Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three days: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama Three days: Episode 15 -

At least we know that with a show like Three days , is the final showdown of the basket, where they have laid all the eggs. I would argue that they did so at the expense of a more evenly paced drama, but I at least know that they put some muscle (and money) behind an action-packed last week. At this point is not much left to surprise us in the story; it is usually just sit on back and enjoy how the plot unfolds, for better or for worse. ... What I mean not really, because we are not really going to let the bad guys win, right?

Song of the Day

Baechigi - "신기루" (Mirage) for Three days OST [ Download ]

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March 14 18:00.

as the President visited the memorial in Yangjinri, it Automatic shots is the perfect opportunity for the final mole Bluehouse to initiate an EMP bomb and cut off communication for the entire security detail. signaled the arrival of the bad guys, and they. jockeying for the president

you are outnumbered and outgunned, but the agents voluntarily made a call to the Blue house to try one by one in order, or stay behind the rest to give a chance to run away. It costs them their lives , and President Lee trembles before him gunned down on the right.

Tae-Kyung arrives, but by the time he gets there, it's eerily quiet. he looks down and found the park littered with corpses-his friends and staff there just lying, what his way up the stairs like a bloody massacre-as-roadmap.

He puts together what happened and can together barely keep it if he finds the friends who clearly hold the line voluntarily, while the others got away. He holds his breath, as he turns the corner behind the garbage bin, where the body of the President would be if he were killed ...

There's nothing. At least we know that he survived but he has gone, or he was taken by the men with machine guns?

Tae-Kyung calls Cha-young, to tell her what happened, and asks them to report directly to the Prime Minister, because it can rely on in blue house literally the only person. She does, and tells the prime minister in no uncertain terms that it was Chairman Kim, who orchestrated the attack.

The military and the local police per the Prime Minister's orders are used, and Tae-Kyung operates under the assumption that the remaining security team was the president of. He passes to the next safe house to check if they made it there.

Chairman Kim takes Yangjinri at nightfall, and the steps on the chalk outlines of fallen agents, as he makes his way to the memorial statue.

He grins President Lee for these unimportant people all these problems go, and swears Yangjinri home to another bloodbath to make "All because of you." He muses that it will soon be a second Meaning memorial statue be erected right next to this.

scatters his team to hunt the president down.

March 14 18:35.

Tae-Kyung is the safe house on his way, and looking at the closed Art Gallery for signs that the president was there. Someone comes up behind him, and Tae-Kyung instinctively whirls pulled his gun.

It is the head of the command center, and aaack, I'm pretty sure Tae-Kyung has no idea that he is the Blue House Mole. He is smart enough to generally guarded and suspicious though are what is a good sign.

The main command center is that he was shot and got away during the attack, and asks Tae-Kyung, if he knows where the President is. Just then, gets Tae-Kyung a call from Cha-young with updates on the military and police searches.

He eyes the boss carefully before him, that one of the agents called the president of an emergency phone scolded the highway. Oh no, please tell me that's your genius trick-the-Mole plan and you feed him false intel ...

The chief thanked him for the sharing and Tae-Kyung face-to-face with two assassins go, so that the door to block. , Crap

Tae-Kyung backs up slowly and reaches the only thing in his hand his phone. A cell phone against two guns does not seem like a fair fight, but he disarmed completely and it beats the shit out of them nothing but his phone. Well I'll be damned; This brick phones actually are weapons.

While he travels with each image, chair and banners in the room, the command center boss calls to beat about the emergency phone President Kim. Keep it to check, but the phone in question is out of order. Puh, a point better.

A flashback shows us that Tae-Kyung was alerted to the conflicting accounts of the security team meeting, and even though he had never said which of them the mole was, knew he was a possibility that it was not the communications team leader.

Tae-Kyung begins outside the gallery on the command center chief and shouting at the top of his lungs, to wonder how a guy could call Security Team Agent on the president. He gets in two good shots and then shots interrupts the third coming as an assassin to hunt him.

chasing him along the railway tracks, it fires every chance to get it. One of the military convoys stops when it flashes the shots, but the command center chief his badge and tells them to hear that they have a suspect who have lost after President: Agent Han Tae-Kyung. What we did this entirely before.

Tae-Kyung escapes and keeps thinking about his next move. He now knows that the president to escape has managed, otherwise the villains are not for him, the search and allows hunting for.

What the security team needs most is a phone or a car, and the only place to find that the village of Yangjinri is. Tae-Kyung takes out his card to try and guess route.

The President and his core security team make their way through the forest, but President Lee holds in his tracks when he hears that they are traveling in the city. The security team leader guesses what he is afraid of pushing the citizens of Yangjinri in danger all over again.

The team leader says it is late enough that it won 't run into villagers, but swears that when people are put at risk, he will defend them as if they were the president.

Tae-Kyung mulling over the various routes and thinks back to a training session, where they had discussed what a worst-case scenario to do. Team leader Ham teaches that while protocol is important, what counts most, the thought process is to know at every turn of the president. The more you guess how the president will react in a given situation, the better chance you have to protect him.

Tae-Kyung follows that advice and takes the place be empty at this hour would be guaranteed: Yangjinri primary school. Sure enough, that's where the president and his team arrive.

The tension rises in the Blue House to make with staff from the Prime Minister under pressure a statement as act. He staggers, not knowing how to proceed when the phone finally rings. It is the security team leader, who reports that the president is alive.

The Blue House leads the military to the primary school, but the problem is that the command center boss sitting next to a soldier when he gets the call Radio. Augh. This is bad.

Tae-Kyung race rotate through the city on foot, when he sees a familiar Jaesin bomber as a local policeman in the corner in the direction of the school. The agents at the entrance of the school to ask the officials for their badges and the killer smiles and reaches into his jacket ... and a weapon draws.

asking them to obtain guns down immediately, and the security team crawls the President. Other villains come filing into the school, and the decreasing security team goes from four to three to two until finally the team leader the last man, with the president's standing.

you get in front of the door and the team leader told the president to run while holding the shooters here. This is a terrible plan. President Lee refuses to go without him, and clings to his arm. It kills me, the arm gripper, and looking up like a frightened little boy.

The team leader has made him go yell, and urges him to stay alive and to fulfill his wishes as president. President Lee promised to stay alive, and makes him promise to do the same before it meets and runs away.

President Lee running as fast as his legs carrying him, and the murderers come around the corner as the hero music swells. Now, I know what that means.

The security team leader keeps them from valiantly, but it is only a matter of time before he is shot down. The rest of the assassins after the president run, while a man is left to put the last bullet in him.

he the weapon points, but then shot by is behind him and the assassin a go down and out. It's Tae-Kyung, thank goodness, of his team leader running on the on the ground bleeding.

He says Tae-Kyung to hurry, because the president alone, and Tae-Kyung stomps his concern for the boss down and go through their mission to fulfill. The team leader looks after him and died only a second later.

The hunt is on, as the president passes over the river and through the woods, with the murderers directly on his cock and Tae-Kyung (hopefully) not far behind.

President Lee makes his way to the street where a car screeches to a halt on his way. Is that good or bad? It does not look like a fancy car, so I think that the rules of Chairman Kim for now.

We do not learn to see what is happening with the president because Tae-Kyung right into a unit of soldiers all with the instructions to gun him running down , Grreaaaat. He dispensed with courtesy and screams at them that they do not have time for this.

At the same time, the command center chief heard the latest update, as he rides with his military escort president has been removed along. He asks her to pull over for a second, and then it shoots without hesitation.

He drags her body into a ditch and calling the team of assassins on the location of the President, and they come in front of the Army, but the President is not there. You wonder what's going on, when suddenly a huge wall of soldiers appear drawn their pistols.

ordered the villains lay down their arms and lying on the ground, and that's when the command center boss him discovered: Tae-Kyung, behind by foot the soldiers. Yes.

A review of a few minutes ago: Tae Kyung after a brief telephone conversation with the Blue House is released to confirm his identity. The soldier says that they put out a call going to arrest when Tae-Kyung stops him and asks if he can transmit a radio signal only on the car where the command center chief hitching a ride the real villain.

He goes there now and will in this third strike, shouting: "You know how many died Security Team agents because of you Why WHY???!" Is He pulled aside before they hear an answer.

March 14 07:10.

Cha-young gets an urgent call from Bo-won, which is a welcome change, because I was worried they would be benched for the final showdown. But Bo-won has worked an angle of their own, and says that they arrest.

A review of earlier this evening shows the shadow assistant armed prosecutor in his office walking with a can of gasoline. He pours it all over the place and is getting ready to be lighter than Flick Bo-won enters the room and turns on the light.

He mocks that it is impossible to stop it on their own, but she tells him that she has cool unstoppable intend him, he can everything, they go ahead and burn since attorney Choi all relevant evidence put in a safe place. He also dismissed the prosecutor know how to protect this would happen.

He accused bluff, but she says there is something that he seems not to know prosecutor Choi is still alive. confirmed A short shot of him in a hospital, that he was still breathing, although he is not aware of

She adds that it is something that he does not know, and smiles. "I did not come here alone." Your security comes in to arrest him, and they can decide whether to fire the office lighting or cooperating is better for him him. "You should know since you are a lawyer" Ha


Bo-won told Cha-young that he works, even if he does not know where President Kim's. One thing in his testimony niggling but if it is, and she tells something he saw: four white truck, loaded with anything and driven away by a team of men.

It's terrible vague, but then has to find one that Chairman Kim not to deliver Girl Scout cookies in the middle of the night.

Tae-Kyung remains, while his colleagues agent bodies are loaded onto the ambulance, and he keeps his team leader close in the eyes.

Someone calls President Kim to tell him that all the bombers are arrested, but he could not care less. What is more worrying that he says that it does not matter, which means that the lack of staff not derail its final plan.

Tae-Kyung noted that Jaesin ace assassin not the bad guys she is trapped, and worry about the fact that he is hiding in disguise in the eyes of all as a policeman. The officer in question at the time will stop cars at a security checkpoint, and he leaves a local ajumma ball when it denies see anything suspicious.

Once the ajumma street is down, President Lee appears in the backseat. Oh, it was the driver who picked him up on the side of the road. She says now (in an eerily calm manner) that her husband died in the 1998 attack.

But she sounds sincere, as she says, that other people might feel differently, but she's grateful, after to have some answers 16 years of age not to know the truth about his death, have always thought that the official story does not add up.

President Lee would offer twice about floored that have never imagined a citizen of Yangjinri to help him and not see him as a villain that killed its citizens.

Cha-young calls Tae-Kyung to tell him about the four trucks. She is searching every inch barrier between Seoul and Yangjinri, but she worries that it will not be enough to find them.

Bo-won lingers for their help in the hall of the police station and the prosecutor thanks her out, and urging them to go home now. But she has to leave also concerned about the case, and he finally realizes that she is going to stand there all night anyway. He has let them watch the investigation, and it lights up. It's adorable.

you start polling all the men they have in custody, which are connected to the Chairman Kim, but none of them spoke. Bo-won watches from behind the glass and detects a detective in the interrogation room, a bespectacled man who took her statement and refused prior days to complete a word that she said to believe.

You prosecutors said now that she thinks she knows why persuaded nobody. I like this prosecutor, because as soon as she says it, the detective is forced out of the housing. Once he is dragged out of the room, the assassin who starts their car exploded talking.

He says that the chairman Kim Hound is only Falcon, and says cryptically, that included the truck, "what you think they do." It implies that there is more firepower than the last time, but does not specify what we have to do.

of ajumma the President drives him to be cautious, says, adding that she saw strange men in the village last night. That gets his attention, and she tells him about the suspicious men driving around in identical trucks.

He asks her if she knows where could be one of the trucks, and it remembers one seen on a bridge, in front straight up. It is still there. The President is out of the car, despite their protests, that it is dangerous, and marched ahead with purpose.

Chairman Kim receives the report that the President has not yet been found, so he says it's time to let him come to them. I suspect that "make it" includes innocent civilians to kill?

He says that there are a lot maneuvering took the president of the Center of Yangjinri get to, and we see that he orchestrated the attack on the memorial to pull him closer. He swears President Lee to make lose everything he has.

President Lee pulls aside the curtain of the truck bed covers, and will sit a briefcase. He opens it with trembling hands and found it packed with explosives.

Chairman Kim in his car sits with his cell phone to activate the bomb chosen. "Look with your own eyes what is happening carefully because of you." He presses Send. The suitcase bomb counts down ... and detonates.

Tae-Kyung hears it go, from where he stands, and the Blue House control room sees the flare on the satellite feed. "There was an explosion in Yangjinri. A bomb went off!"

March 14 19:50.


okay, so for the final of the device at collision on all crescendos is pretty good that we need from his bodyguards isolated president, gunned every good soldier down until our hero is his last line of defense, set bombs civilians distributed in danger, and a frenzied evildoer with his finger on the trigger. Check check, check, check. It's just ... we total these things before in this drama done. The truck bombs are all well and good, but why we steal their thunder by bus bombs earlier? It was shocking for the first time, Tae-Kyung was framed as a villain, but now it's just frustrating that other good people fall for the same villain tactics.


moment by moment, the episode good momentum and I care enough about Tae-Kyung and the President invested in everything they are going through. But weighed against the series as a whole, it starts to feel really repetitive. I think if you have a show name Three days and nine freaking days to tell the story, is the repetition of a self-fulfilling prophecy? I just wish that we had not before seen a version of each of these elements, because while the characters and the world remain fascinating, the plot feels less zingy when everything we do is a Best of episodes 1 -14 repackaged album.

The number of fatalities do something for them (macabre, I know, but it does add heft in the battle), because we spent focusing the series really on the relationship between President and bodyguards, and hammering in as these agents trained to give their lives in every moment, to protect him. I have, that the entire team of secret agents got the hero treatment and was an extension of the Tae-Kyung character. It was a nice way to explain his sense of duty, without actually putting in harm's way Tae-Kyung (we need it to stay alive dammit), while effective, the voltage-up as they began to die one by one , The construction to the last man standing great things, and son Hyun-joo has an amazing job (as it always does) from looking so vulnerable and anxious at the thought left alone to be.

Overall, I can not say I'm not disappointed with the show that I wanted it to be a really tightly woven thriller, the large use of his time made conceit and made me every minute of the feeling that my life depended on it. Instead, there is not even counting what time and day it was, and we returned to a good number of conflicts on the way. But I also have the series all the way through, and especially loved Tae-Kyung character, his morals and his badass fight scenes. (Is it because Yoochun is a dancer that he is good? I do not know, but he is). It was a beautiful reciprocal relationship between the President and Lifeguard duty, respect and trust, which felt deserved and kept invested me, no matter what action circuits we go to.

I do not expect to change the finale, I about the show feel strongly (although I think that you will never, that the sharp left turn can predict when a show going to take some); I expect fully to play the best of the action in the last chapter in a satisfactory manner, because that's pretty much why we're all here. If the universe Listen: That is, the villain goes to jail, our hero saves the president and all the citizens, and is rewarded with a big kiss from a police officer. Let me not to send you back in time, so you got it right; ., That never ends well

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tags: featured Micky Yoochun, Park Ha-sun, so Yi-hyun, son Hyun-joo, Three Days

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