Recap And Reviews Kdrama To Love You Fated: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama To Love You Fated: Episode 4 -

Our unintended pair is facing a life-changing decision they filled for one hell of a ride in a densely packed hour with so much heart to it bursts takes (and us) from the seams. But fear not, even with all the serious problems in the game, we have not yet been triggered and stumbled into a melodrama. One of Fated To Love You 's is more endearing qualities that they know how to without depending on the laughs to pack an emotional punch.

numbers-wise, the balance is restored to the ratings system now that Fated is its steady upward trend, from 6.6% for its premiere in this episode to 9.0% go. Since the double-digit range, the new 20%, it is almost there. Fighting


Baek Ah-yeon! - "캐논 의 아침 (Morning of Canon)" from the OST [ Download ]

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Mi-young excuses as Gun panics is about locked in the storage room, and tried to look at the bright side, at least Mom Gun gave them blankets. that's something, right?

wrong. all, but it loses if Mi-young, she says have no choice but to sleep here, because they nothing gets Mom say all conceivable output to open the door. he tries before attempting a superscript window, and as Mi-young innocently asks if he really thinks he can come out in this way, Gun all, Should dig I a tunnel with a spoon?! Ahaha.

by crazy when he represents, Gun manages only to calm when Mi-young to him quietly next sitting. he finally asks why she him not say about that, baby, it is not. as they did not have the chance

Mi-young depends only with the head, as it provides an excuse their trademark : "I am sorry. As soon as I found out actually ... I could say that it is not. "Her deep moment interrupted by the sound of gun Magenknurren so Mi-young him the only thing that provides helping in the storeroom-dried seaweed root to eat bizarre shaped like a human ear.

Gun is by the look grossed from him, and just does not soften when Mi-young gives him Snickers tagline (you're not you when you're hungry), but also because his stomach growled loudly again. he just decided be polite, by the algae absorb chip, just be surprised if it is not so bad.

Mi-young seems pleased when she realizes that he is not a fussy eater, as they would most expect chaebols to be, but Gun scolded like a child trying to protect his pride. at least he is more receptive to the next secret snack it seems is it ...

... Before throwing out like a hot coal when it sees that it is a dried fish eye. Hah. He can with my mouth open as Mi-young chomps into the fish stare as not strange in a Travel Channel special menu.

Meanwhile Manager Tak is nowhere with Mom applicable to convince them to give something to eat, Gun or leave him with them to stay in the camp. Mom grows suspicious that Manager Tak Mi-young might like, only for him to let it slip that he would prefer Mi-Sook, Mi-young, the eldest sister. Oh ho.

But Mama is surprisingly pragmatic as it, the two stay in their guns sticking squeezed storeroom-after, they will be able to decide whether to stay on together or separate Ways. Moreover Mom seems confident that Gun definitely not dislike Mi-young.

Back at camp, Gun cherishes from that go through some mi-young old things. You just jump on, had when he takes on a ceramic jar as desired box marked.

Inside pieces of folded paper are from their childhood that they are not meek personality everyone could make simpler-their desires were mostly requests. for basic human courtesy

Also Gun realizes how pitiful are their wishes, but only promises to read further: Mi-young desire that her father went to heaven, complete with a heartbreaking drawing her father with a halo over his head.

Gun voice soft as he asks when he died father, and they share another bond moment when he realizes that both their fathers lost a young age except in Gun case, he suddenly lost his parents in a car accident.

Mi-young then reamers the subject to go carefully to the hospital to terminate her pregnancy tomorrow, because it is carefully thought about it and know that Gun someone he wants to marry. Even if they were to lift alone to the child, she worries that it would always weigh on Gun.

your voice begins to crack, as it recognizes: "The baby will be a burden for you and your wife ... I do not want this baby to live a life without blessing." This is heartbreaking. Poor Mi-young.

It is even sadder when Gun face falls as he carefully listen to everything she says. "I'm sorry. Mi-young ... I'm sorry." At least he's as excited seems like it is, but also resigned as well. Even if he can not take responsibility, he is still hospitalized with her. "I will not let you go even"

Despite the circumstances, he treated it as the most precious is what in the world when he sets the ceiling to make a bed and gives her his coat as Blanket. When he lies beside her, she commented on how interesting it is that they have met only four times, and have slept for two of them. Aw.

The Mi-young and Gun flash back on their meetings, Mi-young in voiceover says: "The connection between people is really hard to understand . "Gun". If we had met under better circumstances ... I think we call it fate would "you guys make me

Before Gun goes to sleep, he mouths." I'm sorry. "

he wakes alone in the morning, out on a note, left Mi-young, that she went to the hospital alone, although he again and again to say that he would go with her.

Gun flying Mamas restaurant desperately ask where the hospital, but also inform them about what's going on. Mom is angry, and rallies quickly the family in the hope that they will be able to stop Mi-young in the time

There is only one problem :. A boat is needed to get to the hospital, and mineral boy took it. Just as Gun and Mi-Young's family to start on the barren Dock in panic, President comes Park with a boat to save the day.

Mi-young hesitates from hospital entrance before a deep sigh at the obstetrics and gynecology. "I have made the right decision," she says as she crosses the threshold, only to see a collection of supporting couple inside, more than willing to welcome her family newcomers. AWW.

How it wanted the destiny that Daniel might meet his sister in the hospital. He realizes Mi-young, but is Mi-jung too busy to notice when she whispers at the front desk that she is here " surgery ."

Daniel interrupts natured Mi ask -Young if she remembers him. She does, except she calls him "father" because she still thinks that he is a priest. Whoops.

After arriving ashore, coordinated Gun family (plus the Soapsuds Duo) to break into three groups, allowing them to search the three obstetrics hospitals available. Whoever finds Mi-young first has to call immediately and to make the other attention.

Mi-young confesses everything to "father" Daniel, who committed her his ear in lending. It's nice that for once it say Mi-young, to have someone else confidence as Daniel admits that he it is important to meet someone and tried his best to look in spite of his nervousness.

Daniels only advice is to give for Mi-young their decision more thought, because an abortion is something they can not be reversed if they regretted it later. However, he is surprised when Mi-young asks sincerely to worship him with it, and appears directly on the threshold of her to say that he no priest ...

But then he feels as bad as hopefully she looks and decides not to. It's funny how awkward it should act priestly try, especially since he did not even do not know the sign of the cross. Hahaha

The Gun the streets running through desperately called her name, Mi-young prayer is heard. "Please have mercy on this baby made a bad mother, and please do not let it go to a wonderful place. I'm sorry ... that I can not protect that baby," she says through her tears. "I'm sorry. Amen."

Despite the pain she is going through, Mi-young yet told Daniel not so nervous and cheer. "Be strong!" AWW.

Gun running in the right clinic half out of his mind with worry. Finally Manager Tak asks him why he wants so badly to find Mi-Young he has the baby want?

He have no clear answer, only that he did not believe should be alone. His already debt-ridden expression is only made worse when he looks to leave an ex-couple to the hospital with the girl (who presumably have an abortion at her boyfriend had requested) crying when she called her boyfriend a jerk.

If the secretary tells him that Mi-young is in agreement, Gun books it to the examination rooms. We find Mi-young a sonogram inside received, and even if the fetus appears tiny in the monitor, the doctor claims that it is large enough to see his parents voices.

Gun breaks into the room, and when the doctor asks who he is, there is a long moment of hesitation before Gun finally admits the father to be. He also seems surprised by his own admission

But he soon distracted by a strange sound .. It is the sound of the baby's heart beat through the sonogram

The doctor goes over the details of the procedures with them, asking each parent verbally and agree on paper to abortion to both. I admit my heart sank when Gun, after a long time of searching Mi-Young's impassive face, agrees.

Gun can to operation only follow space threshold, where the sound of cold metal objects wait clinking together and a frightening gynecology examination table for Mi-young. He can not seem to take his eyes off her, clearly torn, but unable to express it.

In the waiting room, staring at the Gun sonogram photo of the fetus, the little more than a point. He thinks back to Mi-young speech from the night before ... and then stands up. Will he stop them? Go go go !!

He runs as if his life depends on it, and every attempt is thwarted during his slo-mo navigating the hospital obstacle course to be cool, if any elaborate procession ends with his own hurt.

He makes it into the room just seconds before the procedure will start yelling to stop for them now. The doctor is happy when Gun helps Mi-young to wear out of the room to find out that Gun had a change of heart after listening to the baby heartbeat.

Once they are outside the hospital, Mi-young asks what he was thinking, respond only for Gun that he is not sure. "But I do not think that's true," he adds.

Of course, if Mom and the rest of the family in order to find out, she thought that the process has already happened and fly in seizures. Gun has no opportunity to explain themselves while moms take abuse, which is nothing compared to, when grandma finally emerges.

"You murderer!" Granny screams as she joins in beating her grandson. Finally Gun quenches them that the baby in order by shouting. Cue collective sigh of relief.

Before each, Gun turns to Mi-young her some protected asking he not seem to find the right words. "With me ..." he stammers. "With me ..." The family waits expectantly before he breathes. "We will have the baby"

However, Mom is not happy to hear that while Gun wants to have the baby, he does not want to marry Mi-young. She is outraged that he thinks of Mi-jung than just a surrogate, although Gun promises that he'll make a new start for Mi-young, after the baby is born.

Also not what want to hear Mama. That's when Grandma takes to say that in they eyes, Mama is now their in-law, Mi-young is her granddaughter-in-law, and the baby is her great-grandson. "I will definitely marry," Grandma promises.

At least finally thinks Mom Mi-young, what thinks , asking only to be floored when Mi-young, she says wasn 't taking into account the marriage. "We designed this baby one error, not out of love. Marriage should be done out of love."

Gun true light that Mom is last straw she wants him gone. But when grandmother tried to smooth things, Mr. Choi and a group of the now unemployed soap factory workers come Mi-jung to ask in order to save it: If she marries Gun, he is have to cut their factory some slack.

President Park is the only one who realized how ridiculous their request, as he tries Mi-jung of their ceaseless defending guilty. Fortunately makes Mom finally a stand: "As you can see, my daughter is not pretty, yet she has a great body she was wisely No. She did poorly as well in school!?!" Um ...

Mom puts her daughter recorded many shortcomings, but they show really comes from the heart, as she asks the crowd as pressure someone who can not dare anybody ever ignore the feelings or anyone refuse a request.

Gun brows furrow in sympathy as Mamas voice breaking with emotion, before some time to takes to think.

Meanwhile, Mi-young tried the case against marriage to argue their family. Your pregnant unni Mi-ja Recalls all the reasons why the child to have the choice alone, would be bad for Mi-young, but Mi-young still do not think marriage would be correct.

Gun goes through too much already, she says to her family. "I do not think it is right to force him that way." They go back and forth more some to Gun steals Mi-young for a lecture.

"You do not have the intention to marry at all?" She asks Gun. She sighs as she admits that he is a great person and that she had no doubt he would a great father, but his he loves someone else. "I do not want this marriage to go through knowing someone make it unhappy."

Gun does not deny that, but reasons, even if it was a mistake that not change the fact that she carries her child in itself. He knows that he has been the villain between them, but he wants to be a good father to his baby.

He also admits that even though he has only ra Se in his heart, he does not know whether, when and how much his heart micro- can open young. "But I'll promise you this: At least on our baby, I want to be a great father If you can accept that ... then let's get married."

Mi-young: "I ... ... want to be a good mother to this baby "Gun nods silently-the decision was taken

, the islanders are in a flurry, as. for the wedding, which takes place ravishing in a schoolyard Mama and Grandma find Mi-young waiting in one of the classrooms adorned in a beautiful wedding dress, and they collectively pst, as they feared that it all happened so fast.

Gun, also best dressed in his wedding, he stares the engagement ring originally bought for Se-ra, before they give a call for the first time at last because it to America.

he is their calling to tell the truth, but loses some steam when Se-ra immediately starts crying, how hard it was for them to wait for his call. When she keeps apologizing, you can literally see as Gun determination instinctively disappears like it to be a fool in love returns.

on His face lights up when he smiles with her and, finally cheer Chats them for their upcoming performance. If he plans to tell her he is always MARRIED , losing the chance if she has to hang.

Nevertheless Gun keeps his promise and goes to the altar. When it comes time for Mi-young to walk down the aisle down, he sees more restless than before. Oh no.

When it is time to give their vows, Mi-young does this with a serious smile. Gun seems much more reluctant to make the promise of eternal love, so when grandma him is too quiet, he calls shouts: "YEEEEEEEEEES !!"

And awww, is to give Mom Mi-young ring her father's wedding Gun. Gah, this music and all at once that this is happening makes me for the tissue box reach. This is the third time already, Fated! Stop making me cry!


Once Gun the ring he sets for Se-ra at Mi-young fingers purchased, officially to keep them man and wife, and, till death do they part.

... Oooor to go at least to Gun to the mainland has renewed interest in the company's affairs on their wedding night. Mi-young remain for a few days with Mama before about themselves heading, and Mom assures pull gun aside and threaten him with death if he in any way Mi-young injustice.

to stop President Park and Mr. Choi Gun before their secret virility (considering him as only a Jeonju Lee's son is born in each generation ) -but why Gun see so confused when Mr giving, goes Choi claims that it was because of this concoction that he and Mi-young are married today? He knew that already ... right?

Manager Tak bids a sad farewell of Mi-sook, with whom he has developed a romance, and before he left gun on the boat. Mi-young waves goodbye with a smile.

Daniel meets with the woman, he will be hoping not (also randomly Kim Mi-young called), can only be seen for both of them that they long lost relatives his sister each other are.

he disappointed, but he can not help but think of Mi-young outside the clinic earnest prayer.

at home, and Gun Manager Tak get wasted. Gun notes that wryly every is now happy, but pointedly leaves from the list. Thinking about it makes him laugh.

But ask a manager Tak Gun, what attracted him to Mi-young, Gun reacts with a light slap and a smile, rocking the to seem on the verge of a nervous breakdown. "What do you mean, attracted ?" Gun asks offended. " Attracted ? It was a mistake!"

Manager Tak finally opens the Soapsuds Duos gift, surprised that it is a sexual stimulant. Gun face falls as he compiles and implements the pieces, right now, that they put him in that night drugged.

Oh no. Now he thinks that he has been deliberately misled and that Mi-young really was to win in on them all the time indulgence for the factory workers. "I can not forgive her!" Gun screams. "I can forgive them at all!"

Manager Tak is a Mi-young airport pickup, as it comes in Seoul, and she hides her disappointment that gun is not there. Manager Tak uses the excuse that Gun is only reeally employed.

The reality is that Gun is gone completely off his rocker, as we find it, like death warmed up when he sees a doctor for help. "I thought it was my job ..." Gun murmurs. "I thought it was because of my mistake that I should take responsibility. But now ... I feel like I've been cheated."

He begins more and more sound worried when he said to his voice interior monologue as are a real madman, muttering nonsense about was like Mi-jung on their team and helped him cheat.

as he explains how he has not been to sleep in a position we cut to the scenario he describes where he'll awake jerk and fend off his ring-bearing hand as he pulls in a horror film than a prevailing thought through his mind is: "I Got Married." Hahaha. It's not funny, unless it is a little.

Gun then entering a manic kind detail when Mi-young is referred to as "worm" that are somehow frightening to him. When he describes as scarily crawling on people, while on the backs of their houses, we cut Mi-young when she for Lee Manor.

And brought slowly start worm appear in every frame as Gun insists that it not be to escape their feared and dreaded presence. They are only inches closer ... and closer ... and closer ...

HAHAHA. Okay, I would laugh snorted when the worm appeared on his shoulder. Perfect comic timing, as always, especially as Gun goes into his equally irrational fear of Turtle . But they are not as bad as snails- those are the real monsters.

However waning of humor soon as gun on his trademark reverts hearty laugh-only this time, his guffaws be accompanied by tears.


okay, so, clearly Gun has some serious issues he needs to work out. I suspect that he threw turtles into the mix, as both snails and turtles carry with them and their house in his mind, which is exactly what Mi-young does. Perhaps only turtles, which makes a little less offensive to him is that they do not possess the awesome power of suction, in turn, now its predominant concern, when it comes to his new wife. (Then again, why am parsing I the misguided idea of ​​a crazed insomniac from?)

I was at first a little surprised when Gun was not the case know that it is set to drugged been had that fateful night, even if it makes sense if. at the Macau travel as a whole, no one ever questioned in retrospect, as the lack of judgment came Similarly, I can only assume that the effects of the drug made them easily forget that they were both stumbling to their rooms like drunks back. Whatever the case, the official story is that Gun had no prior idea, but he certainly has the wrong now.

Up to this great misconception Gun was to actually win in the character department. His emotional range was so incredibly complex that episode, and we have to be there for every minute and every important decision. Both he and Mi-young went through an incredible journey in such a short time, and I was excited to see how changing their interactions would based on each new bit of information they learned about each other.

would at the moment, they shared in the storage room after they both know that abortion was the best option, chosen especially bittersweet, and the best way catalyst for everything followed. Because being so docile, Mi-young came very grown to some decisions on their own and would have followed through with them Gun had not intervened. feel so much more immediate and real watched his transformation as it happened, before he knew what he was doing himself, helped to make all the decisions to surround the baby.

There is the side of the gun, which promised to be a good father, the lively faith, and hope that good will and common human decency we hold know he will carry us safely to follow through the storm. I want to pass to it, go not only for their sake, but because the show raised so many thought-provoking questions with gun and preserve Mi-jung feelings in the marriage that I only that minefield to see itching, further explored.

Yet how gratifying it was that they came to a decision, the marriage on their own in terms of? Given pressure the grandmother on gun side and the pressure of the islanders on Mi-Young page, the idea that nothing is it considered in their choice that they went with their hearts in making them and as people, as characters is less so far. Gun not agree to, not help the child increase to preserve his precious family line he did, because it their Baby, and they are together in this. I just hope he remembers that before it is too late.

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tags: Choi Jin-Hyuk, Fated To Love You, in Jang Hyuk Jang Nara

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