Recap And Reviews Kdrama Running Man: Episode 303

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Running Man: Episode 303 -

What begins as a simple loyalty test for our cast will quickly turn into a massive manhunt, where gold and oodles of money on the line is. This week is no easy task for the persecutors and their goals as they run around the city to collect clues that locked securely to locate. It is time to let the hounds and leave the never-ending hunt begin.

EPISODE 303. broadcast on 5 June 2016.

are straight into the action in today's preview, as Kwang-soo from an unknown pursuer runs We cast. The opening, however, takes six hours earlier, because each of the members are blindfolded upon arrival at Yeouido Park.

seen in separate rooms Led, take off the cast their blindfolds a chest and a map before you. Seven million won is tucked away in a safe somewhere in Seoul that among them, when no one will be opened within eight hours divided her breast.

When someone opens her chest, but then they can try and steal the loot for themselves. But this decision comes at a price-it will have consequences if they fail to steal the loot. Both Haha and Jae-Suk said Kwang-soo and Suk-jin not to open the chest, but the temptation is great for all.

to be

time of our guests who checked with the staff 24 hours in front of actors Ahn Sung-ki Jo Jin Woong (EEP) Kwon Yul and actress Han Ye-ri .

The stars of the film The Hunt they are the performers are hunting for reasonable, betraying the other. Your price: a chic gold badge. Ahn Sung-ki: .. "? What percentage of [of gold] is that" Ha

Jin-Woong he recalls in eliminating anyone in his last appearance failed, but he is more than willing to to be a hunter

Hahaha, Sung-ki tried his hand on tearing this night nametags. It is downright adorable as he thinks of offensive and defensive maneuvers at home, appraise his opponents. In his car, swearing Jin-Woong that he is not nervous.

Our four hunters watch the opening via a monitor and guess who could open the chest first. Kwang-soo? Gary?

But it's Suk-jin, who opens his first. There is another missing card in to tell him that he is on the run now. However, if the Hunters are removed before the safe is open, he and the others eliminated RM Members who won seven million divided among themselves.

Suk loud jin stated that he did open the chest that Jong-Kook prompted to ask if he can not read can. Then his Kwang-soo opens, followed by Gary. After all, everyone opens the chest, and Jae-Suk says the hunters on their tails when the siren will be smashes.

The notes are definitely old-timey to find photos and a license plate. up the Hunter once the siren blares, after point tracking Suk-jin (the rules say that the goals are in order of which opened their coffers first and be traceable for the first 20 minutes).

Kwang-soo finds the right car, as each climbs after him. They immediately start the car brainstorming while Ahn Sung-ki knows exactly where he goes without GPS. He and Jin-Woong to make a deadly combo.

Eagle Eye Gary guesses its first position by constant riverbed. It turned out that he right when the occupation of the crew car spots. , The hunters have access to a camera, as they try to determine where the occupation now is

Gary discovered a flag that their mission here denotes: Find the three notes hidden in this area. There are 9 lifejackets that are stickered as R2, and stopped a clock, given at 8:00 as R2.

Meanwhile decide our hunters, to divide and conquer, and ha-Jin-Woong asks a group of boys where the models are. Jae-Suk finds R3: a photo of the twins. Thus, the Unlucky Trio heads down to the jetty.

When they speed up to the bridge, there is a mathematical equation with the R behind them Stickers: the square of R1 (64) minus the square root of R2 (3) minus R3 in the third power (8). So their first clue is 53.

recognize the other, they can not leave because they do not have the car keys while the hunters try to stay low. Something does not feel right to Jong-Kook ... who captures Jin-Woong in a corner crouched. LOL.

She says all wheezing Ahn Sung-ki and Jin-Woong that these four are completely useless, to see them now.

Yul ripping off on Gary nametag in a flash, just for Jin-Woong it strike back. Jin-Woong tears Jong-Kook nametag to think that means Jong-Kook is on their side. But Jong-Kook tells him that's not how it works, and he hits it back. "I just wanted to Kim Jong-Kook nametag ripped off."

We learn that this. All part of the plan Hunters by trying to win some of the actors and to oust two members Haha it is running, and this time Ye-ri she pursued until they can no longer follow him. Ji-hyo he waits in a company car, until it rises in a taxi.

The Unlucky Trio travels around like a little flock, and receives a mark on the position of the safe. You can see a small grocery store in one of the old photos, which it refers to a specific neighborhood.

Ji-hyo calls in to tell them that both Gary and Jong-Kook were eliminated. She tells them that are guests today, adding that she and Haha do not know where to go from here.

So Jae-Suk told them to meet at Hongje-dong them, but then Kwang-soo sends it to another location to pick up another indication. She does not believe him, but she is convinced that if Jae-Suk sends there, too Kwang-soo trouble.

The hunters split, thanks to Ahn Sung-ki, to be able to identify the positions of the photos. Jin-Woong can pursue Unlucky Trio near Hongje station, where they are met by a locked gate.

you start arguing about how the hunter can easily find them, although most of the blame is placed on Kwang-soo. should Jae-Suk, he says himself lucky that he is the star of the group on the screen now: "Look at all the cameras on me are"

Suk-jin (his VJ): " Why isn filming [Jae-suk] "

Jae-Suk and Kwang-soo operating immediately start when a car near the spot, only to be told that it 't the hunters. They are able to take a ride with a resident hitchhiker who takes Hongje-dong Ant village.

you need to find someone named Kim Jae-Pyung here which give them a clue. You will find the man who gives them a book and they find out the next number is 27.

Jong-Kook, Jin-Woong, and Ahn Sung-ki come to the former administration building of the Seoul National University. You smile to see that Haha heading for them, but are confused when it is not immediately displayed.

Haha GPS point does not move, and if Jin-Woong some passersby asking if they've seen Haha, he has said that Haha the subway adopted. As it turned out, Haha had planned to take the subway, once. Out of the taxi to lose scene, while he went to another place was the hunter

We skip through Ji-hyo get another clue on the Unlucky Trio check-in , the. On the line where Jong-Kook is Jae-Suk thinks the hashtags on Social Media to check to find out where the others are (smart!) In Daehak-ro.

Meanwhile, the hunter who has been got regrouped in position. Kwang-soo gets a call ... from a telemarketer.

Ha, Jin-Woong locks itself offered within accident but Yul takes caution as it passes from the roof. Jin-Woong secures in a bathroom, as Unlucky Trio heads down. Hee-Jin-Woong could not be happier ... and then ringing his phone.

There is Yul, apparently to tell him that the trio is headed downward. Kwang-soo peeking his head, but then breaks up, having seen the hunters. Jin-Woong Jae-Suk pins and rips his nametag.

Yul eliminated Suk-jin, while Ye-ri runs after Kwang-soo. (Ye-ri: "Let's say hello to each other!" Kwang-soo: "Hello!" * Runs *) it does say if it has reached a dead end, and Kwang-soo is now offering you all notes to give, in exchange for leniency.

All they want is his nametag so Kwang-soo makes a run for it ... in the bath of women. He leaves moments later, and then the hunt begins again.

Kwang-soo finds shelter in a tent, then calls Haha, the slurp down noodles is employed. Haha agrees to meet, but then says Ji-hyo, that they will go shortly after Kwang-soo, as soon as he shows them the remaining notes.

Little does Kwang-soo know that Jin-Woong has locked on its exact location. The hunters approach in her car as he climbs away in a taxi a few blocks. Kwang-soo begins to sweat when he realizes that the hunters are on his tail, and listen to Gary that Jin-Woong is ready to pounce.

Jin-Woong: "You are on a bicycle, which has no bicycles downhill run" stop both cars at the red light, and Jin-Woong and Yul before the taxi stand, smiling. Kwang-soo asks the driver not to unlock the doors and encourages him to lose the other car while they still have a chance.

While Kwang-soo thinks he has lost in a parking lot, we see that this is not the case-the pull-hunters surrounded in the same amount and the taxi. He tried the hunters have to lead to Haha, but Jin-Woong is wise reluctant to believe him.

Kwang-soo Haha calls to reassure him that he has not been caught, then waits for the time to find an appropriate escape route. He heads for the stairs, but then runs right into Yul once he leaves the street. Yul pursues but loses him in a main road.

There is no way, Kwang-soo now expired because the timer to pursue its GPS location, and he left his VJ behind, also , Haha snorts when Kwang-soo tells him that he escaped and says Kwang-soo, the notes he-will ensure that Kwang-soo gets its share.

After they hang up, Ji-hyo ad reviews its options: risk with this bailout their own lives or to pursue the safe on their own. After hearing that their goal is not far, Haha latter chooses.

Kwang-soo ensures that keep on shooting, while it is running, then Jin-Woong discovered walking on the sidewalk. He does what the last video message in this hunt could be, which will continue next week.

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tags: featured, Haha, Ji Suk-jin Kang Gary, Kim Jong-Kook Lee Kwang-soo, Running Man, song Ji-hyo, Yoo Jae-Suk

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