Recap And Reviews Kdrama Discovery of Romance: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama Discovery of Romance: Episode 14 -

There is no point , in hiding more feelings. Everyone is caught, and everything is in the open. Through an emotional mess of revelations and confrontations, take the members of our love triangle to maintain some significant steps and missteps, what their heart. Although it seems to be like a final battle between the two men in Yeo-Reum life, the decision is ultimately theirs. You can be selfish and ambiguous to a fault, but if anything, she knows what she wants.

Episode 14: "Did I just a bitch?"

We see Ha-jin open the box of nostalgia in slow motion, and his face falls immediately when he sees the unexpected. He takes the memorabilia up - photos, wooden ring, letters - and build the rage and shock on his face when he meets the knowledge that were Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum past lovers. Can not take anymore, he quickly switches Pandoras Box and pushes them back under the cabinet, but his mind is still racing.

Yeo-Reum goes about her morning routine and relies on her engagement ring all while Ha- jin confirmed their fraud. He calls Joon-ho to talk and confronted him Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum relationship. He took in the past had relationships, but the problem is that there is Kang Tae-ha.

Joon-ho defended immediately Yeo-Reum and tells him his idea was, was. Everything is, so it's not good to know in the past, in Ha-jin, anyway. He claims that even on the contract, there is no lingering feelings. But that does not mean Ha-jin main problem with this address: "The three of you messing with me Everything makes no sense to make sense now completely Hyung, you watched from the sideline, and you shall be my friend... "

as the faithful friend, Joon-ho continue to convince Ha-jin, to believe in Yeo-Reum. "You and I both know that Yeo-Reum is obliged to you. What do you need? Are you going to break up with her just because her ex Kang Tae-ha is? If anything, Yeo-Reum is someone who knows what their hearts desire. If she had any lingering feelings for Tae-ha, you think they would have accepted your proposal? "

ha-jin thinks of his proposal back and cools a little . He admits that he knows that she loves him and that they do not have the conditions to break easily. But she has a box. "I've been thinking about all the possibilities, why they won the field, but no matter how I think about it, I can not understand."

The Box message to Joon-ho, and if ha-jin explained its contents, he changed allegiances. It kills to try Ha-jin to understand, but it is not really possible (understandably). Joon-ho asks what he is going to do about it, and Ha-jin replied with a sinister look in his eyes, "I think about it now."

done gets as Tae-ha for the work, he thinks of Yeo-Reum lifelong desire to build a chair she really loves. He is director Yoon to ask - for any business and congress documents relating to furniture - that covers is snuggled under Tae-ha. As they are, he gets a text from Yeo-Reum for all resources on the "modern French style" to be asked inside. He smiles and director Yoon accepts the similarities between the two workaholics also work on weekends.

Yeo-Reum prepares breakfast with Sol that their worries votes. After hearing about their sway because Tae-ha, it was strange that Yeo-Reum did not come home last night. To her friend still unsettled, Yeo-Reum proposes making extreme. "What if I had to cheat? What if I slept one day with Tae-ha, asking you an alibi for me to do? What will you do then?" Sol is serious and says Yeo-Reum never something do.

But Yeo-Reum remedy the hypothetical makjang with what it really means. "Of all the things that I told you, the only thing you remember is me because of Tae-ha advised admit to stalling. They remind me not to say that I love Ha-jin. The only reason I remain of ha-jin page, because I love him. "Still unsure, Sol asks if she'll go to Tae-ha, if she changes her mind. "Well sure. I can not leave the person I love and live with Ha-jin as a clam."

Sol gives her a puzzled look and calls it a terrible complex person. Yeo-Reum recognize their complexity and invites Sol to recognize them and - not only the worst, because accept one thing, she said. Joon-ho and Ha-jin returns, claiming to have gone on a bro date, Yeo-Reum cheerily prepares food while Ha-jin stoic face unnoticed.

In the office, Tae-ha research chair designs and director Yoon drags in some documents. Director Yoon had not noticed that Yeo-Reum had won a national furniture design competition, and wonders why they do not provide that the work has continued for 6 years. Tae-ha explains that after she had won, her father died, she broke up with him, and quit her job well. It is unfortunately underestimated for their work.

Director Yoon then asks about what their relationship was like. Based on their current interactions, they have been a quarrelsome couple. Tae-ha thinks back and pretends to be an odd couple. "We fought a lot, we both had a temper, and we were both selfish. But we were strangely compatible." Director Yoon gives him only a pitying look.

During breakfast, Ha-jin to show clearly in a dreary mood, but only Joon- ho seems a particular sensitivity. Matters only worsen if Yeo-Reum takes a call from Tae-ha on the table and intentionally tries to use honorifics to get her cover upright. There is another typical argumentative conversation between the two, but not more of Ha-jin perspective

Ha-jin lead -. More like drags - Yeo-Reum on an outing from which seems like a date, but he has the same grim look on his face the whole time. He is distracted by memories of all the coincidences between Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum, so it is clearly not enjoying his time on his robot-date. At the concert venue, Yeo-Reum stops him, so that they can go to the bathroom, where she her heels to some painful scrapes on the feet decreases. She thinks about Ha-jin strange behavior and do something up.

When she returns, Ha-jin tells her that he does not now in the mood for the concert, so they. Head home He seems to have noticed her feet, as he prepares a bucket of water, but he lets them take care of it on their own feet. Ha-jin calls about it and begins to make ointment on the feet, admits he scrapes through she knew. He asks why she did not, as usual, to complain while she says she expects that it was some sort of punishment, so let them be punished himself.

He answers with some sharp words, to ask why a selfish person would like let that be. "If there is any other day, you would have made the situation more favorable to themselves. They are the kind of person who tears fall to make of me." He is angry, but his actions say otherwise, as he to her feet to tilt further.

These hurtful words noticeably affect Yeo-Reum, and asks what the problem is. It is surprisingly easy and tells her about the legs. "I saw some of its content and resisted my urge to see more. I wanted to slide it, but I can not do that. You two are too close. When you are finished with it, you should get rid of the box got! "

Shocked speechless, all Yeo-Reum can get is a mere excuse. "I am sorry." That's all the memories of Yeo-Reum solves apologetically to Ha-jin, and he tells her that she has quite a bit apologetically, since it is united with Tae-ha again. She explains that they do not even do not know, losing only the timing to burn it to the contents of the box. Then she apologized again.

you profusely apologizes and says that he can keep from it some distance, if he wants, but Ha-jin says to stop her. He tells her to say that they will stay together even by fighting, and they repeated these very words on request. She adds, that they will fall further work with Tae-ha for this project.

Yeo-Reum bring in their furniture designs for Tae-ha, the next morning, and he flips rapidly through them in rejection. He tells her, these copies are, and that he saw those draft - they whipped them years at work before him. He reminds them that their contract allows it more innovative and to be expensive with materials. Aware of what it is capable, he pushes for furniture that has its character significantly. Even when it comes to him to get checked their new designs, he says flatly her that she should know if they are their best designs.

She has worked all night, finally falling asleep on the couch companies. Tae-Ha looks silently through their designs with approval and crouches beside her. As he puts her arm in the ceiling, he notices her ring, a flashing reminder to keep his distance.

A call from Ha-jin wakes them up in the night, but it is directed instinctively the caller as Tae-ha. This clearly upset Ha-jin, but he clarifies politely that it and her telling him to get some rest. follows a long silence, and they are struggling to finish their conversation. Ha-jin (voiceover): "I could not get to say this is just one of many days, we have in common:" I love you. '? If we get through it, it will happen "Yeo-Reum (voiceover):" If dating was a story where we would be "

Ha-jin finally applies enough force to tell her: " I am in love? You ", and she remembered him. But as soon as they hang up, he admits that for the first time, he said Yeo-Reum that he without really meaning it loves. He wonders whether this applies to the case of other couples, if they get through tough times, saying, but not actually the words meaning. he wonders if Yeo-Reum his same thoughts and revels in his distress.

the next morning, Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum grab a PPL breakfast in the subway. it adapts them to, because he knows that they are not olives do not like, and discuss them the progress of the project. Yeo-Reum says she is working for so long that they keep track of what has lost the day, is it, and when she checked her phone she realizes it's Tae-ha birthday. they did not mention it but it gives us that she is remembered every year on this day.

Ha-jin performs surgery on Ah-wheel arm and checks on her afterwards. He noted their downcast mood, and she stated that she did not realize that this was a quick process. She wonders why she waited to get rid of their scars 20 years. Another issue, he gets updates on study abroad plans. He goes to grab her hand, but keeps and leaves with a smile.

Tae-ha Leaders celebrate his birthday with a cake, and Yeo-Reum combines only in the celebration to recognize that it is for another employee , She begins director Yoon before he goes and asks them if they do not know Tae-ha birthday, and he says that Tae-ha is one no fuss to make his birthday so he only knows that it's sometime in the winter , Huh ...

Ha-jin advises Ah-wheel on her study abroad decisions and generously gives her an additional account for all costs. She asks gently if they keep in touch with him by mail, and he responded positively. A migraine suddenly strikes, and Ha-jin takes his pills. Noticing this has Ah-rim to send him an audio recording of her home, which she calms when disturbed.

Later that night, he gets a text from Yeo-Reum back promising at night to be. This text is followed by an Ah-rim with the audio recording. It is a simple chirp recording of crickets, but that is enough to relax him into a sound sleep.

Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum wrap their design work, and he gives her an extra set of documents to look through. He wants it as to pursue another job, what they are doing now - art furniture. "Since your father died, you have come to a halt. Her dream remains only a dream." Yeo-Reum asks why he does this, and he gives an honest answer. "I regret, is not better to you to understand more, and to love you more if I dated. I'm sorry. I did not do much else for you."

Then he jumps back in work discussion, and after a moment, Yeo-Reum does. She checked her watch and notes that his 10 minutes before midnight. give him some pictures of the site, to see through, she apologizes to prepare something. As Tae-ha looks through the camera, he discovered pictures of themselves, in fact, looking more images that Yeo-Reum took of him while he was not. As he tries to figure out what to feel, turn off the light, and Yeo-Reum goes with a candle with a makeshift snack cakes.

Back to the past, we see Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha happy to celebrate his birthday. As a gift she gives him personalized coupons: Sleeping in, to be late, no nagging, kisses, a sizzling night (rawr). Yeo-Reum then interviews with their faux-microphone and asks him what his wishes are. They are sweet all about them. See it more to earn more money to build her a studio, and hoped she wins her furniture competition.

In the presence of Tae-ha his candle blows out, and Yeo -reum interviews to ask him the same way, what his wishes are. After some thought, he says to her. "I want to be Han Yeo-Reum. So I know could be why you waited for me, why she was crying and ... why are there pictures of me in the camera. Because I know you'll never tell me I wants Han Yeo-Reum to be and find out what her heart says. "

the secret nearly exposed, Yeo-Reum device and asks what he will do if it finds a halt that from. When he brings a step closer, he tells her: "If my intuition is correct, then I'll take your hand and walk with you to the end I still like you I still want you, and I do not want you.. to send to anyone. Stay with me. you only need to bring one step closer. "

Obviously torn, but irregular, Yeo-Reum avoids eye contact as tears her face streaming. She comes to her senses and grabs to leave her bag. "I can not go with you. At the very least, because of my father, I can not. If I do that ... you ever not shake me like this again." She takes leave, and Tae-ha leaves they.

But when she leaves, she thinks herself about how she wants to take Tae-ha's hand and follow him. "I'm afraid not change those feelings." enter With this realization, Yeo-Reum legs and squatting in tears. She looks confused, and externally, Ha-jin witness their antics.

He goes in and demands to know why they will do so. Tae-ha enters the scene to return the camera, but hiding it as soon as he sees Ha-jin, the Yeo-Reum the car keys to drive hands at home itself. These two will have a lecture tonight.

it back to the Soju, Ha-jin says Tae-ha, the Yeo-Reum is not working with him on future projects. Tae-ha argues that it has not come to his decision, but Ha-jin puts his foot down and takes his leave. Of course, Tae-ha spits some stinging words, "Do not trust in Yeo-Reum. You have nothing came to her." That's stops him in his tracks, and he grabs Tae-ha up by his collar.

Despite Ha-jin threatening, Tae-ha continues: "They love Yeo- reum, but she loves herself Everything you need is her on your side, but it is not a by someone. their side to be satisfied or happy. they do not know what dreams she has and what she gave up. That's why you should not do. "That's enough Ha-jin provoke throw a punch and instigate a fight.

When Yeo-Reum gets home, she is met with Joon-ho, who scored from the phone only. He complains that situation happen for rental, and we see that the two boys at the police station. The bar owners complained that these two always fight when they are in place and asks if it is really just a girl in the world. Ha.

The examiner asks both about what has happened, but the bar owners to tap steps in a sense, in the boys with a certain irony: "met this doctor and injured people, and this construction company president my store crushed. Get together. What's so great about love? There are people struggling to make a life. "Well, it's some perspective for ya.

When Tae-ha leaves the station with director Yoon, he goes from Yeo-Reum. Keep eye contact even as he goes down the stairs and until it is faced with Ha-jin. They do not exchange words, and Joon-ho breaks the silence by stating that he had been to the police station many times recently.

When they come back home, Joon-ho, leaves the two to talk, but she looks back in custody. Ha-jin wants to know why Yeo-Reum wept. This is the second time he has seen it so with Tae-ha, and he did not let that slide down. In her mind, asks Yeo-Reum supernatural grow apart. "Is there an end there in the world? If so, then I would like to have this kind of farewell."

With this thought, she pulls her ring he lets up on the dashboard, and exits the car. Shock, Ha-jin grabs the ring and follows her. He puts the ring back in her hands and asks her not to do so, she asked almost. She looks at him and asks: "... Let us stop doing so let us fight to stop it is obvious that we are going to eventually disconnect"

Ha-jin argued back, that they do not know if they will end up, but she begs to differ. She is convinced that they have reached the bottom, and the end is near. He says that he can go even lower, but you do not want to:? "How much lower we need to go as much as you want to get done from hurting me Do you think I'll talk about that a good feeling how much want? you hate me? Why do you want to continue on an obvious way to the end? "

disbelief Ha-jin asks mockingly as she knows so well about romance and where she learned. Finally, Yeo-Reum tells him "Kang Tae-ha."

Although he already knew that catches him off guard and Yeo-Reum continues ". We have hit bottom We can not go deeper." You are the ring that slips through his hands and falls to the ground , Ha-jin looks pained when he meets the realization that they have reached the end.

When Yeo-Reum back into the house, Joon-ho waiting at the door to hear the whole break-up. He calls them, "Han Yeo-Reum, you're a bitch." Uff.

Tae-ha chugging beers against his fridge sitting in the dark and Ha-jin broods Yeo-Reum am Ring in tears rigid. The pain is not exclusive to the guys, as we see even cry Yeo-Reum alone.

In her interview, Yeo-Reum showing their feelings, "Joon-ho's right. I'm a bitch. But who, unlike Kang Tae-ha and Nam Ha-jin that call me?"


captures that. She's right. Who call unlike her two lovers you can do that? They implicitly recognize the injustice it has committed both men in their lives and know that this is the only two that have some - if at all - rights, they are ringing. There is a profound message it sends and which also need to reflect on me. I remember calling Yeo-Reum a bitch in a previous recap, and I feel bad and want so easy to excuse this word to use. Although their actions were manipulative and rakes, it is true that, as an observer, there are separate some is the weight we have this word in reference to. And Yeo-Reum makes it very clear that it is hard, hurtful, and definitely something that should be used sparingly.

All in all, a great episode for our exes but not so much for Ha-jin. But I feel that it was something consistent with his character that he always lacked a certain complexity that Yeo-Reum has in dating. As a person, he is a very interesting character, and although his relationship is a little frustrating and boring with Ah-edge, it's still sweet and genuine. With its relationship to Yeo-Reum, but it is fairly flat and easy. I wanted to be slightly more out of Ha-jin after he found the contents of the box, but disappointingly landed me. It is as the person punished by intentionally Yeo-Reum put them in pain a much better person. He was to be the asshole who put them through, but he could have handled a lot better with this situation. There was something very superficial about how he confronted Yeo-Reum and resolved the issue on the field. It was not real, and something that a point of growth of the relationship would have felt only uncomfortable.

And this superficiality could flunk the reason why his their relationship. They met to distrust and today never the benefit of the doubt. Any remedy for their relationship problems were temporary. It was only a matter of time before one of them called it quits, and this person was would not be Ha-jin. It was annoying, try to see him, to get over the last argument - his face to shock in a flash of anger changing to despair - because we know and he knows that he is on the losing end of this relationship. He has much more to lose, because he invested how much more was. Although I am disappointed that their relationship without enough opportunities fell through for Ha-jin have a say, it was necessary.

consider the interactions between Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum in this episode confirmed my support for it. It's the little things that I find that I stand out as Tae-ha Yeo-Reum want to order the exact sandwich or know Yeo-Reum prepare a snack cake for Tae-ha birthday. They still remember the little details about each other, which is a clear sign that they are interested in. And while Yeo-Reum further denies that it actually does, I have to give it to Tae-ha for so be patient and particularly Yeo-Reum personal dreams. Of course he wants them to come to him, but he finally just want to be happy, meet them and their greatest potential. I loved the moment when he realized Yeo-Reum feelings because he finally got the chance, his love is reciprocated saw. Even after he had to leave his vulnerable confessing his love and his step forward, he respects their limits and asked her gently to do the same. So swoon-worthy.

So the question is, what now? It is Yeo-Reum before his turn to step it. She has captured her heart to him, in fact, the opening, and it is time for them to embrace it. Going into the final week, I am confident that they will.

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tags: discovery of Romanticism, Eric, in Jung Yumi, Sung Joon

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