Our Prince and Pauper end to seen above, that they are in this sequence on the same page, and if there's one thing jackpot is scored from the outset, it's their odd couple relationship as involuntary friends. I have a feeling that the time for antagonism will come, or maybe not even then, if they. Facing such a common enemy in Injwa, they do not have the luxury to take on each other To an omniscient defeat, all seeing villain, they will need all the help they can get.
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After Dae-gil declares its intention of each gambling crush room in the capital, he explains the white mask he has as part of his tactics already attracting the enemy to know that he is fighting against (aka Injwa).
Injwa the idea is amusing, and wonders if Dae-gil even know the difference between his enemies and allies. But then he sighs, musing that Dae-gil has set in not managed has to break it out of the bowl his thirst for revenge. "It's time for you to get your father's death by "he adds. O rly? How about get all your lifelong grudge?
he says this while the white mask back offer to Dae-gil, who deliberately drops it and steps on it. "If I avenges only my father thought you would be a hundred died by my hands," Dae-gil responding. he needs Injwa, just as he knows him Injwa needs.
but explain the three Gamblers Injwa heaped on his side bristle at the challenge that they are more than willing to provide what Dae-gil raises it. Before leaving, make sure Dae-gil to throw over his shoulder, "Remember, I'll let you live today", at a very unfortunate Injwa.
in the white mask looking sends Injwa back into his memories as a young nobleman to learn the teachings of Confucius and Mencius from his grandfather. But he would come to realize that the world of much different it was, what would have these teachings believe him.
experience by poverty, plague, and various other social evils Injwa got himself into trouble for his mind on a citizens speak examination. His "advice", as he called it, he got to strike a tone by the higher-ups that led him to conclude that no matter how much Confucius and Mencius were taught their company would never be able to these teachings the full implementation of the trains, and the citizens would never be considered owners of their own nation.
Everything changed when his family was saved as part of Gapsul Hwanguk , a purge of everyone, the deposed queen Inhyun killed. Although even the servants were killed family and his father took off before his eyes, was for the sake of life, we leave Injwa Lite will never know.
Injwa with its own flashback as an adult and locks eyes enters his past self devastated what him he handed to hide behind the white mask, until the day would use he could take his revenge. Now he believes Dae-gil the same way on foot, which he took once.
Outside, a quick cut and shrill music accompany Jin-ki challenge Dae -gil and Dae-gil inhumanly fast, violent reaction. Jin-ki then expresses his doubts about him Injwa want Dae-gil to make King (because that's one thing that now), although Injwa defended his decision as the only rational.
For his plan to work, it needs a political outsider, a, the low point is reached and knows what it's like to be a suffering citizens. Dae-gil fits this bill perfectly since claiming his royal blood gives him on the throne.
We do not know who the old man that Prince Yeoning sought, only that he was a ledger of the merchant has failings, which can be used against Injwa. He planned the general ledger to Injwa for five hundred Nyang for sale, but if Yeoning it wants, he will pay a thousand.
Five hundred of the ledger itself, the other five for the old man's life because Injwa not let him live when he gives it to Yeoning. The prince agrees on the condition that the old man testify before the other ministers, and suddenly the old man is not affected no longer about the price. All he wants for the ledger in return is for Yeoning to protect him.
Yeoning the task of protecting the old man entrusted to his right hand, as the older not before he can be allowed to die testify. (He will die before he testifies, he is not.)
When the Prince heard that Dae-gil is in town, he invites him for a drink at the gibang. His first question to ask is whether Dae-gil excited Dam-seo is ever responsive to the Dae-gil, that he got bigger things to worry about. They both know that he speaks Injwa.
There's a funny moment, lack of manners indignant in the Yeoning of Dae-gil, as he just keeps from his cup for Yeoning even funnier by default daemon fill gil unapologetic nature made. But then it's back to business, said Yeoning: "Although we can not be friends, I thought we could be mates for the same thing."
What Yeoning the perception that Dae-gil Injwa for vengeance wants Dae-gil parrots what he said Injwa, in this Injwa were already dead when all he wanted was revenge. But as for what else he wants, he will not reveal so Yeoning you will reveal his own.
Regardless of Dae-gil would rather opt out Yeoning the alliance that surprised the prince. When he gets up, Yeoning can not help but notice the sword at his side, the one his father gave him and asks if Dae-gil know the meaning behind it.
In flashback, Dae-gil recalls Chae-gun words to him when he practiced with the sword: "There are swords that kill, and swords, save the What are you in your hands.?" In the present, keep Dae-gil answer sounds completely independent to what we saw just how he says Yeoning that behind the sword is the meaning that the owner should take a decisive action, and not only. think about it a hundred times
Prince Yeoning comes with detailed inquiries in court: the first is that they do away with cruel and unusual punishments such as execution and forced Branding the second is that they are the bring sinmungo , hung a large drum on a castle tower that to beat the citizens allowed so that their complaints could be heard by the king, and the third is that they are change the gyunyeokbeop or Military service tax to extend all. (The tax was enacted to allow commoners, the government paid in cloth in order to obtain the exemption from military service, but it was a very corrupt system and to abuse the commoners who used it.)
the only response he gets from his father the question: "If I would do anything that you say, my reign would become more peaceful?" But Yeoning is not done, and has a last wish, in relation to the general ledger, the old man gave him. He examined the monopoly of class abolishing trade to open trade to anyone.
Dae-gil spots Opa eyepatch on the market that could not be more happy to see his adoptive grandson. Their happy reunion will not last long, a group of official racket comes to take everything Eyepatch sold, because it is not licensed to sell the goods away within so many miles from the capital. If only someone traders were standing rights at the royal court ...
At dinner, Dae-gil Gifts his grandpa with a hefty sack of money, which he has made, the makes him very happy. But it did not make a detailed map of the capital for free eyepatch him, and all his key casinos. Each houses a financier for Injwa as Hong Mae, the shamanistic gibang wife and three Gamblers.
The three Gamblers Injwa the legs, and he will first have to cut those, as he promised. Yook Gwishin is first on his list because he was the one who brought so much misery to the poor slave, Seol-in.
Meanwhile Prince Yeoning and Crown Prince Yoon to discuss the benefits of the changes, which attempts to bring former about the merchant ban argue with Yeoning that the ban only the rich benefit and can starve the people.
Although his older brother to listen to him is what it seems like he could, he needs the other half of the ledger first. Yeoning will depend on the old man to act as a witness, what not written in the general ledger, which is pretty much everything (it would only make the people to condemn it, lists the bribes were not the accepted or how much). But first Injwa has to go no matter that the Crown Prince holds him a friend.
As always white Injwa what will happen before it does, and predicts that Yeoning into some trouble with Chief State run Councillor Kim Chang-Jip and the Noron faction about the license ban. This is exactly what happens when Yeoning will not allow itself to be intimidated by the Group of Ministers.
to explain After checks on his visibly sick mother Yeoning how his proposed amendment to the license ban really is his way, always with Injwa, he visited the Minister most frightened by the idea of lifting the ban, because they would remove a good portion of their revenue.
with this knowledge, he tells them that, will be if they cut their relations with Injwa he milder in death of the new law on them. That's when Injwa chooses enter, and soothes the Minister that he is to take care of their Yeoning problem.
He Nameless sends to kill the old man of the ledger were Yeoning, but the security is too tight. The task is left up to Hong Mae, which is able to poison the old man drink as he gisaengs entertaining with her.
Hong Mae her displeasure with the dirty work voices she has to do to Injwa the who reminds them of the deal they made even when he took her casino for the first time. At that time he said to her when they performed three tasks for him, he would return to her. Killing the old man counts.
Needless to say, Prince Yeoning not is happy that his only witness is dead. He expresses his regret and sympathy to the grieving old man's son, just to show that the son not mourning-and for that matter, he can not even be the old man's son. This is a kind of trick.
Injwa Yeoning knew in his pavilion knock would come and knock it does to kill Injwa to blame the old man. If Injwa tells him only come to the point, does Yeoning, and kicks him right in the jaw. Hah! Just do that sometimes more, please and thank you a hundred.
course Injwa laughs, claiming the disappointed prince-he expects more than that. And Yeoning, for his part, tells him that he can look forward, what he dish in the future will.
hasguessed that the old man's son was not really his son, Prince Yeoning staged a raid on the small trade union, in the wrong son, BAEK JOONG AI, acts as a conductor. Arrested With traders Baek and his cohorts, Yeoning asks him for the other half of the ledger, he knows what he has.
dealer Baek ledger was believe to protect, and not initially Yeoning when he says that they are on the same page. As a prince, Yeoning stands against everything that the small merchants believe so high it is, to convince him Yeoning that he is the, is to fight for their rights only.
"What do I need to trust me for you?" He asks. Dealers Baek pulling at his collar, a brand reveal placed there by Yook Gwishin, a brand that all other small traders also sports. You borrowed money from Yook Gwishin and were branded as slaves, if they were not able to pay it back. If Yeoning stores of Yook Gwishin, they will trust him.
Yeoning and Dae-gil at the end on the same community where descending Yook Gwishin rules as a despot over the poor and disenfranchised. If it is made an evil thing, he will do it, whether to sell corpses, live people who cut the hair to mark them in carcasses or women as slaves.
Dae-gil can not help but Ahgwi cruelty when he lorded over his slaves, and Prince Yeoning hand on his shoulder is not enough to stop him remember. He shoots anyway, so like a dagger lands on the table, where slave papers are processed. Yeoning must've thrown it.
While Dae-gil is left to fight the thugs Yeoning tries to Yook Gwishin to win the game room entrance, only to find it with no money, he must be stamped for the first time (probably with the amount of debt it can take over?). Dae-gil in line connects him him about the stunt to confront he pulled back there, only answer for Yeoning, he had to test his potential partner skills.
"So what's your plan?" Dae-gil asks, and his face lights up at the prospect of Yeoning Dae-gil up actually with him the partnership. Dae-gil plays it cool, and also negotiated a higher "value" for its stamp (hundred Nyang) while Yeoning is estimated at a measly twenty Nyang. Thirty if it is beautiful enough.
Dae-gil pokes fun at how little Yeoning without his princely title is worth behind him, Yeoning what with him to resist that and consistent to Dae-gil use of informal speech.
your little tiff is broken when they are surrounded by Yook Gwishin henchmen, but Dae-gil can easily dispose of them. We see the next power couple through the casino doors burst, and Yeoning declaration that Yook Gwishin come to meet them only to more bats leads to come with them.
Yeoning pats Dae-gil on the back, it take to make things out of here while he sneaks a nearby room in. Dae-gil fighting the bat until it is recognized by Yook Gwishin. View the hundred Nyang stamp on his wrist, Dae-gil asks him to a game that is the reason why he came.
When they put on a game of baduk, farmers are brought and sprinkled with black and white powder in the room. Yook Gwishin describes it as worth only ten Nyang and therefore only useful to him baduk as human pieces.
When Dae-gil does not like it, he can become the owner of the casino and do what he wants. But if he loses, then he will die. (Wait, so is Yook Gwishin its casino betting against Dae-gil life?)
While Yook Gwishin otherwise distracted, Yeoning sneaks into the basement traders Baek slaves contains papers, and his comrades. When he returned dealer Baek brings, he will receive the other half of the ledger in payment.
Unfortunately for him Jin-ki is already lying in wait, so he will get through it if he wants to get the records.
in the casino itself kept the human baduk pieces at sword point, because if their respective game are killed pieces are eliminated. Dae-gil did not for this game log, and makes his point clear by the board in half cut.
"I do not want to call a person to be seen to what you do," Dae-gil said, adding that he is to keep back of the drawing and quartering of smuggling, has, where he stands.
is angrier Yook Gwishin, the more encouraged Dae-gil feels because it will be much easier for him to kill a rabid animal. Suddenly, a voice breaks the tension:
There is Seol-in that goes up to her table "That's enough.". "It's been a while, Baek Dae-gil."
Dae-gil can only stare in shock as he says, "Seol-in-ah."
on the one hand, Injwa got punched in the face, and I like to take any violence against this man. On the other hand, a man who is Jackpot an oppressively dark matter sometimes. I know Joseon a very dark place, could be used on humans, such as (and death) could be baduk pieces live, and it's totally in the right of the Show to show us the terrible side of life, then, but still ,
is perhaps something that attitude of the omnipresent misery lifted if we are ever to win seeing our good guys, and maybe an elaborate set-up all of this is so that we can for them as winners root. The thing is, hope the audience and expectations are a finite resource that must be maintained and cared for. You can not just expect an audience hoping to hold out until the bitter end, if you do not give them to hope something for in the meantime, the way is where we are now.
Right now, our two heroes probably have the same long-term goal, and an infinite amount of ways to go about it. Both want Injwa fall, and somehow that fall can only be achieved by attacking Injwa of revenue, which means overtaking, the casinos run by Hong Mae to see the gibang wife and three Gamblers. Yeoning working on a political scale Injwa paralyzing influence, so I can see where the two master plans "could unite brothers, and where it could be fun.
It is only in the whole always part that things become more difficult, as it is now, that seems to be clear to reach the big boss who is Injwa, the brothers have made their way through the newly established chain of casino commands to fight there to . and get what then? We have spent more time with Yeoning to know that he has a concrete plan to see when it comes to Injwa and many reasons to wish it away, but Dae-gil ensured us say, twice in this episode, that if he wanted revenge on Injwa he would be dead.
in the absence of throat, So what is it that Dae-gil wants? We can assume that revenge still plays a part of it, but if he has a bigger plan in mind, it would be helpful, as we know it. The same applies to Injwa whose flashback does not really help sympathy to produce for him, as we do not yet know exactly what it is he wants and why. Surely it can not be for a monarchical change Gunning to help people, because everything he has ever done is help the special interests and to fill his own coffers. While we are here, at what point have Injwa decide he wanted to make Dae-gil king, anyway? Was it before or after he broke his bones, stabbed him and threw him off a cliff? , Just curious
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