Recap And Reviews Kdrama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 8

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 8 -

The gang gathers more evidence, but Deul-ho learns he need witnesses to win. Unfortunately, cases like these exist for other compliance, and it will not be easy to convince people to talk when their livelihoods on the line are. This episode shows the consequences of the silent despite knowing the truth, but hopefully justice (with a portion of waste pulp for our villains).

is served


Deul-ho on arrival his daughter Soo-bin birthday party to make while in the school cafeteria, Eun-jo gets from eating a snack for little Seo-yeon. Deul-ho is about to go in when Eun-jo calls to tell him that Seo-yeon is sick. He stares at Soo-bin back, looking for him, but the memory of Seo-yeon flash before his eyes. He takes a step back and turns away.

When Deul-ho on Seo-yeon he drives an apology to Soo-bin told her hurt trying despite being a good father. Meanwhile, Soo-bin notices a doll penguin perched outside and excuses from the table. The reference to the doll tells Soo-bin "Happy Birthday" and "I love you" from Superman signed (with cartoonish drawing of Deul-ho). Soo-bin hugs the doll, and Hae-Kyung watches from the inside.

driving would go home, Hae-Kyung asks if Soo-bin invited her father and scolds them for Opa were furious. Despite criticism of her mother, Soo-bin in jubilation as she. Cuddles with her penguin Hae-Kyung asks her if she loves the doll that responds much and Soo-bin, it is a proof that her father thought of her even if he could not come.

Deul-ho wakes who sleep about Seo-yeon in the emergency room, connected to a IV. Eun-jo declared that it checks the expiration dates before cooking, but the eggs have been spoiled. Before she can continue the conversation, rushes to wake Seo-yeon mother to the hospital and crying for her daughter.

Eun-jo apologizes to Seo-yeon mother accused the teacher of Bae Eun-jo scheming Hyo-jin to hurt her daughter because she has a weak stomach. Deul-ho arrives and notes that the mother knew then, about her daughter's condition. With some probing, tells them, Seo-yeon mother that the trouble started after kindergarten visit and Deul-ho asks if she had never thought to blame the school. Seo-yeon mother looks surprised away.

Eun-jo, explains the situation of teachers and asks Seo-yeon mother to tell the truth, but refuted it that as a widowed mother, this is the only kindergarten they can afford. She continues to explain that the main told her that Seo-yeon may have autism and can not get along with others. Eun-jo asks why the principal would tell her that suddenly and asks if the principal told her then to complain Hyo-jin for child abuse. Seo-yeon mother denies it quickly and asks Eun-jo leave.

Deul-ho is behind the curtain heard all. He gets a text from Soo-bin to thank him for the gift, and although he could not be physically there, they will think that they ate together today.

With a heavy heart, returns Deul-ho in his office, sitting in the dark. He texts Soo-bin ask if he can call, and she immediately Video calls him. Located Deul-ho with the penguin and thanked him for the beautiful present. He smiles, his daughter and tells her that he really tries hard to keep his promise. She tells him that she understands, but their sweet moment is cut short when Hae-Kyung comes into the room. The video call ends, and Deul-ho is again alone in the dark.

There is a bright day in kindergarten, as the students like to eat their meals. The client comes in Sing-songing her love for the children, but has nearly an aneurysm filled when their trays with curry and bright red strawberries noticed. Her face contorts into a grin, though her facial expression screams bloody murder.

The main calls Ae-ra, which is infiltrated as cafeteria workers, the school, and alleges they exceed budget. Stabs Ae-ra her pen and tells her that she comes out of her paycheck. The main hands designating a piece of paper all meals and snacks, and Ae-ra wheezing. Snacks consist of half a piece of fruit or a drink, and all meals are the same: chicken porridge with a side dish and just two pieces of Kimchi. Ae-ra argues that children like these feeding will make them sick, but the main casts a file and yells at her blank.

Outside, arrives the food truck but Deul-ho wins they work with Dae soo employees and pretended for school. In the office, the group of spoiled food and Dae-soo shudders threatens the whole school demolish his sister for the debt. Deul-ho tells him to calm down, and orders Ae-ra to take photos of the evidence and convince for Eun-jo Seo-yeon mother quickly drop their lawsuit.

It is the day of the first trial. Lawyer Ji-wook is a number of battery and child molestation against the accused while Deul-ho pleads not guilty for his defendant. He claims that the teacher Hyo-jin has a strong sense of justice and attempt to correct the corruption in the nursery, by confronting the major. the customer wrongly fired her in order to stop it from reporting and accused of child abuse, however.

The judge asks for clarification about corruption, and Deul-ho Dubs it "garbage porridge." He goes on to explain that the client to reduce cheap suppliers and bought expired food set costs. Then she would leftover foods like porridge and cook it to the children. The defendant found out about this and told the principal, but she was ostracized, harassed and unfairly dismissed.

Ji-wook objects to ask, why only the defendant now says this corruption. Deul-ho says, it's a good question, and replies that they are not on the question in order to protect the children reported.

Hyo-jin the stand accepts and says that most students come from low-income families, so that when the kindergarten is closed because of their so would they nowhere else to go. Hyo-jin grew up in a similar situation and tells a story from her past, when one evening a gas leak her brother and almost killed. She did not suffer the children the same.

Deul-ho stands up and argues that if the kindergarten closed for the report, the biggest victim would not be the main, but the children who go nowhere else. As a result, the main advantage of Hyo-jin took kind nature and stopped the corruption is exposed and accused them of child abuse.

When Deul-ho and Eun-jo leave the courtroom, Eun-jo notes that the tide has turned in their favor. Deul-ho states that it will be hard to win, if they do not acquire a witness, and Eun-jo nods.

Deul-ho and Hyo-jin meet with another teacher in a cafe. He asks if she knew about the waste slurry. Despite having the children from the diet experienced ill, the teacher denies everything. Deul-ho is trying to convince her, but she is adamant about protecting their careers.

Eun-jo comes to see her other key witnesses, Seo-yeon mother, and tells her that the first attempt was to meet with another in two weeks. She asks if Seo-yeon mother could either drop the charges or testify, and though Mom hesitates, she says Eun-jo, that they do not. Eun-jo pushes whether the client has happened to visit, and Seo-yeon mother knocks over objects surprised. Asks Eun-jo leave, and Eun-jo retreats for today.

apologizing to convince mother

Deul-ho to his office and gets a text from Eun-jo for failing to Seo-yeon. Wearing a momentary appearance of defeat, Deul-ho noticed Soo-bin diaries and rotates them through. He smiles to himself, but holds on one side over their meal at school. The wheels start turning in his head, and it looks like he could acquire some evidence, after all.

A group of kindergarten children, including Seo-yeon, gather around Deul-ho as he pulls agile on an easel. The children say that his drawing is strange, so Deul-ho calls on it as better to pull him. He tells them to draw their face, they do, and then he says to move in with them, what they ate today.

The children show their work from packed section to empty packages trays. He tells them to write their name and the date on the bottom of their artwork, and then goes to Seo-yeon, sitting away from the group. He congratulated her portrait, showing his drawing of her. He says Seo-yeon that she looks pretty when she smiles and asks if she only smiles when teachers Hyo-jin is here. Seo-yeon is a slow nod and not even a smirk at Deul-ho efforts to crack.

Dae-soo drunk with Ae-ra gets roaring and vents his frustration. He wonders if he should somewhat settle out of court for the case Deul-ho loses, because he can not bear to see his sister thrown in jail. Ae-ra wearing a drunken Dae-soo back to the office where Deul-ho helps him on the couch set. Once Ae-ra sheets, crepes Dae-soo and sobs. Deul-ho tells him crying on his shoulder and pats.

It is the day of the second hearing, and Ji-wook presented CCTV footage of young Seo-yeon sitting alone in a room for 30 minutes. He tells the judge that the accused children punished usually by it. In a dark room lock, according to the principle and other teachers He then provides a second piece of material, where Seo-yeon was crying alone in the room, and Hyo-jin had them both covered under a blanket. Under the cover, we can see a lot of strong motion, and it looks pretty suspicious.

Hyo-jin stated that they only showed her a glow-in-dark wand, but Ji-wook argues that there is excessive their entire body to cover on a toy to look. Moreover, the movements under the lid seemed too strong, what they claim. Ji-wook sets taken a report from the doctor about Seo-yeon autism and photos of her bruises that day, and he throws Hyo-jin neglecting an autistic child, who have received special attention.

When it is his turn to examine the witnesses is Deul-ho, but did not say a word for long moments. The judge calls him out and even strikes with his hammer until Deul-ho finally speaks. He tells the audience that he reveals what happens when you say nothing: nothing. He demanded testimony from two witnesses who knew about this case on waste slurry, was rejected rather than child abuse, but both. Therefore, it can be about anything during this hearing reveal

Deul-ho .: "we have suffered through an incident that taught us only a few years, that silence will only drown us all. Despite that to those who say nothing, I would like to sincerely appeal to you. silence can not change the world. "

Dae-soo and applauded standing, and soon the whole audience applauds except the principal who leaves.

Attorney Jang eats with attorney Shin boss and asks for a couple of rumors circulating, and how Ji-wook is back on track against Deul-ho. Chief Prosecutor Shin describes their relationship as Mozart vs. Salieri (as in, the genius compared to bitter and less talented rivals), and if Attorney Jang asks why he does not help his son, Shin Chief Prosecutor stated that, if it helps, then Ji -wook will never beat Deul-ho on his own situation.

The hearing for the day done, Ji-wook faced Deul-ho and asks if he has any such emotional lawyer. He warns Deul-ho some insight to show his cases in the selection and the accused not so innocent to argue every time. Deul-ho turns his words back to him and warns him not to argue that they are guilty all the time.

When Deul-ho leaves, the client calls from him and asks if the smart girls resign him so. She tells him that she has connections and things do not go his way. Deul-ho laughs that nothing is ever his way is in his life and gives her a piece of advice: You'd better get yourself an expensive lawyer soon

Eun-jo visits her mother, and Mama asks if she can handle , a divorce case for a friend of hers. Eun-jo hems and rose hips for a while until she confesses that she no longer works at Geum San. Quit, and mother is initially angry. But she says her daughter cheer and giving her support.

Back in his office, Deul-ho, a text by Soo-bin is asked if there to chat ok. He video calls, and they talk about the worldly things that they do not get to share more. You ask what Superman did today, and he tells her that he is trying to punish some bad people, the children spoiled food fed. Soo-bin says that such people should be punished, and wishes that they could have a taste of their own medicine, and their words ring in Deul-ho ears.

So later, Dae-soo keeps an oncoming truck Buffet and notify the driver that the situation changed from the kindergarten to the nearby community center. Meanwhile clothes Deul-ho as a cook and deliver food to the kindergarten with the rest of the gang.

The main uses a gagging power of false humility in front of a group of mothers (probably the one with the most money) it is and pretends not big deal that she had a famous chef to her birthday party to meet. However, when the doors open, it's Deul-ho and Ae-ra, and the main flits over to ask what they are doing here. Deul-ho told the guests that had to go the original cooking on a trip abroad, and he is just a meal adjustment are catering what children eat, per the request of the client.

Eun-jo is responsible for the community center, where another group of parents and their children enjoy made of food from the celeb chef lush selection. In contrast, an unattractive bowl porridge and soup are served on the party guests. Deul-ho explained the garbage porridge and helpful tips are made to suck in the appropriate pockets. One of the mothers complained that people do not eat, and Deul-ho corrects that their kindergarten children eat.

complain Mothers start and Deul ho sits the food itself to eat. It calls on all others to try and be lifted one by one, Spoon. While Deul-ho blades take it in, others hardly start a sip and choking. Call the main, to eat it, too, and she pushes a reluctant spoon in his mouth, when Deul-ho garish as she eats. Deul-ho brings then in a couple of students who sing Happy Birthday, and the mothers give their bowls on the main food.

Seo-yeon colors in a classroom by himself, and Eun-jo connects to ask when drawing her. Seo-yeon shakes his head, and Deul-ho says he must Hyo-jin are drawing, and shows his mobile phone showing her on the line. Seo-yeon lights up and asks when she comes back. She promises, in a few days back, and Seo-yeon mother looking through the window with tears in his eyes.

It is the date of the third hearing, and now seo-yeon takes the stand with her mother beside her. Deul-ho first questions Seo-yeon on Hyo-jin and Seo-yeon answers that Hyo-jin was nice. If Deul-ho asks if Hyo-jin they ever met, she looks questioningly at her mother, and mom encouraged her to answer honestly.

Seo-yeon answers no, say that they were just playing hide and seek. Deul-ho asks why she said Hyo-jin beat her, and Seo-yeon, the principal says told her to lie.

When Ji-wook's turn, he shows Seo-yeon, the photos of her bruises and asks how she got them. She says that she does not know, and when Ji-wook printing her persistently, Seo-yeon breaks into sobs.

Deul-ho asks for the defendants be allowed to calm the child, and Hyo-jin rushes to Seo-yeon page. Deul-ho gives her a magic wand and asks the judge all the lights off. Hyo-jin turns the wand and starts to sing a song.

In flashback we see that Hyo-jin was the magic wand, to tell the truth about calming Se-yeon, to have then just sung the same song while they were under the covers. causing your wand movements and their subsequent Giggles the ceiling had to move, looking far more suspicious than they were.

Back to the present, Seo-yeon cries Ebbe sings as Hyo-jin, and she begins to sing, followed by the courtroom audience. Ji-wook takes photos in frustrated defeat, and Deul-ho arching his eyebrows at him before she joins in the singing.


solve each case Deul-ho and his team teaches a new lesson that in the total fits narrative. The first was turning point and to learn how to trust and to see the accused as a person Deul-ho. The second was to rely on others beside him to stand for their fellow neighbors and learn in this third case Deul-ho, as the people to convince them to speak out against wrongdoing without fraudulent forced.

This case was not about to collect evidence and outwitting your opponent. Sure, she went undercover to collect evidence (which brought some great comedic moments), but the battle was witness to convince them to tell the truth. In the end, almost ironically, the most convincing argument is the truth itself. For Seo-yeon mother it was not until her daughter to see, with Hyo-jin laugh she finally spoke decide, but she was forced to the truth and change thanks the efforts of Eun-jo and Deul-ho put to. Without using threats or creating false statements, was Deul-ho able to do more than change the outcome of the trial. He was also able to change the hearts of his witnesses, which makes even more significant its potential profit. to be a neighborhood lawyer brings the average man to help, but it also means people and challenging their stale mentalities.

to change During the second hearing, Deul-ho makes a strong statement about the silence, and his speech about drowning in silence evidence of the Sewol ferry accident: the truth itself can not reveal, and if any, the truth chooses to conceal how the world changes ever? His message frequented, because it's true. Most people will not like the kindergarten succumb main into the depths of evil, but how many can avoid the comfort of silence? Given the political climate in Korea and the issues that the tragedy surrounding Sewol ferry, it is to ask an important question.

Although Dae-soo has always been a side character, really worry his little moments in this episode to me more about Hyo-jin, the fate and the case made generally. His tears brimmed eyes in the hall its rugged display of anger at the injustice, and his choking, drunken shouting made me realize again that a trial is not fight between two parties. Families and friends are affected, and while I'm sure Hyo-jin'm scared and frustrated, it was Dae-soo emotional breakdown of helplessness that broke my heart. When he admits his worry that Deul-ho could lose, it could have been a throwaway scene, but it reveals the essence of what a good lawyer is to the defendant family: the one who fights in place of them for those fights they love.

This episode has also done a great job with his daughter Deul-ho shown relationship filling and as fuels and inspires him. In more ways than one, recognized Deul-ho pieces through the lens of his daughter missing, and it was because of his immense love for her that he was able to go beyond for the kids and Hyo-jin. Their relationship is precious, and video calls between them are bittersweet. When Soo-bin retelling their day was to her father, it was sad to see how it assesses these seemingly ordinary events to share, because it for granted we take these little things that really memories and foundations are priceless to a relationship. Soo-bin is adorable, and despite their still claims to be a child, it is mature and unselfish when it comes to their relationship. Soo-bin forgive her father for the broken promises and understands his circumstances, and it is amazing how they can love their parents without rancor. It is no wonder Deul-ho loves them, because I am also a fast-Soo'm a fan to be.


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  • Neighborhood lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 2
  • Neighborhood lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 1
tags : Episode 8, in Kang So-ra, neighborhood lawyer Jo Deul-ho, Park Shin-yang

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