Recap And Reviews Kdrama Modern Farmer: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Modern Farmer: Episode 2 -

Well, I was crazy asked hijinks, and I have them safe. The boys on the farm get and the life in the country will find much more difficult than they thought, and that's not including how bad things can get when you start to steal from the locals. But they may have a few friends in unexpected places if they can do it to kill someone to avoid. Or any thing ?


After enough of Hyuk the had gimmicks, min-ki holds the car to tell him to get lost, before he loses control. Hyuk is still all smiles and just talks about how long it's been since they saw each other, so Min-ki yells that he must have forgotten what he did to them. Min-ki again loses his temper when Hyuk makes jokes, and Han-Chul and Ki-joon must physically restrain him.

Han Chul says that he is not happy Hyuk to have here, either, and Min-ki wants to know why he brought him then. Han Chul just says that they need it for the band, because it is someone not be able to find otherwise as good as he is. He argues that they need it. For agriculture which can not argue against a frustrated Min-ki

finally the guys come in Min-ki's hometown, and he waxes poetic about how this is where all their dreams come true.

Min-ki told them a legend of the city that a deer savings includes a king of barbarians and a court Ranking granted. The village was named Durokri which split into upper (Sang) and lower (Ha) Durokri that was Hadurokri that sounds like hard rock. (Haha, this is not a good sign for the success of agriculture.)

His buddies of this rather call a big fat lie, but Min-ki indicates a captured deer in a pen near, claiming that it is a descendant of the deer, who saved the king's life. The deer has turned a golden pendant around his neck that gave allegedly the king to his ancestors.

Min-ki takes his friends to see his country, and their eyes widen at the thought of all the carbon they can grow. Ha, they do so, and dodge giant carbon aircraft carbon dropping bombs that explode in dollar bills.

go to see the house and now they have big eyes for another reason - the place is a dump. Min-ki tries it's okay to dance on the porch to prove, but it ends with the feet set by a board, it makes it worse through a hole in the roof punching. Oops.

There is no food either, so the boys go to unpack inward. But the house is not empty, and they scream and run when they see that it is already occupied by a wild deer. Han Chul starts on the terrible place to scream they have come, but Min-ki swears that it is always so rustic in the country.

to search all head into town for food, and at least Hyuk tried the bright side to see, say that it is fun, like camping , Min-ki smiles to see that his old school is still there, and find where he carved his and his first love initials in a bank.

He tells them that Yoon-hee noona was three years older than him, and that she was smart, beautiful and talented. One day, a jealous classmate she had slid into a river, and he had pulled her and saved her life. But their love did not stop because he had moved with his mother to Seoul and had never seen again.

As Min-ki wonders what Yoon-hee doing now, we see that they are currently chasing a baby pig to neighbor yard, looking decidedly less glamorous min-ki of anything is probably imagine. She begins the piglet and she and the neighbors ajumma talk about how the governor comes tomorrow in their small town.

Apparently the city Hirsch (I can not help it, the idea of ​​a city deer is hysterical ) was chosen as the mascot of the district, which is also a great honor, as with enough prize money pave come to finally the streets. Yoon-hee goes home to her four-wheeler, and it is clearly loved by the whole city, as it has a smile and kind word for everyone passes.

The boys can not find a store and stop a local boy to question, says the city is not a has. Ki-joon is super whiny by now because of starvation, and he discovers a nearby apple orchard. Min-ki leads them imperiously to the trees swear that it does not steal, it's just theft and there is no way they are caught. Famous last words.

They sneak hilarious on the apple trees, and they go to an apple, as if it's the most delicious thing in the world. They all start picking apples and stuffed them into their shirts or wherever they stuff them, bites then take them to the ground throw and is completely wasteful.

But the fruit ~~ POS = TRUNC owner appears, and he is clearly not so understanding of the "theft", as the boys had hoped. With a growl, he throws the contents of his bucket at them and cuts the apple Min-ki neatly in half stops with his shovel. He screams and chases the boys, blade held high above his head.

The guys lose him hiding in a ditch, where they realize that the bucket content is covered in poop. HAHA. You go to wash to the river, but the orchard owner finds them and chases them again, now dressed only in her underwear.

A man with his mother and sister, tends lovingly flowers in a large greenhouse and with his sister for not working because they just made grouches her nails. The mother complained that young people do not understand the value of money, to which the girl replied that Mom just got Botox. Hee. Mom looks younger than her own son, who is a sore point in the family (she is also one of the garrulous Duo of the funeral).

The man told to marry his sister, to which she replied that all the men in town are old - show her a young one, and she will marry him! Right come wet, almost naked, handsome men come running on cue four in the greenhouse and walk through the flowers to shout, with the roar of orchard owners directly behind them. The florist connects him they. In the hunt, prepared them for stepping killing which on its precious plants

Sang-deuk is from the side of the road, passed-out drunk when his mother (the other garrulous lady) and grandfather clucking over him. His mother wakes him and tells him to sober if he ever wants to get married, but their conversation is cut by the band members, running and screaming in fear with a roaring orchard owners and shrill chasing Florist behind them. Hyuk occurs over a Sang-deuk bottles makgulli as he tears past, and Sang-deuk freaks out and joins the hunt.

The guys running for their lives until they Yoon-hee in their four-wheel on the right on it heading, and they swerve left and it breaks right and the boys landing in a muddy ditch. In the mud and in their boxers and T-shirts, cowering boys as Yoon-hee and orchard owners, florist, and Sang-deuk demand to know what they are going to do their destroyed property.

Finally, Min-ki recognizes Sang-deuk from his grandmother's funeral, and he says everyone is the same Min-ki's they used to know as a child. Yoon-hee is pleased to see him, but Min-ki is horrified to realize that this bumpkin is his beautiful first love.

Min-ki her haltingly he tells here is some agriculture to do, but the florists rants that everyone says that, then they save after a few months. Sang-deuk takes the side of the boy and his grandfather interrupts to say that tomorrow is a big day for the village, and the village head should decide what to do with them. And oh by the way, Yoon-hee is the village head. HA.

clean up the boys and Yoon-hee asks Min-ki, why he wants to be a farmer suddenly, and when he returns for good. He says that he did not, and he can not help a bit of puffing when he tells her that he is in Seoul in a rock band. It's just that it has been so many offers already that he wanted a break (I love the way the other guys look at each other like, "Do you hear this BS").

Min-ki asks how she became the village head, and she says it worked only so, but her hearty laugh is just a bit too loud. The little boy of the street you come that grandfather to say, it is for dinner but calls that the grandmother cooked again, which is apparently a very bad thing. Yoon-hee says Min-ki, that the boy is her son, but she is not married, and he's shocked again that his first love is a single mom village head.

Yoon-hee says she'll let things go this time, but they should apologize for the apples, flowers and makgulli. She takes offense when he is frivolous it, saying it only apples to him, but the villagers are like their children. She screams that he can not deal with this mentality farm and grow.

I must admit, Yoon-hee mother cooks horrible looks, although Mom itself is mighty nice. Her husband flatters her that her ready meals are the best, and they should remain one. Yoon-hee comes (her father plans thwart dinner to escape by going looking) and claims to have already eaten, and makes your weekend.

She goes to her room, grumbling that Min-ki has something changed, and an old box of keepsakes draws. She finds a band that made a young Min-ki for them, with a song he just wrote for them (it's really just "Oh Donna" by Ritchie Valens but with her name in subbed so sweet), and she plays it and smiling, min-ki are used as sweet.

The guys head back to the house, and Min-ki asks Han Chul, if he is still angry and apologizes. Han-chul is not in the mood, and tells him that if all else fails, he goes right back will go to Seoul. Min-ki asks why he is so sensitive lately, and Han Chul just sighs.

Min-ki connects Hyuk in a nice group pee into a lake to brag his manhood, as evidenced by the strength of his pee. You guys really talk about these things? Suddenly they are both of a Smirking exceeded Ki-joon, and they can only look in awe - until they realize that they have an audience, and they have in the village drinking water was peeing.

The Florist grumbles that Yoon-hee not done anything about the boys, but Sang-deuk speaks him a drink to go in and take the grunting orchard owners with them (he apparently did not talk, ever ). Yoon-hee roars Min-ki for as to fall right back into trouble, and tells him to give up now on agriculture that the whole village is mad at him.

Min-ki claiming they can on their own without any help at all (like the boys mouth to him pst) farm, and Yoon-hee yelling that he can try if he wants - but if they get in trouble again, they will not release him from responsibility.

The guys back in the house, but the deer is still there, and they are going to crawl back into the courtyard in fear. They scream Min-ki for them to get into this, and wonder where they sleep tonight. After dark, all she the car crowd in and Min-ki sighs pictures of themselves over and Yoo-na on his phone.

Han Chul goes out alone, and takes its cancer medicine. He sits on the porch of the house and considered a bucket list, he wrote that say "Mom, I love you" from such heartbreaking things as is and "marry." He wonders if he will die without ever fallen in love, and bursts into tears.

morning armed the boys for the header with random garden equipment, and Han Chul asks Min-ki, what they need to do first. Min-ki has not thought and advises the Internet allow that he has no idea how carbon to grow, if he did not even have a houseplant. Hyuk helps and finds clues that say that first, you have to plow the field.

It is according to what, so Min-ki explained with all the ditches and furrows and so complicated that they just have to dig. You access the dirt with plenty of enthusiasm and zero organization and management, to support itself without reaching anything to get.

Hyuk the question gasps out that they should ask first - how did grandmother Min-ki's plowing the field all alone? Min-ki is not white but a shadow passes over them, and they look to see the obvious answer. A tractor! Min-ki thinks to borrow it until he sees that it is the florist (whose name is man-gu) in the driver's seat.

Always optimistic Hyuk jumps up and runs to the tractor with a friendly grin, asking cheerfully, when they borrow the tractor. Florist man-gu as cheerful declared him nuts and refuses and Hyuk has the guys to say that he almost got killed for asking. Hyuk says Min-ki only Yoon-hee ask for a tractor, but Min-ki insists that he would never ask her for help, no way, no how. Han Chul, he says only go back to Seoul will then, and Ki-joon and Hyuk follow him, that's a terrible idea explains anyway (oh now you this out).

The villagers prepare the city for the visit of the governor, and Yoon-hee takes a call from a consultant who lets them know there hours in a few be the governor is with reporters and a camera crew , Yoon-hee assures the workers that the city is spic-and-span in a long time.

A banner comes loose and Yoon-hee reached to fix it, but a hand grabs her, and she is looking to see a contrite-looking min- ki. He asks if he can help and they know immediately that he wants something, but she mocks his request for a tractor and reminds him that he said he could do it all yourself. Min-ki putting it on thick with the flattery and the "noona" s, but flounces if they refuse to continue.

Yoon-hee relents and Min-ki turns back sunny, creeps them out with his niceness. It brings the boys of tractor but tells them they have to fertilize before plowing what they do (kind), and she has to plow while they pick up stones.

Meanwhile Sang-deuk goes the village Hirsch a bath for his big day to give, but Mr. Blume is nowhere to be seen. Sang-deuk staggers drunk for the missing city mascot will look like.

Later Yoon-hee initiates bathroom and the guys take a break to find, and Hyuk is amazed how much she knows about agriculture. Looks like he's getting a little crush. Min-ki disagrees and says that he can drive the tractor can not get over Han Chul pleas in even more trouble. of course he quickly loses control over the matter, and make it hard to get it stopped again to get.

Min-ki gently toward the front of the tractor, to find a deer lying steps before him dead. The boys all scream in horror, and Ki-joon notices it wearing a gold pendant. Oh no, Mr Flower! They realize they are running out of town for this, so Min-ki she decides to hide the body.

Sang-deuk calls Yoon-hee to tell her, Mr. Blume is missing, and she tells him the villagers help him look to have. The guys from losing the deer in a wheelbarrow, in a hilariously macabre recovery from the first scene of the series, on the bottom right control of the car and its occupants dumping. Hyuk freaks out when he makes eye contact with the dead animal, they cover it up and keep going.

They run right into Florist Man-gu, but make it past him without arousing his suspicions make (much). You duck and crawl in the city, avoiding looking villagers as best they can, but they eventually crash right into Yoon-hee. She asks her if she had seen Mr. Blume, and I do not know how Min-ki face tilts her not immediately clear that they are not good at.

finally realizes the full wheelbarrow is Han Chul claims laundering, and say Hyuk and Ki-joon, that they can take it to the next city are the launderette. Yoon-hee says she'll only do it in their washing machine but Min-ki keeps it at, say it is their underwear. You are finally up and starts to leave, but a rogue wind blows the lid off Mr. flower face and Yoon-hee sees everything.

Yoon-hee freaks understandably completely out, and Min-ki swears that the deer ran into the tractor and it was an accident. Yoon-hee tells him for taking responsibility or they will be thrown by the villagers, and he asks her, on his knees with his best puppy dog ​​look only to save him this one more time. He bursts the whole true story of that he is not famous, and he needs this farm to make an album and his recompense ... never mind. Apparently his friends have no idea about his guilt.

Yoon-hee further aid to refuse, and Min-ki says that it should be the man not so that saved her life. She calls him a loser to blackmail them, and says there is nothing they can do if the deer is dead. Hyuk reminds him that they are the only ones who know Mr. Blume is dead, and all the deer look alike ...

all head back to the house to stare at the wild deer that are out there still Camping Search, and mighty cranky I might add. Yoon-hee asks how they plan to control it, because wild deer are quite volatile, but Min-ki and the guys just steel yourself and head to fight in the house.

The villagers all gather in the town square, wondered whether Yoon-hee and Mr. Blume will make it in time. The governor and his whole entourage arrive, and thank goodness, so do Yoon-hee and the boy, pulling along a very unhappy-looking deer.

The governor is named the deer as district mascot his speech, but the fake Mr flower starts to become restless. Suddenly the deer will breaks free and heads right for the governor, villagers scattering and in a series of hilarious stills to destroy the town square.


There is simply get dumber and dumber, but I still find the show to be engaging and I can not wait to see where all this goes goofiness. The sound of Modern Farmer is not for everyone, it is understandable considering the crazy lengths it for a laugh hits, but for some reason I love it. Besides being deeply ready for a show to be for a laugh, not fear, is ridiculous about the characters and the small glimpses of what lies beneath their surfaces draws me in and makes me curious, their secrets to learn. I have the feeling we have in stock a lot more for us than just run crazy and screaming.

There is definitely the characters that keep me on the basic simple plot interesting, because I like almost everyone does not feel what they seem. Han Chul is still the obvious outliers that to be a person with a tragic history, who's here to do what he does make a difference to do before he dies. There is some speculation among the spectators that he did not really die, can I see as a possible future Twist, but at this point in the story that he really believes that he got less to live than a year. When he could his bucket list, and his realization that he without ever knowing love or marry die, broke my heart.

Min-ki is an interesting character because he very much a simple person, and flat to be selfish and primarily interested seems to save his own skin. At this point, I find it annoying at best, and I'm frustrated at his insistence, the worst possible decision at all times, even though I as a lead he has got to start at a low point in order to grow. I look forward to him growing up see to slow life and learn and enjoy, and for other people to worry about beyond what they can do for him. In this sense, Yoon-hee will be good for him, because they already know how to care for the people and they can do it to the person he remembered was before he moved to the big city. I really hope they are not both for Loveline setting, because for one, Min-ki a love in the city already and two, I like them all in the role of noona / teacher and I like the dynamic between the two of them, as it is now.

I still feel that with Hyuk something serious going on there, apart from the obvious situation that get blamed him for breaking up the band. And he does not deny that they, too, so that was to be an interesting story. But no one laughs that much (beautiful smile, though it is), the not hiding anything, and it makes me worried for him. He ditched only a career as a doctor and heir to go to a hospital with a group of guys agriculture, hate his guts. That's not normal. Not to mention, his father does not seem much to want to do with it either. I'm dying to know how a man who is seemingly so talented that the band thinks he can not be replaced, is also someone who does not have a single person who pleases him.

I'm getting a harder time with a handle on Ki-joon, because frankly, the man has not had much to say (although I find his facial expressions hysterically funny). But since all the characters so interesting background stories have, I would not be surprised if there is something wrong with him, too. Time will tell, but among all the silliness and I scream see flashes what could be a very heartwarming story about life and people. I still have high hopes for the show and I hope that it will not let me down!

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