Recap And Reviews Kdrama Wanted: Episode 3

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Wanted: Episode 3 -

The live broadcast is at us and there's no telling what will happen in the next minute. Hye-in, and her team, and the detectives on the case pushed to new limits as the kidnappers playing his game. With each new clue to uncover them, they will answer confronted with new questions, including those who all stunned: What is the ultimate goal of the criminals?


Seung-in and Hye-in stand before the trunk of the car staring through the kidnapper left, shocked at its contents. It is the body of a boy who was wearing the same clothes Hyun-woo, when he disappeared. The boy slowly turns to look for Hye-in.

She cries in despair when she sees his face. It is not Hyun-woo.

He reaches for her hand and held it on his sleeve, and she looks suddenly on him, picks him up and takes him to an ambulance, which has just arrived.

She puts him on the stretcher down and get into the ambulance with him to join a cameraman her. Seung-in asks a uniformed police officer to collect all the CCTV footage in the area.

at UCN Back, Writer Yeon labels tells quietly to an employee, the description of the unknown child hesitates about as "in critical condition." Writer Yeon insists on the wording.

Joon-gu calls Dong-wook and asks why they go to the hospital when Hyun-woo reputation had been returned to near the reservoir, where the car was found. Dong-wook told him the police always look still there. He says that the material was previously blurred, and asks Joon-gu Hye-in order to get the show on camera face of the child.

In the ambulance, Hye-in, the cameraman the EMT Boy oxygen mask asks to remove, so it can be detected, but the EMT refuses, saying it would endanger his life. Hye-in says the cameraman careful the kids clothes, shoes and hands shoot, his parents say they recognize. She turns to the camera and appeals to those who can recognize the child and asked her to contact the station and tells the audience what hospital they will be directed towards.

Seung-in follows the ambulance calls his hoobae Young -gwan and tell him to look for children abduction cases in the area and cross-reference them. With photographs of the boys Once they arrive in the emergency room, the camera crew will continue and the show banned breaks for commercial filming.

Writer Yeon calls Dong-wook and tells him no way there is to get 20% rating if the child dies or wakes, to name the guilty, so must he something to do in the next five minutes to create a story. Bo-yeon runs on the news trucks to him, to tell him, Hye-in has decided to stay with the child until his guards come. Dong-wook told her to take care of him and do nothing, except what he and Writer Yeon tell her.

Dong-wook goes to the hospital, arguing with an intern, which she refuses to film can be. Dong-wook asks him how he thinks it go to the hospital, if they refuse to leave them, and there is Jung Hye-in son's death. This is the kind of PPL, this hospital is not for money, received Dong-wook claims. The intern lets him go in grudgingly.

Elsewhere a man in an apartment is watching UCN, the evidence of a violent struggle around him. We do not see his face when he says a badly beaten woman on the floor, "like a man looking out in five minutes."

Dong-wook Interviews Hye-in front of the camera. "Five minutes before the program went on the air, called Hyun-woo. The call was traced to a location near the abandoned car.? Why are you here, instead of looking for Hyun-woo" When she him a disgusted look there, he shows her his hand, where he wrote: 20% rating. Initiate viewer curiosity. Justifies program.

She replies that a child in front of her dying, and she could not think about anything other than to save it first. "This child is another Hyun-woo."

Just then wakes the child, asking for his mother. Hye-in asks him if he knows where its at and what is his name. He tells her it's HAN-SOL.

Hye-in phone rings, and it is the same number Hyun-woo of called earlier. It responds, and Dong-wook told her to put the call on speaker. Seung-in connects the sickroom as Hyun-woo voice says, "Mom, save me." Hye-in tells him to calm down and asks him to help him. You hear a train in the background. Seung-in writes a note and shows Hye-in: The trains do not run after 21.00

"Who's that?" Hye-in calls, as she speaks the receiver in it covers the mouthpiece and exclaims. ". This is a recording, it is exactly the same message as before!"

Phone the kidnapper says through a voice scrambler "I was checking whether you do the program, as I told you, or do other things to try to find Hyun-woo.." He warns them to be careful that if they acting on their own next time there will be difficulties.

Seung-in takes her cell phone and rushes out. Hye-in looks directly into the camera and says angrily: ". Mach again this kind of tricks not play if I do not trust that Hyun-woo is safe, you do not get what you want either." She adds, that it would do everything he wants.

Dong-wook on the live feed and takes Hye-in task spoke directly to the perpetrators, to tell her it's dangerous. Will it stop with today's show? "If you have something to say, act. Provoke the emotions of the audience." He tells her to get herself under control and connects the feed again.

Meanwhile DETECTIVE PARK and his partner YOO DONG-JOON are at a motel near the former pursues call location. They have found that a man checked in this morning with a boy and not yet checked. Go to see an empty space; on the bed, a recorder with the news of Hyun-woo is stored on it. The latest call also switches will no longer be found.


Han-sol parents in the hospital and have an emotional reunion with her son. His father tells them to stop filming, ask Hye-in, if it is their child to find her. Dong-wook cut the live feed and tells the father to calm. Did not find Han-sol due to the program? The man replied that maybe his child because program was kidnapped. He tells them to leave, and packs Han-sol from his mother. She loses her scarf in the process, and there are livid bruises around her neck. (Ah, so this is the couple that we have already seen.) Dong-wook furtively the lining reconnects.

Han-sol trembles in his father's arms, and wets his pants. He escapes the hold of the man and runs behind his mother to hide. Seung-in noticed bloody scratches on the father's arm and hands. He asks him how he hurt himself. Han-sol father shouts that it is not important if your child is in a state of shock, and wince both child and mother.

Hye-in asks: "Have you beaten the child and his mother?"

Han-sol father jumps angry, but Seung-in holding him back. He tells Han-sol mother to talk when she needs help, but she tells them it's okay. Shaking in hand fear she says to just let them go.

Hye-Dong-wook asks to keep their camera and goes to Han-sol mother when Seung-in holding back her angry husband.

"You have to think of your child," said Hye-in. "I am sorry."

She tears her blouse the woman, terrible bruises suspend all over her chest and shoulders.

Later, in the hospital room, Han-sol mother does an interview on camera. She admits she ran away from home yesterday, while her husband was away. They had nowhere to go, so they ended up in a sauna, where they lost Han-sol. She cries and asks Dong-wook, to save them, to help them escape.

In the broadcasting station, burglaries each relieved when the program expires air. Writer Yeon says it was not bad, but Joon-gu says they still need evidence Hyun-woo can be found alive. And they will not know about the ratings until the next day.

Outside the hospital, Han-sol father picked up by the police. Inside, apologized Hye-in Han-sol mother. She cries along with mother and child as Dong-wook keeps silent films.

When Hye-in leaves, she encounters, Seung-in in the hallway. He asks her if she really the woman's clothing had to rip. Could she not another way to help her find out? Or was it for ratings?

Hye-in holding back the tears.

Hye-in: "What if I remember with I now do not even have time to cry, Sometimes when I can not Hyun-woo's face,?. I feel like I'm going crazy I can only think about one thing:.. ten days those ten days I'm ready to do something if I even hesitate for a moment, I could lose Hyun-woo Because if I.. lose interest of the people once, Hyun-woo could get hurt. "

Seung-in, he says understands. But still, he wonders if they can not do it without hurting others. Hye-in responses that are escape not to hurt some relations without. She had to go so far for Han-sol mother the courage to win, to tell the truth.

Later Seung-in asks Han-sol mother, if there is someone who knew about their situation, it seems the kidnappers uses this information for the purpose of the show. She says there is no one, neither of them has any family, and truncated after the marriage, her husband any contact with friends. She breaks down and said she did not know now what to do or where to go.

Hye-in goes home. She imagines Hyun-woo her, and remembers to read to him, to tell him how the characters grow brave in history.

She sleeps, waking when Manager Kwon arrives. He asks her why she did not call him, and if they still can not forgive him. She tells him that he has done enough for them in the last two years, and that he he should seize the new opportunity it plans definitely retire.

But he says that he has already rejected the other position. You do not know how this program will prove definitely, he adds. You can not do everything on their own, he says almost threatening, so it remain and do what he can. He worshiped Hyun-woo, so he goes to look for him, because they family. She agreed, and thanked him. The sinister background music and Manager Kwon erratic behavior in this exchange are fairly clear indicators that there is more to his motives.

Hye-in is already to be found there in Hyun-woo rooms Jung-ho. He praises them because cooly to do well to be in a corner crowded despite today. She scoffs: "??? Should I thank you for the compliment What did you sit and watch the program"

"I should see it," he says casually. "They give me the creeps," Hye-in answers. As if he was not heard, Jung-ho, before adding: "So that we do not power the other waste; there is a long way to go you already know, I will come not run for you.."

While Hyun-woo toys put away, Hye-in noticed a hidden camera on the shelf, similar to the ones they found in her car.

Seung-in says goodnight Han-Sol, and his mother, to tell them the next day to the police station to rest and come. Before he goes, he sits and tells the boy: "You did not do anything wrong, it is the adults who were poor I'll apologize on their behalf I'm sorry...."

When UCN, Dong-wook and Writer Yeon day Episode discuss. He wonders if he earns his life today, consider that they could not have done it without Hye-in. Writer Yeon says it is hard to be in the future, such a split second to make decisions with Joon-gu to, and repeatedly questioned the morality of what they do.

Dong-wook, he says needs the-because he does not think about whether what he does is right, he needs someone to do it for him. "Writer Yeon, you are the accelerators and Hyung is the brake."

She notes that he makes it sound horrible. He tells her to see some old Joon-gu shows from when he was a PD; see it is why he the kind of legend that Dong-wook can never surpass.

Captain Jung calls a meeting with Seung-in, Young-Gwan, Detective Park and its partner Dong-joon, and tells them they have to stay with the broadcast team, no matter what. He tells them not to worry about the consequences and promises them what the security and support they need, as long as they concentrate on catching the perpetrators simply. Detective Park says they should receive some kind of promotion if they finish this case. He warns Seung-in process not to ignore, as it is the case generally, because this time everything will be on camera. Seung-in and Young-Gwan apologize to pack to go to Park Se Young murder case.

you to find their desks Reporter Jang snooping. He introduces himself to Seung-in and said he has heard of him. Seung-in tells him it would be better not to meet again, as the next time they could be hit as suspicious and police. Jang happy, he says, that would be fine. He calls Seung-in an important figure in the reality show story and said, this case could make or break his career.

When Hye-in place, head Kwon lingers outside her room with a tray of food, hesitant to go in, while lying in bed clutching Hyun-woo clothes and crying.

in the morning run on their coffee, Bo-yeon is to observe all the people or to discuss with satisfaction wanted . The employees still protesting unpaid wages before the broadcast station, but UCN first place with 20.3% in ratings. reports the news that PROFESSOR KIM WOO JIN-Han-sol father, is under investigation for child abuse and domestic violence.

The conference room, but warns Dong-wook, the team that it was hard to credit ratings required and the show was present to do roughly the day the numbers will be difficult to keep on a cable reality show. It has to be just like the drama, instead of diversity, with a clear concept. You decide with Hye-in and go to the criminals than double protagonists. Bo-yeon suggests making a nickname for the criminals naturally emerge on the internet, rather than a have chosen. They brainstorm about the target of criminals. They agree that the child abuse aspect of Han-sol case can not be a coincidence and has important somehow.

Reporter Jang shows again at UCN, this time Detective Park approaches. It proposes an exchange of favors-he will include parking in the book he wrote, hopefully the detective wins a well-deserved promotion when Park gives him access to the story. Detective Park says he'll think about it, but what he wants to provide information on what is happening internally. Is

Meanwhile, Seung-in takes Han-Sol and his mother statements. He shows them the picture of Lee Ji-eun and Park Se-young, but she says she has never seen. Han-sol, but recognizes Ji-eun. He says that she approached him in the sauna and told him that his father was there, and he had first run away. They told him that if he remained with his mother, both of them would get caught. She led him promising, they would later meet with his mother. She gave him a banana milk, and the next thing he remembered was waking up in the trunk of the car.

Young-Gwan comes in and says Seung-in that Professor Kim has been released, and Seung-in told mother and son that they can remain in place for now, if they have nowhere to go. He tells them not charged to feel when someone did the same favor for him and his mother once, and he simply repay the debt.

A medical examiner's Seung-in the results of Park Se-jung's Autopsy: in their opinion, it's definitely suicide. They found large quantities of epilepsy drug in his stomach, a drug that, when they can be taken by someone addictive, does not have the condition. It can also cause hallucinations or delusions. Park Se-young medical records show epilepsy ever diagnosed yet the drug is prescribed.

Seung-in reminds Park Se Young odd mannerisms of mother and says Young-Gwan to check their records. The coroner also shows that Park Se Young had cancer. He would not have long to live, even if he had not killed himself. She wonders if he did it because of the debt. But Seung-in does not agree-everything was firmly planned, including suicide.

In the car to be killed by their stalker Seung-in and Young-Gwan discuss famous cases of celebrities, and decide to look into the Hye Stalker -in next.

When Hye-in an outfit for the show of the day chooses, she finds an envelope on one of the shirts. Inside a picture of Hyun-Woo is with Ji-eun a current newspaper and holding on the back, is the message: Mission One success. Hyun-woo is alive.

Manager Kwon stammers that he was not there when he picked up the clothes and that he previously left only the car door open for a minute, when he answered his phone. He rushes out of the police let them know

Seung-in comes in and asks Hye-in carefully thinking. ever seen either Park Se-Jung and Lee Ji-eun in the past it has? But she says she has been thinking over and over again, and it is never seen by them.

Seung-in shows what he found out about Park Se-Young-health issues. He tells her that the real culprit used to reach Park Se-young obsession with Hye-in to its objectives, is subjected without his identity. He also uses Ji-eun. The fact that Ji-eun in the picture with Hyun-woo is means that he can use them, will continue, says Seung-in, and it is possible that they will also commit suicide or be killed.

"So the culprit is with these two people?" She asks.

"It is more likely the perpetrator is associated with you," he replies. "Who is the first person to all of this comes to mind after hearing? There is a high chance of an intuition of the mother to be right."

Hye-in flashes back to Jung-ho in the night of the kidnapping, to tell her he is ready to be used Hyun -Woo as much as necessary. She takes the camera, they found out of her purse in Hyun-woo rooms and is about Seung-in to show when Jung-ho comes in.

He tells her to get dressed and to meet with some advertisers override their protests. He walks over to the rack of clothes and selects one of them. Hye-in, and Seung-in stare in shock, it is the shirt that had the envelope attached.

Jung-ho leaves, and Seung-in turns to Hye-in. "Can you trust your husband?" He asks them.

Meanwhile Young-Gwan informed Manager Kwon that the CCTV is damaged his car near where he parked. He points out that it was he, of driving the car, where the hidden camera was found. Manager Kwon always says he knows nothing about it, but there is no evidence that to prove. Manager Kwon says it's because he's always near Hye-in.

Young-Gwan tells him not to spend and stay where they can track him so much time alone. He asks him about Hye-in the past stalkers. Manager Kwon says that she never reported to the police, but kept a blacklist. Most of them came to their home or sent strange gifts; Manager Kwon says he never among them Park Se Young saw. He agrees to give the police what information he has.

Seung-in goes to a manhwa Café, take a seat next to another patron. "Did you get fired?" She asks.

"If I get fired, who will catch the criminals?" He quips. He speaks as OH MI-OK ( Kim Sun-young ) and jokes that he's here because he missed her. He gives her an envelope to see and ask them for help, but she tells him to take it back. He tells her that he would not ask, but he really wants everything he try this case.

"" It was not your fault. There was nothing you could do. "I do not want again to hear these words," he says, and leaves the envelope with her. Outside one Seung-in on the fingers, grinning down and answers their call.

Hye-in sitting in her dressing room to see the picture of Hyun hidden woo and Ji-eun, when she hears someone coming in. It's Dong-wook. He asks her if she has received a notification of offender-proof, which is Hyun-woo alive, for example. She says she has not.

"I can tell when you're lying," he tells her. "It's a long time. Do not act like you know me," she says. He leaves it to come soon to the meeting to say.

you get a text message telling her to open her email for the second mission and to look at just about it. It is an e-mail from orson_welles and told her login with his username and password to Coconut TV. When she logs in, she sees a video of Lee Ji-eun.

"Jeong Hye-in," she says, "this is the second wanted mission."


What a packed, suspenseful episode! We managed not only to the first shipment of wanted , but its fallout and the twists and turns of the current investigation. I must say I'm pretty happy with how the mystery unfolded so far. This reveals in a consistent pace to come, for the characters lead to more questions to try to answer. For example, I was expecting in any way that we would find at the end of the episode Hyun-woo two, but Han-sol story is another thread in this increasingly complicated puzzle that must unravel our characters. The production team nominations are trying to find out the criminal objectives in this hour, and during that remain unknown, it is increasingly clear how meticulous he is planned this out. It also seems that whoever he is, he has a significant amount of influence, and the ability to produce a large number of people in his power to draw. Fast not only to lure like a spider Hye-in, but the entire Korean viewers in his camp, for his own satisfaction.

There is some debate about how self-contained Hye-in seems emotionally, and how no one really care in the show unlike Seung-in seems Hyun-woo. There are definitely a lot of messed up people in Hye-in life. Over time see we that their seeming indifference is often just a mask, how deeply they feel on the inside. The nature of life in the spotlight and their toxic relationship with Jung-ho combine them with to leave anyone, it can really open. Your loneliness takes on an even deeper dimension in this episode, because of their dawn suspect that Jung-ho may be behind the kidnapping. Kim Ah-Joong has a top star before played The Accidental Couple , and while she was charming, she really tapped into the character at a deeper level in wanted . Your Hye-in balancing the deep fear and grief of a mother with the necessary professional camp, which is needed as an actress of her, especially in this part of their lives.

Dong-wook plays in this aspect of their character in a really interesting way. On the surface he's terribly mercenary and unfeeling manner, but his facial expressions tell a different story. He cares obviously Hye-in spite of all that painful history that they share, and its sometimes brutal way to treat it is because he knows them so well. She denies it, but he knows that she now needs tough love, because sympathy is just cause to break her.

I can not without mentioning end Seung-in. His quiet concern and decency are a refreshing counterpoint to the more hellish media bubble that is trapped in Hye-in. The constant adaptation of such a personal and painful moments feels viscerally wrong, even if we understand that it is necessary. It is encouraging, Seung-in doggedly working on the case, seen in the background. His conversation with Hye-in through Han-sol Mom suppressed as good as he approaches life, trying to help rather than harm. Your answer is for him also very revealing their state of mind and how she coped with her life so far. I think these two have a lot of each other over the next ten days.

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tags: Episode 3, in Ji Hyun-woo, Kim Ah-Joong, Uhm Tae-Woong, Wanted

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