Recap And Reviews Kdrama Modern Farmer: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Modern Farmer: Episode 9 -

Love can be so painful as it can be wonderful to discover all four of our guys in this episode. It's not easy to juggle romance with carbon agriculture - and it does not help if the object of your affection thinks pretty much that you jerk, and she's right. It turned out that agriculture not all guys need to learn on the court from having to go they also learn how to be human, if they want to come away with more than just from this project carbon they have undertaken.


After taking photos sitting all the villagers cried about how to be pretty Bul-yes, it turned out, while Ki-joon tried in vain to get his feelings. He admits to a that it nicer than he thought, but he is absolutely positive not interested in her. Ever.

He tried to convince himself that his heart pounding a little less seriously - like the time when he was at school and used to visit a particular restaurant where a pretty girl worked. He never noticed when she was in uniform, but one day he saw her walking home in a short skirt, and his heart beat had. He insists that it is to himself why it Bul-yes pounding now - it's just because it looks so different. Oh, that's so innocent.

Han Chul stumbles literally home and breaks on the floor, but he recovered enough to help the boys chase the moose that night. Sang-eun listens to them play and asks why she never debuted, if they are so good, and Min-ki snarks that it loves so much because of this they oppa. She offers to be her manager, because it is an Internet DJ, and they agree, because what they have to lose?

Sang-eun's father shows up at her "scream", and drags them home. The guys wondering what they did to him to hate them so much, and Min-ki hilarious realizes that he understood the kis vulgar sign language begins.

The next morning the guys are exhausted and only on their instruments poking at Man-gu comes to check on them. Min-ki laments that they have made the night and day trying to keep the elk away, but man-gu calls them morons and says things to leave him. He upgraded to some used water bottles filled with soapy water and said animals hate the smell, and the boys are grateful for the tip so that they can sleep.

As a reward to catch the thieves, they man-gu of the second most popular country enjoyment leads - roasted grasshoppers! Yum! Man-gu assured the skeptical guys who grasshoppers for exhaustion are large, and other male things ~ wink wink ~ , they convinced to try it. Of course, they love it, and Man-gu she takes to catch more locusts.

run in Bul-ja on the way and upload it to, and it sits alongside Ki-joon and accidentally touched his hand. He shrugs as she burned him, and grimaces at his suddenly-palpitations. He justifies it by the memory when the pretty waitress had hot Ramyun spilled on his hand, and his heart had then also hit, and says that his palpitations just embarrassment.

The guys locusts catching a great time, and offers to help Bul-ja Ki-joon, because he has to catch many failed. She's fantastic at it, and Ki-joon is still impressed with her, causing his heart to pound again. He worries that he is really for them to fall, then fished for another excuse that it is only the surprise that his heart make races, as he watched the pretty waitress from high school to cook a new dish.

Okay, now he's really stretching, and also Ki-joon knows. He is appalled that only a girl catch he could observe locusts they like, so that when Bul-yes him again he approaches can only scream at her to go away, and he runs screaming and shouting about women catch the locusts. Poor boy.

Yoon-hee decides the thieves for catching Spaghetti for the boys to do as a reward, remember that Min-ki for spaghetti had repeatedly asked. She spends the whole day shopping for fresh ingredients and slaving in the kitchen, where you can find Hyuk later.

He recalls that Min-ki for spaghetti and muses asked that Yoon-hee to him like very much, and laugh at Yoon-hee too energetic rejection , He offers to help, but knocks the onions to the ground so that Yoon-hee to overreact and scream to get him. He manages with her to sneak the sauce to try to explain it delicious, and soft and can help him.

Despite their denial that the spaghetti is not for Min-ki, she refuses to let someone eat up "all" is on the table. Soon Min-ki shows but before Yoon-hee can tell him that she made a special dinner, he gets a call from Yoo-na and dinner with her have expires. Dejected, Yoon-hee looks after him, and Hyuk clocked her disappointment.

tried Later that night Soo-yeon to sneak, but Han-Chul is waiting again with some roasted grasshoppers for them. Far from being pleased, she screams and refuses to eat. Han Chul insists and they fight, and get the grasshopper thrown high fall in the air around the front of Soo-yeon shirt. Cue more screeching. She has finally had enough - Soo-yeon slaps Han Chul and never yells at him to get back in their vicinity. I do not really like, but I can not say that I blame her.

Ki-joon drinks makgeolli and laughing at the absurdity of for a girl to fall, the grasshopper begins, where it is connected by a broken heart, cry Han-chul. He sobs that Soo-yeon broke with him about grasshoppers, and Ki-joon laughs that the critters get today many people in trouble.

Yoo Min-ki-na waiting by the river, but she gets a call from her CEO of the company (the same type Hyuk years punched), of her a party ordered to visit or it can not guarantee their next album. Min-ki is running on the bridge behind him and stops, excited when he discovered beneath it. She calls him stop, an emergency claiming not realizing that he can see them. Min-ki pretends it's okay, and watched them leave, saying that only she was always plenty to see.

Hyuk Yoon-hee has to do to help the dishes, and he seriously questions whether she is so excited about the Min-ki. She denies it and asks why Hyuk cares anyway, and he replies that he cares, because he loves her. Yoon-hee is ready for the usual laugh and joke, but this time he just looks at her, serious. It appears his forehead anyway and say that he will not be fooled again.

She goes to the courts back, but Hyuk takes her shoulders and turns to see her, assured her that he was not kidding him in the eye. They stand that was for a long charged moment, then Yoon-hee pokes him directly in the eyes and serious storms out, muttering about convulsions, which are always a joke.

The breakfast is a depressing affair, all four boys and Yoon-hee has been brutally beaten by the love the night before. Hyuk has bellyache eat all the spaghetti and Min-ki grouches it was to hear Spaghetti and he missed it. He admits he was in the night before stood up, and Yoon-hee can not help but stick his wound still hurt that he did not ate made that special meal.

Sang-deuk sleeping in and a nightmare has that his arm hurts call. He looks at the arm down Mi-young to see sleeping there, and she wakes up and speaks to him as her husband. Sang-deuk overturns and it closes dream must, as it does not hurt.

He struck in the forehead of an almond and wakes up for real grandpa stood over him eat to find a chocolate bar. Ewww. Grandpa says Sang-deuk went Mother and fast for her son for 100 days, to pray, to get married, so Sang-deuk to ask why he would dream of Mi-young.

Soo-yeon calls her bar owner friend to find out why they pay her has not yet been sent. The owner tells her a few men were looking for her, and Soo-yeon tells her not to tell them when they come back. She hangs up and wonders if "he" already woken up.

We see the bats and their boss was in the hospital on a men bed, the same man who told blabbed about the hidden money Soo-yeon and Hyuk father the racket that the patient is in a coma. The leader - The assemblyman that the man the money from steel - tells his lackeys money, no matter what to find. They tell him they suspect he thought of a bar a girl, he can frequented over the money, and that they are looking for them.

Man-gu cook an amazing meal for his family, and they see a story about illegal cosmetic procedures and Man-gu not noticed that one of the little pixilated faces in the news story his own mother. Man-gu Mom sneaks hidden by huge sunglasses in her eyes, and he pulls the sunglasses off to find her face that she had done something terrible to the eyebrows, HA.

Yoon-hee calls a meeting headman the opening of the rice market to discuss the local farmers could harm. It proposes a different city in a "three steps, one bow" join protest to the governor, and asks Sang-deuk and Man-gu to represent their village. Man-gu will not and says the boy should do, to be young and fit, but Yoon-hee is understandably concerned to cause any problems.

Man-gu and the boys on the carbon Feldkopf shocked to see covered in weeds there. Man-gu recalled that he told them to discourage to cover the field in plastic weed, and says they prefer to get to train them. Min-ki scoffs that there was no money for plastic and that it is easy to pull the weeds, they just pop right out. But the next day the weeds have grown back, because they do not pull the roots out.

they attack the weeds with wild battle cries, but the next day the weeds back. And the day after. Man-gu crows that weeds like zombies and will keep coming back. Hyuk suddenly notices that man-gu carries the latest exercise clothes and watch, and man-gu brags that he is on the cusp of the latest technology always. He provides them with some plastic to find for their fields to keep the weeds growing from the back every day.

Man-gu calls (at his watch!) His contact at the Agricultural General Information Center to ask for help to protect their territory, and the boy cringe to hear the cost of plastic. You do not have the money, so man-gu offers Min-ki to buy loved sports cars. Min-ki reluctantly agrees to make a big show about how much that hurts him, but he grins after Man-gu drives away and admits that he made money on the deal, because he bought the car from a junkyard. HAHA.

They are still short of the money they need, but Min-ki spots playing Grandpa and In-ki Go-Stop, and he has an idea. He asks if he goes with them, but can play in-ki storms, so Min-ki to ask Grandpa alone. Min-ki is a good player, but Grandpa is better, and Min-ki ends him more money because, as they would have spent on the plastic. Thankfully grandpa for a few bills and bragging settles.

Min-ki will make Yoon-hee Ramyun for lunch again and asks when they will make him spaghetti, bring back her in a bad mood. It is ever to ask the worst time for him to make money, borrow, and she scolds Yoo-na ask him to go if he wants something. Frustrated at their attitude, Min-ki asks why she is so angry with him lately, but she swore just end childish bickering and not to talk to each other.

his stomach clutching in pain, Han Chul notes that he has taken all his medicine. He retires and heads to Seoul and refused to tell someone why he is going, if they say they need to figure out how to pay for the plastic. Yoon-hee calls the boys in for lunch, but Min-ki instead she shoots a glare and goes without a word.

Another embarrassing meal Aunt ask Yoon-hee, if she and Min-ki fought back, and Hong-gu tells her to let him know when the jerk bothers, and it is about him care. Hyuk blatant pragmatism he says one, it would be to protect, as he likes. Yoon-hee tells him in a fake sweet voice, if it considers that they might could stop him, and Ki-joon grabs at each only eat.

Soo-yeon buys a bus ticket to Seoul, get intent on their content, even if it has to go get it personally, and check on to go, decides "him", while it is there. She gets notice in the bus to their dismay that the only available place to Han-Chul is next. He looks a little hopeful, but leaning when seated as far as possible from him, he turns to the window and his face crumpled in their rejection.

Am Bahnhof in Seoul, Soo-yeon turns, as if to say something mean to Han-chul, but he only sees them sad and leaves, and it looks as if she feels a bit bad. A woman approaches Soo-yeon and at first she is very respectful, woman, team leader calls and seemingly sad when the woman her cessation accuses her job unexpectedly.

Until the woman insulted Soo-yeon for uneducated to be garbage, then a hard look is entering Soo-yeon eyes and coos that there be so hard been for her when she went after Soo-yeon design steal and take the credit for it.

The woman stutters and denies it and Soo-yeon tells her that they will soon study abroad, and then they can also copy their lives to enjoy their subordinates. But Soo-yeon did not say, actually all of these things - it is their imagination - and in fact they apologized only to the terrible woman, watching her haughty sailing.

The guys are still wondering how they can make more money when Sang-eun is excited to tell you that they got them an appearance at a birthday party. It promises to make enough, can make the plastic for their field, and they agree.

Soon they wear sequined outfits and playing folk songs, while a fleet of brothers and women dancing, and they look downright miserable, hee. Under Notice of cute young things begin women to grope the boys, but they also push money into their clothes and Min-ki shoots a look at Hyuk resign only with it. Poor innocent Ki-joon looks like he's gone to his happy place in his mind to get only through them.

Soo-yeon visited the hospital and nervous looks around before they go into the room of their customers, who still in a coma. She assumes he will never wake up after such a terrible accident, and wonders who were the men who are looking for them at the bar.

You do not have long wonder, because once they get into the hall she sees coming toward him, and she recognizes it as the same men that they saw the man, harassing, before running road in the and was hit by the car. Soo-yeon tries to hide her face in her hair and go past them, but they have a picture of her she wore in her wig at the bar, and they are trying to stop them.

Han Chul in the same hospital his recipe is get, and remember the warning of the physician that he should probably check into the hospital. He finds Soo-yeon hiding in the pharmacy where she asks him to help her. He reminds them of their order never to speak again and excused them what puts him right back into giddy mood.

Soo-yeon borrows Han Chul jacket and hat, and they almost, but Han Chul falls somewhat and the bat calls of the bats for him. While talking she sees the other clubs and recognizes Soo-yeon through her disguise. Han Chul come back to the two men, so that they so Soo-yeon holds again, can lead to freedom.


Oh, these poor boys inconsolable. It's so hard to see bickering all and argue and be unhappy, although I hope that at least some of them will be happy to at the end. I'm still mainly concerned about Hyuk, I still broke the feeling that he is most in it, and the least likely bouncing able to be returned when it is really rejected, but at least he is finally let Yoon- hee know how he feels without the jokes and the Cheshire cat grins. Now he's got to do with the fact that she does not believe him, that is a situation that he created when he twice before standing, but chickened out and made into jokes, so I hope he is ready shows start, how much he cares about them instead of saying it easy. Yoon-hee is the kind of gal that are more than words swayed by deeds and words are Hyuk forte, he is way to go out of his comfort zone when he wants to win her heart.

I have not Han-chul and Soo-yeon much that is mostly spoken, because their "romance" that has been less interesting for me and flattest. But this episode marked them quite a bit, so it's a good time to get my thoughts out on this potential pair. I am not convinced that Han Chul actually real feelings for Soo-yeon, considering he knows nothing about it, nor did he even tried to find out who she is as a person. I think he is afraid to die, and it is the most beautiful thing in the city in his eyes, and he has to be constructed of these angels that make his last months on earth full of happiness and love.

, a sweet fantasy, but it's just that - fantasy. Soo-yeon is not as innocent selfless girl who will tend to a sick man in his last moments. I do not think it is either a bad person, but it is clearly to do on its own and was forced, she needs to take care of, and it is in the habit of thinking of Number One in the first place. I do not blame her for a guy out off, which they to follow against their will that constantly interrupts trying to find the hidden money and improve their lives, and who does not take a great no for an answer. He is not a hard no for an answer either, and he's a fine line between devotion and stalking on foot. So I definitely have a hard time, these two actually end up together to see unless the author chooses a curveball to throw and a drastically changed by them.

I still enjoy how the show at a good clip continues to move, so that the city's new challenges and give the audience new story lines to keep our interest sharp. Many times when I see dramas with a large cast, I feel like the show bounced around from character to character too much and I never tired of my favorites. But what does Modern Farmer go that each are the stories interesting, and I never feel, as it focuses on a subplot that is boring, because I think, not every one of them boring. And I never like my emotions feel to be drawn, because all the subplots, while very different, are pretty much at the same stage of development. They all found love interests near the same time, and now they are beating all the anxiety phase in their relationship at the same time.

But instead of this to make events too much feel the same, all are different enough that Love Lines, although they are in the same phase, they are not all do the same, if that makes sense. Yoon-hee and Min-ki fight without knowing why, Yoon-hee angry with Hyuk is apparently a big joke to play on it, Ki-joon is angry about his newfound feelings for Bul-yes, and trade Chul Soo and -yeon are flailing around at different levels. There is more evidence for the nimble and intelligent writing that I enjoy in the show that my emotions as the audience with any not-yet-pair at the same location be taken while giving me many reasons to feel these feelings. I've said it before and I'll say it again :. This show is so much better than I ever expected, and it only makes eager to see me, they next come up

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tags: featured, honey Lee, Lee Hong-ki, Lee Shi-un, Modern Farm, Park min-woo

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