It's the calm before the storm, as our characters try to process the truth is not so good, our hero, as he admits to date. Everyone should be so lucky, how many people have that care for them as Jae-yeol does, even if it he is not aware of the danger to them and to himself. Therefore it is important for him a few moments to enjoy it with the people he loves, before it is too late and everything comes at his feet is crumbling down.
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down Hae-soo After the meeting, Sunbae Jo and Doctor Lee right to the point: you think Jae -yeol is schizophrenic. In addition, the aspiring young writers Jae-yeol at so much not Kang-woo-exist and not all the children manuscripts.
There is not an easy pill for anyone who cares about swallow particularly Hae-soo, which reacts with a mixture of shock and confusion. they do not want understandably believe, but the CCTV evidence Jae-yeol watched anyone struggling but themselves they interfere.
they tried their best, to keep her voice calm when Jae-yeol calls, eyes glued to the monitor. he picks up her nervousness on the phone and hangs up because he will write tonight. Jae-yeol was allegedly involved in a confrontation with Kang woo father remember battered and bloody Hae-soo tears in his eyes about two months ago, the night Jae-yeol returned home.
Having said that Mama Ok-ja may be responsible for Jae-yeol stepfather's death, Hae-soo is also said that imaginary Kang-woo own manifestation Jaeger may be yeol younger self and personalized debt to his brother. But what is even more worrying, as Jae-yeol is unaware that he hurt himself.
His condition is hard enough for Dr. Lee Jae-yeol hospitalizing to consider immediately, something Hae-soo is thinking reluctant about even. was found on the question of whether Jae-yeol has volunteered in danger, she reminds Jae-yeol risk behavior, from the quick chase when he ran into oncoming traffic to his recent car accident.
But Hae-soo denies any such behavior despite said that time is of the essence. The building sweat on Hae-soo body betrays her words, however, and Doctor Lee warns Tae-yeol take against any ill-considered actions that could worsen Jae-yeol state.
you have to keep away from Jae Hae-soo -yeol, Doctor Lee told Sunbae Jo after her account for both. When Jae-yeol self-injurious behavior progresses, the end result is suicide.
When Hae-soo Jae-yeol calls asking where Kang-woo manuscripts, he stated that he saw her last, when she came in while he was on the phone with Kang-woo. Now we see the memories from their perspective, realizing that Jae-yeol was not anything in his hands, let alone a manuscript.
Jae-yeol it passes into the drawer, he believes that he stuffed the document. it is empty of course, and he left perplexed when Hae-soo says it's not there.
it is still very much in denial of Jae-yeol psychological problems afterwards refuses to believe Sunbae Jo hypothesis of schizophrenia when it could prove to be a minor neurological problem. Why should they draw as doctors jump to conclusions if they did not experience abnormal behavior?
Soo-Kwang and So-nyeo pass the tail end of the conversation to catch. After sending his girlfriend home, Soo-Kwang remembers a time when Jae-yeol was of to a conversation outside the cafe.
So if Hae-soo at night lights another candle, Soo-kwang statistics she spoke from her own mouth-how repeats the majority of schizophrenic patients can lead a normal life with proper medication. But Hae-soo returns to her room without another word.
concerned, Soo-Kwang leads over to Jae-yeol accommodate an unexpected sleepover, much to the annoyance of the latter. He also attacks Jae-yeol in a surprise back hug his thanks for the coolest guy expresses that he knows. Aw.
Jae-yeol stuck with him tonight if he wants or night, and even though Soo-Kwang makes light of his presence here, he tries his best to press his concerns.
Hae-soo thinks back earlier words of Sunbae Jo: when Jae-yeol of repressed guilt is the primary problem, then increased his risk of self-harm the happier he with Hae-soo. The memories flashed through my mind: How Jae-yeol even waterskiing injured after they kissed, his violent dreams after they slept together, and its collision into a pole by her impromptu water fight
Hae-soo leaves for. To ignore work the next morning Sunbae Jo try by winning breakfast a few points back. It's a funny bit when Sunbae Jo claims that Soo-kwang the eggs hard boiled, only a crack on the forehead and to discover that it raw. Ha
There are some projection going on at work with Doctor Lee and Hae-soo. the former the team say to think in comparison to the safety of the patient, how he feels, and this argument with a parent about the damage of ADHD medications prescribe a normal child.
Hae-soo tries associated with doctor to avoid Lee, citing that it goes Mama Ok-ja to see. But Dr. Lee tells her Sunbae Jo to take with her, pointing out that Hae-soo is not. On their sunbaes for help regarding Jae-yeol approach
Meanwhile, Soo-Kwang calls Jae-yeol for breakfast, goes so far, forcing him to stop by closing his laptop when he does not respond easily. He says he Jae-yeol not noticed sleep, judging from the time Jae-yeol slipped into the bathroom.
hasSoo-Kwang fun at the dinner table, laughing, as he is ketchup -yeol on Jae's face. He gets a beating for that, but not about the moment joshing Jae-yeol choking in the sink for a bite to take. Uh oh, that Lou Gehrig's disease rise to the surface?
Jae-yeol says Soo-Kwang this a secret from Hae-soo keep that Soo-Kwang matches for about two seconds before secretly texting her by Jae-yeol state anyway. Nevertheless Jae-yeol is healthy enough after tire against Soo-Kwang (and win) to shoot.
Soo-Kwang takes the opportunity to encourage Jae-yeol, checked himself get out. Jae-yeol says he'll deal with it, as he always does. So Soo-Kwang doubled back to give Jae-yeol, a gift, a photo jigsaw puzzle of Lovebird he breaks into pieces to Jae-yeol surprise.
But Soo-Kwang trying to prove a point: that most people think of people with mental illness as a giant, tangled mess-as people who can not recognize their own loved ones. "Even out by someone swearing that there is no sense of guilt."
"But that is not what we really want. We are usually normal ... and just a small part of us is sick," Soo-Kwang States. Jae-yeol agrees. With a puzzle piece to illustrate, Soo-Kwang says its consequences amount to only a few seconds or minutes in a year. But for a schizophrenic as Hye-jin (Yoon-Chul woman), several pieces disintegrate their world due to a brain abnormality or deep emotional scars.
"The reality in the imagination slipping?" Jae-yeol asks. Soo-Kwang: "Something like that." But the good news is that if the patient seeks professional help and has the will to change, then they have the chance to put their fallen pieces back together
it. , Soo-Kwang gets under way, and when Jae-yeol says jokingly not 'come around more, Soo-Kwang shouts back that he probably. Oh, I like their friendship. Jae-yeol leaves the shoot more hoops behind completed puzzle, and then we see imaginary Kang-woo rigid the puzzle and remove one piece.
Meanwhile smiles Jae-Bum at the roses he has made of his food, a fellow prisoner to say that they are for his mother ... because a good one Jae-yeol is gone will be sad. He remembers how Jae-yeol had tried to warn him to be thrown out for life in prison but shaken this notion.
Hae-soo invites Mama Oc- about yes and hardly gets going a private conversation before they are interrupted by Sunbae Jo and Tae-yong arrival. Tae-yong bursts into tears at the sight of Mama Ok-ja down, and Hae-soo is asked to leave so that Sunbae Jo Mama may Ok-ja inform her younger son state.
Down in the café, so -nyeo is annoyed when Soo-Kwang dismisses their future dreams in to a psychiatrist as Hae-soo. He's already on the edge, as it is upset that his girlfriend can not say that he has a hard time about Jae-yeol worry. But So-nyeo says that's why she tried to make conversation, to make things easier or he would prefer her to be sad and crying?
She's a point and her words leave Soo-Kwang impressed. He tells her that he loves her, a smile has to suppress the so-nyeo.
returns to the time, Hae-soo down, it seems that Mama Ok-ja has decided after all to have in the hospital, although they believes that her son suffering from stress-related problems. She is still very shaken, however, and Hae-soo puts a comforting hand on her, saying that Jae-yeol condition is not terminal.
Mama Ok-ja tries to convince Jae-yeol can only get worried treatment that Hae-soo must've been even more shocked than she is. Wiping the tears from his eyes, Mama Ok-ja says goodbye.
herself is planning to be strong, but their overwhelming emotions and tears betrayed the words that psychological treatment and medication will help Jae-yeol. Your heartwrenching sobs are just hard to watch.
Sunbae Jo noticed that there is now demand two candles, if one of them is for Jae-yeol. he considers them from the position over to Jae-yeol place, wondering what she plans to say, when they get there. And now Hae-soo finally breaks down in tears, no idea how they to what she would say to Jae-yeol face.
you come back to Sunbae Jo downward after the tears to stop, but they replaced with fresh when she thinks how foolish it was for her that Jae-yeol not affected by his tragic past to believe would. Further, for a woman who claims to love him, she never once showed any true empathy for his emotional scars or suffering.
She wonders whether she was ever truly sympathetic to his painful past and his relationship with his brother, because she said that she could understand the situation, since it is a doctor. looked Even after suffering from violent nightmares Jae-yeol, they told him that he would overcome it, but maybe a part of her wanted to ignore his problems.
Sunbae Jo silence rather say no, an answer Hae-soo accepted resignedly. Soo-Kwang his arms stretched Hae-soo a comforting embrace (aw) to give, then down sign when you asked gestures thumbs over Jae-yeol of the function level.
Jae-yeol is on the phone with Mom Ok-ja, if Hae-soo swings through. He is happy, and told to see his mother, that he can not see coming, because it works, much to Mama Ok-ja frustration. He suddenly starts to cough, which has Hae-soo callback when Jae-yeol you asked about Kang-woo symptoms.
Hae-soo and Jae-yeol share a romantic moment at the photo montage mounted on the wall, while searching. to let After agreeing to photograph him her hands and feet when they shaved, she remembers how Jae-yeol had said he wanted to protect said Kang-woo, because the child reminded him of his younger self.
The words Doctor Lee in her mind as well as about Kang-woo echoed a manifestation of Jae-yeol debt to be. has Overlooking his New York Yankees, she asks casually if he knows of Lou Gehrig, the famous baseball player who suffered from the neurodegenerative disease that was later named after him. He does, but he does not know how he did it, out he read about it in a book.
Hae-soo on to Jae-yeol to look with sympathy, softly stroking his hair. The pictures he takes of her hands and feet placed on the wall and Jae-yeol keeps his end of the bargain by Hae-soo shave his stubble.
asks you what he was most worried about if he ever found himself ill and hospitalized. He does not know where this question is coming, but says he would probably be about his inability to write concerned. He need not worry because they still like going to him if he is not a writer.
The calls Jae-yeol to ask if they ever go him to say that she loves him, then he says hasn 't of Kang-woo is one in a while and does not answer his calls either. Hae-soo answers quietly that Jae-yeol must be really worried about him, and Jae-yeol answers: ". I think he will die soon"
Kang-woo was the last competition writing novels and is sick today. Hae-soo says Jae-yeol mentioned that Kang-woo felt much better, but Jae-yeol says the boy lay-er Lou Gehrig's disease is got.
"Then how do you know, Kang-woo looked excited? They describe it as you've seen the scene in a movie or a book." Jae-yeol opens his eyes to put into her own question, how can he clear picture Kang-woo memories, when he was alone supposedly.
Jae-yeol is not willing to leave so soon leave Hae-soo, but they assured him that their planned date is tomorrow. It is almost on the verge of tears as she tells him to wash. He tells her that he loves her like crazy, but Hae-woo not echo the words.
Hae-soo sticks -yeol to save a copy of Jae current manuscript of his laptop invokes a USB drive, then Tae-yong (the waited below) out for a chat. So Hae-soo is long gone by the time Jae-yeol leaves the bathroom, and he smiles when he later gets a call from Kang-woo moments.
He relieved that Kang-woo's okay, because it concerns itself. Kang-woo says nothing as he rides his bike down the road, his eyes closed and his arms wide open. Jae-yeol told him: "Do not ever think that you're alone I am always at your side, you know that, do not you..?"
Tae-yong stolen overlooking the manuscript Hae-soo and confirms that this story written previously Jae-yeol is almost no new material there. Jae-yeol encountered the same problem in the first few months, when writing his earlier novel, and now Tae-yong realizes that his friend was never the same, stabbed all since Jae-Bum in front of him with a fork 3 years.
It takes Jae-yeol much longer than usual to write because, as he once again warm up his work for more than two years now and do not realize that he has plagiarized , Hae-soo asks that Tae-yong never leave Jae-yeol page.
At work, Hae-soo finally admits Doctor Lee Jae-yeol questions, describes his insomnia and the inability to eat properly or to write. In addition, he is even bringing several times in danger, hiding his injuries from her, and she sees now how his case quickly could in a suicide risk spiral.
She believes what he might do something drastic because imaginary Kang-woo, the situation now: losing a writing composition and diagnosed with ALS. Doctor Lee asks how she came to understand that someone like Jae-yeol would leave his loved ones and fall prey to his psychological problems.
"His desire to let me die, and let those he loves, behind ... There is no rational argument on" Hae-soo answers. ". Since it is a mental illness," This is their professional judgment: that Jae-yeol is uncomfortable
You know, they have to resort to force to have Jae-yeol approved (as Jae-yeol not recognize. how sick he is in its current state), but he has to go to the hospital in order (ie his hallucinations) to treat his active symptoms first.
During Editor Bae sobs in Tae-yong's arms after the station informed that Jae-yeol not be able, his radio show continue, doctor Lee and Jo Sunbae give Mama Ok-ja, a Tour of Jae-yeol, the soon-to-be new home in the psych ward.
asks her if her son is for months or even years to be admitted to the hospital, as she had seen in books or on television. Doctor Lee assures her that Jae-yeol is probably for a month or two will be admitted to the hospital, but I can not shake the feeling that this estimate sounds pretty short.
While Sunbae Jo prepares other medical professionals about Jae-yeol case, we see Jae-bum in his old neighborhood get deducted. He foresees a young Jae-yeol and his mother saw each other in the laundry river not too far away, Kang-woo looks.
Jae-yeol finds Hae-soo already for him waiting at home, a lot. On his pleasant surprise She has to stop it in place so that they can take in its beautiful features. Doctor Lee calls in to tell her that the ambulance Jae-yeol pick stands ready for their cue. Hae-soo, she says'll call back.
Then she opens her arms to invite him for a hug. He likes to take the offer to her to plant a kiss on the forehead before pulling into a tight hug. "I love you," he says. A tear rolls Hae-soo's cheek as she, as requested stay for a little longer. He agrees.
Now that we have been death for some time the stepfather explore I welcome the shift back to Jae-yeol mental health, the progressive deterioration, while our attention was mainly was defined elsewhere. His schizophrenic symptoms has always been a concern in this series, and we were waiting for the day when its present state would come to the fore. And when his unstable mental health was not enough as it was, Jae-yeol has entered the early stages of a debilitating neurodegenerative disease. Because misfortune never comes alone.
hadSo prepared with this depressing news we for that I looked the most for our characters reactions and once they found out that Jae-yeol is uncomfortable and poses as a risk to themselves and others , It was necessary to be for Hae-soo of threats particularly aware she stands alone in his business place, that their chances of (un) consciously hurting are higher in Jae-yeol presence. Despite what anyone told her otherwise it was important to recognize psychological problems for Hae-soo Jae-yeol, to understand how inaction could eventually endanger his own life, and most importantly, that it to that conclusion on their costs come. loves not only as a professional, but as someone Jae-yeol (even if she has not yet spoken the right words to him).
In this sense, Jaeger yeol is to be remarkably lucky surrounded by so many people who take care of him, both inside and outside the home. Given the stigma that surrounds mental health in Korea (as shown by the cases we proved in the hospital to see), we saw Collaborate our characters and to ensure out active measures Jae-yeol security. Although I an eyebrow, like a two-month hospitalization raised can affect positive changes (see as significant improvement in psychotherapy months could avail even in the most willing of the patient that is not Jae-yeol) I estimated that measures taken was instead to brush the matter under the carpet at all.
hasI particularly liked watching Soo-Kwang and his interactions with our lovebirds, such as taking the initiative to go and take care of Jae-yeol, explained his perspective as it is a mental illness suffer compared what society thinks and just gave Hae-soo a comforting hug whenever she needed. His use of puzzle pieces was a delicate example of how it is, for lack of a better term, have a few pieces that are falling apart. Even with three episodes in front of us, it would be nice to see something thoughtful insight on Soo-Kwang part.
And then we come back to Jae-yeol, who did not even do not realize the seriousness of his condition of either his or his schizophrenia Lou Gehrig's disease. Even without the confirmation in this episode we have known for a while that imaginary Kang-woo is a mirror image of his younger self. As Jae-yeol either continue to experience any extreme emotion or is in danger, you can imagine how that its function is affected by a figment of his imagination. Because no one can that particular piece of the puzzle to see except yourself
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