Recap And Reviews Kdrama Entertainer: Episode 6

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Entertainer: Episode 6 -

to get the group together only the first of many hurdles for Dddanddara band, especially if KTOP she is determined to prevent, debuting at any price. Unless something changes, they have no hope of going against such a powerful nemesis. Seok-ho is he has been some serious soul-searching about the nature of man, and the kind of person he wants to be doing from now on.


Ha-neul finds Seok-ho under a lighthouse sits, and he tells him that he and Geu-rin to Seoul have moved. The whole band lived together, and they are all waiting for him to come back and lead.

He says Seok-ho that he thought he was right, that she would not let KTOP alone and that Seok-ho would blame themselves. But he says that he wants to sing, and he still want to do with Seok-ho as its producer. He says that he trusts to come back Seok-ho, and that they all miss him, and he leaves Seok-Ho, his thoughts.

Ha-neul gets cranky jealous when Geu-rin with questions about Seok-Ho peppers, but she tells him she's just worried about him, back to making music, so that they begin. Ha-neul do not want to tell the others that he still found Seok-ho to give him time.

The boys are in part-time jobs while they wait, and Seok-ho spends its time to the boats and thinking about Ha-neul watching visit.

Then, one day, when Joo-han precedes work, he hears a voice behind him: "How are you?" It's Seok-ho, he's back! Joo-han actually seem glad to see him, even if it is because life is more interesting with a rival to challenge you.

Seok-ho says Joo-han that Ddanddara band to be started, and that he knows Joo-han will try to stop them. He gave Joo-han a hard time when they worked together, Seok-ho all the numbers is fair, and tells him to bring it on. He also promises that he will work hard to clear Ha-neul name, and warns Joo-han prepare. Cuff. Thrown.

Seok-ho looks less confident when he gets to the Mango Studio, although again be seen on the sign, smiling leaves him. Min-joo is there, and she cries when she sees him, but she just sniffs cutely that she's hungry. Seok-ho tells her to let her feelings if she so badly missed him, and thanks her sweet.

Geu-rin and the boys get all the text in the same period of Seok-ho, tell it to take office in Mango. They react with the degree of surprise and happiness changes, then Geu-rin she says, to eat anything now , it has to go.

Seok-ho sees Heck, when they arrive, and it raises the boys - he's angry? He finally turns to them with a smile, and awww, Kyle is about to start the first sniffed. It is adorable, and the other can not help teasing him.

Seok-ho thank you to wait for him, but warns not to think about it, this means that it will be them beautiful. Kyle complains that he's terrible what they are waiting for six months for him to suffer (whoa, it was so long ?? away), but Seok-ho just giggles and gives everyone hugs.

Later Seok-ho asks Geu-rin for a report, as manager of the band, and he praises her to take Kyle page when he got in the fight. He gives her a candy apple, the reward he promised for giving Ha-neul the box with the Nirvana album in him, and commends them to stick together, while he was away again for all.

Ha-neul sees Seok-ho give Geu-rin a pat on the head for a job well done, and he pretends later to wipe some of her hair, but only be the last to touch it , So nice.

Min-joo says the song that Kyle and Ha-neul wrote his worth producing, which means they need to find a drummer. Geu-rin says that since her first appearance in small clubs check-out, but Seok-ho she is determined to make her debut on a big stage

Seok-Ho Ha-neul asks why he did not at school -. Is he with the band as an excuse to coast? Ha-neul shrugs, but he tried not for the music school, suspect it was his record that they deflect made him. Seok-ho promises its name whitewash ... not because he is particularly, but because he is innocent.

Next Seok-Ho visited his parents, who run a restaurant, and Yeon-soo gave a job when he needed one. Seok-ho and Yeon-soo go home together and Kyle repays the money Seok-ho gave him when he dissolved Ddanddara and insisted when Seok-Ho will reject.

Seok-ho hits Man-Shik is to stay the night and will kigurumi Man-Shik in a tiger costume swinging a Spiderman doll almost decorated as a weapon, hee. Man-Shik fusses disappear with him then want a place to stay, but ultimately relents.

Geu-rin working their practice studio on the cleaning, while Kyle complained about the literal egg crates on the walls, although Yeon-soo remains positive as usual. Seok-ho hates the place and call the owner to express his displeasure, but he runs into Mr. Byun out before reaching him by phone. It turns out that they know each other - Mr. Byun used to work for KTOP.

Hilarious, do not recognize Seok-ho, Mr. Byun is the owner of the studio until he starts ranting about how horrible is the place oops. He was amused to hear that Mr. Byun now distributed meditation tapes and religious music for a living.

He goes to a music store and takes someone to hear banging on a set of drums, and follows the sound plays a child find the drums with a broad grin on his face. He sees how the child is to his mother that he had to buy books for school, and when he's gone, Seok-ho asks the shopkeeper, who he is.

He is a Seoul university student who uses a musician per se, but it comes through the store to play the drums whenever he has time. Seok-ho goes to the school grounds and the students found by a class, and sees him pick up his mother. Seok-ho mutters to himself that it would not be easy to talk a mama's boy in connection Ddanddara but determined look on his face.

The next time when the student shows up to play the drums, his face falls when he sees that it has been sold. The shopkeeper gives him a note that says: "If you want the drums back, come find me at this address"

The address lines him. Ddanddara to practice studio, where he finds Seok-ho on drums Seok-ho asks him if he for real, not only want to play for fun, the drums, and the child up for advantages on the back.

His main concern is the possibility of finding practice time around his school schedule. Seok-ho assured him that he did not ask him to leave the school, and he is smart enough to pick their songs pretty fast. But would not life be boring, only one thing to do and never to have fun?

The child is nervous, but the temptation to play the drums in a real band is too much to resist for him. Seok-Ho brings him to office Mango to meet everyone where he as SEO JAE-hoon (Teen Top L.Joe ) introduces, and Seok-Ho literally chasing Kyle to the office while he blurts any deepest secrets, PFFT . I think it makes sense front of the new man all the bad things to tell correctly.

Jae-hoon all of these processes, then squeals in excitement - it's just like in the movies! He may look on the outside like a square, but the new man is a total heodang .

Seok-Ho decided that Ddanddara debut must be a opening performance for a television music show that is ... high, to say the least. Man-Shik thinks he is still considering that it's crazy, but he will not be talked out of it.

Since Geu-rin job will include as a manager a lot of traveling, and it has not been driven for a while, Seok-ho, it offers take out and give her some pointers. Ha, she goes about three miles per hour, and he asks her practice to go a little faster, they made freaks.

cannons the accelerator, then brakes to avoid pedestrians, then angrily out of the car when Seok-ho yells at her. They flop to the curb and begins to cry, so Seok-ho apologized a little too hard for be on it.

He tried to massage her shoulders and she screams at him, causing him to blurt out "That's why you should never teach your wife or girlfriend to drive!" Little blunder there, buddy? Geu-rin shouts back to his wife or girlfriend is not, and Seok-ho all I'm just saying!

The band teach Jae-hoon her song, but he has never played with a band before and Kyle has to remind him not to overwhelm Ha-neul voice. Jae-hoon amazed how good the band is working, yet to see this as some great dramatic adventure. Hee, he is the cutest dork ever.

Soon they are good enough to start recording, and we get an assembly of all that they went through to get here, as we their song for the first time heard. They are very good, and seem together to have great chemistry.

CEO Lee has heard that Seok-ho, an album with a new band is recording, but Joo-han says confident that he has blacklisted everywhere him from promoting, smaller Hongdae stages. CEO Lee asks why he does not make it easy in the first place from the album heard, but Joo-han thought it would be more fun if he can Seok-ho first up his hopes.

They also depend on the song blacklisted up to online stores, and Seok-ho murmurs that they. A way must be found KTOP He does not say what his plan is, but he hides a secret little smile of Min-joo and Man-Shik.

He makes a song for Mr. Byun, and asks if he put it on his website as this month religious music. Mr. Byun is impressed enough by the song, and Ha-neul particular, that he agrees.

Seok-ho asks if Mr. Byun Sung-hyun Jo recalls, and the name is Mr. Byun go strangely still. Seok-Ho thinks he him not remember and remind him that Sung-hyun is the type that he agreed with his album help while Seok-ho was in Moscow.

When Seok-ho says that Ha-neul Sung-hyun's younger brother, Mr. Byun looks nervous and his hands begin to shake. He remembers sitting and to tell him that Sung-hyun was dead and CEO Lee had pretended that he did not know Sung-hyun in a car with CEO Lee.

The look Ddanddara boy painfully awkward on her album photo shoot, although it works for them somehow. They manage more endearingly gawky shots.

Seok-ho pursues the Jackson Fan Club president down who just so happens to be an amateur photographer. He asks if he can see the pictures they took on Jackson in Busan showcase deflect their questions, only to say that he must see because Jinu. She is convinced and truly shows him photos of Jinu me from him that night, leaning on a girl and getting into a taxi with her.

Seok-ho has really swallow his pride to approach a PD he was too rude in the past, to give him a copy of Ddanddara band album. Ha, PD Park blows him and Seok-Ho from chicken. He gives himself a pep talk in the bathroom, practicing to be bold or even crying, and it is interrupted when someone in a stall asks him him some toilet paper at hand.

help from the smell creeping (ew), Seok-ho, the guy, and as the man he says, it comes out that he Seok-Ho heard practicing, and tells him that the best thing to do if you are desperate begging. Seok-ho gives up and goes back to the car, but can drive away before Geu-rin, he holds it up and go back to find out he has nothing to lose.

he finds PD Park and braces, then slides on his knees in front of the guy. He apologizes for his bullying when he was an assistant, and asks him to help him to please, just this once. He asks only that Ddanddara band be allowed on the stage again, to say that the children should not suffer to be associated with him, and asks PD Park to give them a chance.

Seok-ho has come even as knees every day, until he has made for how he treated PD Park, but we do not hear the reply to Seok-ho's tearful request. But Seok-ho looks dejected as he goes back down to the lobby, to laugh with people staring and all around him. He begins to sneak in shame, but suddenly realized: "That's not right."

He loudly proclaims to the entire lobby that he is the CEO of Mango Entertainment, and the manager of Ddanddara band Shin Seok-ho. He shouts: "Thank you Thanks !! ." And rolled out, his head held high and proud.

Outside he Geu-rin motions to wait just a little longer, and is going to get to a secluded area itself together. He tears himself from the humiliation of what he had to do just to repeat the name of the band members (and Chan-hee) over and over again, to remember why he does that.

Geu-rin has Seok-ho favorite finished drinking coffee, when he comes back to the car, and they ask not even know how it went because inside. She says only that he has ever had the best boss, her favorite, and she believes that what has happened, he did. Awww, he needed to hear that.

Haha, Seok-ho mishears tell her that he. "First person" for "first love", and he is so nervous he accidentally Geu-rin of macchiato drinks

It turns out, Seok-ho's bent knee apology works, and PD Park is sure to bring Ddanddara band on TV. Nothing Joo-han has may change his mind, and the Managing stations from the US, so as CEO Lee says he does not fear KTOP not know. He says Joo-han forward the message if Ddanddara goes on their station, no band KTOP will always decorate their stage.

Seok-ho has the happy dance of joy when he gets the call that Ddanddara will go on stage, and the whole band is celebrating , Jae-hoon belatedly realized his mother could see him and asks if he wear a mask, ha. But before it can process the good news, Man-Shik announced KTOP the threat to the TV station.

Worried, Min-joo literally drags a reluctant Seok-Ho to see a therapist to sleep, citing his inability. He is stable and said that he is not crazy, but Min-joo argues that, when he was sick he would see a doctor - he suffers, and he just needs a different kind of doctor.

The doctor says Seok-ho emphasized that no such a route seems much. He says Seok-ho that he does not have to take everything on themselves, and gives him to try some medications. Seok-Ho has a fantastic screaming from the office that the guy a quack, and Min-joo smiles to himself that the doctor must have hit a nerve.

The next morning Geu-rin finds Seok-ho recipe in the trash, along with a picture he had drawn in the rain by himself. The doctor had used it as evidence that he shoulder the responsibility for everything that he has not even drawn with a raincoat or umbrella. She looks up at what it could be, and finds the same information - stress.

The Jackson fan club president calls Seok-ho and said that another club member has more pictures of Jinu of that night in Busan, but they are a little insulting.

Mr. Byun's CEO Lee, looking determined and almost angry to see and warns him to leave Ha-neul alone. He says he is Sung-hyun brother, but CEO Lee acts as if this is not of interest to him. He asks why he should care, and Mr. Byun simply replies: "You killed him Jo Sung-hyun."

Meanwhile Seok-ho looks at these new images from Jinu in Busan, but what interests him, is not what Jinu doing -. There in the background, with an evil, calculating expression on his face is Joo-han.


I did not see it coming, but I'm not surprised to learn that CEO Lee somehow with Ha-neul brother Sung-hyun's death was involved. Drama Country is a small world, you know. I guess as we small pieces and parts of the story are always as the show goes on, instead of just one big information dump, because it keeps us (or me at least) is interested and on the hook, eager to tune in and find out more , I have a feeling we have not yet learned the most of the truth of the night was Ha-neul framed, and that it all goes back in one way or another to CEO Lee. The same applies to Sung-hyun's death - it feels everything is connected, and with many different topics.

Now that the show seems to have its direction found, we can do more on the band focus, and this episode will begin a little more like the fun, lighthearted drama I feel to be expected of the promo materials was. It's not that I. The darker aspects of the plot, with Ha-neul the false belief and KTOP commitment indeed something about it, I think that one of its main characters a sexual assault conviction for a drama about music was quite brave to give The show has done a decent job, to play the details of what happened and tease who the real mastermind is (every time I think I know how it is, we something new and my opinion changes experienced) but these episodes week brightened this aspect of the story and turned more attention to Seok-Ho and his relationship with the boy Ddanddara.

When I said in the previous recap, it feels more balanced, and I appreciate the "feel" of the show much more this week. I make the attack subplot find interesting, and I'm curious to see how it affects Ddanddara as they begin their music career, but I also enjoy better to get to know the band members, and to see their new little family form. Each of them has to be such a strong personality and reason for the band, and yet they are all mesh together so well, and it shows in her first song. I can not get enough of it, and want to see together even more of Ddanddara Boys, please!

I also enjoy Seok-ho change See, almost another person over many times more as he learns how to without the cache of KTOP name and power to be behind him to. He thought he was a great shot, but it was to really disturb only each be afraid of him because of who he worked for. Now that it has no large power plant behind him, he can learn how to gain the trust of the people and help on their own, based on Seok-ho's part some pretty serious introspection is required.

I think the show its transformation following is good, as it learns each lesson, how to apologize for his behavior as and humbled himself to ask for help. And if he does, he does it with the utmost sincerity and true repentance, I really like him as a character. He is not only to get lip service, what he wants - he really does it really mean when used to treat bad excuse someone, even if the humiliation stabs. And he has to do it for the right reasons, because it is the right thing to do, and because, as he said, the boys are innocent, and talented, and deserve a chance to be given and not punished for it on their own merit, is connected, him. do Ironically, what he can to ensure that they will not be adversely affected by his band, Seok-ho slowly but surely change in the type of people who earned their trust and respect.

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tags: entertainer, episode 6, in Hyeri, Ji Sung Kang min-Hyuk

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