Recap And Reviews Kdrama Spy: Episodes 11-12

Recap and reviews korean drama Spy: Episodes 11-12 -

The love and truth do not quite go hand in hand, as everyone seems to get this week, a gun and a little extra motivation to lead a few disputes that end up with more than just idle threats and dark promises. The blood is shed, are broken hearts and Sun-woo wins some clarity of focus, he did not even know that he was missing especially in his life was turned upside down. Now that he no longer wander in the darkness and this is what we can expect from him, this show have a whole lot more interesting.

What recapitulation double header, I m just filling in for gummimochi in this round, and we will return to our regular programming next week about next week, due to Lunar New Year Pre-emptions ,


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Episodes 11-12

Hand Sun-woo, the drop from the grip of his pistol when Ki-Chul asks if he has made his decision, because he has: he will do everything Ki-chul wants under the condition that he has all the incriminating spy he erase data on mom and dad collected

While Comrade Oh gets the message. that Sun-Woo come to the dark side, Mama, a knife at home packing when one of the cronies North tried and failed in their house to break.

Sun-woo to the attempts to infringe on the is alerted engineering marvel, but Ki-chul it goes off, claiming that his decision has saved his family. Yunjin will also save the hook for their treacherous decision Young-seo, because the mission aborted anyway they will drain kidnapping.

Ki-chul first mission for Sun-woo is to steal that disk, which he was alleged brought by a North Korean defector. If he successfully pulls off, nobody-including his family is violated.

Schade Sun-woo is not as close friends as Ki-Chul is feeling when he has Mom the location tracker to get rid planted in his phone, and gives the elderly "We are on the same page now! " with a look of disdain smile. He refuses to even out to shake Comrade Oh welcoming hand on the way.

Sun-woo returns home after Mom recognizes late that he knows her secret, since it is not only the error in his room, but her written confession as found well at first.

media have been strained between them, but Mom finally breaks the ice when she says she has something to tell him. Sun-woo interrupts to say that he always been afraid to be brutally honest with her, since he was young because he never wanted to take care of them.

But because he loves her and knows that she feels the same, he does not sugarcoat not know what is coming next out: You can now step aside. He will handle Ki-Chul from here.

Mamas eyes go wide as saucers as she relentlessly shakes her head, claiming that they fix this whole mess. Sun-woo throws the back by as the-by spying on him intends as just?

He tells her that she is deluded if she thinks it in by turning everything can repair itself, because nothing would change. He knows more about the modern era espionage as she does, and his manner would spare her family.

He asks her if she has ever thought Young-seo and what turns would do in order so that Mama not to answer her convincingly back, "I will protect them. Our family .. . I will protect us all - "

" If you want us to protect "Sun-woo bite cuts in his tone and his eyes shining with unshed tears. "If you really wanted to protect us, you should everything from the beginning told me. If you had ..."

Mom his arm grabs him from walking away to stop, to be discussed, which is turned back when she screams that she never had a moment of peace, because they had him, because it was from him getting worried, doing the right thing

But what Sun-woo says its keeps dead next in their footsteps, his words like a punch in the stomach comes. "Then you should not have had me. If you do not, none of this would not happen."

Only when he is turned away from her, he does have his own tears fall, knowing how much he must hurt her. He tries to make a trip only a third to jump in front of his car, crying, that she has more to say. He drives off anyway.

He has a lot of levelheaded telephone confrontation with Dad and also discusses strategy with him after they clear the air of secrets between them. He plans Chef song included, since it can make the records disappear on Mom, if he agrees to catch him Ki-Chul.

Moreover Papas company has the only software that cracking that the hard drive for him, so they will have a certain influence. Dad says he will do everything he can help before apologizing again, whereupon Sun-woo, something to remember that he had once said, do something wholeheartedly regret should be avoided in the future.

Now, he says he understands what Dad said. He will get through this to the bitter end.

in the night, Young-seo has its own blowout fight with Mama when evidence of their increasing average scores is met later with scattered apathy. She does not understand why Mama is not going to stop Sun-woo call and finally blurts out that she knows Mom likes him better than them, even if Sun-woo is tired of Mom.

Mom finally breaks in tears when she cries, that they fear might behave the sun-woo and Young-seo injured, a burst that makes her daughter angrier just because they do not know what's going on.

Then Mom still a blocked Sun-woo call to be finally left him a scathing message with the truth about Yunjin a spy for Ki-chul. Yikes.

He clearly is not that the message is not verified, before he goes to tell her after Yunjin that he will not be able to, for a while while to see do dangerous work for the welfare of his family, he is gone.

he pulls into a tight hug. "When I'm with you, I'm happy. I understand why now. It's because I do not hide my true self when I'm with you. When this ends, I will live for you. I promise it. "

Yunjin reported Sun-woo strange behavior to Comrade Oh, but is surprised when he appears in front of their door. He got another job for her, but he's a picture of his minions took her for Sun-woo mitigation ...

Mom Dad to believe that she agrees with. his attitude Sun-woo handle this from here, when they leave in reality, it is preparing itself in the fight to go

she leaves Young-seo some pocket money and apologizes to her sleeping form: "I am not doing this because I do not love you. one day you'll get a mother's heart to understand. "Young-seo just revealed that after the mother does not sleep was gone.

While Mom old Intel followed to buy a pistol from the Chinese peddler, Eun-ah are Sun-woo an antidote kit for the infamous poison pens North. It is only when a period of three minutes poisoned work injected.

Sun-woo will head song attention when he shows that he knows that the data protection officer came with the hard drive to the south, although its session cut short is when Director Jung interrupts with an urgent matter.

he has no time for him to wait to return when Comrade Oh sending him a video of Yunjin being gagged and bound, to tell him that he is one hour to deliver the disk when he wants to save them.

Sun-woo behind Chef songs jumps desk and calling Comrade Oh, to warn him that he'll mind if he does not Yunjin will not leave. Oh only threatens back, that he would begin to chop off her fingers, if he does not change his mind, prompting Sun-woo to ask that they just kill him, take-Yunjin has nothing to do with any of this. How very wrong he is.

While Hyun-tae figures belatedly that Sun-woo hit with the hard drive out of the office, Mom marched in Ki -chul office and shows her gun directly to the forehead.

another quick cut shows Hyun-tae a gun at Sun-woo pull in the parking lot before we cut Yunjin back leaving a Chinese passport to Comrade Oh -they'll all leave for China after this mission ends.

Ki-chul will however not invited because Comrade Oh, want to kill him. He trusts Yunjin now that he believes that it does not just work for Ki-Chul, and spouts some nonsense about how he will do from now on the contracts.

Hyun-tae is not showing happy with a gun at Sun-woo, but admits that things do not add up recently especially since he some research on Mom did and found no record of her before the age of twenty. Thinks he Sun-woo is a double agent?

Even if Sun-woo says he has to deliver the disk to save his girlfriend, Hyun-tae says this is not the solution, despite the fact that he have no better.

it has its own self-interests also got to protect, because he could do this only is the supervisor catch, the boss song he promised. Sun-woo asks if he could see the supervisor, and Hyun-tae, he says, since he is missing two fingers.

But he is right stopped before it slaps handcuffs handcuffs ~~ POS = HEADCOMP at the wrists, as Sun-woo says Chef song knows where the Supervisor is because he is looking at the country of asylum.

Sun-woo uses to whip the inattention to on Hyun-tae, threw him against the car. He tries to convince him that Boss song has been lying to him, but Hyun-tae, it does not buy and lunges instead of him.

replace words and blows, neither man willing to give up and soften. It's actually a fairly decent fight scene until it ends with Sun-woo Hyun-tae a firm step to give in the solar plexus.

He is to keep apologizing for it when he used the handcuffs now Hyun-tae in place, although he gave it to the listening device Ki-Chul leaves him so that he make his own decisions about Boss song can do somehow thinks would delete to do that, so to want any reasons for the North-Sun.

Ki-chul calls Mom to kill him, that the desire on their threadbare arguments, as they are courting. But he breaks her bladder when he tells her that Sun-woo is already working for them.

They called Sun-woo in a panic, but he ignored calls them as he prepares to take the hard drive in Yunjin apartment ... but not in front of the core with the fake Ki-chul gave him to replace ,

Ki-chul is aware that he has been left out of contemporary Ohs reindeer games, and all but yawns at Mom threats to capture them all so that they blamed for a spy instead of Sun- woo take.

He did the impossible is told, since they are exposed to as a family condemned if Sun-woo are spies, that the hard drive to the comrades Oh. Mom only grows more excited to ask what Ki-Chul, if she still hates him as much as they want to kill him, both. Thirty years ago and today

She says yes, only to ask for it, to see if it is important that everything he showed it was never alive. The only reason why they have been able now to live freely, to be due to his victim, but Mama does not respond with gratitude to his trodden puppy routine.

Ki-Chul they presented with a set: can save if by disappearing her family and he can not return anyway to the north, which is when they are in the sunset to ride together were? You could just make a deal with Chef song the hard disk using

But Mama again levels the gun at his forehead. "Both of us died at that time should have. Then all this would not have happened." You know what would otherwise not have happened? This show. Let's stop with the coulda shoulda woulda, people.

Meanwhile, Sun-woo cocks his gun and goes into Yunjin apartment where Comrade Oh and its lackeys wait ...

as episode 12 begins, we rewind a bit to the moments before Sun-woo of the grand entrance, with Yunjin and Comrade Oh, to discuss his fate. Oh is one of those joyous declaration villains, and goes into detail about killing his exact reasons for his plan Sun-woo. As usual in espionage dramas, it's because he knows too much.

But Yunjin makes a case for him as it might seem to make as only pragmatic nature, since they will attract the attention of NIS if to kill them, the person were are chasing them now ( because he disk stolen).

denies him any feelings have, if she asks for Sun-woo life, and whether in fact Comrade Oh buys it is up for debate. For now, he says he does, and agrees to spare Sun-woo, as long as it adheres.

Sun-woo its appearance makes fast enough, and holding a gun to the tech head while Comrade Oh his gun at Yunjin trained keeps. The hard drive tests positive for authenticity, Oh, what to believe, Sun-woo delivered his promise.

Tensions are high, but Comrade Oh everyone speaks down to the tiring grin before leaving his he and his lackeys. Sun-woo grabs Yunjin in an embrace, but she pushes him away just as quickly, claiming she choked feels

Then unexpectedly, suddenly it bursts the truth. She works as a spy for the North, for Ki-chul. Sun-woo opens his mouth, but he can not find

section to no words. Mom still a pistol on Ki-chul holding his head as he receives text, Comrade Oh, buy the hard drive. It's now or never

section to. Sun-woo react with disbelief, at least until Yunjin tells him that he was her mission all the time. Her first meeting was hatched a plan of Ki-Chul.

He is inconsolable, but that's the point Yunjin want to hurt him, to feel him as she never liked him anyway. Uh oh. Someone is noble idiot?

Sun-woo does not want to believe, but she gives him no choice when it claims responsibility for Soo-yeon death. She had, he ratted on the operation of her said with confidence. But more importantly, if he does not leave now Mom to protect both them and Ki-Chul are killed.

This is the last straw, and Sun-woo desperate grip on her shoulders turns to a stranglehold her throat in the blink of an eye. They fall on the couch with him, his hands still locked around her neck and eyes with unshed tears in.

Do not try to defend himself, and Sun-woo finally lets go. Gasping, she tells him where he can find Mom, and he climbs them stunned.

Before he leaves, he wonders if she lied when she said she loved him. Tears fill her eyes as she replies: "I have never loved you."

While Ki-Chul Yoon-jin praises him for reporting, Sun-woo hears late Mom voicemail trip it as a spy. He feels betrayed-who has not been keeping secrets from him at this point?

Mamas arms have never tired of this weapon in his hand, so that Ki Chul enough time to hold another conversation about running away together. But to save her family, they are that require the hard drive.

Hyun-tae enlists Eun-ah help the find the handcuff keys Sun-woo threw in the garage, and also confronted with, has it hard to believe, Sun-woo has the villain boss song, is chasing everyone.

Comrade Oh strolls back into the office with the hard drive, ready to make a get rid once and for all Ki-Chul. Mom pulls a gun on Oh, only Comrade Hong to put a gun to take head and her gun. And the worst spy ever award goes to ...


is aggravating, are Comrade Oh Mom other weapon along with the option of killing Ki-Chul, sparing himself. Mom just showing it to Comrade Oh back and requires the hard drive, and pulls the trigger, when he hesitates.

... But nothing happened. The gun is empty. Comrade Oh tells his minions to make them ready, only one of its minions the gun at call him . Ki-Chul is, have their reward.

Now it is turn of Comrade Oh panic, although he does not for long, if Ki-Chul realizes that he is not the hard disk password has, he shoots him through a pad. Oh, finally . Thank you very much.

kill After all lackeys still loyal to Comrade Oh, Ki-Chul calls the police to report a murder. He counts on Sun-woo to be there when they arrive, and forces mom to go with it.

head song called Sun-woo him to threaten return the hard drive he has thus stolen his family outed for espionage, but Sun-woo buys a little more time to him back there-not as threatening song in all this anyway is innocent.

he tries Mom calling after the police to escape notice, but no luck has to reach her or Ki-chul. The only other person who could possibly know about their whereabouts, is Yunjin.

head song can not catch use official labor Sun-woo, without exposed the hard drive they do not even have to. Hyun-tae, the device uses Sun-woo gave him overhear also know that both Song and Director Jung proves where the supervisor is on his conversation.

unaware that Boss song has a contract put out kill him and retrieve the hard drive, will provide Sun-woo Yunjin in an airport bathroom , He asks them to tell him where Ki-Chul has taken his mother to complete, and loses his cool when she refuses to shout: "The people have died"

It is with respect to the carnage he found Ki-Chul headquarters but Yunjin is not to put his family through her and tried to get past him. He will not let them, and a fight starts, it blocks most of their punches, eventually they need to rein against the wall.

He tells her he does not even hate with how things have turned out, but she asks, just this once, to be truthful with him. "Would you believe me if I tell you? Would you trust me, after I you deceived all the time?" She asks.

"No, I can not trust," Sun-woo answers, so like it to be one of its cuffs wrists. I love his response to her claim that she did not know he would sink so low just to find out where Ki-Chul is. "I suppose you do not know me well"

While Hyun -Tae tried to caregivers, Yunjin helps reluctant Sun-woo out where Ki-chul took Mom if to locate it needs the HDD password is cracked, and there is only one person capable of it cracking ...

Ki-chul calling ahead to let Dad know he's Mom got on ice before they arrive at his office, Dad to knit with concern leave Sun-woo to answer the call.

So Sun-woo calls Eun-ah, to tell her to distract the team tracking him his father's company, where they will be able soon Ki- chul find. If the entire office fuss caused her any doubts about him, she did not abandon them to stop by his desire.

Hyun-tae tracking hospital room 502 supposedly the supervisor that come only empty until he realizes that there is also a fifth floor in the underground morgue. That's where he finds the body of caregivers, missing fingers and all.

Sun-woo has to pull out of the car Yunjin just in time to see Ki-Chul heading for the office of his father, sans Mom. Does that mean that they are still in the car?

Dad immediately asks about mom when Ki-Chul brings the disk to him, although he claims Mom is returned to him when he cracks the password on.

Gripping Yunjin hand handcuffs binding them, Sun-woo breaks down the office door to hide, pistol whipped the guard, and finally to the gun directly on Ki-chul head.

"Kim Sun-woo," Ki-chul Recognizes all other ices Dad in the room-including. Sun-woo says nothing, with the trigger finger tightening ...


I swear I'm not saying this just because I was not biggest fan Yunjin, but I hope the two never reconcile. Frankly, I was half expecting Sun-woo to throw the biggest party shame ever after finding out he only had just one mission for Yoon-jin, but he surprised me totally by completely opposite direction ,

And you would not know it made his starring Yunjin about one hundred times more interesting. Doe-eyed pooch Sun-woo deviated Pissed Off with a purpose Sun-woo, which is probably my favorite Sun-woo of the series. It's like a switch was turned over to turn the show into overdrive, and not for a moment soon either. Turns out, you can be able to control the pace if you give your hero to do a real and urgent work. Who would have thought?

past a few tears, it is difficult to say whether Yunjin to feel much of anything for Sun-woo. not help your contradictory actions to clarify things, and while it would seem to indicate at first glance to noble idiocy, their willingness to leave the country without reversal seems indicate otherwise. I can not figure out if it just a halfway decent person who happens to be a spy or a crappy person to be only decent to try if it suits her-or maybe it's a bit of both. The important thing is that we have no way to tell, based on what it has to give us through silence, as opposed to Sun-woo, whose face always an open book with different emotions.

that's why it was so funny to see him with Yunjin post reveal the interaction, because he was no longer on only at its mushy lines lovingly rigid to be called and repeat. The catch is that he got not just a free pass to hate either, that would be too easy and much more radical shift. Instead, he was somewhere in the middle, the immediate complexities and nuances of the way he lent her in every scene responds that followed. Love

But on the other side. Oh, Mom. This is the kind of typical behavior that you would expect from any mother to protect from her son, but we ask to buy, it is always a super spy we like to ask a tree to try Jello nailing. It is not possible. I buy that she has nothing but the best intentions, and I felt for them tremendously sad when she suffered in silence, while her two children she scorned, but it is the worst spy. You can not just holding a gun to someone's head and wallow in indecision for half an hour and still expect to be taken seriously.

Just look how Ki-Chul, brutal as it may be, is still done things, even if he loves a long and limp and chat. Whatever problems I may have with him and his always murky motivations, I can not help but like him for implementing Comrade Oh below. Granted, neither Ki-Chul or Comrade Oh would make a point to any good villain radar, but at least Ki-Chul has a certain motivation, we can understand what his residual feelings for Mama and traumatic past as a prisoner. Comrade Oh, by comparison, was a spineless dweeb with a permanent grin. I guess Ki-Chul scar scratch, mad-uncle-at-the-dinner table so long to act every day, as we have never seen Mr. Laughsalot again.

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tags: Bae Jong-ok, in Go Sung hee, Jaejoong, Spy

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