Recap And Reviews Kdrama Kill Me, Heal Me: Episode 19

Recap and reviews korean drama Kill Me, Heal Me: Episode 19 -

healing can be a difficult process, but it is always better if you have to go alone through them. Do-hyun and Ri-jin are finally reunited, and woe to anyone who would try to separate them again. They are determined to make up the truth of her past, no matter what is hidden or how to change them. The showdown for Seungjin Group is fast approaching, and during the past their secrets gives up one by one, the future grows bleaker than ever.


chief Ahn stands guard in hallway outside Do-hyun new office until a noise from inside his attracts attention. He enters the office where Do-hyun and Ri-jin hugging and giggling like a pair of high school sweethearts.

The main warnings Do-hyun for the office so careless with hostile eyes and ears everywhere. The general meeting is approaching, and Do-hyun has to be focused on his. Chef Ahn says Ri-jin in the apartment waiting.

Ri-jin tries to sneak out of the office, but runs into Ki-joon on the way. He immediately recognizes despite their spy shadow.

Ki-joon reminds Ri-jin, how they met, joked that they were doomed to meet again. But he soon shows his true motive of Ri-jin asks to take his side in the next general meeting. If she does, he will ensure it receives the resources it is entitled by birth.

Ri-jin tells him that she hates taking sides, so they have nothing to talk about. Ki-joon tries to remain, but Ri-jin, she says no longer works in the company, and that they can leave whenever they want.

Ki-joon secretary is looking for a safe, which can be opened by Alex 'key. If the information they find is useful, Ki-joon more money approved to Alex in exchange for the knowledge of the Do-hyun weakness.

, documents are sent hyun finds Hotel Room Alex where his former friend wakes up after a night of binge drinking, still bloody from harsh Se-gi treatment. Alex demanded payment while Do-hyun says it's partly his fault that Alex ended in this way. Instead of paying him to keep quiet, should Do-hyun have him simply stamped and moved on, perhaps then Alex would have not fallen in gambling and drugs.

Now Do-hyun refuses to pay. "If you reveal my secret," he Alex says: ".. I'll come back and punch because you're still my friend"

But as soon as he leaves the hotel room, Do-hyun chief Ahn says Alex gambling debts to settle and to join the arrangements for him rehab. He does not pay them as Alex or get him out of the way, but rather as a way for the mistakes of the past to atone Alex is a chance his life back on track.

Ki-joon receives from Alex a call, which gives it the position of the cabinet. Ki-joon Secretary finds it and uses the key to open it ... but there is nothing.

In the apartment, reveals chief Ahn that Alex changed his mind at the last moment, so he could leave the locker before Ki-joon secretary got it. The cabinet had included a number of films that presented all multiple personalities, which would have been definitely enough Ki-joon for off peak.

Now, Do-hyun has a little breathing room, Chef Ahn urges him to find some weakness can use them to attack at the meeting shareholders Ki-joon page. Do-hyun wants to be all honest, but; he wants to win his own way, not his grandmother. At this moment, a call to the message in the Do-hyun is immediately rush outside makes.

The man who called news of Min Seo-yeon of the car accident that was not really possibly an accident. The driver on the day of the crash was new, and even when Grandpa and Seo-yeon were supposedly with all possible haste we to the airport, the location of the crash was not suburban in the right on the way to the airport.

chief Ahn reminiscent Do-hyun that he should not completely believe her informant without further confirmation. Nevertheless asks Do-hyun, to benefit the most, the President and the Chairman of the Group should Seungjin had removed happen suddenly.

Do-hyun mother visited her husband in his hospital room, and excused him for use. She is relieved now that Do-hyun has returned to the company, but it pushes Joon-Pyo wake up so that he can stand by Do-hyun page.

Do-hyun meets with Grandma Seo that he wanted, knows in the car accident. She admits that there were a lot of rumors flying around after the accident, but denies having had anything to do with it. Grandmother changed the theme of the general meeting, telling Do-hyun, that they have a new ally, wait just happens to be outside. The door opens, revealing Chae-yeon. Meanwhile receives Ki-joon some papers by an American company, about Do-hyun medical records.

Chae-yeon tells Do-hyun, what they offered grandmother Seo for their support in exchange. It was a cheap way to try Do-hyun to win back, but she says that it was initially his fault for playing with their hearts. Do-hyun admits that he loves someone else, and finally says Chae-yeon the truth. At the same time, the Chae-yeon tumbles down the stairs, shocked by the truth, Ki-joon reads the report reveals that Do-hyun DID

In the family restaurant, Ri-jin a call from Do-hyun gets. He asks her to tell him that she likes him, and Ri-jin sets meet only a token protest before. "I miss you" Do-hyun says.

Just like that, Ri-jin pack up and leave the restaurant, although the sun is already down. Mom asks her for her secret chaebol again to reconsider, to work, but Ri-jin says only that they have a large base camp luck she can return at any time. You Hugged firmly Mom while Dad torments them to embrace him.

Ri-on is unusually bleak as he drives Ri-jin to Do-hyun home to tell her to keep straight eyes when she gives him a worried look. To reach the apartment and see Do-hyun, waiting in his little folding chair.

Ri-jin teases Do-hyun that he should install a bench in front of his home because he always ends up sitting. Ri-on comes with Ri-jin luggage, but Do-hyun asks him to have a drink before he goes.

The two men share a drink and Do-hyun does not apologize for his promise to stay keep away from Ri-jin. "How can I help the blame when my own sister was an accomplice?" Ri-Reply. He aks Do-hyun to think about the strange fate that connects two of them to Ri-jin: If Seungjin group had received in the family, then it could have been do-hyun, as seen a sibling Ri-jin grew.

But it was Ri-on, and so he had to make a difficult decision. He chose the best brother in the world to be, because that is the Ri-jin most needed. Ri-on asks Do-hyun henceforth be seen by Ri-jin, and to prevent them, hurt.

Ri-one walks alone along the road, remembering all the moments that he tried to help Ri-jin. He begins to cry when he thinks of all the hardships they went through while he could only support a brother. "I can do for you," he says in voiceover. "I'll just be your brother."

Do-hyun wanders back to his apartment, and this time Ri-jin is waiting for him outside. He sits next to her and surprised they speak through in banmal. When she asks why he is suddenly as Se-gi speaks, he answers that they've been friends many years ago, and they should speak however they feel like at the moment.

"I miss you," Do-hyun whispers. Even when they are together, he missed it. No matter what happens, he says, they need to be happy. Ri-jin smiles and puts her head on his shoulder.

Ri-jin and Do-hyun to meet with Dr. Seok, who is pleased to hear that they both have a rough idea of ​​what in the past what has happened, and the sources of most Do-hyun personalities. It lists options for long-term treatment, but Do-hyun and Ri-jin prefer to work together, their piecemeal memories matching and supporting each other.

Dr. Seok believes that this method can work, and then hilarious blames his students and former patient for so obviously to keep his hands in public. But in the end he gives them his blessing.

Do-hyun and Ri-jin meet in his office for a consultation where Ri-jin says that there no need to remove the personalities with violence. They are all part of Do-hyun, he should simply accept himself as he is, and his memories match. Do-hyun agrees, but asks Ri-jin to start by sharing what she remembers.

Ri-jin remembers her first birthday after her mother died when Do-hyun a cake and a sparkler she brought (I think he always a matter for fire had ...) and sang her happy birthday. He promised to take them to see the fireworks. The birth was the happiest memories she, after we recognized that her mother was going to never come back and take her away.

Do-hyun, a reminder of its own shares, of the days after he had returned to the immediately Villa. He did not know how in such a fancy place to live, and was often used for things like scolded not to memorize his multiplication tables. But Ri-jin was friendly to him, a picnic on the lawn of the facility where they could play house. Ri-jin put her stuffed bear beside them there should be her child, named Na-na.

In the present, Do-hyun thinks of something he wants to do. He invites you to come with him to a place where they can do what they always wanted as children do Ri-jin.

Do-hyun and risk jin sitting together on a carnival ride at the amusement park. For a moment they see their younger selves waving at them, and Do-hyun waves back.

can give personalities Do-hyun in the gift shop, Ri-jin searching for gifts to them. You're thinking about a new bear for Na-na, a model boat for Perry Park with his name on the side, and a diary for Yo-sub to write his poems in. She complains about Yo-na personality, while a pink headband picking and asks, Do-hyun, what kind of gift Se-gi might be interested.

running two of them around outside to visit the car, where Se-gi first Ri-jin kissed during the fireworks show. Ri-jin reflects that Se-gi the worst emotional scar indicates all personalities and Do-hyun that when Se-gi is able to let his anger at his father and Seungjin Group, he is never in the to be able to disappear. Ri-jin asks what kind of father Joon-Pyo was.

Do-hyun explains the origin of Perry Park persona, and how his grudge against his father mixed with his desire, as he his father for the time loved. Ri-jin asks him what is-the more bears resentment Se-gi, or the desire embodied by Perry Park?

Do-hyun only asks how Ri-jin can be so calm when she has every right to hate Joon-pyo wholeheartedly. While Ri-jin was shocked when first her memories coming back started, after a while it just felt empty.

Do-hyun, knows that as long as Ri-jin is suffering even a little of what his father always adhered to her, Se-gi strike back. The only way for them both to move on, to forgive the offender. twitch suddenly in a hospital somewhere in Seoul, Joon-Pyo finger.

Back in the apartment, Perry Park finds that someone has bought him a present. He tests his new fishing rod with a look of pure bliss, but that has not brought all-Ri-jin chicken and beer. Not just any beer, mind you, but her father best brew, the way that Perry relish last time.

Now Perry drinks to content of his heart, and asks Ri-jin her father to say that of all the beers Perry Park has cost in the course of his life, this is the best. Ri-jin wonders why Perry speaks as if he goes away, and Perry says that he is the oldest of all personalities, so should he a real life example.

Ri-jin Perry asks why he tried so hard to save her incident during the leather jacket. Was it because he did not save the situation, she felt guilty before the fire 21 years? Perry mocks, but not very convincingly. Then he says he has one last message to give Ri-jin before he goes.

"Please pay attention to my child," says Perry. He is sure that he go now, because he trusts to look Ri-jin to Do-hyun. And he asks Ri-jin, on forgetting the past and enjoy their lives. He takes as serious a tone as we've ever heard when he told them to stay healthy.

"Maybe another glass," Perry muses now that he has had his word, but when he reaches for the beer, his head begins to ache. He manages one last smile in Ri-jin and says he feels sleepy, then falls face first onto the table. Ri-jin begins seriously to cry, call to Perry.

We see Perry Park embarking on a trip to Do-hyun spirit, armed with his fishing equipment. He opens a door, and as soon as the blinding light faded, he finds himself on a dock stretching across the water, is a boat at the end anchor. Perry salutes the boat that bears his name and smiling while a single tear falling down his cheek.

Do-hyun wakes, and Ri-jin lets him know that Perry Park has come and gone for the last time. He left Do-hyun a final message that he live freely. These words remind him what his father told him before Seungjin group the family torn apart.

Do-hyun mother has a drink with Grandma Seo, admits that she has had since learning about Do-hyun-suffering trouble sleeping. She tells Grandma that she now understands how painful it must have been to see her son in a coma for all these years. Mom finally showing her true reason for Grandma chooses: Do-hyun met with Min Seo-yeon of the child.

A shadowy figure sneaks into Ri-jin bedroom at night. The next morning, Ri-jin and Do-hyun investigate something strange in the living room. Chef Ahn comes, say that the cameras Do-hyun sneak around caught just before dawn. "Could it be?" You gasp for air, each staring in horror. "The appearance of a new personality?" The sprayed X on the wall is the only answer.


And the mysterious Mr. X is here! It has been over a lot of speculation, whoever he might be, or what he might want, and now we'll just have to wait until the final out. I love that the show held a new personality in the reserve for the last episode, because there our expectations for something beyond the meeting of Doom shareholder ramps up.

We have always known that it would end a Seungjin group showdown near the end of the show the whole family could not maneuver in other ways. But for me the charm of the show from the first episode, the Do-hyun juggling both internal and external conflicts. For this reason I am very happy to see that you appear as a Do-hyun splits settle down, go even further with some, a new business from nothing some much needed re-released tension.

We have until the end of the wonderful travel very close to that one Kill Me, Heal Me, as hard as it is to admit, it me. I could yo-na and Se-gi devastating Watch for much longer than they did, without getting tired of it, but then all good things must come to an end. And if at all possible, it is best to go with a bang (metaphorically, of course-Perry do not do that anymore).

Many loose ends were tied up in this episode without having dealt with the feeling as if they also were properly. Ri-to a degree of closure with his conversation with Do-hyun met, even if we see that his decision is his pain does not disappear. Whether you convincing or not found his fight, I think it's hard to imagine someone with more class bow.

We also see the end of the Do-hyun desire to fight through everything yourself, and I for one could not be happier. Of course, its problems do not dissolve immediately, nor should we expect them to. His memories come back, little by little, now that he tries to piece together with Ri-jin. It will be a long process, no doubt, but we can be a little easier now that they have actually started.

Last episode, Ri-one said something that firmly with me. He spoke with Ri-jin to Do-hyun personalities, and why they seemed to float to Ri-jin although Do-hyun had to stay away determined. For Ri-jin, to think as a psychologist, it was likely that Do-hyun was just under a lot of stress. But Ri-one would think more like a writer, and this approach led him to believe that Do-hyun Celebrities did their best to bring, Do-hyun and Ri-jin together.

I think the show as a whole has provide a wonderful job of compensating medical fact and emotional truth, and that emotion is always the upper hand hand ~~ POS = HEADCOMP has. We can not find closure and solace in narrative, and we do not have to limit ourselves to clinical reports or professional advice. Therefore, we can be happy and not be disturbed by a doctor falling for their patients and why Do-hyun and Ri-jin may reject Dr. Seok-list of options for the long-term they treatment rather help each other, thank you very much. Bad Science? Probably. But it is to make for a better story? I think so

And now that there is time for me to end recap for my last Kill Me, Heal Me, really only one thing that I have to say. RIP, Perry Park. Whatever happens in the final, I'll feel better knowing that you out there, sail the seas of eternity, carefree and happy in the ship that bears your name. So long, Perry, you will be missed

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tags: featured, Hwang Jung-eum, Ji Sung, Kill Me Heal Me, Park Seo-joon

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