Recap And Reviews Kdrama Misaeng: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Misaeng: Episode 6 -

How much of your pride They are ready to take on the line to set to make a sale? That is the question boss Oh fights when he must convince an old friend now to make his company transactions. Another employee of lack of confidence makes it difficult for him to be taken seriously (especially of Baek-ki), and he has to decide whether ambition or integrity is more important at the end.


Baek-ki comes early and revels working in the sensation that he was the first one there. As a child he had passed routinely by a shopkeeper that would open the doors and wash down the sidewalk. Arrival early before anyone else gives him the same feeling as he is there to open the shop doors for the rest of the staff. He enjoys a cup of coffee while reading the message boards and news sites of the company, the combination of cozy and fun at work -. A scene that reminds him of something out of a drama, pffft

But the reality comes crashing when his boss, busy on his Bluetooth comes and multiple tasks to juggle while ignoring Baek-ki. The sound of cheering from the other side of the office gets Baek-ki attentively, and he as Sales Team 3 celebrates a contract win. Chef Oh says Dong-Shik and Geu-rae that he will treat them to a cup of coffee, which she does him make a cup in the break room of the hideout instant coffee. Hahaha!

Baek-ki also there so that his own cup of coffee, and he tries to upset Sales Team 3 rattling to ignore him. The sound of a manager gets another employee in the next room to chew over the attention, and they all overhear (while totally pretend that they are not). PARK YOUNG-GU is the IT Sales Assistant Manager, and it seems he is an honest employee who attempted to search for the best interests of his client, even if it means putting the company second priorities.

Meanwhile Young- yi boss yells for an error in a report to their offering. They tried to explain she just put in the information that was given to her, but her boss seems to want to to pay her for her "disloyalty" make the resource team after saying Geu-rae, where the missing document was. He steps out of the meeting room, once again stressed that he was not with women who do not like it because he can not be trusted.

Seok-yul happens all to see, and rushes to Geu-rae to fill it to Young-yi situation. While he is there, he jumps to treat irritation to the attention Dong-Shik as his sunbae, much to Dong-Shik, since it indicates that he and Seok-yul went to different schools.

But Seok-yul continue to rattle him about the contract that all sales teams are anxious that hinges on Sales Team 3 ability to get to get Wilmart Ramen company to sign a contract, and Dong-Shik wonder as Seok-yul, seems to know everything. He leans in total, as it is one of the teams, when Dong-Shik, the email from Wilmart gets, requires that they meet.

Chief Oh is particularly delighted when he discovered that the head of Wilmart's an old school friend, Byun Hyung-CHUL. He boasts that he will be able to use his past connection to easily seal the deal.

He takes Geu-rae, with him to the meeting, and when they reach the parking garage of One International, they meet Young yi who is busy collecting wood samples from the back of a van. Geu-rae keeps a moment to ask whether she is doing fine, and he does not mean only when she needs help to carry the wood samples. But she tells him she is fine -. She is also using one of its employees expect

your employees finally takes time away go to see boss Oh, but instead to help Young-yi, he sneers, she should have asked for help instead. As she points out that it would be ridiculous to ask of another department for help if he wanted to help her, he yells for them just to act now, faithful you accused of "fraud" in her division of Sales Team 3 support.

The wooden slips from Young-yi hands and lands painfully on the foot. To further avoid from their superiors chided get, she insists that she is fine and limp his way to the elevator. Baek-ki gets on well and takes note of her foot, and the sample is wear it for a few seconds before taking the timber out of her arms. He ignored her protests as he recalled that he'd warned they are heavy.

At the Wilmart offices, is Chief Oh excited again his old school friend, to see the half-hour laughter they already have to wait as only one of his friend's quirks. Just then, Hyung-Chul bursts through the door and the two men greet each other loudly in delight as they embrace and beat each other on the back. Hyung-Chul excuses wait for the lead, but he assured them that he would sign all again soon.

While waiting, boss Oh says happy Geu -rae about his friendship with Hyung-chul, like the time he saved Hyung-chul from a school bullies being hit with a chair. But the "important work" that Hyung-Chul had, was to do on his computer to play baduk while he scolds: "?. A friend Crazy Bastard Since when were we friends?"

boss Oh and Geu wait and wait and -rae wait until finally hours later, Hyung-chul returns to the boardroom. Chef Oh, the documents all ready to be signed, but Hyung-Chul tells him that the data for it is not sufficient, and he is not willing to sign anything today, despite reassurance Chief Oh that he has everything ready.

Even more shocking him is when Hyung-chul asks if he really thought that it would be so easy to be, and then refuses to leave his informal way to know speak boss Oh him pointedly that he would check the documents and back.

smile fades Chief Oh, but he responded politely in jondaemal. If Hyung-Chul he realizes it needs to find a tie for its next meeting, boss Oh been immediately attracts, he wears that saved cumbersome to buy his children their father is (and that was a "lucky" tie considered basic for the success of his team this morning). He offers it polite to Hyung-Chul:

When they go, boss Oh Geu-rae assured it so that he will see again Hyung-Chul only a tactic, "Please use this, sir." since it is the tie must return. But boss Oh looks shocked when he returns to the office, and Dong-Shik excitement revolves catches when it detects that the visit was not as successful as everyone assumed it would be.

on the roof alone Chief Oh, how he thinks back to scream for his failure with him to his boss to get the contract, especially after he had such close he and Hyung-chul boasted. Just then his phone rings and he answers it formally: ".. Hi, Mr. Byun" But Hyung-Chul is back to his cheerful, friendly self when he invites for a drink at night Chef Oh out

His hopes revived, boss Oh gets excited about the best restaurant in town on what he remembered of Hyung-chul taste, when he was younger. Dong-Shik thinks there Hyung-Chul also Geu-rae invited meaning they are the contractual information tonight wrapping.

But Hyung-Chul Oh dismisses chief selected restaurant and instead he takes the boys to a hostess bar, where he is apparently regularly. Despite obvious discomfort Chief Oh with Hyung-Chul of the choice of venue, he laughs and assures him that this place is to his liking.

When they drink, Hyung- chul continue with only a high school equivalency test in someone in his excavations at Chef Oh get out of amazement that his companies would be, and then worries about Chef Oh liver, because if other people want to have a drink (which means that Hyung-chul now in the hierarchy is higher).

boss Oh laugh tiptoes the line forced cheerfulness and utter hysteria and Geu-rae watches in silent concern as Chief Oh Hyung-chul kiss further. He seems almost close to tears when Hyung-Chul, watering by rights of their corporate hierarchy, forcing him to pour a drink but Geu-rae takes the bottle instead.

By the end of the night, the men are completely blitzed, and Chief Oh literally running after the taxi his tie to get back when Hyung-chul waves it fall out of the window, on the ground, as the taxi drives away.

in the morning sitting at his desk boss Oh, staring into space, while Dong-Shik, the other department heads silent sends signals about what happened. Geu-rae hurry with a hangover cure in the office back, and not a second too soon, for losing boss Oh about his cookies.

Young-gu is always to delay another chewing for questions from his boss over any of its contracted suppliers to supply goods. When he meets with the managers of the other company, it is a sob story about where the daughter in a car accident his manager, and he has not been able to focus on One International accounts. Tender Young-gu is sympathetic, but when he reported to his boss, he will be immediately shouted again for no compensation for jobs too late to look for.

There are still no call from Wilmart and Dong-Shik worried that they will be the office scapegoat for the rental of this agreement go south. But only, Hyung-Chul calls, and everyone is waiting expectantly. But hysterical laughter Chief Oh can only mean one thing: The deal is denied. Chef Oh boss is furious. If boss Oh had not tried to use his personal relationship with Wilmart, it could have used a different tactic to get a contract with the company

on the roof, boss Oh calls Hyung-chul, asking him why he wanted to sign the contract, and Hyung-chul tells him she never planned to work with One internationally primarily. He met with chief Oh, so he could get a little revenge from his school days, as head Oh was the one who had the power. When they were younger, he used to Chief Oh kissing, and so wanted to use this chance to have Chef Oh, once to kiss him on. Laughing to himself, disrupts boss Oh, the contract and throws it over the city.

As Chief Oh Brut at his desk on, Dong-Shik declared Geu-rae, how difficult it is to have to try and sell something to a friend, since the imbalance of power means you need the friendship in the hope that they ignore to court for a sale. Sometimes it is so humiliating that you're wondering if this job is really worth.

not that night, Young-gu anschneiden drinks alone and reluctantly calls his wife to try and end the issue, but she tells him that she just signed her child for the classroom, and he can say, to manage everything. He staggers home, depressed and drunk to think his friend who announced back to school go his job had, and then to get at the end with another company a better job.

His friend said that if he wants to make a change, then he needs to think about himself because he can not or take responsibility for all satisfy. Young-gu breaks on the sidewalk in front of his house and slurs "I'm happy. I'm happy ... but I do not want to go inside. Home ... is difficult."

The next morning Geu-rae finds Young-gu on the roof, where he carried his resignation letter to read. Geu-rae politely greeted him, happy to imagine that he will go with Young-gu today on a training ride subcontractors. Young-gu apologized dejectedly, as it probably will not be very helpful, but Geu-rae repeated happy that boss Oh told him Young-gu is a good employee, a, to trust all clients. Then he asks to know what else boss Oh said of him, and Geu-rae has to crawl more praise for thought. Ha!

restored His ego, Young-gu sloooooowly drives Geu-rae and Baek-ki to the suppliers they meet are, boast all the time about his experience in the field. Baek-ki rolling one's eyes from his seat in the back seat, but Geu-rae is totally interested in everything Young-gu says.

When they arrive at the supply companies, they can the manager to say out loud to hear the rest of his staff to convince a lie make Young-gu, that they need more time to its accounts so that they can focus on the newer, more profitable accounts. At least the manager has to look for the presence of mind embarrassed when he realizes Young-gu is already there.

Young-gu ego is again completely emptied and Baek-ki noted that they think need to One International is a total pushover. He apologizes back to the office, but Geu-rae says Young-gu that he would stay.

A steamed Young-gu to subcontractors office returns, his shoulders slumped in defeat. Just when he is away from the manager walk that weaves another excuse why they are behind One International to the fulfillment, he sees smiling in Geu-rae, Fuser face.

he remembers all the positive things that had Geu-rae told him on the roof, as well as the way in which he experiences its other sales had boasted. It is adorably funny that Geu-rae eyes in them literal stars have as Young-gu Geu-rae imagines cheer him on, and he thinks to take responsibility for his decisions back advice of his friend.

Young-gu (voiceover): Did I want to be a good person who never said anything bad about anyone? Did I ever take responsibility in the workplace?

He turns to the manager to say that the next step for the breach of contract is to sue, to himself, adding that if he does not speak now, It'll be the same, no matter wherever he goes. Aw, his courage manifests as huge angel wings.


But as soon as Young-gu and Geu-rae are in the Sub-office director, he is back to his shy self, more concerned that he is now in charge of the longstanding relationship between the company and one will be international.

Geu-rae recognizes baduk, made a risky step to rotate Young-gu strategy similar to one of the tables when things do not look good for you. It may be a smart move, if completed successfully, because it shows that you have the upper hand.

He texts Dong-Shik, to call him, and before he outside to answer it steps he says Young-gu that his boss will not be concerned about him to stay later because: "I am with you." That's enough to bring a confidence booster at least a small pair Young-gu angel wings.

Geu-rae is right outside the door and speaking loudly into the phone, so they can eavesdrop on him, as he says Dong-Shik, that there is a problem with the contract and that the director said he would go to the office and personally talk to everyone.

everyone in the office in the deed back as the IT sales team, mobilized along with the legal and risk departments, scramble all documents to these final prep to get driving session. The resident busybody Seok-yul everyone sees coming, and is over the moon when Young-gu petitions for Geu-rae participate him in the meeting.

He hastens Baek-ki and Young-yi to the upgrade process and Baek-ki is a little surprised that Young-gu the way something is to be initiated. But the real shocker is when he learns about Geu-rae. The three consider what it means to be a part of such a large meeting for such a novice, and Seok-yul is convinced that this means Geu-rae be promoted faster.

Young-yi is curious why Baek-ki was not behind with Geu-rae and Young-gu, and Seok-yul cuts straight to the heart of the matter by pointing out that Young-gu is not Baek-ki's "style". Baek-ki acknowledges that Young-gu as the weak-willed indecisive type seems to avoid the conflicts and issues that he would be able to stay strong in his testimony against the supplier companies.

In fact witness Young-gu is what will decide the case, and he above all stands nervously above, more consumed what it is when happen to the other company itself, Geu-rae slips him a note of encouragement: "are irresponsible!"

Young-gu angel wings attempts so Geu-rae spread remember him telepathically because he to himself must focus itself. He starts confident his testimony about the history of delayed deliveries, and the other is a clear failure. But then he adds suddenly, that the real blame belongs to him because he found out only today.

When he looks around, all their faces replaced with his own, and he declared that he was on his focused lack of confidence and end the desire as to meet the difficulties of the other companies in their contract. Instead of the other companies, pay the fine, he asks that they hold him responsible.

His angels disappear wings and clothes in a feathered wind gust, and he is (figuratively) naked in front of everyone as he puts his bare reasons for be the one to destroy a ten-year relationship with a largely reliable company.

after his moving speech, he hangs his head low, which. In anticipation of decision But the rest of the directors indicate someone who has only worked here for four years, can not have ruined a longstanding contract unilaterally. However, he is praised for his idealistic and outspoken attitude.

More than any other time, when he lost a game of baduk, Geu-rae feels the shame of trying Young-gu to teach something. He realizes that every other game it has to play, and his little note was useless for Young-gu of the game.

Seok-yul goes along the results of the meeting on Baek-ki (who wants to be disinterested but Seok-yul white curiosity he dies total). He finds Geu-rae to sit out and depressed looking. When he admits that he was no help, Baek-ki sighs that he finally is it always ". We can do nothing but"

But a smile Young-gu comes to meet him, sincerely Geu-rae for supporting thank him break his shell. Baek-ki is again in the forefront, but which holds him in his tracks, and he watches as Young-gu his head in gratitude Geu-rae bends.

Geu-rae asks Dong-Shik why Young-gu not fired get, and Dong-Shik points out that their way of working means that they take risks, and accidents happen sometimes. The company can not the employees expect the debt all the time to take, so they instead focus on solutions for such problems to find. Chef Oh Recalls it is all nonsense, because even if the company protects the employee, the employee (such as Dong-Shik knows from his disciplinary action) is still suffering. As he writes his progress report on Wilmart up (to emphasize his initial report that only a series of "I'm sorta very ..." was just like his apple apology, ha!), He get an e-mail from his wife.

There is a video of his son in a class play about heroes perform, and his little son adorably as a businessman like his father is dressed, loudly declared that for a trading company working as a superhero to be. Chef Oh frown disappears and he's all proud papa smiles as the other clerks to gather to watch. It's just the kick in the pants he had to remember why he is working for this company, and he draws the family photo of

Geu-rae: ".. Yes, everyone has their own baduk has"


[1945010I] was thrilled by Young-gu and its history really. It seems such a pathetic sad sack, to be the kind that will leave and run, because he just does not, despite the fact his superior to expectations that he is doing his job honestly and to the best of his ability. It is this type of pity, and trusting soul that is so easily pulped down, which can be a harsh environment, where the bottom line is the most important - the kind of person that can be easily chewed and spat out as a hollow shell work from the years of in an office (and in sales, no less!).

The strongest was but to see it in his face his superiors and colleagues. This was a man who had repeatedly said that if he wanted to succeed, he had to the concern to stop what others think and think to yourself to start (or the company). But that was also a man who was willing to sacrifice himself to save the company, who prefer stripes would speak naked and from the heart, as any savvy use trick to prove that he was right. This was a man who, even if he ruined his career, to be honest, preferred.

why he is so easily dismissed by the more ambitious Baek-ki because Baek-ki assumed that the "weakling" Young-gu would continue to be a weakling and not the mind have to fight back. In Baek-ki spirit, there is nothing of a personality like that are learned, for why he would respect someone who can not win the admiration or even the attention of the same supervisor who constantly ignored the new man?

But Baek-ki actually seems to be not quite so different from Young-gu. Despite his ambitious personality, he has gradually shown that he is the guy on the path of least resistance, more content veer to stay in a safer way, than the boat rocking. Even if it seems as if he helped 3 sales team the missing document in the previous episode to get, he did so there was no evidence to back traced to him. It is the unfortunate help as long as it does not hurt its chances for success.

But there seems to be some hope. Even though he his lesson to help Young-yi out learned if they do not want it, he was willing to endure her anger to take and make sure that they had all the time they keep stopped in the infirmary (their dignity the wood from her ). He knows exactly what kind of treatment they get is from the rest of her team, and even though it all: "I told you," there seems to be no bitterness. While I also do not want to come for romance and gum have this beautiful drama, I look forward to Baek-ki thaw possible and sent a part of the "gang" (with Geu-rae, Young-yi officially always, and Seok- yul) is instead pulled begrudgingly every week.

Since this drama seems to love people grow and expand learning, I hope that the realization that Young-gu actually show some spirit and courage Baek-ki, the that someone can not judge only by appearances or hearsay. So it is with Geu-rae. I laughed at the end, when Baek-ki was all See? We are nobodies. Why do you think you would actually make a difference when you hardly know what you are doing? Just to give him a new perspective on herself Young-gu at the end thank Geu-rae to have.

the difference between Baek-ki and Geu-rae highlights that even further: was where Baek-ki went away, was provided Young-gu, they might not teach anything, Geu-rae realized that he the error had to think he was Young-gu teach to forget that this was a man who made his own experiences and stories to tell. He may be the baduk genius, but everyone has to play his own game -. Your own strengths and weaknesses, and especially their own motivations

I really do love how Geu-rae is so real and ready to learn from all, and I think that's what will eventually him from rest apart to put his colleagues. He is not afraid to be humble and to learn, no matter who teaches him the lesson.

But I'm glad that Chef Oh, it's still in the top spot in Geu-rae mentor list, even if it might have been difficult his beloved department heads need to lower his pride in front of a man, to see that he had thought a friend was, and instead quietly take the abuse so that he could try and close the deal. Geu-rae can on a bit of a pedestal boss Oh (and if I'm honest, I probably a little, too), and it was easy heartbreaking get broken to see his hopes again, trying to make and set its sale up with all the humiliating antics required to like the man who wanted to be a friend instead treated as superior. Chef Oh put on a dance to see Monkey Act, only certain that his department would make to get a sale was almost too painful to watch.

He's still on this base, though. How can he not be when even his own son thinks he's a superhero?

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