Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctors: Episode 17

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Doctors: Episode 17 -

We get back on track with Hye -jung homework to find the truth behind Grandma's death, but the importance of truth seems relatively. After all these years must Hye-jung decide how to deal with the facts from a distant yet formative moment in its past. While making progress in their homework, our doctors are employed to take care of Lil 'Puppy Kang-soo. Puppy doctors get sick, but Kang-soo gives away too much to take care of each a little. It's kind of endearing.


We begin with a quick return to Myung-hoon practice on the grandmother. Hye-young said: ". A truth that will not be punished by law, a truth that is based on conscience - I have come this far for a sincere apology" While Myung-hoon performing operation, grandma starts decline blood pressure. He orders his assistant to cut open her belly, the grandmother caused to go into cardiac arrest. Although (then assistant) her boss Kim tries to revive grandma lose their lives on the table.

Since the line goes flat, Myung-hoon his eyes in disappointment is closed, and Hye-jung continues: ". I do not know how my life after knowing the truth will change"

Back to the present, Hye-jung is faced with the board in disciplinary proceedings and begins with an unexpected expression of gratitude. She thanked the Board for allowing her to realize that she holds an important position in Guk-il Hospital in public. It considers it an honor.

Ji-hong smiles briefly and come back to the hearing. When asked by their absence when the VIP politicians lost consciousness, Hye-jung defended explain their actions by the urgency of their operation. They claimed that they acted accordingly and does not believe that they have committed any wrongdoing. The rest of the board nods, sans Myung-hoon, of course.

discuss the neurosurgical department nurses and Joong-dae Hye-jung unfair hearing and pointed out that Seo-woo is immune to punishment thanks to her father. more just in time for Seo-woo walk in the conversation stop the sisters Joong-dae to speak. They noticed her awkward silence, and Joong-dae explains that she complained only Hye-jung situation. Seo-woo sends Joong-dae away to check a patient, and it is called in her father's office.

Myung-hoon says Seo-woo of his plans to reveal a file in front Hye-jung hearing decision. Seo-woo opens the file and sees her past scandal in high school. She demands that her father this cover up, but he wants to use this trump card. Trying to convince them, says Myung-hoon, that he, after he could not sleep beaten, and that he much she loves. Not willing to undergo painful memories from her youth, she says that she will die if he reveals one of these last scandal.

Seo-woo goes to the office of the companions as Hye-jung packs her bags, in case of unfavorable hearing decision. Asks Hye-young, if she blames, and Hye-jung confirmed surprising that she does. But she adds that it does not resolve the debt problem, the more likely she is to blame bad luck.

Seo-woo admits that for a moment, thought Hye-jung was just like them with their emotional reaction, but, alas, she admits that is Hye-jung different. Hye-young wonders if everyone around Seo-woo reacts with resentment in these situations, and Seo-woo nods. Calls Hye-young that Seo-woo not criticize them of which to be different, and Seo-woo denies this. In fact, she says that in the past, they may be as targeted. You half-jokes that it must be great to be a good person and leaves them on the packaging.

Director Jin Myung-hoon asking office, occurs when the ear was really necessary (it really was not). Myung-hoon says that there is only a memory of the staff to be attentive, but director Jin got a good feeling about this. He feels antsy since they caused the test and warns his son to be careful. That, sir, is your conscience.

The board members begin their discussion of the referred decision. Tae-ho argues that a warning would suffice, but Myung-hoon demands that they fire Hye-young. Ji-hong says that it is unfair Hye-jung to use as a scapegoat for the whole Department of Neurosurgery, and Myung-hoon asks pointedly if Ji-hong's personal feelings in this discussion as well. Ji-hong is the question to him again, and that includes him.

Kang-soo occurs immediately reminds him a patient to take the CT scan in the break room and Kyung-joon. As Kang-soo turns to obey commands, rubs Kyung-joon more salt on the wound of the puppies - to ask if he forget to leave him his thoughts criticize webtoons elsewhere and drawing. Instead the argument, Kang-soo silent and cares for his duties.

Ji-hong welcomes Chef Kim in the lobby, and leader Kim notes, his kindness. He asks Ji-hong, if his offer still stands, and Ji-hong responded positively.

Hye-jung a call from Ji-hong receives, who tells her that he two pieces good news and bad news. They meet, and Hye-jung asks for the good news first. He begins with the first piece of good news - he has to tell her the hearing decision, because it is better to hear it from him. But bad news: it is suspended for a month.

Hye-jung remains optimistic and says that the suspension is much shorter than expected, and Ji-hong compliments her composure during the hearing. She says, to show them, Myung-hoon wanted her matured over the years. For the second good news, they decide to move to another place, and Hye-jung holds fast by the ICU on the pregnant patient to check.

When she arrives in the ICU, Kang-soo is already checking on the patient. Hye-jung says Kang-soo not feel too bad and assured him that their one-month suspension of nothing. She tells him to take good care of the patient while she is away, and Kang-soo forcing a smile. have

Yoon-do roars Kyung-joon over a wound inflammation of the patient and Kyung-joon says, ordered Kang-soo to eliminate it. Joong-dae running fast to take care of the situation, and Yoon-do further swear Kyung-joon for his incompetence as Chief Resident to.

Kang-soo sees this and leads to claims responsibility, but Kyung-joon pulls him aside and scolds him even more. He makes Kang-soo for Hye-jung suspension, and when Kang-soo silent, Kyung-joon demands an answer. in all its emotions, Kang-soo erupts at Kyung-joon to stop and excuses After holding. He says that he is silent since, because it's too sad.

Kang-soo goes away, but his vision begins to blur in a fit and falls. Kyung-joon and Yoon-urgent rush to his side. Later in the meeting room, Yoon-do looking over the brain scans of Kang-soo meningioma with residents who suddenly Kang-soo recognize the symptoms retrospectively - the painkillers to leave his zone, and past the department dinner

Yoon-do checks Kang-soo with Young-Kook and Joong-dae, when he wakes up. Kang-soo smiles sheepishly and remains a lovable lil puppy despite the pain over the left eye. He self-diagnoses his absence seizure and assumes that he experienced when he answered the call from the VIP nurse, since he has no memory of the call. They let him rest and Young-Kook Kang-soo keeps hand in encouragement before they leave.

Ji-hong and Hye-jung go on an evening walk and Hye-jung, commented jokingly to the reductions in unemployment. She asks for the second good news, but Ji-hong will be a little longer, until the tension of waiting. Meanwhile, Yoon-do has returned to his home and prepares a drink for himself. Uncle Pa-ran comes, and Yoon-do aunt asks In-joo. It turned out, she returned to her home, since all their internal work is finished.

Pa-ran shows sympathy for the Department of Yoon-do and Hye-jung unfortunate suspension, but Yoon-do does not care about Hye-young, because he knows that it is robust. Pa-ran asks how Yoon-do landed taste Ji-hong friend and offers him the best of its compounds introduce. But Yoon-do falls and says he enjoys his feelings now. Pa-ran nod and figures that love is not a common emotion.

He asks Yoon-do, how strong he feels, and Yoon-do stated that he himself wanted to come aboard, despite his dislike of the policy the hospital. Pa-ran cracks a smile and said that Ji-hong should be nervous, and they toast the.

Ji-hong and Hye-jung sit on the Dock in silence as fish and Ji-hong finds that he always wanted to go home during these extended breaks. He always had to do something, but now he likes silence and can understand his father. Hye-young wonders why they better understand the people when they separated as if they together, and Ji-hong only reminded her to be good to him while he. Near

Ji-hong finally shares the second piece of good news is that leader Kim reached out to negotiate from. asks Hye-young, which leader Kim in exchange for Omas anesthesia wants records, and Ji-hong said that leader Kim an option was added to choose a different route in exchange for the records. He says that Hye-jung only the records should accept Myung-hoon to ask an apology and leave the rest to Ji-hong.

may Hye-jung 't this set-up just accept and get up to walk. Ji-hong chases after her and tells her that grandmother claimed that he take good care of Hye-young. He says that he wants to ask grandma if he will do well. Hye-young turns to him and tears in his eyes confirmed him to do a good job.

Ji-hong shows Hye-young is the key chain he always hung and declares that it is the key chain for the flat was he lived in died before his parents on his backpack. He says that his parents died, because the delay caused by the involved in the accident in his parents led the golden period for the treatment is missing. He says that he wanted to destroy the world for the destruction of his happy family

Ji-hong says he does not believe tomorrow -. Only this moment is just now important because he might die tomorrow. It assumes that Grandma wanted Hye-young, to be happy, do not give up today to reveal the truth behind her death. Hye-jung says that truth search is now live for them, and Ji-hong knows. That's why he helped her, and says that it is almost at the end.

Kang-soo wanders around the hospital and asks Joong-dae for something to do, because he is so boring. Kyung-joon looks regretfully at him, and when Kang-soo asks him for all orders, he says he's got nothing and walks away.

Ji-hong calls Kang-soo in his office and scolded him about the MRT lying he showed before him. He suggests surgery, and although Kang-soo. His concerns about the risks voices, Ji-hong tells him not to think about the negatives Then Kang-soo receives a call from Yoon-do who has to plan an operation this week, especially for him. Kang-soo comes out of his office and looks at both offices to take contrary to their offer. He decides to go the office and ask for advice in Tae-ho.

Ji-hong Kim calls boss about his decision. It comes from the impatient, but Ji-hong argues that a quick decision is best in this situation. Chef Kim says he'll think about it a bit longer, as is also offering Myung-Hoon. Ji-hong out that he is thinking through long and hard, as this decides the next 20 years.

Yoon-do jobs Kyung-joon plan Kang-soo practice, and Young-Kook reports him that Ji hong already scheduled an operation for Kang-soo. They both accepted responsibility, so it is up to Kang-soo, who is now the surgical procedure in the break room for improvement. Kyung-joon enters the room and tried to avoid him, but Kang-soo catches him before he goes. He asks Kyung-joon why he shunned him, and Kyung-joon apology. It is sad for hitting his head all those times, especially now that he knows about his condition.

Joong-dae and Young-Kook entered the room and Kang-soo welcome. Joong-dae asks who he obtain an operation of, and Kyung-joon chides him for his undue excitement for surgery. He silenced it poses the question of who of them enter the operation, and Kang-soo tries to lighten the mood by asking for volunteers to raise their hands. Nobody does, and Kang-soo jokes that he was a bit disappointed. You have not the heart to work on their first year and apologize what Kang-soo reopen.

Hye-jung working with Soon-hee café, and Ji-hong comes with the long-awaited records. He says that he has done all he can for them, hoping to make them more comfortable. She smiles and thanks him.

Kang-soo looks at himself in the mirror and cut compliments his appearance in front of his own hair. He cries and gives shave encouraging words on the head, but he can back his tears, as the reality of his operation falls in.

no longer hold back the next morning, Hye- young meets with Pa-ran and brings him the records. He tells the operation for it: After a large vein broken, they open the belly. This was followed by a cardiac arrest caused by excessive bleeding. Then the cardiac arrest is led to a table death.

says Hye-young that she knows how to read the records up to this point, so Pa-ra you are a professional reading. He says that the laparoscopic surgery was an experimental decision, because the process was not standardized. He finds it strange that they had not cut the belly open soon after the vein rupture in spite of bleeding. asks Hye-young, whether it was based on the doctor's judgment, but Pa-RAN does not know, and proposes that they personally talk to the surgeon.

Based on its interpretation, says Pa-ran that the surgeon a new surgical procedure tries broken accidentally a large vein, but not in time to solve the patient to save. Hye-young has heard what they hear should -., That the surgeon made a wrong decision, which resulted in my grandma's death

has as Hye-young to leave the hospital, it runs in Myung-hoon in the lobby. He commented to see her passion as a doctor, that they, while visiting the hospital for suspension. Hye-young says she has visited the hospital to finish the homework assigned Myung-hoon and reminds him of their identity thirteen years ago.

Myung-hoon invites Hye-jung in his office and says he serviced it to reveal itself. Hye-jung captures Myung-hoon in banmal said to her and demands that he speak to her in jondaemal because they want to keep their distance. She continues, speaking of the challenge, remembers his guilt in surgery, in order to prove to get an apology and shows him the anesthetic records. Even with these records on the table, Myung-hoon refuses to accept his guilt. He claims that he tried his best in practice and says that people can make mistakes.

Myung-hoon to argue further that it an honest mistake, despite his attempt and tells Hye-young, that they should have a more mature attitude as a neurosurgeon now , He decides to apologize, because errors are still failings and figures that he settled the debt between them. He continues, the call to live their lives and recommending counseling happy by her relationship with Ji-hong.

His shameless lack of remorse shocked Hye-young, and she admits that she underestimated Myung-hoon. They naively thought that an apology would suffice, but she feels even more offended when he apologizes. She says: "My expectation of a beautiful apology from the offender to the victim have been wrong." Hye-jung decides to leave for today and Myung-hoon says that Ji-hong and all respond in the same way. He adds that it would be better if they do not return to the hospital to ask if it that it runs really want to work in a hospital.

Hye-jung in the raging bath and decides that they have to play it his way. Outside, she finds Ji-hong waiting to hear about the encounter, and asks him if he knows any capable lawyers. She has decided that she needs to find all the possible legal consequences. Ji-hong crosses his arms and asks if she can stop right here, because the grandmother unsolved death seems to hold them back. Hye-young is defensive and says that Myung-hoon predicted that Ji-hong exactly how he would react. She feels frustrated that no one can understand it, even Ji-hong. In response Ji-hong, it offers to a lawyer introduce and tells her to do her way.

Before she leaves with the attorney receives Hye-jung to take a text from Kang-soo that he always joking surgery, that it is because he made them now go twice to a hearing. Hye-young reacts with an excuse that they can not be there, and promises after his sugery to visit.

Ji-hong finds Kang-soo in the stairwell and asks why he chose him as his surgeon. Kang-soo reasons that its operation are risks loss of vision, so Yoon-do proposal for a complete removal of the tumor may be at greater risk. Ji-hong tells him honestly that the operation does not have major risks to his life, but it could end his career as a neurosurgeon when he loses his vision. Kang-soo argues that Ji-hong prevent from happening, because it is his dream, a neurosurgeon survived to this point above. He wonders why life is so difficult for him, and Ji-hong pats him on the shoulder. With encouragement

Hye-jung meets with the lawyer and shows him the documents of the grandmother surgery. He tells her that the case because the statute of limitations expired dismissed, but Hye-jung asks if there is a way to track against Myung-hoon to law. The lawyer says coldly that it should have come sooner to him when she was this desperate.

Tae-ho finds out that Kang-soo moved his operation, so he goes to find out why. Kang-soo said that he is waiting for his younger brother and wants him before the operation to see, as he could possibly lose his vision. Tae-ho assured him that the operation to go fine, but Kang-soo says that to think he is used on the worst-case scenario.

Tae-ho reminds him that he is not alone and says that this operation is a race against time is - both he and the surgical team will have to endure twelve hours operation. He nods and then heard his younger brother call to him. Younger Bro welcomes that he is from the military to leave time reporting, and Kang-soo salutes back.

In sickroom Younger Bro brags about Kang-soo on his culinary certificates and then asks if the operation is not Kang-soo allow more to be a surgeon. He says that he is still proud of Kang-soo, even if he. No surgeon and apologizes for all time that he caused difficulties Kang-soo says Younger Bro never caused problems and takes a good look at his handsome brother. Aww, these two.

Ji-hong enters the operating room and tells his team long to prepare the operation for this. They start serving with Seo-woo as an assistant, and wait neurosurgery staff anxious. Younger Bro waits nervously, and while the department staff come from the screening room and go check it constantly thinking about the watch Kang-soo. Almost 8 hours, surgery, Ji-hong sweats and the team is tired, understandably.

Meanwhile, Hye-jung remains ready for lawyers to ask Grandma case to seek in court. The next attorney says they told her the same thing - that the limitation period restricts any legal action. In addition, her family left the indemnity to take legal action in an attempt to reduce their credibility.

Ji-hong and Seo-woo take a break from the operation to stretch, and from above, Young-Kook points out that Seo-woo looks tired. Yoon-do tells him to replace it, but if he goes down to offer his help, Seo-woo insists that it will continue. It suggests that Ji-hong drink some water, but he refuses because he will have to use the bathroom. Continue the dedicated duo with the operation with more focus in the final stretch, and finally complete the process, much to the relief of their colleagues.

restrain After surgery Ji-hong calls Hye-jung, to tell her that Kang-soo operation went well, but Hye-young tears can not , after a discouraging day. Ji-hong comes to her place, and Hye-jung says she regrets her priorities and, not looking for legal action directly assessed incorrectly granny's death. But she could not do in her youth, and all the time after a waiting period to gain power, they can not do anything now.

Ji-hong gets her real and says that Hye-jung had not come so far, if she had lived only the grandmother tried to avenge the death. He tells her that a sincere apology from a person as Myung-hoon expect too much to ask. His fake apology to her is to give comparable with a lollipop on a crying child, and Ji-hong says that a sincere apology requires fair compensation. swears Hye-young, that adequate compensation to obtain: "I'm going to kill him in order to catch a monster, I'm going to be a monster.." Ji-hong creeps, and I also

Ji-hong has the dirty deed do for her and asks about the time of his life to develop, because he would have to spend the rest of it in prison. Hye-young, knows that he tried to speak, and he calls it wise to understand his message. Trying to convince him points Hye-young, the time between Director Hong loss of consciousness and the nurse discovered him. Ji-hong knows and admits that he is also suspect, but he did not let that consume his life, because he knows his father would not want him.

its adoption is Hye-jung in question, but Ji -Hong claims that the parents want their children to be happy. He says: "The revenge, destruction, punishment - I will not be absorbed by these things I already feel try wasteful to do what I love today Because it for me no tomorrow..."

Hye -jung staring straight back to Ji-hong and said: "I thought the world would change if the truth came out, but the world has not changed."


Now that we have it :. A uncharacteristic climax fear for our heroine. The last scene was particularly strange to me, watching Hye-jung vows kill Myung-hoon for fair compensation. I did not believe one second that she was serious, because the overall character arc of Hye-young she would commit such an act, not let. Also, the music does not have the sentiment that it was really serious. But their belief in the eye to-one-eye revenge is something new, and I'm not a fan. We have known that Hye-jung to find death was dedicated to the truth behind the grandmother proper recognition of wrongdoing by Myung-hoon to receive, but you can not expect such a moral things from a human indecent such. She sat the bar too high, and I expected to rise, in contrast to his level stooping. I'm frustrated with Hye-jung as a character and hope that this is just a phase in their implementation of Myung-hoon proud incompetence. Hye-jung knows better than down that rabbit hole of fear to go - it has been so good to do!

It is a good thing, Hye-jung a prudent partner has hypothetically willing the prison to go for it, but more importantly, a partner who knows how to communicate effectively with her. Although I was direct and aggressive romantic advances not a big fan of Ji-hong, I have a rule approved by its direct - sometimes dull - communication. He is ready with heads Hye-young ass and all devil's advocate a little play while supporting them. And in this particular case, I am to convince Hye-jung to let her go with Ji-hong. He lived through its fair share of unfair experience, and I found that his maturity stood out particularly in this episode. He has accepted the fact that he is unable to change his past, so he lives authentically in each moment. Of course, it must give him time to that state to have taken, and I think the wisdom that he is trying to convey in Hye-young, can only be learned through personal experience and the passage of time.

It was interesting to watch Kang-soo practice parallel to unfold Hye-young history. I actually think Kang-soo surgery story made me even more frustrated with Hye-young, because it showed how they existed separately with. Everyone in the neurosurgery department was deep in their necks with concern for the operation, while Hye-jung held tries to beat a dead horse, to find legal representation for grandma. I just wish that they cared a little more, because it was so heartwarming to see the care and investment from the neuro team.

Kim Min-seok really his acting chops showed in this episode, and I was particularly impressed by his commitment to shave his head. This type of scene is a one-take kind of business, and he nailed the puppy dog ​​tears. He is emotionally present with his character, and I find that often a moment of embarrassment to see him as Kang-soo (although I fast déjà vu moment did with the military salute have). He balanced his character with playful charm and a relatable fear uncertainty. Get better soon, puppy before you make your Hyungs worried sick!

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