Recap And Reviews Kdrama Marriage is not dating: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama Marriage is not dating: Episode 14 -

There is a sequence full of frustration for poor Ki-tae, both emotionally and physically, when he learns about life as a friend of a successful entrepreneur. learn he and Jang-mi both, a little about how important it is to communicate honestly, and I can only say, thank God, it's time. Because if your girlfriend Ex will give relationship advice, you're probably doing something wrong

EPISODE. 14: "We're not in the cool / Thanks for not cool" to be

Ki-tae is interviewed at his home, where he discussed his love of his house. He says he once was alone here as a child, and therefore he loves alone to be here now. It rings and he tried to ignore it, but the ringing is increasingly hectic and Ki-tae said that this girl is here, recently began the rest of the house invading and ruin. His tone and facial expressions betrayed anger and frustration when he says that, because the girl came, he is uncomfortable when he is home alone. The ringing turns to pound, as Ki-tae adds, almost angry that he wants to be with the girl now.

We conclude Ki-tae and Jang-mi, as he opens the bottle of wine, and Jang-mi suggests that they casually without marriage in mind date. Ki-tae asks what we all ask: "Who are you?" HA. Jang-mi says she is serious, because in the past when they wanted someone just for him, it was always ruined things.

Ki-tae begins to argue that with Hoon-dong but Jang-mi interrupts and says she does not want things to him to spoil the air loses his frustration. She suggests keeping things secret from their parents, at least until she gets a job and his clinic, is back in business. She wants to look better in front of his mother the next time, they will not think that they only after Ki-tae money.

Jang-mi says she wants to be a proud daughter and a good wife to him this time, and Ki-tae grins. But he makes fun to say of her, she's jumping the gun - he never said he wanted to marry her. Dude, you earned that growl. An annoyed Jang-mi swallows their wine and leave begins, but Ki-tae, it offers to take home. She refuses and gives him snogging a fast that buys leave her time while he stands there all Twitterpated.

The next day, Ki-tae literally dancing in the work, where the sisters tell him that the bloggers all their negative comments deleted. Not even the news that it can get on the schedule still no patients him and he boogies out in his office.

Hyun-hee runs Hoon-dong with their constantly changing requirements ragged, and his mother criticized him a slave to his wife forever. She turns to Hyun-hee next to take them, to receive the best table in the restaurant for the study of the role and calls them both immature. She refuses, not to support them, and calls rent on the restaurant.

Yeo-Reum leads Jang-mi in his newly completed restaurant / bar, and she sits him to tell him that she is dating Ki-tae. He says, research that he as a business partner only wants and she relaxes and asks him if he believes that Ki-tae will be fine to work with them. She asks him for advice on how to be a cool relationship, but his advice is to end it. Since Ki-tae she likes, Yeo-Reum doubt he can be cool.

Yeo-Reum mystery investor arrives, and Jang-mi is surprised to see that it's Hyun-hee. She says it is a secret of Hoon-dong for now, and that they used to invest their own savings. She explains that she has to do this because they want their own money, not just their parents money.

Jang-mi, it proposes to do so without it, and Yeo-Reum tells Hyun-hee, that her friend do not like it could. Hyun-hee guesses correctly the new friend is Ki-tae, and agrees that they should not tell him, because once he knows to know Hoon-dong.

The signs of the bar is provided, and Jang-mi is surprised to see that they have named the place " Ju Jang-mi" (How punny - ju as in liquor like soju). Hyun-hee says it all planned together to be part of it, and Jang-mi is touched but grumps that for a bar a tacky name.

Ki-tae Mom gives an envelope him for Jang-mi, and says that since the blogger comments were deleted, they should give Jang-mi, what they want (money). Ki-tae argued that his mother misunderstood and Jang-mi helped him Oma prompt asking hopefully if they are to see each other. Ki-tae denies it but says he begged her not to go. He tells Mom that he so mean that Jang-mi, a shoulder to cry on needs, and that's why she hugged Yeo-Reum. It's cute how Grandma and Aunt Mi-jung for Jang-mi stick up.

Ki-tae accidentally interrupts his father in the middle of a call to his lover, and Dad invites him over for a drink. Dad had clearly been a few, but he notes that even though Mom said Ki-tae do what he wants it, he is Managing back to draw in.

Dad says he understands Ki-tae for a girl fall like Jang-mi, because he felt stifled need. He says he found the perfect solution - keep the marriage and love separate. Marriage is the stability, and the love of excitement. He says Ki-tae, that he should Se-ah, and the date Jang-mi marry. Gross , Dad.

Ki-tae tries in his anger to keep, as he says Dad that he try to use in order to understand him, ask why would Mom him not he let you know had a lover, but now he knows dad who would not allow. Dad says his duties charged him, and he knows that's why Ki-tae want to live alone, to avoid these charges. Ki-tae agrees that he is his father how selfish, but that he never felt until now about so ashamed. He warns Dad never Jang-mi at the same level as that put a woman and leaves.

Ki-tae come home with that Jang-mi Berge has placed food, and she tells him that they are the Bar menu items and asks him to try anything. He explains the food is delicious and Jang-mi relaxed because he is so picky that if he likes it, everyone can like it. Hee.

lets the bomb that the cooking bar is Yeo-Reum but secures Ki-tae that in order they are completely cooperate, no feelings , She says that they are anyway in a cool relationship, but Ki-tae asserts that he did not know, "cool" meant this . Jang-mi says she is fine friends with him with Se-ah, so he should be fine to work with her to Yeo-Reum, and he can not argue with their logic.

Jang-mi says that they are not going to Yeo-Reum in the economy considered, since they and Ki-tae are made, but they really need the job because they do not want to look like a gold digger. She says that she does not do it, if he does not want, but Ki-tae, his mother remembers the envelope of money slides on him, and his father's disgusting suggestion, and says reluctantly Jang-mi, to do it.

The next day, Ki-tae Burglaries in Hoon-dong restaurant and Hoon-dong asks why the sudden change of mood. Ki-tae asks why anyone would just be him casually, but not for someone else, and Hoon-dong guesses correctly that this is about a girl. He says that before the girl tried to get away, Ki-tae, to ensure everyone must know that she is his.

"Ju Jang-mi" its opening has, and one of the first customers is Jang-mi and Hyun-hee old manager from the department store, the street actually looks super cute in clothes. Your next customer is Hoon-dong of the boss, and Hyun-hee does not promise him to tell Hoon-dong. Yeo-Reum and Jang-mi matchmaker play boss sitting opposite, manager and they both seem to find the other attractive. Cute.

Hoon-dong and Ki-tae see the new bar to see, and Hoon-dong eyes to detect errors from Jang-mi, the girl's Ki- tae is already talking. Yeo-Reum comes to say hello, followed by Hyun-hee, and her secret is out. Hoon-dong stomps off Hyun-hee, was followed by the other three left to go inside.

Ki-tae tries as the cool friend to act and smiles when Jang-mi looks his way, but he is jealous to see how much fun Jang-mi and Yeo-Reum have to work together. Yeo-Reum through it looks but, as Ki-tae strolls to reassure him about that he total work well with them, no problem, no sirree bob. Yes, this is not at all transparent.

Se-ah shows next up and Jang-mi blinks when Ki-tae, he says invited them, since it operates in the region and to bring in customers , It is Jang-mi to be the turn of total fine with them friends, and she goes overboard Se-ah serves. Your uncontrollable nervous laughter makes me so embarrassed.

Ki-tae drives Jang-mi at home that night, both silent and awkward. Jang-mi thinks of himself that they talk less now that they are in a relationship, as if it was make-believe, and she suggests they go boldly to Ki-tae place. He is frightened, but his thoughts go to the naughty place again, and he guns the engine. Ha.

Once they get there, Jang-mi withdraws to the toilet, Ki-tae leave to float while he grins in anticipation at the door. Jang-mi calls through the door for a toothbrush and he seems to get in, then in his zeal, he offers her the use of his skin cleansing device, of all things. Weirdo.

to massage After her shower, Jang-mi climbs in bed and Ki-tae offers her tired legs. It's not a bad seduction plan, only he so well that she falls asleep on him. He tells her sleeping face that this is a little too cool, but he lets them sleep and advocates Snuggles, to let it go, because it's so cute.

But Ki-tae's more frustration than he had expected, as they go on a series of appointments and Jang-mi asleep every time on him. Snuggle on a bench in the park and he asks how the bar does. She says it is really busy, and he says the hospital is good, also. When he boasts how great he is, she falls asleep on him. Ouch, his poor ego.

The bar is busy, and watch the two shut-out lover boys forlornly through the window, how to give their women all the attention, but them. It's adorable, as they get into a fight over whether Jang-mi should be to do all the heavy lifting for Hyun-hee. Ki-tae argued that Jang-mi is not as strong, while Hoon-dong accepts only he has not been beaten by her still.

Apparently Ki-tae was lying about the clinic, and he turns in his chair in boredom to a knock on his door but lights wither if it only Se-ah. You go to lunch and invites them to work it with her, but the offer sweetening by saying they are planning in 3D technology to bring (a new way to show patients how they will look like after the operation is complete). She assures him that she is interested in him as a physician only.

Hoon-dong (the observed the whole conversation) takes this information directly to Jang-mi, to let them know that Ki-tae clinic not rebound he said. It claims to be okay with Ki-tae work with Se-ah, although her voice is to be credible a little too shrill.

Jang-mi calls Ki-tae, but he says he waaay too busy, is mentioned, and Yeo-Reum she says looks depressed. She wants to understand how to be Ki-tae, is working on them with Yeo-Reum, but she is disappointed that he did not tell her that the work was still bad. Yeo-Reum tells her honestly that it's stupid to be, and just go talk Ki-tae, but Jang-mi just goes back to work.

Aunt Mi-jung, the Spy loyalties has changed and is now working for Grandma and reported that they found in the Jang-mi of work. She begins to tell who she works with, when Mama interrupts and scares them into pieces.

Mom heads straight to the bar and immediately watch that Yeo-Reum it works, but does not say a word. Jang-mi brings makgulli and kimchi pancakes, the mom explained delicious. They surprised everyone by apologizing for misunderstandings Jang-mi, but warns them of Ki-tae to stay away if they are not sincere to him.

Jang-mi her that she is nothing to fear told that she does not want to hurt him and that she had a life she is happy about thanks Mom and Ki-tae. Mom not appeased though look like they observed Jang-mi labor and swallows makgulli, worried about her son.

Jang-mi to find heads Ki-tae place after work him to the neck in the research, but about his clinic not afraid to ask, hurt his pride. She hangs out while working, but not even to get his attention their creative calisthenics. She finally goes to bed alone, without telling him about his mother visit to the bar, and admits that it is difficult to be confident about their relationship.

The next day, Ki-tae and Se-ah go to the bar their heads to put together over the work while Jang-mi sparkles in them and Hover and tried to hear what they are talking about. Se-ah welcomes a colleague that there are in order to talk about the 3D technology (Oh hey, it is Julien Kang !), And they all speak English, so Jang-mi omitted feeling , She thinks again as she and Ki-tae talk less now that they originate.


Yeo-Reum matters into their own hands and visited Ki-tae, pay his loan back, while he is there. He says Ki-tae that Jang-mi works hard for him not to hurt, and accuses him of not doing enough to make them feel safe. Who knew Yeo-Reum would ever teach someone how to be the kind of guy, a girl can depend on?

He says Ki-tae that Jang-mi want to be with him, but says that he does not act like he wants to be with her , Ki-tae asks why he has to listen to this, and Yeo-Reum says it's because he likes Ki-tae. Awww. Although he makes sure Ki-tae know he does not mean he likes him as the .

Jang-mi father sitting alone and pulls his wedding ring that comes from matter not know how hard he tries. He writes a postcard to Jang-mi of the mother, and later she receives a handful of them. HAHAHA, they all have a single word about it: "Dummy", "Moron" and "Mutt" This is just so awesomely immature is ..

Mom shows Jang-mi then she tears up, and it is even funnier when Jang-mi, remembers that her parents met as pen pals. She says that at least Dad writes to her, and she should write him back. She asks if they stopped talking and Mom does not remember ... she says, it just happened. She says that the love is gone, if you close your mouth, and Jang-mi has a sudden revelation. Good girl.

she hurries off to Ki-tae place when he Dressing and Yeo-Reum is to remember words in a chic suit that he had not been a man Jang - can rely mi. She calls him to say that it is on the way, but he panics and says that she can not come now. He is reticent about why, just say is that he got something important.

Jang-mi shows anyway and pound on his door and shouted for him to open, and finally unlocks the door by yourself. But he's right there and do not let them, and he did not speak it ... want to see something. She complains that they have been honest about the work to know with Yeo-Reum and demands why he was not honest with her.

Jang-mi calmed enough to notice some sexy red heels in its input, down, and Ki-tae says only, is that he had a visitor and can not talk now. She is still suspicious when she realizes he dressed, and pushes her way past him, only to find that it is burst in the middle of a magazine interview. Whoops.

Jang-mi asks why Ki-tae has not told her about it, but he's embarrassed his pretty face to be with his clinic for sale, hee. Both relax and tease each other ( "So you're a pretty boy you?" "Of course you did not know?"), And the interviewer asks if this Ki-tae girlfriend.

Jang-mi, it denies but Ki-tae throwing his arm around her and says that she is. Jang-mi says it is not good for his image, and asks what if his mother sees and asks the interviewer not to print. continue where they left off with Ki-tae to say that a girl is unpleasant to him to make and everyone looks tense until the interviewer says Jang-mi, that he really wants to be with her.

Ki-tae and Jang-mi later, and Jang-mi voices finally speak their concern that they were more comfortable when their relationship was fake. Ki-tae jokes that it's too late him her to show good side - he already knows its bad and embarrassing trains, so it should be only convenient she asks why he did not not say about the clinic, well, and he admits that he wants to look good even in front of her. ,

Ki-tae are (with the sweetest puppy dog ​​eyes) that which it most disturbs been - that he wants Jang-mi rely on him and not Yeo-Reum. She says that on the contrary, it gains energy to work as hard, of all the sleep she by itself gets on him, and Ki-tae twinkles pretty lucky enough to hear it.

Jang-mi, she says his friendship with Se-ah but understands honestly admits that she does not really want it to work with her. Ki-tae tells her that he worked and studied hard so that he keep his clinic, and that Se-ah only helped him business contacts.

Much more relaxed now, of which joke the two together and Jang-mi suggests that they drop all the "cool relationship" thing because is open, it's much better. But Ki-tae agrees an inquiry - it's okay for them to sleep comfortably beside him, but he just does not want to sleep. RAWR . He asks Jang-mi with him without sleeping now to be night, and they giggle both if she agrees. So cute.

In the morning they are in bed together cuddling how someone can be in (Ki-tae has not yet learned to change its code ??). Jang-mi staggers out dressed only in Ki-tae shirt as a woman who has been well and truly tumbled. She gasps to see Ki-tae mother there, as their own clothes scattered about the room told Mama exactly what happened last night.


Well first of all, I give a huge HOORAY! The secret Ki-tae and Jang-mi are for real dating is to finally see for all. It's a shame (though hilarious) that it was Jang-mi hot pink panties that ultimately tells the story, but at least now everyone knows the truth. I am glad that Ki-tae Mom was not kept in the dark for a long time, because I believe that deep down they Jang-mi want to be the girl that she thought she was. We all know that it is, and that Jang-mi and Mama have the potential to be great allies messed family in Ki-tae of, but I want them to know it, too.

I liked the reversal in the last two episodes to see how it is now Jang-mi successful career-wise and Ki-tae is who fights. I think it gave them both a little perspective to the other, to see, to understand things from the opposite point of view and how things can change in an instant. And it is to their credit that they used the resolution to try to understand each other more, instead of being petty and bitter about it.

I'm honestly not sure how I with Yeo-Reum and Se-ah show suddenly feel as forces of good and not conflict. Your sudden change of near-villains trying to break Ki-tae and Jang-mi, Se-ah actually help Ki-tae in business and Yeo-Reum giving him relationship advice, is more than a little strange. Unless I missed something, none of them had any consequence of their earlier actions to face or really seemed to have a reason to have changes of heart, except that it serves the act because someone was needed to do these things , It's really the only weakness I see in an otherwise solid story, and I find it very shrill that they only went from bad guys Good Guys without logical transition to delete.

But back to the positive, because there is so much positive - I am glad that Jang-mi and Ki-tae learned that honesty is important in a real relationship because I started quite frustrated. Jang-mi was right that they talked more, and were honest when their relationship was fake. I wanted to scream when Yeo-Reum her to go only to Ki-tae told you already speak, but she did not. I know why, because in a relationship to be is scary and honest about your fears and insecurities makes you vulnerable. Show someone your true self, you will open up to reject. But I loved her discussion, and as they both were, because non-communication between the lines is such a staple of drama, and I rarely see the characters actually sit down and actually talk about it.

And as Ki-tae, said he knows Jang-mi is bad and embarrassing pages. In fact, what it is likely they could fall primarily for each other because not keep who care the relationship (because it was not real) gave them the freedom to be themselves. Thus, by each other as they really were, to see instead the facade, usually a person, when presented in a new relationship, they were able with the real person in love really fall they saw. It is a foundation that does not get most couples, the chance of the other true self from the beginning to see what is the thing that makes this pair so much love and think that they together to have a chance to stay. You know exactly , they fell on without anyone at their best to be. And I love the fact that when they started dating and they tried to showcase that "Best Me" page by themselves, they were both uncomfortable as it felt fake. These two are gonna make it.

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tags: featured, Han Groo, MatchMaker Dating, Yeon Woo-jin

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