Recap And Reviews Kdrama Punch: Episode 12

Recap and reviews korean drama Punch: Episode 12 -

There is a significant shift in power this hour compel our resident baddie (no, not that one, the other is a no, no, other a) to place between his dream and everything he ad has ever worked for a in exchange for storage semblance of power. Similarly, our anti-hero faces major hurdles in its quest fire on his enemies to rain, which somehow always manage to extinguish the flame. Poor Jung-Hwan has a lot to do, and a rapidly dwindling amount of time to do it in, but knowing him, he will find a way. He has only has to


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Ho-Sung thinks he has big news for Jung-Hwan, if he shows that he has been exposed by Professor Noh Young-jin accounts looking at, because only Jung-hwan admit that he blown it.

Our beginner Prosecutor does not understand, out since Tae-joon as actively to gain the media, so they do not think he had in targeting the chief of staff for political motives. your goal should Noh Young-jin word make untrustworthy ...

... But Jung-hwan tells him its cool heels because they'll wait out the big guns to take and get it all in one shot. This kind of cavalier attitude unnerves Ho-sung, and he finally asks which map Jung-hwan hidden to him so well set.

Jung-hwan puts him in his place by mentioning that last time he before enlistment fraud 7 years did Ho-sung told him to take it off to Minister Yoon of ratting. He will not again make the same mistake, so it is to decide to Ho-sung, whether his plan to trust or not.

After Jung-hwan ceases Tae-joon plans to officially boss summoning an employee as a witness (thanks Yeon-jin), he is Minister Yoon a call, because she is already on the schedule, the answer, which belongs to the public, can be best summarized as sharks, have blood smell in the water.

He wants to arrange a meeting between him and the Chief of Staff, who says that she is now given the constant presence in the media about his case be difficult.

But she is forced to acquiesce when he suggests that to help him, they will help also the chief of staff who is now in their best interest.

The arrangement is brilliant during the President a media tour takes you through a shanty town for the elderly, who find Chief of Staff ducks in a home Jung-hwan with an old woman whose broken hearing aid sits makes them completely numb their conversation. (Do not worry, he is getting her a new one.)

The first, what does the chief of staff, is the question of whether Jung-Hwan has something to discredit Noh Young-jin, because he is the key witness is used against the case of his daughter. Jung-hwan holding a folder, but in return, he wants the chief of staff to use the legal authority, he Tae-joon has to force to resign.

He agrees, on the condition that Jung-hwan offer not only the evidence against Noh Young-jin, but also signs that Tae-joon was the one who forced Noh speak. Jung-hwan smiles as he contains the folder on the hands, the testimonies of women at the University asserts that Noh they sexually assaulted.

Consistent Tae-joon takes over these allegations in the media to break as they meet with women's rights groups adopted on tougher penalties for sex offenders. Embarrassing.

If Yeon-jin brings up how the story spun that is Noh Young-jin against the boss daughter of staff spoke his own to cover up crimes, they also mentioned that it tangentially Article him and Noh to bind together. "Noh Young-jin?" Tae-joon replies nonchalantly. "Who is he?"

Jung-hwan occurs to remind you that he and Noh Young-jin high school classmates were, and the hands he has already prepared a resignation speech at this very moment Tae-joon.

Tae-joon does not seem him to be taken seriously, to the Chief of Staff calls to tell him to prepare for his resignation. It is also what the president himself wants.

The next thing we know, Jung-hwan Tae-joon faced with a warrant, to serve on charges of corruption during his tenure. In shock, says Tae-joon shaky, " I am the Attorney General."

Jung-hwan looks over at his official portrait hanging on the wall, then back at him. "You were at a point in time," he replies with a huge grin. Tae-joon, the bloodshot eyes stare at him like his portrait to the ground comes crashing. WaitAMinute ...

Tae-joon wakes up suddenly in his car-it was all a dream. It is only then that Yeon-jin tells him that the politicians they were to meet on the way to just canceled her appointment.

He can not help but think about how many people he saved in situations like this, and as there is no one to help him now that he has the same favor. If Yeon-jin asking interrupts where it should go now, Tae-joon, muses lost with this look in his eyes: "There's nowhere to go."

dinner in Jung-hwan House a sad affair because little Ye-rin is the only one who does not does not know about her father, and everyone is trying to remain so now. But that's not not looking, as they are already at a funeral mom and Hyun-sun of .

But Jung-hwan plan has already been set in motion, or is it just coincidence if LEE Sang-Yoon Minister Yoon son and a Central Court District Judge , tells her that he has been assigned to monitor the inclusion of fraud.

He dodged his service, he wants the case to dodge, because he has to maintain it has no right, has kept some sense of moral integrity, but it is his mother, him otherwise convinced. There will also be suspicious if he does not take on the case, she argues, so he must do it, and to obey the law.

He throws an exception to this rule, as it would call to be for him the definition of a hypocrite, but Minister Yoon convinced him that he now fight by spending the rest of his life and the term of office as judge for the downtrodden oppressed ~~ POS = HEADCOMP ... just so long can pay back this itsy bitsy transgression because he does not join them.

feeling lonely, Tae-joon to visit Kang-jae paid in prison, admits he forgetting their twenty-year friendship not tried him despite hating to betray him. He apologizes after Kang-jae does, and added that he will not be able to take care of his family, as he now promised that Jung-Hwan caught him in a trap.

Even after all, Kang-jae offers advice Tae-joon told to go to the aid of Minister Yoon. Tae-joon knows she would prefer to see him fall as it will help because it is the competition to the Kang-jae tells him that the Competition cede to her. Let they to fulfill his dream of becoming president.

Tae-joon finds the idea of ​​serving under Minister Yoon tasteless, but Kang-jae assures him that it will not last forever-when an opportunity itself not imagine he will make sure that you do. Shock, Tae-joon asks: "Do not you hate me?"

"I know," Kang-jae admits. "But I have too many common meals, drinks and dreams with you for twenty years." A long moment between them happened, and Tae-joon can not help falling from the eyes of the tears. He that touches. Aw. (I can not help it!)

Tae-joon manages Minister Yoon to catch only a few minutes, before they leave for the Blue House, Set, where she plans to discuss their recommendations for the Attorney General seat. Tae-joon is recommended even for the office, or rather to remain in office and said that he bit more than he could chew when he tries to take on the administration.

to take off the chip NIS that their mutually assured destruction insurance begins certainly attention Minister Yoon because, he threatened to expose with what to them thinks. But it is just the opposite, as Tae-joon its offer makes Yoon on the way to the Blue House to help, even if he had once dreamed that she was there to accompany him there.

To prove his point, Tae-joon fills a glass when he tells her that he will give everything he has achieved over the years to her and the way with hydrochloric acid ...

... Before it falls, the chip in the acid. As it evaporates into nothing, Tae-joon locks eyes with Minister Yoon when he her to be his vows, how faithful are like a dog with her. Now that he has given up the dirt he could use to bury with, he will give her his leash.

Ho-sung's heart breaks when Minister Yoon suddenly loses force interest Tae-joon withdraw, even if what he thought that they were in these two , "What would change just because Lee Tae-joon resigns?" She asks frankly, singing a whole new tune.

But she's back in order to justify their actions for a good cause, since it is capable of TAE leave apologizing joon alone, as it will help in the blue house put them where they will really may enact some changes and help people. You will only pay this little indiscretion forward

How to convince the chief of staff of the President to regarding Tae-joon resignation, Minister Yoon has a way to blow off with sweetening the pot. Now that Tae-joon in her little spat lost him, he will be under his thumb, which means the chief of staff he can control prosecutors.

All the bigwigs in the General Prosecutor, which includes between the Chief of Staff, Minister Yoon to meet office, and Tae-joon Jung-hwan and Ho-sung , to be named.

There, Tae-joon apology demurely, Blue House trouble causes, while the chief of staff, it waves as do him off just doing his job. He also admits the rumors that Tae-joon is resigning required by law, relying on the two-year term. (But they were completely ready to handle when it suited them.)

Ho-sung looks straight at Minister Yoon with a mixture of sadness and disgust, knowing what had to go for this behind the scenes on little dog and pony show happen.

Jung-hwan just keeps his poker face on, as do the chief of staff and Tae-joon officially what Tae-joon eagerly bow and the man's hand in gratitude shake allowed him to keep his job ... but it is more than that in his expression that he hides from all others.

A separate agency meeting will be immediately called by Jung-hwan, where he commissioned to begin the prosecution to investigate the chief of staff of the subsidiary. Ho-sung is contradicting to this command and close the case come to this by Minister Yoon and Tae-joon.

After all the other flickered out, Jung-hwan asked Ho-sung, how often he Minister Yoon heard excuses because he on their team despite the turnaround significantly she did with Tae-joon.

Ho-sung compares his situation now with a Jung-hwan faced seven years ago when he took Tae-joon's hand: ". I'm going to end with Minister Yoon Ji-sook"

Jung-hwan by punching Ho-sung Square reacts in the face-and Ho-sung, keeping with his personality, it needs only.

Yeon-jin knows what a blow it all Jung-hwan, and has the bearer to be bad news if she sees any way down he might take Tae-joon bring about because the authorities already predicted his movements and looked after things.

They are made of clues Tae-joon and / or Minister Yoon she says investigate. "If anyone would be different, I would tell them to give up. But I know you," she adds.

Although it has so never seen him locked in, they'll be waiting for him to call if he finds out a way how she knows he wants. But before leaving, she still has something to say: It's his birthday


Ha Kyung not forget she is "Happy Birthday." easy? try to prepare the inclusion of fraud for Jung-hwan as a birthday present. Meanwhile, Ye-rin presented her father with a birthday cake while offhandedly mention how many vitamins bought her grandmother because she wants to live a hundred years.

This brings tears to Jung-Hwan eyes, because he said, Mom live so long, so she could see Ye-rin lives and in relation to him in the afterlife. "You have to live a hundred to be," Ye-rin adds. Sadface.

But when she bids her father blow out the candles, he wonders if they burn it to watch for just a little longer. This is the last birthday cake he ever see, after all.

Ha Kyung presented their gift to him in the form of a presentation Minister Yoon presented Son and will be associated with the enlistment fraud case. Jung-hwan can be defeated feeling, but it will linger not leave him there, knowing that this will get their only chance now Minister Yoon.

Contrary to what he thinks they want to take their former idol and Tae-joon down for themselves-because after Minister Yoon Jung-hwan had 7 Years ago arrested Ha Kyung had tried her husband case to be reminded about their plea only because the law gives no special treatment.

now that they know Minister Yoon said that sails through the mouth of a hypocrite even it is intended to sink the metaphorical ship Minister Yoon henceforth. And because Tae-joon with her on board, he will also go down.

"I that want to show you before you leave this world," Ha-Kyung says. "This is my gift to you."

Jung-hwan is interrupted when Yeon-jin of a meeting between Tae-joon and Minister Yoon calls so he listen in to. They Tae-joon says of their plans, the people to show their leadership by. The Prime Minister always that they can use as the starting point to be President

He has still not see where ha-Kyung may go with the investigation because the broker is long gone, but it is the compound found that all of them together used to write -the doctor Broker men, military service binds

There are only a problem .: he is suffering from the late stages of dementia and has to live for a few days. Jung-hwan visits in the hope that he would be able to catch him in this brief period of lucidity dementia patients before their hour, but noticed something more disturbing than he in the doctor's family portrait takes a look ...

... He is father Dr. mechanic. Jung-hwan pays him a visit not about his involvement to talk to his sister (stopped since their last chat has), but because he now knows that Dr. mechanic came in the face of wrongdoing suit by not to be down as his father.

, which certainly makes Dr. Mechanic sacrifice that much more admirable, and Jung-hwan calls this characteristic in him as he his card when giving him his father regained consciousness enough Minister Yoon throws her hat in to speak the list of candidates, he wants to be informed.

Now that the seat of the Prime Minister is open thanks to a debilitating disease, and is one of the last three to be presented to the President.

you is ringing on the phone waiting for the position appointment but another candidate called instead ... and Tae-joon's there when he takes the call. Is it her ?! past

No screwing, as it turns out, he has to help by coercion the nominees in declining the position. But he did not like, as later occupied by his violent outburst on an unsuspecting system.

After looking at Jung-hwan recent medical report, Hyun-sun all but begs her brother consider hospitalization that the way he has a chance of at least make it to Ye-rin of the first day of school.

But as always, he refuses to lie in a bed until he shuffles off this mortal coil, although he plans to tough it completely long enough from, to his daughter first day of school to see.

then He asks Hyun-sun over the Seon (double date) he put them on, and added: "I hope you can stand in a place where others can you do not dismiss and dismiss your life without other people. you and Ye-rin both. "

Minister Yoon accepts Tae-joon to task when the only other candidate is presented in the press, and is further enraged when he already on their end lost considering the race.

She has to remind him that he still has reason of his title, and wants him his son for enlistment fraud the candidate down to by exposing to take. Even Tae-joon has to be some qualms with the man, the son sends her son tempted when he committed exactly the same crime .

Plus, the candidate helped him when he ran for the office and he does not want to rock the boat. But he has not given much of a choice when Minister Yoon makes it a order .

Tae-joon this whole exchange to Kang-jae in the prison of the heart, but his true feelings refers become known after he mentioned Minister Yoon long and impressive line of legislators and politicians. "I lived my life not a butler for a rich family's daughter to be"

he accepts Kang-jae Council against any rash move Minister Yoon to make, while it is reminiscent of the promise once made that he would one day forgive him if Kang-jae ever betrayed him.

Now he wants Kang jae keep his promise to create a possibility to bite him Minister Yoon back, but knows that he must be doing a free man to , He will have him out in less than a week.

Because Tae-joon intervention with the other nominated Minister Yoon finally gets to ask the call whether to be bound by the official nomination accepted Prime Minister. She plays the innocent and overcome flower asked by some time to think about all the while grinning like mad to himself.

Just as they are about to give up on her almost comatose break in the case, calls Dr. mechanic Jung-hwan him that his father telling regained consciousness and has less than an hour left. He wants his father to repent before he dies.

not aware that Ho-Sung has followed him to the hospital to bring Jung-hwan heads for her room, only a poorly-timed and piercing headaches him. To his knees That's some Dr. Jin brain fetus-esque exactly timing.

The doctor, knowing he did not have much time, expresses the hope that the prosecutor in the time comes for him to confess his sins ...

... But he died 10 minutes before Jung-hwan consciousness to another hospital room wins. Ho-sung, now reach pieces together what Jung-Hwan had hoped.

Jung-hwan even accompanied from the hospital, and this is so from a television blaring news of Minister Yoon acceptance of the position Prime Minister. He responds by punching (!) On the screen.


This really was not young -Hwan episode, was it? I am impressed with his poker face than ever, because it really is the metaphorical shit out of him by the competition this time, and he tried to got hit so hard. More What's worse with the losses he is (sort of) justice in this hour is in his fight lasting that it backfires so bad that they seem to be objective in this life unattainable made, let alone he left the lean months.

I fear rightly felt as Tae-joon, he promised from prison Kang-jae spring would, because that's just , it would be for Jung-hwan. Game over. The end. But I could not help feeling sorry for either Tae-joon also, which is always such a strange and interesting place to be with him. Yes, his jail is making of its own, but it was something relatable in fashion Tae-joon looked helpless and alone in his hour of need-perhaps it was because he just realized what had happened to him, and why every single step of the way.

Tae-joon knows how the world works today, but run his only friend that he served in jail just to prove what a sad and unfortunately little man he everything under Objective , And at its core, it divides to use despite its tilt his friends as human shields in the universal desire for companionship. I absolutely loved genuinely surprised by his prison chats with Kang-jae for showing Tae-joon to Kang-jae permanent loyalty despite everything is -er so in accordance with the type of snake it is, that he knows better than to expect kindness to come his way, which is why it receives enough was to bring him to tears.

, it is this kind of innate understanding when it comes to men and relationships that punch a show makes of them to watch closely, especially when the acting performances are as nuanced, as they are here. I admit, at first Kang-jae discounting after he was shipped off to prison, but found that it made sense for him more and Tae-joon even after twenty years to have rest for another bromantic feelings to be each other's confidant. Sure they both try to ruin each other's lives, but a friendship so dissolves not only in a puff of smoke at will. It is not enough to make me feel like Kang-jae, but now I like what he has for Tae-joon. Although none of them deserve a good word for the rest of their lives.

And as much as I can not stand the late Ho-sung (or at all), I wonder if he had a point in comparison to the Jung-hwan of seven years, and whether Jung-hwan realized and takes this comparison as fair or rejects outright. Since this is the same kind of nonsense Jung-hwan, I would move a few weeks ago, sadface only with more finesse and less rest, and it would be interesting if Tae-joon -reflektieren the only the federal government with the ability to be themselves , Then again, only with that ability means very little if he liked doing nothing to change it, would I assume Jung-hwan still win in the morality department when both its measure Pogo had sticks. But that would prevent Tae-joon a roast chip on morality to give in the first place, not so much is it a distant concept, as an unwelcome threat.

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tags: featured, Cho Jae-hyun, Kim Ah-Joong, Kim Rae-won, Bowle

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