Recap And Reviews Kdrama Secret Door: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Secret Door: Episode 2 -

By building quickly in place in an episode, the story is seriously going today, with the central mystery that drive the action from here. It's such an interesting world that I do not really slower introduction to the numerous characters makes (really, there are so many), but precisely these actors engage tense with such an arrangement of emotional moments makes me very little care about apartment on something else. Why her belly with appetizers fill when the main course could come now?


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King Yeongjo has closed inside the palace, abdicate menacing as is his habit, when he dissatisfied. the whole court spends the evening together for him pleading by the Prince regent Lee Sun (Sado).

an official, Minister Hong (Princess Hyegyeong his order, feed on the farm with straw mats and led withdraw father and Sun's father-in-law), hitting his head on the floor until he finally collapses in a bloody heap. Sun returns to alarm. the display is of course, intentionally Minister Hong has a vested interest in Yeongjo remains king, and is determined to make him known.

now we see that inside, Yeongjo is lounging quite comfortably, and when he hears that Minister Hong refused medical treatment for a gash on the head, he seems almost. amused the chamberlain of the King conveys the message: "If the king's abdication withdraw not, he has vowed to court his grave."

It must have worked, because the next thing we know, Sun his father-in-law has rushed inside. It calls for doctors, but Minister Hong signals for him to send them away, instead choosing to complain miserably.

Back in their royal robes, Sun kneels before his father when listening to the king of Minister Hong giggles extreme measures. Yeongjo blames Sun for this whole debacle, it was to legalize his book Bond escapades and his attempt private publication that started it all.

Sun seriously questions what about the hardworking people is so wrong to read a few stories in free books. Yeongjo softens and comes down sun at eye level encounter, carefully explains that this is a matter of a 400-year-long tradition of maintaining public order: If a law is changed, what people to prevent them calling and other another reform, until the royal family threatened?

Sun does not see that as an inevitability, and asks why both sides could not come to the table with generous intentions, and agree to change. But Yeongjo explodes: "generosity for those in power is to get!"

He rails at Sun for thinking he could enlighten the people, if he can not even tame his own yard. He teaches his son enough power to break amass his court, and even his own father-only then can he hope to change that people lead. Sun heart sinks.

It is only when he returned to his room, the sun finally receives the letter from his friend, the painter Heung-bok to stay pleading with the Prince that night awake, because he has something very important to discuss. We see that in the palace, he is now on the way

We were reminded of Heung-bok of the moving evening at the top of the episode. He was the person who the ultimate document that both Yeongjo and Prime uncovered (and Noron leader) Kim Taek are desperate to get their hands on.

Prime Minister Kim discovered that it was in Heung-bok possession and sent a henchman for him and Heung-bok copied in a hurry in the pages of Seo Ji-mother mystery novel, the one that Prince so liked a lot. He labeled this modified copy of the book with a new seal, for the hanja for "writing" with a changing "painting". Smart boy.

Sun reads the letter, frowning, and turns to his chamberlain, suddenly huge smile cracking: "He is mess with me" he does not take Heung- bok letter seriously at all, to decide that his buddy is currently playing the mystery element of their rendezvous, as the prince of the author of the crime novel to meet, he asked like.

, the writer is of course, Seo Ji-dam, the daughter of Seo Family Book Lenders. The underground book workshop (literally underground in her basement) wraps the books ready to ship that night, and Dad reminded to be cautious and be distributed only to the people with identification labels for their book lending house.

Sun argues with his chamberlain about the gender of the mystery novelist. The Prince believes it is a man, while the eunuch argue vehemently that it is a woman. He says that's penname bing for "ice" and ae for "love" -in his assessment could be Bingae only the penname of a woman.

(AH, so it is Bingae? Historically, Sado is known for being just a woman in love with, a modest court lady-in-waiting Bingae named. They are appropriating their name and write to Ji-dam, which is through the drama account, a fictional character. But Bingae was real, so that Ji-dam does however loosely based on a real historical figure.)

Sun says that the penname is deliberately misleading, as the red herring in history. His eunuch wonders why he so eagerly to meet him if it is not even a pretty lady. But Sun made talent with this writer and wants to give him the opportunity to rise above his station.

At the same time, Ji-dam Skipping with her book delivery in hand, especially anxious to get the second volume to their number one fan. Heung-bok crossing a bridge, a few minutes before her on the street, and he whirls around like someone falls on him. He freezes, scared, and falls the bundle of books in hand.

Ji-dam to the bridge like a character on the river falls down. Ack, do not die, Heung-bok! Above is in black a man who turns and walks. She is not sure what she saw in the dark, so Ji-dam crosses the river under the bridge, on the way to light a candle.

They scanned the rocks and gasps as she takes on a body-Jeez, it's Heung-bok. He's already dead, and if she is going to feel his pulse, she sees that his neck was broken. She suspects that murder, and leads directly to the police to tell them what they saw.

But before returning with the inspectors in tow, someone else will come and the bridge taking the bundle, dropped the Heung-bok. Based on the clothing, this is not the murderer who killed him, but a different person.

Ji-Damm told the officials that they checked the Dead-day and he is a painter named Shin Heung-bok. But when they return to the crime scene, there is no body. In a flashback, we see that the first officer was ordered the crime to remove the body and cover.

But the cleanup was not ordered by Prime Minister Kim, because he asks his henchman, where on earth a dead ran right under the nose off. Meanwhile all night waiting for the sun, and his officers, thought atypical for Heung-bok not to show it when he said he would.

The next day, Yeongjo performs a royal procession of his brother to visit the grave, accompanied by Sun and his court. He stops at the fountain in front of the monument and contracts to be drawn for water, but the eunuch struggling with the rope and finally the soldiers have to take over, much to Yeongjo trouble.

But when the well is drawn, each draws a sharp breath: to a corpse comes, feet first, dangling bound in the air from the rope to the bucket. Yeongjo looks stunned, but it's sun breaking because he recognizes his friend Heung-bok immediately.

Sun Eunuch is equally shocked and identified the body as that of the painter who works on a portrait of the Prince is currently is. The name Shin Heung-bok rings alarm bells, especially for Yeongjo and Prime Minister Kim. Yeongjo grows with every angry at him, convinced that this was a kind of intentional crime his journey to his brother Mar Monument.

Unable his sorrow, sun breaks over to contain the eunuchs to get Heung-bok body, but the soldiers ordered his way to block. The eunuchs with it rely on the argument that he did not have to go, but he does not listen, and adds that only fuel to Yeongjo fire.

The king finally snaps and grabs a sword, swinging it wildly on his ministers throats, they accuse him of plotting against. He sees Prime Minister Kim in the eye, and requires them to that despicable remove sight with their own hands, or he will tear them and buried them right there all in pieces. Jeepers.

Nobody even dares to breathe until Yeongjo drop his sword and staggers away, and then, once the coast is clear, police captain HONG KYE-HEE ( Jang Hyun-sung ), the body has to be checked to the Bureau.

Ji-dam takes curiosity their own investigations and searches Heung-bok fellow artists HEO JUNG-WOON ( Choi Jae-hwan ) why Heung-bok was well found in one, as they saw him last night on the bridge die. He is shocked that they know so much, but he's too scared to say anything.

Yeongjo in the back palace, and throwing his cloak on the ground demanding that they be burned. He asks his officers when Heung-bok was that painter-one on with suspicion that the document incriminating that the King wants so badly damaged. His eunuch confirmed it.

Review is discovered to eight hours before Heung-bok body. The king's Prime Minister Kim mainly to meet in secret, the king will come to call him. There Kim Taek quiet hands Yeongjo the document that is now back in his possession, and Yeongjo trying to contain his fear as he reads.

Kim Taek reminds Yeongjo that he was the one who gifted him the throne, and do not let Yeongjo beat missed, answer that it means that this power seat shaking as Kim Taek someone is a cakewalk.

Yeongjo folds the document and throws it back to the Prime Minister, challenged him to take his crown, and plunge the nation into turmoil. But Kim Taek throws him a curveball just Yeongjo about is to storm out: The man who had the document in his possession, was none other than the Prince Regent of the portraitist. Oh, so this is your trick. Kim Taek says that only a person who masterminds could be behind this artist. His own Son

that goes under his skin, and back to the present, Yeongjo is rattled to the very conscious display Heung-bok's body connection to his brother's grave. (Yeongjo was plagued by the suspicion that he murdered his own brother to rise, and we can be generally assumed that the title implies it in a Noron coup.) Nevertheless insists Yeongjo that Sun is not the political stones have to be behind it.

His eunuch asks what the Prince now has the title finds out happens when. Due to the death of Heung-bok Yeongjo says in a trembling voice, as if realizing for the first time: "Then ... he ... could be an enemy ..."

Meanwhile, sun goes to see Heung-bok body straight to the police office. His hands tremble as he reached to pull the sheet back, and when he sees his friend's face, he burst into tears and cried, "Who did this to you, Heung-bok-ah?"

He blames himself for Heung-bok death, knowing that he only one goal. "If I had not held him close, if I had not made a friend of him, and held him. he would close .. not so died "

he choked back tears and told Heung-bok, that he did not cry for him, not until he does the work that he has accepted as Prince. Once he does, he promises returns as a friend, to pour him a drink monument with his own hand.

Ji-dam waiting outside the police office, eager to officer last night to ask more questions to Heung-bok and why he well found in a. But he tells her simply that the responsibility for the case has not been determined, and then signaled warily a follower in black, who follows her. Uh-oh. discuss

Both Noron and Soron Minister on how best to use this situation to their advantage, and Prime Minister Kim orders Minister Hong (Head of Euigeumbu, the Constitutional Court) to cover up the murder as suicide. He argues that it does not go through, but the Prime Minister has just remind him that he was the one who made him the prince's father-in-law. In other words, remember who call the shots. Kim Taek: ". Do as you're told, or could come a day when you have to take the crown prince lives with your own hands"

Sun calls his court to session and as the Minister file by the palace, Heung-bok friend Jung-Woon holds Soron Minister (and the teacher's Prince) asking Park Mun-su, what should be done about Heung-bok. Park Mun-su shushes him to get him out by searching for outdoors, and Prime Minister Kim takes the interaction curious.

The court is divided, as always, and the question of who will Heung-bok of the murder case turns into a Noron-Soron investigate power struggle. Sun anger only grows with every little argument that is thrown back and forth, and he breaks out that this. Over the unjust death of his people, but they are more concerned with power than finding out the truth

Sun tried his frustration to vent, as he practices archery, but his anger only tarnishes his goal. The other Noron Minister flail about, think that they could lose jurisdiction and be exposed, but Prime Minister Kim says that she need not worry-Yeongjo has a legitimate interest in keeping that document hidden, it will accordingly act.

sure enough comes Yeongjo sun to see and blames him for his bad aim to demonstrate a perfect shot with frightening accuracy. The Prince expresses his frustration over the power struggle of the court and Yeongjo true compassionate about how difficult it is to lead a divided court. But he teaches sun to show never his hand is not a prince regent and by wearing his emotions on his sleeve.

Sun asks if his father has always done so, hiding his true feelings and thoughts of others. Yeongjo not responding, but Sun asks, "Were not you lonely ..." Yeongjo smiling warmly: "But at least you understand me."

The king says that Sun should only consider the case passed the Euigeumbu, and that there is no better person to entrust the investigation when his father-in-law Minister Hong. Sun seems reluctant, but Yeongjo retains his paternal attitude and pressed for an answer, so Sun is right to do as he says.

Sun's wife Princess Hyegyeong proves even smarter than her father says Minister Hong, that if they get the competence in the event the chance to find out what Prime Minister Kim and Yeongjo are so desperate to keep hidden. They hypothesized that there will be a critical weakness that they do not need to lose the chance to perform for political gain.

Sun gets a visit from his teacher Park Mun-su, who despite being Soron, seems to be the non-partisan ministers in court. Sun tells him what the king come to know that basically his father wants him with the Noron to this page, but feel uneasy about choosing. Park Mun-su seems to have a better idea.

Suddenly Noron Minister received word that it is not the case, to examine all are after. Neither will the Soron, because at the same time, Sun is the case over to the police captain Hong-a person whose record shows that he cares about the facts of an investigation does not serve the political party.

Park Mun-su confirmed his reasons with Sun other consultants, the police captain Hong squeaky clean, and the one person who they can trust. Thus, a special investigation unit is formed, and Hong invites his officers safety and canvas to tighten for witnesses. have

Ji-dam is especially excited to hear of the special examination, felt that this was an important case. But Dad warns them not to increase as a witness, for one, because it is part of an illegal book lending ring, and also because it is a case of accusations of treason are involved.

autopsy begins under watchful eye of the captain Hong, and they discover that there is no water in Heung-bok of the lungs, which means that he is not in the fountain drowning died.

Ji-dam heads against the will of her father, and of course, the rebellious young girl decides that the police must listen to their side of the story. But the thugs who they begin to follow on what to do it, and if she feels someone follow her, she makes a run for it.

She weaves through the market and almost loses a few quick distractions, but in the end they are in an alley they corner. She grabs the next floor and tells them to go ahead and attack (she even gets to offend so many grown men to chase a girl).

Suddenly some of them start to their feet fall, and she looks to see OPPA-er, I mean, a mysterious swordsman-come to their Rescue. He takes the whole gang of thugs down without breaking a sweat, and ensures Ji-dam, which he collected from them enough clues to figure out who they are, without giving pursuit.

The Bat report (the dirty cop) that the man who was NA CHUL-Joo ( Kim Min-jong ) attacked their leader. He is the head of a rival gang, and they jump to the conclusion that Ji-dam is his girl.

Chul-joo and Ji-dam are on very intimate terms, and he warns them in this case does not get screwed up because the gang that attacked known for serving political leaders. But she is not about to listen to him either, and says that they can handle it on your own.

Sun goes Heung-bok sister and her sick mother to see, feel regret that he came only now after his friend to lose. He leaves ladies to serve the mother until the doctors come, and promises to be the sister that he find Heung-bok killers and make sure that it is not framed as a traitor.

Prime Minister Kim takes issue with Yeongjo the lackadaisical attitude towards Sun rebellion but Yeongjo asks what he can do when his son defies him openly. Kim Taek asks ominously, what happens when the Prince Regent finds out about their document, "and opens the door to the secrets inside." The king simply going through roles of three different days recorded events and said that it would be then, Help.

police captain Hong Calls for the autopsy report, and the auditor says the cause of death was a broken neck ... and concludes that it was suicide. Captain Hong argued that it is not at all signs of suicide, but the examiner easily name three data-those who freezes in recent roles to Kim Taek-and captain Hong. Aw man, the squeaky-clean captain is not so squeaky?

Ji-dam found a safe way to the police station, as Damo dressed. She hands over her written testimony, pretending to be just the messenger. The report raises captain Hong tailspin, because now it is really between a rock and a hard place whether what Ji-dam wrote is true.

He fights to be ruined with the prospect, or the murder as suicide despite cover up what the facts tell him. He holds the blackmail letter in one hand and Ji-dam testimony in the other, and at the end, he burns the ransom note ...

The official verdict simultaneously in both Yeongjo and Sun is placed. It opens before his court, excited to see the results of captain Hong investigation. But his face falls to read that it has been ruled a suicide. Noooo.


I know our hero can not possibly win his political struggles out of the gate, because where would the its dramatic arc in that? But man, it's really none of corruption reach? I was so excited at the prospect of an independent investigation, so proud decision by Sun to deny the feeling both factions and employ a righteous person who cares about justice on power. But clearly there is no movement that Yeongjo one mile come has not seen. I love the dynamics that-there son is a familiar, to be sure, but it is also Joseon adds the most extreme example of argument between a king and his heirs, the heft between them at any interaction between father and thresholds. Your moments of empathy are the most surprising, especially because Yeongjo sometimes seems really understand Sun's dilemma and advise him, hoping that he will be a wise and powerful king. It is hard to know at any moment if he would prefer if Sun were as smart as he is, or if he would be afraid of a son so clever. Their relationship is contradictory that Yeongjo his son just wants to be like him, but not enough to break his father's place in itself. Include in ideological differences about things as basic as the absolute power and the rights of people, and you have a recipe for royal kablooey basically.

We are only on the surface of the story scratching, but in general I like the murder plot in the middle, because there is a possibility of political wars at very high levels of binding (essentially the current Noron-Soron fight for performance) in something should be apolitical, as far as justice for a man of murder investigated is concerned. It also serves Sun on the case in a personal way to connect, even though it kills me that they had to separate so Lee Je-hoon and Seo Joon-young. Can not these two always very close friends and not meet a cruel fate? Your Star-Crossed bromance hurts me that.

I can not expect more from Kim Min-jong character hardly seen, I think, will be a just gangster type. But we have so little of him that I have to wait for a satisfactory dose of its history only until next week. The really interesting twist in this episode was the twist that Ji-dam goes by the penname Bingae that makes her an important character in Sado life.

. ** Note: Do not read this paragraph, if you'd rather not know what happens with real life Bingae ** [Historically, she’s known as a lady-in-waiting, whose station made it illegal for Sado to take her as his consort. He did it anyway, much to his father’s ire, and she bore him two children. In Lady Hyegyeong’s memoirs, Bingae is described as the only woman Sado was truly enamored with, and he went to great lengths to keep her close. Though in the end, he reportedly kills her himself. I know—don’t read historical accounts of Sado unless you want to be deeply disturbed.]

We already know the drama to turn to these expectations, but now so much I am anxious for the fate of Ji-dam, both as a potential love interest (she is young, but it fits the time period) and an ally in Heung- bok the murder investigation, it brings in far more danger than they realize , I really wish that they would heed the numerous warnings to stay away from a betrayal murder case away, but then, the thing I like about her character that she appears anyway headlong into danger. I love their excitement because from their perspective, it's just murder writer who their first brush with the actual crime always. She thinks it. Obvious that truth and justice should prevail, and that it has a duty to say what they know

The fear of political consequences aside, I can not wait until she and Enigma adds a really fun dynamic to the central story that can get with true fritter to put their heads together and solve this Sun many Noron-Soron debates. So far, I think we get a good balance, because the father-son story can not partisan court escape policy that is every one of their decisions are based. But I guess that the story world until opened include more players who drive the action, and that Sun appears as a character that goes outside the palace walls, that he is acting for the first time and thinks later, and wears his heart on his tongue. I know I probably be the source of his downfall, but already he has me against all reason that the story is wrong on his side and hoping.

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tags: featured, Han Seok-kyu, Kim Yoo-jung, Lee Je -Hoon, Park Eun-bin, secret door, Seo Joon-young

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