Recap And Reviews Kdrama Spy: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Spy: Episode 9 -

We finally get a few long -awaited statements in this episode, although they do little to quench the thirst for answers in this world of spies. Learning what the disk contains and why it is so important, it counts for something, right? Suspicion runs in all our relations high as the notes begin to bring bits of truth, and a new face threatens actually get this mission in motion. With all this going reconnaissance, you might think that the dossier is the only spies analysis get what to do in this world.


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1988. Shenyang, China. After Mom finds out that she is pregnant, she calls Dad from the hospital, it to ask them to meet later in the evening because they something from her breast she has everything it when say they will survive, which is

, which takes us to the flashback and again we have seen before .. the one where Mom Ki-chul informed that she is pregnant. He told her, had to abort the baby, but my mom said that she would have it, because it is "this person" (aka Dad) is child.

These words, however, Ki-chul has back smugly, that the chances that he is the father of the child are higher . he receives a fixed slap in the face for the remark, and Mom vows to live once a decent life, sick to do the routine work, she has been subjected.

But Ki-chul will be to see them in the south happy expire and not live. Instead, he tells her that their orders South Korean man to be brought to the north. If Mama protests, he. On the table pins to pull them reminds through gritted teeth together

Mom a sudden attack of nausea deceptive, so that they can be run from there. Once it is at a safe distance, she takes out a detonator. Inside Ki-Chul checked and discovered her her purse a quid Item remember that GPS tracker looking object she still carries in the present?

Yes, it's a bomb, because Mom puts it later from moments. Oh Mama, still depends on the same more than a quarter century old (not) kill method as your vacation? Someone 'round these parts, they have a better tech hook up.

We know that Sun-woo was finally born and grew up to be the spy, he is today. This brings us back to the present as Sun-woo in discovering of seeing speechless is Ki-Chul and Mama standing together.

The meeting is short, and Sun-woo gets out of his car to chase Ki -chul van on foot. Unfortunately, losing the car and takes call Hyun-tae of informing apologetically that he must have been mistaken.

Sun-woo it beelines for the office through the files on the Shen Yang explosion sift and sees a blurred image of a woman who resembles mother. Speaking of whom, Mom stuck something away in a secret compartment of her bathroom mirror, then taking their medication.

Sun-woo brings to pursue a request the van, and for some reason its software records a better match between the photo and the barely recognizable face of the U Bahn as a clear photo of Mama. Yet he leaves unsettled him. Someone tell me that he now found it.

Ki-Chul tells the unknown caller at the other end (whose voice we actually get to hear) that despite their failed mission tonight, they will still be able to pick up the item at a time, "a few days. He stops briefly to see its unlocked door, and approaches with caution in the dark.

Ki-Chul his things but falls on the source of the unknown caller- see a fellow North Korean comrade, Oh Tae-shik. Comrade Oh had been sent down because Ki-Chul was not things done fast enough. he also appears as he, although he younger Ki-Chul outrank and TSKS how Ki-Chul could have been placed in a higher position, if he only had not made that mistake, then.

Comrade Oh Sun-woo not impressed by the decision to use parents to perform their grunt work, especially mom who he as not better in terms of a traitor to the government. They must be killed, he says.

Comrade Oh it turns out, the contents of Ki-Chul wallet (I can still see Sun-woo family photo inside included), then forwards its mocking concern that their superiors aren t satisfied with Ki -chul, given the slow progress of his mission Sun-woo to capture and search for the traitor.

But what Comrade Oh want to know why not report Ki-chul, as Mom was still alive and whether any lingering feelings for Ki-chul peculiar friendliness to are their fault. In order, Ki-Chul shows him the more obvious injuries to the hand and said that Mom was the one who did this to him.

He will be the one to get rid of Mom and to prove his sincerity Ki-chul vows. That finally gets a laugh from Comrade Oh, who to put in a good word for him with their North Korean supervisor in promises. But Ki-Chul is nothing if not careful when it comes to a surprise guest in his house; He slowly reached for the inside of his jacket, but removed it when other men appear at the door.

Before he goes, Comrade Oh leaves him with the reminder that he is now responsible. All missions are stopped until it is satisfied with the way things are going. It is only after Comrade Oh do away Ki-Chul remove the torn piece Mamas image hidden in his wallet. It also looks like Ki-Chul is already to keep on the back counting the days.

Sun-woo stays out all night at his desk, contemplating Soo-yeon words of the failed mission in China for a female North Korean. He did not pick up, baby call, when they tried to reach him. Mom lit only when an incoming text to vent to when Ki-Chul informing them that their mission has been postponed.

Eun-ah is adorably praises sing about Mama when she comes this morning with Hyun in work tae. She envies the harmonious relations in Sun-woo family, an idea, Hyun-tae is quick to stab a pin.

Citing that an outsider never really know what's happening in the apartment, Hyun-tae, he says didn 't know how his wife really felt until she asked for a divorce. He bypasses the question of why he came to dinner last night, as he had no interest before.

Hyun-tae sends Eun-ah out on a coffee run when he sees Sun-woo in the office. When asked why Sun-woo believed that he made a mistake, Sun-woo turns the whole story, that he saw a van that as Ki-Chul looked, but it was not.

But Hyun-tae not buy this story, and brings, like Sun-woo had answered in his polygraph test that he was not hiding something from them. He hopes that this statement is true, because he does not want to lose another agent. Although Sun-woo assures him that this will not happen, Hyun-tae can not shake his suspicions.

Sun-woo runs into Eun-ah on the way out and asks her to identify the pill he found in Mom's bathroom.

Yunjin receives a fax Mamas name, time and place notes. You hardly gets to dwell on it before Comrade Oh waltz under the guise of a customer in All it takes is a glance in his passport -., Which contains a photo of her family - to fix for Yunjin in place. Comrade Oh continue to taunt asked her if she was seeing someone.

Dad is pleased when Sun-woo pays him a short visit at work, though his face falls when Sun-woo asks if he noticed that mom been acting lately a bit different. Dad feigns ignorance to believe his son feel guilty that Mom is already sensitive and as a person other than menopause symptoms.

But Sun-woo pushes the point further that Dad is to mention that they need to understand Mama because she is worried about how her son is in a dangerous nature of work. managed Dad to cover up the slip of the tongue by ending citing as Sun-woo in the hospital during his last "Business", and then adds that he and Mom are just worried for him.

Sun woo keeps a smile on his face until he leaves office Papas. As for Dad, he immediately calls Mom to let her know that her son seems to suspect something. Mom assures him that she has a way out without getting caught ...

... although that does not really work for them, if Sun-woo comes home and discovers an error in his room , He thinks of all the sights - known mention of a mysterious "uncle", as had Mom that Eun-ah had spent time abroad, and how Dad had known that his work was a dangerous


All these images of Maybe Mom are what stands out in his mind, however, and then entrains before a knife. He discovered yet another hidden errors inside to drop only to have them in the sink when little sis Young-seo comes home unexpectedly.

Sun-woo the microphone in a bundle of chewing gum wrapped before his sister turned to ask the uncle mentioned last night. He is unaware of the other errors in the ceiling light, the Ki-Chul on their conversation, instead of pegging Young-seo with questions about this visitor.

When Young-seo describes him as rather thin to hear in permits and scary looking man with a scar, Sun-woo it crashes an old photo of Ki-chul show. Young-seo confirmed that it is the same man, and moments later, Sun-woo takes a call from Ki-Chul himself, who says that it's time that they meet.

himself as "Uncle" they recognize talked, Ki-chul wonders how Sun-woo was the fault known as it is off-line before some time had seen go. Had someone told him about it?

Sun-woo characters who must still mean Ki-Chul is to hear in some way that acknowledges Ki-Chul. However, there is much for Sun-woo and learn. He has Sun-woo curiosity to breastfeed when they meet.

After making sure that little sis this week keep a secret, to get Sun-woo heads to his car his weapon. And boy, can you tell me, I've never been so happy to see some kind of actual firearm in this show. Is he plans Ki-Chul fulfill his fallen secret agent to take revenge?

Director Jung is very pleased to hear that Chef Song failed in his password-cracking mission. Now we know that the encrypted disk contains information about the deceased North Korean General Jang Sung-taek of the slush fund.

is worse is that the director has already promised the money for the National Assembly, but boss song has a number to the amount: about one billion won. Boss song asks for some more time, his superior promising that they're almost there.

There sure seems like Director Jung is the promise, these illegal funds aim for the policy for bigger and better things, and we know now that Boss song is included in this plan, because it was it is a possible career advancement for him. However, Director Jung reminds him that they have already past the point of no return, and if this plan backfired and someone has to take the case, it would be him.

Thus passes Chef song just for Dad company with a band of agents behind him. Then Chef song comes clean about his and Sun-woo real jobs from him his badge NIS shows, arguing that this is an urgent matter concerning national security.

Yunjin follows Mom instructions to meet her later that evening and takes a seat next to Mom on the virtually empty bus. Mama asks if Yunjin about knows why the mission was postponed, and Yunjin "I am free, not to say" answer is a pretty sure sign that she knows something indeed.

Mom asks if it includes Sun-woo, just get another: "I am not at liberty to say," answer, even if this one is less stilted. Mama asks if they were not on the same page about loving and protecting in this mission Sun-woo, which Yunjin answers: ". I have a family too"

not to change your feelings about the Sun-woo, but if she had to choose between love or family, they would choose this. This is certainly an interesting way to phrase this statement, and while Mom accepted this answer, they not aware that it was their mistake to trust Yunjin for a moment in time.

indicated Yunjin to protect their family, swears Mom to do the same with her. Yunjin rises by bus to rise only, even if not to tell Mom before a new person-in-charge of the mission. These are the last words that she is leaving Mom with, Yunjin says, asking not to look for her to go more.

Sun-woo pulls on the same abandoned warehouse where Yunjin had first obtained their mission. He gets out with the gun in his hand and approaches such as Ki-Chul leaving the building ...

... and makes the familiar gesture over his face. At the time, it is then.


This will sound strange, but I'm actually glad that another spy it order is executed in this drama verse if only the monotonous interactions between people to break that know within two degrees every other. In a short time comrade Oh proved to be a daunting presence, even if he acts currently as a carrier pigeon between Ki-Chul mission and the higher-ups in the north. He is also the first human Ki-Chul to be to call for uncharacteristically nice.

I am relieved that we have some clarifications on some plot points eventually got, especially in the case of the Chief songs mysterious disk. Not only that, to know that contains the drive Intel to the late North Korean General Jang bribes reveal Chef Song and Director Jung motivations, it is also to explain why is Ki-chul and his team after it would be. I would assume that Ki Chul mission something on the way includes this drive for the north is recovering, but also raises the question of how it song arrived in upper hands in the first place, because it seems like the hard disk suddenly appeared one day.

Although the disclosure of the Director Jung, the motivation for illegal funds was weak and anticlimactic, we knew so little about the man in the first place that I could buy its shady desire to keep the corruption in politics run like a well oiled machine. I could not understand why the funds had come from the north and. Not through another channel at the moment, but it sure seems like that one Hard Drive is the reason why the north of the 38th parallel crossed primarily

How that affects especially Sun-woo is still a mystery, and now for the revelation I'm waiting I'm waiting to drop the other shoe. And while we saw Sun-woo things actually do and discover small steps toward the truth, we saw it as also spend a lot of consideration. This is fine as long as we know what our hero thinks. But there were a few instances where I thought he would have known that Mom used to be a spy, but could not be sure.

All the instructions are either in plain sight or on the feet, Sun Woo-the sooner you come in the realization, the sooner we can let the bullets fly.

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tags: Bae Jong-ok, in Go Sung-hee, Jaejoong, Spy

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