Recap And Reviews Kdrama God's Gift - 14 days: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama God's Gift - 14 days: Episode 5 -

No, I did not kidnap or dramallama solabelly and lock them in a shed so I could recap this episode. You come back to continue recap, if I get my ransom to the garbage drop of the Han River. Please be patient; it takes time that many unmarked bills and a paper bag to prepare.

Soo-hyun has the chance to change the future, when the fate of the killer literally rests in their hands. Is her daughter to be mean storing a killer himself? Now, we know what Jang Hye-sung must'd say about it.


Song Ji-eun - "너 에게 갈 수 있다면 "(If I could go) for the OST [ Download ]

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Life Depends killers in limbo as he dangles outstretched Soo-hyun hand over the edge . of the third floor in an open construction site he begs for his life, but Soo-hyun, the words of the mystery cafe owner remembers: ". the fate ends when one of the two disappears"

she mutters aloud that he has to live die for her daughter, and does the unthinkable: ... they are released

the killer begins to fall Dong-chan race from the ground to catch up among them and gets just as the killer his foot caught in a rope down on the way to Dong-chan grabs the other end.

Dong-chan pulls him by the leg back up, and the killer creeps over him if he is sure. of course it is him only takes about two seconds, and then turn the tables and attack Dong-chan, because he is evil.

He catches Dong-Chan unprepared and chokes him halfway from the bar, and that finally shakes Soo-hyun of her daze and gets her ran them. Dong-chan is struggling to breathe, but it carries away from him, to push the murderer to rich.

Dong-chan hangs himself with rage, shouting that he is only saved his life and what he repays with him. Meanwhile, he is really angry, and when the cops finally they reach, Dong-chan is the daylights out of the killer dies and has actually pulled away, kicking and screaming.

Lead Detective Woo-jin takes over and arrested the murderer. He says to go Soo-hyun home and rest before tomorrow comes to give her account to the station. He thanked Dong-chan, it wipes as to be patronized.

Woo-jin asks him to Soo-hyun home to see, very familiar use its name as it has always done. Dong-Chan notes how strange it is, and gets cutely protection: "Soo-hyunie Are you not a little recklessly, the wife of another name them?"

Then Dong-Chan noticed the killer rigid Soo-hyun down, and to block the steps between them of its view and the same threat again.

Once vacate the police, Soo-hyun legs finally give out. She is sitting in a daze, and asks, "did you know that, do not you-that I let go" Dong-Chan pretends not to know what they are talking about.

asks you why he saved the murderer, when everything ended could have there. But Dong-chan says that you do not give the right to kill him, is for the courts and to decide the law. Dong-Chan: "I can not make the killer you, I can?" Wow, I did not think it was possible to be hot for you, but there it is.

She's worried that something will go wrong and the killer is released, but he assures her that it's over now. My episode count says otherwise, but I'll let you have your moment.

shed tears and leaves them finally believe: ". My baby is alive" He smiles at her and says that she looks pretty damn cool right now and she bursts into tears and leans against him as she sobs.

But the clock continues to count only, and tells us that it is now 12 days, until the incident.

While in the street waiting for Dong-Chan the car around, Soo-hyun calls her husband Ji-hoon and asks to pull to talk Saet-byul. He annoyed that it all day and night, without a word is gone, but you can just pleaded with him to hear Saet-byul voice.

And he shakes Saet-byul answer from sleep the phone, and Soo-hyun apologized to study her nagging, and promises, they go to Snake Concerts to leave and to stop all their tutoring, and even cheat on tests. Ha.

But Saet-byul is already asleep, and Soo-hyun sighs, wishing she could hear her voice one more time. Dong-chan breaks to tend her bleeding neck, over the fuss until they met.

Although he runs out in elation, and then tells her the good news: the last victim it through surgery and is still alive. He beams: "You and I-we changed fate" She breathes again and repeated the words: "We changed fate ..."

He runs back the car with the medicine for her claws, and tried to direct them as they shall get it before so unnerved that he himself is doing. she looks at him intently as he gets close to her, and he decides that they must be of amazed at how nice he looks around.

she thanks him to help her, and asks what he change his mind. But he only changes the subject and tells her she could tomorrow want to go to the hospital, get checked out, just in case

that's when she realizes that he is scraped all worse than it is, and begins his cuts tends. "they are your already ! ugly face scars all over "He corrected. his sexy face

He looks gorgeous thrilled when she as a mother blowing on his bruised hand, and they deadpans that makes him or her bratty rebellious son. He is still impressed by her fighting skills Badass back there against the murderer, and she just says matter-of-factly. "That is what a mother" She says his mother would have done in this situation the same, which gives him pause.

Hubby Ji-hoon for she waits in the garage when it arrives with Dong-chan, and it makes for an uncomfortable homecoming. She takes Ji-hoon inward, and Dong-chan lingers asking a moment ago on Earth he that man has seen. He mutters that it's not on television, he just can not place.

Ji-hoon flips from her squashed and dressed, to see how she's been dying to clubbing, and asks what's going on. But she embraces him straight and sighs that his embrace feels so warm.

She apologizes for everything she has done to him, and promises that they will no longer run around like a crazy person. He is to bring dying careful about their fear Saet-byul, but they called it a nightmare that she mistook for reality, and says that it is now over. He hugged her back easier.

Dong-chan another of his recurring nightmares about a man has a body in the river dumping, and wakes up in a cold sweat

Soo-hyun a hat happy breakfast at home, and Saet-byul wheezing when Mom makes them eat what they want, and matches them to the snake concert with her friend Yong-Gyu take.

She also says they work stop going, so they can now play with Saet-byul all the time, and thinking: "Thank you God for collecting Saet-byul back to me. "

Opa Byung-ho is basically with Dong-chan lives now, and complains about the whole heart-healthy foods Dong-chan is holding, insisting he would prefer something for the male endurance. Ew, halbae!

Dong-chan now asks him to hand over the money, because he has done a good deed, and in the detail to tell how he caught a serial killer with nothing but their bare hands and Ninja stealth capabilities.

Opa whaps him on the head and called him a liar. He agrees to believe it when Dong-Chan may make a witness as evidence, and shows him the contract that says just that.

So Dong-Chan goes straight to Soo-hyun the house of his spy to get passage, and says that he does not go to the police station down, no plan, if it is an open-and- be shut will fall as soon as they the killers DNA test.

he brings Opa and asks if she will tell an old man that he is a good person, and to see him as he saved the day. Soo-hyun, he guesses trying to impress his girlfriend's father or something, but insists: "No, I have no girlfriend"

She laughs and agrees Grandpa to tell the truth. Yet he harps, "I said, I did not have a girlfriend!" Lol, they do not even ask more about it. All I get is from this exchange that he really did not really want to think that he has a girlfriend.

However, they are interrupted by bad news from the area, and if they fall down there, Woo-jin tells them that they have no trace found evidence that the killer binds to the victims. The blood on his clothes fit even the last girl, and Soo-hyun realizes that it is their struggle in the car her blood.

Dong-chan, recalls that the killer was wearing different clothes when they fought in the apartment earlier that night, but he still does not understand yet how they will not find at the scene none of his DNA. Gee, that's looking bad

The killer looks pleased with himself, not even sweating the interrogation, and in flashback we see why. He circled back to the apartment after Dong-chan ran after him, and wiped the place clean and changed his clothes.

Woo-jin sends his detectives to find back to the field a bit, something that will tie him to the crime scene before they run out of time, and have to release him. Dong-chan is asking in Woo-jin's face as he could mess this when he served him a killer on a silver platter, but he knows the same thing that Woo-jin does, without concrete evidence, their hands tied ,

Soo-hyun keeps in the bathroom and gets peeved when a woman splashing water on her while she with her ring fiddling, but it jogs a thought and it expires Dong-chan to ask whether it will as evidence when they see the victims belongings in the killer at home. She remembers that the second victim had a ring that gets on her sweater, but it was not in the photographic evidence after the crime. You decide to check them.

Meanwhile, the killer gets food delivered to the interrogation room and pickpockets's mobile telephone deliveryman while nobody is looking.

Saet-byul runs, as they depend on the target looks to Yong-Gyu, and when he asks dejected, whether they got a new friend, she takes her very special Super ddak-ji out that Dong- Chan made for them and gives it as a gift to him. Aw. He lights up and agrees happy with her to go to the Snake concert.

Ji-hoon is to leave early only through the office, so that he can go to the concert, when he gets an urgent call ... from the Killer. OH NO. He will not end up to be the defenders of the killer he is ??

Dong-Chan and Soo-hyun go to dig into the house of the killer, be sure to wear gloves, since you are looking for murder trophies. When he digs a drawer under, takes Dong-Chan a seemingly innocuous Goldring and an image that alerted him there with his nephew Yong-Gyu his mother. He hides it from Soo-hyun, not knowing what to make of it yet.

check the bath last, and then suddenly to answer two policemen in the house a call that someone broke in. Dong-chan jumps into the tub with Soo-hyun and draws the curtain closed insist that they can not catch that. Officials come so close that it is nothing but a gossamer curtain between them, and as they exactly Soo-hyun accidentally knocks an hourglass from the shelf above it.

Dong-chan it begins as the ninja cat that he is, and she gets to avoid fortunately tampering with evidence. He puts the hourglass back on the shelf because it ready to go when Soo-hyun something shiny sticking out of the sand looks. Yahtzee.

Ji-hoon is in the police station and sure enough, he's here to see the murder suspect, who was arrested without evidence and brutally beaten for no reason. Well, if you put it that way, it makes your wife as the villain sound. This is going to be terrrrrible, is not it?

He asks the customer to see and immediately begin arguing to beat Woo-jin on a suspect during interrogation. (It's hard to wrap your head around the time frame, but they have not yet met. Right?) Woo-jin insists that the police for his injuries are not responsible, but the killer she swears those were beating him ,

While sitting with the murderer, Ji-hoon answers a call from Saet-byul and apologizes for the snake concert is missing, and the killer looks too keen on this tidbit to learn about him. (And Saet-byul is a strange enough name, even if he did not know who was Ji-hoon before calling, which is already unlikely, that name should ring a bell.)

He is on Woo-jin to force his hand and released the suspect when Soo-hyun and Dong-chan in a hurry with two pieces of jewelry they get found in the house. I need to hide confused about them in the bathroom when they themselves wanted anyway present the evidence, but whatever. Details, shmetails.

that they conserve stops by the release of killing with seconds, and Woo-jin takes the jewelry of the victim's family members to have their identification. That's when Ji-hoon past it in the hallway and yelling to a halt when he sees there are his wife.

Soo-hyun is understandably at the end of her wits when she hears that he is the murderer to grasp their lives risked only, and screams that Saet-byul will die if he goes free. He rails when turning back, that crazy idea brings, but she does not care if he believes.

He tries to tell her that he does not say that the man is innocent, it is simply not treated fairly by the letter of the law, and its mission is the to protect human rights. I know it is absolutely right when he says: "I'm just my job," but I'm with Soo-hyun as she looks him up, as he just betrayed.

Things go from bad to worse when the family members of the victims have not seen the jewelry. Asks you again to look with them, but no dice.

The order comes from the top of the food chain, and Woo-jin is ordered to release the suspects. Soo-hyun sees him from the other side of the glass with a grin, and flashes of Saet-byul body on the lake and her funeral come flooding in, until it's just blind panic.

She looks down at the table where Woo-jin gun sitting, just asking to be picked. She is waiting for its moment and then, before anyone can react, she grabs the gun and runs into the room and towards the inside with the killer.

you off the camera and keeps the audio recording in the blink of an eye, and raises the gun in the face of the killer. He enjoys it actually to ask details about how he kills her daughter, and promised to fulfill all their wishes, by doing just that.

Soo-hyun tells him to confess because they are all over his last victim has survived, and when she wakes up, she is putting it away. But he says only to profess her first about why they go off his hand. At the end he refuses to say a word: "I have so much that I have to do when I get out of here." Shudder. She closes her eyes and screams at him to die, and pulls the trigger ... but he gets up and pulls the gun closer ". You need to first solve the security"

they manage to get the gun back after losing the battle, but Dong-chan crashes in and holds them back before they can shoot. He drags out, kicking and screaming. On his chest and screaming pounds that it is his fault to save for that bastard and make him alive.

When they trudge back, Woo-jin is the handcuffs run undoing the murderer to leave freely. Soo-hyun loses it again and grabs him by the leg and refused to let him go. She screams that he is going to kill Saet-byul, and now I'm more shocked that she him motive is to give.

you have to peel him and let him go, and then they hit with yet another disaster when another detective rolled into Dong-chan for the third victim of attempted murder arrest. What. He is taken away and Dong-chan says go to the first of her daughter to protect only Soo-hyun.

she runs home in panic, and sighs relieved to hear that Saet-byul studying in her room. But then remembered the note on her door to her that they exactly the same thing in the past timeline did when she walked concert without permission from the snake. The room is empty, just like before.

She hurries to her car, and trips and falls in her haste. She ends her key under the car covered and has to reach for it, but something holds otherwise short her. Blood?

We removed Saet-byul and Yong-Gyu in line for the concert, and she goes alone to the bathroom, where a man is holding her on the way. Eep.

Soo-hyun arrives at the venue and she and Yong-Gyu scrub the place to look for her. Panic mounts, but then they see Saet-byul approach, and oh phew, it's Dad she ran into earlier. He just stood there faster than Mom did.

Snake arrives at a lot of fans, and Saet-byul want to join them and share their oppa birthday gift. Soo-hyun refuses ever they go or look to leave the concert, and when Saet-byul an attack plots, Soo-hyun knocks accidentally Yong-Gyu over, his camera broken. Uh-oh, things still happen the same way. She clocked the moment with appreciation.


At the same time, the killer on another goal emphatically, and sneaks in a hospital bed. Ugh, I knew to tell him that his last victim was still alive was a bad idea.

He raises the curtain ... and pops Dong-chan. Hey, tricksy, When did you have time to do?

A review of Soo-hyun discovery under her car revealed more than just blood. She finds the bag with a knife and clothing that the killer hiding there in a hurry, while being chased by Dong-Chan knowing that this way it would not. By the police in his neighborhood

Dong-Chan grins that he has done now, and then takes the photo of Mama and Yong-Gyu. He wants to know what the killer is doing with a picture of his mother, and the reaction is legitimate surprise: But the cops break it before Dong-chan can get all the answers

Dad "Your mother.?" raises bad mood Saet-byul of her Hansel and Gretel , and she smiles to hear to read the happy ending at the end. In general, the human rights defenders, asks Dad if the witch a Mörderkind really was, because what if it was not, and was wrongly at the stake? They would interpret it that way.

Woo-jin has enough evidence to hold the suspects, this time, but the killer asks to talk to Soo-hyun. He says he wanted to take this secret to the grave, but changed his mind and he wants to tell her what he knows. He will only say, Soo-hyun, and he adds that they'll not regret to hear what he has to say.

to come down to the, true station with the killer to speak, and ignored Ji-hoon pleas for them to understand his side of things. For them, it was a simple betrayal, and she turns it off. When she leaves the jewelry they found in the killer sitting at home, Ji-hoon looks curiously.

When Soo-hyun gets to the station, Woo-jin tells her that they can even talk to the killer is back from the crime scene reenactment. He will be transported, how they speak, and Dong-chan follows in his own car to keep up with the intention of the man a hairy eyeball. Good, because I get no confidence in the police it back as promised.

Sure enough, the police van on a windy road, down and suddenly a truck pulls into it from nowhere and slams. The car is a hill to collapse, and Dong-Chan runs to help everyone, the car out.

In the chaos, he does not see that the killer has come out on the other side. Even before he believes he sees, Dong-chan is whacked on the back of the head.

I do not know how, but it is not enough to knock him down. Despite of his head bleeding, Dong-Chan gets up and chases the killer walk. Go, go, go!

Am Woo-jin station gets a call that makes him howl. And then Soo-hyun phone to ring only a few seconds later. It's Dong-Chan: "He's dead."

He leaves a bloody baseball bat, and it lands on the floor with a clack ... the next killer lying there in a pool of blood. Holy shit.

Soo-hyun takes her wallet, the police returned to her. She takes the photo of her and Saet-byul from the secret cafe. There is no Saet-byul.

Woo-jin comes along and brings even more bad news just died-the third victim in hospital.


OHGOD, they have not changed fate, they have? What a great Triple-Twist episode. It actually started as a rake gimmick to feel when they lost the killer for the umpteenth time in the car accident, but to end him dead is a fantastic twist. Now there is no doubt, and we have deleted from the register; he is a murderer, but he is not our Killer. And worse ... Dong-Chan now has killed someone.

It's really starting to scare me that the case for Dong-chan seems to build to have a dark side that scares me, because I love him. It is exclusively on Jo Seung-woo , of course, that is nothing short of amazing. I can not rave enough about what he would do in this drama of smarmy to gleeful to disabled too dangerous loose cannon, all with so believable Nuance. It makes my day, Ki Dong-chan. I also love the name a pun on "awesome" ich -because believe that he would call Captain Awesome, if he could.

But he has a violent streak and blackouts got that we can not ignore, right? I refuse to think badly of him until someone puts a gun to my head with irrefutable proof, but what I love about this drama that no one is safe from suspicion. It's a good way disturbing as far as storytelling goes, because the second you get someone attached and feel like it could be a couple of good guys on the same side, we get the reminder that no one is in the clear exception Mom , It is our only good guy.

I trust Dong-chan, because he had the presence of mind Soo-hyun to keep a killer before. That to me says enough about his character. But I admit panting loudly as he dropped the bloody baseball bat. Because Killer or not, I'm not sure that he asked to be beaten with a bat to death. Did he Dong-Chan say the secret, he would tell Soo-hyun? Does it have anything to do with Dong-Chan family, or the murders be Hyung is in jail for? And ack, which brings us to the possibility of return that Dong-chan has not somehow accidentally brain him with a bat while trying to do the right thing? Say it is not so.

I love the way Ji-hoon is also used in this new timeline. You do not have to think there could be a human rights lawyer to be a disadvantage to get married. But it turns out when you try to put away a killer, he becomes a new opponent. What is great is that he is technically in order, and I buy totally that he is the idealistic kind of person who believes in what he does. It makes the conflict so rich because Soo-hyun give no crap about ethics when her daughter's life on the line, and not put them in opposite corners. It is a much more interesting way to explore the gap between them, and not only for their hateful mission time, they fight to disappear it all. For this alone, I could have been nice these murderers to have a little longer.

Yunno 'because it is not to let the show's us off pins and needles anytime soon. Might as well embrace the fear and go for broke

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