Recap And Reviews Kdrama The Good Wife: Episode 2

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama The Good Wife: Episode 2 -

Dealing with a case could have been that ripped from recent headlines, Hye-Kyung begins to realize that her husband's scandal has perhaps more affected her as she lets on. It may not be easy to be constantly reminded at every turn of the scandal when she tried to concentrate on her new career. You can not send for their private interests in the way searches of justice for their client - or can


Hye-Kyung preparing dinner - a delicious looking stew - but when she opens the lid, the pot is empty. She calls her children to the table, but they are entranced by television replays her father the clip scandal. She opens the door to the bedroom to find her husband in the arms of another woman. But it's all a dream. Phew.

The morning after she sends her children to school, Hye-Kyung has an unexpected encounter with Chief Prosecutor Choi. He asks if she is Tae-joon innocent thinks, and she admits that she first not, but thanks to repeated attempts by the prosecutor to discuss it with her, she begins to wonder if her husband was framed after all.

chief prosecutor Choi says he has more videos that he could let go, but did not because he thinks for the first time by her and her children. Oh, did Tae-joon tell her that the famous scandal was the only one? There are a lot of them do not know about her husband, who had no qualms about abusing his power.

Hye-Kyung interrupts him to tell him that he is trying, they should stop using, to get information about her husband, and instead only find to secure its claims evidence. Chief Prosecutor Choi noted ominously that he has checked into their background and knows a particular car accident on - perhaps something that could discredit them as a lawyer. But she refuses to blackmail him and says just do what he wants.

At work, which are M & J staff all the buzz about the latest news report on Tae-joon attractiveness. Joon-ho asks if she has seen it -. There is a lot of information about her in the video as well, and offers you to send a link so you can check it online

Just now, but she has a new customer, she asked, as her lawyer specifically , Joong-won says there is a case, the out-of-court is likely to decide, but also the company a hefty sum Garner.

The case concerns a rape victim, Lee Eun-joo, which explains their side quiet. Although Joong-won and Myung-hee ask those questions, and Eun-joo is friend via ask on loudly how much money they can get from the chaebol who raped her, Eun-joo keeps its focus on Hye- Kyung.

Joong-won warns that Moo-il group has deep pockets and high-priced lawyers, so they will have to tread carefully if they want a high settlement. But if they do get a settlement, it is as close to an admission of guilt, as they get to be able -. There is no way this case ever actually go to court

Eun-joo whispers that all they really want is an apology, and Hye-Kyung glides over a box of tissues as Eun-joo dab her eyes can. It seems the only tuned to what the victim actually feels.

to argue in private, Myung-hee and Joong-won on the case. Myung-hee thinks Eun-joo to is to get money from Moo-il group, but Joong-won not really know if Eun-joo is to tell the truth. Was crucial for him is that the company is set to get a lot of money of the Commission's case.

Hye-Kyung does not believe Eun-joo looks like a liar, but Myung-hee points out that lawyers not pass, as they look for their client - you must go with facts and evidence. Warns Hye-Kyung their personal feelings not to be disturbed by their judgment.

Moo-il group lawyer takes an old classmate of Joong-won and Hye-Kyung to be so Joong-won up sets a lunch meeting to speak with him, "Baseball." until then studied Hye-Kyung on Moo-il group and Joon-ho follows through on his promise to Tae-joon to link the news report.

she clicks on it and adjusts the video for calling her husband to discuss scandal and impending court date. Then on the video to an audio recording of the sex tape on, and Hye-Kyung immediately switched it off. Dan comes only to deliver their files on Moo-il group has it that the entire office told the video watched, so they should also not be embarrassed.

Joong-won and his old classmate, Attorney Jang Dae-suk, happily discuss baseball over lunch while Hye-Kyung, as requested by Joong-won, quietly staring at him. It seems that he has brought them there as a distraction because Dae-suk is surprised to see his old classmates, especially their now infamous status as the disgraced prosecutor woman considering. Dae-suk admits that although he lost cases to Tae-joon, he really respects him.

Joong-won, walk brings headaches that chaebol Jung Han-wook talking to Moo-il group. Dae-suk says immediately that M & J used to be a reputable company, but now they are wasting on Eun-joo case time. She slept with Han-wook, because she wanted to, and now trying things to twist in order to earn some money.

When Dae-Suk asks their opinion, based on her husband scandal assume that they will be on the side of someone against baseless lies to defend, Hye-Kyung tells him that it is not a "scandal" - it is rape, plain and simple. Dae-suk confirmed that it was entirely a consensual act, and then scribbles down a lot for them to Eun-joo to take the "blackmail" to get back to prevent the scandal to go public. Based on the large number that he wrote, Hye-Kyung concludes that it definitely rape.

Back in the office, Hye-Kyung asks Eun-joo, why they explicitly asked as her lawyer. Eun-joo stated that they saw Hye-Kyung on TV, and thought she would be more understanding of their situation, as Hye-Kyung suffered thanks to anyone else.

friend are the SEO siblings and Eun-joo has already discussed how to accept nearly $ 400,000, the Moo-il group serving as a settlement. The catch is that when Eun-joo accepted, they will have to sign a confidentiality agreement. When that night someone Moo-il group can sign it and then try to talk about what happened to her to sue for defamation.

Eun-joo asks what Hye-Kyung thinks they should do. With a quick glance at their bosses, Hye-Kyung stated that $ 400,000 is not just a ridiculous amount of money, and if they went to court, there is no guarantee that they would get a lot of money. It would also be emotionally exhausting for them to have analyzed the details of her rape in court. But Eun-joo wants to know what Hye-Kyung personally would do if they were in Eun-joo shoes.

She hesitates a second, but then firmly replies that they would go to court. Relieved Eun-joo admits that she really what wants is an apology, not money.

Joong-won Hye-Kyung pulls aside to ask why they moved their lives more difficult. As lawyers, their job is to earn money for their clients. The $ 400,000 is in a sorry Eun-joo ever get so close, but Hye-Kyung will give the truth to the customer, so that they know that it is the true sacrifice. Joong-won points out that Moo-il group advocates keeping only the event to make it difficult for them to draw from - it is ready to fight to the end

Hye-Kyung does not care if she is naive - she believes that Eun-joo deserves more than just money. You assume full responsibility for how the case will turn out, knowing that it could be fired with her.

Everyone nervously awaits Dae-Suk call back to let them know when Moo-il group has accepted its terms Han-wook demanding apology. But Dae-suk, she says refused, and instead they will raise Eun-joo for false accusation, proving she's just a gold digger trying to blackmail someone who is innocent. Eun-joo called friend is angry that this means that they do not get the money, but Eun-joo sticks for an apology to her wish.

Considering that Moo-il group seems to think it proofs M & J threat to go to court, Hye-Kyung asks Eun-joo be shut down exactly what happened that night. She explains that she was in a club when someone in the VIP area she begged him coming. Everyone started to drink a lot, and all she remembers that she fainted.

When she woke up, Han-wook was on them. She tried to resist, but he was too powerful. Then, to their shame added when he had finished, he threw a stack of money on them. She went to the hospital with Sang-man, the so-called friend, because she could think of to take not from someone else.

Dan comes with the results of their study showed that Eun-joo once worked at a hostess club - which is also where she met Sang-man who would drive the girls to their Dan "dates." recalls that Eun-joo was assigned to a place of prostitution are drawn a weakness in their testimony into consideration, even though Eun-joo angrily points out that no matter what their background, rape to rape.

when Hye-Kyung asks if it admits other witnesses, Eun-joo, a that one of their employees, Ye-ji, went with her to the hospital because they happened to be in the car at the time but she is not sure where Ye-ji is now. She could be crucial to help them to bring and show that Han-wook Eun-joo raped, if only they can find their case in court.

Dan has to find out what information the prosecution has - she has a friend there. Yes, sure, a "friend". When her boyfriend looking through some documents, it showed that Tae-joon seems to have a connection to Moo-il group, but above all else can be uncovered, Attorney Park suddenly appears.

chief prosecutor Choi sits with Hye-Kyung, demanding to know why Tae-joon put them up to this. She scoffs at the idea, to tell him she is trying with Moo-il group to obtain an agreement. But chief prosecutor Choi will still suspicious that the very company Tae-joon threatened to go is one thing, she is willing to take a stand against random with some woman.

He advises her to cut their relations with Tae-joon and only to live their own lives. When Dan Hye-Kyung are hugging goodbye before the prosecutor take her for questioning, she slips a piece of paper in Hye-Kyung pocket - it is the address of the association Eun-joo used is around at work

While the head of the host club Eun-joo recalls, it is not before when Hye-Kyung asks about Ye-ji. It is not until Joong-won suddenly appears and provides the prosecutor is interested in their business to get to them the information it has on the girls.

Joong-won tried calling the phone number on file for Ye are ji, but the phone number is no longer in operation. Meanwhile, Hye-Kyung flips idly through the photo book the call girls and wondered why some are classified differently than others. It's about what services the girls were ready to deliver. Keeps you on a photo of the girl who is with her husband in the video, and the boss lady sighs.

Amber was her "ass", but erupted directly after the scandal, she disappeared and was not been heard from since. Hye-Kyung begins to wonder if "the prosecution" for other women except Bernstein asked, but ceases when the boss lady who recognizes her as Tae-joon woman.

The next day, Hye-Kyung visited TAE- joon in jail, everything about him chief prosecutor Choi warnings to tell. Asks bluntly whether he took bribes, but he insists he did not do it, and the evidence will confirm that. He brings to the rape case and revealed that he was the one who recommended to go to Hye-Kyung of Eun-joo.

She snapped on the fact that he knows Eun-joo name, asks if he slept with her, also. then asks about Amber - he has to pay for them in the role play specially, or may not use a condom? Did he take it with him on his trips to America?

Tae-joon slams down his fist on the table, furiously telling her he is not so. When will they finally forgive him? But she keeps remembering all those times when Tae-joon, he said the matter had to take and leave early during family gatherings. She is not sure what to believe in no longer.

But he insists that he only Eun-joo recommended knowing it means bringing in a client that would make some money for M & J, so give Hye-Kyung certain prestige with their bosses , Hye-Kyung points out, that is, he has to their Checking. He explains quietly that he just wants to do what he can to help in her young career, but she does not want his help.

lawyer Park meets with Dan, her a flash drive with a copy of slipping the file she wanted. Looks like she's more than a friend in the prosecutor's office, although it is not an is I would have guessed.

Dan and Hye-Kyung Eun-joo gos College to disclose, according to the report of the public prosecutor, the sperm found on her that night was, not Han-wook is. Eun-joo is shocked and insisted that he was the only one she slept with that night. Asks Hye-Kyung to trust her, but Hye-Kyung keeps thinking about Tae-joon and longs to wonder if Eun-joo slept with her husband.

keeps quiet even as Eun-joo desperately insists Ye-ji saw that night her with Han-wook. Except they are not found in the location Ye-ji, and Hye-Kyung told heartless Eun-joo, that they may end up going to jail if it has revealed that they have made a false accusation in an attempt charges of prostitution avoid.

Dan at Hye-Kyung sudden change in attitude is surprising, pointing out that the sperm could have been from a Han-wook friends who could have raped when she was still unconscious. Dans change of opinion on the case, due to the suspicious way affects the prosecution - why should they threaten Eun-joo if nothing happened that night

Hye -kyung comes to share a pizza with her children home. Her son tried to hide his face, but she immediately his bruises and bloody lip, clearly revealed spots that he was in a fight. She is willing to do in the school to head down and asked why the teacher did not do anything about it, but he shrugs. If it goes, it will only make things worse, because they will recognize it as scandalous prosecutor woman.

The attempt on her feelings, rejected by her son to hide, she directs and collides with Joong-won who was just on my way to see them. She buries her face in his chest as she cries to tell him that she has worked so hard to keep things together, but she finally has reached its limit. He comforts them gently.

After it contracts, it displays its results of sperm DNA test. It belongs to a man who is indicted for rape, but is suspect not the kind of person who has ever been in the club Eun-joo would that night, admitted. The man was arrested yesterday, but is in hospital in a coma, so it is impossible to obtain his testimony.

Hye-Kyung still wonders if Eun-joo is her was - if she was sincere when she said that Hye-Kyung was the only be who would understand. Joong-won, she advises now to trust Eun-joo, and then asks what is really going on with her. But despite his offers to help, Hye-Kyung, he says has done enough, and that she is fine. If she needs it, then let him know.

Oh, her son for his earlier outburst apologized. He knows that his mother is right now having a hard time, and he just did not want to burden them over what was in the school going. But he got into a fight with another boy who called his father's name - and the real reason why he did not want to go to school, because he was better than he got. Ha!

Morning Hye-Kyung and Dan a masked Eun-joo accompany the court to ignore the lot of reporters around them. While waiting to enter the courtroom, Eun-joo admits reluctantly, that the reason Han-wook her it was at the club to join in demand because he recognizes her when she worked as a call girl - which explains why he like a prostitute treated.

During the trial, Sang-man lawyer park calls suddenly switched to the witness stand, where his story Han-wook to support that Eun- explains joo is only for money. When they turn to question him, Hye-Kyung asks if he was bribed to say that, and he sighs deeply, confess that he was.

But he points to Eun-joo, insisting he temporarily by swaying was Eun-joo offering to pay him if he lied for her, but it was only because of his sense of integrity that he at the end decided to tell the truth. Ugh, what a liar. The women look, Dae-suk silent cheers from his seat in the courtroom emptied as audience.

Dan believes she has found evidence that the rape kit was switched in the hospital shows that Dae-suk is suspiciously friendly with the doctor who performed that night the test. But that means he probably will not testify, at least not honestly so that they are back to square one

Hye-Kyung, however, is a plan. - They need to give only the physician another way Wiesel admit the truth. The next day, they call the doctor to the state, and based on his testimony of what happened that night, trap the physician in confessing that there is a chance that the sperm sample was done wrong and was with another sample mixed.

It then asks the court for permission to do another DNA test, surprised lawyer Park stretched terribly to support their request. Besides Hye-Kyung has proven that they are only that the DNA is too flawed properly tested, and thrown the evidence from the court.

Hye-Kyung is more determined Ye-ji on the track, which is now their only witness. To do that, to convince them and Joong-won head to the hotel where the rape happened at the front desk to give any information on the night. As they conduct in the elevator, they result in a Joong-won ex-girlfriends who assumed the two lawyers that, there is pleasure, not business.

turning their empathetic charm, Hye-Kyung, ask the front desk agent to see if any calls were made at night from the hotel room. As the agent with their manager to check, going back, Joong-won babbles that he went for networking purposes a lot of speed data which is how he met the woman in right now to entertain, much to Hye-Kyung ran ,

Thanks to the hotel, they are track able Ye-ji and take them as a witness in. Ye-Ji admits that Sang-man threatened to keep them quiet, what happened that night, since Han-wook is a rich and powerful chaebol, which could ruin their lives if they said anything. Through the contradictory testimonies and lack of concrete evidence, the judge rules Eun-joo of the false statement charges acquittal. Oh, it's a win for Hye-Kyung, even if it was to get an apology for Eun-joo unable.

When she left the court, Hye-Kyung asks Eun-joo one last question: if it has met with Tae-joon? But Eun-joo tells her frankly that she never did

Hye-Kyung visited her husband in prison, to ask whether he still has connections within the police department -. Enough to open a case again. She asks him for a favor.

When reporters Han-wook surrounded to ask him about Eun-joo acquittal, he declared grandly that she is a liar and a blackmailer who only wants to besmirch his reputation. Just then shows a detective on Han-wook arrested for rape - based on new DNA evidence irrefutable. Delighted, Hye-Kyung watches the show online and then calls to boast Dae-suk.

Later, when she is alone at home, she finally meets "play" on the full audio recording of sex tape of her husband. In the morning their children a mysterious envelope on her door, see pictures of her father with another woman contains.

Dae-suk visits Tae-joon in jail. He confirmed that if Tae-joon helps with Han-wook case, Moo-il group help him in return.


Ohhhhh, Tae-joon - you are definitely not to be trusted. There are some shady business going, and it seems like the sex scandals are just a distraction from the corruption that lies beneath this pretty face.

Speaking of sex scandals, I have to remind myself that this episode was at least a month or so filmed before, because, as it seems to have been inspired by the recent scandals sexual assault, the media, the taking as of late have been. I really enjoyed the dichotomy of Hye-Kyung immediately for Eun-joo standing, pointing out that rape is still rape, even if the victim once a prostitute - but then to think of the personal scars, her client have to deal with perhaps even slept with her husband. I love how strong she is, how she fights their image as "Advocate" instead of keeping "wife of a disgraced prosecutor," but I can definitely understand their collapse in Joong-won in his arms. It has to be strong for everyone else in their lives, pretending it does not bother her, but who is going to be strong for them?

I love unabashedly Hye-Kyung, but it is (if the fans of the original will forgive the expression), no you is idealistic and determined by their instincts "saint." - But there are also a little humanity to her that she does not hold perfectly. Really, it seems, there is for each character is so much more than we have seen so far, but I trust the show to reveal and after each character in due time in layers.

I'm still waiting to see what they'll do with Joon-ho, because at the moment he just kind of floats in and out a few times per episode, more proof of the clock is ticking against Hye-Kyung than anything else. Not just remember them (and us) the six-month period, but that it is also their careers late start, despite her age, is theoretically no better than someone fresh out of the Training Institute. I want to feel a real competition between them, and think that behind their attempts to a real despair they belong to prove at M & J. Basically, I just want Joon-ho step up to his game and realize that his bill with pleasant politeness, it is not going to cut it.

Then again, if there is a complaint about this show that I can do that, there is a woeful lack of Kim Seo-hyung each episode. She's such a great actress and I want more scenes of her and Jeon Do-yeon together. The reluctant mentoring relationship between Dianne and Alicia from the original version was one of my favorite relationships, and I really hope that they somehow that recreate in this version.

Above all, I continue to maintain the refined balance be inspired, true to the original series, but make this show seem still unique and fresh. Provided they keep this magical combination and Jeon Do-yeon continue to prove that she is the queen, then there is a good chance show its peak level is maintained until the end.

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tags: featured, Jeon Do-yeon, The Good Wife, Yoo Ji-tae, Yoon Kye-sang

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