Recap And Reviews Kdrama Dear my friends: Episode 8

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Dear my friends: Episode 8 -

mothers and daughters. Love and friendship. These issues were the core of this drama since the beginning, but now that we are halfway through, then we begin to further deepen, discovering the downside of these relations. Some of them are beautiful, despite the difficulties, and some have a darkness that remains carefully hidden -. Or trying to remain hidden, but nothing can be kept secret forever

EPSODE 8: ". As if nothing had happened"

Stunned Nan-hee watches through the window. As Dong-jin and Wan Hug She staggers under the weight of this discovery - it's all the proof she needs to check that Wan a married man is dating, but in fact, that hug is their statement that things are over between them

As Wan leaves. office, she turns one last "Good-bye" to their first love, and Dong-jin tells her that she should just focus on to say back Yun-ha now. Besides, Wan informed him, Yun-ha has a new girlfriend, which is a surprise for Dong-jin.

Wan goes home slowly, stop raining down around them to watch the petals. She calls Yun-ha, holding her phone so that he can see the cherry blossoms, as she sings to him. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he smiles at her video call to enjoy the moment together.

Morning Nan-hee has a hard time concentrating on anything, if anything they can imagine, is Dong-jin her daughter kissing. She comes to the publisher and despite how busy he is, Dong-jin welcomes pleasant and invites her into his office a cup of coffee.

When he clears a space for Nan-hee to sit down, she studied the pictures of him with his wife and children. Just as he apologizes for the mess - it is their high season - Nan-hee throws a cup of water in his face. She begins beating him, asking if he played around with Wan, because she was the daughter of a widow.

Despite his surprise Dong-jin keeps his composure as the rest of his staff rush to the angry woman and leave it firmly restrain his hair under control. But she's angry, wanted to know how it can only be a "misunderstanding", if he has a wife.

One of the girls in the office trying Wan to call but it is not able at the moment to pick-up. Apparently Nan-hee has to justify enough damage for Dong-jin, a trip to the hospital, and she calls Choong-nam, who asked gently what happened. Nan-hee tells her no regrets that she pulled his hair and kicked him where the sun do not shine.

Choong-nam coffee date with Seung-jae, but is completely surprised when he informed her that he asked to be only fair, because in their help convincing Hee-ja has to go with him on a trip. Once it comes to the fact in the handle that he does not want to travel with her, she tells him firmly that it does not, it does not.

He does not understand why they act so crazy, and if she admits that she likes him, he starts to laugh. He thinks of her as only a small child, someone he has known since she was in diapers. But Choong-nam is up in arms, wanted to know if he likes it not, because he thinks she's stupid -. Just like her friends do Professor

Speaking of, they come into the coffee shop only a gift of a fancy carrying vase. They apologize for their past actions, where they leave, pay their bill in cash. It cries for them deliberately with the directions confusing, she gave her that day, and the professor is on, insulted in his own name.

He calls a tyrant for the use of their age to get their way and order them about, but she argued back that, as professors, they should not stoop to their old level ignorant. The professor pulls back and ruffles his vase.

Seung-jae tries Choong-nam to get to calm, to tell her she overreacted and should have a seat. Instead, she orders calling for him to stand up in order to know why he does not like them. He simply says that he would like Hee-ja - Choong-nam is like a sister to him. Once again, he asks for her help in wooing Hee-ja

But she asks if she is only the supporting role in his life -. The one who passes along the love letters to someone else. Now, she is the main character in her life and she refuses to play a subordinate role. Ha, it even packs the flowers he bought for Hee-ja as she goes. You go, girl!

He completely confused and wondered what was in it by their actions. He calls Young-won, to see whether Choong-nam is really serious, and she tells him teasingly that he is now so popular that they could fall for him also. Dazed, he says he is too old to deal with this kind of attention.

Young-won says Choong-nam, that there will be karmic retribution for the decision not want Seung-jae and that she does not anyone else to have him either. Choong-nam it does not matter - if they end up in hell, she drags her all aunts down. Moreover, this is the first time that it has the position of power, and they will use it.

Later Wan her colleagues apologizing for not answering her phone and forgetting back to call, but when she hears what her mother has done, it only closes her eyes, as if she is in pain. She thinks about her mother's last comment about how she has toiled for her daughter her life away, wondering why so different Wan seems they earlier.

Wan night remembers when she was young and her mother took the empty box. She pulls a yogurt drink from - and in your pocket is also a mysterious bottle. That can not be good.

tearing another can of beer, Wan tried to concentrate on their work, but you can ask the memory of her mother, the handover of the yoghurt drink, and young Wan not go if they could not drink it. But always obedient, she takes it from her mother, and when she observed during her mother downs her drink, young Wan slowly drinking, too.

Nan-hee her words calls only, and Wan hardly seems to spit in a position when she tells her that she does, and she will call back. Ahhhh, yes, the mysterious bottle was definitely not a good thing, because one man - her father? - Pulls through the field with young Wan on his back, as she spits blood, poisoned with

Adult Wan tells us that it shows that the night remembers, but never asked her mother why she did .. If today the same evening doing that today's incident pretends never happened?

Nan-hee washes angry the courts at work, for her daughter cursing a married man for the way they date raised her. Wan, in their voice-over tells us that they can not keep quiet more - it's time for them to tell just her mother to stay out of her life. You will not pretend more like nothing happened.


Suk-gyun brag about the way he no longer could stop Soon-young to help and send her 500,000,000 winning and Seung- jae got from Sae-oh. Oh, he's so proud of them simply "Thank you, Dad" text message and he keeps bringing up Jung-ah looks like she is ready to hit him.

He can just as Choong-nam is (and he says young-ah you say about Soon-young-message, hee!). But it is for the company over the ownership Jung-ah asked them to sell for them. Except that Choong-nam discovered that only one property is under Jung-ah name -. The rest Suk-gyun were changed siblings without Jung-ah knowledge

Choong-nam is ready for a thief to curse Suk-gyun, but Jung-ah just want to know whether it is single property for ₩ 50,000,000 enough. Choong-nam she accepts the money for Soon-young wants, but Jung-ah says it is for itself - it wants to move

in the yard to help Nan-hee, will continue while Granny she screams. Son distracted by his girlfriend to do his job. Sounds like it he will be a womanizer like his father, and Nan-hee says that if he wants to marry his girlfriend, when Grandma was only then he should be more concerned. Does she steal from her the "other woman" her son?

take from her husband Distracted his oxygen tube from his nose, Granny yells at him, asking if he wants to die only. She has had enough taken him by so often have to call an ambulance. In a huff, she gets on her ATV and riding on In-bong out to ask him how much debt has his girlfriend.

First they hear that there is only 20,000 won (about $ 20), but in-bong roars again and again that there ₩ 20,000,000 (ca. $ 20,000) and grandma grumbles that there is no way, her son is worth that much. As she drives away, he screams that they help to sell part of their fields or ask Nan-hee.

Choong-nam, Young-Won and Jung-ah are at Hee-ja the house, and they're amazed to realize that Jung-ah is serious to get their statement to a divorce. Choong-nam is the only one who supports them and pointed out that it would mean that all friends would be like -. All would either single, divorced or widowed

Both Hee-ja and Young-won think it would be best if Jung-ah remained with Suk-gyun - what is the point to get a divorce so late in life in? In the spirit of compromise proposes Young-won, that they go on a journey - feel Jung-ah dough thereafter. But Jung-ah determined. You will not be caught like her mother to live their lives. Instead of waiting for a bird to be free to die, she now wants to live freely.

While the aunts to discuss what to do with Jung-ah, Seung-jae calls, asks Hee-ja on a trip to go with him, but she just hangs up. Ha! The aunts agree that Jung-ah is quite stubborn, and that when Suk-gyun refuses to divorce, then Jung-ah it will take to court.

Hee-ja Nan wants to call hee to discuss it, but Young-Won tells her that Nan-hee problems of their own is must. Choong-nam says bluntly, it has to do with Wan someone they date should not that worried Hee-nay more, but she is distracted by the thought that Jung-ah could live with her after the divorce. Ha, it's hilarious watching Choong-nam and Hee-ja try to chat with their very different styles of communication.

When Hee-ja, asks Jung-ah, if she lived with her after the divorce, Jung-ah mocks - it can not stand the man has lived with for fifty years, so why should they choose to live with someone else? Aw, but look at Hee-ja sad puppy-dog face - how could they that say "no", may

Hee-ja suddenly orders to leave all aunts ?. She breaks out that Jung-ah seems nice and friendly, but she stabs secretly people in the back. They did so only an obedient wife Suk-gyun to be, just so she could tell him at the end. Hee-ja pulls into her bedroom, screaming that Jung-ah is two-faced. Choong-nam and Young-nam are a little stunned by Hee-ja outbreak, but Jung-ah takes it in stride, telling them they should at least the meal they eat prepared before they go.

Nan-hee Wan apartment to come, but this time your password is not working, and she is forced to ring the doorbell. Wan leaves softly her sick and pale when she retires to the bathroom. Without saying a word, Nan-hee is waiting impatiently for it, but if it does not come out, it opens the door Wan leaned over the sink to find.

she's a little surprised that Wan is drunk at this hour of the day, but without judgment she says to take her a cold shower and sober. Wan says simply that they tried, but it did not help. The memories of her mother explains that there are only two men who they do not allow Wan previously - married men and people with disabilities -. Mixing with the moment when she saw Yun-ha hit by the truck

Nan hee asks her what she is to her senses contribute back, and Wan says tired a cigarette, but she has no - Mom will buy you a pack? Shocked by their desire Nan-hee on only the door, but then go to the nearest store.

She throws her daughter to the cigarette as if she can barely stand to touch, and then she turns back while Wan smokes. Nan-hee patience finally wears out, and she takes a glass of water from Wan, throwing them to the ground.

When she cries on her daughter and suggests she asks how Wan can act, after all, what they taught her. To a married man come and smoking in front of her mother - ?. How could she, How could they Nan-hee repeated over and over

Wan in her has no fighting spirit, her mother grief easy to accept, and when she answers her cell phone by mistake, Yun -ha listens only to Nan-hee cries when she laments Wan actions. After a silent moment, he hangs up. Apparently, he called for "to stand his girlfriend" as Nikita describes it, but knowing that it goes through a hard time, he dispensed.

After leaving Wan apartment, Nan-hee dumps an armful of soju on the counter of a convenience store. She is surprised to see that the writer is her musician friend who thoughtfully a few health tonic adds free, encouraged her to drink first. But it is only quiet in their car and drives off.

Young-won place Nan-hee in her bedroom, sitting on the floor, surrounded by her soju bottles. As daughter as the mother? Crying, she says Young-won, that, thanks to her husband's affair, she always pulled every woman into consideration that married men dating to be a crazy bitch. They even thought of Young-won like that, and they were the best of friends. But she can not bring herself to call Wan. Sobbing, she asks Young-won, what she should do.

Hee-not through explanation of Jung-ah, they do not live with her after the divorce, and call them late at night to let them know friend that she can live quite well on their own. Nor is it "tiring" - she has worked very hard all their lives, not to be a burden on anyone, and even if they had to fight over her husband affair, they did not discuss with Jung-ah

still insists that she would live alone, Jung-ah tells her that they just do not get along when they lived together. Hee-ja sleeps on with all the lights and cleans with a roll of duct tape, while Jung-ah with the lights from sleeping and eating snacks at night. You should just continue to live and meet, if they can alone.

Hee-ja true dramatic, sad added that for this reason they say women are not faithful. You just did not think she and Jung-ah how it would end. Sighing Jung-ah hangs up, grumbling that Hee-ja is from Nothing doing a great thing. Then she sighs, misses her mother. Aw.

The new provision, Hee-ja calls Seung-jae, to tell him that she will go with him on the journey. He is enthusiastic and makes his little celebratory dance. He submits a text to Choong-nam, to thank them for a visit to Hee-ja and to convince them to go on the trip.

She did not, of course, and Choong-nam calls Hee-yes, ask who she likes more. Hee-ja, she says like Choong-nam more and Choong-nam told her when her friendship values, not to go on the trip because she likes Seung-jae and does not want it in a love triangle to end it with Jung-ah, Choong-nam says it employs and sends it to discuss what happened.

Hee-ja tolerates, but the moment she wants. That's fine - there's always talk Gi-ja, and she calms Hee-ja, the Jung-ah was going to be too hard. wants Except nosy Gi-ja know if Hee-ja was Jung-ah more money than they.

then tries her son Min-ho call, but his wife says that he sleeps. It's a lie, though, and as they have dinner, watch them as they. On the surveillance cameras No one is to speak for Hee-ja in this time of night - except Jung-ah. Hesitantly, she flips her name list down, stopping at Jung-ah, before sending a text message to Seung-jae, cancel the trip. Choong-nam it means more than he.

Young-won at Nan-hee to stay for the evening, and it's nice how she flirts playfully with Nan-hee, as they share a Bed. When Nan-hee you blame, it points out that she has cancer. So when Nan-hee thinks her life is horrible, they should remember that it may not be as bad as Young-won

But it does have an advantage of their cancer -. It promotes all the others. You can see them and feel compassion, how their lives ended. She laughs about the way they write online encouraging comments, telling the skepticism Nan-hee, it's good to laugh when you can. After they not about cancer.

The two friends to talk late into the night, and Nan-hee admits that she finds it hard to believe, Wan a married man would come - she thought, that they raised better than that of her daughter. But Young-Won Recalls that's not how it works - it does not matter what a parent tells their child, they can not control their lives

Wan evening spends her apartment clean -. From the glass that her mother against the ground on which all the empty bottles and cans of alcohol, up to her apartment is completely clean and well organized. Breathe, Wan sets to work, enter the first chapter of her book and the chapter title of "Mother" change to "Nan-hee story".

It's 2:00 and Hee-ja flips through the TV channels, painfully aware how slow time ticks. Nobody answers their phones at this hour, and Hee-even finally resigns to call Jung-ah, who was asleep but wakes up to answer the phone. Hee-ja wonders if Jung-ah her cell phone to the case holding Soon-young calls but Jung-ah giggles that her daughters call not even during the day, so why should they call in the middle of the night?

Jung-ah stops on her phone at night for Hee-ja knowing that she alone gets in her empty house and like to talk to someone , She says Hee-not personally take over their desire to live alone - its surroundings are so loud, they just want a chance for some rest. Also, they will see each other still often as they do now.

which is enough for Hee-ja, who happily says that Jung-ah is not but with two faces. She has worked so hard to support Suk-gyun, it's time, it has its own life. However, once she hangs up, she remembers the latest gossip and calling them back to happy about Seung-jae and Choong-nam speak. She admits that she is not sure whether she loves him, but she has decided to choose the friendship and let Choong-nam him.

Morning Wan visits her mother. Without a word, she sits down at the table and pulled out her notebook and hit the record button on her phone. She surprised her mother by her questions about Dong-jin cutting and Yun-ha, to tell her that she is there to interview for the book, she decided going to write the aunts.

Nan-hee decided yet unerringly, to find out why Wan Yun-ha broke - it was because he cheated on her? Wan says simply that he was disabled, and she knew her mother, that you do not want someone like that dating, she left him. After all, she has always obeyed her mother

Ignoring the surprised look on her mother's face, she asks where they should start the interview -. From when Nan-hee was born, or their first memory, or like the night that she was trying to poison her daughter? Stunned Nan-hee just stares at her daughter while Wan asks quietly if they should talk about the night, when she was six years old, "Why you dd try then to kill me in the fields of"


Ugh, what a cliffhanger. Obviously it has to be on this story more because of this short flashback, it looked as young Nan-hee tries a murder-suicide, but I'm still glad Wan her mother imperfections of the calling and answer their own demanding. For someone to obey all her life her mother, so spent, to do what it is asked of her - break with the love of her life - it has to be residual bitterness. Especially since Nan-hee is the most critical of all aunts, hard someone believes to judge that they have sinned against them.

Wan is not a perfect daughter, but then, Nan-hee is not perfect mother, either. Perhaps it is the desire of the previous generation of their descendants want to will be better than they are - or at least a better life - but as Young-won points out, you can not control someone forever. People will make their own mistakes and learn and grow from them, whether you like it or not.

Nan-hee, the auntie I the hardest time with respect to, had been, and I think it's because of how unforgiving it is. Obviously, there are some very real pain in their lives, but it seems as if they can avoid dealing with him, as long as nobody else makes mistakes in them. If you wrong them - even if it is only by association - they are cut up and let never forget it. Then again, I must remind you that it was not ideal home life. From the little we have to collect been able, her father was an alcoholic who often gambled the budget money, so they probably trying to compensate for the mistakes of their parents and her husband, by all concentrated ensure that Wan the is perfect daughter she so desperately believe in must.

Except Wan clearly not an ideal parental role model had either. She knew growing up that their parents only together because remained of her, and that her father was always in love with the other woman. While there has been it was not discussed openly, Nan-hee definitely a worrisome drinking habits. There are some very deep-rooted pain that was probably never really explored in her life, and although I know that it will come from a place of rebellion, I recommend Wan for refusing to ignore the skeletons in the closet. It's time to take them out and dust from and to the truth, no matter how much does it hurt. Finally, not what Nan-hee to know like? The truth?

In better news, I love love love friendship between Hee-ja and Jung-ah. You have my favorite pair, since I first met her, and I guess they know each so well that Jung-ah do not take offense at Hee-ja the drama. That's how it is and how she expresses her hurt. But Jung-ah also seems to know that any request Hee-jas duldend for them is not healthy - even if they always make sure to keep their phone close to the late-night calls

But it was. Choong-nam, stole tonight's episode. I wanted to stand up and cheer when they said Seung-jae that she wants to be in its history, the second guide. You may feel insecure again and again that they do not have the book-learning that everyone else has, but she has a strength of maturity, respect me, how fearless she is to be very direct with people. I love it that you did not call on her crap wasting a second man. Instead in the bottom of the ailing "what he really does mean," she immediately asks. The answer can hurt, but at least they know what it is. For me, that is true intelligence, and I'm glad Choong-nam, has enough self-respect for themselves, even if it is not always the easiest thing to do.

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tags: love My friends, in Go Du-shim, Go Hyun-Jung Kim Hye-ja, Na Mun-hee, Shin Gu, Yoon Yeo-jung

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