Recap And Reviews Kdrama My Secret Hotel: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama My Secret Hotel: Episode 9 -

Sung gyum discovered that Hae-young is not only a part of Sang-Hyo past, but their presence also. He's not give up on them to follow, though - and neither is Hae-young, who is willing to pay off from its past mistakes. We finally learn what in Las Vegas 7 years before happened that caused to break it - despite all Hae-Young's efforts history is doomed to repeat itself?


After Sung -gyum discovered Sang-Hyo, he wants to know why it with Hae-young and Soo-ah on their honeymoon. Sang-Hyo to explain the other two from what prevents happened when she and Sung gyum step aside to allow them to tell him privately.

Hae-young she is reluctant to go away to let but you go watch how Soo-ah wonders if Sung gyum will be furious to discover that Sang-Hyo replacement for her wedding was. But Hae-young, she was not a replacement, and Soo-ah is surprised to discover that he really wanted to marry Sang-Hyo.

Sang-Hyo, now trying her courage to work to explain Sung gyum what happened, and asked him not to be shocked when he hears the truth - but he just smiles and says she is always full of surprises. After some back and forth, she finally tells him she got married.

He thinks that they Hae-jung to her wedding refers seven years ago, and then wonders perhaps if they in their past has another marriage - to a person other than Hae-young? She quickly assures him that it is not (what a lie), but before she can explain further, the Resort Manager will check with Sung gyum.

Immediately Sang-Hyo, begins to panic, because she remembers him as an employee of the hotel who knows them as Hae-young bride. The forgetful Sung gyum provides the employee as his girlfriend to her, and she tried to hold him all the time to greet her face turned away, so he can not see.

Soo-ah is shocked to discover that Sang-Hyo is Hae-young ex-wife. She rages that he be two-timing been her, she had promised, while really getting married in love with another woman. But Hae-jung points out that they have a talk (what with it with Ki-ho runs out). But since it now knows the truth, he asks her to be a little nicer to Sang-Hyo. Soo-ah: "But I'm beautiful, right?"

Watching it is from afar a sad and lovesick Ki-ho, who sighs that Soo ah is too good for him. He pulls his cell phone Soo-ah to call mother, and while we do not get to hear the full conversation before he hangs up, says that much money is enough.

Back to Secret Hotel, Detective Kim meets with Eun-joo, the murder were found since their fingerprints on the murder weapon a suspect in Young-mi. She's offended that he thinks they would have actually killed someone, and stated that they left it in shock fall, after they found Young-mi tot.

Eun-joo is surprised that he knows she threatened Young-mi, and refuses to tell him more, because of the reputation dead will hurt. But Detective Kim reminds them that it is important that they be cleared of suspicion, so that they can catch the murderer. Immediately convinced, she leans in and whispers that she blackmailed Young-mi captured Soo-ah. aside Young-mi to ask how they could blackmail one of its customers

In a flashback, Eun-joo draws, demand that they hand over the photos. But Young-mi denied: "Not over my dead body." Frustrated Eun-joo cries when she kills Young-mi, maybe they will come their senses. The employee who reported Eun-joo overheard the two women only Young-mi adds: ". Kill me or not, I'm not afraid"

After Eun-joo explains what has happened, she asks if Detective Kim thinks she is still the killer. He says he knew that she was not from the get-go because Eun-joo in the wedding hall during the time of the Young-mi's death was (and imitating hilarious them over dramatic wedding speech). But because someone reported that she had Young-mi told he had to investigate.

Back at the hotel, Sung gyum is with coffee, with the head of the Hotel Association, along with his wife, the Sang-Hyo (which is still trying both pleased "friend" of the introduced to Sung gyum seen to be avoided by the Resort Manager, ha). Hae-jung finds in the dining room and duck around the corner, suddenly flustered that she just sits, to have smiling and having fun.

They ignored hemodialysis Youngs attempt to call them on the phone, so he sends her a text to tell her to come at the count of three. They ignored his texts, and when it counts down to one, he goes to her table, demanding Sang-Hyo to follow him. Sung gyum calls him on his rudeness, but Hae-Young does not care.

When Sung gyum him reminded that he is on his honeymoon, should Hae-jung little alone time to be spend with his bride, Hae-young grins and finally falls the bomb: "Nam Sang Hyo is the bride I married two days ago. "

Sung gyum is flabbergasted and watch Sang-Hyo to confirm, but excused it just helpless. With its perfect timing, running Soo-ah in and plunges into Hae-young, crying over the discovery of Ki-ho note that he's sorry, but says he does not believe they will be able to succeed as a couple. then breaks into Hae-jung in his arms.

sighs at the police station, Detective Kim, that they are still. Without a leash on the Killer But his partner is pretty sure he knows who did it. He is convinced it is Sung gyum and describes a design based on a sophisticated love triangle plot with Hwang, Sung-gyum Mother and Young-mi, which resulted in Sung gyum kill both Hwang and Young-mi.


But Detective Kim finds his story ridiculous, and is sure that what Hwang was referring to when he said to Sung gyum mother on the phone was something. to the death of his father thirty related to prior years

in GM Lees office, team leader Cha refers to the event that happened thirty years ago, but GM Lee says that after in circles running around all they have done, they have to place back in. We do not get to know what happened, but team leader Cha receives an SMS message:

Sung gyum is stunned by the discovery that Sang-Hyo married "I know who the killer is." Hae-young. He wonders how, even if they were in a difficult situation, they could have married him so much. She apologizes, but she could not think of any other way. Sung gyum: "Could not you believe me?"

could not bear the thought that she, although Soo would share a room with Hae-jung ah there, Sung gyum orders Sang-Hyo to pack her suitcase and his room. He is sleeping in the car.

Meanwhile, Hae-Young ensures Soo-ah is worried, and she cries in his sleep, when he told her family that she is fine. He finds the letter, the Ki-ho left behind, and wonders what the outcome will be for him, and Sang-Hyo. When she arrives to collect her suitcase, Hae-jung wants to know what kind of guy Sung gyum it is to order. She tells him that he. The man she is dating, and if it were not for Hae-jung were she would be with Sung gyum to have to start right now He blocked out her suitcase and tells her that she can not go.

In his room, Sung gyum his own suitcase packed, waiting Sang-Hyo to arrive. But surprise, surprise, in strolls Hae-young, roll nonchalant his suitcase in the corner. When Sung gyum asks what's going on, Hae-Young says that he is here to stay, instead of Sang-Hyo -. Not because he wants to, of course,

Sung -gyum asks him why he married Sang-Hyo and Hae-young asked cheekily,

the first time was because they were in love ", the first or second time?"; the second time is the woman he loves to come. But Sung gyum laughs and says that Hae-young, he is in his marriage fail again because he comes next now to Sang-Hyo. The pissing match "boys even extends to them to fight, to use what bed, and Hae-Young-childish attempt to steal Sung gyum chosen bed leads to a surprised Sung gyum in his lap that snarks that there is no surprise why hemodialysis young and Sang-Hyo broke

team leader Cha meets with the person who sent him the text -. it is Gi-chul, and he asks if team Leader Cha young-mi killed also. He is convinced, team Leader Cha Hwang killer because Cha saw Gi-Chul pickpocket Hae-Young's wallet and then took it from him, according to the Gi-Chul pleaded had for him not to report, and begged him a second chance. At least we know who the pickpocket.

Since the wallet was found next to Hwang's body, Gi-Chul assumes that team leader Cha must mean the killer is. Or why Hwang have Hae-Young-wallet? But team leader Cha is not about to explain, and if Gi-Chul reported him to the police, he will also have to confess to being a pickpocket , Moreover, it is only circumstantial, and team leader warns Cha Gi-Chul that if he tries to do something about it, he will be hurt one.

Sung gyum showers ...

... and broods Sang-Hyo over.

Hae-young channel surfing in the hotel room, the fact sighing over that the first night of his honeymoon he shared a tent with Ki-ho, and now he has to share a room with Sung gyum (not on to mention the wedding night, there was a corpse in the bathroom). When he hears leave Sung gyum the bathroom, he gets ready also to wash - but stopped his shirt again at the sight of Sung gyum the six-pack and buttons. Ha!

Sitting in bed, Soo-ah wonders if Ki-ho is coming back. If you wait long enough, he will return, right? You have to leave a lot of history together for him forever, so she decides she'll wait until he comes back.

Sang-Hyo sounds to be asleep and tells Soo-ah not to wait for him - he will not come back. Once a man leaves, he does not return. She advises Soo-ah not wait wasting their time, or ask them what they did wrong, or if he loved her. Instead, work hard to forget him.

She admits quietly that the reason why they broke and Hae-young was because he left them.

Seven years ago Sang-Hyo had returned to her home, shocked to discover that all his stuff was gone. Everything for her a plane ticket and an address in New York was left behind. She broke slowly to the ground and cried her eyes out. The days passed and she did not move until she fainted, anxious to be discovered by an employee that she had not seen for days.

Sang-Hyo: "No matter how long I waited, he did not come."

the wedding department in Secret Hotel is back in business, surrounds thanks to advertising "miracle" Wedding Sang-Hyo is - even celebrities are their weddings booking there, including (playing Lee Young-eun actress Eun-joo who is married in real life to get around). Eun-joo like is their plan worked so well, but Jung-eun has a different answer when she whines to news articles about the wedding.

Hae-young wakes with a start-up (and the cutest bedhead), wondering where Sung gyum is gone. He finds him breakfast with Soo-ah with and Sang-Hyo, and joins them without ceremony. When he mentioned that Soo-ah should be grieving over Ki-ho still instead is wolfing down breakfast, Soo-ah tells him that after about things talk to Sang-Hyo to forget Ki-ho decided.

in this answer He is surprised and said she should give him a second chance - together as much history as it could easily forget him? Does not she have no sense of loyalty


Sung gyum butts in the fact that the person who is a coward who left, and Soo-ah agrees :? Why did he leave, anyway? Hae-young looks directly into Sang-Hyo:

Sang-Hyo tried to ignore him and just eat breakfast, but Soo-ah and Sung gyum are not convinced, "Maybe something important came." something that could be more important than behind the woman you love leave. But there is no more time to argue, as Sang-Hyo and Hae-Young have another press interview.

She's all smiles for the reporter when she tells them how special was their honeymoon, but he continues to pout. Finally, she grabs his cheeks in a "playful" way and pinches a smile out of him for the press. Soo-ah and Sung gyum to see the interview, and Soo-ah wonders if it's true, they really fit not feelings.

Once the interview is over, Sang-Hyo is ready to go back home, and it waits for Sung gyum to bring his car. Hae-Young tries to leave them to protest, but she reminds him that she married him only to save the hotel. He admits that he married out of true feelings, but Sang-Hyo she says seven years ago were ready when he left.

Hae-young, she says should wait for him, but she points out that he was the one who to the left. Why should they have waited? She remembers everything about how they broke up, and she does not trust him or his casual feelings. It rises in Sung gyum car and drive them.

to be a very-much non-order Hae-young drives Soo-ah home, and she's trying to be quiet, to not disturb his brooding until she notices about Sang-Hyo that she is stupid , Had lose their own frustration, she tells him that he is the one who made them leave without at least parting face-to-face about the error. Hae-young is thinking:

Another flashback to Las Vegas "I would not have been able to leave when I saw her face.": This time of Hae-Young's point-of-view, as Shi -chan asks come to him on the phone to New York. If he does not return as soon as possible, they will all lose have worked to build their businesses.

Not for the first time, young hemodialysis asks Sang-Hyo to New York to move with him - she was able to find another job. But she refuses to say that the best hotels are in Las Vegas, and it is to get worked too hard, where she is to leave everything behind. You will not have to sacrifice their careers for him, as he wants so to sacrifice his career for them. Hae-young wonders if they should just break, then.

When Sung gyum in the city goes back, Sang-Hyo takes pensive her wedding ring off. He tried to lift their spirits by turning on the radio (and in another meta moment plays Hong Jin Young "Love Battery"). Oh, it's so cute how he gets Sang-Hyo to smile again, even if it means to confess that he can not sing. - A weakness that finds Sang-Hyo particularly attractive

Hae-young drops Soo-ah with her away from home, but it is not ready to leave the car, convinced her mother beat to death , But as scary as Mom does, it is surprisingly pleasant, when she asks Soo-ah, to let them know how worried she was about her. Once Hae-young leaves, although she engages her daughter by the ear and pulls her inside.

She screams to Soo-ah, how much they had to give Ki-ho: $ 300,000. But Soo-ah is injured that she was no longer worth it - after all, her mother knows Ki-ho situation. Why she has more money not give it? As Mom to move on inside the house, Ki-ho observed from a distance, and then falls to his knees in emotional distress.

The staff of Hae-Young architects have decided on the evening they take and go for drinks. Shi-Chan buys another round, happy that they have married her boss - who calls him on the phone. Shi-chan shushes everyone as he swears they work late and he does not need to worry about anything and he should just enjoy his honeymoon.

But Hae-jung appears suddenly behind him, and sprinkle the rest of the staff, so take Shi-chan the blame. What Hae-jung wants to sit on it, but do not go for drinking when he should work -. For the call seven years ago that his marriage broke

Sung gyum drop Sang-Hyo off to ask her home, whether it is now in order. She answers with a smile, that it is, and he asks her why she did not ask if he's okay. For he admits he is wrong - it feels like something precious was taken from him when he was not looking

referencing the song he played in the car, he asks if Sang-Hyo will "recharge". him - his "battery" is dead She agrees, and he apologizes when he tells her that she may recharge it ...

... .. and swoops in for a kiss in

Meanwhile Hae -Young downs shots of soju when he tears in his eyes Shi-chan, that his heart says hurts so much that it feels like he is dying: "Just as it should be over. This must be the end."


Well, it's not the end, because we still half of the drama have left to go. But it is to drive home the point that Hae-Jung and Sang-Hyo never had closure about their relationship. This is the first episode in which I finally to get the idea that Sung gyum could actually be good for Sang-Hyo (although I still desperately wants to know what his secret!). They spent much of the episode in various states of distress and anguish, so to see how happy Sung gyum made her - and how they clearly want a new beginning - has pushed me to accept begrudgingly that Sung gyum is a contender for her heart after all, and I would, if they end up together not mind.

But I'm not giving Hae-young, especially since we have finally learned what happened in Las Vegas, and that while neither one was completely wrong, yet was absolutely correct. It is difficult, in relationships where someone task to be in a different place requires, - it is a give and take, whose career gets priority at any given time to decide. Usually this is something that couples discuss before getting married, but the passionate young love between Hae-Jung and Sang-Hyo meant that they did not listen to talk through the big issues obviously before being hitched.

In that respect, I have much admiration for a show, how difficult to show the marriage would dare if you do not think it through and only marry "for love." there are important compatibility issues that must be dealt with so that you do not suddenly encounter a deal-breaker - having to move as your spouse career. Or not to afford the lifestyle able to your spouse is accustomed.

As much as I moaned as Soo-ah back (because I honestly thought after having Ki-ho eloped, we would not see them again), I was a little love, the Soo-ah and Sang -hyō have gone through the same experiences, impulsive-first-marriage-wise. I know that Soo-ah is created to be an unlikable character, but there is something about it that draws me to her. It seems that the more we see of her, peel, the more we rediscover a little of its surface layer, a frightened young woman who wants to do the right thing, but was to not be responsible enough to manage life brought to their have. Yes, it is shallow and vain, but I think she loves Ki-ho deep and wants it works. She only has no idea how to live in the real world, if Mama is not bankrolling.

So instead wish she would finally and officially go away, I'm excited that we could get this echo story first marriage of a catastrophic - and while I have no idea what thinks the hell Ki-ho by, she returns to her family money (because I believe he loves it really, and it was a hard decision for him), I'm curious to see if they work out their problems and overcome them. Because that gives me a little hope that somehow Hae-Jung and Sang-Hyo can work out their problems, even now, that Hae-young realizes how clearly Sang-Hyo prioritized her career.

Although I am not pleased us fight to the guys over Sang-Hyo. I will admit the first half of the episode had to sigh, because I did not need puffing to see her breast another show with two guys and try it than the others are more to prove, while playing tug-of-war with the helpless woman. One of the things I love about this show is, as independent and able Sang-Hyo, and how fiercely they defend that independence not only themselves but also other women. You do not want to be Cinderella -. She just wants her dream to meet a manager to be in a hotel, and will do anything to get there

Which the second half is why I loved when attention was the boys more than successive Sang-Hyo (although admittedly it was because of her). a space for the rest of the series Can I Sung gyum and Hae-young stock? I want them to be begrudging friends, if possible, and the other in silly little ways of needle that can recognize each other as they need to step if they really want to worthy Sang-Hyo to be men.

could Although strengthen its literal in Sung gyum case - I admit, I giggled as was Hae-jung as: "Yes, I could have no abs, but at least I'm bigger than you!" because I was fascinated by how the show has managed to treat namgoong min short height. I'm pretty sure that it is not just a coincidence that many of his scenes have him sit, or in a tight close-up.

What the secret side of things, we continue to draw along the slow-and-steady pace. I hope that we get closer to not only Young-mi and Hwang solve murders, but whatever the hell happened thirty years ago. I'm not sure who Young-mi Hwang or killed (I suppose it is the same person), but I have a feeling it's probably someone we have already seen. Team Leader Cha has now been around for a few episodes on my radar, though I have not been able to find a motive to find out. But he is a loyal security man - maybe someone hired him to protect someone else, like, Sung gyum mother say hired him to protect a secret to destroy her son when he got out

But honestly I'm not. in a crash hurry to have everything immediately solved, as long as we make things closer and closer to finding out, get on. In the meantime, I'll just hope that somehow everyone to be happy and to find a way to stay until the end of the show alive.

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tags: in Jin Yi-han, My Secret Hotel, namgoong min, Yoo in-na

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