Recap And Reviews Kdrama Triangle: Episode 19

Recap and reviews korean drama Triangle: Episode 19 -

For an episode for a rather great revelation, we are with more planning and scheming in this hour rewarded. Um Young-dal credit, it's a pretty smart plan, because it requires knowing what the other person tick and what pressure points, the kind of reaction, our hero wants to evoke. It also requires a lot of manpower and everyone in this great character verse will do their part, if they are aware of it or not.

As already announced Triangle has two more episodes added to his list, push the total to an even longer 26 episodes.



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To learn how Shin-hye arrived at its conclusion that Yang-ha Dong woo, we previously traced to this day the same way as she had spoken with Jung-hee grandmother. grandmother had Jang family fondly remembered because they were friends of the family, and dug an old picture on. Oh, is the small Young -dal hands with Jung hee holds?

Although grandma remembers the tragic fate of Jang and his three boys overtook on Papa, she was not sure what happened with the children after they were sent to the orphanage However, she had heard whispers that the Chairman Yoon the smallest, Dong-woo assumed.

to see the image for themselves, recognizes Dong-soo Jung-hee's father as a friend of his father. And all for three second, he calls Shin hye deductive skills over Yang-ha assumption, claiming that he did not believe it until he hears from President Yoon and ...

... and then again depths when she says just about him. "there is a really great opportunity it is might be true, therefore it is a fact"

also hard it is to believe a kind that Shin-hye Chairman Yoon was unaware believes he a thought of his enemy's sons. Or maybe our corrupt chaebol was that close, who knows. The only way to know for sure is to get through one of his longtime collaborator Yang ha right hand, Kim Jin-soo, also known as the man who did not give any answers in the previous episode.

Speaking of whom, asks Kim Jin-soo Shin-Hye Hyun Director, but this would rather avoid any conversation about his ex-wife. Meanwhile passes Yang-ha quickly that Young-dal is up to something when he (by Manager Bae) hears that Young-dal lately with Jiyeon meeting has been located.

Jun-ho happening on this conversation to eavesdrop, and while Jang-soo and Jailbreak fuss about how Manager Bae make them betray Young- remains dal eerily quiet. Did he plant manager Bae Yang-ha site?

Judging from Young-dal response, it is not as it sounds, because he says that it is better for them if Manager Bae information has leaked to Yang-ha. He Jun-ho to continue to keep tabs on them.

At home, grandma asks if she remembers her childhood friend and neighbor Dong-Chul. She does not, even after to see an old picture of them together, and Grandma laughs as used the two children to go to say that they would marry. Aw.

Chairman Yoon is with the Chairman Go out of patience, citing as Dong-soo is still alive and now Young-dal operates at Daejung. Humiliated by SmackDown, Chairman Go ask his lackey hilarious if he has lost his villanous Flair and then the order for Myung-jae makes to get on a train.

It just so happened that Madame Jang Lakai overheard the tail end of Myung-jae the conversation at the illegal casino. Believing that it brew a storm, he goes straight to Madame Jang, feeling uneasy about the contract for the gangster in Sabuk.


Young-dal tests Manager Bae loyalties with a request to find an informant Lucky Casino (in conjunction with Hanchang Group). He then down to see Boss Min and Manbong called to him not skip town for a while because Myung-jae boys ordered Sabuk.

you will remain and do their best to stop him. Because they are fantastic. But Young-dal not the slightest inclination has run away, he-will ensure that Myung-jae gets his fault.

Yang-ha says Manager Bae do as he is instructed, and there is still no word why Jiyeon is involved at all. As Jung-hee the stairs a minute later comes down, Yang-ha asks them out at a different time, only to find out that today is the death of her father.

And things complicated very quickly if Young-dal ahead moments later appears. He lingered a few moments before he gets ready to go past them. Yang ha eyes carefully track Jung-hee expressions, as they do from hopeful to notable disappointment.

The silent treatment both weighs as brood isolated Young-dal and Jung-hee spirit. In the locker room, Jung-hee sighs, means how to live in a small town, everyone knows everything, as. The last trip with Yang-ha

Young-dal meets with Jiyeon in a restaurant, and the two drop the jokes when she tells him to cut to the chase. You agree that neither is not what the other expected (such as Jiyeon not only a spoiled rich girl and Young-dal is not only a good for nothing) and Young-dal says he knows that Hanchang group heyday Eyes foreign customers. He can turn into a reality. She seems fascinated, and so formed a partnership.

Yang-ha returns Shin-hye reputation and tells her that things are going so well for him lately that it makes him nervous. She tells him to enjoy it and they vote the next day in Seoul to meet.

Dong-soo and Young-dal meet for drinks, and it is endearing as Dong-soo all worried about his brother getting the plan go against Myung-jae. Young-dal assured him that he does not intend to use force; rather, it is to grant the merciless gangster a lesson.

It turns out that since Daejung Casino went public, they all gangsters managed to empty pockets, save for Myung-jae. Young-dal intends sure Myung-jae ends without a penny to make. On the question of how, Young-dal, a sly smile back and said it would be no fun if he shows his cards early.

of his brother on the cheek Amused Dong soo hands given to him by Shin-hye childhood photo him. Although he said that he and the little girl were mounted next to him at the hip as children, young dal will not remember, and to see the picture only reminds him not to be able to his guilt, her brother Dong find woo yet is because the orphanage director suffers from dementia not be easy.

Dong-soo knows it, and while he fully understands Young-dal determination necessary to use to make their brother identify Himself makes mostly responsible any means.

Jang-soo and Jailbreak are amused by Madame Jang bitterness of success Young-dal be omitted. But these two are asking here whether any of Madame Jang know dealers, like a black knit a scheme to do drag, when the house of losing money traders.

Some of them do, but the lackey gapes when he said that the goal is Myung-jae, arguing that the big-time gangster con attempt a death wish is to ask. But Jang-soo says it will be money for them, when the underground casino pulls it away.

After Hyun-mi of their recent promotion uses the annoying Casino sunbaes to order, we turn back to the team Young-dal, who are willing to look. For the next part of their plan Young-dal tells his boys Myung-jae approve as Daejung VIP client because the gangsters qualifies as a successful businessman on the paper.

I assume Young-dal plan is to Myung-jae to poisons in first the underground casino (with the aforementioned black trick), then charge it to Daejung VIP room for him better feel, but that's where he lost a lot of money. And that is exactly what happened on the metro casino as Myung-jae hand loses the hand and Madame Jang fears that this strategy could end badly. As in, with their own lives.

Ha asks Boss minutes when Young-dal, a little to confident about going against is Myung-jae, but it makes a over, as it is filled in by Young-dal itself. Over time Manbong visits the tables, Myung-jae is already down about 500 million won (nearly half a million USD), and suffice it to say, he is acid .

Manbong cuts it. Close to his side remarks, but fortunately for him (and all others), Myung-jae is wiped clean, and rises from the table, angry Once he goes, Manbong reassured Madame Jang and their lackeys who Myung-jae is his reputation ruin here to throw a fit.

Jun-ho Jung-hee finds smiling and Dong chul in her childhood photo of her, which she had was her first love told. At the same time, smiling Young-dal in his office in a similar photo of herself. Neither he, of course, Jung-hee are aware that the other child is in her pictures the other person.

jailbreak brings the uncomfortable topic about Young-dal with Jung-hee, to tell her that his friend did not mean these harsh words when she was abducted. Explaining how he was to Jailbreak clarifies that Young-dal acted cruelly for their own safety, so he hopes they will understand the situation wrong.

The truth sink slowly, tears well up in young start hee eyes. When Jun-ho drops by Young-dal office, he recognizes the two children in the photograph on the desk as the same as those in Jung-hee Photo.

Dong-soo is shocked to learn that Kim Jin-soo shared a hyung-dongsaeng friendship with his father. Well-liked and respected, former Dongjin said miner therefore Chairman Yoon Kim at Daejung busy later.

After the each other love life check, Shin -hye finally asks Yang-ha, if he knows any information about his acceptance process. Everything is for him to open the pretext accepts, that they want to use his case for a thesis because all Shin-hye has to do is breathe for people, their information that will give them.

She hears Yang ha her that he tried to ask Chairman Yoon when he realized that he had been adopted, but he had not been able to have all the answers.

her expression seems a little to say understanding, and if Yang-ha again Daejung he asks his right hand if he knows something about his adoption. This question asks Kim to ask whether Yang ha talked with Shin-hye. Yang-ha is so much, but says that he is a while back stopped therapy, and he does not have his medication had to take lately, either.

Catching Kim Jin-soo on his way home, Dong-soo convinced the man to chat and said that he knows that Kim good friends with his father was , Kim describes how he and Papa Jang were actually friends, but put strike their different positions in the mining society strain their friendship.

Only after Papa Jang death, Kim found out that the chairman Yoon ordered his death. Dong-soo was the time, Kim Jang the other two brothers found in the orphanage, and in an effort to go to expiate his guilt, Kim went ahead slightly to adopt Dong-woo in Chairman Yoon family.

"How is that not atone for your sins?" Dong-soo asks. "How could you think, my brother, are charged by my father enemy?"

But Kim says that he believed that it was better that Yang-ha are brought into a life of wealth and privilege, and that belief is unchanged. When Dong-soo really cares for his little brother, he will stop his revenge against President Yoon, Kim Jin-soo tells him because the rich man increased until now Dong-woo. Well, but he raised an heir, no son.

Instead of the point to argue further, Dong-soo easy ... gives up and goes with tears in his eyes, having regard to its declaration of revenge against Chairman Yoon and when he punched Yang-ha, his own little brother. He leaves in the streets of a horrified cry.

Jung-hee tries conversation at work with Young-dal to beat, but he cuts it off, keep his act cold. He turns to walk away, and Jung-hee calls that she knows that he would not know what he said when she was kidnapped and that he deliberately trying to keep a distance from her. In a broken voice, she asks, "Do not ... please."

Although these words shake him, holding Young-dal back his tears and walks away.

It's D day for the next part of the Young-dal plan at Daejung and Jailbreak sends (remember them?) In one of the Sabuk neighborhood wannabe racket Myung-jae to approach a loan that the gangsters urgently needs.

Myung-jae is then led Boss Yang to see who drives a hard bargain with a quick turnaround the loan. But since Myung-jae is in despair, he agrees and orders his lackey reserve a VIP room, not knowing that in the Young-dal he plays right hands.

Meanwhile Young-dal has the female casino manager as the senior traders in Myung-jae's card game in the VIP room. His plan is a little clearer when he says Chef Min and Manbong that they will also be present, for the tactic is to outwit the gangsters to beat him in a card game.

All they have to do is bet the opposite of whatever does Myung-jae. Myung-jae currently moving state to their advantage-he will likely take the maximum bet, so they are the opposite of the game is not rigged, but they will do.

It looks like Jiyeon preceded to some strings to pull, because Yang-ha is informed that Hanchang group canceled its contract with Daejung. Right on cue, his father calls, absolutely furious at this turn of events.

Yang-ha wastes no time Young-dal to confront them, grab a handful of his suit. But Young-dal fazed-this is hardly easy for Payback what Yang-ha did him, and maybe some more.

Dong-soo is in the lobby only his two brothers in a dramatic intervention to see stare-off. "Dong-Chul-ah," he calls.


of price you would like us to that effect, [1945011blank] delta hanging. It's not like we almost 20 hours for this fraternal meeting or waiting a bit. And now that we in this series more episodes are two more, I can foresee that we are going to have to wait even longer for payments we desire could be seen. Series expansions are like a double-edged sword, and in Triangle 's case, my luck Jaejoong exercise more of its growing acting chops barely trumps to see the fact that the history of a show moving slower than molasses that already lost recently against some steam.

That being said, I really enjoy laid Young-dal in this episode to see plan, even if it actually took a long time to the start of his run in the final minutes to see the hour. It is a thorough plan that many supporting characters to work together and trust that the larger goal is to outsmart the evil gangsters by knocking in his truck includes for gambling. At first I thought that Young-dal covered by a spy in Yang-ha to plant all his bases presence, but I was left even more impressed when he's kept cool and then laid a false trail to keep distracted his opponent. And I think it's even smarter that Young-dal was not set in order anything, as he knows what it is that his opponent is ticking, and then use that against him.

In contrast, I was disappointed to see a childhood first love story between origin Young-dal and Jung-hee. I know it is a trope we so often see in drama country, but I'd spent so many content hours to know that two adults natural feelings for each other developed that I did not feel it was necessary that the pairing with childhood puppy to cement love , I would say that it helps that none of them actually Remember each other as children, but then again the same goes for dozens of love stories in other shows true. And I cringed when all it took for Jung-hee to realize the truth has a tertiary character, to tell her the truth, because until recently, it is would have been refreshingly normal and sometimes even practically heroine, and now I afraid that they see as being painted another sign about idly until Young-dal plans used.

And then there is Yang ha acceptance reveal a wish I was running far better than it did at this hour. I would generally accepted that Shin-hye would play the unsafe exposure fairy again, but I had hoped that Kim Jin-soo participation more developed than to expiate his own legitimate act for his sins against Papa Jang. Although I do not understand why Kim not only both Jang brothers adopt the orphanage instead to separate further, (Chairman since Yoon apparently is someone recruited and has heirs at will), I would have been much more fascinated when be included Justification something like psychological enemy torments his late friend by unwittingly force the rich man to raise Dong-woo, who would take over the rich later Daejung.

Instead, the explanation we got came across as flat and recycled, and I do not see how it ever negate the fact that the chairman Jang had killed Papa Jang and may or may not know that his future heirs (not son) is his enemy's son. The answer to the second half of this question still remains frustratingly vague, and now Dong-soo is under the weight of so much debt that I'm surprised he can even wake up every morning. it is the PPL icemaker Perhaps keeping in Shin-hye house it cool

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan, Jaejoong, Lee Beom-soo, triangle

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