Recap And Reviews Kdrama Wanted: Episode 16 (Final)

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Wanted: Episode 16 (Final) -

There is the last episode of our show within the show, and suddenly all about the mission has changed. Our team has to end found a new motivator what they started, and now it is up to them to find a way crime expose more heinous than any of them could have imagined when they started before on this project just ten days. But is the truth victorious if the lie on its side, has so much power?


watched as Hye-in confronted Joon-gu at UCN, Seung-in ended the band of Detective Kim. He reflects on the revelation that his sunbae him to protect him from leaving his investigation seven years ago, but he was willing to risk his own life, because he was a detective and that's what a detective does.

Hye-in takes out her cell phone, but Joon-gu asks them to wait. He had no one to do at first hurt, he says, and he still has something left to do. She calls Seung-in and tells him to make sure he catches Joon-gu, but when Joon-gu tried one last thing to do, she hopes that he is able to do it. She also plans to end the tenth episode, as planned. She hangs up and says Joon-gu to make sure that they never regretted this moment.

In the locker room, Seung-in asks Hye-in, if it is to be in order, as Hyun-woo sleeping on her lap. She confesses that she's scared, but she has to do this. Seung-protests that it was not her fault, but she says that since she became pregnant with Hyun-woo, she's afraid runs. "I can not run away. When I walk, I feel like I'll never escape." He answers that there are some things can not hurt escape without you.

He promises to catch Joon-gu, and provides them with something to help she needs. Hye-in told him about Han Ji-yeon, the victims who came to her house, and her report on the doctor, whose body was recently discovered. She asks him to consider this; if SG had killed him, it might have to be very damaging to their image, the uncovered.

Seung-in heads in the conference room, where Dong-wook and Detective Park, the pictures of Joon-gu hospital room watching the previous day, when he said Dong-wook about the doctor. Seung-in asks if Joon-gu said something different from the off-if he escaped to find evidence, he could be in danger, says SG-but his Dong-wook, it was nothing.

Seung-in and Mi-OK to check the facts: The doctor had both Han Ji-yeon daughter and Joon-gu woman was the treatment, but it is missing for seven years. He has been on the run from SG and contacted Joon-gu, when he saw the Wanted mission. He was also victim would contact, it must be somehow exposed gotten.

Young-Gwan it but says the contact information for all families, of which brings treated at the same time as Han Ji-yeon daughter, that all are not ready except one, to meet with them, scared by the death of the doctor.

Dong-wook Writer Yeon and Bo-yeon says she should do to a tenth episode. Writer Yeon asks why he wants to do it. He says it is partly because Joon-gu, but that's not the only reason. Writer Yeon agrees that they should do it; Joon-gu methods were wrong, but if they do not expose the danger of humidifier disinfection now, it will get covered again.

Bo-yeon is to say also on board, that they have a responsibility to do it, the kind of terrible things, if you have given it so far shown on the program. When they stop now that Hyun-Woo has been found, it is really only a manipulation of the viewer. Hye-in joins them and informs them of its intention to do so, the tenth episode.

Hye-in, she says Ham Tae-seob bring to the show, he has to prove he conspired to murder the company the failings and to obtain release, but it will be difficult. Writer Yeon says this time they will make a different show for themselves.

Dong-wook plays the videotape Joon-gu gave him. It is from his wife during her last days, struggling to breathe, talk to Joon-gu from behind the camera. In the video Joon-gu tells his wife that the only thing he can do is to film what happened to her, even if he does not understand it. But he promises, tears in his eyes, to find out what's wrong with her, and that he would both save them and the baby.

Dong-wook, the team says that she went into premature labor, and she and the baby died almost immediately. Everyone is moved, but Hye-in, she says does not want to do a final episode only Joon-gu story to tell. Dong-wook, he says is not the case, and they will not broadcast these recordings. But this episode will be different, he is going to tell the story of how Joon-gu originally wanted.

Hye-in says that will not be enough, though; she needs style Dong-wook. Writer Yeon true to say that they get the attention of people to convince them. You also need to be the show, unexpected and clever to the case Ham Tae-seob in his lies.

Bo-yeon meets Joon-gu in a parking garage and helps him a cell phone cloning. It contains a text conversation with someone who ". Myungjin hospice LEE JUNG-HEE" as He thanked her, and she asks him to surrender. He says he has to protect nothing left now, and explains that he has to finish things, as he has even put the team in danger. He apologizes to her.

The production team discusses how to obtain Ham Tae-seob on the show. Mi-ok says there is a chance that they can do it; Assessing show last night, he seems on its ability to the public assured to control and manipulate. She suggests that they use that confidence against him, when attacking bad enough his picture, he should personally solve it.

Hye-in alights on the perfect issue to incite the public and pull it out: it reveals that it is a sound file of a conversation between an end has man and his brother. It is it found in the USB yesterday in the baby shoes that hears the team now.

In a flashback we see Tae-young experimental Tae-seob to convince them to do a serious investigation, and to compensate the victims, but Tae-seob says losing SG too much money. He will not hurt his little brother, but he threatens that Na Jae-hyun will die if Tae-young believes this. The younger man warns Tae-seob the boy leave her alone. Hyung angry at his brother's screams not to tell him what to do; He is the successor of SG Group and er one who gives the orders.

The team used this audio recording as a preview for the tenth episode, caused the expected public outrage. SG issued a statement of wanted apologetically and says it will be no further consequences. Protesters gather to demand a police investigation.

Seung-in meets with the only family member of the victim, who is willing to talk. The man tells him that if the doctor, KIM BONG-JOON, called to him, he became angry him to call when all was already dead. Does he remember later another call from someone get called Lee Jung-hee, who said she was also connected to a victim and worked at Myungjin hospice.

Black-clad men seek medical facility and endanger the staff. A nurse runs and chase them enter, but Joon-gu suddenly appears and pulls them into a room, the. Over mouth Seung-in comes, and when Lee Jung-hee, he asks said she was driven only by a few men.

These men move through the patient rooms to seek the beds. You are about to go, when they turn to see again. Under one of the beds, Joon-gu and Lee Jung-hee cower in terror as the leader of the men going to slow them. He bends suddenly and packs them; Joon-gu points a gun at him and tells him to let it go, but you disarm him, and demand to know where "it" is. Lee Jung-hee says she does not know.

Seung-in bursts and is concerned with the men. Joong-gu and Lee Jung-hee escape in the confusion, and Seung-handcuffed a few. Of bats to the beds and sprints after them The Lead Thug catches up to Joon-gu and the nurse, and corners and stabs Lee Jung-hee. He moves toward Joon-gu with the knife, but Seung-in takes them and throws a flower pot on the head of the criminal, and then disarmed and defeat him about ten seconds in. (Sun Badass.)

There is enough time, but Joon-gu to grab the injured woman and go with her.

Ham Tae-seob secretary reports the failure to his boss and said the evidence is either with Lee Jung-hee and Joon-gu; the fact that the two men to the Hospice of the search came to her, is an indication that the evidence actually exists. Ham Tae-seob tells him to observe the production team to see if they find the evidence, and to do what it takes to stop the show takes.

Reporter Jang interviews Ham Tae-seob former driver who left 7 Years ago his job. The reporter asks why he suddenly so quit a comfortable job, but the man responds that he has signed a confidentiality agreement, and he can not say. He is about to go, but reporter Jang keeps pushing what he saw seven years ago?

Reporter Jang takes Hye-in dressing room, asked them to let him interview about Hyun-woo, what the week has happened, he was abducted. She tells understandably lost him to go. He offers his help Ham Tae-seob to get on the show in exchange, but she tells him to go back. He wonders aloud if he should go for the first time say SG. Hye-in tells him he can take an hour an exclusive interview ends have after the show.

Dong-wook gets a call from Joon-gu, the Lee Jung-hee is telling him and that she has to prove that Dr. Kim behind allowed to. He tells him that she has been stabbed by SG people and that he allowed them to fall away in a hospital. Dong-wook told Writer Yeon they have a witness, and rushes over.

The ER staff have of course reported Lee Jung-hee stab wound to the police, but unfortunately Ham Tae-seob secretary has hacked into the police scanners. He calls his dirty detective to tell him where Lee Jung-hee is to tell him "properly care for it."

Dong-wook has just arrived at Lee Jung-hee bedside when the detective shows up with his partner to have to tell him, so they ask her some questions. Dong-wook protests, saying his "friend" must be dealt with first, and the cop tells him not to interfere with proceedings.

Just then comes Seung-in and asks the detective what he here to search; Therefore, the Violent Crimes Unit has indicated on a local police job? The detective says someone asked for a favor. Dong-wook immediately turns his camera and starts filming. Seung-in tells them the woman is a witness for one of his cases and they should leave. He does not care that they are his sunbaes, he says; He will officially examine why they have been involved in this case. Unless they think they SG before that can protect, they'd better back.

Dong-wook asks Seung-in, as he did come; he says Writer Yeon called him. The two men accompany Lee Jung-hee from there, together with evidence on a USB drive. While Mi-ok Lee Ji-eun gets to tell about Ham Tae-seob every detail of her abduction, the production team goes beyond research Dr. Kim. He had with Dr. Ha on the results, he advised had found, indicating that the disinfectant was harmful, but Dr. Ha denied the truth and falsified the cause of death. All these years, while being on the run, he had already studied with foreign doctors, and collecting evidence. Dong-wook told Writer Yeon integrating all in the script.

A few victims and their families come in, they say what they do want to do as a witness. They begin to tell their stories when Writer Yeon them approaches and asks if they are willing to help, to do something else.

Hye-in asks Jung-ho for a divorce. She says she should have done it long ago, "I have either not you feel well," she says. "Everything I have done is that you use. But ... one last time, let us use today." She asks him to help with today's show by giving the weakness he keeps on Ham Tae -seob. She gives him all her back UCN storage. Jung-ho asks if she is confident they will win, and if she says she does not know, he tells her to make sure they completely destroyed SG. She says she'll try and he agrees to their conditions. "This is the best end we can have," she says to him.

Dong-wook is concerned with the team, how to start in the series. He admits that they started the whole show for various reasons, and they are doing a variety of reasons this last episode. They all reflect on their momentum for the participation in this program, and we see a montage of moments each team member came on board. Dong-wook continues that he can still see the same motivation, how has this show will influence people and how far it can go. Now that they have Hyun-woo found the show has to suspend one thing left

Dong-wook .: "The truth that lost people their family members in such a painful way that they kidnapped and murdered, to get it out. that there people who died of a humidifier disinfectants. the fact that the people are sick and dying without knowing even the basic. Once we make the show we want, how people react? How does a lot of strength, a TV show? I'm curious about it. Let's see if we can achieve all what we want-we do our best. "

Hye-in comes with Hyun-woo toward Studio, memories, when they read a particular passage of Chronicles of Narnia to him. One of the characters had another said they would know if they could defeat their enemy only when they fought him. The victims and their families, and Lee Ji-eun, all waiting in the locker room. Captain Jung sends to look for his detectives to a few potential sites for Joon-gu.

Hye-in performs the final episode, saying that they have this show done at the request of the kidnappers, but today will reveal a shocking truth. Video of her reunion with Hyun-woo plays behind her as she shows, in tears, that he was found last night.

Manager Kwon packs his bags and empties his room at Hye-in at home, leaving behind a jacket and his keys. He sees her picture one last time.

Hye-in tells the audience that after previewing went today, ham they Tae-seob contacted and asked to explain the situation itself. He comes on set in a wheelchair, causing outrage among the victims of watching backstage. He begins his denials and excuses.

from the control room, Mi-ok says Hye-in nothing Ham Tae-seob says challenge. Just go create a situation where he can not control. Hye-in turns to him and says that she understood his words, he accepts the charge denies that he conspired to murder Na Jae-hyun and Ham Tae-young. He nods.

Hye-in to announce that they have a witness who says she was kidnapped by Ham Tae-seob, and Lee Ji-eun comes on stage. She pours coffee on his lap, while she goes to him, and he jumps up startled, quite able to use his legs. He sits back down awkwardly.

Dong-wook Replays of the man out of the wheelchair the clip jumped on to emphasize his deception. Hye-in asks for the abduction two nights ago and Ji-eun tells the audience about a man who came in and asked her where Hyun-woo was to be ordering them beaten if they did not answer. They identified the man as Ham Tae-seob, and says she is willing to testify in court. He just laughs and says that they have no evidence has shown and simply repeat the claims of criminals

Reporter Jang in the locker room comes with the evidence. Ham Tae-seob former driver. A flashback shows that by his conscience he nudged Blackbox footage Reporter Jang, who gave it to Dong-wook of a car. Dong-wook asked him why he does not publish a ball, and instead it brought him. The reporter showed him the pre-written outline of the book he write about the case, saying that he wanted to be an essential part of the story.

Captain Jung now comes on stage and says that Lee Ji-eun is currently in custody and will be examined in full for their crimes. But at the same time, the police will investigate their abduction, and Hye-in ensures the public that wanted Team the results of the investigation will be announced.

When Ji-eun leaves the stage, it is directed Ham Tae-seob:.. "I'm going to pay for the crimes now committed I will atone for my whole life That alone makes me a better people like you. "

Enter Ham Tae-seob old driver, whose former employer freezes at the sight of him. Dong-wook is the command to play the black box recordings. It is of Ham Tae-Young's car at night he died, and we hear his conversation with Na Jae-hyun, who asked him why he his opinion, saying, Joon-gu has changed, he would give up.

Ham Tae-Young says if he does not, no one will, and it will turn into a long battle in which many people are dying. Nah Jae-hyun asks for his wife and baby, but before he can answer, a car forces on the side of the road, and comes from Jo Nam-Cheol to swing a baseball bat.

Hye-in crying when she the moment of her husband's death for the first time witnesses. Ham Tae-seob has finally lost his composure. Dong-wook reminds Hye-in through their handset that they, she has not forgotten her goal to make Ham Tae-seob admit the murders, because that means he also admits to the humidifiers toxic coverup. Hye-in turns to him and asks him outright if he hired someone to kill Ham Tae-young and Na Jae-hyun. He denies it.

A recording starts from a telephone conversation between Han Tae-seob and Jo Nam-Cheol to play the day of the murders. The hitman she says killed Na Jae-hyun, as ordered and would only Ham Tae-young to scare, but he tried to save the boy, so they killed him. Ham Tae-seob voice commands sank the man to let it look like an accident and never call again, as the present Ham Tae-seob is to panic out of his wheelchair.

We see how they got the audio recording: Jo Nam-Cheol partners brought his "insurance" to Jung-ho. This is the leverage Hye-in, asked Jung-ho for in exchange for their shares.

In the presence of Ham Tae-seob secretary breaks in Jung-ho office and tells him to pull the plug if it doesn 't want to get fired. Jung-ho, he says nothing, the will received enough ratings to replace with this show. It's about to get really good now, he tells him. Ha.

Hye-in told the audience that the conversation she had just heard between Ham Tae-seob and Jo Nam-Cheol, and is enough arrested the former murder. But first they have to the cause of this murder deal: the humidifier disinfection problem. They are now, she says, give him a chance to recognize his faults and apologize to the victims.

The victims and their families come on stage. Hye-in leads them and asks Ham Tae-seob if he will excuse them sincerely. It rises again from his wheelchair (why he was still sitting in this thing, I have no idea who) and says: ". They have gone out of their way to fabricate this evidence against me" He denies everything and says he does not know why they attack him and SG group.

Shock silences the studio for a moment, then the victims begin him to scream in outrage, and everyone in the studio stares at him in disgust.

to observe Seung-in and Young-gwan from the boardroom, speculate where Joon-gu could be now. Seung-in, she tells him before the show ends must find, because when it's all over, he might kill himself. would, since the broadcast team finally the show is doing he wanted to do like Young-Gwan, he says likely to be close. Seung-in says Young-Gwan going to the gym; the younger man protested that Seung-in it should be, but he tells him it's okay.

Seung-in running on the roof, where Joon-gu is observed wanted on a giant screen. As Ham Tae-seob denies everything, Joon-gu smiles bitterly and is on the wall, ready to jump. Seung-in calling his name, and he turns to face him.

Seung-in tells him to come. Joon-gu answers: ".. In the end, it turned out as follows Nothing I've worked I killed all those people who did things to them, should not I have done I have something terrible to little Hyun-woo.." crying, Joon-gu, he says visit graves of his wife and baby planning had already done once, now he was not given the chance. He does not know what he will tell them when he meets in the afterlife.

"can you go," says Seung-in. "Let's go now." Joon-gu says he's sorry, but he will go to hell and pay for his crimes. He turns to jump.


Young-Gwan to Ham Tae-seob and tells him that he is under arrest for conspiracy to murder Ham Tae-young and Na Jae-hyun. Ham Tae-seob asks how a young child how to treat him the consequences if he arrested him in front of the whole nation. Murmurs of disgust, to fill the studio. Young-Gwan cuffs softly smiling Ham Tae-seob and executes it.

Hye-in turns to the victims and their families and tell them that for a long time, she wondered why she was their child who was kidnapped. There has never been a mission for them to reveal their own crimes, but some has definitely committed. She tells them how she stopped in front of her husband from pursuing the investigation 7 years. Though they had not known the specifics, she says: "I knew SG chemical had done something wrong, that people to hurt or die, and the SG tried to cover it up, but I was more worried about my husband. . hurt I was worried about me and my baby. "

She tells them about their ultimatum, and that her husband had given up on the investigation because of her. She tends to them and tearfully apologizes for thinking of only their own child and family turn as precious and for them back on the pain of others. "To all of you who have been so badly damaged, I apologize. I'm so very sorry."

Seung-in draws Joon-gu up over the edge back and handcuffed him. "Do not die," he tells him. "Do not die, and do not run away. Life. Do not go to hell, but pay for what you have done here." Joon-gu starts crying. Seung-in tells him it is not true that nothing has changed, at least people know now. He tells him to stay in prison alive and watch closely to see about SG, what they do now.

on the screen rotate, where they can see the sacrifices Seung-in adds that he has to watch the people and see how they stand up again. He told him the kind of choices make people in society to see.

"And for people like Sang-Shik Sunbae, who sacrificed their lives to help you. Well Soo-hyun, although he went wrong, wanted this end to see . you have a responsibility for them. "Joon-gu falls to his knees and sobbed.

Hye-in turns to the camera back, but before she starts talking, Han Ji-yeon leaves. Hye-proceeds to tell the audience everything they know about the chemical SG humidifier disinfectants. Han Ji-yeon stops in the lobby, to breathe, to fight, and Seung-in running on it to ask if everything is okay.

She says she feels strange. Once everyone knew was trapped, the truth and the perpetrators, she thought that she would feel comfortable. She asks if he believes that things are changing now. Will they get a proper apology? Seung-in says, Ham Tae-seob escape likely legal responsibility and SG could not admit his failings. "But," he says, "we will continue to do what we can do. What we need to do." She nods.

When enveloped Hye in her story, Writer Yeon says Dong-wook, that they do not go straight back with him to work. She says their styles do not match, now, and do not do well, she cares about doing things right. Dong-wook says he wants, although working with her, and she asks if he goes, a new show to do on this subject. She tells him she'll think about it.

As the camera zooms in on Seoul, Hye-in voice-over says that the government is still a lot of work has to be done. She asks that anyone who has been the SG product call in the transmitting station with.


That was a pretty epic conclusion! It was so satisfying, the pieces slowly fitting into place to see how the team finally put together the whole puzzle and formulated its plan for the tenth episode. Each member of the broadcast team came in the last episode with different motivations, whether Hye-in was at fault, Dong-wook curiosity, to see what happened for Joon-gu, or Writer Yeon and Bo-yeon desire and sympathy would help the victims by doing a final episode that caused by the show during its run some of the damage reversed. Everything came to a head in this last hour, the threads brings together the team slowly all together and crafting tricking a final strategy and expose the bad guys was to collect. It was nice to all work together, so good to see completely overlooked by the rivalry between the abandoned Detectives and the conflicts between the members of the production team in pursuit of the larger goal: finally expose Ham Tae-seob and SG and in court bring him a little too much sympathy, especially from Dong-wook and even Bo-yeon.

I treat Joon-gu character very interesting, because it seemed to me at first found that the show was.

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