If he says to me come and get it, I can agree with security. Yes, please and thank you.
The identity game is in full swing, everyone be with just about the new guy resemblance to the old man in question, even if they know in their minds that it is quite impossible for them the same person. (It's like they never had a drama or something seen!) Especially since the new man is, frankly, a royal asshole most of the time. The multiple personalities give Yoon-kang a pretty thorough mental training as he juggles all them and quite nimble, because now when attempting to want his head to rule over his heart. But it's hard to keep the revenge in motion, if it requires you to all those who hurt you love.
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By looking at Yoon-kang face, Soo-in is sure that it and asks him trembling as he came to be here. especially if it him "Young Master Yoon-kang," Choi Won-shin eyes narrow, it recalls files away this information.
Yoon-kang gets his emotions under control and barks Soo-in, "What nonsense are you talking about? What young master?" the situation is rapidly sticky so Hye-won attracts Soo-in out of the room.
Soo-in insists that he looks exactly like Yoon-kang, to his voice and each facial feature. Hye-won remembers it finds that her young man died, and says that this is an extremely critical project her father worked, pleading Soo-in no complications for them.
Yoon-kang takes an angry attitude, as if Choi Won-shin is it is subjected to a parade of inconveniences. Choi explained about his resemblance to Soo-in Liebchen and playing with Yoon-kang the act together, although from the sharp look in his eyes it is clear his suspicions were revived.
Yoon-kang at Choi's sharp memory amazed the face of a young man remembers, he had seen only once, and that three years ago. Choi says that it was a memorable example because the grieving young man who had just lost his father, and Yoon-kang marks (not without a bit of sarcasm) that Choi all the compassionate soul.
The ladies again match them and Soo-in makes her apology. Yoon-kang waves it aside and asks for their skills in dealing with explosives, knowing that they do not have much, and insists on a full demonstration at the mine. Choi Won-shin says a bit nervous that they need a few weeks to obtain the necessary materials.
Yoon-kang can not him turn let the hook, which offers easy, natural, and the procurement of explosives to handle to move the demonstration. He will not close the deal until he has seen it.
Hye-won insured Soo-in, that they'll find a new specialist before. All she has to do is appear to make preparations and stir suspicion.
Yoon-kang lurking around Soo-in this afternoon home, watching from afar, when she arrives at the gate. He pulls just discovered in time out of sight to avoid being
The words of his rescuers Kim Ok-Kyun ring in his ear, to three years to take back before. "They are no longer Park Yoon- kang. Park Yoon-kang died in the cold river water from Joseon. Now you are the world in a new usher must have been, again, is born in a person who has someone never met or any connections made. this is the first step towards revenge. "
had understood his topknot with a trembling hand, Yoon-kang the knife and cut. (It's a symbolic gesture that catch me my breath makes as a man so willingly cuts his own hair strong images. There must be no turning back.)
Soo in 't can go from their feeling let that Hanjo is Yoon-kang, the annoyance of her maid. Jan-yi urges to leave Soo-in go Yoon-kang but Soo-in arguing that he did not die-they had never seen the final last moment.
Choi Won-shin Spirit is also along those thinking lines, and sending Japan a follower in the background of Hanjo digging
Yoon-kang sets buddy Sang-chu on their other goal work. find Yeon-ha. (After Son Taek-soo disappeared) is a setback in the mission Sang-chu feared to erase that lead to lose Papas name but Yoon-kang know that the shooter will find him. Now he needs to find his sister, and they have feelers put out an educated slave in requesting to work in a shop.
Since our villains speculated in Suhogye, Soo-in father, interpreter Jung, acts indeed to the king as a close advisor. Gojong has a small inner circle of officials assembled a way to counter the powerful old guard strategize. Interpreter Jung proposes the formation of a new government office that the others will not be able to control a that progress in industry and technology actively pursued.
Gojong and his advisers, like the idea, even though they know the Sugu Group offer opposition. Interpreter Jung provides the push that the weak-willed Gojong needs, encouraged to be firm and act it, and not the other allowed him to hold back at any point. Gojong's approval to provide him the new office, and warns him to be careful so as not to become a target.
The warning comes for good reason, with the Sugu cronies immediately suspicious young close to the king. Minister Kim reminds him pointedly that he has no business to interfere with state affairs or to share his thoughts with the king, and makes it known that he will seek in Jung activities.
Yoon-kang with the Chois meets to go over the contract (that depend explosive display, that is). When he mentioned offices for his company, Choi Won-shin offers his help setting up, but was rejected. Yoon-kang she puts on edge by comments that he to his company, he is limited to no intention of his trade already collects multiple offers. Choi Won-shin is the best deal at the moment, but he did open his eyes for better deals.
Soo-in all the time stretched on his face, and when he gets up to leave all surprised by blurting that she would be his guide through the City. Hye-won is concerned that Soo-in to make more mistakes, to jeopardize the relationship, but her father seems keen to confirm his suspicions, and set-Soo near Yoon-kang can only help. Meanwhile, the Merchants is to hold priority Hanjo on their side until they confirm the deal, and that is, away from it all to keep the competition.
When Soo-in escorts Yoon-kang through the marketplace, she was born him with questions-he peppers in Osaka? Where in Osaka? Are his parents here? Brothers and sisters? When he makes search for imported goods a break, she has to show him where the real material is sold, is most of this stuff since lower quality.
Then Yoon-kang told to let her drop the act and said that with this infuriating (but also really entertaining) Hanjo arrogance that it is obvious she to him is already batting her eyelashes. He scoffs at their behavior as obvious flirtation tactics.
The nettles, but Soo-in, remembers pleading Hye-won is to help and keeps her temper. Crunches through the teeth, it has to be useful attempts only to their business partners, to which he replies that they are not yet partners. You will have to prove themselves first
Hye-won was not kidding when she promised her father to do everything in their power to help to secure the business. She takes it upon themselves to Roadblock other dealers paths keep them from Hanjo to make dispatching armed guards off to their point.
The merchant Huff: "Is there a law that says that we can not meet Hanjo?" They grin says: "If it were, I would go such extremes like that?" Ha, I love the fact that she is a woman of action, and completely uncowed of their blustering threats. It is ruthless, perhaps, but she'll do what she needs to do.
Yoon-kang a building finds business in set up, the neglecting all Kanemaru of pensive points against them. I'm really starting Kanemaru reactions to his boss enjoy because he always ignore him always sensible advice and Yoon Kang-offering. You can almost read his inner monologue, ask Why did you even bring me?
He dismisses Soo-in from the management duty for the day, to have found what he sought. It provides him with a gift, and puts a hat (a gat ) and asked him to try it on. He refuses, but she insists that he try and he plops on his head, as he had once done to her, and the picture is even more confirmation to her eyes.
And then, an excited voice calling his name: "Park Yoon-kang" It is his best friend Jung-hoon, the race and grabs him in a tight hug. Oh no, it's my heart pinches for what surely to come.
Yoon-kang pushes his friend aside while Soo-in explains that this who is not he thinks it. Jung-hoon is understandably confused and asks if Yoon-kang is playing a joke on him and tried his memory on the jumps. The mention of the name makes Yoon-kang blurted out that he would be better called not that damn Park Yoon-kang name more; he warns Soo-in to take care of yourself and throws his hat on the ground. Oh sad. It is only because they love you!
Yoon-kang storms off angrily, tears flashing back before Kanemaru that need to know anything about his secret agenda. For him Yoon-kang the Hanjo facade holds firmly in place.
At home, Soo-in talks with a drawing by Yeon-ha, as if to say to her here that she can not decide what it-on on the one hand thinking hand ~~ POS = HEADCOMP she is sure him, but on the other hand, there is no way it could be.
Sang-chu chasing Yeon-ha it a slave brings their description, though it be another girl, it turns out. She had asked him to take them from their horrible owner, and promised to do what work he makes them, and he did not deny the heart.
Yoon-kang tells him to turn it off, but Sang-chu argues that they need someone anyway to work for them as soon as they give rise to soft-hearted not set up their office, and Yoon-kang's . Everyone, say hello the newest member of the family, Je-mi ( Kim Ga-eun ).
in his peddler robe dressed, Yoon-kang of heads on personal business time for the rendezvous of the gunmen.
Assassin Moo-deok leads his students into a trap for the mysterious gunman laying, position themselves strategically to attack him from all sides. It is the time, Yoon-kang comes near the meeting point night time when his father was killed. He is on high alert and so are the bombers, who at the first sign of noise fire, a deer, rather than their target Downing.
Suhogye holding another meeting in which one member reported that their attempt to plant moles in the queen court have failed, as they cleared out. Mr. Kim chuckles, musing that the king has to prepare to make a big step.
To this end, interpreter Jung meets led by Ho-Kyung who cares about the feasibility with Kaehwa scholars to create a new office that would disempower substantially of the existing State and six ministries. Interpreter Jung knows the Minister resist, but suggests that they. Faith in the determination of the King
He poured both support his energy and money in the Kaehwa Group, the cause of some cancellation of his wife's. It does not seem they are in big trouble, but I wonder if it is to take a serious concern. Soo-in is chastised for spending so freely on their imported goods, but on the head (type?), It seems she bought everything worth buying and is no longer in search of new products. Let's take nobody that as financial advice now: spend until it literally nothing to buy left
Moo-deok ambush party all night waiting out. in the mountains, but found no sign of her gunman. In the morning, it is clear that he did not make, and Moo-deok assigns his team return to base.
... exactly what what waited Yoon-kang for. He was up all night, but never as a sitting duck (phew) to get in touch. He refers to the size of Choi army as it moves, then begins Moo-deok and brings him alone, beckoning him and running away to force a hunt.
Moo-deok pursued, shoot him as he passes, and with his trademark speed Yoon-kang whirls in midair on Moo-deok to fire back. He gets in two good shots, knocking Moo-deok hat and then a shock generated on the shoulder. Moo-deok goes, writhing in pain.
Yoon-kang advances menacingly over a crouching looming Moo-deok, who asks who he is. "I see you do not recognize me," Yoon-kang growls. "Even after my sister from, sold as a slave! After killing my father!"
Moo-deok eyes wide. "Then ... you're Park Jin-Han-son ...?"
"Yes", Yoon-kang says. "I am Yoon-kang Park Jin-Han Son Park. I survived. I was treated so unfairly, I could not die."
to ask He wants to know who is Moo-deok, whether he was the one to kill his father. Moo-deok denies it, but he is the shooter does not disclose identity, even laughing when Yoon-kang insists on a name and fires a warning shot to his head.
Moo-deok him nothing to do stupid advises: swells in anger, Yoon-kang fires in his knee, "you can not handle it.". Last warning.
Moo-deok staring into the barrel and spiked down, "Shoot".
Yoon-kang wrestles with his war impulses. Moo-deok takes the choice out of his hands by removing a dagger and to say: "Then it is I'm going to do." He drives the knife into his chest, and when he dies, Yoon-kang shouts desperate desperately to him for a name.
Moo-deok dies. Yoon-kang bellows, lost his lead in frustration.
Yoon-kang of the dead left shoulder checks whether it bears a scar from the fight with his father, but it's clean. It is at least a clue, and Yoon-kang, he says on his own, to find out the rest.
The sniper trainees return to find that their leaders did not make it to the mountain headquarters back. Knowing that he is not the type to wait to hold him, guesses Choi Won-shin that Moo-deok encountered difficulties on the way.
There is news happier Sang-chu, the enchantingly on Yoon-kang return lights. He was hyungnim not be sure it would be alive to do it again, and is much easier.
Yoon-kang work as Hanjo again, monitoring the construction of its new offices. He makes sharp comments for Hye-won, as it does not their explosives expert, and Soo-in scrubs at his constant criticism. Hye-won tells him that the supply of explosives is not here (it is too close to the palace, the king in danger) may be held, offering him to indicate an appropriate storage.
Jung-hoon try to unravel steps in his office, as a stranger as his friend could look so much. Hat Yoon-kang be reincarnated as a Japanese man? Haha. Well, he was never the brains of the operation.
He receives a note it away about the gunman's body in the woods tilting and continues with officers from the moon. He points out that the tip came to him and that he should get credit for it, which makes me think that if he were he not Yoon-kang friend would not have a career. He amuses me.
The officers the body find exactly as mentioned, lying next to his rifle, and check the shoulder to confirm that this is not the "Expert Choi" in charge-this must be the subordinates. Jung-hoon carries the body to lead back, which I am sure can not end well for Jung-hoon. Or the body, for that matter.
Ho Kyung hears Soo-in latest project and urges them to quit. His concern is twofold: It is a dangerous job, but even worse is their fixation with Yoon-kang doppelganger. He argues that when Yoon-kang had survived he would have certainly tried it out, and asks her not get caught up in risky affairs.
as Hye-Won Yoon-kang leads to their camp, they chat a little about their origins. He notes that she does pretty much hard work for a woman, and Hye-won says she never lived like a it's always a life out just as if she were a man. Then out of nowhere, two of their guards are shot by arrows, and Yoon-kang and Hye-won is surrounded by armed robbers.
The guide explained that anyone wants, "This bitch neck" and indicates Hye-won. She makes it clear that Hanjo has nothing to do and should let go, although it turns out that they do not want him anyway only her. Hye-won holding her head held high, such as to follow the leader, betraying no fear.
Yoon-kang is held back at swordpoint but take an opening and attacks. He takes over the entire gang alone, which is not only courageous, but damn impressive, and Hye-won of him certainly not immune to admiration. I love the slow-motion, beautifully scored scene as he fights, almost as if we are in their view.
Soo-in, to find about Yeon-ha on their own, but has not had much luck. Tonight, however, Jung-hoon brings her lead, which is both a good and bad news potential: Spotted Yeon-ha ... because it has sold a group of young slaves to China is. She is scheduled tomorrow to send out the evening.
Jung-hoon promises that the police is to save them, then sighs over this raw Japanese guy who looks exactly like Yoon-kang. If only the real Yoon-kang were here, he says, he would rush Yeon-ha immediately to save. Hm, that's an idea, Soo-in gets into your head?
Choi Won-shin follower returns to its full report on Hanjo provide the background, but before he can read, he hears of Hye-won attack. Luckily, she has it back safely, thanks Hanjo, and despite his crimes Choi is still a loving father, and his gratitude to Hanjo for saving his daughter is made evident.
Soo-in waiting for long hours outside Hanjo of accommodation, and pushes to ask again past his cold reception, "Are you really not Young Master Yoon-kang" It is easy to like the man she is not once did he forget-one will deny it to the end?
he tells her firmly that it is wrong, but stops when it bursts, "Then what about Yeon-ha? Become deny the child to know?" She tells him that Yeon- ha as a slave is sold tomorrow, and he struggles to control his expression before her.
"What does this have to do with me?" He scoffs. "Whether it has sold to Japan or China, is not for me to know." He commands not to look for him again and leaves Soo-in in tears, to make it to his room safely before allowed to react to.
Soo-in goes home and thought that this was their last attempt. "If he ignores Yeon-ha, then he must not be the young master."
Yoon-kang fights with himself to act, but want even remembered he can not: "Even if I call say Yeon-ha, I'm not a Park Yoon-kang"
Soo-in: "... Then I'll stop I will now forget the young man"
does not mean to forget Soo-in's Yeon-ha, however, and it is determined to do what it can to help the rescue. Asks Ho-Kyung to go with her to confirm that Yeon-ha, in fact, is one of the slaves. He is afraid to see them disappointed again because every time she falls flat a guide, but she pleads anyway is so depressed.
Choi Won-shin also hear of this development and decides that when Hanjo really Yoon-kang, he would not ignore his sister plight. a man to keep an eye on it stations Hanjo, the very conspicuous gibang enjoying a drinking session at the.
Yoon-kang he drinks freely with his gisaeng companion on their special schnapps twisting ... they knocked out in the shortest possible time. It slips unnoticed from the gibang and makes its way to the port.
These are our relevant parties are already stationed. The police lying in wait, ready to take action when the boat is on board. Soo-in and Ho-Kyung, are anxious to confirm Yeon-ha presence. And Choi Won-shin has his men in place, ready covered every man to conceive with his face. If Hanjo shows that the confirmation that he Yoon-kang.
Yoon-kang makes his stealthy approach, silently take out the guards. He found the building where waiting traffickers, imprisoned with the girls inside and slips to infiltrate. And all of a sudden his way is blocked by armed guards who dragged him surrounded with swords as their leader occurs. It's Choi Won-shin.
How awesome are all of Yoon Kang panels? Above all, I am partial to this latest as a masked gunman, partly because he is a Badass not having his weapon and anger of justice, but also because he like the most amazing magical Fairy Elf Prince all drama country looks like, and I am absolutely about powerlessness over a beautiful picture on the screen. My screencaps are overrun with frame-by-frame shooting of Lee Jun-ki, and it is always a problem. Not that it is a problem that I have something about it.
I was surprised that he so willingly to the assassin outed, even if it was ultimately moot because the guy died. For example, even he had learned from Choi identity as head gunman, I did not expect it to rise and give his Inigo Montoya speech, because I thought that he had to work the long con for this revenge gig. But I suppose there is no need for him to hold back when he thinks that he almost at the end of the trip, he can not know, there are fourteen left episodes.
Even with so many hours left before us, I am glad that our characters to Yoon-kang-all be immediately suspicious of Hanjo that tension is what the conflict makes thrilling, and yet you do not want to watch supposedly intelligent people just accept the simple explanation, without putting it quite rigorously questioned. It makes sense to be followed for Soo-in in their faith, but it is easy for the world to dismiss their belief because they can simply write a heartache from.
Choi Won-shin reaction, on the other hand, is a bigger question mark, because he only once Yoon-kang looked. But I have no doubt that it was an unforgettable encounter, and he is smart enough to get him on the notes that makes him dangerous. For now, the risk is mitigated by the fact that they have to make sure not piss Hanjo, but as soon as he finds a chink in this armor identity, you know that he will be away recklessly in Chipping.
I expected to be-you-or not-are-you question, but I thought, not really much about his friend, so it's a great moment circumvent all kinds of good romantic anxiety about him watching was before the asshole routine to Jung-hoon to argue with surprise. It hurts to watch him with those to be so mean, he loves the most, although it makes sense that this is the best way to protect them. The second he reveals his true feelings, the second all in smoke goes up, so it is interesting to observe Yoon-kang how well to keep his Hanjo facade in place.
So far, he has managed fairly smooth, but he's soon to wear, and the sadistic bastard not help me, but rub their hands in anticipation. Because you know, sometimes drama fear is really nice, okay? Fear tends to get a bad rap because so many dramas fall back on it as a narrative crutch without doing the work and establish the moments right. But done well, it's the stuff.
I'm okay with Soo-in is to be asking maintained for the time, because we are just now at the stage where it is quite sure how she feels, but know they him not can push. I'm still looking forward to the budding conflict that will arise when Hye-won for Hanjo falls, because here is a case where a friend-loyalty does not apply, is not long Hanjo separated from Yoon-kang. Heck, I am also pleased to observe Yoon-kang even torture. By pressing Soo-in and possibly removed in Ho-Kyung in arms What I can say, this drama is turning me seriously sadistic. Why does not hurt, the pain as well?
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