Recap And Reviews Kdrama Goodbye Mr. Black: Episode 14

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Goodbye Mr. Black: Episode 14 -

There is a good result for the women in our drama, both find themselves firmly between a rock and a hard place. Or maybe it's more like an evil bastard and truth would rather not encounter. Anyway, I like it when Swan plays an active role in the story, especially because I'm still mad at Black for a noble idiot to be. Fortunately, so is Swan, and she goes to do something about it.


After discovering that she is the daughter of the evil teacher Baek, of all people, Swan ends up on black front door and asked him to put for the night. He is thisclose to pull them into a real hug and take them to the top, but he withdrew at the last minute. But when she asks with pleading eyes a second time, he does not know to turn away from the heart to her.

Black calls and asks his sister Ji-soo the night at the Swan House to spend, and it is right to think happy that he might with Swan now. Sung-min stutters just jealous beside her.

swan transforms into Black pajamas and calls Ramyun instead stew, and then demanded a hug. She calls it a punishment for her toying and left her to guess (wrongly, of course) that he did not think much, they have to use, because he found in the streets dig through garbage.

It assumes that it is better to punish him now, or her anger is only her of him day and night think. He smiles and tells her that it's okay to get him mad everything she wants, and reminds them say that exactly what to Black on the beach in Thailand. He needs to remember it, because he says it full with tears in his eyes. He tries to distract with Ramyun, but they stick to their guns and calls this embrace, so it blends so they both emotionally.

teacher Baek Ji-ryu calls to his home late at night, and at first he will keep angry about Ji-ryu his daughter from him all these years. But when he learns that Swan has no memory of her childhood, he rows quickly and thanks to Ji-ryu to care for them.

Ji-ryu has no interest in his sister the task, and says that if teachers Baek is really Swan father, he should keep a secret for her sake the truth. But teacher Baek is only too happy to meet that Swan has not forgotten her blood ties, because they came here to look for him, and Ji-ryu is angry that she already knows the ugly truth.

Ji-ryu to call storms in the Panda news bureau next explanation of Woo-jin regarding Swan birth Secret , Woo-jin says that it is to have outdoors all because Black has walked away and does not care for them in the responsibility a good thing. I do not see what has at all to do with her father, but okay.

you get distracted arguing about black because Ji-ryu knows that he will be a noble idiot because of impending brain implosion while Woo-jin it just looks Swan perspective and thinks Black used her and she like a heartless playboy left.

Ji-ryu says Woo-jin to wait five years, if he really likes, because that is how long they waited for Black. Woo-jin: "What if I wait, is that bastard Black would die, or what?" Um. Ji-ryu reblogged this horrified look on his face, but he can not say anything.

Black Swan and television over beer and when he notices a stain on her sweater sleeve, he suddenly says: "Take it off." Now this scene lasted only a suggestive turn. The temperature rises a notch as he says he does not take it anymore and leans in close.

He pulls her into his arms and suddenly they are both on their feet ... and then we cut to the bathroom, where he wash the stain out of the sleeve. let wah waaah.

Swan wants to sleep on the couch and Black says he has to hold her hand and not go until she falls asleep. It is still to be punished for it, although we know that he happy all night to hold her hand. She says she has done the same for him as he turned back to Thailand, and he asks if she, as she waited by his bed until he woke up.

She ignored the question that drives tears to her eyes, and proposes to make tomorrow a happy memory. He asks quietly why she teacher Baek went home today, but they also directs, and asks Black why he was a military man. He says it's because he thought that his father looked so cool in his uniform, and likes to remember how Papa was staring at his old uniform used longingly even after his retirement.

talk of Blacks happy childhood memories of his father only makes Swan worse than her own father but feel, and it ends in the bathroom huddled alone to cry.

Morning Sung-min gets all worked up on the way to Black's apartment, acting like a jealous partner about an affair to bust in. Crony Gye-dong even texts Black a warning that Sung-min in the way is , although no one is dating this triangle . You Crack Me.

Black does not seem the least bit worried, but Swan is on the ground. Sung-min busts in and surveys the apartment looking for clues that Swan was here, what is at issue, as he tried to sneak into the act begins a second later.

For Sun-jae house, the housekeeper strives for this recorder pen to dig the find Sung-min you asked, but Sun-jae father will not leave her side.

Mari acts like everything is against Sun-jae ok when it falls it out for a doctor's appointment, but once he is gone, she meets with a lawyer in the parking lot and read about reports of Sunwoo subsidiaries.

The Swan and Black head out for a picnic, Black sharp headache begins to feel and sends for sandwiches from Swan pulls over to give him time his pills to take in secret. He seems to be getting worse lately, and he rubs his hand while wincing.

Mari Swan happens call phone, what they left behind in the car, and she is disappointed when Black responds instead. He tells her of Ji-soo and Swan to stay away, and that makes Mari petulantly whine.

Black: "I know you're hurt, but it does not happen to you that your actions could hurt others.?" Demanded to know Mari when Swan that is important to him and adds: "I I also have a hard time! "I did not get serious, justified here. Mari says it Sun-jae, who turned him and made Ji-soo blind and Black only answers: ". You already knew"

Swan returns with a sketchbook and asked Black to pull her something for the blank note to it make it on his last day in Thailand left. So he draws a picture of her, only it's a duckling with a freezer full of mango juice and the compass they made for him. She surmises that it. Still an ugly duckling in the eyes, and he agrees, adding that if she can fly into a swan she grows away

Swan swallows her tears as she tells Black that she found her father. She gives him, no details on recalling that it is not his concern, because they have broken. She thanks him for them of the kidnapping rescue and reveals that she is known all the time. She also knows that his feelings for her were sincere, which surprised him.

She knows that she should not worry today, and says that she is just going to a safer place than at his side. She draws an imaginary line between them, as they did long ago. "Not so cross it", warns her ready not to weep.

Swan gets home nagging Mom, as usual, and at dinner she asks What Would Mama when their biological parents came around and wanted them back. Mom says in her jokey, gruff manner, she would happily send their packaging, if someone would take them, and Swan says. "I knew you would say that you say, you would never give me." Oh.

Ji-ryu exchange with a heavy heart watches and talks with Swan later that night about studying abroad. She wonders why he send away now, and he says with a smile. "Because Kim Swan is my little sister"

He tells her to go study what they want and to get a place in the vicinity, so that he can visit often. He reminds them, "You are not alone." Swan bursts into tears and says: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry oppa, but I do not know what to do either I'm sorry.."

the next morning, Ji-ryu and team Black's strategy in the fight three-way discussion Chairman of Sunwoo group. Sung-min thinks she partnering to take on Sun-jae will with the teacher Baek, and everyone agrees, except for Ji-ryu and Black. Black plan is mainly illegal transactions from Thailand gas agreements expire five years. Sung-min is worried that there might not be a Sunwoo group remain to take charge, when he does that, but Black does not seem very concerned. If you do not, although his?

Mari retrieves Swan in a cafe and says she has a favor to ask, even though we cut away before she asks.

Ji-ryu says Black that he agrees to go with the move and large group Sunwoo expose illegal deals, although he warns vague warning that they might even some unexpected bumps occur. If Black asks for Swan and her father, Ji-ryu remains tight-lipped, saying Black not to deal with it, if he is chosen to push away.

Meanwhile Swan teacher Baek comes back and says determined to see that they move with him here and live, in itself goes. What, you do not! Augh, do so Black to help, right?

teacher Baek laughs heartily to declare that they, his daughter really after all, but she makes it clear that they do not, because they just want to be a teacher Baek knows this not to keep in their favor a mystery to them, thinking that they are going nowhere else who will, once everyone finds out the truth.

He starts to call their Eun-jung, and Swan interrupts to say that when he goes to her call with this name, he was going to give her something in exchange.

Black has dinner with his sister and tells her that she Ji-ryu to the doctor tomorrow will take place. She says she with Ji-ryu prefers anyway, recalled that he as a church oppa looked like he was in school, and she was in junior high.

asks if he as a church oppa still looks, and black jokes that so they may be more like church ajusshi now, and then treated for their eyesight always proposes to determine for themselves. I like that he attract with guys, ha.

Black is to clear the table when another sharp headache coming on, to break it to make the dishes in the sink. Ji-soo is alarmed, but he says that it slipped just out of hand. He gives no further explanation, but she hears him open a bottle of pills.

It is the morning of Sunwoo faction leader voice, and Mari is another sweet, woman caring act for Sun-jae, as they tying his necktie. He tells her that his dream to be with her and the baby, which makes them tighten the tie as it wishes it were a snare. Mari tells him that her dream is to chair the Sunwoo to be for him group, so that he would rather win today.

Ji-soo ransacked pick cabinet Blacks for him a suit, and in the process it takes one of his pill stashes. She is able quickly to one of the pills pocket before he comes back. Ji-soo, remembers what it before listened for 5 years in Thailand and warns Black, the Sun-jae did not act alone, and assured him that Dad is it today will protect.

Everyone comes for the big shareholders vote and Team Black squares off with Team Sun-jae in the lobby at Sunwoo Group. And then from the side enters Team-Baek, and each jaw falls swan standing by teacher Baek page to see.

teacher Baek enjoys the moment and presents them as his daughter Eun-young, so Swan mother almost fainted. Black replays all cryptic things that she had said a few days ago to see about her father and go to a safer place. He stares laser beams in their direction, but Swan will not meet his eyes.

Sun-jae teacher Baek pulls aside to scold him, and teacher Baek grinning like a happy little troll, stated that he only black in the Chairman vote today will page. Sun-jae scoffs that Black would never is with the man's side, who killed his father, but teacher Baek, he says the perfect shield now have: his daughter. He has Sun-jae page instead to take as long as it passes the casino deal and more shares of Sunwoo Group.

teacher Baek actually it does not matter whether it is. To Sun-jae or Black who accepted his offer because he only wants the casino itself He is waiting to get for Black, but he has never worked, and teacher Baek says only to ask him for his help at any time, as they happen in the hallway.

It's time for the vote, but Team Black is shocked when she entered the hall and find it mostly empty, save for the directors and other company executives. It has Sun-jae does because he is the only smirk. Outside we see a lot of shareholders in a long line, not to get in a position before the doors close.

Before Sun rises -jae held to give his speech, he has his assistant Text teacher Baek a copy of the contract, the he signed to transfer the agreement the Casino Deal. Teacher Baek smiles and texts which tell the whole group of directors that they are today voting for Sun-jae.

The only thing that Black does is Gye-dong instruct to obtain the security room, and then, when it is his turn to speak, he does not fight for the position of chairman at all, assuming that Sun-jae has already won. Team Black is shocked when he sits just take the lid blowing off the Thailand gas agreements, as she had planned, and Swan overheard Sung-min wonder if he even stopped because it would attack Swan father.

voting begins and Sun-jae is the new chairman of Sunwoo Group announced and when he gets up to give his victory speech, the is when Black cues up the Thailand gas agreements, including shots of the hospital murder. Both Sun-jae and teacher Baek freeze and Black told the audience that anyone who take over the responsibility for these crimes.

Sun-jae counters that Black Father chairman of Sunwoo group was at the time, but Black points out that his father died shortly before the murder. Black says he is willing to be to keep this an internal matter of time, but Sun-jae first task as the new chairman will be to find the perpetrators.

This makes Sun-jae welding, and then swan stands on her recorder in hand, announcing himself as Kim Swan Panda News. Aw, yay! I knew you would be on the beat again!

Over at Panda News, the reporter Woo-jin say the Swan others broke history, and he smiles to see, that it has already an article announcing Sun-jae and Mari published divorce. Ah, that must've who asked for them by Swan.

Back in the auditorium, Swan asks if Sun-jae is to this great task as chairman, especially in the midst of his divorce. Deceives surprise that Sun-jae not know what they are talking, and says that they have already published a story about it.

Sun-jae looks shocked at Mari on, and she grins him back easily. Her lawyer announces that he will not be able to make all decisions relating to its interests in the Sunwoo group is controlled until their divorce. Well, now she's got him by the balls.

VP Seo rushes from the session and calling someone to secure some documents to make sure that he is not the scapegoat for Thailand Gas -Deal end.

Sun-jae tries to talk Mari after the meeting, but she pulls away and tells him she cold not a hand to lay the body, and then, thanks to Swan on the way out. Sun-jae smoke and says his business is with the teacher Baek, and teacher Baek not argue.

Swan says this payback for what Sun-jae did her and asks her father to ensure that Sun-jae can not always to touch them again. Black watches only all this from the sidelines, a little impressed with Swan looked as if she is terminated.

Black follows her outside and says out of the blue, that he found it. "I did not exist in this world," he opens his hand and the black swan pendant dangling from his fingers. He calls Reporter Kim Swan and congratulates her well done on a job, and clasping the swan's neck.

She tells him not to be used as a pledge or give up because of her, and he meets, "Do not wait for me. From now on I'll wait for you." Oh. Wait, what does this mean? Hello, mixed signals! Schwan not give an answer, and only goes away to her father.

Sun-jae flail as Mari a suitcase at home packs, and he asks if she plans on going to black. He says that black is not your site has more in his heart, and Mari says she knows. Sun-jae last-ditch effort is to ask how she could do this to her baby, and that's when Mari snaps and screams that it's not a baby, and that's the reason why she divorced him.

Sun-jae not even beat faster and shouts back: "I to you so badly wanted to keep" He is soft and pleading with her and asked her to stay and swear that it was all because he loved her so much. I believe that every word that somehow makes it even sadder.

Mari tells him that even with all that he did to black and Ji-soo, she fought her conscience and took Sun-jae the side to ignore the truth, because he was the father of her child , She's sick of all the lies now, and says that she would never forgive him.

Sun-jae drops to her knees to her feet with tears in his eyes crawling. He asks, "Save me, please. I can not live without you!" It's really shocking, and Mari steely determination cracks a little.

Nevertheless, she goes out and Sun-jae runs her screaming for a second chance. She says that she can no longer trust him, and he holds them to scream one last time, "DO NOT GO!" He actually starts to have flashbacks to that night when he asked Blacks father for a second chance and was so cold and rejected Mari response eerily mirrors the scene.

Sun-jae asks the same question he had asked Blacks father that evening: "Would you have done the same to Ji-won?" And Mari answered the exact same way, the blade turn right in his heart: ". Ji-won would not have done so"

She goes with her suitcase and Sun-jae to the ground rushes in great, heaving sobs


A figure in black (I gee wonder who that could be) breaks into teacher Baek home late at night. He is wearing a mask, but it is clear Black, and he crawls undetected through the house until he gets to Swan Room.

He wakes you up and says: "I'm sorry, I can not wait for you there is no time Let us be together..." He takes her hand and says, "Let's go" , and she looks up at him, hesitantly.


Go, a run for it! Just ignore the part where his confession does not make much sense, and just run away from your scary evil Papa! It seems the thing to do, but I am convinced that Swan teacher Baek went the intention to be a double agent for black, so I wonder if it would reject his offer to run now because they in mind a larger plan Has. That could be the case that they leave their awesome oppa and mother, is not it? I think it's a decent plan, assuming that the teacher Baek is a human being with feelings (this is to make a pretty big assumption for him, but let's just say that he loves his daughter) because Swan a chance swaying teacher Baek power in Blacks has favor, or looking for real dirt on him, or all of the above.

Frankly I think give all the boys in this drama her little credit because their love turns into overprotective oppas, and ignore how much Schwan has done on their own against men as teachers Baek. Damn, she has more to shake in this meeting, the shareholders Sun-jae did as Black to get all without breaking a sweat. So it makes me happy that she has returned to work and has begun without Ji-ryu or to make their own decisions, that black to make it for her. I particularly liked her assertiveness with Black in this episode, because once they decided with the pretext to agree that they had left, they found ways to him to be anyway. I know black good reasons she has to push away, but come on, he really think they'll be any less heartbroken after his death, when they spend to be a happy couple less time?

IF Blacks break-and-enter stunt is it not to be a noble idiot I am for them, although we have to wait to be sure next week be that he did not pull away again. Perhaps caution to the wind throw him her with the teacher Baek see made, in which case I am glad that they moved in. At least are on the romance front is some development, because frankly I'm not sure that plan for Sunwoo group Black is all that sound, and writing in this drama has my confidence never fully deserved to myself thinking that they have it under control. Will he actually take control of Sunwoo Group, or he wants to make to the ground and let everyone with anything?

Curiously, Black Revenge is actually weaker than Mari revenge now that good worrying is on a plane because they be vindictive and unpredictable, even on a good day, not to mention the fact that Sun-jae it in a really twisted, messed harmed manner. I was expecting her to torture him more with head games before to leave him, but I think with Sun-jae, the only person he ever the greatest punishment is taking away loved. I'm just always amazed every time I pity Sun-jae, because he is so terrible; but he's so insecure and weak that it makes him human and pathetic, even if he at Phantom Babies grab his wife to try and manipulate to stay. I mean, who does that?! I just wish that Black had a more active hand in masterminding Sun-jae fall, because in a better drama that would have a little more finesse, would black one to tilt was Mari gone to the fake pregnancy intentionally, so that they 'd him leaving. And he would have been the one to leak the truth about Schwanen parentage teacher Baek, knowing there would be a further wedge driving between him and Sun-jae. It's all stuff that already happened in history, but it would not be like twenty percent better when Black to bring the house were actually responsible below? I say only '. Revenge is cooler when it is not accidental.

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tags: Episode 14, in Goodbye Mr. Black, Kim Kang-woo Lee Jin-wook, moon Chae- won, Yoo In-young

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