asks angrily why she didn 't go to the Princess. Sol-gae apologizes and says that they are safe, Hong-joo was fine, but Hong-joo does not seem to buy.
Hong-joo is to go with the intention of having the princess wanted to do himself. But their injuries prove to be too much; she crumpled to the ground and loses consciousness.
The queen widow says Hyun-seo that the king knows about the princess. She is worried about what that means for them, and repeated to Hyun-seo, the Yeon-hee can not be detected.
Yo-gwang comes to the Taoist temple and are Hyun-seo an overview of what is there hong happened joos surprise attack on Cheongbing temple. He notes that the curse mark has been published on May, and that Yeon-hee is currently without protection.
Hyun-seo says in going with Yeon-hee to hide Yo-gwang. The need for another Talisman sign is urgent, so Hyun-seo remain behind to focus on this task.
Hyun-seo pulls open one of his shelves a book. Yo-gwang eyes widen when he sees the content of the book, and protests too dangerous what Hyun-seo is considering.
But Hyun-seo is determined, as it is the last hope. He has Yo-gwang Yeon-hee to hide until he can begin the process, and tells him to look Poong-yeon help.
Before Yo-gwang leaves, Hyun-seo has a last minute request. He needs the Oblivion potion
In the cave, June curse mark flashes, and it begins to hemoptysis. Meanwhile Poong-yeon and Yo-gwang speed towards Yeon-hee and June on horseback.
Yeon-hee holds June in his arms as he trembles uncontrollably. June looks Yeon-hee, and just like Poong-yeon during his suffering with the curse, looks June, a spirit beside her, then starts shrieking spirits hear. Jun's eyes widen and he yelps in fear.
Yeon-hee freak Watches June tears on her face. After a while, she can no longer, and is set to leave, but June immediately grabs her wrist. Still shaking, he gasps:
it incredulous looks down, but he only asks her to stay "Do not go.". Overcome with emotion, Yeon-hee kneels and puts her arms around June
The two are still holding each other when Poong-yeon stumbles onto the scene. Poong-yeon can not see, and turns away.
Yo-gwang coming soon and says Yeon-hee, they need to find a place to hide while Hyun-seo on the Talisman shield works. Yo-gwang and Yeon-hee aid in June at his feet, but they can not control him, as he flails. Poong-yeon then watched the scene for a moment the steps, grabbed Jun and pull him on the back, so that the group to get going.
Back in the temple, Hyun seo reads from his book, which contains illustrations of hand gestures. He opens his box with the torn page from the Mauigeumseo and thinks with Yo-gwang back to his conversation.
had he asked Yo-gwang when Jun and Yeon-hee were close, and Yo-gwang said June now turned the curse mark. Hyun-seo overlooks torn side down, probably wondering if June could be the one, the last candle and break Yeon-hee curse to illuminate.
Soon-deuk comes at an inn where the landlord informed of some shady-looking visitors. She enters the room and bounced in shock when she sees sickly Jun in the corner with a white-haired Yeon-hee huddled.
Outside Poong-yeon looks pained when Yo -gwang says that part of Yeon-hee curse someone they die loves is seen has. Yo-gwang adds that the only reason Poong-yeon had returned to good health because Yeon-hee was protected by the talisman at Cheongbing temple. Unfortunately they do not know to hide from any other secure locations.
Poong-yeon suggests that they leave behind in June, as they find their next hiding place. Yo-gwang is uncomfortable with the idea, but Poong-yeon says with keeping them in June only in more danger Yeon-hee is set.
Yo-gwang eyes widen when he catches a glimpse of Yeon-hee, who appears around the corner. She looks at the two men with dagger eyes.
Soon-deuk sitting at a safe distance from Jun in his room, reciting prayers nervous. She jumps when he reached for her, but does everything in June, is the hand her a folded piece of paper that contains a drawing of a symbol - the brand that June connects to the red coat. He asks look Soon-deuk the icon and find out what it might represent.
Back outside, Yeon-hee told Poong-yeon does not need his help. He is hurt and wants to know if Jun is that important to her - enough to push Poong-yeon away. So what Poong-yeon was exactly to her?
Yeon-hee, says the Poong-yeon missing you all these years a loving older brother was before anyone knew otherwise when she was excited. Poong-yeon grabs Yeon-hee wrist (quite aggressive, I might add) and says that the girl he look long the good girl who always believed in him and held his hand.
She shrugs her wrist away to tell him the girl - a silly child that nothing about their little house has come to know in the forest, which only believed in Poong-yeon words - no longer exists.
Poong-yeon blames the curse for Yeon-hee to change, and tells her that even if he had to kill all those who made it in this way, he in the she was back again transform ,
Sol-gae watches over Hong-joo, as she struggles to sit up. All of a sudden, they hear the clanking of swords and Poong-yeon storms in Hong-joo of the shaman one exit after another.
Sol-gae disappears quickly. Poong-yeon heads towards Hong-joo and immediately shows with the sword at them and threatened to kill them. He knows Hong-joo is the source of Yeon-hee curse, but he does not care about the curse himself - all he wants is the old Yeon-hee back.
Hong-joo, she says the hurt look in Poong-yeon eyes like, but she asks him to really check him if killing to get what he wants.
Poong-yeon blames black magic Hong-joo for all that is both Yeon-hee went with wrong and the king. Hong-joo tells him that he can thank his father for the black magic -. After all, he was her teacher
In a flashback, we see that Hyun seo had nursing an injured Hong-joo, then made a simple court lady as she in the temple, and burst came along. Hong-joo said Hyun-seo that the palace tried to force her to wear the king's heir, and when things are not as planned, they were trying to kill them.
She vowed to pay her, but in Hyun-seo typical fashion, he told her to forget her anger, so that they can live in peace. He told her she was talented, and asked them to restart with him their studies.
to create as his pupils, Hong-joo heard while Hyun-seo on the difficult and sometimes life-threatening work spoken a talisman. Hong-joo did not understand why she had to learn something so dangerous, but Hyun-seo said that magic must be used for the good.
spoke as Hyun-seo, was Hong-joo distracted by the faint cries of ghosts, looking aside on where they saw a locked box.
When switching for not careful, Hong-joo said Hyun-seo that she learned magic to protect themselves, not others. Hyun-seo was angry her that hate to tell rage and jealousy are dangerous for the Magic. He said they should not learn from him when she was unable to have these feelings.
Hong-joo did not respond but asked Hyun-seo, if it is possible to use magic to win over someone's heart. Hyun-seo told her that if by magic on someone's heart to win is not to receive the same as their true feelings.
Later, Hong-joo had on the box the locked knelt she had seen earlier. When she reached him, appeared black smoke and the floodgates broke apart on its own, a small sword revealed (which we have seen to be Hong-joo current weapon of choice). They took the sword, and her eyes flashed white.
Back to the present, Hong-joo told Poong-yeon they have not learned black magic, directly from Hyun-seo, but he felt responsible and tried to stop her - that's how they got so far are
Hong-joo moves closer to Poong-yeon, to tell him that his pain his father is due error .. She says Poong-yeon should hate those who caused him pain and sadness, then forget it -. That's the only way he'll live
She speaks soothingly, as if him with their words, and for a second lulling it looks like he their can yield train. But then Poong-yeon rejections Hong-joo and says if his father caused all these problems, it make it right. As he turns to go, calling Hong-joo that one day he will need their help.
Poong-yeon passes directly to Hyun-seo, and he asks him a question, like the captain of the royal guard: Why have to save Hyun-seo the princess? Hyun-seo is not responding, so Poong-yeon is another question, this time when his son: Why did Hong-joo saved
Hyun-seo says he had hoped Hong-joo would change it? Way, but Poong-yeon not believe Hyun-seo trusted her to do such a thing. How can Poong-yeon his father now rely on
Hyun-seo's true - Poong-yeon should not trust him. Hyun-seo takes the blame for the curse; it's his fault that Poong-yeon not accept Yeon-hee, as it is now that Hyun-seo hiding the truth from his son. Hyun-seo says again: ". Do not trust"
Poong-yeon, he says to break Yeon-hee curse, then storms out. He then tells the stunned King that he can not obey his orders to bring in the Princess.
The king has mad a sword Poong-yeon the neck, but can not do much more to bring to do. Instead, he fights back tears as he explained that Poong-yeon is no longer the captain of the royal guard, and not his friend; he is banished from the palace. Poong-yeon bows and wishes him good health.
Yo-gwang intercepts Soon-deuk salt before Jun's door irrigation ward off evil spirits. She thinks that the three of them shady, but Yo-gwang she says fleeing from frightening people, and they need their help to get out safely.
Soon-deuk breaks, but then begins Yo pelting -gwang with salt, resulting scuffle and exchange of insults between the two. Soon-deuk runs like Hyun-seo saunters up it off here in June to see and ask Yo-gwang for the drink.
unpacks In June Rooms, Hyun-seo the Oblivion potion. He told June he should know what it is - if he drinks it, he will forget to get information about Yeon-hee and his health.
Jun asked if Hyun-seo tells him to run away like a coward. Hyun-seo reciprocated when June dies, it is Yeon-hee who suffer; the potion is not for June, but for them.
Jun slowly uncork the bottle, but then pours its contents. He apologizes, but says that he refuses to forget Yeon-hee - of their memories of Jun's Yeon-hee are precious gifts. He says that he find a way to live, and he will protect Yeon-hee.
Hyun-seo thinks: "These feelings must be strong enough for you to be able to sacrifice themselves at the end of it you have to be the one to light the 108th candle.."
Hyun-seo runs in Yeon-Hee is on the way out. He continues to speak to her formally, to tell her to hide while he works on the talisman. Yeon-hee wonders about a hiding place, then Hyun-seo asks to deliver a letter to the Queen Mother.
When the Dowager Queen reads the letter, she says she will help Yeon-hee, but the rest is up to Hyun-seo.
Yeon-hee sits with Jun and takes his hand in hers. June, it attracts just a bit and tells her to hurry to curse you and break so that he could get better. He adds that, as it has already taken his hand, they should not let go of it - he is not.
Yeon-hee looked with sad eyes at him and tells him that she will leave tomorrow. June asks if it is because of him, but she says that it is not -. It's so they can live and find out who she is and where she fits in
Jun tells her that they're on the same team as they fight common enemies - and he would captain the consider the team. He tells her not to worry about him, and not hurt. He promises his way to make back to her.
At the palace, the king calls the guard, which was promoted as the fake red coat was captured - that is, Jun's brother, Heo Ok. Once Ok arrives, the King scares the daylights out of him threatened to behead him -. After all, Ok I do find on red coat of the body
The king says he will spare Ok life when he promises to do whatever the king asks. And his first command? For Ok to Poong-yeon and bring his precious sister to chase back to the king.
walk through the city with Sol-gae, Poong-yeon, he says Yeon-hee is chosen over the king, so he will no longer hide from her. Not far behind, we see Ok with his servants, looks pretty flashy as tail with the duo.
In their camp, Hong-joo receives news that they grab them prompts sword and leave.
Poong-yeon and Sol-gae in the inn to arrive at a litter-Yo gwang tends to find. Sol-gae apologizes to search the premises.
Yeon-hee looks hesitant, hovering outside Juns door to leave. On the other hand, rejects June against the door and looked wistfully. Suddenly he heard scuffling and Yeon-hee muffled screams. With difficulty, he gets up and opens the door, only to see Yeon-hee is disguised as a red coat worn by Sol-gae.
Jun is able to catch them and pushes down red coat, releasing their grip on Yeon-hee. He is too weak to fight properly, but he grabs the right arm of the red coat, where it is already injured.
Red Cloak provides a good hit June, but he grabs it again and again injured arm until she draws her sword. Yeon-hee lets out a scream, and fortunately, Poong-yeon and Yo-gwang come running. Red Cloak flees.
Yeon-hee alarmed when she sees blood on Jun's hand, but June says it's not his. He thinks back to the last time he had seen Sol-gae, and how he had received blood on his hand in the same way. - By her arm grabbed
Poong-yeon is not to catch red coat in a position and suggests that Yeon-hee to leave quickly because their position is at risk - .. he left with June'll Yo-gwang a reluctant Yeon-hee pulls
After followed Poong-yeon in the inn, Ok watches Yeon-hee holiday in the litter, then looks Poong-yeon June leads back to his room. He puts two and two together, realizing that the girl he hunts had the same girl in June convinced not to kill Ok, back to the barn, where Jun's mother died.
Hong-joo and their shamans are on the way Yeon-hee when Hong-joo catches a glimpse of a litter. You know, Yeon-hee in, so she orders its army to chase after them.
Hong-joo of the shaman on the litter and open their doors, but to their surprise, it is empty. Just then, the royal litter the Dowager Queen makes its way down the street escort to stop all traffic. Hong-joo overlooks a side road past and still sees another litter by -., Be the Yeon-hee must
Although all the others is the way for the Queen Mother, Hong-joo is only in the middle of the Road. The royal widow allowed Hong-joo she and Hong-joo asks to approach when they hid the princess. The Queen Mother: "You mean the princess that you told me was dead?"
Hong-joo wonders if the Queen Mother to fight on, but the queen replied that she has already surrendered to Hong-joo - that's why they can live their, even if they log on Princess to be dead. Then hurry Hong-joo to end the call.
As Yeon-hee litter approaching the palace, she thinks back to her earlier conversation with Hyun-seo, we hear fully now: she had told him, they planned to enter the palace, because she was tired of living on the run. Sometimes it is safest to where it is most dangerous, had said she
Hyun-seo told her that he he has to create a new Talisman sign for them for the same reason Head of the Taoist Temple -., The to protect the country. He asked them not to blame or from their mission to falter, even if he ends up dying.
Yeon-hee insisted that they do not need it that bad if it meant harm to Hyun-seo, but he just said he wanted to know Yeon-hee, that it create a dangerous job. He had to go directly to the Queen Mother when she received her talisman sign.
Yeon-hee called him "Father" one last time, and that, Hyun-seo finally smiled, like his old self looking. He said he was glad to see how brave she has become.
Back to the present, Yeon-hee enters the Taoist temple where Hyun-seo sitting.
Still searching outside, Hong-joo suddenly stops for Yeon-hee and looking at the sky, hear a strange noise. The noise continued, and she hurries to the palace. sitting in a room
Hyun-seo and Yeon-hee over squared apart by lit candles with talismans and is surrounded. Hyun-seo nods Yeon-hee, and they begin.
Hyun-seo hands begin in gestures to move, producing a glowing white cloud of smoke, which he directs towards Yeon-hee. Hyun-seo works a stronger stream of white smoke to create his efforts, significantly burden him. With his hands and his eyes closed wild shook closely, it generates a strong force of smoke to send it directly to Yeon-hee.
Yeon-hee Watches Hyun-seo struggling with tears in his eyes, then closes her eyes to receive the white smoke. The smoke generated the tree sign of Mauigeumseo to Yeon-hee forehead: it is her talisman sign. The mark flickers from Enforced Disappearance and Yeon-hee opens her eyes that glow blue.
Meanwhile Poong-yeon looks on Jun curious, and we see, jun curse brand flash, then disappear.
Hong-joo storms in the Taoist temple Hyun-seo bent, weak, and to find in pain. She wants to know where the princess is, then noticed the talismans. You can immediately see what he has done and horrified, asks Hyun-seo, why he would risk his life for such a useless thing.
Hyun-seo says Hong-joo would not understand because they never risked their lives to save someone else. He begins to cough and falls to the ground. Hong-joo, looking really angry, crouching and offers to save him.
Breathing hard, Hyun-seo tells him instead of killing, and tells her he regrets to save their lives. He starts coughing up blood and faints, Hong-joo womb collapses on. It weighs the head and he closes his eyes, perhaps for the last time.
Distraught, Hong-joo considered Hyun-seo for a moment before her sword pull. Telling him, will their fate be bound by blood, she cuts Hyun-seo hand, then her own, then puts his bloody hand on her. Black smoke enveloped her hands, then disappears.
Hyun-seo eyes opened slowly, then pure white. Hong-joo: "From now on, you and I, until we die."
With Yeon-hee Talisman created plate, recovered in June, and he uses Yeon hee of materials at Cheongbing temple to whip some medicine.
Jun meets up with Soon-deuk who was able Jun's symbol to a group of homeless people to refer girls; they are marked on the shoulder and forced to beg as children, then sold will be gisaengs. With confirmed his suspicions, says June he would consider for themselves whether the red coat is that he thinks it is.
Cut June waiting for Sol-gae, Medicine in hand. It refuses to recognize him at first sight, but he can not move past him them. Instead, he grabs her right shoulder and said he wants to thank you.
He says the medicine he brought a gift, to help heal her injured arm. He quips that he meant to make the drug earlier, but got by attacking Cheongbing Temple held that take place, only happened after they stopped by.
Sol-gae refuses the medicine, but shrugs when the pain of Jun's hand on her shoulder. With a knowing look, told in June to her that she is injured - and it is the wound infected not allow.
Yo-gwang checked for Hyun-seo and finds him with her back was to him. Suddenly, Hyun-seo draws his sword and swirls around Yo-gwang, and he is almost unrecognizable to face -. Glowing eyes white and a wicked smile
Hyun-seo progress Yo-gwang, and in a voice that was not like his sounds own, he wants to to take the princess.
In their camp, Hong-joo comes to an abrupt halt when she catches a glimpse of someone in her room
The figure turns to -. It's Yeon-hee. Hong-joo smiles as the two face off, and Yeon-hee returns almost her smile.
Okay, I may recover a few moments of black magic Hyun-seo. I jumped seriously, as he turned to face Yo-gwang itself - to be kudos for the presentation of this new Hyun-seo, so incredibly creepy, all in just a few minutes from screen time to Lee Sung-jae. I mean, everything seemed from his face to his voice differently - how crazy is
I'm still not quite sure why Hong-joo would not have used her black magic to turn Hyun-seo in her doll earlier than they originally saved his life, but the show suggests that it has something to do with her feelings for him. _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});
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