Recap And Reviews Kdrama Misaeng: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Misaeng: Episode 8 -

requires sometimes to be a leader victims and chief Oh faces his Scylla and Charibdys when he forced to decide what it is more important: his integrity or his team. What our newcomers we learn the mysterious caller Young-yi, and Baek-ki finally loses his patience to constantly ignored when we asked the question already since weeks: why his boss hate pretty boys in glasses?


It is Sunday, the day of rest, and in the early morning hours , Geu-rae goes for a run, remembered how his old baduk teacher advised that the physical health of mental health is important, especially when it comes to wanting to strength and endurance.

in a cafe, Baek-ki attempts appear politely interested in his blind date, but it is more focused on its content and as to provide for them, would be able to. He vouches early and heads to the movies, where he runs into Young-yi (and he is that he dressed for the wedding of a friend, not a blind date).

They end watching a horror movie double feature together and then Young-yi is amused at Baek-kis eyes glazed expression. Ha! Apparently he can not handle horror movies. She leans into him still a scary thing to say:

boss Oh snoozes on the sofa, his wife cleans, and when she ruthlessly the sofa sucks with him still on it, he lands on "Monday morning." the ground, much to the delight of his sons.

Monday comes (as predicted) and everyone is back at work, and Chief Oh is in his boss's office, a new large project for the rare resources was expected a taken from him. But when he sees what it is - and more importantly, he'll have to persuade her to sign a contract - he refuses to immediately

The boss has boss Oh a bribe, hard to ignore: If you receive. the offer, then he is another person with the overworked sales team 3. Chef Oh restraint assign a new project to start baffles Geu-rae, though, and he wonders what his boss might be over so worried.

to commit a crime, apparently. During a rooftop smoke break, he blurts out that this assignment is worse than embezzlement, and besides, he does not want to look bad in front of his children. Which is why he is not the order after all to accept, much to Dong-Shik of bitterness.

But when they return to the office, have the documents for the Mecca phone deal already delivered. It looks like they have no choice, but I will work on it, then, because boss Oh last desperate attempt to lack of funds due to avoid it only ends with him presented with his boss of the company credit card.

As Chief Oh return to its lost-in-thought catatonic state, Dong-Shik said trying tangled Geu-rae why Chief Oh is against this project. He fights for the problem boss Oh has the "quirky" CEO moon of Mecca explaining phone, but eventually it is said that it all depends on Chief Ohs "principles".

these "principles" seem to have him drink the great idea of ​​getting the three of them given tainted milk, as the head of department can not possibly expect them to work when they are sick with food poisoning.

Dong -shik protests but Geu-rae depths of his in one shot, while the other two look in amazement. Try gag down the rest of the tainted milk, and it is as big as you can imagine. But as the men sit on the toilet, expecting the worst, realize that they are that their microflora is gradually heartier than expected. The taste of sour milk never seemed so bitter.

Back to square one as everyone goes completely healthy at their desks. Geu-rae wonders what principle the Chief Ohs could possibly be stronger than his work ethic. But he has not given much time to think about how the phones the hook of different owners of gentlemen's clubs ringing from launch, offering Chef Oh promotions.

Annoyed he depends all on them to shout at him never to call again, but an enterprising owner comes personally in hand official business plan. She gives her sales pitch, boss Oh remember that they were there, the sales team 1 Siegel helped the deal last year with CEO moon, and assured him that with its VIP service, satisfaction guaranteed. Especially for the "second round".

As Chief Oh Mopes outside with Sales Team 2 of the department (which tells him to suck it and only accept the assignment for the benefit of his team), Dong-Shik and Geu-rae happy snack on the sweet treats of club owner brought the men as a bribe.

But once Geu-rae finds out that the reason boss Oh is so dead-set against entertaining CEO moon, is because the CEO always requires a second round (aka sexual favors) it sets aside the candy in distaste. A second round is illegal, of course, but Dong-Shik tries to explain that boss Oh, for legal reasons, not only against them, but also because of its fundamental principles relating to basic human dignity.

Geu-rae: "it brings people about work?", As noble as it sounds, it is also frustrating - Dong-Shik points out that for an assignment that relates to the entire team, sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do, principles be damned.

Seok-yul to the rescue! Of course, he knows exactly the dilemma Sales Team 3 through, and he suggests that only boss Oh CEO moon in the first round so he drunk without going to the second, sign the contract. He adds that he would offer his great drinking knowledge to help, but he's just too busy right now. Both boss Oh, and I laugh at the thought of Seok-yul as "too busy."

Baek-ki returns to his desk after he made having regard to the corrections Assistant Manager Kang on the list he gave Rauchpause him earlier. In a huff, he continues to update them on the table, reminded that Assistant Manager Kang had told him he could go work for another company, if he wanted. His phone buzzes, and it is a message from a bounty hunter, to wonder if he thinks about switching jobs every time soon. Perfect timing!

The chief resource department is the carbon emissions Case Young-yi, since it was the one who convinced the finance department that approve it and it also occurs douchey Assistant Manager Ha to work with her in mind. Young-yi is thrilled that they get on their own project to work, but assistant manager Ha is angry that he is forced to work with her. He pulls her aside to tell her to find an excuse - an excuse at all -. Not in the case of work

As Chief Oh returns to his desk, he sees that a poor over worked Dong-Shik sleeping like in his chair, shaking only by the phone ringing awake. Remembering the promise that the supervisor would give him another employee, which would reduce the burden on his team, he makes his decision: "Let's do it!"

Geu-rae a staggeringly detailed PowerPoint presentation of all provides the research that he has done in terms of their "entertainment strategy" for CEO moon. There is even a flow chart! But it does not get further in to find out how to get CEO Moon (with its ridiculously high alcohol tolerance) drunk before the second round.

Enter Seok-yul, with its simple whiteboard and a base seat map (ha, it looks like it than anything else more time on his drawing of CEO Mondgesicht spent). Young-yi is roped in their gadgets, too, and is the role of CEO moon allocated in their presented RPG. Aw, she looks super cute with her mustache!

Seok-yul start in his convoluted plan, but is quickly interrupted by Young-yi, which explains why his advice is not very helpful. Then she rattles the guys can specify a list of ways of to keep drinking, but still stay sober. All they stare in amazement. Chef Oh: "You see this is why I said that we need them?"

Later, when Geu-rae tells her boss Oh goes through all his principles to preserve them in the old-fashioned concept amazed, discover delighted that such idealism there in this cynical and jaded world. Despite Dong-Shik concern about not having in the second round as a backup, is Chief Oh sure they'll find a way to get CEO moon to sign in the first round, no matter what happens.

Baek-ki's getting ready to leave for the day, returns as Assistant Manager Kang. He takes a look at the changes made to the list corrections, approving them and then the hands Baek-ki to check a new document for typos. But Baek-ki reaches his breaking point, and tells him that he does not do

He has done enough boring office work as an intern there -. He is here to do business, to start working on projects like the other newcomers (s almost fully Geu-rae designation holds). Baek-ki wants to know why his assistant manager so much hate him, but Assistant Manager Kang wants to know what Baek-ki has learned so far. All Baek-ki can come up with is "patience," and he adds that this is not the time for learning, but to make his already acquired knowledge available.

Young-yi watches in concern as he stomps out, when they meet her the cold shoulder at the elevator. She is tagging along with Sales Team 3 for dinner (on the head of the dime because boss Oh still has his credit card, ha!). But when an unknown man enters the lobby and quietly calls her name, she freezes in shock.

apologized from dinner, she hurries to the bus stop to go home. She's so busy with her thoughts about this mysterious man they do not realize they left some papers on the bench. Geu-rae, who is already to keep her careful eye on running on the bus to get to, so that he can return to her.

He sees in quiet concern, as she stares out of the window and ignored him. Fight back the tears, she recalls an earlier time when she faced the mysterious man from the lobby, which. To him as "team leader", as they called him a hypocrite angry Crying, she demanded to know if he thought they would be grateful or think him as their Savior, before turning on his heel turn and walk away.

In the present, her phone rings - it's the mysterious unknown number of before. This time she has answered it, but only to say: "Please stop, Father." Innnnnteresting. She is so upset by everything, she did not notice, even if Geu-rae off gets the bus.

The next morning, Baek-ki sighs defeatedly when he enters the office. But the document is ready for his criticism on his desk is back, and he pops it in frustration down. He reads the message from the head-hunter for the last time before deciding to give her a call.

The men of Sales Team 3 prepare to entertain CEO moon, as if they go to war, and they arrive at the mini club of gentlemen and check that all of their carefully planned efforts have been erected to prevent drunk are.

The fabulously mustachioed CEO moon arrives, and Geu-rae wonders if boss Oh will be able to stick to its principles. It is much more difficult than originally planned, as CEO moon is passing through the space that the boys have chosen in advance. They stare told as Geu-rae that the fight was over before it was even begun in worried amazement.

Between flashes of drunken aftermath as the guys in crazy costumes, belt out karaoke while CEO Moon cozies to the ladies upward we see how each and every minute they worked easily defeated.

Although they never really have a chance to try Chef Oh with his intention to insist to the point CEO moon to sign the contract, to get all the way when it is the time in the early morning is rolling drunk are stumbling.

CEO moon got an arm around one of the club girls as they stagger to the hotel, and Chief Oh manages the copy of the contract in the bag CEO moon to push jacket. Dong-Shik can barely stand, and when he and Geu-rae boss Oh look attempt to go down the street, Geu-rae least console themselves with the fact that, although boss Oh failed get CEO moon before the sign second round, at least their team will survive.

But the next morning, the team sits dazed and hungover as Dong-Shik moans that they are ruined. Ruined! It turns out that CEO moon awoke not find a club girl in bed with him, but his own wife. Chief Oh is the only delighted by this news, as it informs the boys that he was all the time his plan.

He had found that CEO moon anniversary the same night she was it would be entertaining, and the fact that CEO moon cheat on his wife, was the planning chief Oh blood got on their anniversary for cooking. So he came up with the idea of ​​sending them to the hotel, as an anniversary gift. He is happy that everything went to plan, but Dong-Shik is freaky, because they have lost the contract.

The boss is angry that boss Oh its principles would leave in the manner of a key business, doles and threaten his clumsy punishment that they will receive instantly the worst tasks. Chef Oh escape for a break on the roof, and when he swallows his beer, his son called him to ask, fried chicken to buy, home on the road. Ah is, his mind easily restored when speaking to his son.

He sleeps for a while, reviving only to a text message from his son over the chicken. Geu-rae arrives, worried that his boss was not his phone was answered, as Chief Oh warns him not to tell anyone that he had dozed off - or fainted - with a nosebleed. Yikes.

Assistant Manager Ha is angry that Young-yi has not left yet covered the project, and says that they can work on it alone. He has a fantastic and took his anger on a trash can as he walks Seok-yul, which came for a smoke break (and, of course, heard all).

Seok-yul tried to cheer her Young- that Assistant Manager Ha is just jealous to tell on Young-yi yi talent and skills. He encouraged Young-yi for confident internally he return once knew.

head held high, she returns to the office, Assistant Manager Ha informed that they do 'll, as he has requested they him the lead in this let take the case and instead tasks will take to the date of its secular day, so he revised to focus on it

Baek-ki. to send his resume in preparation back to the bounty hunter when Assistant Manager Kang returns. First, it is as forbidding as ever, but then he says Baek-ki, that he not stop him when he decides to stop. Steel is a conservative business - small changes will be gradually established over a long period. Which is why someone should be less focused on the steel team on eloquence and immediate results, and more focused on the essential and long-term goals.

But Baek-ki believes that he has spent enough time to build the foundations during his school days and internships. Finally drop his calm facade, he demands angrily Assistant Manager Kang explain why he hates him.

The Assistant Manager indicates that there is nothing to do with feelings has it all goes back to the first day, which was Baek-ki here as he without studying only his own plan to make trouble, what the steel team had tried previously filed. Baek-ki was becoming prematurely recognized.

When this kind of basic research was so important, why did not he say Baek-ki immediately? Assistant Manager Kang says he gave him many opportunities to figure it out myself, but obviously Baek-ki does not have to go a long way.

According to the assistant manager leaves, Baek-ki at his desk back and immediately emails his summary. Young-yi has been resumed in Baek-ki on the elevator, and tells him that she has taken his advice: they give to their team, into itself. Baek-ki responds cryptically, that it has now found its way, and "I think I've found me."

boss Oh still feeling the effects of his hangover, and opts for some fresh air to go. Dong-Shik and Geu-rae watch him go worried, and when Chef Go noted that an equal age collogue recently a stroke with symptoms similar boss Oh had, they rush to find him, panicking when he not to answer his phone.

A look back at him Geu-rae father's funeral makes stress even more hectic as redial over and over again applies. Soon the entire sales department is for Chief Oh hunting, accept any the worst.

But he is in the hospital, snoring away, while it is connected to an IV machine. He wakes up, surprised to see so many missed calls.

He returns to work for his absence, to apologize, while the supervisor yells at him for his annual medical check-up skipping. His boss does not blame him taking care of his health, if he has a family to support. Then he gives boss Oh a big box of dried eels for health, claiming he bought it for a provider who never showed. Aw, the department head, a jerk sometimes, but he still cares about its employees.

boss Oh clutches the Box Dried Eel on his chest, practically dared his colleagues to take him up on his offer of sharing it with them. When he hears the department head screaming his name, he hides it under the desk quickly, so they can not be returned.

The boss does not cry though in anger - he just got a call, the CEO moon approved the deal, and actually asked to double the agreement. Dong-Shik is amazed surprised to learn that CEO moon is such a romantic, assuming he was swayed by the possibility to spend his birthday with his wife. But as Geu-rae research on CEO moon adjusted, which was abandoned on boss Oh desk, he finds out the truth: Chef Oh had discovered that it is the CEO woman , the actual responsible of the company is [

the next day Geu-rae - and assistant Manger Kang - see Baek-ki in the middle of a meeting with his headhunters. Chief Oh is just excited to get into the office because, as promised, a new employee has assigned to their team. Oh, he's still hoping for Young-yi.

When they arrive at their desks, the new man is already there. He greets Chef Oh by name, but boss Oh is stone-faced, his previous good cheer completely gone.


I admit, I had the wild idea (or blind hope?), the Baek-ki could be assigned to Sales team 3 as a new employee. I think that's just because I want to be boss Oh "head of all Interns and Newbies" - just collect these poor lost little ducks, who feel in their departments misplaced and teach them how to be successful while they a feeling of keeping integrity. (Well, except maybe Seok-yul, the whole in his department is apparently happy, even if it seems as if he never works. Or maybe he is happy , because he never does work. Hmmm. )

This new type although definitely has hooked me. We absolutely nothing about him do not know yet, but I am already sold totally on his backstory. Obviously there is tension between him and Chief Oh, and once I have it even if he had perhaps first 10 seconds of the casting directors to hand, because (at most!) Time on the screen, I still felt like I immediately a handle was on his character: a little shade, gangster type that uniquely with boss Oh has a not-so-great past

I'm all set to hate him, but then I must. remember that this show to remind us continue over and over again that these characters so much more than archetypal black-white "hero" or "villain." Every time I'm ready to dig my heels in all, "yes, you are so an asshole and earn on every occasion be triggered," somehow the show makes me realize that these people first and Line person are, with their own weaknesses and struggles. (Well, except for the resource team, especially that Assistant Manager Ha you douchey are still definitely blacklisted ..)

Case-in-point of this episode: Assistant Manager Kang , I haaaaaaaated the way he had these last few episodes to treat been Baek-ki. But then I realized the show had only to give me Baek-ki perspective been - this is a superior, the zealous efforts of a young, ambitious workers was snubbed. How Baek-ki, I did not hear that maybe think there was a reason why he only assigned mundane tasks. But now I have turned completely around in my opinion and am rooting for Baek-ki to learn the lesson Assistant Manager Kang tried to teach him.

Or maybe I'm just hoping desperately Baek-ki remains, no matter what it takes. I'm pretty sure, Baek-ki did not go to the other company because Kang Ha-neul has, like, third billing, so I'm assuming he'll be a little longer to One International. But that does not mean that I am not my nails, biting worried now that it has reached its boiling point, he will not be able to cool enough to be truly humble. After that the thrust of the lesson seems to be - Baek-ki so determined to prove how great he is, that he is not willing to stop on the basics and learn. It is more than just the red material, which he learned at school or in other periods - it comes to how the department functions related to their product and the rest of the company

This is a lesson, the Young-yi started. to learn in the previous episode (and although I hate her team still, I'm thrilled they them is showing that she is a good asset, after all), and something that I think Geu-rae has since the beginning learned. Now, he is a kind of had , because he white he knows nothing, and therefore everything he has really are the basics. Perhaps the reason that Geu-rae to be is "so far ahead" of Baek-ki does not because it is a kind of magic Elf prodigy, but because of its baduk training, he spent already to get his life patience and the importance of spending time to concentrate on the essentials.

, which in turn is why I am so grateful that Chef Oh is his mentor because boss Oh always people guessing about contracts. He is not a perfect man - he drinks too much (Ahhhh, I'm incredibly worried about his liver, especially with today's fainting and nosebleed not to mention the ominous opening scene of the importance of a healthy body for a healthy mind Recalling !. Please are they not premonition; Pleasepleaseplease it be cancer they can not be!). As much as he loves his family, he not treated as good as maybe he should. But his whole motivation at work is doing well, his family, and he has to fight again for his team, and for the people standing up who are genuine and sincere in what they do, despite what others might think.

[1945010imGegenzug] managed Chef Oh bring hope to the people who might be worried that the world has become so jaded and cynical in this day and age where everyone chasing after profit and the bottom line. His disheveled hair and dark circles may appear under the eyes is not the most inspiring, but he's kind of a nice oasis in a culture where ego struggle for dominance and ambition is for only one chance to do something to move, another the conductor called we sometimes refer to as the "rat race".

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan Kang Haneul, Kang So-ra, Lee Sung-min, Misaeng

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