Recap And Reviews Kdrama A new leaf: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama A new leaf: Episode 15 -

Seok-ju- team has put together the infamous Cha Yeong Woo firm, but the funny thing is to fight, he asked never to help, and none of them actually belong there: to betray an angry and misplaced accuser, a faithful friend his own company, and an even more unrealistic principles internally. Somehow they found their way to all his small office where they do care about the work and where the fight is worth it. It is a team work around, and when Seok-ju finds itself in distress and doubt, they have got their backs. Who knew Seok-ju had the power to bring a team together?


Seok- ju visited house with his fishing tackle, a weekend for a father-son fishing session ready his father. But Seok-ju's father looks curiously at his son, without saying anything. Seok-ju interpreted the silence as a rejection and puts away his equipment. But in my eyes, Seok-ju of the father on something ...

When Ji-won leaves his office, he sees Ji-Yoon still working. She is finishing a few papers, but he realizes that she is speaking as if they would soon leave. Sit down to talk about their decision. They confirmed that they will leave, not because of Seok-ju, but because they feel as if they betrayed themselves. Ji-won seems to understand.

Ji-Yoon asks why Ji-won its position as a judge, attorney to be left, and she says frankly that she liked him better than judges. She noted that this case seems to be very intense from the few cases that it has so far seen in the company. Ji-won replies that it is probably because of Seok-ju and asks what she thinks is a judge is like.

She begins her perspective on the ideal judge righteous to describe decisions, but Ji-won it interrupts with reality. It's a lonely job in which you isolate yourself from others in fear of people who will use their power to their advantage. Over the years, your circle of friends is smaller, and you get only employees with lawyers and other judges acceptable to you. Life is a judge, but as a lawyer, you can do much more.

Then Ji-won asks if Ji-Yoon plans to continue working for Seok-ju. Although she expresses doubts about Seok-ju, they accept to work for him, he assures her that they will get the job.

The next morning, Ji-Yoon puts her resignation letter and unpacked her things. An employee is disappointed about their decision, as it seemed, it was adapt well. Yeong-woo is also be to adopt from. Ji-Yoon apologized and thanked him for the opportunity. And she takes her last lift from the company to go.


Yeong-woo, his vice president and Ji-won as a trio Corrupt planning more manipulation. Yeong-woo recommends that they should push for a decision of the Supreme Court. As long as they get the majority of votes, they will be safe, and the rest of the studies will follow precedent. So basically, they are Schedule is to put all their eggs in one basket. Go big or go home.

Ji-Yoon Seok-ju finds the new office up and running in Sang-tae, who is his second round of auditions just finished. They go in together, where attorney Lee welcomes. She has trouble finding a German translator, but she remembers that Sang-tae speaks German and asks him for a decision to translate. He seems flustered, they give remembers and goes to Seok-ju. Heh.

Seok-ju is already catching up on the news, and Sang-tae interrupts him to ask why attorney Lee here so often. But Seok-ju arises the question and asks Sang-tae, why he so often here :, to help or see a lawyer Lee him? Sang-tae continue to translate documents and replies that he simply with one stone to kill two birds. Score!

Ji-Yoon Seok-ju takes on his new position Congratulations, but it does not allow it. He assumes that she was sent by Ji-won, as it has been meeting its customers with Ji-won command. Seok-ju are the cards they distributed to clients and says attorney Lee the important documents from the sneaky Cha Yeong Woo Firm to hide employees. Ji-Yoon takes that out as a hint and reluctantly leaves.

attorney Lee follows her out, and Sang-tae Seok-ju says not to be so hard. Ji-Yoon seems to have a hard time at the company, because it does not fit their personality. Seok-ju replies that trainees not to have personality should, and the company is a perfect training ground for them to learn some realism and practicality. You can not be everywhere with the experience they are going now has, they should stick to it. Eh, a little too late.

The two women sitting in a cafe on the case to speak. Attorney Lee says she has done everything they can for the case before being transferred to another department and explains Ji-Yoon - the prosecutor someday wants to be - that this is the extent of their work. As prosecutor, no matter how committed you are, you still have superiors commands follow from. If you're out of the case, you're gone; while a lawyer can keep digging. That's why they consider resigning.

Ji-Yoon about his resignation as well admit it, but Sang-tae slams it shut. He scolded for making such a rash decision and tells her that Seok-ju is his practice even after this case continues. He complains, this whole situation: the lawyer stopped to take a break to put a practice, the prosecutor comes in a law firm to work, and now the internally terminated fearless. Seok-ju's not even a good teacher. Ji-Yoon doubtful as well, but still wondering if there is a chance to be internal to his.

Seok-ju gets a call from the court informed him that the case will be tried in public. Immediately after his appointment, Attorney Lee and Ji-Yoon walk back to the office. Attorney Lee tells him that Ji-Yoon left the company, so they can use your office. Seok-ju seems reluctant, but attorney Lee convinced him that they use a few extra hands could do.

Ji-Yoon used the Watch scandal to their advantage, Seok-ju to say that she promises to never mention "on that day". That makes Seok-ju restless, and he gives her permission to work temporarily in his office.

Seok-ju, the pre-trial meeting with Ji-won attended where the official explained that to make it because of the national attention this case a public process, they decided was received. You are told how to prepare their presentation for the judges.

Ji-won and Seok-ju return to their respective offices to do so. Back in his office, Seok-ju holds a meeting with Prosecutor Lee and Sang-tae, the impact of the Bank focused fraudulent loans at both middle and high-tier companies. Ji-won does the same back at the company, but a decision on the contract aspect of the case to focus, convoluted pun expect when it is immersed in the specifics of the loan.

Seok-ju coalition is hard at work, and Ji-Yoon met deliver their tasks internally by coffee. She asks if the banks really broke with the 70% compensation rate to go, and Seok-ju says she will not, even though their opponents argue otherwise. Ji-Yoon proposes the specific impact of the loan on the middle-tier companies to analyze because they have joined together with many other companies, which are a significant number of employees and. They decide to make some calculations to prove these facts.

Back in the house of his father Seok-ju with its customers meets the public Supreme Court to declare experiment, which is expected to take place. Although clients look hopeful that the Supreme Court judges will present opposing views, sees Seok-ju concerned. After they leave, sees Seok-ju on the profiles of judges and explained to his father that they all seem to be similar. There is hardly any variety

Seok-ju's father criticized the Supreme Court have so weak and corrupt over the years always and Seok-ju takes note of the inevitable influence of large companies today -. Your own practice means is not practical than more. He asks his father what he will do to this case, and suggests that they go fishing.

But that's out of character for Seok-ju, and his father appears finally the question: What is it? He remembers Seok-ju headache and asks for the reasons for his behavior. Why did he leave the company? Why did he take this case? Seok-ju pauses and says that he will tell him about the process.

D-Day. Seok-ju and Ji-won entered the court with reporters and cameras filled, and the process begins. Seok-ju's father and the Cha Yeong Woo Firm employees watch the trial on television, because both sides will present their opening statements. Seok-ju argued that the companies were not reported adequately of the risks the exchange rates in fluctuating; if they had known, they would not have fallen into this trap. Ji-won argued that his opposition emphasizes only a vague sense of danger, without concrete evidence.

Seok-ju his argument with evidence further from abroad, showing with in similar cases, the banks were taken into account that fraud. Ji-won refuted his claim, saying that this failure risks were, and that the supply of credit for this country quite standard.

One of the judges asked for an explanation why the banks no contract voiding option, if the exchange rate rose envisaged. Such an option for the decrease and increase of the exchange rate compensation would be provided, in which both parties would find a common denominator found. But Ji-won argued that the company would have the advantages of such a possibility, and he has the decisive evidence - record a banking and business conversation - to prove it.

The company asks an associate Sang-tae on the opposition that Ji-won just presented. There are questions to be asked, but Sang-tae says that if the judge did not ask about it, it's that's. The judges will only take Ji-won's statement.

All eyes are on the study, as the judges continue to ask questions. Yeong-woo watches from his office, and we ourselves also a glimpse into Jung Seon observed getting the process.

The process comes to an end, and the Chief Justice promises a decision on the basis of landing rights. Both parties left the court, and while the customer still seem hopeful because of the extent of the study, Seok-ju still looks doubtful.

Back in the office, Seok-ju team debriefing. Ji-Yoon seems confident that judges will come to the right decision; the supreme courts of other countries ultimately ruled in favor of the companies concerned. But Sang-tae, the judges doubted cynical to analyze that they all seem to side with the banks. Not a judge questioned benefit Ji-won contradictory statement about the possibility of companies from the increased exchange rate.

Seok-ju concludes its discussion by asking what they will do with their lives after the case is over. "They will have nowhere to go to fulfill your boredom." Heh.

leave as attorney Lee and Sang-tae, Baekdu Soju Chairman Jin rolls on Seok-ju office on. He disapproves of the tiny office, unsure of how an attorney can face a large corporate team with such humble surroundings.

When they grab documents, Ji-Yoon and Seok-ju run into each other, which results in some awkward proximity and eye contact. Seok-ju asks if she feels something, "Are you nervous or is your heart beat faster?" Ji-Yoon assured him that she was just surprised, and Seok-ju seems easier. He now seems certain that nothing has happened on this day.

Chairman Jin assistant goes to the office, and Seok-ju continues to discuss their case. He denies showing not much interest in these large corporate cases. Plus Chairman Jin seems not too fond of him. But the wizard makes the files and says that he would contact him soon.

The study day of decision has come, and both parties head to court. In an unfortunate turn of events, the court rules in favor of banks, and only a 15% compensation are required to meet. The Supreme Court ruling has the previous 70% compensation decision overridden won Seok-ju.

The team gathers back at Seok-ju office, all that is except Seok- ju. You wonder why the judges agreed to a public trial if they were already in a unanimous decision. Sang-tae assumes that the judges wanted to show some kind of respect for the companies concerned. Seok-ju is the entrepreneur, and the trio worried about how he would take this shocking result.

Yeong-woo meets with his client, the doubts about the company apologize skills. They are impressed by Ji-won skills and thank him for his work. After they leave, tells Ji-won his thoughts, to win this case: It is a little unsettling. Yeong-woo explained that a job lawyer is more than anything else lobby, and he is a pat on the back Ji-won, before he goes. Despite winning this study, Ji-won still seems a little disturbed.

Seok-ju with its customers satisfied for soju, as they discuss their bleak reality. They have lost their equipment and staff; all they have is guilt. Sang-tae joins them as a customer brings his desire to express ruining the banks. After leaving the customer, further Seok-ju to drink with Sang-tae, unsettled by the outcome of the trial.

In his drunken state, Seok-ju goes to his father's house. He expresses his disappointment with the decision and told his father that he have no unanimous decision in favor of the banks expected. Distressed, Seok-ju asleep, his father sees him with concern.

The next morning, Seok-ju wakes up with a hangover, and his father asks him why he left the company. As promised Seok-ju, the truth tells him that he has lost his memory. The only memory that he remembers his father is arrested and taken away in his childhood. Seok-ju adds that he knows that his father really did not like him. But his father denies this. Although he did not agree on the direction to take Seok-ju decided he never liked him. His father does not show much of a reaction, but leaves after Seok-ju, he bursts into tears.

Chairman Jin Seok-ju visited the office with a suitcase full of money. Seok-ju still refuses to take the case, but Chairman Jin mocked him. If he feels lost and beaten up after leaving the company? But Seok-ju has its reasons. The records show that the Chairman Jin spent his money carelessly establishing other subsidiaries. Although President Jin insists that he so to win the respect, he never for a soju company got Seok-ju makes his point clear. It takes not the case.

The trio enters the office to watch this scene. Chairman Jin admits that his company began to falter under his unstable management, but he worked out that this is not for his company crisis of reason. He poured his money in consulting services to save his company, but his money and his own company bonds used manipulated. His overseas connections to Hong Kong were even cut off, so he is stuck in overwhelming debt. Only the Cha Yeong Woo Firm would be bold enough to do this.

Seok-ju some merit in his argument looks but still decide against the case. As Chairman Jin walks out, Sang-tae and attorney Lee discuss possible directions to the event to go, and Sang-tae says Chairman Jin that he would try to convince his friend to take it.

Ji-Yoon seems to take against Seok-ju, to be in this case, but Sang-tae and think differently attorney Lee. Sang-tae does not agree that the Chairman Jin is a bit irritable, but still thinks Seok-ju, to take the case. Attorney Lee repeated his advice to her when she wanted to quit her accusers position. Even if you do not have 99 reasons when you have a reason, you should do it. Sang-tae and attorney Lee even come up with an analogy. "You get over a bad break-up with another girl, and you have a bad trial with another a twist." That one way to put it.

Look who's back! It's Young-Seon, back from their trip to the Philippines. Her grandfather asks if she has made her mind about Seok-ju, and she replies that she has.

Jung Seon makes his way to Seok-ju office and Seok-ju seems pleasantly surprised by their visit. She takes him for Chinese food, but she admits that she did not particularly enjoy the food because it reminds her of hard times before she came to live with her grandfather. She never wanted to go back to those memories.

take a walk, and Seok-ju asks if she still uneasy about its current status. She admits that she is, but not as much as expected. Although she initially Seok-ju memory wanted to return so that all could return to normal, she is curious about the new Seok-ju now. He sees this as an implication that they do not particularly like the old did it, but she says that was not necessarily the case, either. She is willing to try their relationship and see where it goes.

When returned to his office, Seok-ju follows in the Chairman Jin, advocate again for his case. He is coming with a gift, and this time it is not money, but his latest Soju - not even on the market. You've got a lot more samples in the laboratory, but they are unable, because of the continued lack of funding. Chairman Jin gets on his knees, desperate to save his company, and Seok-ju reluctantly agrees.

He is informed on the current state of affairs. Goldrich, the company oppose, Cha Yeong Woo sought connections to the judges. A golf meeting they could convince to lean toward her to judge. Chairman Jin proudly Seok-ju that he had to monitor someone to record this meeting.

Seok-ju orders Chairman Jin not to leak these pictures everywhere, but it's too late. Chairman Jin presented to them already in court, none of the damage he has done.

The company, Yeong-woo gets messages from the leaked images. Chairman Jin has threatened one of the highest ranking officials in court. He dug his own grave only. Yeong-woo sits back and smiles, amused by this turn of events.


It is close to the end, and I have that these last few episodes got to admit likely my favorite will be the ones. They have built quite well for this final, and I'm happy with where we are heading in the last episode. We have the underdog crew together to fight the people, and I know which side I'm rooting for. That being said, I feel like we somewhat nuances and gray areas from before are missing. It was always clear that Yeong-woo was not a very nice guy, but now he's just evil genius of all things damaged. We have no backstory or nothing. He is the embodiment of corruption. But I think it's true colors come under pressure, and Yeong-woo is the evil side of this dichotomy.

Ji-won had a big moment at the beginning of this episode, which finally gave me a reason to sympathize with his character. He gave a deep explanation for his decision to become a lawyer, and I almost felt sorry for the circumstances he landed. I mean, he left his position as a judge to escape the inevitable isolation and loneliness, but he is solid at the landing, the seclusion is basically the same. Oh, and with a whole lot of illegal handling to boot. And he gives this explanation to Ji-Yoon - the only person he knew coming in - who plans to leave the company. Now he has his competitive drive to push it through the next experiments.

Seok-ju, on the other hand, was exactly what he was looking for, without even a glance. He wanted to take a break, but he lands himself to work a job in his father's office. He had no workers, but his friends appear and form a team. I love how all the pieces just came together, and I lurrvve as Seok-ju office a little rendezvous for his team was. Even if Seok-ju complete the study loses unanimously with one, the trio comes yet again for more, pushing it to take on more cases. They are his cheerleaders, his workers and his friends; and I really enjoyed that dynamic.

This new Seok-ju is slow only Seok-ju, what really matters are more. I think anyone who has already know knows Seok-ju state (except perhaps attorney Lee?), And now that his father knows, I wonder if his memory back yet get is important. In addition to the final Soju case, I think that the only thing left to solve in our finale. He has a new person to be with his father, Jung-Seon, Ji-Yoon and Sang-tae. I do not think that will change when he retrieves his memory. It seems to me his alter ego a thing of the past.

The missing women are finally back! Ji-Yoon and Jung Seon-making resurgence, and although their roles were not too great, I'm glad that they still exist. Ji-Yoon made her decision to leave the company, and even though I'm glad she followed her principles and joined Team Rendezvous, I agree with Sang-tae. The show portrayed as a sign that would make that decision, so I have no problem with it. But in my mind, the decision seemed quite unrealistic and impractical. I would without a Schedule feel so anxious after I quit, so kudos to them for this courageous decision.

I think Jung-Seon was to show just having a blast in the Philippines and forgotten in the previous episode, but it's nice to see them again, this time open to Seok-ju. I am glad that she is so fascinated as I am about this new Seok-ju, and I am happy to see both of them in a good place. You do not need Lovey Dovey, just to be comfortable and happy. It is a step in the right direction, and I can send them.

Aww man, only to go another episode! But it was so good ... Despite my complaints about the pace of the show, I really grow to like. Great acting and writing, and just the right touch of humor and sharpness. I'm sorry, there are going to see, but I think I would rather have a solid and shorter than a dilute extension. Give me a good finale, New Leaf ! , You and I deserve it

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tags: A new leaf, in Kim Myung-min, Kim Sang-joong, park min-young

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