Recap And Reviews Kdrama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 11

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 11 -

Buckle up, folks, we are for a bumpy emotional ride in this episode. It is difficult to keep a positive image when emotions high and the stakes go even higher as almost everyone starts to discover. It's time to be taken for some serious decisions, and perhaps shared to some real honesty. We can only hope.


After finding Joon- young sick and imprisoned in his room, cursing with such a stupid and dangerous plan for the corridor Gook-young Ajusshi rightly. He remembers Gook-young that Joon-young always helped him, and this is how he repays him?

Gook-young tries to justify his actions by saying that Joon-young Eul tried to go in the prison where she is even landed to go for the trial Assemblyman Choi with her car. Ajusshi asks Gook-young, stunned name when mentioning Assemblyman Choi Hyun-joon to clarify.

In his room, Joon-Young's mother awakened him from his stupor, and he's crying like a little boy when he sees that she came to him. He is not even concerned about himself, but he asks plaintively his mother go to Eul to help him.

His mother overrides his wishes and get up to get medicine, but the mention of Assemblyman Choi name keeps cold. Accusingly, Joon-young says, "If you would have stayed at his side, he would not have become such a horrible person that's all because of you It's all your fault This is all your fault !! [1945020th!] "He has finally let go of transfrontier and again, years pent-up anger and resentment.

Ajusshi comes to speak to his mother in this way, the defense's mom so much distress him screaming for raising at Joon-young. "You're a star, but you're not a star to us." But mom stops him and sends him to wait outside.

After he leaves, Joon-Young says he'll crawl to the police station when he must, if Mom did not help him. She hesitates for a moment, then leaves the room and closes the door. Outside, she collapses on the stairs, heavy with the weight of all that has happened.

But now, Joon-young takes a chair and swings it hard at the window.

He makes it to the prison and let in Eul cell where she screams at him to take as long. He apologized softly and gives her his scarf and coat, while she says she did not try Assemblyman Choi kill - they just wanted to forget everything and live again normally.

Joon-young holds only her face, and tells her that he knows it. He tells her not to be afraid, because it is here, and they are on their ten year journey now.

Joon-young so peaceful looks to be only with Eul, and it is finally with him, he seeks the path is always wanted them with love .... she leans against him and falls asleep while driving, and they go to the beach and go hand in hand.

Joon-young Eul leads to a romantic pergola it on, complete with candles and a comfortable couch, is right there on the beach. It is wonderful. He asks her to stay here with him for a hundred years, where no one can find them, and Eul nods. He pulls Eul her head on his chest, and it melts in him, smiling through her tears.

But it's all a dream - Eul is still in her prison cell, and Joon-young is still locked up in his room. He refuses to eat, or even move away from the window, and everyone begins to grow worried for him. Ajusshi threatens to push the food into the throat if he does not eat. Or - and this is crazy, I know - you could let him

Joon-young mom is pretty torn about which had the captivity her son attended. Jik sitting in front of the police station, waiting to visit his sister, while Ji-tae watched him by an invisible distance.

He overheard Na-ri complained that "Hyun-woo" law has disappeared, when they need it, and Jik says angrily that can go both Hyun-woo and Joon-young hang. Jik is especially he worried his noona cry could see - he will never see her cry because her father died, and he is worried it might make him crazy.

let Eul a small meal with her brother and friend at the station there have been, and it is a very different person than last night. She keeps things light and cheerful, funny stories on her cellmates, but it is obvious that they tried too hard. In fact, it seems a bit manic.

Jik asks if she Assemblyman Choi really tried to kill, and Eul says of course she was not. That's all he needs to hear, and he relaxed, but Na-ri is angry that Joon-young did not come to speak in her defense. She says Eul that Jik even asked Joon-young to help, but he does not even have to open the door. To Jik, which is just another proof that he can not be trusted, but Eul brushing her disappointment and tells him to concentrate only on the school.

She lies and says that Joon-young is called, and that he'll soon come out. When she is sent to her cell again she snuggles into the scarf until he gave her, and told movements Joon-Young as if they want to pass it: "He goes to the parking lot, he gets into his car, he starts the engine. .. ""

Joon-young has not moved or eaten, even if Gook-young tells him that the food from his mother's, the food he desire has for years been. he's totally unresponsive to Gook-Youngs cajoling and Gook-Young says that he is under orders to keep him here even if he starved. and that order comes from his mother, also.

Mom cuts while cooking, too busy to focus on what it does. you can not stop accusations think about Joon-young, that this is all her fault for not staying with Assemblyman Choi before all the years. She takes off her apron and forwards with the purpose of.

Ji-tae sitting with his father down, and asks respectfully that he let Eul from prison. Assemblyman Choi can say that Ji-tae she likes, but Ji-tae is not to chat in the mood, and says that it was his mother and his father, who ruined her life by lies and hiding the truth.

Assemblyman Choi notes that Ji-tae always been compassionate, but points out that he has too much to lose to risk everything on compassion. Ji-tae, he says not afraid, so his father tells him to go all out and say that when he was a prosecutor, he has a hit-and-run case covered up. His wife played with, and they destroyed a young girl's life. In return, they received everything they ever wanted, and have no borders.

He says Ji-tae that if he does not have all that to say, to keep then closed his mouth courage. Oh, you absolutely ass .

Joon-Young's mother goes to his house, where Gook-young complained that Joon-young will not eat or drink. She ignores him and goes directly to Joon-young, and wants to know what Assemblyman Choi did to deserve what Joon-young said. You defended him as a man of honor, and asks who dared to say otherwise.

Joon-young just whispers: "I looked at him I saw him with my own eyes.." He tells her that he saw horrible, selfish and brutal, that man is. Mom says he may be confused, listing Chois good works for the poor, tells Joon-young, that he even hid the fact that he was a law school student back to her when she met out of consideration for them. Uff ... this is not love, or even contemplated. The lying only.

Joon-young told his mother what Assemblyman Choi did when Eul father was killed, but that he thought Eul was okay now that time has passed. Now he knows that it that it has not still living in hell, and Assemblyman Choi do not even remember what he did to her.

Unwilling (or unable) to accept that, Mom nods that Ajusshi was right, and Joon-young is due from the head "of the gold rush." ​​She says that Assemblyman Choi the fabulous, wonderful, most beautiful man in the world, someone Joon-young can not even be compared.

She says Joon-young to stop calling him by his name, because he is his father, and Joon-young shouts back that that's why he almost killed Eul. He looked at his father Choi and tried to cover up what he did, and Eul almost died.

Mom now detects that leave for this reason Joon-young school and became an actor and why he thinks he does not deserve to be a prosecutor. Joon-young confirmed it and said that he has no right to do other according to judge such a thing.

Eul will get even telling Joon-Young-trip to get her, because being late in accounting a fan by adding related delay and a broken traffic light, and then his car runs out of gas. It counts down, he has the miles still to go to reach them, trying to keep themselves healthy.

Gook-young Joon-young and conversation had heard his mother, and he promises to Mom after he takes home, he will let you go from Joon-young. He does, tells Joon-Young, that he will not be able to rush Eul at this late hour, to see, even if this does not stop Joon-young of for his car.

He goes straight to Assemblyman Choi at home, where his wife shocked sees him at her door to see, polite to speak to Choi to ask. She says Joon-young, that her husband is not at home (while Haru softly in the background freaks out), which is a lie, because it is right. Haru blurts out that Joon-young is here, but her mother painfully Gripping her arm around her to pst, saying that it was a mistake.

But Assemblyman Choi is not stupid, and he wonders why Joon-young, would come to see him. let in Joon-young and he apologizes for showing unannounced, and Assemblyman Choi sends his wife and Haru away, so they can talk privately.

Assemblyman Choi notes that Joon-young looks like he has been ill, and Joon-young, it is not denied. Choi knows this about Eul is, but he says that even if he dropped the cost, they will still be charged with attempted murder. Joon-young points out that it has not attempted murder, until one week was observed after the incident - until then, the police is treated as an accident.

He asks why Assemblyman Choi changed his mind, and Choi says it's because he learned that they really tried to kill him. He does not know why, because she does not speak, and asks Joon-young to ask for him.

Joon-young says quietly, if they really wanted to kill the assemblyman would have done it five years ago. And if they really wanted to kill him, she never would have rotated the wheel - and when Joon-young would have been in their place, he would not have.

Restaurant Over, watches Ajusshi as Joon-Young's mother squats in the kitchen mindlessly shoveling food into her face, and he tells her staff to call the doctor and tell them that a patient is on the way ,

When Joon-young words Assemblyman Choi closes down and says Joon-young that he can not help him. He thanks him for risking his life to save him, but Joon-Young says that he regrets. Choi says he does not know why, but he feels a kind of fondness for Joon-young, and he begins Joon-young ask dinner with Haru to have because it is a fan.

But Joon-young slaps the USB file Eul recording of Choi and Ms. Song on them on the table and says he never wants to see Assemblyman Choi.

Joon-young runs in Ji-tae on the way out, and admits that he came here to threaten Assemblyman Choi. Ji-tae asks if it works, but Joon-young does not know yet.

Meanwhile sees Choi the video, then makes a call to someone about Eul. His wife bursts in and says desperate that he can not let her go free, or they will just try to kill him again. She begs him not to do this, and he sighs heavily.

Joon-young drives at home, but Ji-tae calls him five years ago to say that if he does not put that USB Eul away when everyone had then paid for their sins, Eul would another life to live. he roars that Joon-young is in this not innocent, and he has no right to be with Eul, happy either - he's Choi Hyun-joon son. Stunned Joon-young has nothing to say.

enters the next morning Eul from the police station and in the sun, and she embraced immediately by Na-ri-tackle. Na-ri you are not saying with Joon-young effort more, and Eul nods, but she can not help scan the parking lot for a sign from him. Na-ri is likely that he will not come.

He is to play video games at home, and it looks like he's been drinking all night. His face is slack and his eyes dead and cold.

Jik is almost hit by a car on the way to school, and his ankle is injured. He misses Na-ri reputation, but Eul is still too much so search Joon-young busy to be very worried. Na-ri he thinks Eul shuns now that they have been in jail, and Jik attracts only a drive from the drivers get to have almost run him over.

, and then a woman enters mother from the back seat of the car ... Ji-tae. She apologizes for Jik accident but Eul only stares.

Ji-tae is the shooting on some clay pigeons take his frustrations to his assistant reports that Eul all charges was cleared this morning. Ji-tae barely reacts, even if he remembers of his engagement dress this afternoon match, and just keep things going from heaven to radiation.

President Namgoong and Gook-young-check on Joon-young, and are surprised to see his condition. President Namgoong Joon-young apologizes for locking, even if he says he does not regret it (then you're not really sorry, are you?), Take the credit for protecting Joon-Young-image.

Joon-young has to not respond to their presence, to Gook-young tells him that Eul is free, but even then only flicker eyes. He remembers saying that he has to be happy no right with Eul, and he goes to sit up on his bed Ji-tae. He clasped his head and rolls under the covers on.

Eul is actually outside Joon-young door, leaving as president Namgoong, but he keeps it to scream, because coming here. He tells her that Joon-young wants nothing to do with her, but Eul refuses to leave. President Namgoong tried saying Joon-young, she would have gone to see to put a hole in their confidence, if he wanted to (not when he was locked in his room, you evil little troll).

He also implies that Joon-young was afraid to see her after she got out of jail. I hate you so much. Eul called him a liar, but she goes, deflated.

Upstairs, Joon-young answered his phone when Na-ri calls, and asks why he went to see never Eul. He says, "Just because" and Na-ri shouting that they wanted him to ask Eul not to leave. That gets his attention leaving ... where?

We over asks a little and see that Ji-tae mother and Eul talked privately in her car, and Mama, why Eul still hanging around when they would agreed to have nothing to do with each other again. It does not so vague threats that they can not go much further than they did in the past, especially to mention that Jik as a nice boy seems will take care of Eul - if he is still alive, so to do. Whoa, are you serious ??

That night Joon-young calls Ji-tae to come outside, and when he proposes the steps of his front door, Joon-young in his face, hard.

There is Jung-eun and Ji-tae commitment ceremony day, and Jung-eun father crowing about his daughter and her upcoming marriage to Ji-tae everyone who heard while she sits looking like a nervous wreck , She admits that her only ambition in life has Ji-tae marry, and now her dream come true.

Eul and Jik sneak out secretly Na ri space to move the planning abroad to escape everything. Jik but Eul argued against the idea that better anywhere than here, and it threatens to go alone, if he does not come with her. But before they can leave, Ji-tae comes screeching and orders Eul out of the cab.

Joon-young, the former prosecutor finds, who was ten years ago responsible for Eul's Father case lawyer Cha and it apparently asks who the real criminals then was back.

Cut, happily waiting to Jung-eun for her husband.


Wow, what a crew minds show proves to be. Does everyone just lost her damn mind off and ?? I never thought I would say, but Eul was the only sane person in this episode, and that's because she was often in jail and not be able to create more problems for yourself. Just last week, I was saying how everyone is so human, with good and bad sides of their personality, and the defense even Assemblyman Choi and his wife for their bad behavior. Now I'm willing to be to throw them all out the window for selfish evil bastards.

I will say that I was glad Joon-young to see finally, say to his mother what he really felt for years - that they should not have let her go Assembyman Choi. Right or wrong, he needed to tell his true heart loud. Watch Joon-young with his mother flogging to give this whole situation on its debt, was hard to see. But in a way it was very necessary ... he kept his true feelings in so long, trying to ingratiate themselves back into their lives, and it's never worked. After she was in front of him and he was vulnerable to his, it would have been strange if he had not exploded and said what he thought all these years - that it's their fault.

But I am not convinced that Joon-young's right. If his mother had stayed and not run away out of fear of a man from a different socioeconomic groups, Assemblyman Choi would have been a better person? I think not a thoroughly bad, he is a person, despite some truly heinous decisions he made, but his philosophy has a big mistake, that he pretty much declared legal in this episode was: If you have so much to lose, you can afford pity? He said it to Ji-tae, but it adds properly his own behavior when Eul father was killed - he felt compassion for their situation, but it was not worth risking to take his position sorry for her. He may have good intentions in a broad sense, but when it comes down to it, he will choose to go first, and he is not even keep his own son about the manipulation of what he has. So Joon-young mother presence would have made a difference? Would the woman he really loves inspired him to make better decisions, or he would have Eul's Father case manipulated for political greed? The saddest thing is, we will never know.

And I was so disappointed by Joon-young mother this episode - I really thought that it would redeem himself and help him to believe but her son when he she tells the truth, they chose a man, instead of defending not seen for decades, has a man who lied to, as far as they get into bed, as we know, they (blank or her farewell) to the left to marry someone socially acceptable, because it was easier, and made his own way smoother. I knew Mom was delusional when it came to Joon-young, but it is so far in denial about Assemblyman Choi that it is bordering on dangerous. They readily accepted in her own son imprison and dying him in danger, to preserve all the dubious honor of the man who left both. This is so far beyond sick, I do not even know what to call it more.

Strange, I. Fault in any of this not even Jung-eun for their part She made a terrible mistake, but it was her father's choice to use his connections to get them off the hook. I wonder if it would be different if she had paid what she was doing, and learn from it? Jung-eun is nothing more than a spoiled princess to marry without ambitions and dreams in life other than a certain man, and that's really just sad. The free look on her face as she waits for Ji-tae says it all ... there is no person there, it is just an empty doll, which is always what she wants to Papas money and influence, because that's what they believe was was raised due to her. Nobody said they ever differently, so why should they not believe in their own right?

Damn, I am even angry with Joon-young now, because of Eul withdraw just when she started to love him. One thing that drives me crazy is when a person thinks that they know what is best for someone else - it is not Joon-Young-law (or Ji-tae of for that matter) to decide who Eul "deserved" to be with. If she loves Joon-young, they should be with him, and vice versa. Well, I also think a person all the information should be given before a loving others who are tempted, it was absolutely wrong by Joon-young to tell romance without her about his illness. He had to make the intent of her fall for him, and it worked, and even if they find a way to manage to be together, now he's got to tell her that he dies. It is just as wrong as the decision that it should not be good for their own with him, because it is dishonest and selfish. What I would not be here talking for a little straight and give honesty.

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tags: functions, in Joo Eun, Im Joo-hwan, Kim Woo-bin, Suzy uncontrollable Fond

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