It is an emotional rollercoaster as Ji-yeon finds out the truth of what happened six years ago, and why Shi-hoon never showed up to her wedding. She struggles with reconciling the pain of the past six years to realize that Shi-hoon never ceased to love, and it is not an easy journey for anyone. There are a lot of tears, but there are many awesomeness as Shi-hoon six-year disappearance is addressed rather than swept under the only drama Country Carpet of plot convenience. Dong-ha and Mom duke it out to be the darling of the episode, because to be a voice of reason Ji-yeon both endearing and navigate their confusion to help.
Before the press conference, Shi -Hoon shows the portrait of Ji-yeon to his assistant. He surprised his assistant even further when he admits that he decided to take it because he felt it would be the last time, to confess, as he plans to go to the US after the fair. Although Ji-yeon, the invitation to the opening torn, he is confident that they will at least see the picture in the newspapers.
But as Shi-hoon is making his big confession during the press conference, the wizard detects Ji-yeon and rushes into the exhibition hall and insisted angrily take the collage curators before the reporters arrive
But it is too late. the reporters are here, and so is Ji-yeon. The cameras flash endless pictures of Ji-yeon after Shi-hoon of stands frozen "Let's start from the beginning." Just as Dong-ha forward hurries of the situation, Shi-hoon packs to save their hand and they run out of the exhibition space along with the rest of the reporter in hot pursuit.
They hide from the labor room where her breathless near Ji-yeon unnerved.
Meanwhile, the assistant is angry with Dong-ha, because it allows Ji-yeon, to visit the exhibition. (How anyone can, to do with the "permit" Ji-yeon something.) She says Shi-hoon leaves next week, so Dong-ha should ensure Ji-yeon make no fool of Shi-hoon as it really did before all reporters. Dong-ha points out that it is actually Shi-hoon, who stood - and besides, what does a man if he knows that he leave in a week
Dong-ha if that really wonders how Shi-hoon felt or is it just the biased interpretation assistant. After all, why would Shi-hoon still have the ring Ji-yeon all those years ago again? She clings awkwardly the envelope she holds, and Dong-ha takes it from her, the content reveals the wedding rings and a photo of surgical instruments to be. March 15, 08.
Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon managed their sudden paparazzi rush to escape: on the back of "Somalia" and the date written and she wants to know what the deal is with the picture of her - he thought she would be touched by it? She tells him that she only went into the exhibition hall to see exactly what it was that he deemed more important than her. For six years, she wondered what it is she has done wrong to cause him to leave it. If they had known, they could have fixed it.
Shi-hoon tells her that they have not done anything wrong, and it is perfect. Maybe so, but while he was taking off his super important photos, she had a very painful and difficult six years. You can forgive, why they do not start from scratch him never.
Meanwhile, the assistant persist that she Shi-hoon made important in the famous photographer that he is today, and that no one else to worry as much as she does for him, not even Ji-yeon. Dong-ha is pained when he points out that it is the direct cause of years of suffering for both Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon.
She argues that if Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon to resolve their misunderstanding, Dong-ha loses his girlfriend, and she loses the only man in her life (not to mention the future, they has worked so hard). Dong-ha, disgusted, says that he is different from it, and go away.
He shows up where Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon are, and surprised Ji-yeon of her old engagement rings show. But since she does not like Shi-hoon, they must not need them anymore - and Dong-ha feed them in the pool
When Ji-yeon. Coils of knowledge that he all the time, Shi-hoon held angry before releasing Dong-ha grabs the collar rings, determined the rings from the pool to pick up. Dong-ha puts the truth about what really happened: The wizard lied Ji-yeon when she said that Shi-hoon regretted ever engaged, and that Shi-hoon was in the leg and unable shot the wedding due to the participation in surgery.
Ji-yeon escorted Shi-hoon back to his office after he waded into the pool to get worried about his bolting and the fact that the water is could worsen his condition. She tends carefully to him so sure he's okay, while Dong-ha outside the apartment impatiently waiting on a bench. He tried to shake off the idea that he would now lose Ji-yeon, that they know the truth about Shi-hoon.
Shi-hoon explained why he never showed up for the wedding: he was sent on a last-minute assignment to Somalia, and has been set, the to leave the day before the wedding, but the war broke out. She tears when he describes how his operation was made for three months in a coma, and when he awoke, he saw them her ring was returned.
The next morning, Ji-yeon has a lot to think about when it outside sitting on the same bench Dong-ha, was where waiting for her last night.
in the office, the Troublemaker staff about news articles about Shi-hoon exhibition pours disbelief that the woman in the photograph could be "the witch" Ji-yeon. Young-sik is the only happy about the news, as he fanboys that his two most respected sunbaes are actually a couple.
Director Kwon is pleased at the turn of events plotting maliciously ways they can beat on this popularity capital. It proposes all articles a Revelation: Denied "Phillip Noh and his beloved girl", but Ji-yeon. It is not even sure if he threatens, team leader Byun get the products and promise to write she would hide her face.
Ji-yeon ignores the variety of calls that flood the office, even turning off their phone as a good measure. She goes instead with Na-Rae for some girl-talk visit to try and find out what they will do. After Shi-hoon do not even try to contact them for six years, and Na-rae wonders why Dong-ha who would volunteer to tell the truth about the misunderstanding, since it would not be to his advantage.
a make-over show with her ahjumma Training Friends Watching, Ji-yeon mother is shocked at how painful it must be to go through so much plastic surgery. She believes that a person should just be happy with but they look natural. But hear the ahjummas about the benefits speak seems their minds and to change the next thing you know, she sits nervously in a plastic office of the surgeon. HA. As he explained some simple procedures, they look younger make up 10 years, she suddenly feels weak.
you brought to the hospital because of malnourishment on an empty stomach for the exercise, but because Ji-yeon can not be reached, Dong-ha is the one who rushes to the hospital ensure that everything is in order to make. All other women in the station are envious of Dong-ha caring attention (and pretty face) and Mom can simply continue to think that he, her son-in-law. Dong-ha is completely with him. Aw
Mom thinks he is the perfect man, except for the fact that he is only an assistant -., Until one of the doctors it as one of his hoobaes recognizes. Dong-ha admits that he was in medical school, but not yet completed, and Mama says practically at the thought that he is a potential doctor.
When Ji-yeon plunges into the sick room, ready to kick up a fuss, guilts Mom they see in to, Dong-ha out.
they are clumsy side by side, as they wait for the elevator. Dong-ha has an adorable and exaggerated lean to see her face and then smiles, happy to know that they no longer him out of the way. She tells him she was just worried, and he snorts - it was hard for him, too, she saw make the front page with
Shi-hoon Dong-ha asks why he bothered to clarify the misunderstanding between him and Ji-yeon and Dong-ha says that although he is a little regret, he did it because he hoped it would help, Ji-yeon have some closure and release them so that they may be without regret with him. After all, just because they now know what really happened, who do not make the fight the last six years to naught.
Shi-hoon admits those were six difficult years, but he and Ji-yeon had together ten wonderful years, and that can not be forgotten. Dong-ha says she just have to wait and see who it is in ten years.
Back at the hospital, Ji-yeon gives her mother grief for a diet instead of themselves better care in their old age. Mom: "Do you think I was born your mother?"
points out that a woman wants to look good at any age. Suspicious, Ji-yeon asks if she is dating someone, and Mom dodging neatly to the question of the attention instead to Dong-ha rotate. You mentioned all the merits of "Mr. Yoon" and as if he would quit only medical school, he would be the perfect man. I love that Mom total team Dong-ha now.
Eun-Chae Dong-ha and Rin-ji are cleaning of Troublemaker meeting room when Dong-ha a call from Soo chul gets and crashes. Eun-chae has totally puppy eyes as she watches him go, which does not go unnoticed by Rin-ji. She sits Eun-Chae down to give her a little heart to heart to tell her to get him as soon as they can.
Especially since it seems like there is something wrong, which ". The witch" between him and Eun-Chae eyes narrow to this message.
Director Kwon holds by the hospital to Ji-yeon to check mother, and she's made adorably nervous during his appearance. She tells him that it's not serious - it is overstrained be trained only by too much, because they gained some weight recently
He was surprised by insisting she's looking good easy. the way it is (because she thought he just pretty models was tightened), and that more women should be beautiful healthy by as it is. Oh, I can not find Mom guilt for him even more beautiful after saying that.
The next day, in the Troublemaker office, Ji-yeon mulling over the news articles about Shi-hoon and his "mysterious love" to go to the director and to tell him that she would to write the article. Your only requirement is they do not use to their picture, the director Kwon agrees.
Shi-hoon shows unannounced at Ji-yeon of the parent, and it is seen as a ghost. Trembling voice, she screams to dare him to call her "mother" when he was gone with no word for six years. She spent months acting like a crazy woman, to try every trace of him on the track, but it was, as he had vanished into thin air.
He is on his knees, as he informed that he does not forget Ji-yeon for a single day in those six years, and Ji-yeon mother once even thought of him as her own son so please give him another chance. Mamas voice is suddenly much quieter when they agree to :. Yes, they treated Shi-hoon better than she her husband when he was alive -
goes but Shi-hoon has to "wake up" because Ji-yeon forget about it years ago with this parting shot them into house - and collapses in shock after she closes the door. She cries when she wonders how he so long that after she could say away, her heart grieves for her daughter.
suddenly wondered if Ji-yeon know that Shi-hoon back, she hurries to Na-rae restaurant (where she thinks Ji-yeon was staying). But Na-Rae and Min-goo fumbles to cover for Ji-yeon lead to come out the fact that Ji-Yeon is living on Dong-ha, and mum rushes out.
Soo-Chul Preps for a night out clubbing when he goes to open the door -. And it's Mom She is ready to rush in to and scream "Mr. Yoon", but is by seeing stopped by Soo-Chul: "Who are you?"
Ji-yeon are on their attempt to hide (and also makes subtly clear that Soo-Chul should high-tail it from there , ha). Mom yells at it, an unmarried woman living with men who ask, even if she was hiding in the apartment for more guys. Hahaha!
Dong-ha is on the way back to the apartment, but Soo-Chul stops him, warns him that Ji-yeon mother is here, and it is best he away Stay. But that only asked to hurry him up the stairs. He steels himself for the confrontation when he opens the door, but as soon as he walks in, he hears them talking about Shi-hoon, and he keeps in the driveway.
Mom is on the way angry Shi hoon jilted at the altar Ji-yeon and then disappeared for six years without a word, but Ji-yeon explains the situation in relation to his accident. Mom insists that he could have still contacted
Ji-Yeon is on fire when she agrees. Although still not more than six years, why not five? Or three? Or even in the last year? Good questions, all of them.
The two women alternately to call him names, and is available as a Mom to unleash more anger at Shi-hoon, she looks to see Ji-yeon's face crumpled as she begins to cry.
Ji-yeon sobs when she admits that her heart still hurts. Mom also tears and pulls her daughter into a tight hug as Ji-yeon again and again repeated through her tears, who does her heart hurt like that. softly all heard to have, Dong-ha slips unnoticed from the apartment.
Team Leader Byun drags Young-sik in the Troublemaker toilet (which is probably the coolest unisex bathroom I've ever) seen to bribe him with the promise of blind dates, he a few images will take for him. At first Young-sik's gorgeous loyal to Ji-yeon, but is finally convinced.
Shi-hoon is in a coffee shop, and when he sees a laughing couple, as they huddled over a laptop he recalls earlier than he and Ji-yeon'd spent time in a similar manner.
sent to study for one of the newspapers for an entrance examination, so that they and Shi-hoon could fulfill a dream, to travel the world to share important stories - they would write, and he would take the photos. I have to admit that they begrudgingly quite adorable pair made at that time, all smiles and playful banter. (It's also super cute as she holds protest when he takes her picture, but she is still somehow.)
Back to the current day, Ji-yeon comes at his table, where he that he shows off not only remembers how she takes her coffee, but she does not like the toothpaste tube from the middle and cooked carrots, they squeezed, and she loves to kiss when she's drunk. (Pretty sure Dong-ha knows that last, even just sayin.).
But this is not a friendly date - there is an official interview. Ji-yeon tells him that with their products, they are all others who are buried on the "Once Beloved" Photography.
on the way out of the coffee shop, team leader Byun and Young-sik were pictures of Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon (Team Leader Byun marveled that "the witch" as the smile is capable). It's ridiculous, the ridiculous way in which they have tried to hide behind a newspaper and a magazine, so Ji-yeon she noticed immediately.
Absorbed directly above them, and team leader Byun running away, but on their command Young-sik stays and additional risks (and a pat on the back of the head), hands on the SD card of all the photos that he took.
Soo-chul, Eun-Chae and Dong-ha meet for their three-way date Na-rae restaurant and although Soo-chul is at his charming best, Eun-chae has eyes only for Dong -Ha.
Na-rae noticed this immediately, it is a call to "ominous look" as for poor Dong-ha worry. It shall also, because he to drink more than usual. Dong-ha takes after shot of soju shot until it eventually starts that drive time for him home, saying Soo-Chul to worry Eun-Chae.
When Eun-Chae says she should go Soo-chul tells her (out of concern), that it does not work with Dong-ha -. He may be only just one of them oppa white
Dong-ha is on the benches below outside the apartment and thought back when Ji-yeon cried about how you do the heart hurt, and laughs to himself, is when he says the polar bear too strong.
Ji-yeon waits in the apartment open with luggage and any time she hears a noise they are focused on packaging pretending - but once she realizes that it is not Dong-ha she sighs and takes off all her clothes. Oh, why so cute? But eventually they can not figure out how not come to a halt and moves the flat with her suitcase packed to Dong-ha is finally home.
before is that they just "happened" to catch him, as she was to her apartment on the way, gets happy that they have a chance, "goodbye." to say, Dong-ha is easily confused (and, y'know, still tipsy), because they are going next door live at any further other, not to mention every day, to see each other at work. But he has yet to transfer their luggage.
Back in Ji-yeon newly renovated apartment, Dong-ha volunteers to help its services unpack her, and when she says she'll worry about it later, he tells her that she him as he is to be used here. She offers him a drink (beer? Maybe? Yes? Please?), But only ring their phone, and sigh, of course it's Shi-hoon.
Dong-ha's face falls as she to have a private conversation with Shi-hoon withdraws into the kitchen. He turns the book to reveal, he was behind his back (Paulo Coelho The Magic Moment ) hidden. Flipping through the pages, he read one of the passages to himself:
True love sincere, the other person wants to be happy. Life is short. So if it hold any words you have in your heart, you should be your last chance, and try to say today. The moment of magic you have waited, without delay, today
wrote on the title page of the book, Dong-ha: "Do you want to stay with me.?"
he pushes the book on the shelf as Ji-yeon with his drink back (aw, only OJ), and when she turns to the hall, he hurries. they pull in a back hug, he asks: "Can not you go back to him?"
Ahhhhhhh! Talk about your cliffhanger. Even if I want them fully to say that they will stay with Dong-ha (which of course they will drink beer, as they set up their apartment, which hopefully lead - ahem - other things), I can also their confusion correctly understand now. I may not like it, but I understand it.
Honestly, this was a hard episode for me to recap, because so much of it in Ji-yeon pain and confusion about bored, what really happened to Shi-hoon, and tries now to find out feels that she knows the truth. I am still totally on board with Shi-hoon to his promise to stick by his exhibition to leave and never come back, but Ji-yeon was never really the closure to have required of this relationship. There is no doubt, she loved him. She wanted to marry him. He was an important, integral part of their lives - and then he was suddenly gone
You've done it, can move and live their lives, but the pain was somehow always there .. you always expected to example, that the anniversary of their wedding is not one of the worst days of their year. The first point she was desperate to save from her apartment was the polar bear proposal Photo. So suddenly confronted with the fact that he is like returning from the blue and still loves them so much as he has ever done, their world was turned upside down.
Which is why I think the most moving scene was when she and Mama in the apartment were, and Ji-yeon is a bastard to burst into tears calling Shi-hoon. That was a real moment - she knows that it it is ridiculously away has spent all the time without having to contact again to them, and they know that it would be best to cut him out of her life as it has been used for the past six years. But her heart lurches suddenly from having what was thought to be open now suddenly fresh and new a scarred over wound. It's frustrating, of course, because we all want to be with Dong-ha (as yesterday), but this is important because we need them officially to move through their own free will, not because he is not not just suddenly more.
so painful it is, I really appreciate the authors that it is a very real and accurate combat what it feels like to meet us like an old ex that you thought you were gone, and you know you should be over, but something pulls even in the heart, whether you like it or not. Which is why I (again) admire emotional maturity of Dong-ha, because he knows that this is a somewhat Ji-yeon to work, also through must, if it means risking that he to Shi-hoon to lose. But (should the Shi-hoon seriously cheer because she's crazy-pants) in contrast to this terrible assistant, Dong-ha loves Ji-yeon to a point where he wants to ensure that she is happy, even if it is without him. Nevertheless, he did not go to take the path of noble idiocy and give up without a fight.
Even though I'm still concerned that she would brush him because they. More time to figure out how she needs to feel Shi-hoon Sigh.
But what some happy thoughts? As Mom - she is completely MVP of the episode. How awesome it is? I love that we have a drama Country mother, who feels like a real mother and not some two-dimensional character that pushes only an envelope of money on the table, so that they protect their chaebol son of some undesirable poor woman.
[1945010Ja], she wants Ji-yeon, to get married and is totally prepared to force her into going on blind dates, but most of all she wants happy to see Ji-yeon. She is ready lucky to fight for their daughter if she spends her time and money in Shi-hoon on the track, when he disappeared, or ordered him out to get, if he shows up again, knowing to see him again will completely crush Ji-yeon. Not to mention, as she teases her daughter saucily, pointing out, just because she is a mother, that does not mean that they can not have their own life and love (and aw how cute a pair do they do with director Kwon?).when it comes right down to it, the love of the reason why I Ji-yeon mother (and not only because they are the voice of reason was fully) is that their mother-daughter relationship with me so really feels - I can see my own relationship with my mother is reflected therein. I mentioned before that Dong-ha and Ji-yeon impress me with how they are able to really each other, and this ability to connect to join, is something that I see spread throughout the show. Signs which seemed at first glance to be plot devices now given more depth and sincerity (not all of them, of course, but I find more and more to be surprised that there is more to other characters when I gave them credit for originally).
A Rom-com, which gives me character growth also hope gives me, now that we're halfway point, I mean, we will have to deal with unpacking the rest of the emotional baggage have sat around for six years as Shi-hoon is already experiencing from operations and other adventures. While I normally would sigh at the promise of more fear, I am really confident that this means Ji-yeon will be able to move to Dong-ha with clear heart and back.
And also some kisses. (. Seriously, Show It must be more kisses.)
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